2 Request Rezoning LakeLucy RdCITY OF PRC DATE: 10-27-98 ¢~ PC DATE: ~ -: CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT J PROPOSAL: IX)CATION: APPi,ICANT: 1) 2¸) 3> Rezoning of 16.40 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential to RSF. Residential Single Family Prehminary Pla~ to Subdivide 16.40 Acres into 17 single family lots, 1,ake Lucy Estates A Variance to Allow a 211 Foot Front Yard Setback. a 10% street _,~adc, arid a 50 Foot Wide Right-of-Way, a 10 lbot side yard selback on a llag lot. and live homes to be served via a private street. South of Lake Lucy Road and North of Lake Lucy Losche~der (-uSlOll/Hmnes, lnc 1607 Florida AYe. North Golden Valley, MN 55427 (612)-546-8699 RoberI (?hrlstiansen 1511 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Brian & Nancy Tich5 1471 Lake Lm:y Road ('hanhassen.. MN 55317 1.O PRESENT ZONING: RR, Rura} Residential District AD.IACENT ZONING AND I,AND USE: N: S: E: W: Lake Lucy Road Lake Lucy RR, Rural Residential District RR. Rural Residentml Dtstrict Note: Please return plans to Todd on Tuesday evening. COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: This site lies within the park service areas of Pheasant ttill and Curry Farms Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This site abuts Lake Lucy Road which affords access to the city's comprehensive trail system. It should be noted that the Lake Lucy Road Trail is on-street. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the lbllowing condition of approval regarding parks and trails for Lake Lucy Estates. Insofar as existing park and trail infrastructure fully services Lake Lucy Estates, full park and trail dedication fees be collected in lieu of parkland dedication or trail construction. G:p rk ;11 I akeLuo. Estates ill , Powers Bird, '1-