5c 1998 4th of July EvalCITYOF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor July 17, 1998 1998 4th of July Evaluation JULY 3m) Diabetes Screenint~ The screenings were sponsored by the Chanhassen Lions. By all accounts, they had a successful time. Kiddie Parade The Kiddie Parade had approximately 700-800 participants. It was a huge success. The warm weather brought people out in droves. Elizabeth Weber and the playground staff coordinated the details of the Kiddie Parade. Their assistance helped me very much and they did a great job. They had a great plan to help participants line up for the parade at the north side of the elementary school. The parade participation was up this year due to the warm weather. Parade marshals should be added following the fire trucks so that they keep kids a safe distance away. Trade Fair The Chanhassen Chamber Trade Fair had 30-35 participants this year. Members of the Chamber enjoyed being under one big tent. The big tent was very noticeable. Next year, a larger tent should be rented to allow for a more successful Trade Fair with more space. This will provide for a better flow of traffic. appear to be too long. I would like to stay with 6-7 food vendors so everyone has an opportunity to make money. ! will work on adding reputable vendors for next years celebration. The variety of food seemed good this year and I will stay with the same types of food. Street Dance WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! I think Chanhassen is still dancing from July 3!. I've never seen so many people present at 11:00 p.m. at the end of the street dance. It's a no-brainer and I am currently negotiating a price with Hoffman Talent Agency for the Casablanca Orchestra for next year. JULY 4TM Adult Fishing A total of 39 anglers participated this year. The tournament increased by 12 participants over last year. The tournament's status is on the fence right now as to whether it should be continued or canceled. I'll wait for the Park and Recreation Commission's discussion at the meeting. Kid's Fishing A total of 145 kids participated. Kids fished from the fishing pier, boat access and the rental dock. Everything ran smoothly. To distribute the prizes quicker, grab bags were assembled ahead of time and given to every participant at the end of the contest. This expedited the process. I need to allow for a lot of extra prizes because many people did not pre-register and showed up that day. Sand Sculpture We had many good entries. The sculptures were very detailed and people worked hard. This is a very easy activity to offer and will continue. Treasure Hunt I think the participants enjoyed the treasure hunt this year. Next year the clues will be made easier so the medallion will be found before 9:00 p.m. Hula Hoop and Limbo Contest People enjoyed both contests. The playground staff did a great job in coordinating, staffing and assembling the prizes. These activities will continue. 1998 4TM OF JULY REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT REVENUE Food Vendors Prize Board/Kids Games Adult Fishing Contest Maund Entertainment Water Wars T-Shirt Sales *Beverly Strand Promotions EXPENDITURES 101-145-4130 Cabin Fever Sporting Goods Target Oriental Trading Company Festival Foods Real Gem Jewelry & Awards Byerly's Taco Bell 101-145-4300 Melrose Pyrotectmics Casablanca Orchestra YOG Design (estimated) *Kind Design The Medicine Show Horizon Pro Sound Kaptain Kirby Train Rides Andon * Have not received invoice yet Total Total Total $980.00 $860.17 $390.00 $120.40 $120.00 $85.00 $50.00 $2,605.57 $516.50 $400.88 $360.93 $90.48 $56.01 $44.99 $30.O0 $1,499.79 $14,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,OOO.0O $1,200.00 $600.00 $400.OO $350.00 $98.60 $21,648.60 101-145-4340 Parkside Printing *Southwest Suburban Publishing Victoria Gazette *Have not received invoice yet $1,260.23 $1,000.00 $75.00 Total $2,335.23 101-145-4400 Imperial Port Thrones 101-145-4410 Skyway Event Services Go Power Total Revenues Total Expenditures BALANCE $795.65 Total $795.65 $4,657.17 $650.00 Total $5,307.17 $2,605.57 $31,586.44 $28,980.87 g;,park 4~1' 981,~cx cnt~c&ExpcnditureRcport.doc Fireworks This year fireworks were contracted through Melrose Pyrotechnics, who replaced the former fireworks vendor, Banner Fireworks. Melrose did a good job with the display. I have been coordinating the fireworks shows with Dale Nowak for over six years and we can anticipate each other's needs. I am recommending that the City contract with Melrose again next year. I will talk with Dale to tweak and improve portions of the show for next year. Suggestions for 1999 · Add a sand volleyball tournament at Lake Ann. · Select and secure food vendors before the first of the year. · Incorporate more people to assist with the celebration. · Look for new and exciting activities. · Start planning the celebration early. · Continue to look for donations, gift certificates, etc. from sponsors to help keep the costs of the celebration down. · Add a larger tent. g:\park\4%98evaluation