1 Approval of MinutesCHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 23, 1998 Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Fred Berg, Rod Franks, Mike Howe, Ron Roeser, Jim Manders, and David Moes MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisors; and Ed Neu, Park Intern VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. (The recording of the Park and Rec Commission's meeting was very poor quality so some of the discussion could not be heard on the tape.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Howe moved, Berg seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated April 28, 1998 as amended to change comments on page 29 that were originally attributed to Commissioner Moes should now be Franks. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PRESENTATION OF THE FINDINGS OF THE AQUATIC SURVEY. Ed Neu presented the staff report on this item. Berg: When was this done Ed? Neu: This was done at the end of May and beginning of June. I have copies of the survey if anyone is interested. Commissioner: ...the word useable... Neu: ...each organization has their own definition of... It can be anything from a rehabilitation type of clinic where there's a heart attack victim, stroke victim or...injuries and they just...in the water up to a higher... Lash: ...can you respond to...at Lake Ann. I was just kind of wondering if you know, or Jerry knows, is enrollment down there? Ruegemer: I don't have the current numbers. I can get those for you. Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 Lash: Well I was just wondering... Berg: Are we getting any comments about no charge? Ruegemer: I've been hearing a lot of people. . . Carver County has contacted me... Lash: Well my immediate reaction is that this kind of messes up the, not only the staffing but the usage for people in town. How many people.,.coming on a bus from Bloomington. Franks: ...not that people are going to, groups are going to come by bus loads. Ruegemer: ...and I believe Shady Oak is closed... Franks: What's happening, because I was just down at Lake Riley on Monday...and they didn't have... Manders: I mean it isn't like wall to wall people is it? Packed is it? Ruegemer: There's 120 kids down there at one time. You're talking chaperone... Lash: ...charged for the additional lifeguards .... Well the only way you could do it would be if they don't book ahead of time, and a bus pulls in and this whole group comes and the lifeguards...that they make a phone call and somebody from the City would have to go down there and talk to whoever's in charge... Franks: Another question about...how much does it cost... Lash: Okay, let's move on. RECEIPT OF SOLICITATION LETTER~ MINNEWASHTA PTO. Manders: So where is Minnewashta Elementary playground? Ruegemer: It's on Smithtown Road. Manders: Is that the one we were at? Lash: No. Minnewashta Elementary, you know where the Country Club is? On 19. If you take 19 out of Excelsior and then it hooks to the right and it goes to Tonka Bay and there's the country club right there. If you go straight... Manders: Oh, way down there... I was thinking maybe it was closer. Lash: But they don't service Chm~hassen. Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 Ruegemer: Sure they do. Lash: They do? Ruegemer: Up in the northwest portion, up by Lake Minnewashta and those areas, they do attend. Lash: They go to Minnewashta Elementary? Ruegemer: Yes. I can't give you a specific number but Chanhassen kids are going... Lash: ...pieces of equipment then. Ruegemer: Have you gotten any phone calls from Minnewashta people yet? Lash: Do you know what I'm talking about? Where did I read that? It wasn't in here. Ruegemer: In the Villager? Lash: Yeah, in the paper. That we have some odd pieces of equipment that...have you got any bites on that? Neu: Yeah, I had some phone calls and I guess a lady was trying to get a hold of me again today... Lash: But it wasn't from this outfit? Neu: No. Lash: ...not in the business...fund raisers. However, we have in the past set precedence in other schools of having joint efforts with the PTO. We did at Chan Elementary. We've done it at Bluff Creek. We've did it at the Middle School... Berg: And we gave that playground equipment to Minnetonka. Lash: The Middle School. So do you think that they're expecting some kind of written response? One way or the other. Ruegemer: Yeah, one way or the other...what your position is and... Lash: I'd be willing to personally invite some... Hoffman: Yeah, and there is a few pieces of landscape... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 Berg: I agree with Jim. I'm uncomfortable because they're out of the city. If they'd be interested in giving us a bid on the equipment that we have, more power to them. Franks: Do we have any idea about how many kids from our city go to that school? Just right from that box comer. Ruegemer: Roughly, I'm just thinking overall school numbers as far as...distribution about 800 to 900 kids...distribution. Number of Chanhassen residents, I can't give you a firm number. It's probably 20-30%... It's not much. I mean a lot of people go to the Excelsior Elementary around the Lake Lucy area... Lash: Okay, do you have enough direction of what? Ruegemer: Write a...letter saying no, but if you'd like to bid on the used equipment, you certainly... Lash: I don't know, do we want to say in there that we have in the past donejoint effbrts but it's been with schools that were within our city boundaries. You know do you want to say, we did a thing for Minnetonka Middle School. That tells them that we're willing to... Ruegemer: ...come back and say you know...outside the city... Do you want staff to investigate available funding? Berg: I think we're looking at a real dangerous precedent if we start doing that. Manders: It's like every athletically...couple Chanhassen kids playing on it in another location... Berg: Our budget is in such a state of flux now with the referendum and bringing all these trails on line and park improvements on line, and Bandimere and City Center. ! don't know that we have anything that we could spare anyway at this point. Selling the equipment... Lash: ...or what did you say to start with? Ruegemer: ...is that something that maybe you know... AWARD PLAYGROUND PROJECTS, ROUNDHOUSE AND GALPIN BLVD. PARKS. Berg: I had a question on the diagram. On the end, last page or wherever it is. Which is Phase 1 and which is Phase 2? Lash: Or is that just Phase 17 Manders: I kind of assumed that that was Phase 1. 4 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 Berg: Well the key up in the comer had Phase I blue and 2 red. Lash: But there's not any, can you see the...it looks like it goes all the way around. Ruegemer: That's the safety zone. Lash: ...Phase 1 was supposed to be for kids 5 to 12, right? Berg: Yeah. Lash: And if you look, I mean you've got the chinning bar, the overhead glide, the rings, this orbit climber. All that. That's all older stuff I think. But the side by side slide. See that right on the top right? That's usually for littler...and he had some stuff in there that was... Berg: That was another question I had. Do you think they have enough swings? All we've been hearing lately is that we want sxvings, swings and more swings .... Evidentially the neighbors picked this out, right? Lash: ...all this stuff is just totally broke down. Ruegemer: ...itself. Lash: Yeah...triangular decks and that's the...all of that and I think all of those things are... Manders: Basically what they're asking for is to say yes, spend the $20-25,000.00. This is kind of xvhat it's going to be. Lash: ...without seeing the plan. Manders: That's the recommendation though. Lash: Yeah I know, but do we want to do that? Berg: Well can we assume that Todd did? Lash: No, I don't think so because it says the neighbors along Galpin are still working with... consultant on their plan. If approved.., it sounds like they haven't finalized their plan yet. Berg: Basically all we're asking for approving is the money, not how it's spent? Franks: Which was already approved by the referendum. Ruegemer: I think...Galpin, it looks like Phase 1 and Phase 2... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 Lash: So this is the final plan for Galpin then? Ruegemer: Well I would say, here's the cover memo... (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) Berg: ! move we accept or approve the selection of...Recreation of Minnesota as the approved supplier for the Roundhouse and Galpin Boulevard playgrounds in the amount of $25,000.00 and $20,000.00 respectfully. Lash: Is there a second? Howe: Second. Berg moved, Howe seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission award the bid to Recreation of Minnesota as the approved supplier for the Roundhouse and Galpin Boulevard playgrounds in the amounts of $25,000.00 and $20,000.00 respectfully. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PROGRAM REPORTS: A. SUMMER NEWSLETTER. B. 4TM OF JULY CELEBRATION. The staff presented the repons on these items. The discussion by the commission was not picked up on the tape. C. 1998 LAKE ANN LIFEGUARD OLYMPICS. Manders moved, Berg seconded to approve the 1998 Lake Ann Lifeguard Olympics. All voted in favor and the motion carried. D. SENIOR PROGRAMS REPORT. This was an informational item only. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: A. B. There was no report or discussion on this item. 1997 REFERENDUM PROJECTS. REVIEW PARK AND OPEN SPACE CHAPTER OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. C. RECREATION CENTER MONTHLY REPORT. Staff presented the staff report on these items. The discussion by the commission could not be heard on the tape. Park and Rec Commission Meeting - June 23, 1998 The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim