Correspondence SectionAdministrative Section April 20, 1998 Mayor Nancy Mancino City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~ CHAFtBER of ~O/%.IVtERCE Dear Mayor Mancino: The issues pertaining to the extension of Coulter Boulevard were considered by the Board of Directors of the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce at our April 7 meeting. We invited Howard Dahlgren and Todd Hoffman to present their perspectives on the project; and Chanhassen residents Linda Janson and Mike Mullins also attended and voiced their opinions. We understand that the Chanhassen Engineering and Planning staff support completion of the long plmmed extension, while the Park and Recreation staff oppose it. The Board concluded unanimously, with one abstention, that we should advise you and the City Council that we strongly oppose the abortion of the Coulter Boulevard extension, for the following reasons: As you and Council members Senn and Mason heard at our last General Meeting, our members recognize that transportation is one of the n-lost critical issues facing the Chanhassen business and residential cormnunity. Coulter Boulevard has long been planned as an east/west lateral south of Highway 5 and a major part of ;the City's transportation system. It will allow people working in the Arboretum business park to reach dox~mtown businesses without having to use Highway 5, also give residents this option as well. Without it, many residents and employees may elect to drive to the Chaska business areas instead. Equally important to the continued economic development of Chanhassen is the need to maintain commitments made to developers and the business community and avoid costly "surprises" midway in projects. Business and the City must be able to operate in good faith and expect cormnitments to be honored. The Chanhassen Chamber does not usually take formal positions on items before the City Council but felt it was appropriate to do so on this very critical issue. Thank you for considering our views, and we look forward to working with you and the Council in the future on issues directly affecting our membership. Sincerely, Earl Milbrath Chair, Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce CC: Don Ashworth, Chanhassen City Manager 80 West 78th Street · Chanhassen o MN 55317o (612) 934-3903 ° fax (612) 934-3561 Thomas J. Campbell Roger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Elliott B. Knetsch Suesan Lea Pace CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law (612) 452-5000 Fax (612) 452-5550 April 20, 1998 Joel J. Jamnik Andrea McDowell Poehler Matthew K. Brokl* John F. Kelly Matthew J. Foli Marguerite M. McCarron George T. Stephenson *A/so liceraed in \r.'i~coruin Mr. John Raby Minnetonka Education and Services Program Manager - Aquatics 4584 Vine Hill Road Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 Re: Lake Anne Beach Contract Dear Mr. Raby: The purpose of this letter is to request an invoice or a breakdown of each of the costs incurred by the School District (and passed on to the Cities) for the Lifeguard Service and Swimming Lesson Program operated by the School District for the 7 beaches located in Excelsior, Tonka Bay, Shorewood, Deephaven and Chanhassen ("the Total Program"). From this information, I will have a better understanding of what costs the City is responsible for in connection with the program in order to properly allocate responsibilities for expenses under the proposed Beach Contract. Moreover, the City should be aware of all the expenses that it is incurring in connection with the Lake Anne Beach lifeguard and swimming program. It is my understanding that the City is responsible for 31.7% of the Total Program costs. Is this percentage subject to change each year or is it a fixed percentage? Can you please provide me with a basis for this percentage? If I understood your explanation correctly, this would mean that I would need a breakdown of the total work hours for the Total Program and the total work hours attributable' to the operation of the program at Lake Anne Beach. If there is some other factor that the School District uses to arrive at the 31.7%, I would also appreciate that information as well. I will need to address the issue of Chanhassen's percentage of responsibility for Total Program costs in the proposed contract. FtECEiVEO /APR g 1 1998 ~31TY OF .,HANHASSEN Suite 317 * Eagandale Office Center · 1380 Corporate Center Curve * Eagan, MN 55121 Mr. John Raby April 20, 1998 Page 2 Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding the information that I have requested, please contact me. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association AMP:cjh cc: Jerry Ruegemer CCHA Newsletter Mark Your Calendar Tuesday, May 19 _,ection of Board Members Elections of your 1998/1999 CCHA Board will be held at the May 19", Ice Arena Wall Raising Event. Note: The election date has been changes from May 4"~ to coincide with the "Wall Raising Event". Listed below you will find the open positions. If you would like to volunteer for one of those position, please contact a CCHA Board Member for nomination. It is suggested that each nominees write a one page letter to the association regarding the position. The letter will then be published in a special edition CCHA Newsletter. All letters are due May 4th for inclusion in this newsletter. These letters maybe sent to the CCHA RO. Box, given to a Board Member, or E-mailed to bmcgovem@emersonemc.com. Two Year Positions: - Secretary - VP Business - Equipment Manager - Ice Coordinator -Toumament Director - Squirt Commissioner - Pee Wee Commissioner - Bantam Commissioner One Year Positions: - Mini Mite Coordinator (1 year) - Mite Coordinator (1 Year) March Board Meeting Note For those of you who attended the March Board Meeting, and were not clear on why the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM, the CCHA Board would like to give the following explanation. We as a Board have worked to schedule a strategic planning session for sometime without success. With some of our members terms coming to a close, we chose to start the planning process with the Board Members in attendance. The regular Board Meeting started 30 minutes early covering general business items. From 7:00 to 7:30 PM, Nominations for board positions were then accepted and a few additional issues were discussed. The Board Meeting was scheduled to end promptly at 7:30. From 8:00 to 11:00 PM our strategic planning session was held. The meeting went well. Two additional planning meetings were also held in the month of April. Our agenda included a review of the past season, future needs, better definition of our business process, opportunities for our players and association, review of our current Board structure, position responsibilities, and priodtization. Your CCHA Board is committed to continuos improvement and we apologize for any confusion or mis-communications on why the March Board meeting was shortened. "Third Period" Ice Arena II and the Fund-Raising Campaign by: Randy Mueller it has been awhile since I last wrote an adicle to the CCHA regarding the second sheet of ice project. I am titling this article 'third period" because we are rapidly approaching the final stages of both the building construction of the second sheet of ice and the fund-raising campaign. All of us who either participate or watch the game of hockey know that the game is usually won or lost in the "third period". By all indications, I am pleased to report that we appear to be well positioned for the "third period" of the building construction and the fund-raising campaign. However, it will require additional support from the CCHA and the community. Currently, we have received pledges from CCHA members, service clubs, cities, and businesses that amount to approximately $210,000. Our goal has been to raise $305,000 ($250,000 for the construction project and $55,000 for our fund- raising consultant). The good news is that our CCHA members have exceeded our expectations regarding their level of giving. The not-so-good news is that we have not met expectations from the business entities in the community. We have just incurred a "holding penalty" because we have been at $210,000 in our campaign for some time. However, we feel we will catch our second wind in the third period with some major transactions occurring from the City of Chanhassen, service clubs, and lastly (and probably most importantly), "gifts in kind" through volunteer labor, construction materials, etc. "Gifts in kind" will give us a one-skater advantage in the third period and will come from volunteer labor from the CCHA members at large. I am very pleased to inform the CCHA that Paul Berens has graciously agreed to give of his time to coordinate this activity and lead our "Power Play" line. Examples of "gifts in kind" volunteer labor include: · Dismantling of the old boards and reassembling into the new arena · Assembling new boards in the old arena · Construction of penalty boxes · Construction of player benches · Painting · Landscaping · Other items to numerous to list Paul is looking for volunteers to work with him on this power play line. Potentially, this activity alone will generate several thousands of dollars in "gifts in kind" to the fund-raising campaign. Paul can be reached at 448-7948 or at pberens@stratasys.com. Please let Paul know if you can help. For those of you who are willing to contribute, you have just been promoted to Paul's power play line! As always, we are still inviting all CCHA members who have not turned in their pledge cards to get those cards forwarded to the fund-raising campaign. If you did not receive a pledge card or lost your pledge card, please contact me directly. In addition, if you are aware of businesses in the community who may be willing to contribute to our campaign, let me know. Better yet, ask your employer if they would be willing to contribute to the campaign. Most businesses also match employee contributions to non-profit organizations (have you checked?). I would like to thank all of the CCHA members, coaches, and community leaders for their many contributions to the ice arena project and fund-raising campaign through periods one and two. A special thanks to Tom Redman and the City of Chaska for the many hours of effort contributed to this project. I am hopeful we will be able to win the game with a strong third period finish. Go Hawks! Tarqet Group CCHNFigure Skating Parents) Ice Arena Updates ice Arena Fund-Raising Campaign Score Sheet (pledges to date 4/1/98) Campalqn Goal * Pledqes to Date Delta % of Goal Status $ 70,000 $ 85,670 $ 15,670 122% Thanks to the CCHA Club Parents! Community Service $ 60,000 $ 43,000 Organizations $ (17,000) 72% Service Club campaign underway Corporate/Business $ 120,000 $ 47,675 $ (72,325) 40% Follow-up calls and personal visits required Other** $ 55,000 $ 34,000 $ (21,000) 62% $30,000 from Victoria. Totals $ 305,000 $ 210,345 $ (94,655) 69% Keep up the good workl * Feasibility Study Goal: $250,000. Consulting firm fees = $50,000 (plus expenses estimated at approximately $5K). Total: $305,000 Goal. ** Other includes High School Parents, Fdends of the Hockey Association, Cities, Gifts in Kind (score board, ice resurfacer, lights, etc.) etc.) II I I RAT PROGRAM Summer of 998 Sponsor: The City of Chaska in cooperation with the Coaches of the CCHA are sponsoring the Summer Rink Rat Program at the CCC. Features of this Program: >) Refs. to keep the game under control. >) No Checking, Skating Skills are being promoted )) Focus is on having fun!!!! )) Keeps those skating legs in shape. )) Improve your skating skills Registration: The registration form for the Rink Rat Program can be found below. If you need and addition forms they can be found at the Main Desk at the CCC. Please register your player early. ,,,T-here are a limited number of spaces available . each level. Spaces at each level will be filled on a first come basis. If there are enough players to justify a second time slot, an additional time slot maybe added. You may register at the first session if there are spaces available. Where: Chaska Community Center Ice Arena When: Sunday evening, July 12th through August 30th 1998 Times: One hour per week, Sunday evening. Levels: Mites: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Squirts: 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. Pee Wees: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Bantams: 8:15 - 9:15 p.m. Players must register at the level they Registration forms Can be' mailed or tubbed in attheCCC maifidesk::': :::: C~a Co~.~ Ce~,~ 1661 ParkrMg~ Drive Chaska, Mn. 55318 Players name: Phone: Rink Rat Registration Form Players Level for 1998/1999 season: __ Mite Squid __ PeeWee __ Bantam In case of emergency please: Contact: Relationship: Phone: Contact: Relationship: Phone: Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: The registered individual has my permission to participate in this activity. I will not hold the City of Chaska liable nor any of its' employees, volunteers, leaders, or co-sponsors of this activity responsible in case of accidents or injury. Enclosed is my check for $45 made payable to the City of Chaska. I I I I I I I I I I I STP for PeeWees Satellite Training Project The City of Chaska, MAHA, St. Francis Physical Therapy and the CCHA are bringing STP to the PEE WEE's of the CCHA. This cross athletic conditioning course will be offered to those skaters eligible for PEE WEE level play in the '98 '99 season. St. Francis Physical Therapy, under the guidance of Paul Berg will coordinate and tailor a strengthening and conditioning program to each enrolled athlete. This program will consist of several phases of exercises to improve overall strength, fitness, and explosive power of our PEE WEE skaters. Athletes will progress to plyometric exercises following foundational strength training. Purpose - To provide a vehicle where our PEE WEE skaters can develop an off-ice training regimen designed for increased skills and agility. The program has been designed to provide an effective curriculum for the CCHA PEE WEE skaters to fudher develop skills by participating in a self disciplined training schedule which allows the athlete to participate in other sports during the training period.during the training period.collect the enrollment fee. Training Elements - Off ice training will consist of body resistance strength training. Each skater will participate in, and take some responsibility for the management of his/her training regimen. Each will develop goals and exercise activities with the assistance of physical therapists, and document in a daily diary. STP Goals - To accelerate year round progress for the aspiring players in the areas of individual skill development, hockey specific athleticism, team tactical skill, competitive skills, and life style management skills. · To provide off ice training supported by education, motivation, testing measurement, and evaluation. To provide a calendar of training phases that offer variety and progression, leading to systematic skill development, awareness appreciation for proper training techniques, and enhancement of the participant's athletic skills. To provide flexible scheduling which allows and/or encourages the athlete to participate in other sports during the training period. To allow the athlete to participate in and take some responsibility for the management of this training regimen by providing him with weekly assignments to be completed without supervision and recorded in his/her training diary. To enhance the overall quality of CCHA hockey by providing more players with more development opportunities. STP Off Ice Training Schedule - Body weight resistance training will be available 3 days per week after school at the Chaska Community Center starting May 04, 1998. The program will continue through June 26, 1998. The City of Chaska will then sponsor an all program party Cost and Enrollment The cost is enrollment dependant. The anticipated cost will be between $50 to $60 depending on the number that enroll. Please complete the registration and mail to Jim Liddell or drop off at the front desk of the community center. We will have a parent and athlete meeting with Paul Berg of St. Francis on April 29~ @ 7:00 PM in the community room at the community center to explain the project and collect the enrollment fee. I I ! I ! I ! ! I I i m m m w Players name: Address: School Attending: Jim Liddell - 2550 Bridle Creek Trail - Chanhassen, MN 55317-9372 Phone: 474-8746 - Fax: 474-8861 PeeWee STP Registration Form Phone: In case of emergency please: Contact: Relationship: Phone: Contact: Relationship: Phone: City: Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: The registered individual has my permission to participate in this activity, I will not hold the City of Chaska liable nor any of its' employees, volunteers, leaders, or co-sponsors of this activity responsible in case of accidents or injury. Enrolment fee will be collected at the start of the program. mm mm mm m 1997/1998 CCHA Board Members: Position Name Position Name President: Jim Leone VP of Business: Earl Schaub VP of Competition: Steve Olinger Treasurer: Jim Roeder "'~ecretary: Bryan McGovern District 6 Representative: Rod Kern quipment Manager: Lynn Clements Ice Coordinator: Tom Redman Concession Stand Coordinator: Susie Blake Tournament Director: Paul Berens 97/98 Bantam Commissioner: 97/98 Pee Wee Commissioner: 97/98 Squirt Commissioner: 97~98 Mite Commissioner: 97/98 Mini Mite Commissioner: Layton Zellman Jim Liddell Tom Stumpf Mark Giordano Beverly Erickson & Cindy Berens Other Numbers: CCHA Merchandise: Chaska Community Center: Gold Medal Sports 934-3300 448-5633 (Main Desk) Girls Coordinator Dir. of Communications Claire Schnurr Randy Mueller City of Chanhassen Todd Hoffrnan 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Ci:;' C{,x~'r Dri~'e. PO Box 147 ('~Z,a,haxsc,, 3li,,mota 33317 Pho,e 612.93.q I900 Ge,o~d ~x' 612 93Z5739 ~,gi,eeri,~ ~' 612.93Y. 9152 h~blic 5,~'7 ~m 612.934.252~ ~'~b ~'t~'~ d. c/,,mhasse,, mn. ~s MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Beth Hoiseth, Crime Prevention Specialist~ April 22, 1998 Herman Field Park - Chanhassen Park Watch Program Extra Patrol Request Due to the continuos complaints of vandalism, underage drinking and drug activity at Herman Field Park, on 4/21/98, area residents met with the Chanhassen Public Safety and the Park & Recreation Departments to begin a Park Watch Program. Since residents were instructed on reporting procedures and encouraged to immediately report suspicious activity in progress, calls for service for Herman Park may increase. I would like to request that the 2800 squads, Carver County Communications and Public Safety staff familiarize themselves with the location of Herman Field Park. The park is located near the northeast end of Lake Minnewashta, enter off of Orchard lane to Forest Avenue (see map). Residents have also requested extra patrol. Problem times appear to be between 1500 and 1600 hours (after school) and after 2100 hours. Thank you for your assistance! C: Sheila Owen, Carver County Communications Division , , '., , ! ]t-~~ 'r-~ · ' ~ . , , . , 2-.; ' -. -~-: - . '~'~'; : ' --~ ! '. · ' ', · ~ .---- -'~ m--m~' ~' ~' ' ' i ~,~ ~ ~---.~... ~ ~......~ .- ,, ~,~,~. ~ , ~..... ~ ~ . ~.~..~" ,,, ,, ...... .~. ~ ~ ... ~, . ,... ~... ~ , ..~., . ..,, ......:,. .... e%.~%]~m .... ._. ., ....~.~.~ . . _ . , ....~.~ ..... ..... = . ., ...... :~.,.~.~ ..~__~ .... ,~, .~ . .... ~ , ~, . . ~c~.' ~" .....~...~, ,.~.~-'.... .~ ,.~... ~;. ... · ...."~ ~ , ... ..... ~< , .~.~ ~". ~ ~'~ .~...~ ~ ..... ...... - ~-,.,~',~- . ?:., .;.., i_. ,,i ;,,,,~t~ .~-.- , , ', - ~ ~.,,.: .:~; .... ~._.. L . .' 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CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 C:'U Center DEve, PO Box 147 Ch, ml,assen, Mi,,esota 55317 Phone 612937.1900 General Fax 612.93Z5739 3~fineering ~x 612. ff39152 h~bSc S,¢~U E~x 612.934.2524 W~'b u'wat ti. chanh~sse,, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Beth Hoiseth, Crime Prevention Specialist(-~ April 2. 1998 SUB J: Park Watch I have spoken ~vith representatives from both Herman Field Park and Kerber Pond Park neighborhoods. Both representatives are enthusiastic about the program and will work on canvassing the neighborhood to recruit participants. Attached is a draft of the flyer/letter for Herman Field Park residents. We are in the process of scheduling the meetings, ~vhich will probably take place on a Tuesday or Thursday evening. I will let you know as soon as the dates are set. This is a worthwhile program that can really make an impact. I look forward to ~vorking with the neighborhoods and developing a positive line of communication that will benefit everyone. c: Don Ashworth, City Manager Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Public Safety Commission Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager The CiU ofl Chanhassen. A .orowinz community with c::~;n /,~kes, qu,di(;' >:boole, .,, ,'/,,~v,.,:'~z~g .:bu,~wu'n. rhrivi,g busi~,,esse:. .md be, zur(fid ?,~r&. A great?/,we :o/iz','..; ;:; .' City of Chanhassen Neighborhood PARK WATCH Meeting (date here) Dear Chanhassen Resident: Herman Field Park has increasingly become the target of vandalism and park violations. Some residents have stopped using the park because of their concern with the under age drinking and other unwelcome activity. Several residents are wondering what can be done to deter this activity. The Chanhassen Public Safety and Park & Recreation Departments would like to ask for your assistance by becoming involved in a neighborhood PARK WATCH. PARK WATCH is an extension of the Neighborhood Watch program, using the same concept that when citizens join forces with law enforcement, they can make an impact on crime. What is involved in starting PARK WATCH: For the program to be effective, at least 50% of the residents surrounding the park should attend the scheduled meeting. Public Safety Department and City representatives will be present to address your concerns. The meeting will include discussion on: Neighborhood awareness of crime and suspicious activity in the park. Reporting procedures- using 9-1-1. · Personal safety. · Laws enforced in the park, curfews and crime deterrents. · Specific concerns and questions residents have about park problems. As fast as our community is growing, the crime rate remains low in Chanhassen; however, we are experiencing an increase in park vandalism. Help your neighborhood park and community by attending the below scheduled meeting: Date: Time: Location: Contacts: Neighborhood Representative Dean Paxton 2611 Orchard Lane 470-5894 City Representative Beth Hoiseth, Crime Prevention Chanhassen Public Safety Dept. 937-1900, ext. 155 CITYOF ~90 CiO, Center D;ive, PO Box 147 G;,~t,assen, Min~mota 553/7 ?ho~e 612.937.1900 Ge~zeral £ax 612.937. 5739 £~gi~eeri~g Far 612.937.9152 ?ublic $'~0' Fax 612.934.2524 April 2, 1998 Harlan and Alice Blankenship 8805 Sunset Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Harlan and Alice: Thank you for hosting me at your home on Thursday, March 26, 1998 to discuss issues regarding the public's use of Power Hill Park. I enjoyed our visit and would like to thank you for your understanding manner. As agreed, I xvill coordinate the folloxving activities in an effort to mitigate the problems associated with park visitors infringing on your private property. 1. A portable toilet will be placed near the playground each summer. o A 6 fl. color coated (green or black) chain link fence will be installed along your north property line. The existing "private property" signs at this location will be reinstalled along your east property line. The new signs, combined with the existing signs, will be spaced at equal intervals. 3. Signs informing the public that golfing and dumping are not allowed within the park will be posted at the appropriate locations. I trust that these actions are consistent with our discussions. Please contact me if your experience any further problems. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH/ c.'46ark & Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager g:\park\th\blankenship.doc ) ECEiVED lAR g 5 1998 CiTY OF Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 March 24, 1998 Re: Power Hill Park: Neighborhood Picnic Shelter Dear Mr. Hoffman: This letter is in response to the notice we received on February 26, 1998 concerning the addition of a Picnic Shelter in the park adjoining our property at 8805 Sunset Trail. In the past I have called you several times to address these two particular issues. There has not been any fencing put up to delineate our property from the park property, so we are constantly being overrun by other people's children and pets. The few signs that were put up by the city has not addressed the problem. People are still trespassing. People are using our trees and shrubs as restrooms. Last summer we called several times for a portable bathroom to be put into the park. That was not done. As we approach the warm weather season again - will we have a portable bathroom for the park users'? Since last fall a new problem has now come up with the park property. Junior high aged children are now using the park property to the east side of our house as a driving range. So far we have picked up 32 golf balls. Some have landed right beneath our windows. We now have to be careful when walking in our yard and working in our garden. Will the city be responsible for bodily harm and property darnage caused by the flying golf balls? We feel that the addition of a park shelter will only encourage more littering and damage to our property and become a bigger nuisance than it already is. We have lived in our home for 23 years and have never felt so intruded upon. People wander about our yard as if it is park property..Our requests for help from the city have really gone unheard. At this time, we cannot support this proposed project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 448-4318. We would be more than happy to discuss this matter with you or other members of the Park and Recreation Conmfission. There are some measures that could be taken to alleviate several of the problems. Harlan and Alice Blankenship C: City Council ,,-t~ark and Recreation Commission Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Mark Koegler, Itoisington Koegler Group Paul Page, Hoisington Koegler Group CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO' Ce~ter D~qve, PO Box 147 C3,M,asse~, Mi~mesota 55317 Phoebe 612.937.1900 Ge~zral Fax 612.937. 5739 £~gi~ee~q~g £ax 612.93Z 9152 h~blic 5,~fi'~, F3~x 612.934.2524 Web ~t,~,~c. ri.c/;,~l,,~sse~.~.t~s April 2, 1998 Mr. Earl Milbrath, President Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 241 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Earl: In reviewing the April 7, 1998 Chamber of Commerce agenda, 1 noted a discussion item concerning the possible extension of Coulter Boulevard through the "O'Shaughnessy" ~vetland. Please disclose as a part of your discussion that the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission unanimously opposes the construction o£this section of roadway. Thank you. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k C: Don Ashworth, City Manager Mike Mullins Park & Recreation Commission g:\park\th\milbrath.doc From: Ead Milbrath To: Jerry Ruegemer Date: 4/1/98 Time: 6:23:14 PM Page 2 of 2 Chanhassen Chamber Retreat April 7, 1998 7:00 - 9:30 Chamber Office's Conference Room Note beginning time changed to 7:00 for this meeting due to very full agenda. Rolls fm'nished by Alan AGENDA 7:00- 7:05 Introduction - Earl 7:05- 7:30 Issue - Possible City abandonment of long held plans to extend Coulter Blvd to Hwy 41 to preserve green space/ undisturbed parkland. Howard Dahlgren, representing the developer of the Arboretum Business Park at Hwy 5 and Hwy 41 will discuss the issue with us. Cit,-,' Planning & Engineering Dept favors road. Should the Chamber take/express a position in tin'or of the road? 7:30 - 8:30 Reports - City Update - Jerry Treasurer's Report & Final 1998 Budget- Allan Ambassadors - Shirley Business, Industry & Education - .Jeanne Goverumental Affairs - Dick Chadwick Retail - Vernelle & Linda Membership - Dick Stanley Program - James 8:30 -9:30 Reaching Home Based Businesses: Discussion with Joalme Frank, editor of Home Based Business Network April 30 meeting roi' Itome Based business people.