5 HermanFld&PheasantHills ParksCITYOF
690 G0, Ce, re' Drip.e, PO Box 147
C/,~,h,~sse,, 3 li,,esot,~ 55317
Pho,e 612.937.1900
Ge,e~d ~x 612.937.5739
E, gi,eed~g Fax 612.937. 9152
h~bSc S~('0, ~x 612. 934. 2524
I~'~,b ~,u.mci. ch,,d~asse,.
February 26, 1998
Dear Resident:
The 1997 Park, Open Space, and Trail Referendum calls for park improvements in
your area. The City's Park & Recreation Commission has scheduled
neighborhood meetings to allow residents the opportunity to comment on these
projects. All meetings are being held at City Hall, 690 City Center Drive, in the
City Council Chambers. At the meetings, an overview of each project will be
presented to the audience and commission. The commission will then invite the
public to comment before discussing each project. Upon conclusion of their
discussion, the commission will act to approve or table each project. Meetings
which may be of interest to you include:
8:00-9:30 p.m. Herman Field Park and Pheasant Hill Park: Phase II
Playground Equipment
If you are unable to attend, but would like to submit written comments, please
address them to my attention at the City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive,
Chanhassen, MN 55317.
I look forward to seeing you at these meetings. Call any time with your ideas and
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
City Council
Park and Recreation Cornmission
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
Mark Koegler, Hoisington Koegter Group
Paul Page, Hoisington Koegler Group
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