Petition 11-25-2013ILLY f This petition has collected 43 signatures using the online tools at iPetitions.com Printed on 2013 -11 -25 Page 7 of 6 Neighbors Against The Expansion Of Pioneer Cemetery By The City Of Chanhassen (case #2013 -24) About this petition On November 25th, 2013 the Chanhassen City Council will vote on the proposed expansion (case 2013 -24) of the Pioneer Cemetery in our neighborhood. In a nutshell, they are proposing to remove up to 37 trees along with the natural buffer to make room for an additional 324 grave plots. You can find their entire proposal here: hftp://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.usAndex.aspx?nid=933 The purpose of this petition: I am signing this petition as a member of the community surrounding the Pioneer Cemetery in Chanhassen, MN and OPPOSE the expansion laid out in case #2013 -24. PLEASE FORWARD THIS URL TO YOUR NEIGHBORS! Page 2 of 6 Signatures 1. Name: Brian Johnson on 2013 -11 -18 14:35:02 Comments: 2. Name: Jon Noller on 2013 -11 -18 15:19:55 Comments: 3. Name: Jon Noller on 2013 -11 -18 15:20:33 Comments: 4. Name: Alex Johnson on 2013 -11 -18 21:17:04 Comments: 5. Name: Chris Boik on 2013 -11 -19 00:10:46 Comments: I am a neighbor within 500 feet, and I oppose this unneeded expansion. 6. Name: Diana Noller on 2013 -11 -19 02:20:55 Comments: 7. Name: J.D.Ryan on 2013 -11 -19 03:04:04 Comments: Don not waste more tax dollars 8. Name: Jan Johnson on 2013 -11 -19 22:48:28 Comments: 9. Name: Nan Bielski on 2013 -11 -20 15:11:55 Comments: 10. Name: Leslie Bielski on 2013 -11 -20 15:16:54 Comments: 11. Name: Lynn Bielski on 2013 -11 -20 16:10:13 Comments: 12. Name: Lynn Lee on 2013 -11 -22 22:20:08 Comments: This will harm the attractiveness of both our neighborhood and the cemetery 13. Name: Bonnie Murkowski on 2013 -11 -23 00:04:50 Comments: I am a home owner in the adjacent neighborhood and oppose this project. It wastes taxpayer money and destroys the rural feel of our neighborhood. Page 3 of 6 14. 15. 16. 17 i" Name: Maria N. Elgren on 2013 -11 -23 00:54:50 Comments: Name: Sharon Olson on 2013 -11 -23 13:13:42 Comments: We love the rural feel of our neighborhood. The wooded area in question needs to remain. Spend funds thinking out of the box for a new solution rather than same old. Name: Blair Elgren on 2013 -11 -23 14:17:31 Comments: Name: Stephanie Griep on 2013 -11 -23 16:15:35 Comments: I oppose this expansion as it would diminish the quaintness of the cemetery and the privacy of the surrounding neighborhoods. Name: Michelle Murkowski on 2013 -11 -23 19:18:17 Comments: 19. Name: Greg Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 15:54:12 Comments: The city shouldn't be involved in any attempt at a revenue based business. More grave sites will increase the cost of long -term maintenance. What makes it quaint is the natural setting. By destroying the natural setting you ruining the very reason why so many who were buried there chose it to begin with. 20. Name: erin denton on 2013 -11 -24 15:55:54 Comments: I oppose this proposal! 21. Name: Julie Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 15:58:08 Comments: I view the Pioneer Cemetery as a historical city park. I don't believe it should be expanded. Historic sites are meant to be maintained in their original design. 22. Name: Blake Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 16:00:33 Comments: The cemetery was granted to the city to be maintained, not to be expanded. 23. Name: Jessica Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 16:04:18 Comments: If the city believes it is their responsibilty to provide space for people who wish to be buried, then they should look at other property sized appropriately enough to handle an even larger set so that neighboring residents aren't negatively impacted. 24. Name: Nicholas Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 16:06:03 Comments: Adding 324 sites doesn't really address the problem. If anything is done, it should be to plot a new cemetery that can handle thousands. 25. Name: Jared Sorensen on 2013 -11 -24 16:06:37 Page 4 of 6 Comments: 26. Name: Charles Richard Johnson on 2013 -11 -24 19:55 :17 Comments: 27. Name: janelle johnson on 2013 -11 -24 20:14:47 Comments: 28. Name: Annie Backe on 2013 -11 -24 21:59:23 Comments: 29. Name: Hunter Elgren on 2013 -11 -24 23:37:49 Comments: 30. Name: Jack Elgren on 2013 -11 -24 23:38:45 Comments: 31. Name: Maret Elgren on 2013 -11 -24 23:39:34 Comments: 32. Name: Joe Griep on 2013 -11 -24 23:46:41 Comments: I oppose this proposal as it negatively affects an historic site. It also benefits very few residents while negatively impacting many neighborhoods. 33. Name: Luke Johnson on 2013 -11 -25 00:30:42 Comments: i do not want a graveyard border my home 34. Name: Mai Viet Anh on 2013 -11 -25 00:33:24 Comments: I would'nt want to visit someone at a graveyard in someone's back yard, where they are mowing a lawn. Itjust seems wrong. I dont like it! 35. Name: Mike Mancini on 2013 -11 -25 01:55:59 Comments: 36. Name: Leah Mancini on 2013 -11 -25 02:46:16 Comments: 37. Name: James Denton on 2013 -11 -25 04:59:04 Comments: 38. Name: Stacey Sohn on 2013 -11 -25 13:30:20 Comments: Page 5 of 6 39. Name: Andy Johnson on 2013 -11 -25 14:50:26 Comments: 40. Name: Gwyneth Noller on 2013 -11 -25 15:01:40 Comments: 41. Name: Mark A. Bielski on 2013 -11 -25 16:02:55 Comments: 42. Name: Chuck Sohn on 2013 -11 -25 22:15:01 Comments: We moved in on Lukewood Drive across from the cemetery. Cars park in front of our house due to the lack of parking for cemetery access. I am against the expansion of the cemetery due to the lack of parking, removal of trees and barriers that block my view of the cemetery from my front yard. My fear is that the expansion of this cemetery will turn it from a quaint, historical landmark into an eyesore. Thank you. 43. Name: Katie Hodges on 2013 -11 -25 22:31:05 Comments: I vote AGAINST the cemetery expansion. We like the quaint look of the cemetery as it is now. Page 6 of 6