6b Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportCITYOF CHANHAS EN 690 (.70, Ce;net DSz'e, ?0 Box I47 C/~md~assn~, ,lli;~nesota 55317 ~hone 612 93Z 1900 Ge~e~d Fax 612 93Z 5739 3~gi~zeri,g 3~.~' 612. 93Z 9152 h~blic 5~,O, E~.~' 612934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor FROM: Ann Ellwood DATE: April 20, 1998 SUB J: CRC Monthly Report Facili ,ty We are still in the process of hiring Facility Supervisors. Hopefully we will have full staffnext month. One of our new staff members, Susan Marek, has taken a new role as Facility Supervisor. Susan is responsible for processing all facility room reservations. By having 9. ne person in charge of reservations, we are hopeful the room reservation procedure will run more efficiently. Programming The YMCA preschool floor hockey program has been very successful. Both sessions are full! We are currently taking registrations for the YMCA preschool T-Ball, which begins in May. The dance program will be having their recital May 16 at the Waconia High School. Additional Spring programs for youth include Kids In the Kitchen, Baby-sitting Clinic, Pioneer Camp, and Space Camp. We are gearing up for Summer programs. The Summer Community Newsletter comes out May 4, 1998. G:\parkSpattyh-ec.ctrV~pr98 MonthlyReport The Cio/ofChanhassen. A grou,i~g commm~iO, with clea~ lakes, qua//0, schools, a cham~i~g dowmow~, thriving businesses, m~d beaut~d parks. ~ gre,~t ?/a,'e to live, work,