8 Referendum StatusCITYOF
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
DATE: October 21, 1998
SUB J: Referendum Project Status
Bold print indicates changes from last week.
park refcren projcctstamsl 0-95.doc
$4.9 million
Carver Beach Park
Parking Improvements
Carver Beach Playground
Playground Refurbishment
Park Trail
Chanhassen Hills Park
Skating Rink Light
Curry Farms Park
Half Court Basketball
Galpin Boulevard Park
Access Road, Parking Lot Construction
Phase I Playground Equipment
Herman Field Park
Phase II Playground
Kerber Pond Park
Trail Improvements
Meadow Green Park
Neighborhood Picnic Shelter
East Trail Connector
Minnexvashta Heights Park
Playground Refurbishment
North Lotus Lake Park
Neighborhood Picnic Shelter
Park Trail
Pheasant Hill Park
Phase II Playground Equipment
Power Hill Park
Neighborhood Picnic Shelter
Anticipated to be completed by 11/15/98
Under construction
(see attached flyer)
On hold
Under construction
Anticipated to be complete by 11/15/98
Under construction
Under construction
Prairie Knoll Park
Phase 1I Playground Equipment
Rice Marsh Lake Park
Replace Neighborhood Picnic Shelter
Playground Refurbishment
Under construction
Anticipated to be complete by 11/15/98
Roundhouse Park
Phase II Development
South Lotus Lake Park
Phase II Playground Equipment
Park Trail
Playground and concrete border are complete,
final grade and seeded, gravel for future basketball
court, roundhouse renovation postponed until 1999
Anticipated to be complete by 11/15/98
Stone Creek Park
Park Trail with Bridge
Sunset Ridge Park
Half Court Basketball
State Highway 7
Construct an 8 fi. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail on the
south side of Highway 7 fi'om Minnewashta Park~vay east to Washta
Flay Road. Length: Approximately one mile. Complete
Construct an 8 fl. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail
fi'om Highway 5 north to the City of Shorewood. Length:
Approximately 13/4 miles.
Nearing Completion
Started 9/14/98
Powers Boulevard
Construct an 8 fi. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian
trail fi'om Saddlebrook Trail north to the City of Shorewood.
Length' Approximately 1 ½ miles.
4 weeks of above and below
ground utility work slowed
progress. Expect
completion within
2-3 weeks.
Great Plains Boulevard
Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous pedestrian trail
from Lake Susan Hills Drive north to connect with the existing
east/west Lake Susan/Rice Marsh Lake trail.
Length: Approximately ½ mile.
Bluff Creek Trail Connector
Complete the first phase of the Bluff Creek trail from the
Chanhassen Business Center south to the intersection of
Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard, including a connection
to the Bluff Creek Estates neighborhood. Length:
Approximately 3/4 mile.
Pioneer Trail/Great Plains Boulevard
Construct an 8 ft. wide off-street bituminous trail from
Kiowa Trail south to Pioneer Trail then east to
connect with the Hennepin County Regional Trail
Corridor. Length: Approximately 1¼ miles.
Bandimere Community Parkland/Youth Athletic Facility
Construct a full service youth athletic facility on 37 acres
of existing parkland.
City Center Park/Youth Athletic Improvements
Purchase an additional 2 acres of open space. Reconfigure
ball fields and add parking.
Purchase Highly Desirable Open Space
City Center Park Expansion
Postponed until 1999
Substantially complete
Making good progress
On hold
g:',park',re feren\components3 update.doc
A well'traveled path
Newest amenity
Trying t~ navigate the winding
road that is Highway 101 south of
Highway 5 is no easy task.
Driving it in a car is hazardous
enough, never mind trying to ride
a bike or head off along the
fringes on foot. It was down right
The key word in that last
sentence is was. In all
due respect to our
president, let's deb.ate
people on foot. It was
a dangerous piece of
road for someone on
Cameron Potts
S taffwriter
the word was. It was a
dangerous track for
a bike. It is no longer
that bad.
Why? Because of
the new paved trails
put in by the city of
Chanhassen and paid
for by the citizens
after a referendum last year. While
people hate taxes and we all know
that we pay more than our fair
share in Chanhassen, this was a
tremendous idea all around,
especially as the city itself contin-
ues to grow.
The city of Chanhassen itself is
an unusually large parcel of land,
still a long way from full develop-
ment, with pockets of residential
homes spread out across its
expanse. There is a pocket of
homes in the south, one in the
north, one in the west andso on.
But many of these places were
almost landlocked, cut off from
other residential areas only a
stone's throw away, separated by
a busy stretch 6f road, be it
Highway 5, 101 or others.
makes strangers
What to do about this dilem-
ma? Build a pathway and they will
come. They will ride, they will
walk and jog and run and be
gleeful, all at the same time. It will
be wonderful, you will see.
Take the new paths around
101, leading from the Chanhassen
Hills area past Mission Hills and
on to Lake Susan
Park and St. Hu-
bert's Catholic
Community. If ever
there was a need for a
trail, it w~ this area.
My wife and !
moved into the' new
development of
Mission Hills three
years ago, a place to
start our lives in our
first home. While
have taken numerous
walks arbund the
development in those years, we
never felt safe enough to venture
down 101 on foot, as cars speed
by at 50 miles an hour. We twice
tried to take our bikes down the
road to the park, but that was
equally dangerous. Trips to the
park meant packing our dog,.
Oscar, into the car before heading
to the parking lot. It Wasn't that
big of a deal, but we did feel land-
The same must have been true
for residents of Chanhassen Hills, -
because as soon as the paths were
dug, people from both areas came
out in droves. Much of the paths
had only gravel and noi concrete
yet, but people were using them,
on bikes, on foot, walking'their
into neighbors
dogs or pushing a baby carriagel
Two weeks ago, when the final
asphalt was laid down, the project
seemed complete. Neighbors and
friends took different routes for
their nightly walks. Instead of
head,ingaround the development,
they dhead down the path, to the
parks, past the church. We can
even head up to Highway 5 now,
to the other side, to the oasis of
shops and restaurants. All on foot,'
or by bike.
In the long run, all the paths
have done is connect one section
of town to another, but it is more
than that. Just watch all the
people walking around, greeting
each other, smiling. That is how a
community is bulk.
As Chanhassen grows, the areas
will grow closer together, the
people will become more familiar
with each other. Yes, more taxes
are expensive, but in the long run,
creating a community is priceless.
Come winter time, the paths
will be covered in snow, but
residents will bundle up, greet a
few more neighbors, and take the
road less traveled down along
Highway 101. No longer do
residents have to take their lives in
their hands, dodgingspeedihg
motorists. Instead, theycan walk
a paved, winding path, that makes
ieople less like strangers, and more
ke neighbors.
(Cameron Ports isa resident of
Chanhassen and the news
editor of the Eden Prairie"
News, the Villager's sister
Duning i
On Any:[
Offep good
345 War
Letter from Dave Pokomey, City of Chaska, dated August 19, 1998.
Ice Arena Contribution Agreement.
MN DNR Permit For Aeration System on Lake Susan.
Letter to Jon Raymond dated September 25, 1998.
Lettcr to the Chanhassen Elementary School from Jon Raymond dated
September 18, 1998.
Letter to Dave Owen dated September 17, 1998.
Letter to Mike Wegler dated September 23, 1998.
Letter to Todd Ingrain dated September 23, 1998.
CCHA Newsletter dated September 1998.
Picnic Evaluations from Lake Ann Park and Lake Susan.
August 19, 1998
Don Ashworth
City Manager
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317-0147
Dear Don:
The Chaska City Council at its August 17 meeting took action approving the Ice Arena
Contribution Agreement between the City of Chaska an~the City of Chanhassen. Enclosed
- /
are two _executed_. copies _of. the agreement; Once the agreement has been_ e~'4ecuted b_-~7 '
voUr~ff and the Mayor of Chanhassen, please return one copy to me. __Upon substantial
---completion~f-t~ project, which we anticipa(e to be Tfi-'~id-S-ept--~nS-b-e-~ we will send the
City of Chanhassen an invoice for the first S6,000 payment.
Thank you tbr your cooperation in participating in this exciting project. If you have any
questions concerning the Council's aqtii0n, please feel free to contact me at your
Dave Pokornev
cc: Jim Leone, President of CCHA