6b Winter Dance5/0 CITYOF 612. 93:. I900 32v 612. 932 5539 3~i;;eeE,g, t:a: 612 93 Z 9I 52 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor February 17, 1998 SUB J: Chanhassen Recreation Center Fall Dance Registration Detailed below is a breakdown ofenrolhnent by city. We have exceeded the enrolhnent goals set at the beginning of the year by 15%. This will result in additional revenue of $2,156 for the Park 8,: Recreation Center budget. This session we added a morning Kinderdance class, which was a popular class time with parents. We plan to continue to add more classes during this time next year. The Dance for Fun Program continues to be a popular program within Chanhassen and surrounding communities. Chanhassen 115 Students 67% Excelsior 34 Students 19% Chaska 11 Students 6% Eden Prairie 7 Students 4% Victoria 5 Students 3% Waconia 1 Student 1% Total Enrollment 172 (1997-98 goal was 150 students) g?park\patty\rec.ctr\FallDanceReg.98 CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR How did you find out about this course? New?paper Is this your first Park & Recreation class? Yes Was the course worth the .cost? Did t.he brochure description accurately describe the class? Word of Mout~~ 'No No COURSE INFORMATION 1. The information conveyed ~ Neutral 2. The len~h and time of course ~e~,~ Neutral INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION The overall quality of instruction Neutral Neutral 3 4 The instructor's preparation of the information ~ 5 The instructor's presentation of information Q.'~ Neutral 6. The instructor's punctuality ~n starting/ending class ~ 7. What were some of the strenmhs of the class and/or instructor? Sc .w \ '>--. Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Comments Comments Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Comments Comments Comments Dissatisfied , r9 What recommcndations do 5 ou have for improving the course and/or instructo . Ifvou pa~icipated in the Spring Dance Conce~ what did vou like and/or dislike? May we use your name and comments in our publicity? .o~ (t"VSAt: -k--'5'c,,o ( o...., t.~, O'.z%o, 10. What new programs .or classes would you like to see pffered in the upcoming months? /' (h -4ww'<c, sr~'cSxx 11. ~at ~her days or times could we offer classes that would fit vour schedule? E% ¢ , fc ,m~ ~ 12. Additional comments or testimonial about the course, instructor or Chanhassen Recreation Center in genersl: Yes No Signature Thank you fo~ taking the time to fill out this evaluation form. Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 6 2-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651 CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION COURSE TITLE ~*[~ How did you find out about this course? ~ Ne~vspaper Is this your first Park & Recreation class? Was the course worth the cost? Did the brochure description accurately describe the class9~ ~s~ COURSE INFORMATION I. The informanon conveyed Neutral 2 The length and time of course - ~atisfied ~' Neutral INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION //"'-"-"~ ' 57 T-~e ~~ ~ Neutral 4. The instructor's preparation of the information7'~ "*'("Sa~, Neutral 5. The instmctor"s presentation of information-,,----,------~_' Neutral 6. The instructor's punctuality in starting/ending class . ~ (~atisfied~" Word of Mouth No No No Flyer Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied Comments .Dissatisfied Comments Neutral Dissatisfied 7 What ~'ere some ofthe strengths of the class and/or instructor? · I'% r . 8. What redommendations do you have for im¢oving the course and/or instructor? ~~/~ ~ ff-~ f~d. * 9 Wimt recommendations do you have for improving the dance room and facilfiy? 10' Whatnewpr°grams°rclassesw°uldy°uliket°see°=redintheupc°mingm°nths?~OO ( ~1 ~ ~ 11. What other days or times could we offer classes that would fit your schedule? 12. Additional comments or testimonial about the course, instructor orChanhassen Recreation Center in general: 67{J,,/~0l(,![¢/~ May we use your name and comments'in our publicity? /~'Yes No Signature ThankyoufortaldngthetimetofilloutthisevaluationfOfm. Chanhassen Recreation Center .' 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651 CHANttASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION COURSE TIT LE ~//¢zk"~ ' '~ ¢_~ INSTRUCTOR How did you find out about this course? l's this your first Park & Recreation class? Was thc course worth the cost? Did th~ 15rochure description accurately describe the class? COURSE INFORMATION 1. The information conveyed 2. The length and time of course INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION 3. The overall quality of instruction 4. 5. City Bro'chure ~ Yes Neutral Neutral ~ Neutral The instructor's preparation of the information ~ Neutral The instructor's presentation of information ~ Neutral 6. The instructor's punctuality in starting/ending class ~--~~ Neutral 7. What ;;'ere some of the strengths of the class and/or instructor? 8. What recommendations do you have for improving the course and/or instructor? Word of Mouth No No Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Flyer Comments. Comments Comments Comments Comments Dissatisfied 9. What recommendations do you have fc;r improving the dance room and faciltiy? 10 What new programs or classes would you like to see'offered in the upcoming months? 11 What other days or times could we offer classes that would fit your schedule? 12. Additional comments or testimonial about the course, instructor or Chanhassen Recreation Center in gener, al: . May we use your name and comments in our.publicity? ~ Yes No Signa~ Thank you for taking the time to fill out this evaluation form. Chanhassen Recreation Center' 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065 CHANIIASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION COURSE T, ITLE ? i ~q~0 gC~o_;.q(~. INSTRUCTOR How did you find out about this course? Is this your first Park & Recreation class? Was the course worth the cost? Did the brochure description accurately describe the class? COURSE INFORMATION City Brochure . 'Newspaper Word of Nlouth No No No 1 The information conveyed 2 The length and time of course INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION ~:~ ~ Neutral · ~- ~' Neutral 3 The overall quality of instruction ~ Neutral 4 The instructor's preparation of the information (4.rSatisfie, d/, Neutral 5. The instructor's presentation of information Flyer Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied ~.~~ Neutral Dissatisfied 6. The instructor's punctuality in starting/ending class ',.t~~d"~'' Neutral 7. What were some of the strengths of the cla§s and/or instructor? What recommendations do you 'have for improving the course and/or instructor? 9 What recommendations do you have for improving the dance room and faciltiy? 10 What new programs or classes would you like to see oflbred in the upcoming months? 11. Whm other days or times could we offer classes that would fi! your schedule? Comments Comments Comnlents Comments Comments Dissatisfied 12. Additional comments or testimonial about the course, instructor or Chanhassen Recreation Center in geheral: May w~ use your name and comments in our publicity?'~ Yes No Signatt~re <5'_~%-~ Thank you for taking the time to flu out this evaluation form.- Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulte}' Boulevard. Cha'nhassen: Hinnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651