4 Galpin Blvd. ParkCITYOF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: July 22, 1998 SUB J: "Galpin Boulevard" Park At your June meeting, commissioners received the recommendation of the "Galpin Boulevard" park neighborhood concerning its selection of Miracle Recreation Play Equipment. Cinda Jensen, spokesperson for the neighborhood, in a letter dated June 30 has forwarded some additional suggestions/inquiries regarding the park's development. This report is intended to respond to Ms. Jensen's inquiries. It is at your discretion if you ~vish to act on any or all of these items. 1. Park Equipment Design: Miracle Recreation was selected by the commission at your June meeting. 2. Park Name: The name, "Sugarbush Park" has been suggested. This decision rests with the commission. 3. Addition of a Half Court Basketball: A decision on this item requires a look at the park's improvement budget: Access Road, Parking Lot, Trail Construction Phase I Playground Equipment Total $40,000 $20,000 $60,000 Expenses to Date Park Trail $17,936 Parking Lot $11,115 Phase I Playground $20,000 Total $49,051 The unencumbered $10,949 will be called on to cover: a) the playground border; b) landscaping; c) sand volleyball court; d) contingencies; e) half court basketball (?). The estimated cost of each of these items is: Park & Recreation Commission July 22, 1998 Page 2 a) Playground border: Concrete $ 7,000 Plastic $ 4,500 b) Landscaping: Six 1.5" BB Shade Trees @ $350 ea. $ 2,100 c) Sand Volleyball Court (lump sum) $ 500 d) Contingencies to cover any cost overruns or trail/ parking lot due to poor soils, etc. (10%) $ 2,900 e) Half-Court Basketball (based on actual cost of court construction at Sunset Ridge Park) $ 5,000 $15,000 - $17,500 Based on these estimates, it is apparent that we cannot afford the half-court basketball in this year's budget. Benches: A bench or two are placed at the perimeter of all the city's play structures. The costs of these benches are covered under the commission's annual CIP (see attachment). 5. Cement Border: Discussed under Item 3 o Bern'ting: Per the park's grading plan, a berm is being installed along the southern edge of the park. Be aware that the playground lies 150+ feet from the berm. Shade trees are planted at the perimeter of all playgrounds, but require the benefit of time to mature. 7. Picnic Table(s): Similar to Item 4), picnic tables are a standard park amenity. 8. Drinking Fountains: Unfortunately the installation of a drinking fountain in neighborhood parks is a "thing of the past." New health regulations require that the drain on drinking fountains be connected to the sanitary sewer system (in the past the waste water dumped onto the ground). Depending on the distance between water and sewer service and the drinking fountain, an investment of $8,000 - $20,000 plus maintenance costs would be required to install a drinking fountain. Park & Recreation Commission July 22, 1998 Page 3 9. Satellite Toilet: Yes, these are a standard service in city parks. I look forward to the input of the commission on this item. g:',park',th',galpinblx dpark doc June 30, 1998 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen Director, Parks & Recreation 690 Coulter Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd, Thank you again for taking the time to visit our neighborhood to discuss the development of the future park on Galpin Boulevard. We appreciate how valuable your time is, especially in light of all the recent storming...and for this, we thank you. As you are aware, a few of us from the neighborhood have toured several different parks and have been meeting with Brenda Wenner from Miracle, Inc., regarding park equipment design. Brenda has taken considerable time to modify the park structure for Phase I development. One final suggestion is being worked into the plan, and then, based on your previous comments, I believe we are at a point where the plan needs to be approved by the city. Per your request, we are making the following suggestions to the overall park plan: I) Park Equipment Desizn as submitted by Miracle, Inc. (modified from original plan). 12) Park Name - we are suggesting the name of "Sugarbush Park". A "Sugarbush" is a cluster of maple trees, which together, resemble a beautiful, colorful bush. * Ties naturally to the name of our city, "Chanhassen"o · Would require planting of maple trees to support park name. 3) Half Court Basketballs as discussed at the neighborhood meeting. · A half court basketball surface is a strong interest of our neighborhood vs a sand pit for volley ball. · We found a basketball court at every Chanhassen neighborhood park we visited. 4) Benches · Even though you mentioned there would be sitting benches, we wanted to confirm our interest in this feature. 5) Cement Border · Again, even though you informed us there would be a cement border around the play equipment, we wanted to confirm our interest in this type of border. We found plastic borders at other parks we visited to be a safety hazard, with nail brads sticking inches above the plastic mold. 6) Bermin~ · As discussed at our neighborhood meeting, we would like to see al berm with shade trees just south of the park equipment to shade some of the surfaces from the sun. 7) Picnic Table · Could the park include a picnic table? 8) Drinking Four~tain Is this a thing of the past or could this be a possibility? We thought it would be a well-used feature, especially with the bike trail running along the park. 9) Satellite Toilet · Is this a standard park feature? Thank you in advance tbr your consideration of these items. We have enjoyed working with you and Brenda Wenner on this project and look forward to the next step in the process. Just let us know what we should do next. Thanks again, Todd. Most Sincerely, Cinda Jensen and Neighborhood Residents Galpin Boulevard Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota ~/~ Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Concept Plan s.E~ 1 o, 1 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. City of Chanhassen Neighborhood Park hnprovements Bid Form Project: Al2 Galpin Boulevard Park Parking Lot Description: Installation of approximately 650 square yards of 3" asphalt for a new 10 space parking lot. Layout and location to be as shown on file attached plan and staking to be approved in the field prior to grading. Price to include excavation, installation ot'6" ofcompacted class 5, and installation of asphalt in one lift. The site is currently undeveloped and the City crews will be doing the rough grading for tile park and tile trail. There will be some grading required fei' the parking lot to ensure positive drainage. Excess material fi'om tile base cut for the trail is to be dispersed on-site, location to be determined by consultant ill tile field. Contractor to grade excess material smooth to allow For seeding by others. Price to include material and labor to complete tile project. Work is to be completed by August 3 I, 1998. FAIRFAX ASPHALT lNG. Cor~tractor:~0t::l W BROABWAY Address: OSSE~NLS~869 Phone: ~2 Contact: ~O Lump Sum Price including Materials, Labor and tax: /~' Unit cost for additional trail and base ifrequired ii1 the field: Unit cost for silt fence if required in the field (none anticipated): /5 //5, , -¢2, d'- ¢ per linear fi. Tile City of Chanhassen hereby authorizes the Contractor to commence work on the above described project. Complete Payment will be made wiflfin 30 days of substantial completion. Project Coordinator: City Representative: ~ Date:- 7 Paul Paige, RLA Hoisington Koegler Group inc. Todd l toflinan Park and Recreation Director 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design City of Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Improvements Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. BidForm Project: A11 Galpin Boulevard Park Trail Description: Installation of approximately 1180 linear feet of 8' wide asphalt trail. Alignment to be as shown on the attached plan and staking to be approved in the field prior to grading. Price to include excavation, installation of 4" of compacted class 5, and installation of trail as shown in the attached typical cross section. The site is currently undeveloped and the City crews will be doing the rough grading for the park and the trail. Excess material from the base cut for the trail is to be dispersed on-site, location to be determined by consultant in the field. Contractor to grade excess material smooth to allow for seeding by others. Price to include material and labor to complete the project. Work is to be completed by August 31, 1998. FAIRFAX ASPHALT INC. Contractor: 108 W. BROADWAY Address: OSSEO, MN 55,3,69 Phone: Contact: ..7~;~ ~ /'~ ~"~'~' Lump Sum Price including Materials, Labor and tax: ~ /'7/ q 2 ~, Unit cost for additional trail and base if required in the field: 7~/:~t 20 Unit cost for silt fence if required in the field (none anticipated): ~ 2, OO per linear, fi. per linear ft. Signed byContractor:~~-,~ g///, /h'~/: Date: The City of Chanhassen hereby authorizes the Contractor to commence work on the above described project. Complete Payment will be made within 30 days of substantial completion. Project Coordinator: City Representative: ,~:~-~:~ Date: Paul Paige, RLA Hoisington Koegler Group inc. 6 / Todc~' Hoffman ' Park and Recreation Director 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 Miracle Recreation Project: Drawing: GALPIN Date: 06~22~1998 Model Description Qty 2840 SLASHPROOF SEAT S/CHAIN FOR 8'TOP RAIL 2 20 2990 360 D. SLASHPROOF CHAIR W/C~N FOR 8'TR 2 30 714-501 DECK TRIANGLE W/HARDWARE (3 POSTS) 1 75 714-502 DECK SQUARE W/HARDWARE (4 POSTS) I 125 714-536~5 CS DECK HEXAGON (5' DECK) FOR ROOF 1 850 714~552 POST 5" O.D. x 136" 5 375 714-701 10'SIDE-BY-SIDE SLIDE W/CANOPY(5' DK) 1 180 714-730-6 TREE HOUSE ROOF FOR HEX DECK 1 329 714-808 CLIMBER POLE (3'. 5' OR 6'6" DECK) 1 45 714-824 24" RISER PLATE W/RUNG&ARCH ENTRY ENCL 1 60 714-852 ARCH TIRE SWING 1 465 714-852-2 ARCH SWING FRAME - 4 STS 1 661 714-855PVC 8' SUSP BRIDGE BTWN DCKS W/CHN 1 600 714-899 CLIMBER DOUBLE RAIL (5' DECK) 1 85 714-900 WALL ENCLOSURE W/STEERING WHEEL 1 45 714-906 LADDER HORIZONTAL "S" W/CLIMBER 1 465 714-908 CLIMBER SPIDER (3,5' OR 6' 6" DK) ! 70 714-962-1 SLIDE CYC 8' W/STEPS (5' DECK) 1 1800 714-965-5 TR/UNSFER POINT W/SINGLE STEP (5'DECK) 1 440 714-995 CARGO LADDER (5' DECK) 1 70 Ext. Wei~h¢ TOTALS 6790 Miracle Recreation Project: ~rawing: GALPIN ate: 06-22-1998 Model Description Qty Ext. Weight 714-502 714-536~6 714-572 714-718 714-721~6 714-724 714-730~6 714-740-61 714-815-6 714-843 714~861-4 714-907 714-913 714~965 714-968 714-991-5 714~994-1 "%TALS DECK SQUARE W/HARDWARE (4 POSTS) CS DECK HEXAGON (6'6" DECK) FOR ROOF POST 5"O.D.X 144" FOR SQ. ROOF MAST LADDW~R WITH RUNGS, PVC (6'6" DK) CANYON CLIMBER 6 ' 6" DECK UPHILL CLIMB TO 8' DECK TREE HOUSE ROOF FOR HEX DECK 30" ID "L" TUBE SLIDE, RIGHT (6'6" DK) LOOK-OUT LADDER 6' 6" DECK C~INNING BAR W/POST ROOF SQUARE DECK TWISTER SLIDE ROCKITE (3' DECK) BALANCE BEAM TRANSFER POINT W/SGL STEP (3' DECK) CURVED LOOP CLIMBER (3' DECK) STAIR PVC ATA (1'6" DECK) OPN HNDRIL FUN FONE W/ ONE (1) POST 125 920 340 126 105 185 329 675 100 170 60 100 80 300 60 220 138 4033