Correspondence SectionADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Mn 55317 RECEIVED NOV 2 5 1998 CITY O~ Dear Sir: I am writing in response to your letter regarding public interest of a public hearing to discuss the issue of establishing a private association dock on Carver Beach for Carver Beach residents. I was looking forward to this hearing and discussion of the topic. I was surprised to hear there was so much opposition before any idea's were even presented. I am sorry to hear that no such meeting will take place. I would however like to go on record that as a resident of Lotus Trail I am open to the idea of discussing such options. I believe the nature of the Carver Beach Park area with its large hill and trees that something could be designed with minimal impact to the neighborhood and the park. I am have not met or talked with Mr. Todd Frostad of 6728 Lotus Trail but I am glad that he brought this issue up. I have always felt that the city would never allow such a thing and it looks as though I may have been right. I am curious whether the cancellation of this meeting had more to due with neighborhood opposition than the position of the Park and Recreation board? Cordially, Brian J Timm 6860 Lotus Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Hennepin Parks Memorandum TO: FROM: SUB J: Community Members, LRT Advisory Committee Karen Bowen, Chair Winter Use Permits November 24, 1998 Enclosed is the Hennepin Parks Board of Commissioners approval of requested winter use permits for the Southwest LRT Trail Corridors during the 1998-99 season. Thank you for responding to our requests for information. If your community's insurance certification does not cover the entire season, please send an updated version as soon as possible. Copies of insurance policies, which must name Hennepin Parks as co-insured, should be mailed to Ann Bassett, Department of Operations, Hennepin Parks, 12615 County Road 9, Plymouth, MN 55441. Also enclosed is an updated chart, delineating information items that have not yet been submitted. I know you join me in hoping for a safe and enjoyable winter trail season. Enclosures \\MAS'I'E R\S YS\U S l£I>.S\O1 { l \WP\LR'I\9899x~ lnteq~ennits doc Meeting Date 11/19/98 Department: Operations Agenda Item: REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Business Item: Consent Item Number: 5E Originating Source: Karen Bowen, Director Requests from the Cities of Hopkins, Shorewood, Deephaven, Greenwood, Chanhassen. Excelsior, Eden Prairie, Victoria, Tonka Bay, and Minnetonka to Support and Sponsor Requested Winter Activities on Segments of the Southwest Regional LRT Trail Recommended Action: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITIES OF HOPKINS, SHOPEWOOD, DEEPHAVEN, GREENWOOD, CHANHASSEN, EXCELSIOR, EDEN PRAIRIE, VICTORIA, TONKA BAY, AND MINNETONKA TO CONDUCT REQUESTED 1998-99 WINTER ACTIVITIES ON SEGMENTS OF THE SOUTHWEST HENNEPIN/LRT REGIONAL TRAIL CORRIDORS PURSUANT TO MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES, 1N ACCORDANCE WITH THE WINTER USE PERMIT AND CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT OF ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS. Background: On September 1, 1994, an Operational Plan for the Southwest Regional LRT Trail Corridors was presented to the Board of Commissioners. The Plan stipulates that "Requests for winter trail activities must be submitted in writing to Hermepin Parks by the city proposing the activity. Approval may be granted through a special permit from Hennepin Parks." The Plan specifies that signage and maintenance required for approved winter trail uses are the responsibility of the proposing communities. It is also understood that enforcement will be the responsibility of individual communities, as will any repair of trail surface damaged as a result of winter activities and/or maintenance. In the spring of 1996, staff developed a Winter Use Permit form to reflect the details of the winter use requirements on the Southwest Regional LRT Trail (Attachment a_.). The attached chart (Attachment B) illustrates the winter activities being requested by the ten communities adjacent to the trail corridors. Each city is required to provide insurance certificates naming Hennepin Parks as an ADDITIONAL INSURED to cover activities associated with these special permits. Furthermore, the Park District retains the right to revoke these permits at any time. Communities are also requested to provide verification that their city councils have approved the requested activities. Those communities that have not yet submitted all required materials have assured staffthat they will comply as soon as the necessary documentation is available. oh 1/bdpacket/98/1105(1 ).98 Pedestrian-Friendly Cities Enhancing, quality of life for residents ranks h(~h on every city's list of priorities. H/Twther in the metropolitan area or in ~,roater Mimwsota, cities are makin~ their communities more friendly to pedestrians and realizin~ a number ~associated ben,ts. 'alkin,~ the most widely utilized form of transportation in the world, bas bec,omc increasingly di~cult in large and small cities. The benefits ora pedestrian-friendly ciw arc abundant. By reducing the necessiW of the car for all trips, goals related to sustain- abiliu~ and environmental quali~ are enhanced. The more people are on foot, the greater the opportunities for social contact and interaction, thus promoting a greater sense of communiW. A pedestrian-friendly environment helps maintain the vitality of the downtoxvn area, a major objective of many cities. In addition, fewer tra~c accidents involving pedestrians occur. Finally, a ciW that is oriented more towards pedestrians can reduce municipal expenditures m the areas of road construction and maintenance, police and ambulance sen'ice, uninsured medical costs, and infrastruc- ture. A fundamental principle underscores a pedestrian-friendly ciu': People will choose to walk if the pathways are safe, comfortable and enjoyable; if distances between destinations are deemed walkable; and, if destinations are clearly linked by a network of side- walks and pathways. With this in mind, here arc seven recommendations to assist cities in becoming more friendly to pedestrians. Reduce trq~c spee&. Nothing discourages walking more than fast moving trafllc. Faster traffic results in a more dangerous and less enjoyabIe walk. Lowering posted speed limits are a good starting point, but alone they arc usually insut}icicnt. Wide, straight streets with uninten-upted sightlines encour'a,,c,a higber~ speeds. To slow down vehicles, cities can B), Ix'cut Robertson implement a number of tactics. By converting driving lanes to parallel parking, cities can provide a buffer between traffic and pedestrians. Cities can also slow down traffic by planting trees and other landscaping along the ro'~dside. Other ways to reduce tra~c speeds include encouraging buildings to be constructed closer to the street rather than behind a parking lot; altering the road su~ce approaching pedestrian crossings; and, including more specdbumps and speedtables in roadways. ~Iake intersections easier to cross. Whether or not streets are easy to cross is a key ~ctor in deciding to walk or to drive. Stop signs and traf~c signals arc certainly helpful, although the latter are usually aimed at moving ;mtomobiles, not pedestrians, e~iciently. On fimr lane roads, thc inclusion of curb extensions or center medians narrows the distance to be negotiated, Mid-block crosswalks are also benefi- cial, but they must be clearly marked (flashing lights, raised walkway) to ensure they arc not ignored. Add new or widen existing sidewalks. People will seldom walk without sidexvalks, even in low-traffic residential areas. Yet sidewalks are few and ~r between in most housing subdivisions and commercial areas built during the past few decades. Cities should require that sidewalks be included in all new development proposals. Furthermore, where possible, sidewalks should be retrofitted or widened in existing areas. In higher density areas, such as down- town or commercial strips, the recom- mended sidewalk width is eight feet while six foot widths should suffice for lower density residential neighbor- hoods. One final thought on sidewalks: ordinances that require property owners to keep sidewalks clear of snow, debris, and low hanging branches are important tools in developing pedestrian-friendly cities; they should be enforced. Furnish a dear pedestrian network. If people have a clear network of sidewalks and pathways between their homes and other destinations such as doxvntoxvn, schools, parks, shopping, recreation, governnlent offices and services, they xvill choose to xvalk more often. Sidexvalks cannot exist in isolation or go noxvhere, but rather must be connected xvell. This is especially true for the do~vntoxvn area that can benefit by good pedestrian linkages to nearby neigh- borhoods. Note~vorthy examples of enhanced pedestrian connections can be found in Taylors Falls, xvhere an underpass beneath a busy highway links downtoxvn to the popular bi-state park; and in Duluth, xvhere several parks were built over Interstate 35 to alloxv convenient pedestrian access to Lake Superior from downtown and residential areas. Provide pedestrian amenities. A number of amenities can make the experience of walking more interesting and enjoyable. These amenities are especially important in areas likely to attract higher pedestrian volumes like downtown, schools, parks, hospitals, and apartments. Benches or ledges give people a place to rest, talk and people-xvatch, and should be distributed widely. Attractive, human-scaIe lighting helps provide a pleasant aesthetic and a sense of securiu~. Trees, planters, hanging flower baskets, city banners, and brick pave- ment all make the pedestrian environment more attractive. For example, the doxvn- towns of Fergns Falls, 1)uluth, Little Falls, and St. Cloud have effectively used a number of these pedestrian amenities. Amend city ordinances. Single use zoning and lower densities often result in an nnffiendly pedestrian environment. Amending the city ordinance to permit cluster developments and the close proximity of housing to other activi- ties will encourage xvalking. Parking ratios shonld be reduced to prevent the predominance of large snrface parking lots, a most nnwelcome and dangerous setting tbr pedestrians. Surface parking lots also inhibit walking by sprcadiug buildings farther apart. Where possible, parkiug should be encouraged behind or to the side of % fundamental principle underscores a pedestrian- friendly city: People will choose to walk if the pathways are safe, c0mf0~able and enjoyable; if distances beb~een destinations are deamed ~.alkable; and, if destinations are clearly linked by a network of sid?,va!ks an',] structures to bring the buildings closer to the street. Cities should consider adopting design guidelines or a design review process to facili- tate future development that is more geared toxvard pedestrian needs. Pay special attention to downtown. Cities with do~vntowns are fortunate to possess a ready-made pedestrian destination. To make the most of this asset, cities should pay special attention to the quality of the pedestrian enviromnent on main street. A city that is serious about implementing the above recom- mendations should start doxw~toxwL Moreover, several other doxvntown-specific guidelines need to be heeded. Parking lots and ramps should be located on the edges of downtoxvn (i.e., behind main street buildings) to not impede pedestrian movement. Pedestrian only linkages should be provided between parking lots and the main streets; Wadena successfully achieved this with the use of an infill pocket park. Large setbacks and blank walled buildings should be avoided. Clearly delineated mid-block crossings are also helpful. Attractive building facades--ideally with eye-catching window displays--should be encouraged through design guidelines and/or low-interest revolving loan funds. Both rural and metropolitau municipalities can enhance the qualitT of life for their residents by applying some of these recommendations. One overarching rcconnnendation is to incor potato a strong pedestrian-oriented component into the city's next comprehensive plan update. This emphasis will help ensure that future generations xvill enjoy the benefits oflMng in a more sustainable and pcdestriau-fi'iendly city. ~' l<cnt Robcrtson, Ph.D., is prt~'ssor tf local and urban ,!~bin~ at St. Clomt State Univo~it),. He has published widely o, downtown dcvclolmtcnt, i,cludi~{~ scvcral articles on downtown t~cdostri,m issucs. Kent has also assistcd a mt,tbcr ~f citics with their downton'n dcvclotmtcnt qJ~,'ts. Hc can bo reached at U20) 255-3184 or hc,tO~*tcloud statc, cdu. Chnnhassen Park & Recreation Department presents... Blockbuster Bowling Party Enjoy bowling, food, and beverages at this annual party. Children in Grades 1-5 are invited to participate. No previous bowling experience is necessary. Preregistration is required by Friday; December 18 at 4:30 p.m. Video games and vending machines are not induded in the price of the Bowling Party. Those wishing to play video games or get snacks may bring extra money. (-~ Wednesday, December 23 ', Chanhassen Bowl, 581 West 78th Street /~/ ~ Noon to 3 p.m. ( \ Grades 1-5 ~\ $9.50 includes food, beverage, bowling and shoes I Maximum: 75 For more infolmation, contact the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 126. Parent or Guardian Name(s): Address: Registration Form Home Phone: Method of Payment: [] Cash Participant's Name Alternative Phone: [] Check Visa/Mastercard No. Sex Exp. Date:__ Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee Blockbuster Boxvling Party 1099.101 59.50 Blockbuster Boxvling Part}, 1099.101 S9.50 I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indenmify and hold harmless from and against any' and all liability, for injury' which may be suffered by the aforementioned indMdual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this actMty. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: 4-FUN.BASKETBALL CLUB Form your own team, pick a name, and sign up. to play coed.basketbalL There. is limited gym sp~ce available so register early! Plea~e note on your registration the name of your team~ Zf you clofft 'have o team, sign up anyway and weXl put you ono team. ~Toin usJ G~ades: 8 and 9 coed Date: -Fridays, January I5, Jantmry 22, and February Z2 Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m. Location: CN~SW ~ gym. Club Director: N~r. Newell and N~s. Karst BHng: gym clothes and tennis shoes Cost: $5.00 per person includes equipment and supervision Registration: Deadline is December ~5, Student Services Office at Chaska NUddle School West. Parent permission and i~yment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day. Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A I Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds at~er the second week of program. Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE $ The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed above. I will' not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID hable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship NEWSPAPER CLUB Hove you wondered what it's like to be a newspaper reporter7 Would you like to know how a newspeper is constructed and how articles ore written °nd edited7 This is your chance to talk to local newspaper reporters and also help produce the first issue of the Club Mid Tribune. ,Toin us] Grades: 6-9 bate: Thursdays, ,Tanuam/14- March 4, 1999 Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m. Location: fMSE, Room 254 Club bivestor: Ms. Martens and Mrs. bahlen BN~j: 3-ring binder, loose leaf paper, 3 divider pages, pencil Cost: $20 includes lab time, a computer disk, field trip, printing cost Rqiistration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone .Day. Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Panicipant's Name Grade A/A Club Name Fee Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. I I TOTAL DUE $ The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed above. I will not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship BOARb AMF_$ CLUB " Looking for a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, Chess, or Monopoly? bet out of the house this winter and gather with your friends to play these or other favorite board games. Join us! ~ades: 6-9 bate: Wednesdays, ,Tanuary 13- March 3, :1999 Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Location: CMSW, Media Center Club birector: Ms. Clay Bring: your favorite board game, if you wish Cost: $15 Registration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent ,or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A I Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds a~er the second week of program. Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE $ The registered individual has my permission to participate in thc activities listed above. I will' not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising fi.om the activity. Emergency treatment for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship ' WEZGHT & FZTNESS CLUB Went to pump iron? Do you wish you were strOnger or in better shape? ReceiVe supervised instructiOn on weight equipment at CMSW and your own personal fitness training plan. Trainers will evaluate your weekly progress and also teach you the importance of nutrition as it relates to your goals for fitness. ,Toin us! ~ Grades: 8 & 9 only Date: Mondays AND Wednesdays, January 11- March 3, 1999 (no class ,Tanuary 18) Time: 2:30-3:45 p.m. Location: CMSW Weight Room (near locker room) Club Director: Mr. 5teines and Mr. Duce Bring: comfortable work-out clothes Cost: $30 includes supervised instruction and personal fitness plan Registration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at Chasko Middle School West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to'CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade AJA ,, Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. Club Name Fee I TOTAL DUE $ The registered individual has my pcrmi.'ssion to participate in the activities listed, above. I will not hold thc co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of acciclents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment .for thc participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship SCIENCE CLUB Explore the exciting world ot: science through labs, projects, and possibly a field trip. You choose the projects you are interested in learning about, but no blowing up the lab! ,Tala us! Grades: 6- 9 bate: Mondays, ,Tanuary 11- March 8, 1999 (no class ,Tan. 18) Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m. Location: CMSW, Room 129 Science Lab Club bir~ctor: Ms. Churchill Bring: pen or pencil, notebook, ideas you'd like to explore Cost: :$25 includes most lab projects (additional lab costs may occur, however parents will be notified of cost prior to lab selection) Registration: Deadline is December 1§, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB Mil) REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day. Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week ofprograrn. Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE $, The registered individual has my perm. i.'ssion to participate in the activities listed, above. I will not hold the m-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the ease of accidents or injmy arising from the activity. Emergency treatment .for the participant is authorized provided the parenl/guardian cannot be reachec[ The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship COMPUTER CLUB " Would you like to explore the Internet? Do you have a special project you'd like to do in Printshop? Are you curious about doing animation on the computer? ~Toin uS! ~rades: 6-9 Date: Mondays, February 1 - March 1, 1999 Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Location: CMSE Computer Lab Club Director: Ms. Karst Bring: your curiosity Cost: $15 includes lab time and a computer disk Registration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A I Checks payable to Chaska Middle Schooi. No refunds at~er the second week of program. Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE The registered individual has my permi,'ssion to participate in thc activities listed, above. I will not hold thc co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with thc activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment .for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship WR TER'5 CLUI bo you have a paSsion for writing? Do you write poems, stories, and plays, and wonder if they're good enough to publish and where to publish them2 Do you want feedback from other middle school writers? ,Toin us! ~rades: 6-9 Date: Tuesdays, ~Tanuary 17- March ?, 1999 Time: 7:30-4:00 p.m. Location: CMSW, Room 11! Club Director: Mrs. Cunningham Bring: pen or pencil, notebook Cost: $15 includes lab time and a computer disk Registration: Deadline is December 1§, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name. Grade A/A Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. Club Name Fee TOTAL DU]~ $ The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed, above. I will not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reachecL The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship " REAb A OOb BOOK CLUB Do you have a fabulous book you'd like talk about with Your friends? Do you love to curl up with a good book on a snowy night? You won't want to miss this reading for pleasure club where you help choose the books, discuss them, and learn how to do a background study on a favorite author. A field trip may be included. ~Toin us! ~rades: 6- 9 Date: Tuesdays, January 12- March 2, 1999 Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Location: CMS>W, Media Center Club Director: Mrs. Phelps Bring: pen or pencil, notebook, list of book ideas to read Cost: $20 includes some books, and a field trip or author speaker ' Registration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day. Address Phone Evening City& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A Club Name Fee Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. TOTAL DUE $ The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed above. I will' not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment ?or the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reache& The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship KNOWLEDGE BOWL CLUB Would you like to test your knowledge against your friends in..some friendly in- house tournaments? You don't have to be a genius to I~rticipate because there are many Categories and trivia questions to answer as a team. Celebrate with a pizza party and also learn about the high school tournaments coming up. ,Toin us! 6~ades: 6 (Wednesdays) and 7 (Thursdays) Date: Wed. or Thurs. according to grade, January 13- March 4, 1999 Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Location: CMSE, Media Center Club Director: Mr. Haaheim Bring: all the trivia and information you know! Cost: $2§ includes tournament supplies and a pizza party Registration: Deadline is December 1§, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent Or Guardian Phone Day. Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed, above. I will not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment .for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship CREATIVE COOKING CLUB Would you like to plan a party for your friends for Super Bowl, Valentines, Patrick's bay, or a sleep over? Have fun tm/ing delicious recipes, learning etiquette, creating invitations, and decorating for these party themes. Join Grades: 6- 9 Date: Thursdays, January 14- March 4, :[999 Time: 2:45-4:15 p.m. Location: CMSW, Room 214 Club Director: Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Cooper BHng: your tastebuds! Cost: $25 includes kitchen supplies and groceries Registration: Deadline is December 15, Student Services Office at" Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB MID REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Grade A/A Club Name Fee TOTAL DUE $ Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. The registered individual has my permission to participate in the activities listed, above. I will not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the case of accidents or injury arising from the activity. Emergency treatment .for the participant is authorized provided the parent/guardian cannot be reached. The participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship 5NOW 5P'ORT5 CLUB Are you ready to hit the slopes and enjoy the winter snow? There will be a trip for snow tubing to Buck Hill and a trip for skiing and snowboardJng to Alton Alps. You may sign up for one or both, and they both return late evening. ,Toin us! 6~ades: 6-9 Date: Fridays, ,Tanuam/29 to Buck Hill, or Feb 19 to Alton ' Time: 2:45-11:00 p.m. Location:. CMSE, leave from front entrance Club Director: Chanhassen Parks and P, ecreation Supervisors BHng: warm clothes, supper or money, equipment if you have it Cost: Registration: Deadline is ,Tanuam/20, Student Services Office at Chaska Middle School East or West. Parent permission and payment is required for registration to be complete. CLUB Mm REGISTRATION FORM (Detach and return to CMS with payment) Parent or Guardian Phone Day Address Phone Evening City'& Zip Code Participant's Name Crrad .e A/A I I Checks payable to Chaska Middle School. No refunds after the second week of program. Club Name Fee ' TOTAL DUE $. The registered individual has my permis.' sion to participate in thc activities listed, above. I will not hold the co-sponsors of CLUB MID liable, nor any of its employees or volunteers associated with the activity, in the ease of accidents or injury arising fi'om the activity. Emergency treatment .for the participant is authorized provided the patent/guardian cannot be reached. Thc participant agrees to follow proper conduct regulations as described by CLUB MID supervisors during activities. ,I Parent or Guardian Signature Date Emergency Contact and Phone during Activity Time Relationship Chanhassen Parks And Recreation Department 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone - 937-1900 Canoe Rack Evaluation In order to better ser",:e participar~ts using our canoe racks, xve ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give u~ somme suggestiqj'~s. That& you! Name:(optional)/ ? '/' ,/~:.c, 0 f Canoe Rack Location: '_, ~- t"> c,-, _ 2 0,; /U '~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall Imprcssion of Canoe Rack Proccdurc for Rcscrvin,, Canoe Rack Location Accessibility (Pleasc Circle)  2 3 4 5 1 , ~ 3 4 ""'I-.; 2 3 4 5 , / Thanl; you for taking the time lo complete this evaiu:nion. x .... , ,,,l,ht ,,~1,, COllllllents are very illlporillllt to tlS. Itave a great day! Chanhassen Parks And Recrcation Department 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone - 937-1900 Canoe Rack Evaluation In order to better serve participants using our canoe racks, we ask that you take a fexv minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you~ Name:(opt,onal)_~c X'~I~ -{'d Canoe Rack Location: fl} b{ ~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall Imprcssio~ of Ca~oe Rack Proccdt~re Cot I>,eserx'im,g Ca~oe Rack C~moe Rack [~c~tz~l Fcc Loc:xtiom Accessibility (Please Circle) 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 < Coil] n]Cl]l_s · \Vhctt did volt '- ,~ ~ L Th:mi< x'ot~ for tal,:ing tl~c time to complete this cvahmtion. CO,,,,hel,tS al'e vel'v Ih,fO. ta,,, to IlS. Chanhassen Parks And Recreation Department 690 City Center Drive Chanhasscn, MN 55317 Phone - 937-1900 Canoe Rack Evaluation In order to better serve participants using our canoe racks, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Name:(optional)_ , ..... ' --', ~ Canoe Rack Location: ':'~ '. .... ' Excellent Good Average Fair' Poor (Please Circle) Overall hnpressiola of ('anco Rack Ih'ocedurc for Rescl'x lng Canoe I>,acl< 1 Canoe Rack Rental Fcc I 2 3 4 q 2 3 4 q Location ..'xccc,qsibilitx' I 2 ~ 4 q (-'OI]IlYICiIt5: Thank you for taking tire time to complete lhis evnluation. ' ....... 'r .... }Ail(] COllllII~?II[S al'e VCl'V illlpor[all[ 1o tlS. lave a ~jrcat day! Chanhassen Parks And Recreation Department 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone - 93%1900 Canoe Rack Evaluation · serve participants using our canoe racks, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following ye us some suggestions. Thank you! ~ _..' ~,_ ~ _', ,,..~ Canoe Rack Location: 3~' 4 ,_?.. o,- , Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circie) ion of Canoe Rack cscrvinz Canoe Rack ntal Fee a'er the £ollow/ng oo._xr could bo made to better thc canoe rack'7 < "£2 ~q ' ~ ideas ~o better the canoe rack ~ii~\ .U_.~t_.l,1013,, Of you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. X[OllV ililltlt illld COnllllClltS arc Yel';' inlportant to us. }]ave a great day! Chanhassen Parks And Recreation Department 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, I~IN 55317 Phone - 937-1900 Canoe Rack Evaluation In order to better serve participants using our canoe racks, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Name:(optional) ~<7~7~' ~.-/p~\sk~Ci4. Canoe Rack Location: Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Ovcrail ' ' '" .......... " ( I IIIIt3FCSSI(.)II t)! ~i.~t)c l\ctCr, Procedure tkor I~cscrx'ing Canoe Racl< 1 (Please Circle) 3 a 5 o 4 5 3 4 q Thank you for talcing the time to complete this evaluation. :'our input nnd can::ncnts are ye:';' iml;Ortant to us. I lavc a ?'eat daF'! 02 Ppi., t~6b. 19~, 6-8 p.m., P_,ode No. lO~q~q.lO7 Ghanhassen P-..e,c?e, aiioiq P-~e, lq~e,? ~ $8/addiiionaI child :LO/bO coupI6s Add~ess/Oiij/Zip: .~,.~.<X. ~. <~. e-~. ~. ~. ~.~. ~. ~ .~.~.<g =' ' ~' ' and ~ixIs a~6s 20 and up ax6 6ncouxa~6d O~oss c6~fiifi6d baB~sififi6~. This coups6 will hs[p pa~fiicipahfis dsv6[op ski~[s fin6 a~6as of saf6fl~ anti sa~6 p[~, basic ca~6, I6ad6~ship, fi~sfi aid, and 6~psNishc6. The ihsfixucfiox h6Id afl fine Ohahhasssh ~6C~6afliOh 06hfl6~, ~I000U[fl6~ ~ouIeva~fl. $:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ~5?in~ a sack lunch To ?s~ists?: ~ail/d~op-off comp[6t6d ?o~ra with pso'msnt %: Ohanhass6h .~).sc~6ation C6n%~, Naxehi ox ~ua?diah: Add,sss: __ Oheck ~isa/,~gas%pca?d ~o: The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department presents... .,Moliday.. ids ... itch rx This made for fun holiday baking and decorating class has beer, designed To give your child hands-on experience in The kitchen. Participants will make several different child-friendly holiday treats, as ~/ell as sample their creations and bring hone a recipe book To Try Things out at home. [se includes all supplies. at ~07-~00 axil ~I~. ~aturn this /om ~th p~ynant to: ~h~nha~an Park &ecre~tio~, 6~0 ~it7 ~ntar D'~ ~n~ss~n, ~ 553~7 or to the ~h~n~ssan ~ecreation ~ente~ ZO~O ~oulter ~.ovlevard, ~flanha~an, ~H ~50~Z ,~,ids ih the ~¢i1:cheh ]~fis?ra?io~ ,Form ~irvq71ax: 7/tZ Head of ltousehold Name(s)' Address: Home Phone: Alternatc Phone: ~ar?icipan?'~ P4ane B. irthda?e ~roffran ~ane ~ode ~o. Moliday,~ids ih the ~[oliday ~ids ir~ the.,]ktche, h the undersized parent or fuardiarx, do hereby agree to allow the irxdividual~(s~ named herei~ to participate i~ the above ,,txtiohed activity atxd i further agree to ihdenmf¥ at~d hold harmless from and affair~st any a~d all liability for m jury ~/hich .ay be suffered by the aforene~tio~ed i~di¥idual(s~ ansi~ff out of, or i~ a~¥ way with, his/her participatio~ i~ this activity Parent or Guardian Si~q, naturc: Chanhassen Dash G ~ecraation presents... When I G ow Up the Ta et Cente in It's a deli~htfuI del on =Sesame StPeet when ~PaMe Dawn ~athePa hep fPiend¥ to~etheP and stagey a pageant about ~Powin~ up. In this ma~icaI atoP~v about diacovePin~ !ouP dPeama, ail the =ST~F_ET LIVE Muppet fPiencta wilI Yhow evePlone what th%v want to be when th%v ~Pow up. Tell== HonYteP becomes a Peal baaebalI pla~vep, OacaP becomes a ba!Iet YtaP (honest!), and F_Imo can't make up hie mind and tPies to be evep=vthin~. What wiII N~ ISiPd be when he ~owa up? Find out when come to see ,Sesame ~StPeet Live'~ "WtffEH I GP, OW UP.' Don't mis¥ the fun! Don't miss the ma,~ic! This dhow ia for children of ail ao~ea (must be accompanied b=v an adult}. Children under the a~e of 1 who can alt on the~s paean%' lap dusin~ the show do not have ~o puschaae a ticket~ ho~eves, the~ a~'.II have to the bu.s/chapeson fee of $5.50 pea pesaon. If ~ou would li~e you~ child to ~ida ~he bud in a cas aea~. plea.se bsin~ one with you. The bus will leave the Chanhaaaen ~ecsea~ion Center, < ~ ~~ 2010 CouI~es bouleva~d, at 9 a.m. and ~etu~n a~ appPoxlma%I? 1 p.m.  < '~ .... ~ Coat: ~16/pePaon includes IoweP Ievd deck aeatin~ bus tsanspo~ation (Tsanspostation only: Minimum/M~ximum: 29/60 To ?e~i.:-~%s. mail/d?op-off comp!e%ci fo~m wi~h pa=vmant to: City of Chc~n. hassan. 690 Ci~?' Centas Ds.. Ch r, h3~-ar:. NH $5017 o~ ~he Ch,nnh.s,ssan ~ec~ea~ion Can%s. SOlO Coui%s b',vd.. Chs~.ha,ssen. FoP morse info,ma%ion, contact the Chanhassen ~ecPea{ion Can%aP at or~ the Cit.y of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ex~. 1~. ~tead of tbu.%hoid HameCa}: Form Cit. y,/St,at e,,"Z.i p: ?hone: Hame I 8ex I N'~±hdste ~,~o~;'am Name Code No. Fee I I 1098.100 Winter 1998/1999 Chanhassen Park & Recreation Program Guide Pre-School Programs ~ Program Date Time Register By Dance Nov. 18-Feb. 15 Varied December 12 Kids in Motion Jan. 12-Feb. 23 Varied January 5 Floor Hockey Feb. 15- Mar. 22 Varied January 29 Indoor Soccer Mar. 29-Apr. 2 Varied March 12 Sesame Street Live January 22 9 am- 1 pm January 7 Youth/Teen Programs Program Date Time Register By Dance Nov. 18-Feb. 15 Varied December 12 Blockbuster Bowling Dec. 23 Noon-3 pm December 18 Ice Skating Lessons Jan. 5-26 Varied December 29 Ice Skating Clinics 12/30,1/9,1 / 16 Varied One xveek prior Tae Kwon Do Jan. 4-Mar. 27 Varied Club Mid Ongoing Varied Dad Daughter Date Feb. 11 or 12 6-8 pm Pre-reg. required Babysitting Clinic Feb. 19 8 am-3:30 pm One week prior Kids in Kitchen Dec. 7 or 14 4-5:30 pm One week prior /'~ Adult Programs Program Date Time Reg. Deadline Dance Nov. 19-Feb. 15 Varied December 12 Volleyball Jan. 12-Mar. 16 Tues/Wed Evening December 16 3 on 3 Basketball Jan. ] 1 -End of Mar. 6-1 Opm December 11 %e Kwon Do Jan. 4-Mar. 27 Varied Daddy/I)aughter Date Feb. 11 or 12 6-8pm Pre-reg. Required Community Special Events Program Date Time Tree Lighting Dec. 5 5-6:30pm Breakfast with Santa Dec.6 8am- 12:30pm February Festival Feb.6 To be announced Aerobics Claxses To tTime Fitness Room Child Care Person~Training Meeting Room Rentals Open Gym (B~tsketball,Volleyball,Fam ily, W:A~Jog) More detailed info~vnation on the above prow'ams and events can be found in the City's Winter Newsletter; in flyers at the Chanhassen Ret~'eation Cente~; or call us at 474-0641. Prog~'ams may be subject to change.