5b Spring Dance RecitalCITYOF
690 GO, G'me;' Drh,e, PO Box I ~7
Cl~a,hassen, Minnesota 55317
Pho,e 612.937. I ~00
One~d Fax 612. 93Z 5 E~ 9
E,gim'eE,g F)x 612. 93Z 9152
I565: 5,~;'(3, E~x 612.934,2524
Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation
Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor'X~)'¥)
DATE: April 20, 1998
Spring Dance Recital
The 3rd Annual Spring Dance Recital "Bop 'Till You Drop," is scheduled for
Saturday, May 16, from 2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. The recital will again be held at
Waconia High School. This location was well received by the parents following last
year's performance. However, should we be able to secure the Chaska High School
in the future, Chaska would be our first choice.
Over 1,000 people will applaud the dancers, as dancers ages 3 years and up perform
to a sold-out audience.
Attached please find this year's "Bop 'Till You Drop" Dance Recital program.
The City of C/Ja,hasse,. A growing commum'ty wit/, c/ea, /akes, q,,diO, schoo/s, a c/,am~i,g dow,tow,, ti, riving businesses, a,d beautiful parks. A great £/ace to live, ~.o;'k, ,,d p/a.3: