5a Summer NewsletterCITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 G0, Ce~ter Drive, PO Box Chauhx~sset~, 3li~t,esota 55317 Pl~ot~e 612.93L i900 (3~e~d ~x 612. 93L 5L39 I',hSc 5,(3U f~.v 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor~ May 13, 1998 Summer Newsletter The City of Chanhassen Summer Newsletter was delivered to Chanhassen homes on May 5, 6 and 7. The phone calls and registrations are steadily coming in regarding summer programs as parents plan their summer schedules. The Summer 98 newsletter was released 3 weeks ahead of the summer 97 release date. We will shoot for the last week in April as a summer newsletter delivery date in 1999. The cost of publishing and distributing the newsletter is: Mailing - Post Office 6,877 pieces to Chan. homes and businesses $1047.93 .15¢ per piece Printing - Nystrom Publishing Company 7,000 pieces $5738.22 .82¢ per piece Deb Kind Consulting (including negatives) $1734.80 .25¢ per piece TOTAL COST $8520.95 1998/cost 1997/cost $8520.95 + 7000 pieces = $8576.32 + 7000 pieces = $1.22 per piece $1.23 per piece g:\park\patty\SummerNewsletter98 lhe G0, of Chauhassen. A growing communit), with c/eau lakes, quailO, schools, a channi;~g downtown, thriz,i~g businesses, and beaut~d parks. A gn,at ?/acc to live, uvrk, and ?LU,