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4 LakeAnnParkLifeguard/SwimProg
4 CITYOF CHANHASSEN /'~/;fc 3',(/)5' l:~.v 612. 93-/.252~ FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor February 18, 1998 SUB J: Lake Ann Lifeguard and Swimming Lesson Program Contract Review With the recent discussion and elimination of the Lake Ann lifeguard program, the realization was evident on the importance of the program. The elimination of the lifeguard program has afforded us the opportunity to review the program and possibly improve it. The original beach memorandum of understanding was developed back in the early to mid 1970's and is in dire need of updating. After the current review of the Lake Ann lifeguard program is completed, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Cormnission review it annually during the first part of the year. Listed below are some quick facts about the Lake Ann Lifeguard and Beach Program: Beach opens/closes Hours of Operation Annual Expense June 8 - August 30 10:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 7 days per xveek $21,000-$22,000 Approximately Included with this memo is a copy of the contract, Lake Ann beach swimming lesson information, the aquatics manual, 1997 Lake Ann beach attendance sheet, and staff training information. The items listed above will be helpful in reviewing the Lake Ann lifeguard and beach program. After the Park and Recreation Commission reviews this information staff should be directed to update the contract, including review by the City Attorney's office. ~: park",jens',LakcAnn Beach. Mere i. BASIC PURPOSE The purpose of MJannetonka Community Services is to bring ~gether renresentatives of community or~_nizations, v~_l!ages/cities, munici- pa~-ities, and School District ~276, into association so tl~t well planned and directed programs will be enacted. These prog.~ms ~,~_!! include acad~mic improvements, vocatior~! Lmprovements, leisure and recreational se~rices, enrichment, and social acti~_ties. They ~.~ utilize smhool district, conm~unity, and private resources and faci!- ities. They wi]~ be for al! ages and social and economic groups re- siding in the geographic boundaries of the sponsors which lie School District #276. Il. OBjE CT_rVES The objective of the Mzh~me~onka Cc~m~]nity Serv-~ces Advisc.~y Council shall be to: A) !denti~y, coordinate, and inform the public of resources available to tZne community and encourage support. B) Coordi~nate con~T, unity resources by promoting: i. Greater use and shar~-ng of htzman ta!ants and resources. 2. Life!cng !earn~.-ng and enric~.ent opportunities for all ages. 3. Greater use of educational and community faciZities. ~r~roved community-school re!ationshi~. Increased interagen~y coord~_nation a_nd cooner~ion. 6. Increased citizen ~_nvolvament ~--n the educaticr_~! and ccr~an- ity deve!opmmnt in zhe decisicn-,~ak~--ng process. c) To coorS!hate the recreanicn prsgr~_ms of tkose ao~m~ties '~o have progr_~ms, and encc~age ~rogr_~ms ~ those ccmmunitles that do not. D) To coordinate cc~=~nity resources to ,,~rk towa_~ds common goals. ii!. PURPOSE OF AGR~q!D~ WqEE~M~S, the School District is organized for the purpose of pro~_8~ug public school education, inclu~ug at its discretion, public eveu~ug .school and adult education progr~ amd associated recreation progr~, within its geographical boundaries; ~d 'g~--REAS, the village/city is authorized to (and does) prowlde recreation and civic progrmas for citizens within its geographical boundaries; ~nd I4M~F~$, the School District and the village/city (hereafter sometimes collectively called the "Sponsors") within the~_r collective powers, da- sire to cooperate in the establishment ~d operation of a Community Ser- vices Program, as that term is defined hereLu below in A_~ticle TTT Al, within the total area encompassed by the boundaries of the villages and cities which lie wi~b~u School District 276. NOW, ~RE, the Sponsors hereby agree with others as follows: The Sponsors shall jointly and cooperatively establish arod operate a Comn~ty Se~.ces Program. The term "Come,unity Serv~_ces Program" is defined, for the purposes hereof, to mean the following: A program of academic improvement, vocational improve- ment, leisure and recreational service, enrichment, and social activities, utilizing School District plants, village/city parks and recreation facilities, private resources, if and when available, for all ages ~u~ so- cial and economic groups resiS~ng within ~he geographic boundaries of the Sponsors within School District 276 (the "Co~nunity" ). The responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Cc~mity Services Program, except as othe~_se set forth herein, shall be the School District's. Recommendations shall be received by the School Board conce.~ning the Pro- gram from the Minnetonka Co~-ity Services Adwlsory Coun- cil Board of Direc-~rs which shall be composed of the fol- lowing persons: Each v%!!age or ~r~cipa!ivY served by M~--.etonka Schcol District ~6 a~d ,~ho is pa~y zo -'-_ Memo- randum of Agreement, shall be eligible %c be repre- sented by one (1) voting delegate on the _=c~d cf Directors. Minnetonka School District #276 shall be entitled to five (5) members to the Board of Directors. %~xo at-lmrge delegates to be elected by the , ~Minnetonka Community Services Advisory Council membership at the annual meeting. POW~RS OF ~ MINNETONE~ COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY C0~CiL BOARD OF DIB3 ~ ~rORS The '~_dvisory Council through its Board of Directors shall have power: At its first meeting to elec~ a president, vice-president, secre- ta.~y, and treasurer, who shall serve until the firs~ regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual meeting of the Minnetonka Community Services Advisory Council. Thereafter, such officers shall be elected each ye=_~ at the first meeting follow~ the general ~n~ual meeting. To adopt by-laws, complete and organize and formula-~ such other ~6~erating rules and procedures as may be useful, desireable and necessary to permit it to function as a committee intended to recommend essential matters inclu ~ding but not l~m~ted to person- nel, pay scales, salaries, fees and charges, budgeting, program- m~ng, and etcetera, associates with the operation of the Co~m~m~ty Se--wlces Program to one or more of the Sponsors, as is set forth below. c) To recommend that the Sponsor m~ke application for State and Federal ~unds available for the purposes hereof pursuant to any Federal or State legislation which may now be in existence or may be enacted hereafter by the Congress of the United States or by the State of M~nnesota for the benefit of the Village/Ci~--y, the School District, its teachers and pupils, resident therein. D) To develop a M~nnetonka Community Services Advisory Council repre- sentative of the residents of the Conmmn~ty and the cultural, sccial, civic, and educational resources thereof, which the Advisory Council may make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerm~ng progr~m~ and operations of the Commcmity Services Program, ~ order that the general purposes of this Agreement may be accomplished. To reccn~zend to the Spcnscrs a .orc~zra~ cf public ccnce~r~n~ the Ccn~m~n~ty Serw~_ces Program. To recon~nend to the Sponsors the cznten~s of the Cc~uniZy Ser- vices Program and to recommerxi to each Sponsor ind/v~_dual!y, ,~hich of its resources, facilities, and personnel should be made available to the Co~.~n~ty Services Program in order that the general purposes of this Agreement may be accomplished. To recommend such other matters as are determ~ ~ued by it to be in the Luteres~ of the Cc~:n~ty Se.~rices Program in order that the general purposes of this Agreement may be acccmplished. V. D/VISION 0F COSTS All personnel hired to establish and operate the ~ ~Minnetonka Co-~m~n~ty Services Prcgram shall be paid by the School Dis- t~ict from the M~nnetonka Co~m~n~ty Services fund. All remain- ing costs and expenses of the M~nnetonka Congruity S~rvices Program s~=ll be paid by the School District from the M~nnetonka Conmmn~ty Services fund. Each Sponsor shall endeavor to m~We application for all State and Federal grants and funding progr~m~ and private and foundation resources that may be available to it to fund any item of expense to the Com~ty Services Program, including sal~_~es, provided that in such Sponsor's opinion the requirements or conditions neces- sary to obt~u__~uch grants and progr~m~ a_~e acceptable to it, and only in cases ~here it is more advantageous than through the visor/ Cornel! or where funds are only available to a ~_llage or city. c) The village/city shall pay the School District on a per capita basis, the amount of ~hich is to be determined annually, for the number of village/city residents living ~_thin the School District. IV. COR/?~IBUTION OF PROGRAMJ AND FACILTTIES It is expressly understood and agreed that all educational faciiiti~s, equipment, program,, and staffs n~ude available by the School District shall be utilized in the Co~nunity Services Program under the exclu- sive supervision and control of the School Board. c) The costs of m=~ntenance, upkeep, and utilities for the Public Re- sources made available by the parties will be borne by the respect- ive owning party and there will be no charge for said costs to the Community Se~--rices Program account, as that te~m is defined in A_~t- icle VIII. The Village/City will advise the M~nnetor~a Ccmmunity Se~_ces Coor- dinator each year which of its Public Resources may be used for the Community Services Program for the following year, and the conditions thereof in order to assist in the preparation of the Co~uanity Ser- vices Program. Each Sponsor shall maimt~im presenmly existing public ilabi!i--Y insurance coverage upon its Public Resources made a~'ailable for ~he Co~uity Se~-¥ices Program and each shall, prior ~o july 1, obtain a coverage endorsement upon all such pcllcies prov~_d~ng specific insurance coverage of occurrences ar~_slng out of the use of the Public Resources of each Sponsor pursuant to this Agreement. SUPERVISION OF PROGRAM All activities of the a~m~nistrative official in charge of the Co~v~u- ity Services Program (the "Coordinator") will be under the direct super- vision of the School District's Director of A~m~nistrative Serv~_ces. The coordinator shall implement the goals of the Co~m:n~ty Services Program to attain fuller utilization of Public Resources and also private community resources in attempting to solve conxmu~ity problems and greater community use of educational facilities by neighborhood residents and car- ry out the objectives and goals of the program as recommended by the Ad- visory Council. The School District shall provide office space ~o permit the Coordinator to a~ster the Co,.~,,~ty Services Program. The cost of ~ necessary supplies and materials shall be shared by the parties pursuant to ~.~tic!e V above. The School District shall allocate funds necessary to operate the Com- munity Services Program in its ~nnual budget. The receipts and dis- bursements required for the operation of the Community Serv~_ces Program will be accounted for by the School District in a separate School Distric~ account. The receipts of the M~nuetonka Comnmnmity Services account shall consist of: A) Appropriation from School District as provided in its adopted budget. Payments from the Village/City to the School District pursuant to this Agreement. c) Gifts, bequests, and donations tha~ may be made from any source for furthering these progr~m~, accepted jointly by the Village/Cindy and the School District or by either of them. D) Endowments or grants from private or public agencies for Community Se~zices Program purposes, accepted jointly by the Village/City and the School District, or by either of them. Earnings, fees, and charges resulting from the operation of the Co~nity Se~_ces Program. Rev~_sions that increase the total adopzed '~ud~et cf the Corn=unity Se.~z~_aes P_--ogram ~ay be made dur~-_ng any calendar yea~ by agreemenm of all the parties' The disbursements from -.2~e ~nue+~onka Cc~_!ty Se.~_ces account shall be made for the operazion of the Y/mnetcr£ca CcmmuniZy Services Program only, and shall be made purs~ant to pro- cedures required by law for the disbursements of Dreads. PAiC~TTS BY Vq~,TAGE/C~_ITY One-half of the annual payment of the Village/City pursuant to the dete~mination made in accordance with this Agreement will be made to the School District d%u~_ug the month of July of each calendar year and the remaining one-half ~~ll be made prior to December 31, of the same year. X. F~iANC IAL REPOR~S The School Dist,_ct will furnish monthly activity and financial state- ments to the village/city relative to the operation of the Co~z~m~ty Se.~_ces Program. Such reports shall substantially conform to the principles and standards of public financial reporting as established by the Uniform Financial Accounting for Minnesota School Districts, State of ~uesota, Department of Education, and will include therein, such reasonable detail as is required by generally accepted accounting p~-nciples. The books and records maint ~aiued by the School District relative to the operation of the Comm~_ty Services Program shall be available for ~u~pections at reasonable times by the Village/City. PERSONNEL The M~uetonka Community Services Advisory Council Board of Dir- ectors shall establish, subject to approval by the School District standards, for qualification of applicants for employment of any personnel deemed by the Sponsors, jointly, to be necessary to be hired for the Community Services Program. The Minnetonka Community Se.~wices Adv~_sory Council Board of Dir- ectors shall establish, subject to approval by the School District, the salaries of all personnel to be hired for the Community Ser- vices Program. Iii. ~ATION This Agreement shall remain in effect and shall govern the jointly sponsored Commur~ty Services Program of the Village/City and the School District, subject to the right of either party to terminate this Agreement at the end of any fiscal year of the School District on notice in writing of its intention to ~ermina~e said Agreement given to the other party at least six months prior to the date of proposed termination. In the event of such termination, the unex- pended cash balances remaining after satisfaction of all known obli- gations in the Community Services Program account maintained by the School District and the disposition of any proper~Y acquired as a -7- result of ,~.h~s Agreement shall be repaid to the par~ies here-.o ~.~ ~he propor-~ion on w~ich they were ~d_~ished, or to ~he Sponsor con- tr~_:~,~ting sa~e. Each of the p~rties hereto shall be Ludiwldual!y liable for its pro rata shame of all debts and liabilities incurred by ~ue Ccmmunity Services Program while such Sponsor was a member thereof, even if such debt or liability is asserted after te~nation of this Agree- ~ent. NONDiSCR~W~-~AT!0N The Minnetonka Co~mumity Services Advisory Council shall be non-sectarian, and non-political· No commercial enterprise ~d no political candidate can be endorsed by it. The name of this Advisory Council or its officers in their offical ca- pacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any other purpose other than the regular work of the Advisory Council. B) The M~u~etonka Ccmnmnity Services Advisory Council affi.~ms that: There shall be no discrimination with regard to hir~-ug, as- signment, promotion, or other conditions of staff employment. ® The Advisory Council is open to representatives from all seg- ments of the public as defined in the by-laws. There is no discrimination or segregation of race or sex in any service provided by the Minnetonka Co~u~ty Ser- vices Program. ~W-!TNESS ~EREAS the parties hereto have caused this ME~0RANDUM OM UNDErSTaNDING to be enecuted by their respective duly authorized of- ficers pursuant to the authority granted by the attached resolutions adopted by the Village/City Council of , Minne- tonka School District #276, and the M~uetonka Community Services Advisory Council. Independent School District m~76 Hennepin County, Minnesota Village/City of (Chairm~n) (Mayor) (Superintendent A2T~_ST: (Manager/Clerk) ATTEST: (Clerk) MINNETONKA COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND SERVICES AQUATICS MANUAL 1997 Minnetonka CommuniW, Education and Services Aquatics Manual Table of Contents I. CHAIN OF COMMAND .............................................................2 II. EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................. 3 Uniform and Equipment Policy .................................................. 3 lifeguard required apparel instructor required apparel Required Training ................................................................. 3 MN Child Labor Law ............................................................. 4 Sexual Harassment Policy ........................................................ 4 Substitute Policy .................................................................. 5 responsibilities of scheduled guard/instructor responsibilities of the substitute Break Policy ........................................................................ 6 lifeguards large beaches lifeguards small beaches lifeguards pool/open swim instructors beaches and pools Whistle Signal Policy ............................................................. 6 Staff Meetings ..................................................................... 7 Payroll Policy ...................................................................... 7 time sheets final time sheets Notification of Supervisors Policy .............................................. 7 Accident Log and Incident Reports ............................................. 8 minor accident log water incident report incident report personal log III. GENERAL RULES TO BE ENFORCED .......................................... 9 Beaches .............................................................................. 9 beach rules diving regulations boat regulations parent/guardian policy Pools ................................................................................. l 0 pool rules showers equipmen~ us~ staff use of pool IV. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PATRON DISCIPLINE ........................... 11 Lifeguards .......................................................................... 11 Instructors .......................................................................... 12 V. SWIMMING LESSON POLICY .................................................... 13 Beaches and Pools ................................................................. 13 general guidelines Red Cross forms VI. OPENING, OPERATING, CLOSING PROCEDURES ......................... 14 Wekota ............................................................................. 14 Crescent ............................................................................ 15 Sandy and Robinson's Bay ...................................................... 16 Deephaven Main .................................................................. 17 Lake Ann ........................................................................... 19 Excelsior ............................................................................ 21 Minnewashta ....................................................................... 23 Waconia ............................................................................. 25 Pools ................................................................................. 27 VII. SPECIAL CONDITONS ............................................................. 29 Shift Changes Due to Weather .................................................... 29 Severe Weather Procedure ......................................................... 29 Beaches Pools Power Failure Procedure ............................................................ 30 Fire Procedure ........................................................................ 31 Theft, Vandalism and Equipment Failure Procedures ........................... 31 Lost and Found Procedures .......................................................... .31 VIII. PRIMARY REASONS AND PROCEDURES FOR CLEARING WATER .... 32 Safety Breaks .......................................................................... 32 Emergencies ........................................................................... 32 IX. ACCIDENTS AND INCDENTS ......................................................33 Definitions. ' ~ Drowning or Accident ................................................................ 33 Missing Sx~Emmer ..................................................................... 34 Incident ................................................................................. 34 X. APPENDEX A .............................................................................. 35 Explorer's Club Policy Yd. APPENDIX B .............................................................................. 36 Mtka. Public Schools Pool Chain of Command Mtka. Public Schools Pool Communication Routes XII. APPENDIX C ............................................................................. 37 Safe~' B~eaks Ciosin~ the Beach XIII. APPENDIX D ............................................................................ 38 Pax-roll Dates MLNNETONKA COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND SER'~qCES AQUATICS CHAIN OF COMMAND Director [ Dan Kuzlik Youth Program Coordinator Betty Jenkins Aquatics Program Manager John Raby ] I Aquatics Supervisor Matt Andrews I Beach and Pool Staff ! Aquatics [ Supervisor [ Gretchen Dale,.[ EMPLOYEE POLICIES and RESPONSIBILITIES YO[qt PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY AS A LIFEGUARD IS TO ENSURE PATRON SAFETY UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT POLICY Lifeguards - Required lifeguard shorts (men) lifeguard swimsuits (women) · MCES lifeguard T-shirt · whistle keys (if needed) · Women may wear ONLY MCES guard shorts over their guard suits · notebooks · parking sticker (if needed) Instructors- required · appropriate swimsuit (Speedo, Arena, etc., no two piece suits) · parking sticker (if needed) · notebook · MCESjacket · keys (if needed) REQUIRED TI~4INING NO MCES AQUATICS FACILITY SHALL BE OPENED OR OPERATED WITH OUT THE PRESENCE OF A STAFF MEMBER TRAINED IN LIFEGUARD TRAINING. FIRST AID AND CPR. MN CHILD LABOR LAW POLICY No person under the age of 18 shall work unless under the direct supervision of an adult (18 years of age or older). At no time can an employee under the age of eighteen be left alone to work at any facility and may not open or close any facility, or be asked to work any one staff person activities, ie. guard a one person beach. (Does not apply to high school graduates) SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Sexual Harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature by employees of MCES. (For behavior to be sexual harassment it must be repeated and unwanted) How you deal with sexual harassment: It is the responsibility of the employee feeling harassed to tell the harasser of the offensive behavior, that they do not like it and want it to stop. If the employee is not comfortable talking to the harasser then they should report the behavior to the Aquatics Program Manager, the Aquatics Supervisor or the Youth Programs Coordinator. 2. If after tal 'king to the harasser the behavior continues, contact the Aquatics Program Manager. SUBSTITUTE POLICY Responsibilities of the Scheduled Guard/Instructor · locate your own substitute · deliver/retrieve any necessary equipment or keys to/from the substitute Responsibilities of the Substitute · know/understand ~,lljob-specific responsibilities · once you have agreed to substitute, it is your responsibility to find another substitute should a conflict arise Employees are expected to be on time for all scheduled shifts. NEVER LEAVE YOUR POSITION UNFILLED. BREAK POLICY LIFEGUARDS - Large Beaches (Deephaven Main, Excelsior, Lake Ann, Minnewashta, Waconia): · Breaks are not scheduled into any given shift, but may be taken at the lifeguard(s) discretion (provided that the beach is not excessively crowded). On busy/crowded days use SAFETY BREAKS to relieve all lifeguards at once. DO NOT ABUSE BREAKS · Remember that you are representing MCES and the cities that own the beaches. "Loitering, hanging out" with on-duty guards, or smoking within view of beach patrons is unacceptable. Breaks longer than 15 minutes are not normally allowed. LIFEGUARDS - Small Beaches (Crescent, Robinson's Bay, Sandy,Wekota Park): Breaks are at the lifeguard's discretion and should be limited to 15 minutes. The water must be cleared before you go on break. Limit the number of breaks taken to TWO per day. LIFEGUARDS- Pool Open Swim · Breaks are not normally needed during open swim. INSTRUCTORS - Beaches and Pools Breaks are scheduled between lessons. Instructors are not to leave the swimming area unless their shift has ended. Parents are to be encouraged to come and talk to their child's instructor during this time. WHISTLE SIGNALS POLICY · One long blast - safety brea'k/to clear the water · One blast: To call the attention of a swimmer · Two blasts: To call the attention of the other lifeguard,s) · Three blasts: EMERGENCY! To alert other lifeguard(s) :hat you are going to aid a swimmer or there is a missing swimmer and they should act accordingly. STAFF MEETINGS · All staff are expected to attend every staff meeting: Absence from a staff meeting must be approved at least 48 HOURS in advance ..... In writing. · Upon all absence~ from a meeting the staff member is required to make arrangements to make up the meeting with the aquatics supervisor. · Failure to attend staff meetings (excused'or unexcused) may result in reduction or termination of position. PAYROLL POLICY Time Sheets: All stMf members are responsible for their own time sheets. Time sheets must be completed and turned in at the appropriate time and place -- failure to do this may result in your paycheck being issued on the following payroll date. Use correct time sheets. (See Appendix D) Final Time Sheet: The final paycheck of the season will not be issued until the following criteria have been met: · keys turned in · notebook turned in · all swimsuits, guard shorts, and jackets paid for NOTIFICATION OF SUPERVISOR(S) POLICY Reasons to contact a supervisor - It is the responsibility of the employee to contact a supervisor in the event of: · equipment problems · vandalism/theft · patron/public problems (such as complaints or questions that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the lifeguard/instructor). · concerns relating to other employees · DO NOT CONTACT A SUPERVISOR FOR A SUBSTITUTE UNLESS ALL OTHER POSSIBILITIES HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED a 9I! call was made ACCIDENT LOG AND INCIDENT REPORTS POLICY Conditions that require a minor accident log (in your beaches first aid kit) - any use of first aid equipment from the first aid kit or otherwise, ie. A band aid for a scratch from the slide at Lake Ann. Conditions that require a water incident report - a water incident report must be properly and completely filled out whenever at least one of the following applies; an employee (1) gives assistance to anyone in the water(excluding "tot saves") (2) receives a report of a missing swimmer; (3) is notified of any incident. Conditions that require an incident report - an incident report must be properly and completely filled out whenever any person is questioned about his or her condition, is examined for injuries, and/or is given any form of first aid by any MCES staff person because of an injury, illness, or accident. This includes victims that may refuse any first aid or advice to seek medical attention. Conditions that require writing in your personal log (in the back of your notebook) (1) anytime an incident report was filled out; (2) Every time theft, vandalism, or a malfunctioning phone was reported. Also anytime police or water patrol were called, if an emergency situation occurred, or other noteworthy difficulty in enforcing beach rules. Be as specific as you were in the report; (3) You made a "tot save" LMPORTANT - accident and incident reports should be filled out before the guards resume regular duty on the beach, ie. going back to their stations or letting patrons back into the water. All MCES incident reports should be turned into the supervisor within 24 hours of the incident.(see appendix for forms) GENERAL RULES TO BE ENFORCED BEACHES Beach Rules · NO Flotation Devices (Unless Coastguard approved and parent is in the water providing the child with undivided attention-this includes kickboards and noodles). Flotation devices are allowed at Minnewashta and Waconia, see Minnewashta and Waconia Beach procedures pgs. 24-27. · NO pushing/running/rough play on the docks · NO alcoholic beverages · NO glass containers · .NO swimmers may enter or exit area from under the ropes (patrons must enter or leave beach area from sandy part of the beach). NO sand throwing · · NO swimming under docks/rafts · NO balls larger than 12 inches in diameter · NO swimming out of bounds or under the ropes · NO animals on the beach (with or without leashes) · NO hanging on buoys/ropes · NO patron/public use of phone for personal use · NO patrons/public on the guard chairs or in guard boat Diving Regulations: Diving is allowed only at these sites and only when depth conditions are satisfactory (8 feet deep minimum) · DEEPHAVEN MAIN - on far side of dock (west side) · EXCELSIOR- from the raft · LAKE ANN - from the raft Boat Regulations: Boats must stay out of the beach area - this includes anchoring, water skiing, or attempting to bring a boat to the dock or the beach inside the swimming area. Jet skis, row boats, canoes, wind surfers, and rubber boats/rafts are included under Parent/GUardian Policy: Children under the age of 10 are not allowed on the beach unless properly supervised by a competent person at least 16 years old. It is the responsibility of the lifeguard to determine when the above criteria have not been met. Parents/_~uardians are not to use life jackets or other Coast Guard approved flotation devices as a substitute for direct supervision. As z general rule, ~ p~rent/guardian shouid remain within three feet ora child while in the water. Pools Pool Rules NO running/pushing/rough play on deck NO more than one person on diving board at a time NO smoking anywhere on campus NO flotation devices unless a parent is in the pool giving the child undivided attention NO swimming in diving area NO playing with swim team or physical education equipment NO playing with rescue equipment Children under 6 yrs. may use either locker room NO gum chewing in pool area NO food or drinks in pool area NO glass containers in pool area NO diving in shallow water (less than 8 feet) NO dMng from racer's diving blocks NO hanging on diving board, racer's blocks or basketball rims NO profanity/improper behavior NO pets in pool area NO street shoes on pool deck Showers: Patrons are required to take a shower before entering the pool. DO NOT ALLOW ROUGH PLAY IN THE SHOWERS. The water to the showers is controlled by a timer system, the switch is located under the clock in the pool office(s). DO NOT ALLOW PATRONS TO LEAVE Tlq3', SHOWERS ON. Equipment Use: At the discretion of the staff in charge, certain equipment may be used by the patrons. This includes balls or anything specifically owned by MCES. DO NOT LOAN OUT INNER TUBES, FLIPPERS, MASKS OR GOC~LES LOCATED IN THE EQUIPMENT ROOM, these do not belong to MCES. Patrons are allowed to bring their own goggles, masks, snorkel, flippers or balls. Balls may not be thrown against the walls or at other patrons on the deck - BALLS SHOULD BE KEPT IN THE WATER WHILE IN USE. StaffUse of the Pools: MCES aquatics staff members are allowed to swim for free during supervised open swims. Staff are not allowed access to the pools when the2,' are closed unless authorized by a supervisor. Staff are not allowed to swim alone. 10 PUBLIC RELATIONS and PATRON DISCIPLINE (INTERACTION WITH THE PUBLIC) LIFEGUARDS (beaches and pools): The lifeguard's main job is to ensure the safety of all patrons. Lifeguards must be sufficiently authoritative without angering the patrons. Appropriate behavior is expected from all lifeguards while on duty. Always remember that your wages are paid by taxpayers and that the public will be watching you. Do not "lounge" while on duty, talk excessively on the phone or guard out of uniform. Always look and act professional. Guidelines all lifeguards should follow · be courteous but avoid unnecessary visiting · explain specific rules when appropriate, but do not defend a rule to the point of an argument · refer a patron to the appropriate supervisor if a problem develops that is beyond the jurisdiction of a lifeguard · Know and enforce all city ordinances relating to the beach when possible - do not play police - discreetly contact the police or a supervisor if needed · guards mav temporarily suspend a patron's swimming privileges if appropriate * in extreme situations patron(s) may be asked to leave the beach area EMERGENCIES ,, be comforting but guard against any actions or comments that may make you liable · know and properly follow all emergency procedures · use common sense and always work together when more than one guard is on duty · in all situations, WORK AS A TEAM. Do not let anything become personal. It is always the program's policy, not yours. OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR Offensive behavior consists of but is not limited to the following; Indecent Exposure, threats or acts of violence, Inappropriate touch and verbal abuse. Guidelines for dealing with offensive behavior · be professional don't take anything personally. · Call 911 if in danger, contact a supervisor · get a deser/;ption of the person, car license plate, make and color · situations where there is no immediate danger; deal with the situation 3'ourself and 1% ir. or ca!! 911. or contact a supem'isor to decide what to do. Guidelines all instructors should follow INSTRUCTORS (beaches and pools): Instructors must be respectful and courteous to the public and act professionally at all times. Classes must start on time and be well organized. Parents should be encouraged to talk to their child's instructor if they have any questions. All instructors should know MCES swimming lesson policies. Do not attempt to deal with a problem that is out of your jurisdiction. It is important that instructors cooperate with one another. TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE: When answering the phone at either a pool or beach, the following procedure is to be used: "Hello, facility., this is name" example- "Hello, Excelsior Beach, this is Dave" 12 SWIMMING LESSON POLICY BEACHES AND POOLS General Guidelines: Instructors are expected to dress appropriately. Do not teach in street apparel · Do not hesitate to get wet · Classes must start on time. · Classes must be well organized. · Do not carry on inappropriate conversations- save gossip for after hours · Instructors should cooperate and seek each other's help if needed. · DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK FOR ADVICE FROM OTHER INSTRUCTORS. direct any questions you cannot answer to the appropriate supervisor All swimming lesson participants should be given pass/no pass cards at the end of a session. Tots and Starters should be given Red Cross pre-school swimming certificates (Instructors will write "sign up for; Tots, Starters or Level II" on the bottom of the Red Cross Certificates). ,, To avoid long lines at the diving board, work out a schedule with the other instructors at the beginning of the session. · No more than two classes on the board at a time Red Cross Forms: Course Record Sheets must be completely filled out · Course Record Sheets must be turned in within 48 hours of the end of the session · Completed forms should be dropped off at the Minnetonka Middle School East pool office OPENING. OPERATING AND CLOSING PROCEDURES FOR BEACHES AND POOLS WEKOTA PARK BEACH (TONKA BAY) Hours: 12:00 PM - 6:00 P.M. One guard beach Opening Procedure * lifeguard should be ON DUTY 5 MINUTES BEFORE NOON * unlock guard box - remove megaphone, rescue tube and boat oars, put "on duty" sign up * lock guard box while on duty * unlock boat - position boat with bow in water, place oars in oarlocks * CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE. NOTE: 911 CAN BE CALLED WITHOUT A QUARTER. * clean and rake beach if needed Operating Procedures Specific to Wekota Park * BE FIRM WITH BOAT TRAFFIC * clear the water if you must leave for any reason * no pets allowed in beach area - this includes grassy area * watch out for UNSUPERVISED CHILDREN * do not allow people to deface the flowers in any manner Closing Procedure * clear water at 6:00 P.M. - announce that guard is now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk (See Appendix C) * pull boat into proper position, turn over, lock chain through the oars * take "on duty" sign off, lock all equipment in guard box, * before leaving complete log (if needed), take stock of supplies and contact supervisor if more are needed 14 CRESCENT BEACH Hours: 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM One guard beach Opening Procedure * lifeguard should be ON DUTY 5 MINUTES BEFORE NOON. * unlock guard box - remove megaphone, rescue tube and boat oars *put "on duty" sign up * lock guard box while on duty * unlock boat - position boat with bow in water, place oars in oarlocks * check phone for dial tone. REMEMBER-911 CAN BE CALLED WITHOUT A QUARTER * clean and rake beach if needed Operating Procedures Specific to Crescent Beach * clear water if you must leave beach for any reason * no pets in beach area * no bikes on sandy area * no diving from dock * lifeguard may guard from beach or dock * Crescent Beach is owned by both Tonka Bay and Shorewood - ordinances for both cities apply Closing Procedure * clear water at 7:00 P.M. - announce that guard is now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * pull boat to proper position, turn over, lock chain, put oars and drain plug in guard box * take "on duv,," sign down, lock all equipment in guard box * unplug phone and place it in water proof container * before leaving, complete incident log if needed take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed SANDY BEACH and ROBINSON'S BAY Hours: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM One guard beach Opening Procedures * lifeguard should be ON DUTY 5 MINUTES BEFORE NOON. * unlock guard box - remove phone and rescue tube * put "on duty" sign up * place rescue equipment by guard chair * plug phone in - CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE * clean and rake beach if needed Operating Procedures Specific to Sandy and Robinson's * only enter or leave the swimming area from the beach * DO NOT LET ANYONE ENTER OR EXIT FROM UNDER THE ROPES * no boats on or near the beach * clear the water if you must leave the beach for any reason * NO DIVING * lifeguard may guard from dock or beach Closing Procedure * clear water at 6:00 P.M. - announce that guard is now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk (see Appendix C) * unplug phone and wrap it in plastic bags, place wrapped phone inside guard box * take "on duty" sign down, lock all equipment in guard box * before leaving, complete incident log(if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed. 16 DEEPHAVEN MAEN BEACH Hours: 10:30 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. (through July 3 I) 10:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. (starting August 1) Three guard beach with the following shifts: A) 10:30A.M.-4:0OP.M. C) 2:30P. M.- 9:00P. M. D) 11:30A.M.-7:30P. M. Opening Procedure * opening lifeguard SHOULD BE ON DUTY 5 MINUTES BEFORE 10:30 AM * unlock guard box - remove rescue tubes, and megaphone - place beside chair on the beach *put "on duty" sign up * umbrella goes in holder on chair located on the beach * unlock phone, CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE * unlock boat and place bow at waters edge, place oars in oarlocks * check depth at dock (at least 8 feet for diving) Operating Procedures Specific to Deephaven Main * phone use - there is a pay phone on south end of beach for public use, patrons should not be allowed to use guard phone under normal conditions - 911 can be called from the pay phone without a quarter * bikes should be parked at bike stands * DIVING ALLOWED FROM FAR SIDE OF DOCK ONLY. and only when water depth is at least 8 feet * no swimming under docks * no swimming out of bounds - patrons are to enter/exit swimming area from beach only * safety breaks are to be used during bus), periods Deephaven Main Procedures continued Guard Positions * guards should position themselves based on number of patrons and location of swimmers - DO NOT LEAVE ANY AREAS UNGUARDED * rotate guard positions when desired - GUARD ROTATION SHOULD BE DONE IN A SYSTEMATIC MANNER - REMEMBER TO CONTINUE TO GUARD WHILE ROTATING Closing Procedure Deephaven Main * clear water at 9:00 P.M. (8:00 P.M. after July 31) - announce that all guards are now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * pull boat to proper position on beach, turn over, lock chain, oars may be chained under boat or be put in guard box * take "on duty" sign down, lock all other guard equipment in guard box * secure phone in its waterproof container * before leaving, complete incident log(if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed. LAKE ANN BEACH Hours: 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM Four guard beach with the following shifts: A,B) 10:30A.M.- 5:00P.M. D,E) 1:00P. M.- 8:00P. M. Opening Procedure *.opening lifeguards should ARRIVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE 10:30 AM * unlock guard room(lock guard room when unattended), do not unlock bathrooms * bring the following items to the beach: -rescue board -rescue tubes/buoys -megaphone -first aid kit * place a rescue tube on end of dock (in comer opposite 'kiddie land), * place a rescue tube at base of middle guard chair, all other equipment goes by picnic table * unlock phone - CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE * put rescue board by center chair * clean up any obvious debris * clean guard room- sweep floor, empty trash, wipe off desk and bed. Operating Procedures Specific to Lake Ann * GUARDS SHOULD CARRY APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT WITH THEM BASED ON NUMBER OF PATRONS AND LOCATION OF SV~rIMMERS * guarding from the raft or the boat (out by the buoys) may be necessary on busy days * encourage small children and their supervisors to stay between the dock and buoy line * BE ALERT TO INEXPERIENCED SWIMMERS ATTEMPTING TO SWIM TO RAPT OR BUOYS * NO DIVING FROM DOCKS - diving is allowed from raft only * do not allow swimmers to hang on buoys * do not allow swimmers to enter/exit the swimming ama from under the ropes * rubber boats, rafts, inner tubes etc.., are not allowed inside roped swimming area * only small electric motors are allowed on Lake Ann - no other moto~zed boats are allowed *' safety b-'zaks are to be used during busy periods * do no: allo~' glass and alcoholic beverages in the sand,,,' beach area ': KNOW AND UNDERSTANqD CHANHASSEN CITY ORDINANCES !9 Lake Ann Procedures continued Guard Positions * guards should position themselves based on number of patrons and location of swimmers, DO NOT LEAVE ANY AREAS UNGUARDED * rotate guard positions when desired - GUARD ROTATION SHOULD BE DONE IN A SYSTEMATIC MANNER - REMEMBER TO CONTINUE TO GUARD WHILE ROTATING Closing Procedure * clear water at 8:00 P.M. - announce that all guards are now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * pull boat to proper position on beach, turn over, chain oars in place under boat, lock boat chain * lock all other guard equipment in guard room * secure phone in its waterproof container * turn of lights and lock bathrooms * before leaving, complete incident log(if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed 2o EXCELSIOR BEACH Hours: 11:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Three guard beach with the following shifts: A) Sat./Sun./W 10:30A.M.- 4:30P.M. M/T./Th./F 11:00A.M.-4:30P.M. C) I:00P.M.- 8:00P.M. D) 12:00Noon-8:00P. M. Opening Procedure opening lifeguard SHOULD BE ON DUTY 10 MINUTES BEFORE beginning of shift. open lifeguard room - check for theft open bathhouse - check for theft, check paper dispensers, pick up any obvious debris/garbage check phone located in guard room for dial tone bring the following items to beach: - phone - rescue board - rescue tube(s) - First Aid kit - megaphone put "on duty" sign up plug phone in - check for dial tone unlock boat, place bow at waters edge, place oars in oarlocks pick up any obvious debris/garbage Operating Procedures Specific to Excelsior Beach phone is for guard use only - no personal calls allowed be firm with ALL boat traffic, including wind surfers and jet skis NO DIVING FROM THE DOCKS - diving is allowed from the raft only (when depth is at least 8 ft deep) no rough play on the raft do not rock the raft watch out for unsupervised children, this is a particular problem at Excelsior Beach due to its residential location periodically check the bathhouse throughout the day for debris keep paper dispensers full. (this is to be done during less busy ~eriods) Excelsior Procedures continued Bathhouse Procedure Opening Lifeguard Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of the opening guard to clean the bathhouse every Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. The duties of the opening guard include: - arrive at 10:30 A.M. on the days when it is the responsibility of the opening guard to clean- the bathhouse - pick up, sweep and stock paper (every day) - clean up guard room (sweep if needed) -mop floor, scour sinks and toilets.(Wed., Sat., Sun.) The duties of the City of Excelsior include: - pick up, sweep and mop the bathhouse every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Closing Procedure * clear water at 8:00 P.M. - announce that all guards are now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * remove on duty sign and place in guard room * pull boat to proper position on beach, turn over, lock chain, oars go in guard room *take "on duty" sign down * place all equipment in guard room, clean and lock guard room * make sure all patrons have left the bathhouse, pick up any obvious debris, lock bathhouse * before leaving, complete incident log(if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed MENNEWASHTA BEACH Hours: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Two guard beach with the following shifts: A) 12:00 Noon-7:00 P.M. B) 1 I:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Opening Procedure * opening lifeguard should ARRIVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE 11:00 AM * unlock guard room, turn on lights * unlock bathrooms, check paper: add if needed * put "on duty" sign on sign * bring the following items to the beach: -rescue board -rescue tubes/buoys -megaphone -first aid kit place a rescue tube at base of both guard chairs, all other equipment goes by picnic table * CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE * put rescue board by right chair * clean up any obvious debris Operating Procedures Specific to Minnewashta * GUAP-,DS SHOULD CARRY APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT WITH THEM BASED ON NUMBER OF PATRONS AND LOCATION OF SWIMMERS * guarding from the board (out by the buoys) may be necessary on bus,,' days * encourage small children and their supervisors to stay inside the first buoy line * BE ALERT TO INEXPERIENCED SWIMMERS ATTEMPTING TO SWIM TO BUOYS * no floatation devices past the first buoy line * do not allow swimmers to hang on buoys * do not allow swimmers to enter/exit the swimming area from under the ropes '~ boats are not allowed inside roped swimming area * safety breaks are to be used during busy periods * do not allow glass and alcoholic beverages in the sandy beach area * KNOW AND UNDERSTAND CARVER PARK ORDINANCES * flotation devices- No standing or diving off of any kind of flotation device. use of flotation devices may be limited at the Iifeguard*s discretion ( lifegua.-d's must info,,'-m patrons of devices that may not be allowed a: certain times, ie. OverlF' crowded days). 23 Minnewashta Procedures continued Guard Positions * guards should position themselves based on number of patrons and location of swimmers, DO NOT I~FAVE ANY AREAS UNGUARDED * rotate guard positions when desired - GUARD ROTATION SHOULD BE DONE IN A SYSTEMATIC MANNER - REMEMBER TO CONTINUE TO GUARD WHILE ROTATING Closing Procedure * clear water at 7:00 P.M. - announce that all guards are now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * remove "on duty" sign and lock in guard room * clean guard room- sweep floor, empty trash, wipe off desk * lock all guard equipment in guard room * lock bathrooms * before leaving, complete incident log (if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed 24 WACONIA BEACH Hours: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Two guard beach with the following shifts: A) 12:00 Noon-7:00 P.M. B) 1 I:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Opening Procedure * opening lifeguard should ARRIVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE 11:00 AM * bring the following items to the beach: -rescue board -rescue tubes/buoys -megaphone -first aid kit place a rescue tube at base of both guard chairs, all other equipment goes by picnic table * CHECK PHONE FOR DIAL TONE * put "on duty" sign on sign * put rescue board by right chair * clean up any obvious debris Operating Procedures Specific to Waconia * GUARDS SHOULD CARRY APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT WITH THEM BASED ON NUMBER OF PATRONS AND LOCATION OF SWIMMERS * guarding from the board (out by the buoys) may be necessary on busy davs * encourage small children and their supervisors to stay inside the first buoy tine * BE ALERT TO INEXPERIENCED SWIMMERS A'ITEMPTING TO SV, rlM TO BUOYS * no floatation devices past the first buoy line '~ do not allow swimmers to hang on buoys '~ do not allow swimmers to enter/exit the swimming area from under the ropes * boats are not allowed inside roped swimming area * safety breaks are to be used during busy periods ~ do not allow glass and alcoholic beverages in the sandy beach area *' KNOW AND UNDERSTAND CARVER PARK OPdDINANCES '~ flotation devices- No standing or diving off of any kind of flotation device. use of flotation devices may be limited at the lifeguard's discretion { lifeguard's must inform r~atrons of dex'ices that may not be aliowed at ce~ain times, ie. Overly crowded days). Waconia Procedures continued Guard Positions * guards should position themselves based on number of patrons and location of swimmers, DO NOT LEAVE ANY AREAS UNGUARDED * rotate guard positions when desired ~ GUARD ROTATION SHOULD BE DONE IN A SYSTEMATIC MANNER - REMEMBER TO CONTINUE TO GUARD WHILE ROTATING Closing Procedure * clear water at 7:00 P.M. - announce that all guards are now off duty and swimming will be at the swimmer's own risk(see Appendix C) * remove on duty sign and lock in storage garage * lock all guard equipment in storage garage * before leaving, complete incident log (if needed) take stock of first aid supplies and contact appropriate supervisor if supplies are needed BEACH ATTENDANCE Guards will take beach patron attendance daily at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. This includes two separate counts: those who are in the water and those who are on the beach. Also record the maximum attendance for the day Forms are in the first aid 'kits. 26 note: POOLS (Minnetonka Middle School East and West) Opening Procedure all staff are required to be at the pool 15 minutes before their scheduled shift · bar open both outside doors · unlock locker rooms and turn on lights · unlock observation deck · unlockdoom into pool · turn on pool lights (note: pool lights require at least 5 minutes to warm up) · unlock equipment room (if needed) · turn on showers (switch is in pool office) · inspect all rescue equipment, rewind ring buoys if needed · open safe and prepare open swim sheet (if needed) · DO NOT LEAVE MONEY UNATTENDED ON THE DESK · bring out kickboards, etc.., if needed · note any doors leading into the pool that were left unlocked and report to appropriate supervisor (This includes the equipment closet in boys locker room note: patrons will arrive on time, it is important that all staff members are ready at the scheduled times Operating Procedures Specific to Pools · 9-911 must be dialed from pool phones in an emergency · DO NOT LEAVE THE POOL UNATTENDED · strictly enforce ali safety rules · do not let patrons use equipment that is not the property of MCES · patrons ma3, use the phone to call home - phone calls are to be brief · walk pool deck, checking the bottom at least eveR' 15 minutes note: Pool Procedures continued Closing Procedure · allow patrons at least 15 minutes to shower and change · record open swim money and place in safe (if appropriate) --- MAKE SURE SAFE IS SECURELY LOCKED · clear desk top of unnecessary items, lock desk drawers · all garbage goes in garbage can, pop cans go in plastic recycling bucket. If recycling is full, dump in recycling dumpsite in parking lot · lock pool office door · turn pool lights off (unless pool will be used within three hours) · check locker rooms, turn off all showers, pick up any obvious debris, flush toilets, turn off lights, lock doors · lock observation deck place all equipment in appropriate places, all chairs go in office lock equipment room · check back hall door to be sure that it has not been propped open · lock outside doors (unless there are other authorized activities going on in gyms) · lock pool deck closet and make sure it is clean DO NOT LEAVE THE PREMISE IF THERE ARE CHILDREN WAITING FOR A RIDE (especially at night) -- children may call their parents to ensure they are on their way, DO NOT GIVE ANYONE A RIDE IN YOUR CAR, GUARDS/I/'qSTRUCTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PATRONS REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BE HELD LIABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS 28 Special Conditons SttIFT CI-L4~NGES DUE TO WEATHER Conditions that warrant shift reductions raining or drizzling cloudy, windy, 65 degrees or below · sunny, 60 degrees or below Procedure for shift reductions scheduled guards must contact each other and work out a shift reduction, if possible this should be done before the beach opens · guards on one-guard beaches must use their own discretion · if the weather deteriorates throughout the daF' the guard(s) on duty may put a shift reduction into effect · DO NOT ABUSE SHIFT REDUCTIONS; when in doubt, contact a supervisor SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURE BEACHES lifeguards are expected to pay attention to the weather - pay particular attention to HOT, HUMID, HAZY or CLOUDY DAYS - most of our severe weather comes from the WEST · guards that are given information about possible severe weather by the police or from a radio should call the other beaches and alert all guards to be on the lookout · contact a supen'isor if at all in doubt as to how to proceed, or if you have any concerns regarding incoming severe weather WHEN TO CLEAR THE BEACH police/sheriff/radio have informed you of severe incoming weather a funnel cloud or tornado has been sighted ii~htenin,-, has been s;,',h-'d (STAY OUT OF WATER FOR 20 MINUTES) dangerous loaiSng clouds are approaching it ~ ~ s~art~ to rain and the wind picks up 29 Weather Procedures continued AFTER TIlE BEACH/lAS BEEN CLEARED instruct patrons to stay out of the water and to seek shelter immediately stay away from trees and movable objects cars are relatively safe in electrical storms do not seek shelter in cars if a funnel cloud has been sighted - lie flat in a Iow area or a ditch NOTE: lifeguards should be the last to leave the beach if at all possible - if a swimmer refuses to leave the beach or seek shelter, the lifeguards may seek shelter POOLS · staff should pay particular attention to the weather on days that are hot, humid, hazy or cloudy - keep weather radio on · clear the pool immediately upon notification that a tornado/funnel cloud has been sighted · all patrons should seek shelter in the hallway that extends from the pool office to the girl's locker room, or in the girl's locker room · do not allow anyone to remain in the pool area, boy's locker room or the hallway that extends from the outside glass doors to the pool office · staff members should make sure the pool and boy's locker room has been cleared before they seek shelter · do not return to the pool until notification that the emergency is over POWER FAILURE PROCEDURE POOLS · clear the pool immediately - one long whistle blast · do not panic - the emergency lights will dimly light the pool · a staff member should use a flashlight to search the locker rooms · patrons may get dressed if there is adequate light - DO NOT ALLOI3/ ANYONE TO REMAIN' IN' THE POOL AREA · lock all doors into the pool after clearing pool · contact a supervisor and a custodian to alert them of the problem · if the power is restored, the pool may be reopened at the discretion of the staff on duty 3o FIRE PROCEDURE POOLS · clear the pool immediately · direct all patrons to leave the building immediately - exit through the pool office or through the door by the girls locker room · at least one guard should walk through the locker rooms to make sure all patrons have evacuated if it is safe to do so · the last guard out of the pool area should lock the doors that lead directly into the pool · patrons should group at least 500 yards from the building · instructors should keep their classes grouped and take role to make sure all students are present · in the case of cold weather patrons may group by an outside exit and be prepared to exit the building immediately if the need arises - if building must be evacuated attempt to seek shelter at neighboring houses keeping grouped together with supervision by staff · a supervisor should be contacted as soon as possible THEFT, VANDALISM & EQUIPMENT FAILURE PROCEDURES Pool and Beach · Report any theft, vandalism, or equipment failure to a supervisor immediately · Staff may decide not to open the beach if the problem may jeopardize the safety of the public, ie. phone out of order · DO NOT PERSONALLY CONTACT A CITY OFFICE LOST AND FOUND POLICY Pool - put articles in the lost and found box on top of staff lockers -valuable articles turned into the buildings main office beach - put articles in guard box if room exists valuable articles should be turned into the MCES office in the administration building as soon as possible 31 PRIMARY REASONS and PROCEDURES FOR CLEARING THE WATER Immediately clear the water in the event of fire, tornado, severe electrical storm or power failure SAFETY BREAKS (BEACHES ONLY): The purpose of a safety break is to provide a short break for the lifeguard(s) and a chance for parents/supervisors to regroup their children. Safety breaks are not needed when the beach is not busy. Lifeguards are expected to use their own discretion in this matter. PROCEDURE FOR SAFETY BREAKS · one long blast on whistle · announce via megaphone (if applicable) that a safety break is going into effect; all swimmers must leave the water · one guard should remain on beach at all times - guards may use the restroom, take a brief swim to cool down, sit in the shade · safety breaks should last no longer than 10 minutes · When the break is over all guards should return to position, announce that the safety break is over · always start a safety break at the end of a lesson (lessons are to begin and end on time regardless of safety breaks) See appendix for safety break announcement(pg.40) NOTE: one safety break per hour is the maximum allowed in a given day - this includes excessively hot and/or busy days EMERGENCIES: CLEAR THE WATER when swimmers would be in the way of a rescue and/or all guards are needed to attend to the emergency. Procedure For Emergencies One long whistle blast · announce via megaphone (if applicable) that all swimmers must leave the water immediately do not allow any swimmers to retu,,m to the water until the situation has been dealt with and there are sufficient guards in position to guard 32 ACCIDENTS and [NCIDENTS DEFINITIONS: ACCIDENT: any minor injury requiring first aid with no follow up care DROWNING: any water incident that results in a death within 24 hours MISSING SWIMMER: any person reported missing from the beach or water area INCIDENT: any situation that requires action from a staff member beyond routine duty and minor injuries DROWNING or ACCIDENT PROCEDURE · signal other guards (when applicable) -three whistle blasts · clear the water - this should be done by the second guard if applicable - emphasize that this is not a drill · attend to the victim and administer first aid - KEEP VICTIM CALM · call 911 - this can be done by a guard if there is one available; a responsible patron may also call 911 if all guards are occupied · STAY WITH THE VICTIM until the proper authorities arrive and take over · keep spectators out of the way · keep swimmers out of the water until the situation is stabilized and a guard is in position · t511 out Water Incident and/or Standard Incident report as needed SEE APPENDIX · properly fill out incident report - be objective and report only the facts - be sure to get victim's name, age, address and telephone number · LN'CIDENT REPORTS SHOULD BE TURNED IN IMMEDIATELY · DO NOT ACT OUTSIDE YOUR JURISDICTION · CONTACT SUPERVISOR IMMEDIATELY - ALWAYS FOLLOW THE CHAEN OF COMMAND - never personally contact a victim's parents or guardian · DO NOT SPEAK TO THE PRESS - REFER THEM TO YOUR SUPERVISORS-YOU SHOULD BE TOO BUSY TO TALK TO THEM!!!! NOTE: If a victim refuses to wait for medical help to arrive, do not give medical advice. Simply advise victim (or victim's parents if present') to seek medical attention. The incident report must still be prov=rly filled out - report problem to appropriate supervisor immediately MISSING SWIMMER PROCEDURE (BEACh) · clear water - emphasize that this is not a drill · send a group to search toilets, parking lot, playground and surrounding area · Call 911 - have an available guard or competent person call 911 if swimmer is not found immediately (WITHIN ONE MINUTE) · CONTACT SUPERVISOR IMMEDIATELY · form a HUMAN CHAIN - organize underwater search to begin IMMEDIATELY - ask for competent swimmers to help in search - be aware of their limitations and watch for fatigue · have parent/guardian of missing swimmer CALL HOME to make sure the swimmer is not there ~ DO NOT LET THE PARENT/GUARDIAN LEAVE the scene until the swimmer has been located - be sure to get missing swimmer's NAME, PHONE and ADDRESS · DO NOT STOP SEARCHING for the missing swimmer until one of the following applies: · missing swimmeris located emergency personnel tell you to stop · Aquatic Supervisor tells you to stop · the scene becomes unsafe What to do when the swimmer is locate · administer appropriate first aid · KNOW DROWNING/ACCIDENT PROCEDURE and apply the appropriate steps · properly fill out Water Incident report and Standard Incident report as needed INCIDENT (BEACHES AND POOLS · administer appropriate first aid · properly fill out water incident report - be objective and report only the facts-be sure to get victim's name, age, address and telephone number contact appropriate supervisor if at all in doubt as to how to proceed or if there is a problem with parent/guardian · DO NOT PERSONALLY CONTACT PAPd~NTS/GUARDIAN 34 APPENDIX A EXPLORER'S CLUB POLICY The following policies are to be adhered to by the Explorer's Club staff. Lifeguards/instructors are expected to treat Explorer's Club members with respect. Contact a supervisor if any problems should arise that are out of lifeguard/instructor jurisdiction. BEACH POLICY · children will swim only with a certified lifeguard on duty · trips to the beach will be staffed on a I: I0 staff/child ratio · each Explorer's Club staff member will be responsible for a certain number of children · all Explorer's Club staff must 'know the count of their individual group of children · all Explorer's Club staffmust know the whereabouts of the children in their group at all times · the children must be paired using the buddy system--buddy checks must be done at least every 1/2 hour · a missing child must be reported immediately - the missing swimmer plan is to be activated by the lifeguards on duty in this situation · children must ask permission to go to the restroom - a child must take their assigned buddy with them - children must inform a staff member when they return from the restroom · shoes must be worn when not on the sandy beach area or in the water · children must remain within their site boundaries (both on the beach and in the water) · children ma)' not go past their arm pits when in the water · Explorer*s Club staff must watch the children in the water · swimming lessons may be given by MCES Aquatics staff ONLY · at the first sign of bad weather Explorer's Club children must leave the beach - they are to seek shelter if appropriate · Explorer's Club children are to be courteous and respectful to the lifeguards/instructors and the other beach patrons ?5 APPENDIX B MENNETONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS POOL CHAIN OF COMMAND I ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ! ! co^o es PRIMARY SECONDARY MCES I .... DIRECTOR I COORDINATOR I PRINCIPALS] CUSTODIAN AQUATICS I PROGRAM MANAGER I IP.k. SPECIALISTSl I Aquatics I SurrvisorsI I CUSTODI.kN[ IAQUATICS STA~I MINNETONKA PUBLIC SCHOOL POOL COMMUNICATION ROUTES [ PRINCIPALS [' - MCES DIRECTOR I CUSTODIAN] [ YOUTH PROGRAMS COORDINATOR PE. SPECIALISTS AQUATICS PROGRAM MANAGER l~,!STOnt,~,'d . . . iAQUATICS SUPERVISORS I PRIMARY [AQUATICS STAFF [ $ ECONDA R'I .... DIRECTOR! ! ! ! ! 36 APPEN-DIX C SAFETY BREAKS - ONE LONG BLAST - ATTENTION ALL SWIMMERS PLEASE CLEAR ALLTHE WAY OUT OF THE WATER AND OFF THE DOCKS FOR A SHORT SAFETY BREAK - DO NOT RE-ENTER THE WATER UNrI'IL THE LIFEGUARDS BLOW THEIR WHISTLES - THANK YOU CLOSING THE BEACH - ONE LONG BLAST - A'Iq'ENTION ALL SWIMMERS PLEASE CLEAR ALL THE WAY OUT OF THE WATER (WAIT UNTIL ALL SWIMMERS ARE OUT- THEN SAY) - THE BEACH IS NOW CLOSED ANY FURTHER SWIMMING WILL BE UN- GUARDED AND AT YOUR OWN RISK - THANK YOU APPENDIX D PAY ROLL DATES Summer 1997 WED. JUNE 18 WED. JULY 2 WED. JULY 16 WED. JULY 30 WED. AUG 13 WED. AUG 27 TIME SHEETS ARE DUE AT THE END OF EACH STAFF MEETING. LATE TIME SHEETS WILL GO IN ON THE NEXT PAY PERIOD. NO TIME SHEETS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27, 1997. 38 POOL STAFF AND BEACH INSTRUCTOR TIME SHEETS ALL PQO. PROG~ USE FORM AT RIGHT. PINK WiTH "~ TIME SHEET' ALL BEACH INSTRUCT~ USE FO,RM AT RIGHT SALMON ~ ~ BEACH LIFEGUARD TIME SHEETS USE IF UFEGUARDING ON BEACHES ONLY UFEC-~ARDS ON ALL BEACHES EXCEPT WACONIA AND MINNEWASHTA USE THE FORM AT RIGHT ORCHID COLC~ WITH IJFEGLIARD ON TO~ FOR LIFEGUARDS ~ MINNEW~A AND WACONIA ~ TIE FORMS i~.C~ MINNEWASHTA COLOR IS ~ W~ COLOR I$ BLUE M~NNEWASTA TIME SHEET :, i : t" I 'PN~ p~j puelpoot, A p~'obt St~H a,ua3S 'Phi P~OI:t IPH eu~A AQUATICS STAFF STAFF MEMBER~'i~. ERSONAL INCIDENT. 'O 0 m · · · · · · · · · · · · · Minnetonka Community and Education Services 261 School Avenue Excelsior, Minnesota 55331-1987 The MCES Incident Report is to be filled out whenever any person is questioned about his or her condition, is examined for injuries, and/or is given any form of first aid by any MCES staff person because of an injury, illness, or accident. This report should also be filled out as completely as possible for victims who refuse first aid care or who leave the scene before first aid can be given. This form is to be completed by MCES staff persons only. IMPORTANT: AIl MCES incident reports must be turned in to the supervisor within 24 HOURS after the incident is reported. If 911 is called for an incident, contact your supervisor immediately in addition to filling out this report. Date incident reported: Date incident occurred, if different than above: [ ] am /__ /.__ Time incident reported: [ ] pm Time incident occurred, [ ] am /__ /.__ if different than above: [ ) pm PRINT Victim's fur[ name: PRINT Victim's address: Date of birth: First Last [ ] Female Sex: [ ] Mate Street Apt. Phone: ( City State Zip Code Exact location where incident was reported, including name of MPRB park or facility: Exact location where the incident occurred: ghat was the victim doing at the time the incident occurred? Describe in detail how the incident occurred: ghat part(s) of the body were injured or affected? ghat types of injuries were observed and/or suspected? If the incident is one of sudden illness, what signs and symptoms were observed and/or reported? gas first aid given? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, list full names of ALL persons (excLuc(n~ 911 respcnders) providin§ first aic: SourceCs) of this information: [ ] Direct observation by report wr. iter [ ] Reported by victim [ ] Reported by other person(s) (Full nameCs): Right Left Le~gh t .,,. Back Mark with an 'X the exact Location of each injury or affected are~.! Be as precise as possible.I Rev 11/~ Report continues cn =a:k. Minnetonka Community & Education Services Incident Report Page 2 Victim's full name: Date incident reported: First Time: C] am [] pm Describe in detail what first aid was given: instructions were given to the victim concerning fol[owup care for the injury or illness, what were they? Was 911 catted? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] am Time catted: [ ] pm [ ] am Time arrived: [ ] pm Responder(s>: Park Police City Police Fire Department Ambulance (Name of service: [ ) Other (Specify: Victim Status -- Check only one; indicated signatures are REQUIRED. [ ) Released to self. Victim's signature: Adult witness's signature if victim under 18: ( ) Released to group supervisor. Signature: [ ) Released to patent or guardian. Signature: [ ) Transferred to care of ambulance personnel for transport to hospital. Name of hospital: [ ) Competent adult victim refused first aid or transport. Victim must sign this statement: '! refused treatment and/or transport." Victim's signature: [ ) Other. Explain circumstances on attached sheet. Notify your supe. rvisor immediately. NOTE: Normally. an adult victim (18 years or older) may legally refuse first aid care or reuse to be transported to a hospital. provided that the adult is "competent.' (A victim is 'combatant if he or she is able to understand the medical consequences of refusing first aid care. A victim who has a developmental disability or a mental illness, who is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or who is suffering from shock caused by his or her injury or illness may not be considered legally competent to refuse first aid care.) If a competent adult victim refuses care that MCES staff advised, make sure the victim understands what is being recommended and then have the victim sign the refusal statement above. If care is being refused and the victim is a minor (17 years or younger) or it appears that the victim's judgement may be impaired by his or her injury or illness or by other factors, call 911 for an ambulance and turn care of the victim over to the ambulance personnel. You do not need the victim's permission to call 911. Check 'Other" and explain if (1) a victim leaves the scene before the ambulance arrives or before first aid can be given, (2) a victim refuses care but will not sign the refusal statement, (3) the parent of a minor victim refuses first aid for that victim and/or takes him or her from the scene without signing 'Released to parent,' (4) any other unusual situation arises which does not seem to fit the standard categories. Gather the following information fro~ at least two individuals who witnessed either the incident itself, the victim's injury or illness, or the first aid being provided. Witnesses may be MPRB staff (not first aiders or the report writer) or others. If two witnesses are not available, note below. PRINTED-Full Name of Witness Address (Street, City, Zip) Phone Number 1. ( ) 2. (__) 3. ( ) ~r ~ Ci~ect: here if additional information has been written of attached pages victim and the date and time the incioe'~' war, reported.) PRIf'.JT fuli name of the MCES s:aff person completing this, report (If so identify each such page with the name of tile SIG'4ATURE o', thi,.., person Su3er,.',sors.' Init;als ftc, be completed by su:.e',';sors only) _I Minnetonka Community and Education Services Water Incident Report The MCES Water Incident Report is to be filled out whenever any MCES Aquatics employee (1) decides that a patron in the water may need help and gives or begins to give assistance; (2) is asked for assistance by or on behalf of any person in the water; (3) receives a report of a missing person, whether of not that person is originally thought to be in the water or on land and whether of not that situation is turned over to the Water Safety Patrol. In some of these cases, not all of the items on this report may apply and/or not all of the information may be available. However, the report must be filled out as completely as possible for any incident of these types. All MCES water incident reports must be completed immediately after the incident and must be turned in to the supervisor within 24 HOURS after the incident occurs. In addition, if 911 is called for the incident, the supervisor MUST be notified Immediately and each of the staff on duty at the facility must prepare a written statement describing what he or she observed or did during the incident, to be attached to this report. PRINT Victim's full name: PRINT Victim's address: Revision 5/19/91 Date of Birth: / / First Last Age: Street Apartment Sex: [] Female [] Male Rhone: City State 7ip Code ( . ) Date of Incident / / '13me incident was [] sm observed or reported: ~ [] pm MPRB aquatics fadlity where incident was observed or reporl~: incident Category (check one) [] Distress or drowning observed by facii~ staff [] Distress or drowning re~orted by public (Full name of person reporting: ) [] Missing person rescued or recovered in water [] Missing person ~u~ on land [] Boater problem h~died by faci[it7 staff [] Boater problem turned over to Water Safety Patrol [] Other Where did the incident occur (according to report or observation)? Is this location in an authorized swimming area? [] Yes [] No (If yes, were lifeguards on duty at Nat au~ofized swimming area at~e time ~he incident occurred? [] Yes [] No) What was initially observed or reported? Full name(s) of facility staff person(s) first observing the incident or receiving the report of the incident: Where was this staff person when the incident was observed or reported? Estimated number of patrons at the entire facility at the time of the incident: (For beaches, this is both the wster of the authorized swimming area and the sand of the authorized beach area.) Estimated number of patrons in the water at the time of the incident: (For beac~hes, this is the authorized swimming area only; for pools, this is the pool in which the incident occurred.) A~r Tem~mture: Weather Conditions (check one in e~h group): [] Cie~ ~ °F [] Fart~,' Ci:~y [] C,~m Wa~er :'Te,,'n ~ra,'ure, W~ter Conditions a: Location of Rescue or ~ecovery (Ata/~e~cn on/~G c~eck one in each ~roup): ~ C,,a- ', F-] No: v,~,=y I [] Ca~m Type(s) of Rescue(s) Used (check all that apply): [] Reach [] Throw [] Row [] Go [] None of these Type(s) of Search and Recovery Procedure(s) Used (check all that apply, filling in start and end times): [] ShaJlow-wster search [] Deep-water free dives [] Mask.fin-snorkel search [] Scuba s~'ch [] None ofthe above Start End Equipment Used (check all that apply): ~ ~ ~ PFD(e~e~dorth~n) ~ R~c~Tu~ ~ ~ ~ Re~hi~ Pole ~ Ri~ Buoy ~ Heavi~ U~ ~ R~=¢ B~ ~ Shep~'s Crook ~ No ~p~ ~ Time vl~im re~cu~ or r~over~: ~ am ~ pm Full na~(s) of pnmaw rescuer(s): Approximate water depth at location where victim was rescued or recovered: t, ~ in Cond~on of vi~m at [me of rescue or r~ovew: Fut~ co.incus? ~ Y~ ~ No Bre~m,~?~Y~ DNa Haspu,se? ~Y~ ¢No FUR name(s) of staff ~on(s) condustin¢ pnmaw and sesondaG' su~ey: Was an~ning remarkable noted during the secondaw su~ey? ~ Yes ~ No (If ye~, ~mplCte ~nd a~:h ~ M~RB tn=ident Re~.) Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Water Incident Report (Revlon Page 2 Victim's Full Name: Date of Incident: Time Incident Observed or Reported: [-']am [--]pm In the space at right, make a'sketch of the indderrt area. Indicate information such as Ioca~on of submersion, location of recovery, positions of staff persons, layout of aqua, cs facility, significant landmar ~ks.i~ area, and compass direc'dons. Give addi'donaJ details of rescue and/or search and recovery here: Resuscitation Methods Used (check ail th~ al>C/, tilting in table er~ies): [] Rescue Breathing Start End Rescuer(s) [] CPR [] Oxygen [] None of the shove used Was 911 called? []Yes I-]No Responders (check all that apply): [] Fire D~pa~-tment [] Water Rescue Units [] Ambulance (Name of service: [] Other (Speedy: Time called: Time arrived: [] P~'k Police [] City Police ) Condition of victim when turned over to EMS: Fully conscious? [] Yes [] No Breathing? [] Yes [] No Ha~ pulse? [] Yes [] No Victim Status (check only one; indicated signatures are required): [] Released to self. V~ctirn's signature: if victim is a minor: [] Rele~L~d to parent or gua~'dian. Sigra~re: [] Released to group supervisor. Sigr,,a/ure: [] Transferred to care of ambulance personnel for transport t~ hospital Nm,ne of hospitaJ: [] Competent adult victim refused first a~d or tra~sporL V~rn must sign this statement: '1 refu~ed treatment and/or transport.' V~ctirn's signature: [] Obher. Explain circumstances on ai'u~hed sheet. Not~ Aquatics Supervisor and/or Aquatic~ Director immediately. Gather the following information from at least two individuals who wilnessed either the incident itself, the victim's request for assistance, or the assistance provided. Wimesses may be:~P-RB staff (not the rescuers or report writer) or others. If two wimesses are not available, note below. PRINTED Full Name of VV?mess Address {'C.~, State. Z3p) Phone Number ( ) % ( ) ( ) Has additional information been written on attached pages? [] Yes [] No (If so, identify each such page with the name of the victim, the date and time of the incident, and the name of the person wdting the attachment.) PRINTED'full names of all staff persons completing this report: SIGNATURES: PR1NTED full names of all staff persons assisting with rescue or recovery: SIGNATURES: Supervisors' Initials (to be completed by supervisors only): _ Beach Swimmin l Lessons For registration information, refer to page 63. Ample sched- uling has been made to account for lessons that may be canceled due to poor weather. Fees: $17 for Tots, $18 Starters. All other beach swim lessons are $26. ~ CRESCENT BEACH Tonka Bay/Shorewood Mom and Wed., June 16 - Aug. 6 A. 2:00-2:25 Tots (June 16 - July 9) B. 2:00-2:25 Tots (July 14 - Aug. 6) C. 2:30-2:55 Starters (June 16 - July 9) D. 2:30-2:55 Starters (July 14 - Aug. 6) E. 3:00-3:25 II F. 3:30-3:55 Tots (June 16 - July 9) G. 3:30-3:55 Tots (July 14 - Aug. 6) H. 4:00-4:25 Starters (June 16 - July 9) I. 4:00-4:25 Starters (July 14- Aug. 6) J. 4:30-4:55 I EXCELSIOR BEACH Mom-Thurs., June 16 - July 10 A. 2:00-2:25 B. 2:00-2:25 C. 2:30-2:55 D. 3:00-3:25' E. 3:00-3:25 -"-c 3:30-3:55 G. 4:00-4:25 H. 4:00-4:25 I. 4:30-4:55 K. 4:30-4:55 Tots (June 16 - June 26) Tots (June 30 - July 10) II Starters (June 16 - June 26) Starters (June 30 -July 10) III Tots (June 16 - June 26) Tots (June 30 - July 10) Tots (June 16 - June 26) Starters (June 30 -July 10) Mom-Thurs., July 14 - Aug. 7 AA. 2:00-2:25 BB. 2:00-2:25 CC. 2:30-2:55 DD. 2:30-2:55 EE. 3:00-3:25 FF. 3:30-3:55 GG. 4:00-4:25 HH. 4:30-4:55 Il. 4:30-4:55 Starters (July 14 - July 24) Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) Tots (July 14 - July 24) Tots (July 28- Aug. 7) It II1 IV Starters (July 14 - July 24) Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) ROBINSON'S BEACH Deephaven Tues. and Thurs., June 17 o Aug. 7 A. 2:00-2:25 B. 2:00-2:25 C. 2:30-2:55 D. 3:00-3:25 3:00-3:25 3:30-3:55 4:00-4:25 4:00-4:25 4:30-4:55 J. 4:30-4:55 Tots (June 17 - July 10) Tots (July 15 - Aug. 7) II Starters (June 17- July 10) Starters (July 15 - Aug. 7) Tots (June 17- July 10) Tots (Ju!y 15 - Aug. 7) Sta,'lers (June 17- July 10) S:a.'lers (Jul), 15 - Aug. 7) ~.gister for Sea.~h Swimming Lessons on pg. 54 Mon.-Thurs., A. B. C. D. E. F. H. J. L. M. O. P. LAKE ANN Chanhassen June 16- July 10 11:00-11:25 11:00-11:25 IV 11:30-11:55 II 12:00-12:25 I 12:30-12:55 Tots (June 16 - June 26) 12:30-12:55 Tots (June 30 -July 10) 1:00-1:25 Starters (June 16 - June 26) 1:00-1:25 Starters (June 30 -July 10) 1:30-1:55 II 2:30-2:55 V 3:00-3:25 II 3:30-3:55 Tots (June 16 - June 26) 3:30-3:55 Tots (June 30 - July 10) 4:00-4:25 III Mom-Thurs., July 14 - Aug. 7 BB. 11:30-11:55 Tots (July 14 - July 24) CC. 11:30-11:55 Tots (July 28 - Aug. 7) DD. 12:00-12:25 II FF. 12:30-12:55 IV GG. 1:00-1:25 Starters (July 14 - July 24) HH. 1:00-1:25 Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) KK. 2:30-2:55 Tots (July 14 - July 24) LL. 2:30-2:55 Tots (July 28 - Aug. 7) MM. 3:00-3:25 II NN. 3:30-3:55 Starters (July 14 - July 24) OO. 3:30-3:55 Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) PP. 4:00-4:25 II1 QQ. 4:30-4:55 VI DEEPHAVEN MAIN BEACH Mom-Thurs., June 16 -July 10 A. 11:00-11:25 Tots (June 16 - June 26) B. 11:00-11:25 Tots (June 30 - July 10) C. 11:30-11:55 I D. 12:00-12:25 Starters (June 16 - June 26) E. 12:00-12:25 Starters (June 30- July 10) xF. 12:30-12:55 II G. 1:00-1:25 Tots (June 16 - June 26) H. 1:00-1:25 Tots (June 30 - July 10) I. 2:00-2:25 IV J. 2:30-2:55 Starters (June 16 - June 26) K. 2:30-2:55 Starters (June 30 - July 10) L. 3:00-3:25 M. 3:30-3:55 III N. 4:00-4:25 V Mon.-Thurs., July 14 - Aug. 7 AA. 11:00-11:25 Starters (July 14 - July 24) BB. 11:00-11:25 Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) CC. 11:30-11:55 DD. 12:00-12:25 Tots (July 14 - July 24) EE. 12:00-12:25 Tots (Jul), 29 - Aug. 7) FF. 12:30-12:55 II GG. 1:00-1:25 Starters (Jul)' 14 -Jufy 24) HH. 1:05-1:25 Starters (July 28 - Aug. 7) I1. 2:0C,-2:25 IV JJ. 2:30-2:55 ,,~. 3:00-3:25 Tots (Jul), i 4 - Jul?' 24) LL. 3:00-3:25 Tots (Ju!y 28 - Au~. 7] MM. 3:30-3:55 III NN. 4:00-4:25 V 00. 4:30-4:55 Vi Training at hire: * Lifeguard Tra ...... = oohours * CPR for the Professional Rescuer 9 hours Training after Hire: , P, lm~dhnrne Palhooen~ ~hn~r~ Prese.~.son training: o Policies and procedtm: training Btoodbomc pathogens review CPR refresher ~,mmor ln-eor~/ioo Trai,!in,~ * Waler skill, policies and procedures * CPR retkesher 3.5 b_ours .5 hours L)L lb 2 hours hours hOUrS 22 bouts Date Time People in water PeopJe o~ Beach Temp. 2 ~,-n-~n~~ tD %~, -~G° 6 ~-~.m I',~o ~h ~h' ~o'~ 21 L'-IT'~I? /c,~ ,,/! Z~ 70" 22 5: eo I~ ~0 72~ 26 ~. ,.~, e c' -- 27 l'S5 ' , ' II :7 ~ 2: 28 ¢..,:,z~ -'; ~ ~ :~i) ~ ~ ~ · '75~ I ':: .......... M ~3~ t~OO lq~ ~ _.~0° 36[._~v-,;'.~ /:oa ~, C(-~':'-,:~'t~ ~ ~s-~ 37 ~ ~) (_) . ~ 7c 42 %. a, I~ 130 ~4~ '49 ~~-O I ~ 60 ! Date Time People in water People on Beach Temp. Conditions / 93 ~ 95 ,( Date Time Peo[31e in water People on Beach Temp. Conditions lO7 7-Z~';'q~i:vo /¥-{ '~ ~" 'm;.',.;,4.,t ' 108 ~.oo I. o0 109 ?."lq-,.1"; 'i oo -c]~ 111 ~--~ ~, -(')~ 112 -- *B'o© ~ ~,~'~ 114 ,0o '~ ,..~',, 116 122 ,.5 '.,'~', "7 .~, ' _.~ 5.... 126 '-'~-'~, " 128 ' "~r-)~; ~ --~ , ~3s :~ 137 .: 1~ ~-~I /~0 ~ ~ ~'~ 1'''°° -~ 149~_-~ ~ ~0~ J 151 152 153 155 · 156 0 ~ 0 ._ o ~ -~ o o o