6a 1998 July4Fireworks ContractCITYOF CHANHAS EN 690 (?i;;' (;~'m('r l)E~'e, £0 f3o.¥ I47 (5%:t,,~::~',, 3 li,~':ot,~ 55315 I%,e 612.93.~ I~00 ( 7~',e~tl >~x 612.93L5739 3,V',~'eE,g E~.v di2.93:9152 /565~' ~g~::'O' Fz.v 612.934.252~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Facility Supervisor February 17, 1998 Selection of 1998 4th of July Fireworks Bid The City of Chanhassen requested proposals for our annual 4"' of July fireworks display from Melrose Pyrotechnics (formerly Banner Fireworks) and RES Specialty Pyrotechnics. Both companies returned proposals that were very competitive. After examining both proposals, Melrose had a larger shell count and a bigger finale. In my opinion, the city received a better show from Meh'ose in the past. RES submitted their bid for the established 1998 budget amount of $14,500. RES was aware of our disappointment in last year's show and, in a good faith gesture, discounted this year's show by $1,000. It is staff's opinion that even with RES's $1,000 discount, the Melrose bid was a better value. Melrose Pyrotechnics has been providing firexvorks for many years. This year's show again will be shot electronically, which will add to the safety and the excitement of the show. Melrose is a very respectable company and will provide an excellent show. RECOM51ENDATION It is staffs recommendation that the city approve the proposal provided by Melrose Pyrotechnics in the amount of $14,500. The display xvill be on Saturday, July 4 at 10 p.m. at Lake Ann Park. The cost of the fireworks display is included in Fund 145 of the Recreation Program Budget. g:~,park\j er fy\98 fireworksbid I .doc MELROSE PYROTECHNICS, INC. KINGS~3URY INDUSTRIAL PARK HE[NOLD COMPLEX POST OFFIOE BOX 302 KINGSBURY. IN 46345 T 219 393.5522 800?717976 F 800775,7976 $14,500.00 PROGRAM CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA JULY 4, 1998 THE FOLLOWING ARE INCLUDED WITH THE PROGRAM: 1. Five Million Dollars Public Liability Insurance 2. Experienced Display Operators 3. Display Operators covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance 4. Department of Transportation Certified, CDL Licensed Drivers 5. All material and equipment to set up and fire the display 1 inch Varieties Include... RUBY RED EMERALD YELLOW & ZINC SAPPHIRE TO EMERALD TURQUOISE W/GOLD SPIDER WEB TRANSFORMATION AQUA & GOLD SPIDER WEB ORANGE & CRACKLING BLUE & TRANSFORMATION HOT PINK & SILVER TWINKLER 4 inch BLUE WILLOW SPIDER WEB SPIDER WEB TO SILVER WHITE & TIGER TAIL GOLD STROBE VIOLET TO SILVER MINT & GOLD GLITTER BLUE & SILVER MULTI-COLOR GREEN STROBE 10 3inch 10 4inch Varieties Include... TOURBILLION REPORT MINE RED STAR PATTERN SILVER WHISTLES SILVER WHISTLE TO TITANIUM 2-BREAK SNOWFLAKE & PURPLE 2-BREAK RED & WHITE STROBE 2-BREAK GOLD CHANDELIER 2-BREAK CRACKLING & MAROON 2-BREAK EMERALD & SILVER 2-BREAK RED & WHITE METEOR 2-BREAK RUBY & GOLD STROBE SILVER PALM TREE W/TAIL TRIPLE STROBE CIRCLE PURPLE TO GOLD STROBE TIGER TO RUBY TO PURPLE W/TAIL TIGER TO EMERALD W/TAIL SILVER RING CROSSETTE W/EMERALD GOLD CHANDELIER W/EMERALD HALF MAROON - HALF GOLD SILVER OR GOLD CROSSETTE inch 10 6 inch WHITE STROBING CHRYSANTHEMUM RED STROBE WILLOW GREEN STROBE WILLOW CRACKLING DELIGHT TREASURE CHEST RED HEART W/WHITE STROBE RING YELLOW MAG METEOR RED MAG METEOR WHITE MAG METEOR HOURGLASS W/RING RAINBOW SHELL OF SHELLS MAROON SPIDER DAHLIA SHIMMERING GREEN TO SILVER MAJESTIC ARCHING TRANSFORMATION SILVER WAVE ~V/RUBY CORE SPIDERWEB TO SILVER WHITE STAR PATTERN FIVE POINT RED STAR W/BLUE RING FOUR LEAF CLOVER TREMALON CROSSETTE 8 3 inch Varieties Include... GOLDEN WAVES YELLOW WAVES STARS AROUND POLARIS PEACOCK TAIL FLYING BUTTERFLY IN STAR NIGHT SPLENDID RED FLOWERS BLOSSOM AFTER THUNDERING SPARKLING PINK LIGHTS GOLDEN WILLOW BLUE WILLOW W/FALLING LEAVES GOLD SPIDER W/GREEN PISTIL SILVER STROBE TO GREEN TO RED RUBY & SILVER TWINKLER MAGENTA & TANGERINE TURQUOISE & LILAC WILLOW TO SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE TO EMERALD SILVER & TANGERINE TANGERINE TREASURE CHEST 10 4 inch 8 5 inch HUMMER SERPENTS AND STARS FISH AND WHISTLE THUNDER AND RAINBOW WHISTLE AND STARS ARTILLERY GOLDEN PALM TREE W/TAIL GOLD STROBE WILLOW DIADEM TO RUBY RED TIP WILLOW W/TAIL DOUBLE CIRCLE RED AND GREEN GLITTER WEB TO TANGERINE GLITTERING SILVER TO RED TO BLUE TIGER TAIL TO BLUE RED & BLUE TO FLASH PEONY GREEN TO RED TO FLASH PEONY SILVER TWINKLER TO EMERALD PURPLE PEONY W/COCONUT BUDS WHITE PEONY W/PURPLE PISTILS SPIDER WEB TO SILVER 10 3 inch 6 4 inch Il 5 inch 10 6 inch Kanto Kako Varieties Include... KAMURO KAMURO ENDING W/SILVER KAMURO ENDING W/RED & BLUE KAMURO W/PALM TREE CORE KAMURO W/BEES KAMURO W/TITANIUM REPORTS KAMURO W/FLOWERS BEES AND BEES MULTI COLOR CROSSETTE W/REPORTS MULTI COLOR BLOOMING W/PALM COLOR CHANGING SATURN W/RING PURPLE PEONY W/BEES COLOR CHANGING CHRYSANTHEMUM PALM TREE W/TAIL COLOR CHANGING TO KAMURO TIGER TAIL W/GREEN WILLOW CHRYSANTHEMUM W/COCONUT SILVER PEONY W/RED PISTILS 2-COLOR CHANGE CHRYSANTHEMUM 2-COLOR CHANGE PEONY Mantsuna Varieties Include... BROCADE DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM W/BEES BLUE PEONY W/RED DANCING COMETS PALM W/CRACKLING TRUNK DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM W/PALM RED DAHLIA W/FLORAL SALUTES PURPLE CHRYS. W/SILVER BEES HALEY'S COMET W/LARGE SILVER TAIl COLOR cHANGING TO KAMURO 3-COLOR CHRYS. W/SILVER PISTILS COLOR PEONY W/RED-GOLD PISTILS FLOWER MINE ASSORTED COLORS 3-COLOR CHRYS. W/SMALL FLOWERS SILVER PALM TREE W/LARGE TAIL BROCADE CHRYSANTHEMUM 2-COLOR PEONY W/DOUBLE PISTILS RED COMETS TO TITANIUM BURST 2-COLOR CHANGING TO KAMURO FLAT CHRYSANTHEMUM TWINKLE KAMURO 10 3 inch 29 4 inch 30 5 inch 25 6inch Glorious Varieties Include... RED TO BLUE PEONY BLUE TO YELLOW W/TAIL RED CIIRYSANTHEMUM GOLDEN SPARKLE LIGHT YELLOW CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE CHRYSANTHEMUM CHRYSANTHEMUM W/TAIL 5-COLOR KAMURO W/SILVER TAIL PEONY W/PISTIL AND TAIL KAMURO CROSS CIRCLE HALF SILVER - HALF RED ItALF SILVER - HALF BLUE HALF SILVER - HALF GREEN POINSETTIA SATURN RED PEONY W/SILVER PISTIL BLUE PEONY W/YELLOW PISTIL PURPLE - GREEN W/RED - SILVER CORE YELLOW PEONY W/RED PISTIL Red Lantern Varieties Include... RED GAMBOGE TO SILVER VARIEGATED PEONY W/CRACKLING SILVER COCONUT W/TAIL GREEN WAVE RING W/PISTIL GOLDEN WAVE TO CRACKLING SPIDER W/STROBE PISTIL W/TAIL PURPLE W/CRACKLING PISTIL SHUTTLES GOLDEN KAMURO ARTILLERY TITANIUM RED PALM TREE W/SILVER TAIL BLUE CROSSETTE RED RING W/GLITTER CROSSETTE COCONUT & THUNDER/LIGHTENING YELLOW RING W/TAIL AND REPORTS TRIPLE RING RING W/SHUTTLES SILVER STROBE WILLOW W/TAIL GLITTERING CROSSETTE RED COCONUT ~V/CRACKLING 30 3inch 10 4inch 35 5inch 20 6inch Varieties Include... RED COMET BLUE COMET SILVER COMET RED COMET W/REPORT GREEN COMET W/WHITE PEONY PURPLE COMET W/SILVER CHRYS. CRACKLING COMET W/REPORT BLUE TO RED PEONY PURPLE TO GOLD PEONY PURPLE TO SILVER PEONY YELLOW TO BLUE PEONY YELLOW TO GREEN PEONY GREEN TO WHITE PEONY RED TO GREEN PEONY RED TO YELLOW PEONY RED TO YELLOW TO PURPLE PEONY GREEN TO SILVER TO BLUE PEONY GREEN TO WHITE TO BLUE PEONY GREEN TO GOLD TO PURPLE PEONY YELLOW TO GREEN TO BLUE PEONY GREEN / RED / BLUE / SILVER PEONY YELLOW / PURPLE / SILVER / GREEN PEONY W/PALM TREE PISTIL SILVER CROWN CRACKLING STARS SILVER DRAGON RED CHRYSANTHEMUM RED & GREEN BEES GREEN WAVE PARACHUTE W/RED CHAIN PARACHUTE W/WHITE CHAIN RED LANTERN PARACHUTE WHITE LANTERN PARACHUTE BROCADE WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE COLOR CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE BLUE CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE RED CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE YELLOW CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE GREEN CHRYSANTHEMUM BROCADE PURPLE CHRYSANTHEMUM 36 8inch 12 10inch Varieties Include... PALM TREE SHELL OF SHELLS BLUE TO PEONY W/RISING FLOWER BROCADE DIADEM CHRYSANTHEMUM SPECIAL CAVITY SHELL KAMURO TO SILVER W/SMALL FLOWERS 2-COLOR PEONY W/DOUBLE PISTILS RED COMETS TO TITANIUM BURST FLORAL SHELL OF SHELLS NISHIKI KAMURO COLOR CHANGING TO CROSSETTE FLORAL SALUTE SHELL OF SHELLS BLUE TO FLASH PEONY W/FLOWERS 3-COLOR CHANGING W/FLICKERING 4-COLOR CHRYS. W/DOUBLE PISTIL RED-BLUE & RED-GREEN SILVER PISTIL COLOR CHANGING PEONY W/PISTIL MULTI-COLORED PEONY TO WILLOW ~ 12 inch GOLD TO COLORED DIADEM RED TO RED & BLUE W/BLUE FLOWERS SILVER KAMURO CHRYSANTItEMUM PEONY W/GREEN & SILVER WILLOW 3-COLOR CHANGING CHRYSANTHEMUM GREEN PEONY W/PALM TREE PISTIL SILVER COMET TO TITANIUM REPORT BLUE TO GLITTERING SILVER CHRYS. KAMURO CHRYSANTHEMUM W/BEES 5-COLOR KAMURO CROSSETTE (BALL TYPE) COLOR CHANGING W/RISING FLOWERS COLOR CHANGING TO KAMURO GREEN PEONY IN PURPLE RING FLOWER MINE ASSORTED COLORS COLOR CHANGING CHRYS. W/FLOWERS 3-COLOR CHANGING TO KAMURO GLITTERING SILVER TO KAMURO KAMURO ENDING W/SILVER 3-COLOR CHANGE W/2-COLOR PISTIL 4-COLOR PEONY W/RISING FLOWERS KAMURO ENDING IN RED & BLUE FLASII PEONY '~V/RISING FLOWERS The following is a list of"Special Effects" segments, ofwhich 2 will be incorporated into the program during the design stage. 9 30mm 9 37mm 9 37mm 9 37mm 9 37mm 9 37mm 6 45mm 6 45mm 6 45mm 6 45mm 4 60mm 10 PIECES 10 PIECES 100 SHOT 100 SHOT 150 SHOT 186 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 200 SHOT 360 SHOT 420 SltOT 66 2 inch 66 2 inch 66 2 inch 28 3 inch 6 2 inch 6 3 inch 6 4 inch RED/WHITE/BLUE BOMBETTE CANDLE BARRAGE SILVER COMET CANDLE BARRAGE GOLD CRACKLING CANDLE BARRAGE RED STAR & TAIL CANDLE BARRAGE BLUE STAR & TAIL CANDLE BARRAGE YELLOW STAR & TAIL CANDLE BARRAGE VIOLET BOMBETTE CANDLE BARRAGE ORANGE BOMBETTE CANDLE BARRAGE RED SALUTES CANDLE BARRAGE WIIISTLING CANDLE BARRAGE SCREAMING CANDLE BARRAGE RED OR WHITE STROBING ILLUMINATED HORIZON 30,000 CANDLE POWER RED ILLUMINATED HORIZON NIGHTINGALE BARRAGE SILVERY CHRYSANTHEMUMS TIGER TAILS W/RISING SILVER COMETS CELEBRATION KING TIGER TAILS TO SILVER CHRYSANTHEMUM SHIMMERING MAG TO RED & SILVER STROBE WHITE MAG W/COLOR TOURBILLIONS RED COMET TO PURPLE CRACKLING MULTI-COLOR TO TITANIUM SALUTE WHISTLING SILVER TO COLORED DAHLIAS WILD WIND BARRAGE TITANIUM REPORT CANDLE BARRAGE MAGNOLIA CANDLE BARRAGE COLOR SHELLS W/SILVER TAILS COLOR SItELLS W/CRACKLING TAILS MULTI-COLOR PALM TREES CRISS-CROSSING TITANIUM SALUTES W/TAILS 3 X 10 SILVER FOUNTAIN WALL MULTI-EFFECT MINES (4 VARIETIES) MULTI-EFFECT MINES (6 VARIETIES) FINALE: 200 - 2 INCH COLOR WITH RISING SILVER TAILS 72 - 2 ½ INCH COLOR AND SALUTES WITH SILVER RISING TAILS 400 - TITANIUM SALUTES WITH MULTI- COLOR RISING TAILS $0 - 3 INCH RED, WHITE AND BLUE RING SHELLS 50 - 3 INCH ASSORTED COLOR SHELLS 120 - 3 INCH TITANIUM SALUTES WITH SILVER RISING TAILS 30 - 3 INCH SILVER SPLATTER SALUTES RES Specialty P>q'oteehnies Januaw 30,1998 Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jerry: Thank you again for inviting RES Specialty Pyrotechnics to bid your display. The following is our bid for the City of Chanhassen July 4th Fireworks at Lake Ann Park. RES will provide the following for the display as requested. 1) Full electronic fire show 2) All equipment, product and labor 3) $2,000,000.00 in show liability insurance Improvements to program I would suggest the following changes/additions to the show based on your critique and discussions we had concerning last years display. 1) 2) 3) Duration of show - I would suggest the display duration should be in a timeframe of 18 to 20 minutes. This will keep the pace of the show at a high level yet assure the display does not drag. Shell type and variety - increase the amount of domestic manufactured shells to the display and incorporate additional shells with reports (concussion) effect as requested. Incorporate 2nd shoot site area - This would address the limited shoot site now used for the display. Please refer to the map I have enclosed. Adding a second shoot site to the existing shoot site can address many of the spacing issues and other effects not currently used in the display. The current site would be used for the major portion of the display. The second site would be used to add additional effects to enhance the display. This site would a high visibility area to the audience at Lake Ann Park. This site would use a combination of effects such as Exhibition Roman Candle batteries, Aerial 4785 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 : Phone: 612.447.7976 ~' Fax: 612.447.0065 Comets, Mines and small caliber aerial shells. The idea of this site is to arrange the effects in what are referred to as "fronts". For example, Exhibition Roman Candles fired from multiple areas in the second shoot site in Criss- Cross and fan patterns. Aerial reports, shells, comets and mines fired "eh masse" forming a wall of effect. Also sequential firing of these effects across the site producing "runs" or movement of effects from the outside edges towards the center of the site producing what is referred to as a "Train Wreck Effect" This area would compliment the display by adding a more dimensional aspect to the show. Example: being able to fire area shells from the original site while candles of a complimenting effect are fired from the second location. I would suggest this second site to be a strip approximately 400' wide and 300' deep. This could be adjusted up or down accordingly. Obviously the larger the better for quantity and type of effects we use. This allows us to place devices along the edge of the wooded area and maintain the needed safety distances to these effects. Product Content Assuming the show is still fired from the same, single location, the type and quantity of shells would be as follows: TYPE QUANTITY 3" Tailed Salutes 3" color shell 4" Color & Effect 5" Color & Effect 6" Color & Effect 8" Color & Effect 10" Color & Effect 22O 108 132 9O 78 36 14 This is a total shell count for opening, main body and finale. Assuming we can utilize both sites as proposed, the show would consist of the following: From Main (Original) site: TYPE QUANTITY 3" Tailed Salutes 192 3" Color Shell 84 4" Color and Effect 5" Color & Effect 6" Color & Effect 8" Color & Effect 10" Color & Effect 132 78 66 24 8 From additional site: 3" Tailed Salutes fired from 6 to 12 positions 24 3" Color & Effect Shells fired from 6 to 12 positions 24 3" Gold Glitter Crossette Comets fired from 6 to 12 positions 12 3" Color & Effect Mines fired from 6 to 12 positions 36 8 shot Exhibition Candles fired from 3 to 6 positions 24 I believe this addresses all of the issues we discussed from last year. As you indicated, you were pleased with our setup and coordination of the show and we would keep this same schedule for this years display. Also as I mentioned, I want you to feel you have received value for your dollar. The above display is for an established budget of $14,500.00 as last year. I mentioned we would be willing to provide something for you this past year to help resolve your disappointment from last years display. Since we have not had the opportunity to work on another project, I would offer you the above display for this year discounted by $1000.00 for a total price of $13,500.00. Please compare our total bid from last year to this year. This would give you the opportunity to realize a savings this year and to give you the option to use this to increase next years show should you desire. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions. I look forward to working with you again this year! Best Regards, "Steve A. Coman CEO 05×01×97 07:51 MARKHURD ~ 612 44? 0065 N0.146 P002/002 Lake Ann Pa~k Lake Ann New Photography Flown April 14, 1997