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4 AwardPlaygrndProjRndhse/Galpn
File CITYOF CHANHASSEN 612. ~3q 1900 F,~x 6 I2, OJ L 5239 ~'~'i:,',',, 1'3~.'~ ~ I2. 9.~ q 9152 5,:I,;~ I{,'" 6i2 q~/72, MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffrnan, Park and Recreation Director June 18, 1998 SUB J: Award Playground Projects; Roundhouse and Galpin Boulevard Parks I have met with both the Roundhouse and Galpin Boulevard Park neighborhoods. Both groups selected Miracle Recreation of Minnesota as the company with the best proposal. The Roundhouse playground design is attached. The neighbors along Galpin Boulevard are still working with Ms. Brenda Wenner, consultant and designer, on their plan. If approved, these will be the first Miracle Recreation systems purchased and installed by the City. Previous to this most recent bidding process, Miracle Recreation was not on our bid list. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the selection of Miracle Recreation of Minnesota as the approved supplier for the Roundhouse and Galpin Boulevard park playgrounds in the amounts of $25,000 and $20,000, respectively. Both of these projects were included in the 1997 referendum. Attachments: · Invitation to Bid · Resident Letters, dated February 20 and March 31, 1998 · Roundhouse Playground Design g:\parkkre feren\item4p&rcagenda ,doc INVITATION TO BID March 31, 1998 To: Dave Owen, Earl F. Andersen, Inc. Bruce Pudwcll, Midwest Playscapes Todd Lehman, Minnesota Playground, Inc. Brenda Wcmaer, Miracle Recreation of ~, Inc. From: Paul Paige, RLA Park Planner Re: Galpin Boulevard Park play structure in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The City of Chanhassen is requesting proposals for a new play structure in Galpin Boulevard Park. The play structure will have two phases. The City will be purchasing the first phase valued at roughly $20,000 this spring. The second phase budgeted at $15,000 will be purchased at an unknown time in the future. Bidders are asked to design both phases in their submittal although only the first phase will be purchased at this time. The selected vendor for the phase one play structure will be the dcfacto selection tbr phase two. Proposals are due April 28, 1998 at 10:00 am. There will not be a public opening. Staff and neighborhood representatives will review and select proposals on May 12th. Detailed information about the project is enclosed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. I look forward seeing your designs. cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director M: ICItANIIASIPLA )'STUCIGALP1N~INI, TTE. MEM INVITATION TO BID March 31, 1998 To: Dave Owen, Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 111 .IUIIII3UII~ l'l{;lll¢l~d][l O~:51[U~, llJk-. Bruce Pudwell, Midwest Playscapes Todd Lehman, Minnesota Playground, Inc. Brenda Wenner, Miracle Recreation of MN, Inc. From: Paul Paige, RLA Park Planner Re: Roundhouse Park play structure in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The City of Chanhassen is requesting proposals for a new play structure in Roundhouse Park. The play structure will have two phases. Thc City will be purchasing thc first phase valued at roughly $25,000 this spring. The second phase budgeted at $20,000 will be purchased at an unknown time in the future. Bidders are asked to design both phases in their submittal although only thc first phase will be purchased at this time. Thc selected vendor for the phase one play structure will be the defacto selection for phase two. Proposals arc duc April 28, 1998 at 10:00 am. There will not be a public opening. Staff and neighborhood representatives will review and select proposals on May 12th. Detailed inibrmation about the project is enclosed. If you have any questions, please feel free ~o call me. I look forward seeing your designs. cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhasscn Park & Recreation Director M: ICtI,,t NtiASIPLA }TI'UCIRNDttOUSEIINV1TE. MEM PROPOSAL Roundhouse Park Play Structure City of Chamhassen, Mirmesota Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Date: April 28, 1998 The undersigned, as bidder, proposes and agrees to furnish all llli:lt~lltll~ ti. tiLl equ ~ut ~uununuu~ rmr. Dla.yglOUllU iiieiit iiecessai~y .e._. tho T-, ..... ~ ......... n.___~_Fla)'glOUllkln~ ............ a llll[Jl OVClllClltb~r in the City of Cbanhasscn, Minnesota, in accordance with the Plans and Specifications prepared for the work by Hoisington Koeglcr Group Inc. for the following amounts: Play Equipment and related items: Bid Amount: thventy five thousand dollars. (S25~000) It is understood and agreed that this proposal may not be withdrawn within 30 days after bid closing date and that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. Receipt of the following addenda to the specifications is acknowledged. Addendum No. Addendum No. FIILM NAME: BY: (An Authorized Signature) TITLE: OFFICIAL ADDRESS: Dated ,19 Dated ,19 DATE: ,1998 ~ ICtL4NIL,tSIPLA ITTUCIRNDtIOUSE~PROP SPC. DOC © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Round House Park Play Structure Page P - I INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS 1.0 All proposals shall be addressed to City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Proposals must be received by April 28, 1998 at 10:00 am. Proposals shall be clearly marked "Round House Park Play Structure." 2.0 Each bidder shall state on the proposal form their name, place of business, and exact post office address. Anyone signing a proposal as an agent for another must file acceptable evidence with the proposal form of authority to do so. 3.0 If any bidders have questions about information contained in the bid documents, contact Paul Paige with Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Any questions or comments that result in alterations to the project will be incorporated into addenda provided to the bidders list sufficiently prior to the bid opening. 4.0 The bidder shall base the proposal on materials and equipment complying with the Plans and Specifications, and will be responsible for furnishing materials and equipment which does so conform. 5.0 State Sales Tax. Materials and equipment incorporated into this project are not exempt from the payment of sales tax under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and such sales tax shall be included in the bid amount. 6.0 Delivery. Play equipment shall be delivered to the City's Lake Ann Park maintenance facility for storage until the equipment is installed. The Contractor shall provide notice to the City at least 24 hours in advance of delivery. 7.0 Bid Submittal. The Contractor shall submit the following items with the Bid. A. Name, address and phone number of play equipment vendor. B. Primary contact person, address and business phone number. Deviation from Specifications: The Bidder shall indicate all deviations from specifications. D. Base and Optional Equipment: List all equipment in phase one. E. Delivery time frame for order. Scale Drawings - The Bidder shall provide a scaled drawing of the play area identifying components of the play area from the list of play equipment The drawing shall include: © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Round House Park Play Structure IB - I 8.0 9.0 10.0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Scale- 1/4"= 1'-0" Play component name and model number Deck location and heights Dimensions Details for critical connections Manufacturer's name Sales Representative's name, address and phone number Go Catalog Cuts - The bidder shall provide catalog cuts or photographs of all play components and features (regardless of compliance with equipment and materials specifications). H. Complete Warranty Information. Letter of guarantee signed by the bidder ensuring that all play structure components are IPEMA Certified. Contractor is requested to submit, along with their bid, the design of a phase two play structure. The Contractor is to assume that the phase two budget outlined in the Project Description is to include equipment and related costs and that the Owner will install the equipment. The vendor selected for the phase one play structure will also be the defacto selection (upon price negotiation and design review) for phase two. The purchase time of phase two is undetermined. Phase two will target toddlers. Bid Items. Phase one bid items include play equipment and materials, resilient surfacing, sales tax, delivery, construction supervisor for two full days as needed and incidental costs. Bidder Selection. To determine award of the contract, bid submittals will be evaluated based on play value, material quality and design quality. Recommendation for selection will be made by a neighborhood committee along with Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director and Paul Paige, Chanhassen Consulting Park Planner. Recommendations will be made to the Park & Recreation Commission. Interviews will not be conducted. M:\CHANHAS'xPLA YSTUC~NDHO USESINFOBID.DOC © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Round House Park Play Structure IB - 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. GENERAL The project to be proposed on consists of furnishing new modular play equipment, resilient rubberized surfacing necessary for handicap accessibility and a construction supervisor for two days. All improvements are for a play area within Round House Park in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. The type and layout of play equipment is to be defined in a plan provided by the Bidder. The intended perimeter and location of the play area is defined in the enclosed plan. Concrete playground edger will be provided by the Owner. The play structure will have two phases. Phase one ($25,000) is currently being proposed on and is to target the 5-12 age group. The second phase will be purchased by the City at an undetermined time in the future. The budget for phase two is $20,000 assuming the City installs the equipment. The proposer is requested to submit, with their bid, a layout design of both phases. Phase two is to target toddlers and be minimally handicapped accessible. Neighborhood volunteers will install the play equipment according to plans prepared by the successful bidder and with guidance from a construction supervisor provided for up to two full days. The new structure will be minimally handicapped accessible according to the criteria of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1992 with creative play opportunities for children ages 5 to 12 and all levels of physical ability. All play components and layouts shall be 1PEMA Certified validating conformance to ASTM F1487-95. The Owner and Contractor will coordinate timing aspects of installation. Resilient surfacing shall be included in the design and bid to provide a handicapped accessible path between the transfer platform, selected play components and the path leading to the play area. Surfacing shall be in tile form as opposed to poured-in-place to allow installation by the Owner. Recent playgrounds installed in Chanhassen have consumed significantly more land than originally intended. This has, in some cases, led to sprawling and unsightly expanses of playground surfacing not to mention added costs for the border. We realize that fall zone requirements are high but we strongly encourage bidders to increase play value in a smaller amount of space and, as much as · '~ossible, design both phase one and two within the size and shape of land designated on the plan. 2. PROPOSAL FORM The proposal form requests the amount of equipment and materials that can be provided for a lump sum price of $25,000. This amount should include all costs which would be incurred to accomplish the project according to the Plans and Specifications including equipment and materials, resilient surfacing, construction supervisor, sales tax, delivery and any other incidental items): 3. PLANS Location maps and general layout parameters are enclosed. M:\CHANHASXPLA YSTUC",RNDHO USEXPDES_SPC. DOC © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Round House Park Play Structure SC - 1 SECTION 02460 - PLAY EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL Summary This Section includes furnishing play equipment and related items and design/layout of the play area. The play structure will have two phases. The first phase is the one currently being proposed on. The second phase will be purchased by the City of Chanhassen at an undetermined time in the future. The proposer is requested to submit, with their bid, a layout design of both phases. The Owner shall install the play equipment according to plans prepared by the Bidder and with guidance from a construction supervisor provided by the Bidder for up to two full days. The new structure will be at least minimally handicapped accessible according to the criteria of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1992 with creative play opportunities for children ages 5 to 12 and all levels of physical ability. All play components and layouts shall be 1PEMA Certified validating conformance to ASTM F1487-95 guidelines. The design shall incorporate play components selected from the list of materials and equipment included herein, including, as a minimum, those items indicated as "base" components, and other components defined as "optional." The play area shall be designed to provide age appropriate activities and all equipment shall be arranged so as to allow continuous movement through the play area. The design shall include accessible components with various degrees of challenge which provide similar experiences for children with disabilities as provided for those without a disability (such as swinging, spinning, rolling, sliding and manipulating). The play structure shall be accessed by at least one accessible transfer platform. As a part of the accessibility requirements, provide manipulative play activities such as steering wheels, game boards and interactive panels. Play structure colors will be chosen by the Owner from the manufacturer's set of standard colors. The phase two play equipment is to provide play opportunities for children ages 2-5(toddlers). This phase of play equipment should be isolated from the first phase play structure in accordance with Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines. Submittals The bidder shall be responsible for providing additional information with the Bid. See Information For Bidders for submittal requirements. All bidders must indicate deviations from the specifications on the submittal worksheets attached © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-1 ~ to the Bid Proposal. Deviations are considered but not limited to changes in materials, finish, function, engineering, configuration and aesthetics. The information provided shall be at an equivalent level of detail as the Equipment and Materials Specification provided, and shall describe the nature of the deviation and any significant differences between the item proposed and the item herein specified. If no deviation is indicated, it shall be assumed that the specific component complies with the Equipment and Materials Specification. Misrepresentation or omission of deviation information may be grounds for rejection of a bid. Base and Optional Equipment In addition to the requirements for play equipment indicated in the "Summm-y" above, the Contractor shall provide the following "base" equipment as part of phase one: 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3 bay swingset: should include 2 tot swings. Slides: A minimum of 2 slides including 1 tall spiral slide. Horizontal ladder: Straight or curved. Fire pole: Standard Climbers: A minimum of 2 climbers of any type. Crawl tubes: As the design allows. Flat decks and bridges, as necessary. Variety of pull-up and pull-over bars. Variety of stairs and ladders (minimum of 2) for additional access to decks. Variety of interactive panels and game panels The contractor can provide other "optional" play equipment to enhance the play experience Such optional equipment may include: 1. Various climbers. 2. Trapeze rings. 3. Log roll 4. Cargo net ladder. 5. Vertical chain ladder. 6. Balance beam. 7. Arch bridge. 8. Track ride. 9. Spring toys. It should be noted that roofs are not desired as part of this play area. © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equip~nent Page 02460-2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS The following product lines are pre-approved for this project by the City of Chanhassen: Kid Builders by Little Tikes, Playbooster by Landscape Structures, Playmakers by Playworld Systems, Powerscape by Gametime, Kids Choice by Miracle. Alternative lines of equipment must be pre- approved (prior to bidding). Even though these product lines are pre-approved, each play component must also be IPEMA Certified. Equipment and materials shall meet or exceed the specifications below. The information provided herein is principally derived from GameTime's Powerscape series equipment. This specification reference is a basis of evaluation for all play equipment manufacturers providing equal or better products. The specification in no manner infers priority of choice. Play Systems - General A. SAFETY: All play equipment shall meet the latest safety guidelines for design and manufacture of such facilities as published by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. B. MATERIAL: All materials shall be structurally sound and suitable for safe play. Durability shall be insured on all steel parts by the use of time tested coatings such as zinc plating, powder- coating, cadmium plate, etc. Colors shall be "earth tones" (factory or shop applied), and shall be approved by the Owner prior to installation. C. POWERSCAPE m ALUMINUM PLATFORM UPRIGHTS: Shall be 5" outside diameter tubing, 1/8" wall thickness, extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy conforming to ASTM-B-221 and QQ-A- 200/8. Tubing shall undergo a 5-step paint pretreatment to include a 60-80 mg per square foot phosphate bonding film. Outer tubing surface shall be smooth and free from surface imperfections. All upright posts shall have a finished grade line marking to indicate the playground safety surface. All posts shall be coated with a formula of TGIC polyester powder before the attachment of the Megaloc connectors. D. UPRIGHT CAPS: The standard cap shall be injection-molded high density polyethylene, UV-stabilized with the upright-matching color molded in. All caps are to be permanently installed using aluminum self-sealing rivets. E. CLAMPS: Primary structural fasteners shall be the Megaloc Bolt-Through system. Components shall be die cast aluminum alloy with minimum tensile strength of 45,000 psi and minimum yield strength of 22,000 psi. A synthetic rubber gasket shall be placed between the clamp and the upright post to seal out moisture. Also, cold galvanizing shall be applied to the edges of each drilled hole, for added protection against corrosion. All connectors shall be coated with polyester powder coating before being attached to the upright posts. F. EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS: All expanded metal products shall be fabricated from © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-3 ~A" by 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal. The products shall be an all welded assembly with an oven cured polyvinyl chloride plastisol coating with a minimum coating thickness of 1/8". The plastisol coating shall have a hardness of Shore A with a durometer of 88. The coating shall also contain ultraviolet inhibitors to help prolong the life of the coating. G. POWDER COAT FINISH: Shall be an electrostatically applied custom formula of TGIC polyester powder. All components will be free of sharp edges and excess weld spatter and shall be cleaned in a six stage bath system with an iron phosphate wash, as a rust inhibitor, and a sealer to prevent flash rusting before coating. The typical characteristics shall include 2.5 - 4.0 mil thickness and oven cured between 375 and 425 degrees fahrenheit. Powder coat shall meet or exceed ASTM standards for: Pencil hardness H (ASTM D-3363) Abrasion (ASTM 1907) Impact (ASTMD-2794-69), Scratch (ASTM D-2197) Oven-baked stability 100% at 400 degrees fahrenheit Adhesion (D-3359B) Flexibility (D- 1735) Salt Spray Resistance (B-117) H. ROTO-MOLDED PRODUCTS: All polyethylene shall be linear low-density material. All materials are to be UV-stabilized with color and anti-static compounds molded in. I. TUBING: All tubing except for the platform uprights, shall be an electrical resistance welded cold rolled high strength steel tubing. The minimum yield strength is 50,000 psi and the minimum tensile strength is 55,000 psi. The exterior coating will consist of a hot-dipped uniform zinc galvanizing, chromate conversion, and acrylic over coating. The interior coating will consist of a special organic acrylic modified polyester. J. HARDWARE: All nuts, bolts, screws, inserts, and lockwashers used in the assembly of all play equipment shall be either cadmium plated or "Difcoat I1" plated. All exposed hardware shall be button-pin-in head, hex socket cap screws. All bolts shall have a two part epoxy locking patch added to the threads. The patch shall consist of one part resin and one part catalyst which is activated during installation. Manufacturer shall provide special installation tools for pinned fasteners. Play Components A. POWERSCAPETM SQUARE DECKS: Shall have a minimum play area of 2,381 square inches, maintaining a full 49" center to center spacing on the upright posts. The 49" square deck shall be fabricated from 3A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The deck frame shall be fabricated from 3/16" X 3V2" hot rolled steel with intermediate supports fabricated from 1/8" X 2-1/2" hot rolled steel. The corner supports shall © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-4 be fabricated from ¼" X 3V2" hot rolled steel. The deck shall be a one piece welded assembly. B. POWERSCAPE m TRIANGULAR DECKS: Shall have a minimum play area of 1,250 square inches, maintaining a full 49" center to center spacing on the upright posts. The deck shall be fabricated from 3,~,, x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The deck frame shall be fabricated from 3/16" X 3V2" hot rolled steel with the intermediate supports fabricated from 1/8" X 2V2" hot rolled steel. The comer supports shall be fabricated from ¼" X 3V2" hot rolled steel. The deck shall be a one piece welded assembly. C. POWERSCAPE m CROW'S NEST DECKS: Shall have a minimum play area of 523 square inches. The deck shall be fabricated from ~A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The deck frame shall be fabricated from 3/16" X 3V2" hot rolled steel with the intermediate supports fabricated from 1/8" X 2V2" hot rolled steel. The deck shall be a one piece welded assembly. D. POWERSCAPE m ARCHES: Shall be 5" outside diameter, 11 gauge (.120") galvanized round tubing or 5" outside diameter tubing, 1/8" wall thickness, extruded from 6063oT4 aluminum alloy, using the same quality materials as the platform uprights. All arches shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder, after fabrication in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. E. STEERING WHEELS: Shall be plastic or aluminum. The plastic steering wheel shall be molded of a durable proprietary plastic that meets or exceeds the National Marine Manufacturers Association Standards (NMMA). The steering wheel will withstand an impact of over 250 foot- pounds. The steering wheel is approximately 13~A'' in diameter. The aluminum steering wheel is formed of solid 13 gauge aluminum with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The solid steering wheel is approximately 12- 5/8" in diameter. F. ACCESS LADDERS: Step/Ladder assemblies shall be made from ~A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded herein. Step stringers shall be made from 11 gauge (. 120" thick) hot rolled flat steel. Steps and stringers shall be an all welded assembly. Ladder handrails shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The handrails shall be an all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. G. RUNG LADDER: Shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing with horizontal members fabricated of 1-1/16" O.D. X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The ladder assembly shall be an all welded construction and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. H. TRANSITION PLATFORM: Platform and step shall be made from 3/4" X 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The platform © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-5 frame shall be fabricated from 3/8" X 31/2" hot rolled steel. Handholds shall be fabricated from 1- 5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing with vertical members fabricated of 2" square X 3/16" wall steel tubing. The comer post assembly shall be fabricated from 2 3/8" O.D. X .095" (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing with handholds made from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083 (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. Both the comer post and the handholds shall be all welded assemblies and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein after fabrication. Step assembly frame shall be made from 10 gauge (.135" thick) hot rolled flat steel. The step assembly and corner post assembly can be installed on either the right or left side of the platform, offering system design flexibility. I. TRANSITION STEP: Shall be made from ~A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. Step frame shall be made from 1/8" and 3/16" thick hot rolled flat steel. Transition step shall be an all welded assembly. The filler/kick plate shall be fabricated from 3/16" thick material. The handhold shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The filler/kick plate and handhold shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. J. POWERSCAPE m ARCH BRIDGE: Arch bridge shall have a minimum play area of 4830 square inches. The bridge sections shall be fabricated from 3A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. Each bridge section shall be a one piece welded assembly. The bridge frame shall be fabricated from 3/16" X 3V2" and ~A" x 3V2" hot rolled steel with the intermediate supports fabricated from 1/8" X 3" hot rolled steel. Arch bridge handrails shall be an all welded construction of a formed 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing, 2" square X 3/16" wall tubing outer frame and 1-1/16" O.D. X .075 (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing vertical rungs. The handrails assembly shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder, after fabrication in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. K. POWERSCAPE m SUSPENSION BRIDGE: Expanded metal footboards shall be fabricated from 3A" x 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The footboard frame shall be fabricated from 3/16" X 3V2" hot rolled steel with the · "intermediate supports fabricated from 1/8" X 2~/~'' hot rolled steel. The footboard shall be a one piece welded assembly. Suspension bridge handrail shall be an all welded construction of a formed 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing, 2" square X 3/16" wall tubing outer frame and 1-1/16" O.D. X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing vertical rungs. The handrail assembly shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder, after fabrication in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. L. ARCH CLIMBER: The arch climber side rails shall be fabricated from 2-3/8" O.D. X .095" (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The cross rungs shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The arch climber assembly shall be an all welded construction and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-6 M. CHUNKY ARCH CLIMBER: Shall be fabricated from 2-7/8" O.D.X. 139" wall galvanized steel tubing. The cross rungs and handholds shall be fabricated from 1-15/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The arch climber assembly shall be an all welded construction and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. N. CHAIN NET CLIMBER W/ARCHES: The net assembly shall be constructed from galvanized, 7/32", 4/0 welded link chain. Cross members for the net shall be fabricated from 1-1/16" X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The net shall be a welded assembly. The net assembly shall be coated in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. The net assembly shall attach to the frame assembly with 3/8" diameter S-Hooks with a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi and a minimum yield of 50,000 psi. The frame assembly shall be fabricated from 3/16" hot rolled flat steel plate, side arches of 2 3/8" O.D. X .095 (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing, a cross bar of 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing and 5/16" O.D. connecting rings. The frame assembly shall be an all welded construction with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. O. COATED CHAIN CARGO NET: The net assembly shall be constructed from galvanized, 7/32", 4/0 welded link chain. Cross members for the net shall be fabricated from 11-1/16" X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The net shall be a welded assembly. The net assembly shall be coated in conformance with the PVC specifications outlined herein. The net assembly shall attach to the mounting bracket and anchor system with 3/8" diameter S-Hooks with a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi and a minimum yield of 50,000 psi. The anchoring system shall consist of ¥2" diameter anchor bolts and V2" X 6" turnbuckles for tension adjustment. The mounting bracket shall be fabricated from 3/16" hot rolled flat steel and 5/16" O.D. connecting rings. The mounting bracket shall be an all welded construction with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. P. COASTER CLIMBER: The coaster climber side rails shall be fabricated from 2-3/8" O.D. X .095 (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The cross rungs shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The arch climber assembly shall be an all welded construction and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. Q. TREE CLIMBER: Shall be fabricated from 1-5/8" O.D. X .083 (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing upright and step rungs of 2-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The climber assembly shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. R. POWERSCAPE ,M CONCENTRIC CLIMBER: Shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-7 S. CORKSCREW CLIMBER: The corkscrew and main upright shall be fabricated from 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The Corkscrew Climber assembly shall be an all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. T. FIVE RING CLIMBER: The ring climber shall be fabricated from 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing rings with 3/16" X IV2" hot rolled flat steel mounting tabs. The ring climber assembly shall be an all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. U. INCLINED LADDER: The inclined ladder side rails shall be fabricated from 2-3/8" O.D. X .095" (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The cross rungs shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The Inclined Ladder assembly shall be an 'all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. V. ENTRANCE ARCHWAYS: All entrance archways shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing with vertical members fabricated of 1-1/16" O.D. X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The entrance archways shall be an all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder, after fabrication in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. W. CHINNING POLE: The Chinning Pole shall be fabricated from 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. X. CLIMBING POLE: Shall be fabricated from 1-5/8" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. Y. HORIZONTAL LADDERS (STRAIGHT AND CURVED): The horizontal ladder asse~nbly shall be fabricated from 2-3/8" O.D. X .095" (13 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The cross rungs shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The ladder assemblies shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. Z. CRAWL TUBE: The tube shall be fabricated of color impregnated rotationally molded polyethylene, 24" O.D. x ~" nominal wall thickness. The tube panel shall be 2" thick roto-molded, color impregnated linear low density polyethylene. Tube sections shall be molded so that all protrusions and hardware connections are on the outside of the tube. A1 rotationally molded polyethylene products shall conform to the roto-molded specifications outlined herein. AA. ACTIVITY PANELS: Mini Bus, Count & Spell, Seat, Store and Puppet Panels shall be © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-8 made from 3/4" thick (solid) high density, UV-stabilized and color impregnated polyethylene. The mounting frame shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. BB. SLIDE, 360° SPIRAL: The slide shall be a double wall, one piece construction of color impregnated rotationally molded linear low density polyethylene with a 1/4" nominal wall thickness, with a factory installed canopy of the same specifications. The slide shall have a 12" long, flat entrance, sit-down area. Side walls of the spiral slide shall be at least 16" high, when measured from the sliding surface. The outside diameter of the slide shall be 66". The slide helix shall be a full 360° cycle and shall have a 20" long horizontal run out, to slow the user, before exiting the slide. The slide access shall be made from 3/4" X 9 gauge regular carbon steel expanded metal in conformance with the specifications outlined herein. Access stringers shall be made from 11 gauge (.120" thick) hot rolled flat steel. The access assembly shall be an all welded assembly. Handrails shall be fabricated from 1-5/16" O.D. X .083" (14 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing with vertical members fabricated of 1-1/16" O.D. X .075" (15 gauge) wall galvanized steel tubing. The hand rails shall be an all welded assembly and shall be coated with a custom formula of TGIC polyester powder coating in conformance with the specifications outlined herein, after fabrication. The slide mast shall be fabricated from 3-1/2" O.D. X .216" wall schedule 40, hot-dipped galvanized (inside and out) pipe. The pipe shall conform to ASTM A36 specification. All rotationally molded polyethylene products shall conform to the roto-molded specifications outlined herein. CC. SLIDES, (TUBE): The tube shall be fabricated of color impregnated rotationally molded polyethylene, 24" O.D. X 1/4" nominal wall thickness. The entrance panel shall be made from rotationally molded color impregnated linear low density polyethylene. Tube sections shall be molded so that all protrusions and hardware connections are on the outside of the tube. All rotationally molded polyethylene products shall conform to the roto-molded specifications outlined herein. PART 3 - EXECUTION The Contractor shall provide a construction supervisor for up to two full days to guide installation by the Owner. END OF SECTION 02460 \XHKG~VOLZXCHANHA SXPLA YSTUCSRNDHO USEXI92460SPC. DOC © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Play Equipment Page 02460-9 SECTION 02462 - RESILIENT PLAYGROUND SURFACING PART 1 - GENERAL Summary This section includes furnishing resilient rubber mat in tile form along with appropriate adhesive to attach them to a concrete base. The Owner will install the matting according to manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor is responsible for determining appropriate installation depths required to meet CPSC guidelines for fall height. Warranty: All materials shall be warranted for not less than 2 years. Quality Assurance Test Results (a) Impact Attenuation - ASTM 1292-91: Impact attenuation test results will be provided to the owner or owner's representative. These test results shall be certified by an independent testing lab. Test results shall meet or exceed U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission guidelines for impact attenuation (G-Max). PART 2 - PRODUCTS Materials: Resilient Rubber Mat - The rubber mat or resilient accessible surface shall be TuffTurf by Landscape Structures, Inc. or equal. The mat shall be a U.V. stabilized, medium density, polyurethane resin bound rubber tile, with a truncated pyramidal foot design to allow air and moisture to move freely between the tile and surface. The surface color of the matting is to be black. Adhesive to attach tiles to subsurface shall be provided by the Contractor. Transition edgers shall be provided at all exposed edges of the resilient surface. The transition edger shall have an approximate 30° slope to reduce trip and tip over hazard. END OF SECTION 02462 M:\CHA NHASYPLA YSTUOxRNDHO USExO2462SPC. DOC © Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., 1998 Resilient Playground Surfacing 02462-1 / i .j :, "1 CITYOF 690 Cit;' G',ter Drit'c. PO ttox I47 C/,,M,,~sse,, Mi,,csota 55317 February 20, 1998 Dear Roundhouse Park Neighbor: As we approach the 1998 construction season at Roundhouse Park, I would like to meet with residents to discuss this summer's work plan. hnprovements completed to date include overall site grading, parking lot construction, and installation of the beach. Amenities already scheduled for this spring include the completion of the internal trail and installation of the fishing pier, landscaping, and seeding. The fishing pier has been acquired through a cooperative grant xvith the Department of Natural Resources, and will be installed south of the beach. A neighborhood work session to discuss the next steps in the park project has been scheduled for Thursday, March 5, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., at City Hall in the Council Chambers. Items to be discussed that evening include the future of the "roundhouse," ideas for the park's playground, and schedule. Time will also be set aside tbr residents to discuss other areas of interest. Il'you are unable to attend this meeting but would like to submit writteu comlnents, please address them to my attention at the City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Please note that as a follow up to this initial meeting, a second meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission has been scheduled tbr Tuesday, March 24, 1998. This meeting will start at 7:30 p.ln. in the City Council Chambers. On that evening, the Coinmission will be asked to review and approve the plans agreed upon in the neighborhood work session. I look tbrward to seeing you at these meetings. Call anytime xvith your ideas and questions. Sincerely, · ....-.----~?'. Todd Hoffrnan' Park and Recreation Director TH:grab C: x//p~ty Council rk and Recreation Cmmnission Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Mark Koegler, Hoisington Koegler Group Paul Page, Hoisington Koegler Group g:',park'a-e feren\RoundhouseAreaRes.ltr CITYOF CHANHASSEN 6~0 CiO, Ce, ret Dr/re, PO Box I47 Cl,md~a~e,, Mhme~ota 55317 P/;o,e 612. 932 i900 (;e, eral L~x 612,93Z 573~ ~) ~5~i;~ee~'i;~g ~m 612.93Z 9152 Ib35c 5,(fi'0/-~.~' 612 934.2524 March 31, 1998 Dear Resident: On Tuesday evening, March 24, 1998, the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission authorized the preparation of request for proposals for Phase I of the playground at the Galpin Boulevard Park. The Phase I playground will include equipment designed for children ages 5-12 years of age. A furore Phase 1i will address the needs and skills of children ages 3-5 years. This important distinction ~vas agreed upon at a neighborhood meeting held at City Hall on March 15, 1998. On Monday, May 11, 1998, proposals will be received for the playground's design. An investment of $25,000 is being made in the first playground phase. Cinda Jensen will be hosting a meeting at her home at 2173 Brinker Street, on Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., allowing neighbors the opportunity to select their favorite design. The neighborhood will also have the opportunity to name the park at this meeting. Proposals are being solicited from five companies. Upon selecting one of the proposals, the neighborhood's recommendation will be forwarded to the Park & Recreation Commission on May 19'" for confirmation. The equipment will be ordered shortly thereafter, focusing on an August-September installation. At present, the playground's installation is planned to be accomplished as a neighborhood project. A labor pool of 10-15 volunteers working two 6-8 hour days is needed. Are you willing to assume the role of an installation volunteer? We will assemble a list of volunteers at the May 12'~ meeting. Volunteer labor allows approximately $3,000-$4,000 in savings to be invested back into the playground. I look forward to seeing you on the 12'h at Ms. Jensen's home. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k Attachment: Park Plan c: Paul Paige, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Park & Recreation Commission g:\park\referen\galpinpk5-12.doc The Gty of Cha,hassen. A g;vwi,g commu,io, with cba, /akes, q,a/iO, scl,ooh, a cl,a,,i,g dow,town, thrivi,g businesses, a,d beautifid parks, d great p/ace to/i~'e, work, a,d pla)!