3 SolicitationLtrMinnewashtaPTOJune 9,1998
Dear City of Chanhassen,
Late last fall the Minnewashta Elementary PTO began a fund raising project to raise
$60,000.00 in order to replace our existing playground structure. Many parts of the
playground are in need of repair or replacement, but work cannot be done because it
would still not meet existing safety code. In addition, the playground is currently not
handicap accessible. Minnewashta Elementary playground is utilized by students
from several communities, including Shorewood, Tonka Bay and Chanhassen, as well
as many community youth sports organizations. To date we have raised over half of
the money required to install the new playground. With some creative financing, we
will purchase the equipment before the fall. However, the PTO will be responsible to
repay the funds by the end of the 1998-99 school year. We strongly feel that our
children cannot wait another year to have a safe and fun playground!
When we began this project, most Cities and service organizations had already
established a budget and were unable to contribute to this community project. It is at
this time that the Minnewashta PTO is respectfully requesting that a contribution be
considered in your upcoming budget year. We need your help! Your name and
amount of your donation will be permanently placed on the playground structure as a
way of saying Thank You. The children and families using our playground for years to
come will certainly appreciate your support.
The Minnewashta playground committee would be happy to make a presentation at
one of your meetings, if you so desire. Please feel free to contact Sheila Johnston at
470-8799 or Sara LaBelle at 470-0374 with any further questions. We look forward to
your support in this important community project!
ella K. Johnston
Minnewashta PTO