Correspondence Section,4dministrative Section CITYOF CHANHASSEN July 28, 1998 Dear Roundhouse Park Neighbors: On May 12, a group of your neighbors met to select a playground design for Roundhouse Park. Miracle Recreation was chosen from a group of five companies to provide a playground for children, ages 5 - 12. A future Phase II will accommodate children ages 3 - 5. An investment of $25,000 is being made in the Phase I playground. To get tile most "bang for the buck," the option of coordinating a neighborhood installation was selected. By utilizing volunteer labor, thc neighborhood receives $2,500 - $3,000 more in equipment. An installation schedule of August 13~' and 14'~ has bccn selected i%r vour project. Tom Lane, 6991 Country Oaks Road, 470-8734 (evenings/weekends), bas graciously volunteered to act as neighborhood coordinator. Please call Tom if you are willing to work a shift. In addition, let him know what tools or equipment you are able to provide. A list of needs is attached. Mt'. Ron Otto will bc on site both days acting as the manuthcturcr's representative. Itc is responsible for coordinating the job. Thc Park and Recreation Department will provide an equipment operator, a bobcat with auger, and thc other tools noted on the sheet. We arc also responsible for coordinating thc border and resilient material installation. Final grading and seeding of the entire park will follow by mid-September. Unfortnnatcly, due to a busy spring and delays due to storm damage cleanup, we were unable to seed the park this spring. Repairs/refurbishments to the Roundhouse itself may bc delayed until 1999. Thank you for 3'our patience and understanding as we all chip in to build one of the nicest neighborhood parks in the city. " 5 Want to help build the playground? Call Tom Lane at &~0-43&. If you bare other questions, please contact me at 937-1900 ext. 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director Tit:ns c: M, ayor and City Council v-'Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Dean Schmeig, Park Foreman Paul Paige, Hoisington Koegler Group Brenda Wenner, Miracle Recreation Ron Otto, Miracle Recreation g: park' referen roundhouscltr7-28.doc Rotmdhouse Park Neighborhood Playground Installation Volunteer Needs Contact Tom Lano Evenings/Weekends at 470-8734 to sign up. Thursday, August 13th 9:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. Layout/Unpacking 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Assembly 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 12. Friday, August 14th 8:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. Morning Assembly Crew 1:00 p.m. to Finish Afternoon Assembly and Clean-up The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department will pay for pizza lunches. The formation of a neighborhood support group to provide water, treats, kool-aid, etc. is also encouraged. G:'park'referen' Roundhouse\'olunteerSi~Up TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR SUPERVISED INSTALLATION!!! Bobcat with auger (12" and 20"i) Boom to lift tt~e slides approximatel, y 20 Blocking to support th.e slides -.C~ A few Allen wrench sets 3/!.6"- 3/8" Cordless Drills 1/2" & 3/8" ( 2 of each) Drill bits 1/!.6"- 9/1.6" 5/8" treated plF.~vood cut in 10" square. (for post supports)-- Transit - ~ 4' level "S" hook pliers Socket set 3/8"- 3/4" & 1/4"- 5/!.6" Screw drivers (regular and Philit)s) Wrenches 7/16" - 3/4" 6' PiT bar (for leveling posts and slides) Electric hand held grinder File fbr any exposed edges Rubber mallet Stepladder Electrical Source --' 3/4" Deep Socket (tbr Suspension Bridge w/chains) Sledge Hammer Shovels Electric Impact Wren. ch String Line- 200' Set of taps for threaded holes- 3/8", 7/16" & 1/2" Marking Paint Concrete for £ootings --- .... _-~_ii Ti' i, 15 Steps for Installation v/Supervisor on Site STEP 1 Needs to be done before Supervisor is on site. Excavate the area where tile equipment will be installed. - Area will need to be 12" below fiNshed grade. - Slope will be necessary if soil will not drain well- Area size will be determined by Miracle Representative Get all equipment on site and remove all pacl-:aging STEP 3 DoJte wi#i ,5'u[)ervi.s'or o~ ._~te. Layout footings flora diagram sent with the equipment £rom Miracle. Attach VersaLoc collars to the posts w~ the correct # of attachments Slarl to pre- assemble equipment. Ever), bolt £rom here on will be tightened only hand tight. STEP 4 Dr 1 footing holes and set elevations. Layout equipment where it is to be assembled Drill out deck tmles £or deck brackets STEP 5 Start assembling equipment - deck aud deck posts - railings, bridges and tubes - slides and climbers STEP 6 Pktm decks to level Re- tighten, all bolts Set all set screws in clamps STEP 7 Pour concrete and re- plum for level and check all connection STEP 8 Cut offall bolts that are a protrusion File bolts that have rough edges File off all rough edges from decks STEP 9 and 10 Rest, clean up and keep the children off the equipment for 72 hours Roundhouse Park Neighborhood Playground Installation "Important Volunteer Schedule Change"' To better accommodate volunteers, the installation schedule for the roundhouse Park Playground is being adjusted. Contact Tom Lano immediately at 470-8734 to sign up. Thursday-, August 13th 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Layout/Unpacking 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. Friday, August 14th 8:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. Morning Assembly Crew 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to Finish Assembly Afternoon Assembly and Clean-up 2. 2. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 12. g pa,k rcliz~cn RoundhouscRcxi~cdVolunteerSignUp City of Chanhas 1998 Trail Project Update sen Volume 1 No. 4 Special Edition: Highway 7 Construction of the Highway '7 and Lake Riley trails is nearing completion, however, there are some additional items that need to be completed by the Contractor. We ask for your patience during this period as the Contractor continues work on the trails while residents begin using the trails on a regular basis. We sincerely thank all residents along the trail corridors for dealing with the dust, noise, and disturbance during construction work that has already occurred. Highway 7 Trail Seqmenl' City forces are ~vorking on the road closures and trail connections at Fir Tree Avenue and Cypress Drive. This work should be done soon. The contractor is having a difficult time establishing vegetation in certain areas and getting sod to grow in other areas, due to the dry weather. Sod that dies along the alignment will be replace& An additional layer of pavement will be placed over the eastern end of the trail where some damage occurred to the paved surface. Some of the damaged areas are marked with paint. The Contractor will be completing this work several weeks from now, when vegetation has been established and there is no additional risk of needing to use heavy equipment on the newly paved trail surface. Lake l iley Trail Se_qrnen¢ An additional layer of pavement will be placed over the trail as a final finished surface. This work will not be done until all additional work is completed including vegetation establishment. This will enable the contractor to complete this last layer of pavement without needing to drive equipment and Lake Riley Segments across the paved surface. The existing surface has areas that will be repaired prior to installation of the final surface. You may have noticed the areas of repair as marked by paint. Several areas remain to be seeded and/or sodded. We ask for your patience during this period of dry weather. Areas where seed does not germinate or where sod dies due to the dry weather will be reworked to establish vegetation. Questions Property owners with questions about the project should call Howard R. Green Company's representatives--Paul Kauppi, Inspector, or Dave Nyberg, Project Manager--at 644-4389 f, construction-related questions. Paul's pager number' is 637-6100. You may see him out on the project site, driving a 1995 White Olds Sierra. Feel free to talk to Paul about any issues or concerns related to the construction. Safety We urge you to use caution around the work site while the Contractor continues to xvork on the trail. Your assistance in reminding area children to stay clear of construction equipment is helpful in maintaining a safe environment. The size, weight, noise, and dust created by construction traffic make it very difficult for workers to watch for onlookers. We ask for your patience and cooperation during construction of the proposed trail. We will continue to keep residents updated on the progress with this newsletter. pcity of ~ July 23, 1998 Our File: Mr. Todd Hoffman P & R Director City of Chanhassen 690 City Centre Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 JUL 3 0 1998 Dear Mr. Hoffman: RE: OUTDOOR HARD SURFACE RINKS The City of Regina would appreciate any information that you have concerning your existing outdoor hard surface rinks. In particular, what type of sub-surface and base surface you have applied to each rink. Any information you can provide on the product of street ice would be appreciated. Furthermore, have your existing sites met the intended need that they were built for. In other words, was the capital expenditure on building your existing outdoor rinks to accommodate additional recreational activities worthwhile? I am nearng the end of my work placement with the City of Regina and, therefore, would ask that you forward your response to Barbra Bell. Ms. Bell can be reached at (306) 777-7367 should you have any questions regarding this inquiry. Sin~erely, Chris Derkhch Student /:/Wordpro\Policy\hdsurfrk Planning and Design Division - Community Services Department Queen Elizabeth II Court aox 1790 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3C8 Ph: (306) 777-7803 Fax: (306) 777-6828 CCHA Newsletter Promoting Youth Hockey In Our Communities Partnering with Minnetonka The CCHA, in conjunction with the Minnetonka Hockey Association is establishing programs for Junior Gold, Midget and Gid's U15 Teams. We are looking for volunteers to help set up these programs for Chaska. If interested, contact any Board member. Vice President of Competition At a special July 20t~ Board Meeting, Chris Edckson was elected our new VP of Competition. Chris has ten years experience coaching hockey at both Chaska and Bloomington Jefferson. He is currently as assistant coach to the Jefferson Gid's High School team. Congratulations Chris! Open Board Positions The Board accepted Randy Mueller's resignation as Director of Communications, effective immediately, on July 6, 1998. Thank you for your hard work Randy! On July 20, 1998, Peter Mitchell's resignation for the position of Tournament Director was accepted by the Board, effective immediately. Thanks for the help Peter! Paul Berens has graciously agreed to step into the position until it can be filled. We are now accepting applications for both these positions. If you are interested, contact any Board member or send correspondence to the return address on the newsletter. The Board has accepted Ead Schaub's decision to stay on as Bantam Commissioner. Welcome back Earl, we missed you! Reminder: District 6 Coaches Clinics Distdct 6 conducts a series of coaches clinics for each of the coaching certification levels. The iollowing is the schedule for those clinics in our area. Date/Time Clinic Site 9-19/8:00 am Intermediate Minnetonka 9-23/8:00 am Associate Richfield TBA Initiation Apple Valley Intermediate 11-2/6:30 PM Refresher Shakopee HS If you would like more information regarding these clinics or would like to register, please contact Gary Gregus @ 445-8140. Fees for these clinics are $35 or $45 each. Bring your skates, stick, and gloves to the clinic. Registration Information Registration dates have been set (these dates are subject to change). Thursday August 20 7-9:00 PM All Levels Saturday August 22 9-12 Noon All Levels Saturday September 12 9-12 Noon All Levels Saturday October 9-12 Noon Mites & MM Only As of this date, registrations will all be held at the CCC. We are looking into the possibility of holding one or more of these at the Chanhassen Rec. Center. Watch for your registration packets coming in the mail. They will be mailed the first half of August. SecretarF's Note Hi Everyone: With the new Board now in place and a new hockey season rapidly approaching, I would like to reiterate a few procedures pertaining to communications between the association members and the Board. We are aware that there is an untapped wealth of ideas and talents within our association and we want to make it clear that any and all will be welcomed. Our monthly Board meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Chaska Community Center. Members are encouraged to attend. If there is a specific issue that you would like addressed, you can have it added to the agenda under "New Business" and you can address it at that time on the agenda. At the current time, "New Business" does fall at the end of the meeting, but this is subject to change. If you cannot attend, you can present your issue to any Board member and they can have it put on the agenda and address the issue for you. I need to be notified of agenda items by the last Monday of the month. You can reach me at my work number, 996-3313, or my home number, 448-7376. I have voice mail at each number. You can also e-mail me at dsshafr@mcc-care.com or send the correspondence to: CCHA PO Box 184 Chaska, MN 55318 if you change your address or phone number, please submit that information to the address above, so that we can update the database and you will continue to get the newsletter and other correspondence. If you have any questions on this or any other matters, please contact any Board member. Here's to a fun, exciting season for all. Tryouts At this time, tryouts are tentatively scheduled for the end of September and first part of October. A new tryout process is in the works. Watch for more details coming soon. Volunteers Needed: Any parents or coaches interested in participating ,_on the tryout committee, or helping with tryouts, 'ease contact any Board member or mail your name and phone number to the PO box. Information Services Administrator This is a new non-Board position created to collect all data and statistics on each player, coach and parent in the association. This position is still being defined, and changes will be ongoing, but we hope this will make the association more efficient and better able to serve its members. You will notice this year at registration, we will be asking for more information than normal. This data is being collected to help build this system. Jan Glover has accepted this position. Page 2 Pee Wee Hi.qhlfqhts Rink Rats: The energy and focus our Pee Wee skaters are displaying at this summer's Rink Rat sessions is impressive. We've had a full compliment each Sunday night. The Rink Rat program provides a wonderful opportunity for our Pee Wee skaters to participate in an on-ice competitive game. This is great exercise and keeps the hockey skills sharp. While the sessions are near capacity (24 skaters), there is always room for one more. Come on down on Sunday night and pay $5 for the session, which starts at 7:00 PM. Many thanks to our Pee Wee Hockey Dads (Tom, Kevin, Gary, Bob, Fred, and the gang) for their time and support of this program. Chaska Training Camp: The summer portion of the STP series is continuing. Our program costs ca me to $20 per skater for both the on-ice and off-ice programs. This series runs through August 12th for on-ice and August 24th for off-i~,e. Th~ decision has been made not to participate in the STP Festival due to time and money. The tournament costs were to be $25 per skater, the weekend changed to August 21~, we had no one step forward to coach, and we did not have enough participants to field a competitive team. The Chaska Training Camp concept has gone over very well this spring and summer, i would like to encourage all of our Pee Wee skaters to continue the conditioning throughout the fall and winter. We will again pick up this program next spring. Hockey Developments: The Kristie Mitchell power skating sessions have been extremely popular this summer. This is a wonderful opportunity for our Pee Wee skaters to work on their skating techniques under the direction of a knowledgeable instructor. These sessions are $3 each and are on Thursdays through August at 11:45 AM. Fall Tryouts: Pee Wee fall tryouts will be held the end of September and first part of October. The tryout structure will change to include the comments of all that have stepped forward with ideas. There will be three components to the process, including skills evaluation, in-house scrimmages, and competitive scrimmages with Minnetonka. The first two components will use paid outside evaluators, while the scrimmages with Minnetonka will be evaluated by the CCHA level coach. There will be a complete explanation of the process as the time grows near. Coach Selection: The,CCHA Pee Wee coach selection process will be complete this week for the 98-99 season. PleaSe remember that all coaches must either obtain or renew their certificate for District 6. Please let me know if you need a list of the CEP Coaching Clinics. Arena Update: The primary sheet of ice is back in order, with new boards and glass. It looks great. The new arena is on schedule to open in October. Hope you all are having a great summer, ~ .~~ - 474-8746 Page 3 1998/1999 CCHA Board Position President: VP of Competition: Secretary: Equipment Manager: Concession Stand Coordinator: Bantam Commissioner: Peewee Commissioner: Squirt Commissioner: Mite Commissioner: Minimite Commissioner Other Num hers: CCHA Merchandise: Chaska Community Center Members: Name Jim Leone Chris Erickson Deb Shafranski Kevin Knutson Susie Blake Earl Schaub Jim Liddell Mark Giordano Bob Raser Tom & Lynne Nygaard Gold Medal Sports 934-3300 448-5633 (Main Desk) Position VP of Business: Treasurer: District 6 Representative: Ice Coordinator: Tournament Director: Concession Stand Coordinator: Girl's Commissioner: Director of Communications: Name Kevin McShane Jim Roeder Mike Buller Tom Redman Open Position Susie Blake Claire Schnurr Open Position CCHA Board Meetfng: First Monday of each month,- CCC ~ 7:00 PM Coaches Meetings: Third Monday of each month, CCC ~ 7:00 PM Please take time to thank our team sponsors for their support. They helped make the Chaska Community Hockey Program posSible in 199711998. Cooper's NewMarket St. Francis Health & Physical Therapy Emerson Motion Control Chaska Lions Fluoroware Ankeny Kell Architects Dairy Queen - Chaska Metro Athletic Supply Chaska American Legion Post #57 The Chanhassen Bank Lions Tap Chaska Sanitation Jonaco Machine Gold Medal Sports Sovran, Inc. Byedy's Chaska Building Center Rainbow Foods Chaska VFW Post #1791 Bergin Auto Body, Inc. CP - SoftsOap Envirecycle Victoda Lions Chaska Community Hockey Association PO Box 184 Chaska, MN 55318 City of Chanhassen Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 YOUTH COALITION MEETING ON SKATEBOARDING/ROLLER BLADING Wednesday, August 12, 1998 SHOREWOOD CITY HALL 5755 COUNTRY CLUB RD 4:30 TO 6:00 p.m. RECEI¥£ JUL £ 9 1998 CiTY OF CHANH^SSEN AGENDA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CONVENE - 4:35 P.M. INTRODUCTIONS SUMMARY OF CONCLUSION REACHED AT JULY 22 MEETING "STRUCTURE OF A COALITION" - INVOLVING YOUTH DEVELOP A "MISSION" FOR THE COALITION DECIDE ON AN IMMEDIATE GOAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES DISCUSSION ON POTENTIAL SKATE PARK LOCATIONS BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION OF OTHERS WHO SHOULD BE "INVITED TO HELP" NEXT STEPS / MEETING DATE ADJOURN 6:00 P.M. TO: REFERRED TO: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent FROM: DATE: SUB J: LOCATION: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Complete/investigate: ediately I-IToday/Tomorrow []As your schedule allows WORK DESCRIPTION:- /'''¢5~'~:~''4~'/:7''/~r- ' ~'7~5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: FOLLOW-UP REPORT REQUIRED: [] Yes [] No CITY OF July 27, 1998 Mr. Luke Boyert Westwood Church 7801 Park Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Luke: Thank you for contacting me to coordinate a youth volunteer project within the community. Westxvood Church continues to be a good neighbor in Chanhassen. As discussed, the three options identified for your group were pulling weeds in the downtown boulevards, washing and waxing public safety vehicles, or providing a midsummer clean-up at Lake Ann Park. As you selected the Lake Arm clean-up, enclosed please find a map of the areas you should concentrate on. Utilize trash bags to collect refuse from wooded and grassy areas and edges. You may deposit the trash collected in the bah'els already on site. The Lake Ann beach receives a gn'eat deal of use. This midsummer clean-up will prove to be very helpful in our operation of the park. Luke, snap a few photogn'aphs and send one my way. We would like to recognize your efforts in a future edition of our city newsletter or the Cbanhasse~ Vi/lager. Thanks again for volunteering. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Parks and Recreation TH:gnnb ATTACHMENT pc: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Dale Gregory, Parks Superintendent Jen'y Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor g:'park~,th\WestwoodChurchVokmleers 'IS H.LgZ,I,S~ 3SflOH3J.¥9 SINH31 SgNIOIlllB ~)N~]INI1A~f 9 O1]hF)lYB (Il] bqlVB O13BllYB Vt~V ~Yld -~ 9NlOlllil] NOISS'J)NO) N ll~LTIlOA ONYS )(300 IVOg 1VLN3) )IN)~ ]OI~XY1 9Nlt~[,~tS 9NIHShl NNV ])iV1 This message is fbr Todd Hoffman. My name is Robert Midness. I am a resident of Lotus Lake on Sandy Hook Road. I would like to talk to you about the geese. Every year it seems like there gets to be more of the little critters, or sky rats we have dubbed them. I get visited every day by around 100 of them. I can hardly walk through my yard or get out on my dock after they leave. They've really become quite a pest. Of course the droppings they leave are active breeding ground for all sorts of things, including a great many flies. I would just like to talk to you about how I can get involved in a program to relocate or remove the geese from my property or from the lake. My work number is 937-2800 ext. 230. I'd appreciate a call. Thank you. 8-5-98 g:'park ,th'midncs~,phone.doc JESUS IS COMING SOON! REVIVAL THE SI CK JOhn Glen PREACHING The "END-TIME" 25 Years Complete Trust In GOD Message For HEALING NON DENOMINATIONAL PREACHING AGAINST SIN AND WORLDLINESS. MUSIC READ BEING BACK SIDE HELD A T: NO NAMES OR ADDRESSES REQUESTED Chanhassen Recreation Center OFFERINGS TAKEN 2310 Coulter Boulevard State Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard South One Block To Coulter Chanhassen, Minnesota Saturday, August 22~ - 7:00 P.M. F'HI_-IIIE II0. : E,I:2 L:;L::I 0174 A--9. i= 1'9'9:_:: 09' 17A[I F't I KAD W tIA T GOD Kmph asixes Hep en fan ce Ob e dien ce To Truth -P.R...EACHING AGAINST: Adultery, divorce & remarriage, marriage annulment, ~or.nication, common-law living, oral sex, lusting, homosexuality, lesbianism, pimps, pornography, mixed bathing, women wearing shorts, hatred, stealing, cheating, lying, deceiving, gambling, using God's name in vain, dope addiction, alcoholic beverages, tobacco use, smoking, pride, make-up, certain tetevision programs, etc., suicide, murder, rape, bribery, extortion, arson, mini skirts, revenge, burglary, rock music, and all the rest that the Bible condemns! Dear Fo!ks. Haven't you heard enough about the modern Seed-Faith, prosperity, health, and financial success at the expense of ah-host totally ignoring the basic teaching of Jesus such as repentance of sin which Christ emphasezed and so did the prophet John the Baptist. Repentance means sorrow for one's sins and to be willing to forsake all deeds which the Bible condemns. They are listed above. In many churches the pastors are afraid to point out sin because they are fearful of their -6ec:ff~regat/on 'that they-may be voted out, so he tends to please the people.· The result is,' more-' hypocrites in the pews, and yet they are boasting about their attendance. If a person does not change their ways after claiming salvation, he or she is worse off than the publicized sinner. For now they are satisfied in the daily sins they commit. ,Jesus said, you compass land and sea to make a proselyte and now he is two times more a child of hell. In other words, you made him more wicked than he was before, Listen to what the prophet says and be re?dy for Jesus' coming. The blood of Jesus cleanses as you repent. If you w,~nt to know what the Holy Ghost said concerning television sets. He said, "Move them May God Bless You, Evanqelist John Glen August 14, 1998 Dear Club Mid Planning Team, School opening is only three weeks away so it's time to "rev up" for Club Mid! Our final d~"~:'-~ ""~ ~,.!!n season m,.,,,mg c,.;- +~,.. w~ be held Monday, August 24 at 9 a.m. at Chaska Middle School East. If you cannot attend, please Send a representative or call Kitty. To refresh your memory, I have enclosed the agenda and team members page from our May meeting and the list of activities we decided to offer during the 98-99 school year. The name listed before the activity is the person who offered to work out the specifics for that club. If you are scheduled to plan a fall season club, a planning worksheet has been included in this mailing. Please bring a copy of your completed sheet (or as much as possible) to Monday's meeting so a consistent flyer for all clubs can be designed and distributed to students in September. Thank you for your continued interest in the Club Mid program at Chaska Middle School. Your expertise and brainstorming has brought us through the first phase of planning a great program for our 6-9t~ graders. Knowing the void of activities offered to that age group, we can anticipate a good response to Club Mid when it begins in September. Thanks and see you next week! Sincerely, Kitty Sitter and Maureen FarrelF CMS Involvement Coordinators 445-5728 CLUB MID MISSION STATEMENT' The mission of Chaska Middle School CLUB MID is to provide quality educational, recreational, and social opportunities that encourage healthy youth development supported by community partnerships. CLUB MID Club Planning Committee Dennis Baldus CMS Administration 448-8700 Heather Braggans Chaska Recreation Parks 448-3176 Pam Curren CMS Staff 448-8700 Maureen Farrell CMS Involvement 448-8700 Brian Hubbard YMCA 5~44-7708 Bonnie Karst CMS Staff/Student Council 448-8700 Gay Mattson Dist. 1_12 Community E. duc. 368-3687 Karen Murray CMS Staff 448-8700 Kerry Ronay YMCA 544-7708 Jerry Ruegemer Chanhassen Recreation Parks 937-1900 x 126 Michele Schnaare CMS Staff 448-8700 Kitty Sitter CMS Involvement 445-5728 Kathy Skinner Chaska Recreation_ Parks 448-3 t76 x 4 Summary of April 15 meeting: Present: Maureen, Dennis, Kathy, Heather, Gay, Kerry, Jerry. The mission statement was approved. Student Council not interested in designing a logo, but Bonnie will ask her computer class. If no luck, then we will approach High School art class. Any facilities needed for next year need to be reserved by July 1st. Master plan_ ideas were discussed and included: possible climbing on Fridays at Camp Christmas Tree; take field trips once a quarter; lock-in at Community Center; no laser tag due to "no violence" concept; skateboard offering:needs more discussion about liability; video game playing request needs equipment availability and censorship addressed. The group questioned need for a summer meeting. Agenda for May 6, 1998 1. Final decision on year's offerings 2. Assignments for eaclx member *community newsletter deadlines *submit planning form by June 3 3. Logo 4. Summer meeting in August for school kick-off and publicity CLUB MiD PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL YEAR '98-99 As of May t998 FALL Jerry R.- Bonnie K.- Heather B.- counselors- Gay M.- Kerry 1L- Maureen F.- & Laurie G. Adventure Field Trip: 1 time Computer Club: twice month? Drama Club: weekly? M.T.T.S (homework club): weekly Newspaper Club. (may need to be delayed to Winter) Rock Climbing Club: weekly? Outdoor/Gym Recreation: 4 times WINTER Bonnie K.- Karen M.- Heather Bo- counselors- Gay M.- Adventure Field Trip Board Games Community Center Lock-In Computer Cooking Downhill Ski/Snowboard Drama M.T.T.S. Newspaper Skating? SPRING Adventure Field Trip Birdhouse Building Computer Drama? Golf (virtual and outdoor) Industrial Tech/Woodshop Projects (rockets, solar cars) In-line Skating M.T.T.S. Newspaper CLUB MID AT CHASKA MIDDLE SCHOOL CLUB NAME Dates & Time of Club: circle one: weekly for Quarter, t9__ twice month monthly once quarter other Plan submitted by: WORKSHEET (also,please note any items that still require completion) Description of activity (one to two sentences): Facility Arrangements: Leadership (who and ratio): Supplies/Equipment Required: Transportation Arrangements: Publicity and Registration Procedure: Total Cost of Activity $ (breakdown individual amounts ne×t to each component above in left margin) Minimum/Maximum Participants: Suggested Individual Cost-per Student:$ Other Information or Comments: