3d Senior CenterCITYOF
Todd Hoffinan, Parks and Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
November 17, 1998
Senior Center Activities Update
The Senior Center has continued to accept new participants and have encouraged new
programs to help attract additional nexv participants. Participation levels have remained
steady throughout the summer months as well as through the fall months. Numbers will
look to decrease right around December / January, due to the inclimate ~veather and the
number of seniors who travel south.
The Senior Center continues to work with Chaska Community Education, Waconia
Commnnity Education and Westview Acres to provide joint trips and outings for all area
seniors. This partnership has worked beautifully! This committee has worked together
for over a >'ear and we have only had one trip that we have had to cancel due to
participation levels. All of the winter and early spring trips for 1999 are already
completed and ready to be promoted. Our next meeting to plan for the months of June
1999 - September 1999 is set for Tuesday, February 9, 1999.
Besides organizing all the 1999 winter and spring trips 1 have also been preparing for mv
maternity leave. As you already know, Dawn Bietel has agreed to cover my
responsibilities in the Senior Center until the end of March (depending when the baby is
born). Dawn and 1 have already met and have discussed the current schedule I hold and
have tentatively decided to have Dawn available in the Senior Center on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Marilyn Luthy, one of the Senior Center office volunteers,
will more than likely cover the Tuesdays Dawn won't be available. Most of the seniors
have been notified and are thrilled to have Dawn back!!
Listed below are the daily activity averages for the months of July 1998 - November
1998, as well as the monthly attendance numbers and trip registration numbers for these
Regular Monthly Activities
Bridge 32 people Men's Club 7 men
Book Club 5 people Women's Club 22 women
Bingo 20 people Woodcarving 7 people
Bowling 6 people Cards 24 people
Golfing 9 people CHAN-o-laires 26 people
Foot Clinic 3 people
(Maximum we can take is 4 people)
Trips & Special Programs
4 Hour Defensive Driving Class 22 people
8 Hour Defensive Driving Class 17 people
Lake Susan Grill-Out Party 60 people
New Fogey Follies 47 people
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres "Brigadoon' 46 people
Minnesota State Fair Trip 12 people
Minnetonka Boat Cruise & Luncheon 18 people
Plymouth Playhouse 47 people
Taylors Falls Trip 68 people
German Night & Entertainment 46 people
Thanksgiving Dinner & Entertainment 32 people
Flu Shot Clinic 98 people (As of 11/17/98)
(Numbers for this event are down due to the late rescheduled date from 10/16/98)
Recorded Number of Visitors at the Center
647 people
587 people
598 people
684 people
382 (As of l 1/17/98)