5 Recreation Center Report5'
/700 Market BoCevard
PO Box147
Ci~a~hassel~, M~'a 55317
Phone 952227 1100
Fax 952 2271110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952 2271180
Fax 952 2271190
Phone: 952 2271160
Fax 9522271170
Phone 952 2271140
Fax: 952 227 1110
Park & Recreation
Phor~e; 952.227 1120
Fax: 9522271110
Recreation Center
2310 Co¢ler Boulevard
Plsone 952 2271400
Fax: 9522271404
Planning &
Natural Resources
~hor,s: 952227 1130
Fax: 952227 1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952227 1300
Fax 9522271310
Senior Center
F~holle: 9522271125
Fax 952227
Web Site
cl 3ranhasserl r,/r/us
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
March 15, 2004
Park Commission Report March 2004
Recreation Center
For the first time, a Recreation Center patron shattered the glass backboard of one
of the basketball hoops. Replacement is complete and activities went ahead as
scheduled. Worn cushions on all strength machines in the fitness room have been
replaced (after almost 9 years of use! !).
Staff schedules for summer 2004 are complete. In addition to earlier daily close
times for the summer (Monday-Friday 9:00 p.m. and Saturday 6:00 p.m.), the
Recreation Center will be closed Sundays from June 13 - August 8. Once again
this year, we will also close during the floor resurfacing from August 14 -
August 29.
The annual Dance for Fun recital is May 1 at the Eden Prairie Performing Arts
Center. Preparations for the big event are in full swing!! The theme this year is
"Let's Go to the Movies!"
As always, we look forward to the registration frenzy that accompanies our
summer program offering. This year will be especially challenging as we will be
using new software systems.
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