4 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Director Susan Marek, Facility Supervisor August 19. 1998 CRC Monthly Report Facility \Ve thank Dist. 1 12 Custodians for their efforts in cleaning our facility. The carpets have been shampooed and the tile floors have been washed and waxed, The building is in excellent condition for our upcoming 3rd Anniversary. We had several inquiries about our facility generated from the temporary sign board at the comer of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard Although the sign has been removed, we look forward to the placement of banners on our exterior g.ymnaiium wall facing Highv,,ay 5. The banners will be up on September 8 and will read as follows: Chanhassen Recreation Center Fitness Facility Childcare Available We hope the banne/'s will improve community recognition of the center as well as generate new interest inour fitness and childcare programs. The banners will hang concurrent with our 3~d Anniversary celebration, which v,,ill include free use of the fitness room, open gym and aerobic classes. Staff In response to Patty Dexter's departure, Susan Marek will act as interim coordinator for the Recreation Center. Staffing schedules have been established through November. We welcome the return orNate Parr and Priscilla Weber as Facility Supervisors. Chanhassen Recreation Center' 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. I"linnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651 Programming YMCA Preschool Soccer begins August 24 at capacity enrollment. Kerry Ronay, YMCA, is finalizing rosters. We have begun taking registrations for fall and winter programs. Many dance activities are already full. A new Childcare program proposal is being created. The proposal will include an easier fee structure, improved check-in/out procedures and a lower cost staffing plan. We appreciate your consideration of our interest in continuing this program. We will be taking steps to show improved financial performance by January 1.