Correspondence SectionAdministrative Section Howard R. Green Qornpany CONSULTING ENGINEERS July 8, 1998 File: 801380j-0071 Mr. Jerry Christians Midwest Asphalt Corporation P.O. Box 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT SCHEDULE AND ADDITIONAL TRAIL SEGMENTS Dear Mr. Christians: We have received some phone calls from Mr. Ridler regarding the construction of ::.~ture segments of the trail project. We are aware of your request to allow work to beg;n on another segment that is part of the Chanhassen trail project. However, at this time, we are not ready to issue notice to proceed on any other segment_ We are further hesitant to allow borrow material to be hauled to a stockpile site until additional progress is made on the currently authorized segments. The Notice to Proceed on the Highway 7 project was issued on May 18th. On May 29th, the City issued Notice to Proceed on the Lake Riley segment. As of today's date, paving remains to be completed on both segments, Please be advised that the completion periods for the Highway 7 and Lake Riley segment are 20 and 30 calendar days, . respectively. While there have been some legitimate delays due to the weather, both segments are beyond the allowed completion period at this time. We understand you are stepping up your efforts this week to complete paving o!" the Highway 7 and Lake Riley segments. Once these segments are paved, we will discuss with you more formally possible stockpire locations for your borrow material and iss..~ing notice to proceed on additional segments. Please be advised that future segments must be completed within the allowed completion periods listed in the specification. Sincerely, Howard R. Green Company David E. Nyberg, P.E. Project Manager CC: Mr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen Mr. Paul Kauppi, Howard R. Green Company Mr. Darrell Ridler, Midwest Asphalt Corporation O:;PROJ\801380j~380-0810.july.doc 1326 Energy Park Drive , St. Paul, MN 5.6108 866 T CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS City of Chanhassen - Bandimere and City Center Parks REPORT Date: July 7, 1998 Time: 10:00 a.m. Weather: Hazy - Overcast Temperature 80's Range: (Meeting to be held on site every Tuesday at I0:00 am) Those Present at the meetinR: Work in Progress: Observations / Issues: ~ Ihfbrmation / Action Required: Attachments: Jason Arnberg, Brauer & Associates, Ltd. Bob Peterson, Ingram Excavating Todd Hoffman and Jim, City of Chanhassen Dan Skraba, Skraba Irrigation Grading ~s near completion within the park (with exception to the east soccer green). Neighbors, however, have been complaining about working past the regulate0 hours stated in the specs and accessing the site from and parking along K~ovva Trail. Utility work, sanitary and water lines were being installed. Southern trail has been cut :n, ready for placement of retaining wall. As a result of installing the sanitary sewer line conneCion to Kiowa Trail the soccer field turf was disturbed - It was agreed upon in the fie'd that Ingram may use sod instead of seed to repair the tuff area (,%m the p'.aying surface of the soccer field to the street), The cost for furnishing and installing the 6" pvc connections from the soccer drainage system to the catchbasins/manholes has been agreed upon at $8.25 per linear foot (I 313 LF x 8.25 = $10,832.25). This amount will be included in. the next change order. Irrigation system: Skraba Irrigation may use gasket joints instead of glue at his cost. (If he thinks this will avoid future maintenance on his part he can make this change, but the C~ty of Chanhass~n will not pay for the change). Irrigation system: I have discussed the revisions to the irrigation mainline and valve locations wrth our irrigation designer- the revis'ons as indicated on the aEached sheet have been approved (see attached) Brauer & Assoc., Ltd.: CI Electrical system is still being reviewed and modified by our electrical engineer - as per the change ~n Iocat:on - will keep you posted. Ingram Excavating: CI Keep an eye on construction access - notify subcontractors and deliveries as to where~zhen IZl Continually watch for erosion along Hwy 101 - and remedy as necessary City of Chanhassen: 7~ Coordinate the installation of the soccer drainage system with I~gram Excavating - I believe the west soccer ~eld is ready to go, Irrigation mainhne and valve Iocatio~ revisions for soccer fields at Bandimere Copies to: Report by: Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen Bob Peterson, Ingram Excavating Jason L. Amberg, Brauer and Associa:es, Ltd. Phone - 832-9475 Fax- 832-9542 ~ ph. 937-1900 ext - ph. 934-0917 -fax937-5739 -fax934-O90i CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS Cit7 of Chanhassen - Bandimer and Cit7 Center Parks REPORT Date: JJy 21. 1998 Time: I0:00 am. Weather: ParUy Sunny Temperature 70's Range; (Meeting to be held on site every Tuesday at I 0;O0 am) Those Present at the meeting: Work i._~n Progress: Observations Issues; Information / Action Required: Attachments: Jason Amber§, Brauer & Associates. Ltd. Bob Peterson, Ingram Excavating Todd Hoffman & Dale Gregory, City of Chanhassen Grading within ea~ soccer field and finishing up on rock base ~'or the turn lanes were currently underevay The east soccer fields (at lea. st one of them) should be ready for the insallation of the drainage tile on Wednesday or Thursday, the city has crews ready on standby. Retaining wall h~s been installed, crews will be in~allin§ the lop cap this week, Turnlanes on Hwy, I 01: Finish thi[ week, pave on Thvrsday/Fi-iday, Let s t~ to ~et slepes and right o~ way ~abilized ~ s~n ~ possible upon comple~on Of tumlanes Ballfield Fencing: scheduled to begin ne~ Monday, Irrigation ~em: be~in working on the west soccer field Wednesday /Thursday, InD'am Exca~on will do screening and pulverizing o{topsoil as per ~tswin[s and specifications, ~1 of the co~ for supplying el~rical semite to ~e ~ite shall be pa~d by the contraGor ~ per the ete~ical d r~wings/specificat~ons. Engram Excavating: I~ Keep an eye on construction access - no:i,~ subcontract,rs and deliveries ~ to where,~vhen [I ContinuaJly watch for erosion ~len§ H'~¥ 101 - and remedy a~ necessarX ~ Coordinate the Irrigation work to be salvaged and reworked at Ci~ Center Park with Skrab~ and Dale Gre[o~. City of Chanh~ssen: · ~ Coordinate the in~aJlatJon of the soccer drainage system with Ingrain Excavating - J believe the east soccer t~elds will be ready later this week. :~ Continued removals at City' Center park, exa~ location of fiber optics lin~ None .Copies to: Report by: Todd Hoffman, City of Ch~h~Ssen Bob Peterson, In§~am Excavating jason L. Amber-g, Brauer and Associates Ltd. Phone - 832-9475 Fax. - 832-9542 -ph.937-1900e~t21 -ph. 934-0917 -{ax937-5739 -fax934-O9Ol CITYOF CHAN SEN 690 Ci~' Cc,re;' D;'iz,~', hO Box I47 Pl,o,c 6129321900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: July 9, 1998 SUB J: 1998 4th of July Commendation Jerry, I want to formally pass along my congratulations on a great 4th of July Celebration. You possess the skills and abilities to coordinate large special events and it showed last Friday and Saturday. Participating more fi'om a citizen's viewpoint than that of an employee, the celebration exceeded my expectations. Enjoy your well earned vacation days! You can be proud of your accomplishment while taking a little rest and relaxation time. Good job! g:',park',th',4thCommcnd.doc The Cio~ of Chanhassen. A growing communi{y with clean lakes, qualiq schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great?lace to live, work, and play CITYOF CHANHASSEN ~90 Ci9' Ce;mr Ddve, PO &x 147 Ch,:dmsen. 3 li~mesota 55317 Pho~z 612937.1900 Gc~e,~d E~.~' 612.93.7.5739 3~ia'cd,g ~.~' 612 93 ~ 9I 52 ]':~35: 5.55,7 E~x ~i2. 934. 252~ June 25, 1998 Mr. Charles W. Mattson Attorney at Law 2870 Wheeler Street North St. Paul, MN 55113 Dear Mr. Mattson, This is in response to your letter dated June 19, 1998. In your letter you state that, "Members of the planning commission and the city council have apparently interfered with my contract by offering the athletic club owner some land on which to build along with other compensation so it appears that my land sale may fall through as a result." The city receives pcriodic requests to partner with athletic club developers. Most recently, the city has spoken with Liv Homeland, a developer who wanted to build a recreation center for the city, the YMCA, and Lifetime Fitness. In all instances, to the best of my 'knowledge, the city council made it clear that they would not be willing to be a partner at this time. Some of the recreation users have looked at property ov~med by the city, which is the Chanhassen Bowling Center. This property is in a Tax Increment District and may qualify for financial assistance. The Park and Recreation Commission recently visited Lifetime Fitness in Plymouth. They have expressed an interest to build in Chanhassen. Just like any other developer, they are told of all potential development sites. Currently the city is not partnering with any recreation club developer at this time. This is not to say that there are not developers loo 'king for partnerships. I can only surmise that whoever you are working with told you of the bowling site and the potential incentives available through the Tax Increment District. The reason your buyer failed to get planning commission approval in 1996 is that they requested a land use change from industrial to residential. The commission has the authority to recommend denial of land use changes if they are not consistent with the comprehensive plan. City staffalways offers your properly as one of the available sites to any developer who is looking for industrial properly. I believe that we have sent a number &inquires your way. I am not aware of any specific application for a recreation facility on your property; nor is the city offering land or other compensation to any other recreation facility. I believe that we act fair and equitable in all dealings with developers. If you have more specific information regarding this issue, I would be happy to discuss this with you. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 937-1900 ext. 118. Sincerely, Kathryn R. Aanenson AICP Planning Director c: City Council and Planning Commission TI F", ('Fl ! ~ ' CHARLES W. MATTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW TELEPHONE (612) 633-0512 2870 WHEELER STREET NORTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 June 19, 1998 Members of the City Council Members of the Planning Commission City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, ~;~ 55317 CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RECENED JUN 2 1998 Re: Land Contract for 72 acres on Galpin Blvd. Dear D,:embers of the City Council and Planning Commission: I am a Chanhassen taxpayer since 1988 and the fee~wner of about 90 acres on Galpin and Lyman Boulevards. In April, I signed a contract for the sale of approximately 72 acres to Landmark Holding Co., Ltd., subject to certain conditions precedent. One of the main reasons I signed the contract was because I knew that developer Landmark had an athletic club buyer for some of the land, and also that a distribution company was interested in some land. It has now come to my attention that certain members of the plan- ning commission and city council have apparently interfered with my contract by offering the athletic club owner some land on which to build along with other potential compensation and so it appears that my land sale may fall through as a result. To my knowledge there had been no prior contact by this athletic club owner and the city of Chanhassen. I still find this situation hard to believe. I have .always given the city of Chanhassen high marks for dealing fairly 'wi~h me. Ny sense of fairness is very keen. Throughout the years my students have given me high marks in their evaluation of my instruction for being fair. As you well know, the State of Minnesota has an Open Meeting Law. One of its primary purposes is to give the taxpayers confidence that they are being treated fairly. It seems that the logical route for the city of Chanhassen would be to hear my buyer at public hearings and then make the appropriate decision instead of allowing certain persons to interfere with the process by making a land offer. As you well know, when my buyer failed to get planning commission approval in 1996, I abided by the decision and raised no commotion. To avoid havin~ to retain open meeting law, tort and land use counsel, hopefully, you can explain to me how the taint can be removed from this entire episode. Sincerely, CITYOF CHANHAgSEN 690 Cizr Ce~m'r D;'icc, PO ('/,,~;2/,,~::c;~, 3E~w;ot,~ 55.3I- P/,o;w 612. ~3-. 1900 (;,';~cnd t'3~.v 612. 9.~-. 5239 l ,'~,,,': ~' .Q;/J~',, 612. July 20, 1998 Ms. Raclnael Manteuffel 8962 Neill Lake Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Dear Ms. Manteuffel: Please find enclosed documents related to your last inquiry into accessibility/ parking at Greenwood Stnores Park in Chanhassen. You are welcome to discuss this issue witln the city's Park and Recreation Commission at any time. Tlney meet formally on tlne 4th Tuesday of each month in tine City Council Chambers. Sincerely, Todd H6ffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns Attachments SPRINGFIELD IN CHANHASSEN NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Swimming Pool & Bath House Totlot Two Half Basketball Courts Your Neighborho<~d Builder Dear Member: YOUR MEMBERSHIP in the NationaI Recreation and Park Association represents far more than your support of our Association. Indeed it emphasizes your belief in the central role of recreation and parks in the mental and physical vigor of people. AS A MEMBER OF NRPA, there are many services available to you. You receive PARKS & RECREATION, our monthly feature magazine. Dateline: NRPA, our monthly newsletter, and a branch or section newsletter. These publications are your best sources of news - and our best avenues of communication. OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE: A voice on Capitol Hill, a voice on Association issues, a network of five regional offices ready to bring you technical assistance, substantial discounts on all Association publications and educational seminars including the National Congress for Recreation and Parks, insurance programs, public visibility for the parks and recreation movement, access to the national certification program, credit card and car rental programs, Information Resource Center, NRPAnet and so much more. Please do not hesitate to call NRPA headquarters in Ashburn, Virginia (703) 858-0784 if you have questions, advice or comments. We are only a phone call away. FAX (703) 858-0794. Membership Services hotline 1-800-626-6772. WE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN THE UPCOMING YEAR. Sincerely. E,,: ~ : ,: [P 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, Virginia 20148 ADDRESS CHANGE: PLEASE INDiCATZ P, DDi'~ESS CHANGE & RE';'UP, N PLEASE REFER TO MEMBER NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE REMOVE CARD & KEEP IN WALLET OR PURSE Park Association 22377 BELMONT RIDGE ROAD ASHBURN, VA 20148 Chanhassen Park & Rec Comm 02J'28/1999 14299 EXPiRATiON DATE NIEMBER NO Agency CBM CATEGORY AFFILIATION ERIC W O'BRIEN R DEAN TICE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CCHA Newsletter Promoting Youth Hockey In Our Communities New Board Members Elections of your 1998/1999 CCHA Board was held in May at the Ice Arena Wall Raising Event. Two Year Positions: VP Business: Secretary: Equipment manager: Ice Commissioner: Tournament Director: PeeWee Commissioner: Squirt Commissioner: Kevin McShane Deb Shafranski Kevin Kuntson Tom Redman Peter Mitchell Jim Liddell Mark Giordano One Year Positions Mite Commissioner: MiniMite Commissioner: Bob Raser Tom & Lynne Nygaard Open Positions We are looking for two individuals to fill the following positions: Bantam Commissioner VP of Competition Persons interested in one of these positions may contact any of the CCHA Board Members or attend the July 6"' Board meeting at the CCC. Special Thanks A special thanks goes to those who served on the CCH.& Board over the last term. With out their support and the support of the new board, youth hockey in our community would not be possible. Steve Olinger -- VP of Competition Eral Schaub -- VP Business Rod Kem -- District 6 Rep Bryan McGovern -- Secretary Lynn Clements -- Equipment Manager Paul Berens -- Toumament Director Layton Zellman -- Bantam Commissioner Bev Erickson and Cindy Berens -- Mini Mite Coordinators Coaches Selection Committee The CCHA is looking for a few individuals to help in the coaches selection process. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Jim Leone @ 448-3074. Coaches Meeting If you are interested in coaching one of the CCHA teams, please plan on attending the July 20"' Coaches meeting at the CCC. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. Coaches meetings are held on the third Monday of each m&nth'at the Chaska Community Center. All Coaches should be attending these meetings! Note: CCHA members are also welcome to attend these meetings. Interested in Coaching? If you would like to apply for one of the head coaching positions or an assistant position, please complete the enclosed form and mail it to the CCHA P.O. Box. Applications are due by: July 20th, 1998 District 6 Coaches Clinics District 6 conducts a series of coaches clinics for the each of the coaching certification levels. The following is the schedule for those clinics in our area. Date / Time Clinic Site 9-19 / 8:00 am Intermediate Minnetonka 9-26 / 8:00 am Associate Richfield TBA Initiation Apple Valley 11-2 / 6:30 pm Intermediate Shakopee HS Refresher If you would like more information regarding these clinics or would like to register, please contact Gary Gregus @ 445-8140. Fees for these clinic are $35 and $45 each. Bring your skates, stick, and gloves to the clinic. Video Tape Library The CCHA in coordination with the City of Chanhassen is establishing a video library. If you are interested in donating a Hockey Video Tape to the CCHA Video Library, please contact Bryan McGovem @ 474-8516. If you would like to make a donation of $29.00, a video tape from USA Hockey will be purchased and added to the library. Mail your donation to the CCHA PO Box and note in the memo field "CCHA Video Library". Tapes will be available for viewing starting in September. Page 1 show our athletes just how to exercise prOper y and develop an off ice training regimen,: While ~ising :a?self disclPlin~d'Schedule. The program will conclude with a party at 5:00 PM the Bantam STP )~ iWe will serve brats and j Chaska Training Camp to those who participated in the Spr ng STP program as well as those Pee Wee's who:did not, The cost for this 7 week off/on ice program will be around $35 to $40.00 depending upon participation..: Skaters should enroti either at the STP party on July 9~, or by contacting me. The 3 day weekend tournament will b6 held in Eden Prairie, We are looking for a coach for this event..Should you have interest, please give me a call to discuss the details. . ,, Note: no coach, no tournament please consider volunteering your weekend. Hockey Development Kristie Mitchell, who administers the Chaska Skate School will be offeringinstruction on power skating during the months of July and August every Thursday at 11:45 AM 12:45 PM starting July 7~.: This is an eXCellent opportunity for our skaters to work on their skating techniques under a knowledgeable instructor. The cost for this prOgram is only $3 per session. Note: This is the same individualized instruction that costs $25 per session during hockey season. Rink Rats There are still a few openings for our Pee Wee Rink Rat program. We're on the ice Sunday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM starting July 12`~. Please sign up at CCC. The forms are at the front desk. The cost for this 8 :week program is $45, If you are a coach and would like to participate, please give me a call. Snuggeruds' Chaska Training Camp There are still a few openings for Snuggerud's Chaska Training Camp that runs from August 10~' to the 28"~, Dave Snuggerud is our Chaska Higt~ School Varsity Hockey Coach; This is a great opportunity for our skaters to learn from teachers such as Dave and his brother Bo. They will be teaching intense skating, stick handling, shooting, and passing skills. Registration and camp information is available at the CCC front desk, or by contacting me. Arena Update The second sheet of ice is on schedule for an October 1" opening. The ice arena lobby renovation plan is progressing with every hope of having the work completed by this October 1" date, Fall Tryouts ! will be assisting over the next 30 days or so to finalize our plan for Pee Wee tryouts this Fall; Should you have some novel ideas, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Have a nice Summer. peewee Commissioner: 474-8746 Wall Raising Event The "Wall Raising" event was a lot of fun. We heard positive messages from key leaders within our community about partnerships and importance of team work. Thanks goes out to the City of Chaska for the nice picnic dinner and our guest speakers: Chaska Mayor - Robert Roepke, Victoria Mayor - Mary Meuwissen, and School "-'oard District 112 Chair Person - Kelly VandenBur. x:un was had by all in attendance! Comment or Suggestions If you have comments or suggestions for our hockey association, drop a letter in the mail addressed to: CCHA P.O. Box 184 Chaska, MN 55318 All Letters will be reviewed and responded to. Don't forget to include your name and phone number. Page 2 CCHA Coaching Application tApplicant Phone Number Applied for Position Coaching Experience Head Coach Assistant Coach Number of Years Mite Squid C Squid B Squid A PeeWee C PeeWee B PeeWee A Bantam C Bantam B Bantam A Other: Playing Experience Number of Years Youth High School College Juniors Professional Other Other: Why are you interested in coaching? Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position? Thank you for your application. Please mail completed application to: CCHA PO Box 184 Chaska MN 55318 Ice Arena Update The Concrete is in and ready for the old boards to be installed in the new arena. The plexiglass were the fans watch will be tempered glass for a "Clean View" of the players on ice. The wall on the end of the arena is now up. The coils in the floor are now being installed. The floor in the new arena will be dirt. The chilling pipes will be laid on top of the ground. Water will be pored and lines will then be painted or placed on to the ice. A second layer of water is then pored sealing the lines in place. '"" 'he main arena will get the new boards and tempered glass. These boards will be insulated for a quieter environment and the glass will provide a "Clean Viewing" of the games. The new boards are now being installed and will be ready for the rink rat sessions and summer training camps. As you can see the old boards were removed. Paul Berens and his group of volunteers did a great job removing the boards. The player boxes will remain with some improvements to be made. New boxes will be build in the new arena. The new arena is on schedule to be opened in October ready for our 1998/1999 Hockey Season See You Th e r e.t .t .t .t .t .t Page 4 CHASKA i SUMMER HOCKEY FUN A number of ice opportunities ar~ being offered by the City of Chaska during the months of July and August. Arena i is scheduled to reopen Monday, July 6. This existing ~ena will have new boards and tempered glass. The old board will be installed in the new component, Arena il. It is anticipated that Arena !1 will open in October. I~lew Program! Hockey Develoement Ice Kristie Mitchell who administers the Chaska Skate School will be offering instruction on power skating during the months of July end August. This is an excellent opportunity for beys and girls to work on their skating technique under a knowledgeable instructor. Mini-Mite hour added! Openings still exist for the Sunday Chaska Rink Rat program scheduled to start July 12. The fee is $45 for the 8 week program. Forms are available at the CCC. Mini-Mites Mites Squirts Pea Wees Bantams 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. 5:15 - 6:45 p.m. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. 8:15 - 9:15 p.m. The cost is only $3.00 per time. This same individualized instruction during the hockey season cost $25 per time. Mites anflSauirt~ Every Friday starting July 10. 11:45 am -12:45 pm Pea Wees and Bantams Every Thumday starting July 9. 11:45 am - 12:45 pm This program is a casual and fun program supervised by CCHA coaches. _~nu.aoeruds Chaska Training Camp C.H.S. coach Dave Snuggerud is conducting a hockey camp at the CCC from August 10 - 28 during the afternoon hours. Registration and camp information is available at the CCC for Squirts, Pea Wees, and Bantams. Chaska Training Camp for Bantam's We have started our Summer training camp that will continue until 8/27/98. Please plan on attending either at 7:30 AM or 4:00 PM, every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The program meets at the Chaska High School. Girls Hockey Development Prop_ram Mr. Chuck Nichols, C.H.S. girls hockey coach is conducting a girls hockey development program at the CCC. IBentam Sqrnmer Ice All Bantam Age players are welcome to skate Monday's and Wednesday's from 11:45 - 12:45 starting Wednesday, July 8. The program is for beginning skaters at one time and experienced skaters at a different time for ages 5 - 14. Both groups will meet on weekdays from July 27 - August 7. Information is available at the CCC. Second year Bantam players will participate in the STP Tournament Festival at Eden Prairie in August. The July and August program cost is $30 or $5 per time. Page 5 1998/1999 CCHA Board Members: Position President: ~"VP of Competition: Secretary: Equipment Manager: Concession Stand Coordinator: Name Jim Leone (Open Position) Deb Shafranski Kevin Kuntson Susie Blake 97/98 Bantam Commissioner: 97/98 Pee Wee Commissioner: 97/98 Squirt Commissioner: 97/98 Mite Commissioner: 97/98 Mini Mite Commissioner: (Open Position) Jim Liddell Mark Giordano Bob Raser Tom & Lynne Nygaard Other Numbers: CCHA Merchandise: Chaska Community Center: Gold Medal Sports 934-3300 448-5633 (Main Desk,) Position VP of Business: Treasurer: District 6 Representative: Ice Coordinator: Tournament Director: Name Kevin McShane Jim Roeder Mike Buller Tom Redman Peter Mitchell Girls Coordinator Dir. of Communications Claire Schnurr Randy Mueller Please take time to thank our team sponsors for their suppOrt. They helped make the Chaska Community Hockey program pOssible in 1997/1998. Cooper's New Market The Chanhassen Bank St Francis Health & Physical Therapy Lions Tap Emerson MotiOn Control Chaska Sanitation Chaska Lion's Jonaco Machine Fluoroware Ankeny Kell Architects Dairy Queen -- ChaSka Metro Athletic Supply Chaska American Legion Post #57 Chaska Building Center Rainbow Foods Chaska V.F.W. Post #1791 Envir~cyCle VictOria LiOn,s City of Chanhassen Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 June, 1998 STATE AND METROPOLITAN SUPPORT FOR REGIONAL PARKS CONTINUES Hennepin Parks works cooperatively with the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, Metropolitan Council and State Legislature as one of ten implementing agencies of the seven-county Twin Cities area representing the Metropolitan Regional Park System. This system of parks was established in 1974 by the State Legislature and collectively serves more than 15 million park guests per year, providing outdoor education/recreation facilities, services and programs. During the 1998 State Legislative session, support for the Regional Park System continued to be strong among state and regional elected and appointed officials. This resulted in significant capital funding for regional parks in the 1998-1999 biennium. "Special thanks" are extended to the State Legislature, Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission for their efforts. HENNEPIN PARKS RECEIVES NATIONAL AWARD FOR MYSTERY PARK GUEST PROGRAM In March, Hennepin Parks received notice from the National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials (NACPRO) that the park system had been recognized for its Mystery Park Guest Program. The NACPRO Program Award is given out annually to recognize exceptional contributions to the field of parks and recreation by regional park districts and county park and recreation agencies. The Mystery Park Guest Program is an evalUation program designed to assess service quality throughout Hennepin Parks through the use of unidentified observers. Specific objectives of the program are to monitor quality service, assess the current level of service provided, recognize staff and volunteers who deliver exceptional service, and develop a quality service training program. The program works by selecting 100 -200 park visitors each year who are asked to serve as Mystery Park Guests by evaluating employees/volunteers during park visits and through telephone calls. Mystery Park Guests are given a monetary incentive for each completed and retumed evaluation as well as reimbursement for in-park expenses. Employees/volunteers who exceed expectations are recognized by a certificate of appreciation signed by the Superintendent, $5 worth of Quality Bucks, a copy of their evaluation, and recognition in the employee/volunteer newsletter. Hennepin Parks staff will receive the award at the NACPRO Awards Banquet in Portland, Oregon in mid-July. Public Officials Informer - 2 - ]une, 1998 The Park Patron Revenue Program was initiated in 1997 as part of an effort to expand non-tax revenues and hold annual tax increases to cost of living or less. As detailed in the December issue of the Public Officials Informer, the Park Patron Program consists of the Parks Plus Package, the Trails Plus Package and the Education Plus program. In its inaugural year, the Park Patron Revenue Program proved to be the "shot in the arm" Hennepin Parks needed. Since 1994, the rate of sales of the annual parking permits had leveled out and daily permit sales had been decreasing since 1986. The Park Patron initiative, with its advertisements, promotions, business partners, and increased value, created excitement and demand for the Patron Packages that delighted both Hennepin Parks and its customers. As a result, additional parking revenue in 1997 totaled $222,422, a 17.6 percent increase over 1996. Other park use revenue growth, including those from enterprise facilities, can also be attributed in part to the Patron Program. Total sales of Parks Plus Patron packages ($25 first permits and $5 second permits) equaled 53,651, surpassing the one-year record of 45,304 annual permits set in 1994. Compared to the previous year, 1996, sales of first permits showed a modest increase in spite of two negative factors (price increase and summer/winter seasons that were less than ideal for park use) that normally would have decreased sales. Second permit sales increased by 148 percent, due to the attractive low cost. In 1998, Hennepin Parks will be expanding the Park Patron Program further by implementing ways to improve renewal of annual passes, seeking greater financial support from trail users, and exploring potential new markets and corporate partners. PARK ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET In January, Hennepin Parks was informed that four parks had been selected to be highlighted in the new Minnesota Guide to Universal Access in the Outdoors: An Internet Guidebook. Included are Lake Minnetonka Regional Park, Baker Park Reserve, Elm Creek Park Reserve, and Hyland Lake Park Reserve. A cooperative venture between Wilderness Inquiry and the Minnesota DNR, the guidebook provides information necessary for people of all abilities to make informed choices on where to go in Minnesota's outdoor environment and increases the likelihood that people with disabilities will visit the many and varied parks within our state. Over 50 state, county, and municipal parks are included in the guidebook. In each park, various amenities such as trails, playgrounds, parking lots, fishing piers, campgrounds, picnic areas, restrooms were surveyed and rated in terms of accessibility. The information was organized into an easy-to-read format with cOlor coding to indicate levels of accessibility. The result is meaningful information which presents a clear picture of what to expect when planning to visit a specific park. Photos are included to give an even better idea of park features and related accessibility. It is the intent of Wilderness Inquiry and the DNR to continually add to this document, eventually providing a comprehensive guide to all parks in Minnesota. Hennepin Parks is pleased to be part of this initiative. Check us out at: www.wildernessinquiry.org/mnparks Public Officials Informer - 3 - lune, 1998 RESTORATION OF HISTORIC WENDELIN GRIMM FARM UNDERWAY The Hennepin Parks Board of Commissioners has allocated funds, including $55,000 from Private donations to match two State funding sources allowing the long-awaited restoration of the Wendelin Grimm Farm to begin. The Chaska brick farmhouse is on the State and National Register of Historic Places, commemorating Grimm's development of the first winter-hardy alfalfa in North America. It was this development that led to the Upper Midwest becoming the "dairy belt." The projected budget for the farmhouse restoration is $400,000. The 1997 Legislature allocated $75,000 for the project through the Minnesota Historical Society and in December Hermepin Parks received $40,000 from the Historical Society's Grants-in-Aid program. Both grants required non-statematching funds for a Phase I project budget of $230,000. The Phase I work program will complete exterior work on the farmhouse as well as the surrounding landscape. Hennepin Parks has contracted with Miller-Dunwiddie Architects to coordinate the restoration work scheduled to begin this summer. When Phase II funding is secured, the interior of the farmhouse will be restored to allow public access for interpretive and historical programs. The goal of the restoration project is to return the farmsite to a historical condition that will allow park visitors to learn the Grimm alfalfa story, and more importantly understand agricultural issues as they relate to the environment. Hennepin Parks is committed to implementing an ongoing educational program at the restored Grimm Farm as part of Lowry Nature Center located in Carver Park Reserve. THE NEAR-WILDERNESS SETTLEMENT IN BAKER PARK RESERVE Cabin-building is underway at the Near-Wilderness Settlement in Baker Park Reserve. This exciting project will provide a rustic, residential setting where students can learn environmental education experientially. The Settlement will initially consist of nine log cabins to accommodate 64 students and chaperons, and a 3,000 square° foot log lodge which will house a kitchen, restrooms, and program space. The Minnesota Conservation Corps is constructing the cabins and a contractor will begin construction of the lodge in late summer. The project developed with $500,000 donation from the Baker Foundation in memory of Bill Baker, a former dedicated Park District Commissioner, and was matched by funds allocated by the Hennepin Parks Board. The purpose of the Near-Wildemess Settlement is to facilitate environmental education in a setting that maximizes the interaction with the natural world through minimizing the reliance on artificial lighting and heat, and other conveniences. Students will experience composting toilets, campfire cooking, and woodstoves in their daily routine at the facility. The entrance road, trails, parking lots, and well were installed in 1997. Remaining components will be completed in 1998, allowing the facility to open for school use in winter/spring 1999. Contact Nancy Harger, Outdoor Education Manager, at 476-4663 for details. BAKER NATIONAL GOLF COURSE RECERTIFIED AS AUDUBON COOPERATIVE SANCTUARY Hennepin Parks' Baker National Golf Course recently has been recertified as an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary by the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary System, a program of the Audubon Society of New York State. In 1995, Baker National was the first public golf course in Minnesota and only the third in the state to receive Audubon's Cooperative Sanctuary designation. Certification recognizes Baker National's ongoing commitment to achieving a high degree of environmental quality in specific areas of course maintenance and management including environmental planning, wildlife and habitat management, outreach and education, integrated pest management, Public Officials Informer - 4 - June, 1998 water conservation and water quality management. To ensure that these environmental activities are continued, the Audubon Society requires that certified golf courses resubmit an application representing current activities every three years. Baker National has been wholeheartedly recertified and is recognized as a model Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. HENNEPIN COUNTY AND HENNEPIN PARKS JOINT AGREEMENT OPERATES THE SUCCESSFUL GLEN LAKE GOLF AND PRACTICE CENTER In 1996, at the invitation of Hennepin County, Hennepin Parks entered into an agreement for the joint operation and development of the Glen Lake Golf and Practice Center. The golf course is located in two cities - - seven holes and the clubhouse within the City of Minnetonka on the north side of County Rd. 62 and two holes and the maintenance facility within Eden Prairie on the south side of County Rd. 62. Glen Lake is a 2,090-yard, par 31 golf course containing four Par 4's and five Par 3's. There is also a 40-station driving range with teaching/practice area, target greens, practice bunker, and a 11,000 square-foot practice green. The Glen Lake Golf and Practice Center is owned by Hennepin County and operated by Hennepin Parks via a joint operations agreement. Since Hennepin Parks, a District established by the State Legislature, is the regional parks and recreation agency serving suburban Hennepin County, and has successful golf operations experience, the County Board believed it would be appropriate to work cooperatively with the Park District to operate this facility. The Glen Lake Golf and Practice Center functions as an enterprise facility, meaning all expenses and debt service are covered through revenues. The Glen Lake Golf and Practice Center has been readily accepted by the community, with the exception of not having enough time and space to meet demands. HENNEPIN PARKS HYLAND SKI & SNOWBOARD AREA HAS CONTINUED SUCCESS Hennepin Parks has operated the Hyland Ski & Snowboard Area for over 25 years. During this time, use has grown from approximately 20,000 -30,000 annual visits to a record 129,000 visits during the 1997-98 season. Many skiers in the metro area are proud to say they learned to ski at Hyland; in 1997-98, over 27,000 people participated in lessons. Hennepin Parks !S fortunate to have an outdoor facility that serves so many young people and families during the winter season. Even without natural snow, Hyland's ability to make and groom snow solidifies its reputation as a quality area. Hyland may not compete as far as vertical drop and challenge of hills, but it is an area that is friendly, clean, well-managed, and priced with public service mind. The area serves many young people, in particular teenagers, who appreciate it for having the best snowboard amenities in the metro area. LAKE MINNETONKA REGIONAL PARK CREATIVE PLAY AREA UPDATE Bids have been received for the construction of a creative play area at the Lake Minnetonka Regional Park. The concept reflects a beached ship with towers, cargo net and cargo hold. Slides will permit users to slide into the cargo hold from an elevated bow and stem area. The overall ship is approximately 24,000 square-feet in size with a tot lot area adjacent to the ship's perimeter. Several play area surfaces are included, from shredded wood fiber to poured-in-place rubber resilient material. A ship's mast and flag will promote the overall theme. Construction is expected to begin in early June with completion in late fall of 1998. Public Officials Informer - 5 - June, 1998 NEW SOUTHERN DIVISION MAINTENANCE CENTER NEARS COMPLETION The long-awaited completion of a maintenance facility to serve Hennepin Parks' Southern Division is fast approaching. For many years, the small Hyland Lake Park Reserve/Hyland Ski & Snowboard Area park shop has functioned as a Division facility. As the Park District grew, space to house both staff and equipment has become increasingly inadequate. The Southern Division includes Hyland Lake, Murphy Hanrehan and Carver Park Reserves, Lake Minnetonka, Bryant Lake and Cleary Lake Regional Parks, as well as 27-miles of the Southwest Hennepin Regional LRT Trail Corridors. In 1996, the Hennepin Parks Board of Commissioners approved $2.6 million from the District's Land Acquisition, Development and Betterment Fund to construct the much-needed 11,000 square-foot maintenance center within Hyland Lake Park Reserve, just off East Bush Lake Road in Bloomington. The project budget also funded a cold storage building and rehabilitation of the existing shop, which in the future will be used exclusively to service the ski and snowboard area. The new Center will include administrative offices for Southern Division maintenance and facilities management staff, as well as accommodate carpenters, mechanics and up to 20 park maintenance workers. The official opening will be held later this summer which will include a tree-planting in memory of the late Robert Rowe, who served the District as a Division Maintenance Manager for 10 years before his death in December of 1997. ELM CREEK PARK RESERVE TRAIL EXPANSION Bladers, bikers, strollers and joggers are quickly finding their way to Hennepin Parks' first 10-foot-wide asphalt trail. Located in Elm Creek, the newly-completed 9.3-mile trail expansion results in a total of 27 black-topped miles within the 5,000-acre Park Reserve (including the 7.3-mile North Hennepin Regional Trail Corridor connecting Elm Creek and Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park). The $1.65 million project also included rerouting and enhancing several sections of horse trail to make room for the bike trail expansion. The Park Reserve includes more than 13 miles of scenic trails used by horseback riders from throughout the metropolitan area. An official trail opening and ribbon cutting is scheduled for Saturday, June 13 at 9 a.m. at Eastman Nature Center. Call Judy McDowell, Special Project Manager at 559-6755 for details. COMMITMENT TO REGIONAL TRAILS UPDATE Hennepin Parks continues to work on regional trail initiatives. A number of projects have recently been · completed, are in the planning process, or will commence this summer. Please note the following: Southwest Hennepin Regional LRT Trails Two new bridges are now open on the LRT Trail: the St. Albans' Bay Bridge between Excelsior and Greenwood on the North corridor and the Valley View Bridge in Eden Prairie on the South corridor. Both bridges eliminate major "barriers" to trail use. This summer the East Corridor of the LRT Trail (Hopkins to Minneapolis) will be under construction. This new corridor will link the North and South segments of the LRT trail to the new Kenilworth and Midtown Greenway regional trails in Minneapolis. Public Officials Informer - 6 - ]une, 1998 North Hennepin Regional Trail By the end of June, 1998, this trail will be extended with the completion of the East Medicine Lake segment from French Regional Park to U.S. 169 at Plymouth Road. Construction will be underway as soon as possible to 'continue this trail through Golden Valley to Wirth Regional Park and Wirth Parkway in Minneapolis. In Brooklyn Park, key trail segments will also be under construction in 1998. The Xerxes Avenue and Noble Parkway sections will be completed by fall, 1998. In Plymouth, the Luce Line State Trail connection to the North Hennepin Regional Trail will be completed in 1999. This will occur from 1-494 to 169 in Plymouth, including the critical segment across the south end of Medicine Lake. Also in 1999, the Trail will be constructed from Elm Creek Park Reserve in Maple Grove through Fish Lake Regional Park in Maple Grove and on to French Regional Park in Plymouth; thus completing this 40-mile regional trail corridor. North Mississippi Regional Park A key 1.6 mile segment of trail is now under construction which will link trails in Minneapolis and Anoka County and form a loop using the 1-694 and Camden bridges. Completion is scheduled for August, 1998. Funding is provided through a State regional park grant and the Federal ISTEA program. Trails Connection Bill Hennepin Parks worked with six other Metropolitan Regional Park Agencies (Anoka, Carver, Dakota and Ramsey Counties and the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul) to implement a bill funding regional trail connections in the Twin Cities area. Due to hard work by all agencies and outstanding support from many legislators, the bill became a reality and funded $5 million in regional trail projects including $1.5 million for Hennepin Parks to finance trail acquisition in St. Louis Park and trail construction from the Luce Line trail to the North Hennepin Regional Trail in Plymouth and Golden Valley. Hennepin Parks, 12615 County Road 9, Plymouth, MN 55441-1299 Phone: (612) 559-9000 or (612) 559-6730 Fax: (612) 559-3287 shl/informer.98/10-15 PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION 1998 GOALS · Manage 1997 Park & Open Space and Trail Projects · Pursue Art & Theatre Programming · Install Historical Street Markers · Focus on High School Programs (In response to the opinion of high schoolers that the reason drug and alcohol use is as prevalent as it is, is due to a lack of things to do) · Construct a BMX Trail · Continue to Commit Resources to the Bluff Creek Greenway · Update the Five Year Park Acquisition and Develop Capital hnprovement Program · Explore Options for the Old Ready Mix & Pauly's Sites · Identify and Explore Community Partnerships e.g. Lifetime Fitness, Minnesota Orchestra, Golf Course o 10. 11. PARK & RECREATION DIRECTOR 1998 GOALS Administer all park open space and trail projects approved in the June 14, 1997 referendum on behalf of the city council. Ongoing. Complete Phase II development of Roundhouse Park. Ongoing. Administer the formation of a neighborhood park planning committee for the five acre park located at 7400 Galpin Boulevard. Complete. Construct an "official" trail connection between Herman Field Park and Minnewashta Regional Park. Incomplete. Complete the trail underpass of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad at Creekside. Scheduled. Promote public awareness of the Highway 5 pedestrian bridge overpass through directional signage and the disbursement of an informational flyer. Incomplete. Complete the annual park inventory in April of 1998. Complete. Make application for all federal, state and local grants which would enhance the operation and development of the Park & Recreation Department and systems. Fishing pier grant for Roundhouse Park approved. Dedicate "Lions Playground" (adjacent to the Recreation Center) in June. Rescheduled to fall 1998. Administer the successful completion of the 1998 Park & Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program. Ongoing. Increase public awareness of park, trail, and other recreation amenities and programs through public speaking, the Internet, press releases, and the production and disbursement of high quality brochures, flyers, and bulletins. Ongoing. 12. Listen before speaking. A reminder to always be courteous, diplomatic, and professional. G:\park\th\98goals o ° o 10. 1998 Goals Recreation Supervisor Increase Chanhassen's annual sponsorship contributions total to $25,000.00, including cash, gift certificates, etc. · $17,035 has been received in cash. With gift certificates, the total is close to $25,000. Final the 4th of July Celebration Schedule of Events by the end of April. · Done Process district facility request applications for the 1998/99 school year by July 1. · In the process of being completed. Continue to xvork with Recreation Supervisor in providing nexv and interesting recreational oppom~nities for the residents of Chanhassen. Work with Senior Coordinator to expand program for participants of the senior center. · Ongoing. Work with seasonal staff to provide better job training and motivation. · Ongoing. Implement volunteers from local businesses for Chanhassen's Special Events through the annual sponsorship program. · Ongoing. Look for new ways to increase our department's working relationship with School District #276. · Ongoing. Continue to publish weekly adult athletic standings in the Chanhassen Villager. · Mailed out weekly to teams instead. Collect $7,500.00 in picnic revenues from reservations. · Collected $6,555 to date. Continue to operate the Lake Ann Concession building and boat rental station in a fiscally responsible manner. · Ongoing. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Develop new ideas for increased concession and boat rental revenues and decreased expenditures. · New manager doing a great job. Continue serving MRPA on the RSC as District 4 Representative. · Ongoing. Continue to assist the Chanhassen Athletic Association and other youth associations in a liaison capacity. · Ongoing. Continue working with Recreation Supervisor in planning and coordinating ne~v programs. · I need to develop more programs. Continue serving on the Chanhassen Chamber Board and assisting with their other needs. · Ongoing. Develop new ideas to increase membership in the adult softball program by opening up the eligibility requirements. · Opened up eligibility this spring. It will take a year or two to get the word out. g:\park\jcrry\goals98update.doc CITYOF CHAN SE 6 520 CiS' Gwter D;'it'e, PO Box P/,o ~;e 612 93,Z 1900 &z'e~d h~.v 612 )3Z573P MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor~ DATE: June 25, 1998 SUB J: 1998 Mid-Season Goals Increase patronage of the CRC to realize two goals: a. to promote mental and physical health and wellness among our citizens, and, b. to generate revenue of 65-75% of operating cost. For the period January 1 - May 31 (5 months), 58% of the 1998 budget remains. Revenue of $90,159 has been received in 1998, compared to $68,415.34 in 1997. Provide the CRC gym schedule monthly and make it available to the customer by the 20th of each month for the upcoming month. Schedule is produced monthly. Continue to coordinate gym schedule meeting with local athletic association representatives to allocate gym time. Meetings to be held in August for the period of September - May and again in April for the period of June - August. Meeting was held in April and another scheduled for August. Continue to work on promotional/marketing brochure for CRC meeting and conference rooms. A special mailing to go to all local businesses in April. · The brochure is completed (see attached) and the mailing will go out in August. 5. Continue to develop a comprehensive facility supervisor manual. · Currently working on manual. 1998 Recreation Supervisor Goals Page 2 o o o 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Propose the continuation of summer tennis lessons to be offered by EIS Tennis. · Already in place for summer 1998. Assume a leadership role in the MRPA Facility Section, playground workshop and other committees as needed. · Ongoing. Provide in-depth seasonal staff orientation. · Ongoing. Publish weekly press releases in the Chanhassen Villager. · Ongoing. Co-sponsor a summer safety camp with the Public Safety Department. · In process. Assist with the City's special events. · Ongoing. Discover new ways in which to apply RecWare to the daily operations at the CRC. · Ongoing. Establish operating budgets for dance, aerobics, and child care programs. · Will complete with 1999 budget. Complete a CRC year-end report. · Completed 1997 Chanhassen Recreation Center Report on March 25, 1998. 1998 Recreation Supervisor Goals Page 3 15. 16. Team up with Park Maintenance to dress up the CRC front entrance with flower pots. · Will pursue upon playscape and front lawn area completion (fall 1998). If funding is available, research the purchase of a CRC monument sign and additional lighting at the CRC entrance way. · Will resubmit in Chanhassen Recreation Center 1999 Budget. g:\park\patty\1998 MidseasonGoalsTHMemo CITYOF CHAN SEN MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator DATE: June 29, 1998 SUB J: 1998 Goals Update Attached you will find my 1998 goals for the Chanhassen Senior Center and an explanation behind each goal to update you on the progress I have made over the course of the year. If you have any questions regarding these goals, please contact me at ext. 145. Goals for the Chanhassen Senior Center 1998 1) 2) 3) 4) Continue to supervise and recruit volunteers to assist with extra office tasks and special events. I currently have four regular volunteers to staff the Senior Center office when I'm not available to be in the office or when I have scheduled days off. Provide support and supervision to the Congregate Dining Kitchen Coordinator in the daily needs of the Congregate Dining program. Also assist in the future planning of Meals on Wheels program. Cztrrently I am in charge of scheduling the monthly volunteers for kitchen assistance duties and assist Joyce, the Dining Site Manager, in any tasks she needs help with. I am also presently working with Sharmin Al-daff and the Senior Commission to coordinate the start up of Meals on Wheels. Institute a written policy regarding registration payment and refund regulations. All Senior Center registration forms explain the cancel and payment polices. Organize an overnight or extended trip during the summer and winter months. Make contacts with local travel agencies to assist with planning details. An extended trip for late fall of 1998 and a spring trip for 1999 have been organized. All the information for the fall 1998 trip has already been distributed. The 1999 spring trip is in the process of being planned. This trip will be advertised in the 1998fall city newsletter. Plan a variety of events that promote intergenerational activity. Include organizations like the 4-H clubs, church youth groups, cub scouts, girl scouts, etc. A 1998 Intergenerational activity schedule has been organized. Several youth church groups as well as 4-H members, school children, girl scouts and boy scout groups have scheduled events for the 1998 calendar. The Chanhassen Villager has also been included in all these activities. Organize a Health Fair Week at the Senior Center that would provide educational speakers on the topics of nutrition, exercise, footcare, eye care, etc. The Senior Advisory Board will be responsible for organizing this event. 7) 8) 9) The Senior Advisory Board has this item on their 1999 Goals. They would like to organize it for the either the winter or spring. Include a mystery trip on the 1998 calendar. It was decided to take this off the 1998 calendar due to interest. Maintain a spread sheet program to track and itemize expenses throughout the year. This will make budget planning for 1999 smoother. This will also help pin-point and reduce unnecessary expenses. I have personally keep track of all expenses and deposits for trips and donations. I also receive a itemized print out from the Finance Department to compare our numbers. Continue to interact with other neighboring Senior Centers, planning joint trips and activities together. Throughout the year trips and certain activities are coordinated with Eden Prairie Senior Center, Watertown Senior Center and on occasion the Chaska Senior Center. i0) Promote the Chanhassen Senior Center more effectively in the Chaska Herald and continue to submit weekly press releases in the Chanhassen Villager and the Wayzata Weekly News. Press releases are submitted to the Chanhassen Villager and the Wayzata Weekly News on a weekly basis. The option to submit weekly press releases in the Chaska Herald need to be explored yet. ii) Involve City Council members, Chanhassen Mayor, and Chanhassen Villager in large senior events; Saturday Night Specials, congregate dinning, etc., to keep them informed of the growth the Senior Center is experiencing. Important reports involving the Senior Center's attendance and activity levels have been shared and passed on to both the City Council and the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Committee for their interest. The Senior Center would like to involve the City Council on a more consistent basis when it involves social events. Aim to increase the participation level in the Men's Club. Include and plan more active projects and field trips they can participate in. ,4 special meeting was just held in dune to discuss the decreased attendance and what can be done to increase the interest level. Several ideas were shared and the most common expressed idea was to organize more field trips and to participate in more community/City activities. 13) Attend more of the local Senior Service Provider meetings to keep updated on the latest senior issues in Carver County. Remain on the Carver County Senior Expo committee. I have attended a few of the monthly Carver County Senior Service Provider's meetings and have collected valuable information. These meetings also allow me to promote the Chanhassen Senior Center. This past year I completed my fourth year on the Carver County Senior Expo Committee. 14) 16) 17) Revise all the activity rosters for the Men's Club, Women's Club, Woodcarving, Bowling, Card Club, Bridge Club, Bingo, Crafts, Book Club, CHAN-o-laires, etc. These lists are continually revised when changes are needed throughout the year. Coordinate a Volunteer Appreciation luncheon for all the Senior Center volunteers, Senior Commission and SAB (Senior Advisory Board) members. This luncheon should be seheduled in the month of January. Completed. Develop a phone list that matches up with the mailing list. Volunteer staff are presently working on this project. Continue to promote the food shelf program, and encourage people to donate food. 18) This is an ongoing project. A volunteer once a month delivers the food to the Carver/Scott/Dakota CAP Agency program in Shakopee, Mn.. Seniors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item for the food shelf program for all Saturday Night Specials in order to be eligible for the door prize drawing. Continue to work in connection with Chaska and Waconia Community Education programs to offer a wide array of activities and trips for all communities. Once a quarter the Chanhassen Senior Center, Chaska Community Education, Waconia Community Education and Westview Acres from tVaconia, meet to plan joint trips to help reduce the duplication of programming. All of these groups have been meeting together for about a year. 19) 20) Establish a computer program once all the computer systems are up and going. This project is at a stand still. The computer provided for the Senior Center has yet to be hooked up. Once the installation is complete a computer program can be organized. Continue to communicate with Planning Department, Park & Recreation Director and Senior Commission to assist with any necessary plans for the future of the Senior Center. I attend monthly Senior Commission meetings and keep in touch with Sharmin Al-daff, Senior Commission Chair / City Planner II. Information regarding the Senior Center is relayed to Park & Recreation Department through memorandums and weekly staff meetings.