8 Referendum Project StatusCITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: September 17, 1998 SUB J: Referendum Project Status On Friday, September 18, I will be documenting the status of all referendum projects by digital camera. These images will be displayed for the Commission on the large video screen on Tuesday night. The attached list also indicates the status of each project. g:\parkkreferen\projectstatus.doc 1997 PARK, OPEN SPACE AND TRAIL BOND REFERENDUM COMPONENTS $4.9 million NEIGHBORHOOD PARK IMPROVEMENTS Carver Beach Park Parking Improvements Carver Beach Playground Playground Refurbishment Park Trail Chanhassen Hills Park Skating Rink Light Curry Farms Park Half Court Basketball Galpin Boulevard Park Access Road, Parking Lot Construction Phase I Playground Equipment Herman Field Park Phase II Playground Kerber Pond Park Trail Improvements Signage Meadow Green Park Neighborhood Picnic Shelter East Trail Connector Minnewashta Heights Park Playground Refurbishment North Lotus Lake Park Neighborhood Picnic Shelter Park Trail Pheasant Hill Park Phase II Playground Equipment Power Hill Park Neighborhood Picnic Shelter Complete Anticipated to be completed by 10/15/98 Complete Complete Court is in - Hoop to be completed by 10/15/98 Awaiting mass grading to commence 9/21/98 In storage-mid October installation anticipated On hold Complete Start date of9/18/98 Complete Anticipated to be complete by 10/15/98 Start date of 9/21/98 Complete Complete Start date of 9/28/98 Prairie Knoll Park Phase II Playground Equipment Rice Marsh Lake Park Replace Neighborhood Picnic Shelter Playground Refurbishment Roundhouse Park Phase II Development South Lotus Lake Park Phase II Playground Equipment Park Trail Stone Creek Park Park Trail with Bridge Sunset Ridge Park Half Court Basketball Complete Start date of 9/28/98 Anticipated to be complete by 10/15/98 Playground and concrete border are complete, final grade and seeded, gravel for future basketball court, roundhouse renovation postponed until 1999 Anticipated to be complete by 10/15/98 Deleted Complete Court is in-hoop to be complete by 10/15/98 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION State Highway 7 Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail on the south side of Highway 7 from Minnewashta Parkway east to Washta Bay Road. Length: Approximately one mile. Galpin Boulevard Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail from Highway 5 north to the City of Shorewood. Length: Approximately 13/4 miles. Powers Boulevard Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail from Saddlebrook Trail north to the City of Shorewood. Length: Approximately I ½ miles. Complete Started 9/14/98 Start date of 9/21/98 Great Plains Boulevard Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail from Lake Susan Hills Drive north to connect with the existing east/west Lake Susan/Rice Marsh Lake trail. Length: Approximately ½ mile. Substantially complete Bluff Creek Trail Connector Complete the first phase of the Bluff Creek trail from the Chanhassen Business Center south to the intersection of Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard, including a connection to the Bluff Creek Estates neighborhood. Length: Approximately 3A mile. Pioneer Trail/Great Plains Boulevard Construct an 8 fl. wide off-street bituminous trail from Kiowa Trail south to Pioneer Trail then east to connect with the Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor. Length: Approximately 1¼ miles. Hopefully start date of 10/1/98 Substantially complete COMMUNITY PARK DEVELOPMENT Bandimere Community Parkland/Youth Athletic Facility Construct a full service youth athletic facility on 37 acres of existing parkland. Underway City Center Park/Youth Athletic Improvements Purchase an additional 2 acres of open space. Reconfigure ball fields and add parking. Underway OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION Purchase Highly Desirable Open Space City Center Park Expansion Hansen property acquired-other acquisition options under consideration. g:\parkXreferen\com 3onents2update.doc