5b Tree Lighting CeremonyCITYOF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Dawn Beitel, Interim Recreation Supervisor '~ DATE: December 7, 1998 SUB J: Tree Lighting Evaluation This years Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony took place on Saturday, December 5, from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. The tree xvas officially turned on by Mayor Mancino at 6:00 p.m. It is estimated that we had 100-125 people attend the event, despite the drizzly, cool weather. Refreshments - Nan~y Lapinski from the Chamber Retail Committee was responsible for this area and was able to obtain donations of food and drink from local companies (Pillsbury, Caribou Coffee, Festival Foods, and cups from AmericInn). All refreshments were served by volunteers in the Senior Center which provided a warm area for people to congregate indoors. Diane Prieditis played Christmas music on the piano in the Senior Center, and Mark Taintor sang along, creating a festive atmosphere. Bonfire - The parks department set up a wonderful bonfire area which was heavily used throughout the evening. Chad Junker, High School Choir Director and about 8 of his students arrive at 5:45 p.m. to sing/lead caroling around the bonfire. Song sheets were handed out, but because it was so dark, they weren't really necessary. Hayrides - Hayrides were provided by Ken Theis and his Belgium horses and this was a new activity this year. Originally hired to do sleigh rides, we had to switch to plan B, which was a wagonride, decorated with pine boughs, garland, jingle bells and lights. This activity was a big hit and I would recommend doing it again next year. Santa - Brian Beniek was the Santa for hire again this year and as expected did a wonderful job. His method of arrival to the tree lighting was via horse drawn wagon. Upon arrival he greeted people, helped with the countdown to turn on the tree lights, led a chorus of"We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and then mingled with the crowd handing out candy canes and talking to children. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director December 7, 1998 Page 2 Ornament Sales/Food Drive - Linda Walton from the Chamber Retail Committee helped with some of the publicity of the event and also sold historical ornaments, posters, and Chanhassen history books the night of the event. Linda set up the food drive activity and solicited gift certificates to give away in a drawing. Storytimes - Another new event, Kathy Perschmann from the Chanhassen Library opened up the doors between the Senior Center and the Library and read several Christmas stories during the evening. People floated in and out and I think this event would be a nice one to do again next year, as it is appealing to those with younger children. Cost to run event: Target/Candy Canes $ 18.74 Santa 55.00 Hayride 250.00 Advertising 295.00 $618.74 Overall, this event was successful. I had many positive comments and people really seemed to enjoy themselves. I would recommend moving the official lighting of the tree up to 5:30 p.m., but keeping everything else the same. Also, weather permitting, it would be fun to try the snowman building contest idea. I would also add that I had several volunteers to help out with the various activities which was a great help. g:\park\dawn\98treelightingeval.doc ~,.oih us for ~har~hasssrts ~rmual .... Sa+urda~, Pccemben 5, 5:00 p.m. 6i+~ CCh+er Common8 (juM ~ou+h o¢ 6i+~ Hall) Don'+ miss +his annual Chanhassen celcbra+ion! This car's bi er and bc++cr even+ will be held on December 5 ~+ 5 p.m. in 6% CCh+CC Common~ (dircc+l~ ~ou+h o~ Ch~nh~cn H~II). Thi~ NEW Ioc~+ion i~ ~11o~i% u~ +o cxp~nd oue ~c+ivi+ic~ +o includ~ ~lciqh rid~, ~ ~no~m~n buildin~ con+c~+, bonfire, refresh- men%, c~noli%, ~nd o~ course, ~ ~eci~l vi~i+ ~rom 8an+~ Clau~! Snocuman Buildinfi Con+eM! Rs a par+ o? our com-muni+H +tee ligh+in~ ccremonb~ on December 5, uoc're havin a ~nouoman buildin con+eM. There u0ill be ~roup, or individual ca-kec_)orie& PJch up en+r~ ?orm a+ dif~ Hall. or call an +ime be?ore Friday, December fl +o re~iMer (uoea+her/~nou~ permi++in~). flu~ard~ ~oill bc ~ivcn +o all u0ho F~ar+icipa+e. Thi~ even~ i~ F~KK! ~pon~o~ed bp,: C[~Cv of Chanha~en and Chanha~en Chambe~ of Comme~ce