CC Packet 2007 07 09AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MONDAY, JULY 09, 2007 CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 5:30 P.M. - CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION, FOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ROOM Note: If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A. Audio Visual Improvements to the City Council Chambers. B. Item Deleted ** (Impervious Surface Discussion) C. Comprehensive Plan Open House Summary. 7:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. 1. a. Approval of Minutes: - City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 25, 2007 - City Council Summary Minutes dated June 25, 2007 - City Council Verbatim Minutes dated June 25, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: - Planning Commission Summary Minutes dated June 19, 2007 - Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes dated June 19, 2007 b. Approval of Amendments to Chapter 20 of City Code Concerning Zoning Permits, Façade Transparency, Access and Driveways, and Industrial Office Park Signs. c. Award of Bid, Power Hill Park Trail. 1 d. Fox Hill Subdivision, 6570 Chanhassen Road: 1) Final Plat Approval 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract e. Item Deleted ** (Na’s Thai Café, 566 West 78t Street: Request to Expand the Liquor License Premises to Include a New Patio Area). f. Approval of Resolution Establishing a Special Assessment Deferment Policy. g. Approval of Amendment to Chapter 4 of City Code: Establishing Rate for Bulk Water Sales. h. Item Deleted ** (Approval of Amendment to Chapter 17 of City Code Concerning Street Lights). i. Approve Letter of Support for Federal Funding for the Reconstruction of CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Between TH 41 and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard). j. Approval of Amendment to Chapter 7 of City Code: Buildings and Building Regulations of the Chanhassen City Code. k. Approval of Letter of Support for Federal Funding and Resolution for the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail, TH 41 Underpass. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. The Arbors: 7537 and 7570 Dogwood Road: Request for Vacation of Drainage & Utility Easements, Trail Easement and Road Right-of-Way; Carlson Arbors Development, LLC. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 4. Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition: Consider Approval of Preliminary & Final Plat. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS CORRESPONDENCE PACKET ADJOURNMENT 2 A copy of the staff report and supporting documentation being sent to the city council will be available after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. Please contact city hall at 952-227-1100 to verify that your item has not been deleted from the agenda any time after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. 1. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. 2. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. 3. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. 4. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. 5. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar, 530 Pond Promenade in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us A To Todd Gerhardt City Manager From Laurie Hokkanen Assistant City Manger Date July 2 2007 Re Chambers Updates to the Audiovisual Equipment in the Council During the 2007 goal setting session the City Council added to AudioVisual improvements for the City Council Chambers to the annual workplan Staff have been looking into such updates since late last year Much of the equipment in the Council Chambers is outdated technology For example the cameras used for broadcasting meetings and showing documents are actually security cameras This limits the quality of the image they broadcast Likewise the audio equipment does not allow staff to easily monitor or adjust for sound quality They key problems that have been identified are the poor quality of the video and audio quality poor quality of document camera and Council display screens and issues of low visibility for documents shown by staff or brought in by presenters for the audience In addition the current system technology limits the re broadcast capacity for Channel 8 As a result the programming is generally limited to City and County meetings and the bulletin board Staff working with Councilmember Peterson met with two vendors that were recommended by other metro cities Both vendors provided recommendations and estimates for updating the Chambers The first vendor AVI Systems would require us to purchase systems engineering 5 500 10 500 The systems engineering would result in an actual plan and cost estimate The second vendor Alpha Video agreed to provide the systems engineering at no additional cost The attached proposal is the result of that effort The bid addresses the aforementioned concerns Each of the cameras would be upgraded to production quality and an additional camera would be installed to replace the home camcorder currently used The document camera would be upgraded to an Elmo system specifically designed for the display and broadcast of documents allowing for ease of readability The Council monitors would be replaced with LCD screens The existing audio equipment would be used in conjunction with new mixing boards The proposal also includes items that will improve the audience experience The Council Chambers would be equipped with assistive listening devices as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act The proposal also includes a The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play G Admin LH City Council Chamber A V updates staff report 7 07 doc 4 character generation system which would allow speakers or agenda items to be identified on screen In addition to improving broadcast quality the bid includes equipment that would expand the capacity of Channel 8 The Tightrope system would allow programs to be loaded on a hard drive and scheduled remotely Whereas we have 2 3 programs running per day currently we would be able to run a greater number of programs Currently we receive programs from the Minnetonka Schools the US Army Jazzercise the Rotary a local square dancing group and others We are currently able to play these programs on a very limited basis Both vendors that we met with agreed that the presence of the broadcast controller within the Council Chambers severely limits the ability to improve the broadcast quality It is difficult for the controller to separate the live experience from the experience being broadcast and thus difficult to adjust for problems Thus the proposal is predicated on the idea that we would remodel the current Chambers to incorporate a separate NV broadcast room This would involve a reconfigure of the corner where the NV equipment is currently as well as a small part of the space behind A crude drawing is attached Estimates for this work have not been pursued but will be if the Council wishes to pursue the plan as discussed The total cost for A V equipment and installation is 135 743 60 All prices included in the proposal are from the State Contract Through the State Contract process bids are solicited and contract prices are set based on the lowest bid Thus the city is not required to bid the project out separately By utilizing the state contract we can save on the systems engineering costs The NV improvements are an eligible expense for the Cable TV fund These funds are dedicated to improving communication with the public through broadcasting public meetings studio improvements and other improvements to the system A portion of the City Recorder and the Assistant City Manager s salaries are charged to the Cable TV Fund Funds to cover the entire project amount including the remodeling equipment and installation are available Discussion will take place at Monday s work session regarding the proposed improvements and costs If you have questions beforehand please let me know G Admin LH City Council Chamber AV updates staff report 7 07 doc 5 I Q c Q o cu cu SS 0 C x w 0 Q o c e 0 en Q c E co c u C J o Q 0 co o C t o o o U W Q 0 C C u o o o Q C o 6 City of Chanhassen City Council Upgrade For City of Chanhassen Laurie Hokkanen Address 1 City State Zip 952 227 1118 Ihokka nenci ci cha nhassen mn u s Account CHA007 LPIIAVIDEO By Alpha Video and Audio Inc Bryan Nelson 7711 Computer Avenue Edina MN 55435 952 841 3304 brvan@alphavideo com PO TBD Date 06 29 07 Quote 06 29 07 AV Sys Terms NET 30 XX i i S XS mm S XX x XX CO O w ID Sf Z j s zw EdedktpHiiicIoltYr 1 AW PH360N Panasonic Pan Tilt Head 3 3 693 00 11 079 00 2 AW LZ16MD55 Panasonic 16X MD Zoom Lens 3 2 106 00 6 318 00 3 AW RP555N Panasonic Pan Tilt Controller 1 1 236 00 1 236 00 4 AW PS505A Panasonic Power Supply 1 561 00 561 00 5 AW E350 Panasonic 3CCD Camera Head 3 2 652 00 7 956 00 6 AW PS300A Panasonic Power Supply 3 561 00 1 683 00 7 AG MX70 Panasonic 8 lnput Video Switcher 1 5401 00 5401 00 8 HV C1000XG Elmo Ceiling Document Camera 1 5 827 00 5 827 00 9 Onyx 1640 Mackie 16 Channel Mixing Board 1 1 170 00 1 170 00 10 TH 50PH9UK Panasonic 50 Plasma Displays 2 1 989 00 3 978 00 11 PLP 2051 Chief Pitch Adjustable Plasma Wall Mount 2 213 00 426 00 12 V R43P Marshall Triple 4 LCD Composite Video Monitor 1 1 029 00 1 029 00 13 V R53P Marshall Triple 5 LCD CompositeNGA Video Monitor 1 1 822 00 1 822 00 14 V R682P Marshall Dual 6 8 LCD Composite Video Monitor 1 1 170 00 1 170 00 15 VP 5XL Kramer VGA DA 2 255 00 510 00 16 RK 80 Kramer Rack Mount 1 32 00 32 00 17 VP 2XL Kramer VGA DA 2 145 00 290 00 18 RK 50RN Kramer Rack Mount 2 32 00 64 00 19 VM 50AN Kramer Audio DA 1 171 00 171 00 20 85782 Winsted Casters 3 24 00 32 00 21 80663 Winsted 18 D Three Bav Shelf 1 318 00 318 00 22 81224 Winsted 18 D Surface Brackets 2 65 00 130 00 23 85040 Winsted Center Top 1 40 00 40 00 24 85041 Winsted End Top 2 41 00 82 00 25 85060 Winsted Pedestal Base 3 136 00 408 00 26 85130 Winsted Side Panel 1 111 00 111 00 27 85138 Winsted Side Panel 1 108 00 108 00 28 86046 Winsted Console 3 537 00 1 611 00 29 98714 Winsted Power Supplies 5 147 00 735 00 30 92186 Winsted LCD Rack Mount 1 39 00 39 00 31 86013 Winsted Top Module 3 280 00 840 00 32 SX1115 Surgex Power Conditioner 3 418 00 1 254 00 33 SUA1000RM2U APC UPS 1 569 00 569 00 34 STD 10K RDL Audio Summer 10 43 00 430 00 35 EB1 Middle Atlantic Blank Panel 35 6 00 210 00 36 D3 Middle Atlantic 3U Drawer 2 109 00 218 00 37 U2 Middle Atlantic 2U Rack Shelf 10 37 00 370 00 38 S1 Middle Atlantic Perforated Security Cover 15 19 00 285 00 39 S2 Middle Atlantic Perforated Security Cover 10 21 00 210 00 40 S3 Middle Atlantic Perforated Security Cover 10 21 00 210 00 41 60 439 01 Extron Composite Video DA 6 122 00 732 00 42 60 190 01 Extron Rack Mount Kit 5 88 00 440 00 43 60476 01 Extron Scan Converter 2 1 054 00 2 108 00 44 60 319 02 Extron VGA Line Driver 3 129 00 387 00 45 LCG5000D Compix Character Generator 1 3 701 00 3 701 00 46 LS 01 Listen Technologies Assistive Listening System 1 824 00 824 00 47 LA 330 Listen Technologies Neck Loop 3 5 00 15 00 CONFIDENTIAL 6 29 2007 7 10 ii i f Ht iij hhiHPP Mhlh2hh i i lYi 48 PMD570 Marantz Solid State Compact Flash MP3 Audio Recorder 1 776 00 776 00 49 SG9CF2048 c Smart 2GB Compact Flash Card 2 78 00 156 00 50 RW025 001 Lexar Compact Flash USB Card Reader 1 65 00 65 00 51 VA503B Viewsonic 15 VGA Monitor 5 183 00 915 00 52 CBL VS4 300E Tightrope Video Server 750 GB 1 7 750 00 7 750 00 53 CBL CABLECAST BUNDLE Tightrope Cablecast Bundle 1 5 625 00 5 625 00 54 CBL CM LGX Tightrope Leightronix Control 1 250 00 250 00 55 SVC PH HRL Y Tightrope Phone Training 6 80 00 480 00 56 HD280 Sennheiser Stereo Headphones 1 89 00 89 00 57 BX5a M Audio Audio Monitoring Speakers pair 1 249 00 249 00 58 Pro2 Crestron Control Processor 1 2 139 00 2 139 00 59 C2ENET l Crestron Single Port Ethernet Card 1 501 00 501 00 60 C2VEO4 Crestron 4 Channel Volume EO Control Card 1 444 00 444 00 61 IRP2 Crestron IR Probe 3 29 00 87 00 62 TPS 3000 Crestron 6 4 Tilt Touchpanel 1 2 111 00 2 111 00 63 TPS 3100L Crestron 6 4 Wall Mount Touchpanel 1 2 111 00 2 111 00 64 WMKM 3100L Crestron Post Construction Wall Mount Kit w Mud Ring 1 56 00 56 00 65 3100U4000L BTN Crestron Engravable Button Cap 5 6 00 30 00 66 PW 2420RU Crestron Power Supply 1 157 00 157 00 67 VP 724xl Kramer Presentation Scaler Switcher 1 1 520 00 1 520 00 Product Sub Total 92 651 00 Installation Labor Materials System Training A Installation Materials Alpha Video Installation Materials 1 15 695 78 15 695 78 B Install Labor Alpha Video Installation Labor 1 18 680 00 18 680 00 C Traininq Labor Alpha Video Training Labor 1 432 00 432 00 Installation Sub Total 34 807 78 Project Sub Total Sales Tax 6 50 Project Total 127 458 78 8 284 82 135 743 60 CONFIDENTIAL 6 29 2007 8 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Sile VNIW c i chan hassen mn us 2 MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Kate Aanenson AICP Community Development Director DATE July 9 2007 SUBJ Comprehensive Plan Open Houses The Comprehensive Plan Open Houses were held on Wednesday and Thursday June 27th and 28th Between the two nights there were over 100 people in attendance All elements of the comprehensive plan were represented including Land Use Historic Preservation Housing Transportation Sewer and Water Storm Sewer Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources The purpose of the Open Houses was to solicit feedback on the recommended course of action on each element of the plan I have included comments that were received at the open houses and responses to our mini community survey Finally I will share with the City Council the next step in the comprehensive plan process and other opportunities for public involvement ATTACHMENTS 1 Comments Received from Open House 2 Comprehensive Plan Survey Responses g planka 2008 comp plan open house summary memo 7 9 07 doc The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play9 Comprehensive Plan Open Houses June 27 28 2007 Comments Received Transportation 1 Why isn t Audubon north of Lyman considered at capacity Parks Open Space 1 OverpasslUnderpass at 2121101 at LRT Trail 2 comments received 2 Consider limiting size of motors on lakes gradual reduction in max size 3 We need more parks and open space 3 comments received 4 We would gladly add 50 100 to our property taxes to provide additional funding for parks Kevin Ellsworth 5 Rain garden by boat launch area in Lake Ann Park 6 Chanhassen needs a city owned golf course Bluff Creek We had the opportunity to literally steal it many years ago City Council voted it down 3 2 Let s correct this error and move to obtain it This could provide some profit and should provide numerous jobs for city residents 7 We need a nice grandstand on the Lake Susan ball park so that a town baseball team would have a good home site plus our local high school and American Legion teams 8 Disc golf in regional parkcould be popular 9 Get cooperative efforts started again on Seminary Fen 2 comments received 10 Outdoor amphitheatre for community productions 11 Chan Chaska soccer practices and games in Victoria 12 Plan lA Good plan Lake Ann is a great area make it better 13 Trail access to nature preserve south of Highway 212 14 Expand ball field parking in north lot at Chanhassen Elementary 1 10 Comprehensive Plan Open Houses June 27 28 2007 Comments Received Historical Preservation 1 Would like to see the Old St Hubert s Church restored and preserved in current location 2 We need an Arts CouncillHistorical Society possibly centered around the Old St Hubert s Church Ron Roeser Land Use 1 We would like to make sure the site located south of Lyman Boulevard and west of Highway 101 remain residential as it is currently zoned 2 Expand discussion parcel 35 to north V ogelsberg Trail is guided large lot Does this make sense in the future Miscellaneous 1 Thanks for the opportunity to learn about everything that s happening in the city Keep up the good work in creating a nice place to live g planka 2008 comp plan open house comments doc 2 11 Comprehensive Plan Open Houses June 27 28 2007 Comprehensive Plan Survey Responses Question 1 What do you value most about living in Chanhassen Small town feel Quality of life and public services clean water quiet neighborhood safe environment Minimal congestion Small town feel great neighborhoods The rural feel I moved from Maple Grove five years ago to get away from all the commercial development Question 2 What issues in the City of Chanhassen concern you most Land usage Taxes cost of education and high school traffic noise Urbanization keep open spaces limit retail and prove feasibility Large businesses too close to neighborhoods The needs and wants of old Chanhassen are much different from the newer sections of Chanhassen Many newer residents moved here for the same reason I did It seems the older sections want commercial growth to push up demand for the older property Concerned about tax and tax base and lack of tax land fiscal policies Need sidewalks in Trotters Ridge Would like downtown to be more like Excelsior and more walkable Question 3 In the next ten years what issues do you think the leaders of the City of Chanhassen will need to address Develop the land appropriately Possible slow down in expansion and reduced tax growth Urbanization keep residential zoned residential Optimize traffic limit lights and stop signs Keeping a small town feel while trying to attract businesses traffic issues will continue Controlling the growth of the city Maintaining a retail section separate from residential areas Two or three retail developments not one every three blocks Right now we have downtown and then a section out by the Holiday Inn Express Let s fill back in between the two areas g planka 2008 comp plan open house survey responses doc 1 12 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Greg Sticha, Paul Oehme, and Todd Hoffman REVIEW INITIAL DRAFT OF THE DEBT POLICY, EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES. Greg Sticha reported on a presentation by Standard & Poor's in which they discussed a new program they are using to rate their clients called "Financial Management Assessment". The purpose of the program is to determine which of their clients have good, sound financial management tools and practices in place. Based on Mr. Sticha's evaluation, the City of Chanhassen is considered strong in almost all categories. One criteria that the City currently does not have in place is a formal debt policy. Staff is asking council to review the initial draft of the City's debt policy and provide feedback. In the graph labeled "Amount of City's Property Tax Levy Dedicated to Debt Service", Mayor Furlong asked if the 25% shown for the maximum allowed per policy could be changed to 30%. Mark Ruff with Ehlers and Associates discussed staying at 25% versus going to 30% and noted that going to 30% would not adversely affect the City's credit rating. After concurrence from other council members, Mayor Furlong requested that that amount be changed to 30%. Todd Gerhardt suggested the 30% be revisited in 2009. DISCUSSION OF CONNECTION CHARGES VS. ACREAGE CHARGES, EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES. Greg Sticha explained the city's current policy of charging a flat connection charge and requested the council consider diversifying the way the charges are collected by implementing a platting charge. Jessica Cook with Ehlers and Associates reviewed their recommendation that the City use two separate fees, one called a "plat fee" that would be collected at the time the preliminary plat is filed, and two, continue with the "connection fee" which is collected at the time the unit hooks up to the city's system. She noted that the recommended change was not raising fees, but changing how fees are collected, shifting the carrying cost from the city to developers. Councilman Litsey asked for clarification on how the 30/70 ratio was established. Mayor Furlong asked if fees would be applied, on a dollar amount or percentage. Councilman Peterson asked what amount of money would be saved by changing the fee structure. Mayor Furlong asked about the risk or down side. The council discussed approving what was being proposed or tabling the item to research historical information on the types of use and separating commercial from residential costs. Mayor Furlong suggested that the item be tabled. 13 City Council Work Session - June 25, 2007 2 INITIAL DISCUSSION OF 2008 BUDGET. Greg Sticha reviewed the 2008 Budget Calendar and noted changes. Items that will affect the 2008 budget include the addition of police services in the approximate amount of $100,000. He explained the spreadsheet showing the history of new construction growth in the city, which has a direct impact on the tax levy. That number is predicted to be 1.8% which historically has been closer to 3%. Another impact will be the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which was 3.7% in 2006 and projected to be 2.6% for 2007. After review of the financial audit, staff is recommending capping the catastrophic reserve in the general fund at $1.3 million. Councilwoman Ernst asked for clarification on how the catastrophic reserve is used. Greg Sticha reviewed projected expenses and revenues. Todd Gerhardt addressed the issue of the projected deficit in 2009. Greg Sticha explained how the projected levy amount for 2008 was determined. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 7:00 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 14 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JUNE 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Greg Sticha, and Todd Hoffman PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Jacob & Cindy Omann 6201 Cascade Pass Jeff Fox Lyman Boulevard Rick Dorsey 1551 Lyman Boulevard Debbie Lloyd 7302 Laredo Drive PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong invited interested residents to the comprehensive plan open houses on Wednesday, June 27th and Thursday, June 28th. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilman Peterson seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 11, 2007 -City Council Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 11, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 5, 2007 e. Award of Quote, Resurfacing of Tennis Courts. f. Approval of Two Registered Land Surveys, 1050 & 1030 Pleasant View Road and 910 & 950 Pleasant View Road, Applicant: Fortier & Associates (Beddor). g. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Beer & Wine License, Harvest Festival, August 18 & 19, St. Hubert's Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. h. Resolution #2007-36: TH 101 Improvements, PW067F4: Approve Resolution Supporting STP Funding Solicitation. 15 City Council Summary - June 25, 2007 i. The Arbors, Project 07-05: Approve Amended Development Contract. j. Tanadoona Drive/Dogwood Road Reconstruction Project 06-06: 1) Resolution #2007-37: Adoption of Assessment Roll 2) Resolution #2007-38: Accept Bids and Award Contract 3) Approve Easement and Right-of-way Acquisitions 4) Approve Consultant Contract for Final Design & Construction Services All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. B. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 4 RE: ESTABLISHING A PLATTING FEE AND AMENDING THE CONNECTION FEE. Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Litsey seconded that the City Council table the amendment to City Code Chapter 4 regarding establishing a platting fee and amending the connection fee. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. C. APPROVAL OF DEBT POLICY. Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council table approval of the Debt Policy to the next City Council meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. D. APPROVAL OF 2006/07 FUND TRANSFERS. Councilwoman Ernst asked for clarification on item 1, transfers from the capital replacement fund to the Library Bond Debt service fund. Resolution #2007-39: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to approve the 2006/07 fund transfers as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Lieutenant Jim Olson reviewed the Sheriff's Office area report, and citation list numbers for the month of May. He reminded residents to slow down for road construction, and highlighted the difference between legal and illegal fireworks. Chief Geske updated the council on the water rescue on Lake Susan, recreational fires, grass fires, and the need for people to abide by the watering ban to ensure adequate water for the fire department in case of a structure fire. PUBLIC HEARING: COUNTRY INN & SUITES, VACATION FILE 07-03: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF SNOW FENCE AND HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. 2 16 City Council Summary - June 25, 2007 3 Paul Oehme presented the staff report on this item. Mayor Furlong called the public hearing to order. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Resolution #2007-40: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council approve vacation of the snow fence easement Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlots A & B, Bloomberg Addition and Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: THE PRESERVE, FILE 06-14: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENT. Paul Oehme presented the staff report on this item. Mayor Furlong called the public hearing to order. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Resolution #2007-41: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve Planning Case #06-14 for vacation of drainage and utility easements, Outlot A, The Preserve at Bluff Creek 1st Addition subject to filing The Preserve at Bluff Creek 2nd Addition plat and development contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE, 2960 WEST 82ND STREET, APPLICANT: HOLIDAY STATIONSTORES: REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FOR A CANOPY SIGN. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report and Planning Commission update on this item. Duane Downey with Amtech Lighting was present representing Holiday Stationstores. Councilman Litsey moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council denies Variance #07-12 for canopy signage above the gas pumps based on the attached findings of fact. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Councilwoman Tjornhom provided an update on the Highway 41 River Crossing meeting she attended. Mayor Furlong provided an update on the panel discussion he was involved with for the Metropolitan Council's 40th anniversary. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Todd Gerhardt reminded residents of the odd/even watering ban. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. Councilman Peterson commented on the cost of the two tier retaining wall at Chanhassen High School. Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 17 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Greg Sticha, and Todd Hoffman PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Jacob & Cindy Omann 6201 Cascade Pass Jeff Fox Lyman Boulevard Rick Dorsey 1551 Lyman Boulevard Debbie Lloyd 7302 Laredo Drive PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong: Thank you and good evening to everyone here in the council chambers and those watching at home. We're glad that you joined us. I'd like to start this evening with a public announcement. Actually an invitation to all residents and businesses, representatives from the city to come and participate in a couple open houses relating to our comprehensive plan. The City is in the process, has been in the process, continues to be in the process of updating our comprehensive plan, which is really the guiding development plan for our city. There will be two open houses this week. One on Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th. And again, there will be people at each of the open houses to answer questions that you have about the comprehensive plan. Areas included in the comprehensive plan include managing our growth. Parks, trails, open spaces. Sustainability specifically with regard to existing resources. Transportation affects and the 101 corridor. Future river crossing. Locations of neighborhood convenience as well as the possible expansion of downtown retail and other retail commercial malls and activities. Housing is a big part of it. It's important that citizens and business owners get involved in this. This is a collective document pulling everybody together and again the open houses, the first one is this Wednesday from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Chanhassen Library. The second is the following evening, again at 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. If you have any questions you can feel free to contact city hall and just hit the general number. They'll put you in touch with someone in the planning department. If you have time to attend, even if it's just to ask questions, please do. And if you have thoughts and ideas about the direction you'd like to see or some emphasis that can be placed in any of these areas, please attend and contribute your thoughts. 18 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilman Peterson seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 11, 2007 -City Council Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 11, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 5, 2007 e. Award of Quote, Resurfacing of Tennis Courts. f. Approval of Two Registered Land Surveys, 1050 & 1030 Pleasant View Road and 910 & 950 Pleasant View Road, Applicant: Fortier & Associates (Beddor). g. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Beer & Wine License, Harvest Festival, August 18 & 19, St. Hubert's Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. h. Resolution #2007-36: TH 101 Improvements, PW067F4: Approve Resolution Supporting STP Funding Solicitation. i. The Arbors, Project 07-05: Approve Amended Development Contract. j. Tanadoona Drive/Dogwood Road Reconstruction Project 06-06: 1) Resolution #2007-37: Adoption of Assessment Roll 2) Resolution #2007-38: Accept Bids and Award Contract 3) Approve Easement and Right-of-way Acquisitions 4) Approve Consultant Contract for Final Design & Construction Services All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. B. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 4 RE: ESTABLISHING A PLATTING FEE AND AMENDING THE CONNECTION FEE. Mayor Furlong: Item 1(b), that was pulled for purposes of tabling. Is there a motion to table? Councilman Peterson: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman Litsey: Second. 2 19 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Litsey seconded that the City Council table the amendment to City Code Chapter 4 regarding establishing a platting fee and amending the connection fee. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. C. APPROVAL OF DEBT POLICY. Mayor Furlong: Item 1(c). Based on our discussion at the work session, under I(c)(ii), we will change the percentage 25% to 30%. Did I get that correct? Greg Sticha: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. So that's the proposed change from the work session. Is there a motion to that effect? Councilman Litsey: So moved. Councilwoman Ernst: Mayor, can I ask? Mayor Furlong: Okay. Let's get, is there a second to the motion? Councilman Peterson: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Councilwoman Ernst: I know we talked about changing the percentage on it but I would like to actually table that to really understand the information… Mayor Furlong: Okay. So you're making a motion to table? Councilwoman Ernst: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Item 1(c). Alright, is there a second to table? Councilman Peterson: Don't you have to deal with the first one? Mayor Furlong: Well it'd be to table the first one so my thought would be, let me ask you this just as an inquiry. Do you think that's something that you can get your questions answered within the next 2 weeks so staff could bring it back. Councilwoman Ernst: Oh yeah. Mayor Furlong: Okay. So it'd be to table it to the following meeting, assuming the change will be there and to allow additional time for questions. Is there a second to that motion? Councilman Peterson: Second. 3 20 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council table approval of the Debt Policy to the next City Council meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. D. APPROVAL OF 2006/07 FUND TRANSFERS. Councilwoman Ernst: For the funds for the transfer fund…isn't the debt service fund kind of like a tax levy? Greg Sticha: Which item are you talking about? Councilwoman Ernst: I'm sorry, (d). Greg Sticha: Item (d), which. Councilwoman Ernst: For the 2006-07 transfers. Greg Sticha: Right. Item, there's 3 items that. Councilwoman Ernst: 1. Greg Sticha: Item number 1. What happened in this particular case, the proceeds for the library were not spent in full so the project, in essence came in under budget or less than what we anticipated the total cost of the project to be. Those funds legally then need to be transferred out of the capital or construction fund into the debt service fund to pay those bonds. They cannot remain in that capital fund once the project is completed. So we're transferring the money out of the capital or construction fund. Putting it into the debt service fund and that money will be then used to pay off the debt related to that project. Councilwoman Ernst: So the tax... Greg Sticha: What will happen is, as the bonds are retired, the fund will have excess funds available in it. At that point in time when all the debt is retired related to the library, it will be up to council to decide what to do with those excess funds. Whether to then transfer them into a closed bond fund which was what we have done in the past, or to use it for some other source that the council would decide at that point in time. Councilwoman Ernst: So that would come back to the council… Greg Sticha: Yes. At that point in time when we would close that debt service fund. In the time being it will go into that debt service fund. It will earn interest in that debt service fund and it'll be just accumulating along with the levy dollars that are related to that project. And then at the time that the debt is retired, we may use those funds to retire the debt early. There's a number of options you can do at that point in time once the funds are in there, but legally they need to be moved out of the construction fund once the project is complete. 4 21 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Councilwoman Ernst: Okay, thank you. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions? Is there a motion to adopt item 1(d) as recommended? Councilwoman Ernst: I make the motion to adopt 1(d). Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman Litsey. Councilman Litsey: Second. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any discussion on 1(d)? Resolution #2007- 39: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to approve the 2006/07 fund transfers as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: Also this evening we'll be receiving our monthly update from our law enforcement and fire departments and we find ourselves in a situation of a déjà vu all over again. I would like to welcome Lieutenant this time, Jim Olson from the Carver County Sheriff's Department. Lt. Jim Olson: Thank you. It's good to be back. Good to be back. Chanhassen will always hold a special place for me. I've enjoyed it here even if it is only on a temporary basis. And along that note, Sergeant Peter Anderly, he's been with the Carver County Sheriff's Office for about 8 years now, will be the new liaison Sergeant with the City of Chanhassen and he will be starting on Wednesday actually, so I'll be working with him for a few days and then he will be leading the 4th of July parade next Wednesday for the City so. …since 2000. Has been in a variety of roles since he's been with the Sheriff's office. Prior to coming to Carver County he was also, a couple municipalities that he worked with. I guess I'm not real sure but he was with two other municipalities before he came to Carver County. Since he's been with us he's been an administrative sergeant down at the office. He has also been a member of the Sheriff's Emergency Response Team, and is currently a sniper team leader, and is also a…so he's had a number of positions with us and he's done a real good job. I look forward to getting Pete in here and introducing him to all the staff. Monthly numbers. Last month we had about 100 criminal calls and that consisted of 31 Part I crimes which tend to be the more serious crimes and 69 Part II crimes, and this compares to 103 total for last year. For the non-criminal calls, we had 1,019 last month and that compares to 1,129 last year, and the biggest change in activity was traffic stops. That's one of the first things I'm going to talk to Peter about, or excuse me, Sergeant Anderly about is to sit down and take a look at the traffic stops. There were some new programs that Sergeant Gullickson has enacted since last year and that could have some type of an impact on that but I'll have Sergeant Anderly sit down and give him some direction on what to look on traffic stops and so on and stuff so that's one of the first things he'll be doing. I know, I think it's 5 22 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 the last evening in August city staff will be sitting down with Sergeant Anderly and I'm assuming probably Sheriff Olson and talk to them about the work plan and…and that might be a good time to go over some of those things as well so that'll be in August with that. Any questions at all on monthly numbers for this month compared to last year? Fourth of July is right around the corner and we normally start getting calls for service…Fourth of July for fireworks and so on as well so a good rule of thumb with fireworks is if it goes boom or if it flies in the air, it's illegal. And that's a pretty good rule of thumb. There are some legal fireworks that you can buy at retail establishments around the area in Minnesota, and the legal ones can include sparklers, ground spinners, snakes, glow worms, party poppers, those types of things that you can buy from the retail establishments. Just a reminder for everybody, fireworks of any type cannot be used in any of the Chanhassen parks, and that includes Lake Ann Park on the 4th of July. So you need to be careful of that. Please be respectful of your neighbor. We have put the statute as well as some of the things that are legal and illegal on the city's web site so if people want more information they can certainly go to the web page. I think there's going to be an article in the paper next week. I'll be sitting down with the Chanhassen Villager tomorrow morning about some of that. …certainly give me a call and my number is 227-1601, and we can go over some of that. You probably have not noted however there is some road construction going on in Chanhassen this summer, and I want the residents to be patient during this year. They're seeing a lot of road construction that makes for delays for some people. I have asked the deputies to use some extra patrol on some of the different roads where we have some big issues. Bluff Creek Drive we've had some complaints on. That's being used as a cut through for people. Not all Chanhassen residents but it is being used as a cut through while Audubon Road is closed down, and the speed limit there is 30 miles an hour, just to remind people. It is a local road and be respectful of the people that live there and also the other cars on the road. I guess the theme for this summer is be patient and we'll get through this…it will be wonderful in the city, as well as Carver County. And I would also like to compliment the Chanhassen Fire Department because of an incident that occurred on June 11th. There was a boating accident on Lake Susan that was in, it was in the newspaper as well as most of the news channels and I'll let Chief Geske talk a little bit more about that but they did a wonderful job of handling a difficult situation. Professionalism and their expertise really helped to minimize the injuries that the swimmer incurred and they did a great job so compliments to the fire department. Any questions for me or for the sheriff's office at all? Mayor Furlong: Questions for Lt. Olson? Councilman Litsey: Nice to have you back even if for a short time. Lt. Jim Olson: It is good to be back. Thank you very much. Mayor Furlong: One quick thing, and if you don't know them off the top of your head, where people can find it and that's the issue of curfews as we get into the summer months here. I believe it's also on the web site or perhaps you know them but a little reminder there. Lt. Jim Olson: Yes, absolutely. Curfew, it is posted on the web site. I don't have the exact, we've got cards that we have and I normally have them but I've been in investigation for the past year so…in my mind here so, but it is on the web page. It's also on the county web page and I 6 23 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 will, I will talk to Peter about this. Sergeant Anderly about talking about that next month and we will get something in the paper about that also. Mayor Furlong: Okay, good. Todd Gerhardt: It's on our public access channel too. It's one of the slides there. If it's not, we'll definitely get it out. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Lt. Jim Olson: Thank you. Have a nice evening. Mayor Furlong: Chief Geske is here with the Chanhassen Fire Department. Good evening Chief. Chief Greg Geske: Good evening. I think they bring him back every year for the Fourth of July. Every year it's verbatim, word for word on what he did the year before but… I would also like to thank, the water rescue that we did have, went very smoothly and it was working together well with the sheriff's department and also Ridgeview Medical, the EMT's or paramedics that responded to that call. We did have a helicopter standby and we did fly him out due to the fact that we didn't know how much he was going to bleed basically once we untangled, disentangled him from the prop, propeller so, but it did go real smooth and must have been a slow news day because we had helicopters flying over the city and they came back to do a follow-up story the next day, but real proud of the job that our department did and working with the other departments also. It is getting drier. It hasn't rained a whole lot so we are prepared. We have a grass rig that we re-chassied this year and that's all set up to go and we did see the 6 by 6 that we purchased with our fundraiser money here, we just equipped that with a grass rig also. We used, we had a donated pump to us. We used fundraiser money to build, get a skid unit built up for that so we're prepared if grass fires do start up here as it dries out. I know we brought up, I think last month we brought it up for what recreational fires. I had somebody stop at my house the other day and ask what the you know, how windy can it be for a recreational fire and I said I guess you just have to use common sense. If the sparks are flying out of the fire and into the grass, then it's probably too windy at that point so I don't think we address winds in there but 15 miles per hour winds is kind of a benchmark that we use at that point so we are prepared if it does continue to keeping getting dry here so. The other thing we did with that grass rig, not only because Chanhassen has a lot of grass and thus grass fires all the time. We prepare that so we can respond to some of the possible car fires and some of our shelters, parking lots and stuff too so gotten a lot of dual use out of that piece of apparatus. Also like to bring up with the dryness, Chanhassen's watering rules and forgive me, I'm not from the water department but I believe we have an odd, even/odd watering rules and again we don't enforce that but it will come into play if we do have a structure fire and we need water, that the water is there for us so I just want to bring up those rules and people abide by those. So that's all I had. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for Chief Geske? 7 24 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Councilman Litsey: I just want to compliment the water rescue. I watched it on the news and what I read in the paper. It looks like you did a wonderful job. It made we proud that we have such great rescue people here in the city so thanks. Chief Greg Geske: It was by chance I guess we had water rescue training that night also so it was good for us to be, as long as we had the boat there, we could figure out what worked well that way. What we may have to add to the boat. There was a couple changes that we made so it worked out well to have that that night too but thank you. Mayor Furlong: Very good, thank you Chief Geske. PUBLIC HEARING: COUNTRY INN & SUITES, VACATION FILE 07-03: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF SNOW FENCE AND HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. The Country Inn and Suites is located at 591 78th Street is requesting that an existing snow fence easement be vacated at this time. The property is located as shown on the drawing here at the corner of 78th Street and Market Boulevard. The easement was granted back in 1956 to the State of Minnesota for the original alignment of Highway 5 which was 78th Street. When the highway was realigned, the old section was renamed 78th Street and ultimately turned back to the City. The easement is no longer needed and the street and utilities along 78th Street currently lie within the public right-of- way and drainage utility easement so the easement is no longer needed. At this time just request that a public hearing be opened and I stand for questions. Mayor Furlong: Any questions for staff? Okay, thank you. We'll open the public hearing and ask all interested parties to come forward. State your name and address for the council on this matter. No? Seeing nobody. Anyone? Okay. Without objection then we'll close the public hearing and bring it back to council for discussion or motion. Councilwoman Ernst: I make the motion for the easement. Mayor Furlong: The vacation of easement. Councilwoman Ernst: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman Peterson: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Resolution #2007-40: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council approve vacation of the snow fence easement Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlots A & B, Bloomberg Addition and Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 8 25 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING: THE PRESERVE, FILE 06-14: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENT. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor. The Ryland Group has requested a drainage and utility easement in Outlot A as shown on this drawing here, which is the Preserve at Bluff Creek Addition be vacated at this time. The property is located just south of Lyman Boulevard at the intersection, on the north segment of Audubon Road, north is in this direction. Audubon Road is direction… The drainage utility easement was granted in 2006 to the City for installation of trunk sanitary sewer and water for the expansion of the 2005 MUSA area. The trunk sanitary sewer and watermain extension is through Outlots A and H of the Preserve. Or through the Preserve at Bluff Creek, the 2nd Addition. Where the dedicated easements will be dedicated at the time that the second addition was final platted. The future lots at Outlot B, which is located here, will be oversized and the back yard will have additional drainage and utility easements to compensate for the sewer and water at that location. Until these lots are final platted, a blanket drainage utility easement is proposed throughout B. Just to cover the City just in case we need to access these utilities in the future. Staff recommends that the easement vacation be vacated at this time subject to the final plat of Bluff Creek 2nd Addition and approval of the development contract. So at this time I'd stand for questions and I do request that a public hearing be open. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any questions for staff? On this one, there's a utility easement that runs through, well on A and H…dedicated they're going to be… Help me with the timing of this in terms that you stated again. Paul Oehme: Sure. Mayor Furlong: Why? Paul Oehme: Well in order to final plat the second addition the vacation will have to be approved so that they're off the plat. So we want to do conditions of the final plat contingent upon removing these easements. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Kate Aanenson: There's also another reason too. The City took control of all that property on that right-of-way so that's, we have an easement over the entire property that we extracted with our second phase, so it goes all the way up and they also platted that right-of-way on that road so it's in the City's name on that when it gets recorded. We were just waiting for. Mayor Furlong: So really there's going to be some simultaneous… We're approving this vacation subject to the filing of the second addition… Kate Aanenson: Correct. Paul Oehme: Correct. Well we'll have ownership of Outlot B. 9 26 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong: Alright. Any other questions? Okay. At this time then we would open up the public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward and address the council on the matter before us. Anyone? Seeing nobody, without objection we'll close the public hearing and bring it back to council for discussion or motion. Is there any discussion on this? Additional questions. Is there a motion to approve? Councilman Peterson: So moved. Councilwoman Ernst: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Resolution #2007-41: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve Planning Case #06-14 for vacation of drainage and utility easements, Outlot A, The Preserve at Bluff Creek 1st Addition subject to filing The Preserve at Bluff Creek 2nd Addition plat and development contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE, 2960 WEST 82ND STREET, APPLICANT: HOLIDAY STATIONSTORES: REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FOR A CANOPY SIGN. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the council. This item appeared before the Planning Commission on June 5th. At that time the applicant wasn't present but the Planning Commission did hold a hearing and they voted unanimously to deny the variance. Again the variance was for a request for a sign on a canopy located at the Holiday gas station at the intersection of Highway 41 and 82nd Street. The Planning Commission had a few questions that the staff addressed in their report regarding lighting. Limit canopy signs. I'm not going to go through it but I think I'll answer them as we move through the report. The applicant in his request stated that the reason that they wanted the signage, the canopy signage to indicate that the business was open 24 hours. But in reviewing the development contract and the site plan itself, …there's enough information or queuing that it can be determined that it is open. Sign variances…city code are required to go to the Planning Commission and the City Council. While they did hold a public hearing…opportunity also at the City Council level. The gas station itself was approved in 1999. Originally it was a Kwik Trip as you recall. Recently it was a Citgo and then Holiday has taken over the project and introduced… So with that they did apply for the canopy sign which the staff recommended denial and here we are. So the request itself is for, on the canopy. It is light… What we did is look at some of the other sign canopies. Is that me rocking that? We took pictures of other sign canopies in the city. What we found is there's only one sign on a canopy and that's the Sinclair station which is the oldest one in the city and actually that is being considered for redevelopment. But we did look at the different night time views of Super America. Oasis Market. These are in the back…the Kwik Trip. All these have the lights… Here's the Holiday at 5 and Market Boulevard. They don't have the lighted canopy…and the Sinclair station which is the one that does have it but they're going through a redevelopment. If you look at the findings that it says in City Code where a variance is granted, we look at topographic issues. If there's something that they are a unique situation where it's difficult to see queuing, those sort of things… It's staff's interpretation that…illuminated canopy, 10 27 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 it's not a hardship and we looked at a couple other facts in here and that is being that there are two signs… There is opportunity to put a directive, Open 24 Hours on the sign. There's actually two monument signs on the site itself so they can do a written message on that and since the light's…and there's lights on behind the building, staff felt, as did the Planning Commission, that that was adequate…this was open without the lights on the building itself. So for those reasons the Planning Commission and the staff did recommend that the City Council adopt the motion denying the variance with the conditions and the Findings of Fact in the staff report and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Questions for staff. The lighting on the canopy itself. The lights underneath the canopy lighting up. Kate Aanenson: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: Those are still on. Kate Aanenson: Correct. And that was our opinion… Councilman Litsey: So the big concern is that it allows people to see that it's open 24 hours? Kate Aanenson: Yeah, you can ask the applicant but that was our indication. Allowing an additional message that they're open. Councilman Litsey: And the only other is the Sinclair which is the oldest probably in the city. Kate Aanenson: For gas stations, that's correct. Councilman Litsey: Yeah. Okay. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other questions for staff? Councilwoman Ernst: Did you say that there was…open 24 hours? Kate Aanenson: On the monument sign. Yeah, there's writing on that… There's a monument sign up here as you're going up the hill on 41, and also at the bottom, so that was adequate identification without a lit sign to put that on. 24 hours would fit on that. Besides what we felt was a visual for the lights coming down. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions for staff at this time? If not is the applicant here this evening? You have any comments or anything you'd like to address the council on? Good evening. Duane Downey: Hello Mr. Mayor, council members. I'm Duane Downey with Amtech Lighting representing Holiday Stationstores. The canopy gas signs...further indication message that the store is open. They're usually not very you know, they usually aren't very bright anyway. They're all in red letters and then back lit with LED so they're not very bright so it 11 28 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 doesn't really add to any light pollution. But it does add to the attractiveness of the stations in the night time and that when you're driving around and lights don't work or something, you can actually see that it really is open and that's usually a good indication that the signs are all on and that's basically where we're coming from. Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Any questions for Mr. Downey? Councilwoman Ernst: I just have one question. Aren't all the Holiday stations open 24 hours? Duane Downey: Well actually not. But the majority are, yeah. Councilwoman Ernst: I guess I always thought they were. Duane Downey: Yeah, there's just a… Mayor Furlong: Any other questions? Thank you. Any follow up questions for staff? If not, any discussion. Thoughts. Who'd like to go first, before I start calling names. So the question is do I feel lucky. Mr. Peterson. Councilman Peterson: You know I'd like to offer my assistance…business in any Chanhassen organization but I also, I can't see how we would grant this organization a sign variance that we've been pretty rigid on before with all the other gas stations. I would certainly be in here right away saying I want the same thing. It doesn't have to be open 24 hours…so to that end I can't support the variance and I would support what the Planning Commission and staff is recommending. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I guess I have a hard time justifying any hardship for this. There are monument signs there already and I echo Councilman Peterson's thoughts of always wanting to be supportive of business but it is also in a specific spot in our town by the Arboretum in there that is going on, and I think we have always been strict about these regulations so I think you have to stick to those just because we would be seeing more and more growth and more and more of these issues as time goes on so I'm sorry but I'm also going to have to side with the Planning Commission. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: Well as I said earlier, I thought all Holiday stations were open 24 hours so as far as that and also, our regulations I would have to support staff's recommendation on this as well. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilman Litsey. Councilman Litsey: The nice thing about going last is it's all been said and I don't think there's any compelling reason to vote against what the Planning Commission recommended so. 12 29 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong: Thank you. My thoughts are similar. Lack of a hardship I think is the biggest issue for me. I think with the lack of a hardship and the precedence…Planning Commission and staff did look at it and I would support their recommendations as well. Any further discussion? If not, is there a motion? Councilman Litsey: So moved… Councilman Peterson: Based on the Findings of Fact. Mayor Furlong: Motion to deny. Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman Peterson: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Councilman Litsey moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council denies Variance #07-12 for canopy signage above the gas pumps based on the attached findings of fact. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Councilwoman Tjornhom: I attended the 41 river crossing meeting last week and it's a good start. Some interesting discussions…was inconclusive. After the study was done there is no opinion. I mean there are several opinions that will be discussed in the future. The saga continues. Councilman Litsey: It's a quick read. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor and council members, in your packet, or in front of you there's an executive summary of that thick packet and…you see in there that give you a small outline of each of the alternatives for the 41 river crossing. Both the Mayor and I attended a meeting with Shakopee, Scott County, Carver County on Friday and it seems as though that group is going to meet in the future and help determine which alternatives should be selected since the study was inconclusive so this is an ongoing process and appreciate Councilwoman Tjornhom attending… Mayor Furlong: He wants you to verify that the executive summary accurately covers the issues. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I'll get right on that. Mayor Furlong: Any other presentations? Councilman Peterson: The only other thing that I think probably in the next month, …recommendation for updating and improving…last few months and I think we've got a plan that we can present and…so I hope that will happen in the next 30 days. 13 30 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Anything else? Just a quick update. I was invited to participate today, this afternoon in a panel discussion. Myself and there were 4 others, or 5 others, at the Metropolitan Council. They had a day long seminar celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Metropolitan Council and I participated in a panel discussion on the future of the Metropolitan Council. About 20 people in attendance and it was a very interesting, very interesting day. Lots of interesting things going on so. It was fun to be involved. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, that's quite an honor to be invited. I know you've participated in other Met Council activities and I think that's a good reason why they selected you to serve on that panel so that's an honor. You should be very proud of that. Mayor Furlong: Yeah, thank you. I mention it more, to let people know. They were taping it so if you see it on TV, I wanted council to know first before, what were you doing there? That's right, so it was a good event. Well attended and there was a lot of history in the room. Particularly with individual experiences and also organizational experiences so it's a good event and I think there'll be some good things coming out of that. For all our benefit. Mr. Gerhardt, administrative presentations. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Todd Gerhardt: I just wanted to touch on one thing. Chief Geske talked about the watering ban. We are in an odd/even situation. We're pumping on a 90 degree days, at least 8,500,000 gallons of water a day so we are getting close to capacity. We've been trying to educate and inform the public that we are in the odd/even. It may get to the point where citations may be issued so to the public out there, odd/even situation and please comply is our request. Mayor Furlong: So it's the last digit of the address that determines which day of the month they can water on. Todd Gerhardt: That's correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any questions for Mr. Gerhardt? No? CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. Councilman Peterson: Disappointing to see that the two tiered retaining wall for the school was that much more money. Hundred and some… Todd Gerhardt: And there's one other tidbit on that retaining wall situation out there. They do have the walls that are sagging in some areas and so they are definitely working on enforcement of the installation of those so if you're out there and you see that, that work is still under warranty so they will not be sagging in the future. Councilman Peterson: Is that this year already? Holy cow. 14 31 City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 15 Mayor Furlong: Okay. Good. Any other, anything else to come before the council? Seeing the time, we need to sit around for another hour 15 minutes before we can end at our usual time. Is there a motion to adjourn? Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 32 CHANHASSENPLANNING COMMISSION REGULARMEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JUNE19 2007 ChairmanMcDonald calledthe meeting toorder at7 00 p m MEMBERS PRESENT JerryMcDonald KurtPapke Kevin Dillon KathleenThomas Debbie Larson MarkUndestad and DanKeefe STAFF PRESENT Bob Generous Senior Planner THLAKERILEYWOODS4 ADDITION REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL TOCREATESIXOUTLOTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY FOR PIONEERCIRCLE ON 3 43 ACRES ZONED AGRICULTURALESTATE DISTRICT A2 LOCATED ATPIONEERTRAILANDPIONEERCIRCLEAPPLICANTCARVERCOUNTY PLANNING CASE 07 14 Public Present Name Address Anne Nelson 9870Pioneer Circle Steve Taylor Carver County Bob Generous presentedthe staff reporton this item Commissioner Dillon asked for clarification ofthe term conveyed Chairman McDonald asked for clarification on Boyd Petersons request toshiftlotlines inOutlot Btomakehislot2 1 2 acres SteveTaylor Administrative Services Division Director with Carver County provided historical information and addressed issues oflotlinesand future use Chairman McDonald opened the public hearingNoonespokeandthepublichearingwasclosedAftercommentsbythecommissionthe following motion was made Keefe moved Papkeseconded thatthe Chanhassen PlanningCommission recommends thatthe City Councilapprove a sixoutlotsubdivision plans prepared bySRFConsultingGroupIncdated52407subjecttothefollowingconditions 1 OutlotsAand Eshouldbe deeded tothe City orentirelyencumbered bydrainage and utilityeasements granted tothe City in ordertoaccommodate future stormwater improvements At aminimum all property belowthe 914 contourshould be reservedforfuturestormwaterimprovements 2 Provide the City with a setofas built drawings ofthe road All voted in favorandthe motion carriedunanimouslywitha vote of7 to0 33 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 PUBLICHEARING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITYCODE Bob Generous presentedthe staff reporton this item Commissioner Larson asked for clarification on Section 20 1304 regarding the permitted sizefor signs Commissioner Dillon asked for clarification on Section 20 91 regarding decks and storage oficefishing housesCommissionerPapkeaskedforclarificationonSection1122regardingaccessesanddriveways Commissioner Undestad suggestedleaving the standard for signage on state highwaysat80 square feetand 64 for signage offstate highways Commissioner Keefe asked why buildings builtprior to2001were exempt from the faade transparency requirement Chairman McDonald asked for furtherclarification on Section 1122 regarding drivewayrequirements The publichearingwasopenedNoonespokeandthepublichearingwasclosedAftercommentsthe following motion was made Larson moved Dillon secondedthatthe Chanhassen PlanningCommission recommends thatthe CityCouncil adopt the attached ordinance amending Section 20 ofthe ChanhassenCityCodewithanamendmenttoSection201304IndustrialOfficeParkSignsLeaving in the sentence Aground low profile may not exceed80 square feet andeight feetin height withclarification thatthatappliesto state highway corridorsonly All voted in favorandthe motion carriedunanimouslywith a vote of7 to0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Larson noted the verbatim andsummary minutesofthe Planning Commissiondated June 5 2007aspresented Chairman McDonald adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at7 40 p m SubmittedbyKate Aanenson Community DevelopmentDirector PreparedbyNann Opheim 2 34 CHANHASSENPLANNING COMMISSION REGULARMEETING JUNE19 2007 ChairmanMcDonald calledthe meeting toorder at7 00 p m MEMBERS PRESENT JerryMcDonald KurtPapke Kevin Dillon KathleenThomas Debbie Larson MarkUndestad and DanKeefe STAFF PRESENT Bob Generous Senior Planner THLAKERILEYWOODS4 ADDITION REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL TOCREATESIXOUTLOTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY FOR PIONEERCIRCLE ON 3 43 ACRES ZONED AGRICULTURALESTATE DISTRICT A2 LOCATED AT PIONEER TRAILAND PIONEER CIRCLE APPLICANT CARVER COUNTYPLANNINGCASE0714 Public Present Name Address Anne Nelson 9870Pioneer Circle Steve Taylor Carver County Bob Generous presented the staff reporton this item McDonald Startdown here tomyright and letthe ladies begin Thomas Idonthave anyquestions rightnow Larson Ditto Dillon When yousayitsgoing tobe conveyed tosomeone what does thatmean ImeanI know kindofwhatconveyed means but in thecontext ofthis site Generous By platting ittheycanlegally transferthe parcel asaseparate entitytothe abutting propertyowners And youmaywant toask the County howtheyre goingtogo about that specifically butits just away tounite them under one ownership ifyouwill But with 6 different parcels Solike I said the County would retain OutlotsAandEand thenthe abutting the B C D and Fwouldbe transferredtotheneighboringproperties Dillon Okay Sothen alright Process on thatfor a second Thatsthe onlyquestion Ihave for rightnowbut Imight have another one McDonald Okay Kurt 35 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Papke Themap shows a recreational trailinthe area what on OutlotA Didyouspeak tothat perhapsbefore Icame in Generous NoI didntbutthats currently thereare sometracks frompeople using itfor four wheeling ATVs on it Papke Okay sotheyrenot thesearentintendedtobe city maintainedtrails Theseareinformaltrails Generous Yeah informalthatareexistingright nowand anystorm water projecttheyd be obliterated Papke Alright thatsall Ihave McDonald Mark Undestad No McDonald Dan Keefe Ihave no questions McDonald Imnot sure ifImfollowing up on Kevins questionor notbut youtalked about Outlot Band Mr Peterson wanting a line toshiftsothathe hasenough property Imnotsure I quite isthe line whats the impacton OutlotB Isitasdrawnor are we goingtoshift somethingin thefuture and this isntsolidorwhat Generous Well the platwould be approved asits shown on here Hewould like this line shifted up sothat he currently has1 21 acressohe would need another1 3 acresapproximately toget the2 1 2 acres That would shifttheline somewhere up here Need a 75 foot strip in there However he neverin the pasthad the 2 1 2 acre Hehasalegal non conformingstatus on the property sotheyllalways be able touseitfor the singlefamily homeand accessorystructuresButhesayssincetheyregoingthroughtheprocessnowtheywouldliketo if possible bringitup tothere and ourconcernbydoing that then youd have a drainageand utility easement over private propertyand we runintoissues when wetrytodostorm water projects on private property even thoughwehave the easement so thats McDonald Because what Iwasntsure ofwas arewegoing toshiftitinthe future Ithink what youanswered isno Itsas drawn Generous No itd be as drawn unless youdecide tonight thatyouwant tomake havethat shift made McDonald Okay Kevin doyouhave afollow up 2 36 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Dillon Okay Sothen kindoflike alongthatline theres Iguessreally no needtoshiftthe property line if hes got ahouse there and its everythings hunky dory I mean Generous Thats correct Theres no besides havingmore land they have this he doesntgain much Well hegains additional land but Dillon Sothen itkindofgetsback to sowillthen theseproperty ownersownall this newlandItwillbeliketheirs Generous Thats theidea that itwould be transferredtothem aspart oftheirlots ifyouwill Their parcels McDonald Does anyone elsehaveanyquestions Is the applicanthere Steve Taylor Yes McDonald Comeon up and state your name and please address thecommission Steve Taylor Thank you My name is Steve Taylor Iamthe Administrative Services Division Director with Carver County and goodeveningtoyouMr Chair and tothecommissioners here This issuehasbeen going on since Iwould say1987 Since the road realignment and whatwere doing here is we are completingtheclean up ofthat PioneerTrail being realignedand thiswascausedbytherealignmentofPioneerTrailThatswhatcausedthisissueOriginallythese residences were had road frontage and they dontanymore and so what were tryingtodo hereis toclean up whattook place back in1987 and frankly should have been donesome time ago Andwe are ourintent istomakethesehomeowners well ifyouwill asaresultofthe realignment that took place in 87 Getthemtowhere they were although they do benefit fromtheincreasedlandthatsbeingconveyedtothemsothatsourintenthereAlsowearelookingat aTorrens action takingplace and thatwillclean outthe property lines It willdeal with the easements thatarein place It willdeal with aprescriptive use Landissuesthatare in place at this point in time and its alsogoing to dealwith a gap thats in placethat thesurvey found Theres approximately its a 4 5 foot gap ofownership that hasunknown ownershipatthis pointsothereareahostofissuesherethatthisTorrensactionwillcleanupandasapartofthatweare looking atconveying thesevariousoutlots tothesehomeowners and we have met with all ofthe homeowners exceptfor one One owner livesin Floridaactually for part ofthe yearbutI talked tothatindividual on the phone and faxed himsomeofthe information wewerelooking athere so Sothatskindofthebackground ofabout 20 yearsworth ofbackgroundin about 5 or 6minutesso McDonald Okay Dan youwant tostart Keefe Justa quick question Youre cleaning up a lotofproblems but youknow there is somevalueperhapstothelandbeingconveyedtothemArethereanydollarsbeingexchanged Steve Taylor No 3 37 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Keefe So the valuewill just be conveyed intheir increased taxes tothembecause they have larger lotsizes now Steve Taylor Well right theyhave larger lotsizes and they paytaxesand theyownmoreland ofcourseaswell There wasa letterthat waswritten in 1987that saidthat we wouldbe doing somethinglike this eventually Eventhoughits taken 20 yearsbut we saidthat we wouldlookat replatting this propertyso Keefe Sounds likeyoukindof asan equal exchange Steve Taylor Right Keefe Okay McDonald Mark Undestad Justtoclarify that Nobodyslots will be up to2 1 2 acreseven afteryoudo all thisright Steve Taylor You know Idontknowthe answertothat Generous No they wouldnot Undestad Okay McDonald Kevin Dillon Imall set McDonald Youreall set Larson Theproperty that where the roadwas before so itwould have been on the northsideofPioneerTrailwhichiswhatwherethisisshiftedcorrectTheroadwentfurthernorthsothats whyitcreatedthis piece ofland Steve Taylor Actually itwentsouth It went Larson Imeant the land was furthernorth Steve Taylor Oh correct Larson Sowhoowned thatprior Wasthat Imtrying Iagree that thisis a goodplan but ImtryingtounderstandwhatgoingbacktotheconveyancepartyouknowTheresnomoney exchanged Did somebodyloseout on the deal Steve Taylor Wellthe Countyowns this landright now 4 38 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Larson TheCounty okay Okay Steve Taylor Rightnow Andthis is whats called aremnant Ibelieve This is notmy area of expertise but this is aremnant from thatroad realignmentessentially Larson Okay Because Ikept reading itand reading itand alright Steve Taylor Yeah goodquestion Yeah Larson Thatsall Igot Thankyou McDonald Kathleen Thomas Okay SoIheard a remnant Is there its a planned timethat itbecomes an even nowthatitbecomeswithin their property linesor arewejust going toleaveitthe wayits been Thats kindofthe plan Steve Taylor Well the intent is tocreatetheseoutlots here and thehomeowners andyoucan seethat the boundary lines wevejust wevetried toextend themtothe extent we can here And Outlot Aand Outlot Ewouldbe retained by theCounty but theothers wouldbe wouldbe actually then conveyed tothe property owners Thats the intent Thomas And thenallow themtodo whatever itisthey wantto technically with that Steve Taylor Right Thomas Andiftheywantedtogo and mow itorsomething thatd be okay Steve Taylor Right And actuallyimprovements have been made tocountyowned property rightnow Imeantreeshave been planted Theres been some landscaping done Imean 20 yearsis a long time Thomas Yeah okay Thatsit McDonald Idonthave anyfurtherquestions unless someone wants toask a follow upand say thank youverymuch for your discussion with us This is apublic meeting soatthis point IwouldopenthepodiumtothosewhowishtocomeforwardandmakecommentonthisWhat I would ask is thatyoucome up state your name and address and address the commissioners Well seeing no one come forward Iwillclose the public meeting Iwill bringitback tothe commissionersfor discussion Start with youDan Keefe Nothing McDonald Mark 5 39 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Undestad Imgood Papke I think thisis a goodthing It doesntget usto21 2 acres but Ithink itsour duty as a planning commission toalways get legal non conforminglots intothe positive direction of conformance and I think this is in thatdirectionso Ithink itsthe right thing for ustodo McDonald Okay Imnotsure I fullyunderstand the 2 1 2 but Imnot sure its worth askingquestionsaboutIagreewithwhatKurtssayingItlooksasthoughweretryingtomoveinthe right directionsothis seems finetome Kevin Dillon Iagree with all thosecomments as well as theOutlot Aand Ewhich youknowhave someof the mostvisibility here willbe kept bythe Countyand sotheyllbe keptup youknowwithouthavingtowaitforanindividualpartysoIthinkthatsgood McDonald Debbie Larson Pretty much everythings been said Looksfinetome McDonald Okay Kathleen Thomas Ditto McDonald Okay Then readytoaccept amotion Keefe Illmake themotion the ChanhassenPlanning Commissionrecommends thatthe City Council approvea 6 outlotsubdivision plans prepared SRF ConsultingGroup Incorporated dated May 24 2007 subject totwo conditions 1 and 2 McDonald Second Papke Second Larson Second Keefe moved Papkeseconded thatthe Chanhassen PlanningCommission recommends thatthe City Councilapprove a sixoutlotsubdivision plans prepared bySRFConsulting Group Inc dated5 24 07 subject tothe following conditions 1 Outlots Aand Eshouldbe deeded totheCity orentirelyencumbered bydrainage and utilityeasements granted tothe City in ordertoaccommodate future stormwater improvements At aminimum all property belowthe 914 contourshould be reservedfor future stormwater improvements 2 Provide the City with a setofas built drawings ofthe road All voted in favorandthe motion carriedunanimouslywitha vote of7 to0 6 40 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 PUBLICHEARINGORDINANCEAMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Bob Generous presented the staff reporton this item McDonald Okay Kathleen You wanttostart Thomas Justgive me asecond No Illcome back McDonald Okay Illcome back toyou Debbie Larson Soyouwouldntconsider the one isit1304 the signssize It seems tome that the80 foot asopposedto65 would makemore sense in lightofthe new highway corridor Generous State highway corridor Larson Right Generous It may You would have ifyoure going faster itmay be appropriate tohave larger signage but the way this iswritten itwasntclear Larson Well why was itwritten like this in the firstplace For what purpose For where Generous It was like thatand itwas pointed out tome thatwe have conflicting standards Larson Sowhich was first Generous Well 64 is pretty standard Itsan 8 by8 panel ifyouwill Andwe allow 8 foot tall signs sothat made senseofthat 80 square feetwould be an 8 by 10 sign area I think thats more youknow Larson Well thatswhat Imsaying Which came firstand why are wechanging the 80 down If youwantedtoquestion that Generous Yeah Imnot certain which came first McDonald Excuse me Do youhaveanyexamples youcould giveusofsigns thatexistor somethingasaframe ofreferencefor us Generous None that are the 80 square feet Mostly weseethe 64 comein And even smallerthanthatformonumentsigns Larson Target 7 41 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Generous But thatsa differentzoning category and theyhave apylon signwhich youre allowed tohave the 80 squarefeet Larson Oh Okay Explain the difference between pylon signs and whatweretalking about here Generous Well the pylon signs areallowed togo up to20 feet in theair and youcanhave a 80squarefootsignareaifyoureonthestatehighwaycorridorHoweverandthatswherethe question iftheydidntdothe pylon would theydo and theydid amonument wouldweallow them tomaintain the80 squarefeet Larson Oh from the ground itwouldlooktoo big Generous Yes itwould look Larson Okay Papke How bigs the Hallasign Generous Idontknow McDonald Isthatamonument ora pylon Generous Thats a monument sign but its over the 8 feet Because that was the originalsign there was non conformingas part ofthe settlement agreement thatwas allowed toremain and thenbecause ofthe widening oftheintersection they had toremove itand aspart ofthat he was upgrading itandnowwere where weare But Ithink thats about 12 feettallIthink ifIremembercorrectly Larson Justcurious McDonald Okay Kevin Dillon Ivegot a few questions on Section 20 91 theres one ofthe items yousaidifthe decks less than30 inches above the ground and not attached totheprincipal structure Why are they being what isthe why notdecks over30 inchesabove the ground Generous Well if theyreover 30inches tall they needa buildingpermit Dillon Oh okay Generous Andiftheyre attachedtothe principalstructure youneedavariance Dillon Gotit Sofor some oftheseyouknow changes like this firstonethatwouldarguably affect alotofhomeowners and stuff howis this communicatedand then howdoyouensure compliance 8 42 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Generous Well wetry toputitout in ournewsletter We have itin the citys on thecity swebsiteWewritearticlesaboutitandtrytogetitoutthereIfpeoplecallindoIneedapermitfor this Again thats atonehandthis is called azoning compliance review and people werent coming in because theyd call and saiddoIneeda permitto dothis and wed say well no you dontbutyoudo needtohave itreviewed and then theyre well Idon tneedapermit soImnot coming in Dillon And then sothen ifsomeone is isntaware and theydo something thatruns afoul ofthe newguidelines here thenwhat dowe do Generous Well ifwediscoverthatsomeonehasbuilt itwith theresno feeinvolved in this butifwediscoverthattheyreoveronimperviousorsomethingthenwetryweworkwiththemto trytoreduce that and get itback tocode compliance Technically itis aviolation ofthezoning ordinance and we could cite themfor beingabove impervious surface orhard surfaces on a property or too close tosetback and compelthemtomake thecorrections Dillon Okay On page4 itsthe issue that startsout with city codes require storage ofboats so on and soforth How about icefishing houses Do youneed tospell themout too Because theresone on PowersBoulevard going northtowards Excelsiorthats obnoxiousand itsin front ofthesetenniscourtsin illrepair andtheres alsotrailers andstuff in the driveway like way in front ofthe house You knowyouvegottokindoflookkindofhard toseethembecause theresliketreesaroundthereandeverythingbuttheywouldcertainlynotbeincompliancewiththe code Commissioner Larsonmade a commentthatwasnot picked up on the tape Dillon Well I think its Carver County ChanhassenImpretty sure butIdon tknow Maybeits over the border but its right nearthe northernend ofChanhassen thats for sure Anyways so youmight wanttothrowall season icefishing housesinthere Generous That wouldbe under a separate section under the outdoor storage requirements Icancheckintothatbut Dillon That was youknowI wasjust reading this the other dayand Ijust literally about an hour before Iread this Iwalked by that propertyand I saidthis hasgottogo Then so the other things there werethe signs whichI think youalreadyanswered somequestions on thatsothoseweremycommentsIjustwantedalittleclarificationon McDonald Okay Kurt Papke On the perpendicular drivewayswith the right of way no ones goingtohave a perfect90degreesAtwhatpointareyougoingtoenforcethisDoyouneedatoleranceonthatplus orminus somethingor You know whatIm saying 9 43 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Generous Right Andactually thatwas part ofourdiscussionwith the engineeringdepartment What ifwe had a steepdrivewayand youcome down atan angle and theysaid well wellgiveitsomerelieffromthestrict90degreeangle Papke Soyouwouldjust handle thaton a case bycase basis Generous Right and itd be more site specific Lot specific Papke On theaccessory driveways Ihave several theres several driveways in my neighborhood thataremadeofgravel and theresno mention ofgravel in here Doesthat need to be included Excluded Do youcare Itspermeable so but Ionlybringitup because its a case thatyouhaventcovered and theydo exist My driveway is gravel Generous It may be appropriate toinclude thatlanguage for gravel McDonald Okay Mark Undestad Ijust my onlycomments on the size Iwould leave the 80 on the highwaysand 64 on the Generous Soyouwouldhave usclarify thattheybe low profile signon astate highway may be 80 squarefeet rather thanjust goingwith 64 Keefe Ive got aquestion on thatfaade transparency Why arewe something on buildings before 2001 From the windows on theirexpansion Generous Prior to2001 Keefe Yeah Generous Because the standards werentinplace prior tothen Sowehave buildings that have architectural detailing thatwhile itmay be attractive and comply with ordinance atthattime thenewoneswouldrequirethattheyputmorewindowsin Keefe Soifyouregoing toexpand thebuilding wouldntwestillwant tohave that transparency thing Partof thetransparency is the addmore window space Make itmore Generous Right and that Keefe on their old youknow ifthey didnthave the standardswerentin placeand theyre just putting in aflat wall Iguess the wayImthinking ofit wouldntwesay tothebuyer that theyneedtohave the transparency If theydonthave the transparency then theycan Generous Well then thenthe question dowewant totake themthrough thevariance process to do that 10 44 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Keefe Yeah Undestad Partofthat problemwhen youlook atexpandingthe building orsomebodyson the faade oftheir building thattheyhaveXamount offeet on there Theymight havetomake that whole thing transparentin order tocomply with this becauseback in priorto2001 theydidnt neednearly as much It might be tough for some ofthese other Keefe Anditwouldntbe practical Generous Right and youmay get a funny looking building We alwayspush themtoprovide uswith a lotofarchitectural detailingbut so but whetheror notitshouldbe windows or the use ofspan rowifitsappropriate It provides uswith the same architectural feeling butcurrently itsprohibitedYouneedavariancetodothatanditmaymakesensetoallowthatuseandyougeta lotofthe same affect McDonald Okay Iguess theone thing Iwanted toaskabout was youtalk about snow storage That youcant youknow on your driveways ifyouhave alarger driveway nowand youreclearingoffyourdrivewayyoucantuseadjacentIthinkwhatyoumeanislikepropertylines to the nextperson over tostoresnow on Some ofthese drivewaysare pretty close together I mean dont arentyougoingtohave a problemasfar asgetting that enforced becauseofthe way youknowifwe have big snows youcanend up withquite a bitofsnow storage on thesides of your driveway Generous Right Primarilywe werelooking atthe construction ofnew driveways That they be designed sothatthey dontencourage thattypeof McDonald Okay But thats newdriveways What about old driveways Imean theway Ireadthisitimpliesdriveways Generous Well except for anything before thiswouldnthave those standards Itd be non conforming ifthey were but theyd be legal non conforming Theyhad a right tobe like that at onetime McDonald Okay youve got metotallyconfused now Belike what Generous Well lets say theyrebuilt theyrein place now McDonald Okay Generous Before this ordinance isadoptedand its 2 inches from the property line McDonald Okay Igot ya Generous Sothey have legal standing tokeep that Itsonlywhenthey alteredthat this would takein and wewould lookatthe design 11 45 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 McDonald Okay Thenthe other question Ihad about this was and this may be in hereand Im just not seeing itbut okay were nowlooking athavingtohave a zoning permit ifyouwant toexpandyoudrivewaytoputtheextraspaceonandstuffThatswithin1122isthatcorrectSo thatyouknow thatifImgoingtoexpand my driveway itsays within thatsection I donthave togo toanother section and seethat Ivealso got ordinance Youre not following Generous Wellnowits inSection 20 91 thatsays thatwe require a zoning permit for itnow McDonald Okay Generous But itdoesntspecifically say itin thedriveway section thatyouhave todoit McDonald Right and soifI go to youknow Iwant toseewhat Icando tomy driveway and I lookup and oh access and driveways and I lookat1122 theres nothing in there thattells me about this youknow in order a zoning permit is required ifImgoing todothis Generous If youre going toexpand right McDonald Expand my driveway Sotheres nothing within1122 Ihave togo toanother section tofind that out Why couldn titalsobe in 1122 Generous It couldbe That youre required to We were just tryingtoput into thezoningpermitwhatthingswerequire McDonald Okay ButI hearyoure having a problemyouknow getting people todo thingsand part ofitis ifthey call up and ask about drivewaysand theydontask the right question and if youdontthink oh and bythe way youve got toget apermit also againthey think oh okay AllIvegottodoisyouknowdoitatthisandkeepitandagaintheyreputtingsomethinginwithout getting a permit Generous Right McDonald Imean doyoufollow Generous Yeah Ifollowiftheyre connectingtoourroadway iftheyhave a separatepermit under engineeringfor road connection This is just for McDonald The side thing goes up tothe garage Generous Well iftheyre trying todo a turnaround or somethingon the property We could include itin there expansionof driveways require a zoningpermit McDonald Well Ionlybringitup because again thats whatyoure trying toaccomplishhere but yetifIdontknow togo toanother section which 1190and look atzoningpermits and everything Improbably notgoing togo there 12 46 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Papke Thats reallya usabilityissue Generous Yeah generallywhat happens is theyllcall andcanI doitandthen we go through the wholelist ofzoning requirementsthat youcantexceed25 site coverage and thesearethe designstandards for thatand bythe way youalsoneed a zoning permit You have toshow us what youre going todo McDonald Okay well thatwas the onlything Ireally had I meanits something totake under consideration Okay Now this isa publicmeeting soI guessatthis point whatIlldois openup the podiumtoanyone wishing tocome forwardand make commenton thesechangestoSection 20 Imsorry before Ido that Iforgot Kathleen Thomas Thatsalright McDonald No Imsorry Thomas Ithought ofaquestion butyou Thank youfor McDonald Okay Does anyone wish tocome forward Seeing no onecome forward Illclose the publicmeeting andbring itback bringthe discussion with the commissioners Keefe No additional discussion McDonald Mark Undestad No McDonald Kurt Papke Idoagree with Marks comments It almostseems like with thesignage thatperhaps the original intent was thatstate highway signs youknow shouldbe 80 square feetregardless of whethertheyre a pylon ora low profile That wouldseem tomake sense IfI wastrying toputinabusinessalongHighway5thatswhatIdwantSoIdsupportafriendlyamendmentto strikethat one line The deletion ofthat one line and leave itat80 across theboard and just make sure itsclear in there thatstate highway corridors its 80 and low profilefor non state corridors 64 McDonald Okay Kevin Dillon No additional discussions Ithink thosearegoodcomments and suggestions McDonald Okay Debbie Larson Itendtoagree with what they saidtoo on the 80 square foot McDonald Okay Kathleen 13 47 Planning Commission Meeting June 19 2007 Thomas Iagree alsowith being on the highway Ithink itmakes more sense WhatweretryingtoaccomplishandIthinkifwehaveanydoubtweshouldmakeit McDonald Okay Ithink Iwouldpretty muchtendtoagree with what Kurtand Markhave also saidsoatthis point Illaccept recommendations Yeah Illaccept arecommendation from the floor From the commissioners Larson Okay Imready McDonald Okay Larson The Planning Commission recommends thatthe City Counciladopt the attached ordinance amending Chapter 20 oftheChanhassen City Code Doyouhave friendly amendments Papke Yeah Id like tomakea friendly proposeafriendly amendment thatwestrikethedeletionofthegroundlowprofilemaynotexceed80squarefeetinheightandleavethat sentence in there and just toclarify thatitis for state highway corridors only McDonald Wouldyouagree with thatKathleen Thomas Ido McDonald Okay Do I have asecond Dillon Second Larson moved Dillon secondedthatthe Chanhassen PlanningCommission recommends thatthe CityCouncil adopt the attached ordinance amending Section 20 ofthe Chanhassen City Code withan amendment toSection20 1304 IndustrialOfficeParkSigns Leaving in the sentence Aground low profile may not exceed80 square feet andeight feetinheightwithclarificationthatthatappliestostatehighwaycorridorsonlyAllvoted in favorandthe motion carriedunanimouslywith a vote of7 to0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Larson noted the verbatim andsummary minutesofthe Planning Commissiondated June 5 2007aspresented Chairman McDonald adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at7 40 p m SubmittedbyKate Aanenson Community DevelopmentDirector PreparedbyNann Opheim 14 48 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us J JI n r MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manger FROM Bob Generous Senior Planner L 4 UcV July 9 2007DATE SUBJ Adoption of Ordinance Chapter 20 Chanhassen City Code Zoning ACTION REQUIRED A simple majority vote of City Council members present is required to adopt the amendment 4 5 vote for summary ordiance BACKGROUND The City continues to review the City Code Our overall intent is to try to make the code easier to understand and use by addressing problems in the code overlapping code requirements clarifying ordinance language procedures or processes and consolidating the City Code The proposed changes to Chapter 20 have been reviewed previously by the Chanhassen Planning Commission The proposed City Code amendments are to Sec 20 91 Zoning Permit Sec 20 1068 Facade Transparency Sec 20 1122 Access and driveways and Sec 20 1304 Industrial Office Park Signs SUMMARY Staff believes that these changes are primarily administrative rather than substantive in nature and is recommending approval of the amendment PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 19 2007 to review the proposed amendments The Planning Commission voted 7 0 to approve the amendment The summary and verbatim minutes are item 1a of the City Council packet for July 9 2007 The only issue the Planning Commission had was with Sec 20 1304 Industrial Office Park Signs along the Highway 5 Corridor Planning Commission recommends allowing an 80 square foot ground low profile sign on a State Highway To ensure clarity of location and size of signs in the lOP district staff The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play49 Todd Gerhardt Amendment Chapter 20 July 9 2007 Page 2 feels that subsection 2 should also be amended stating a ground sign shall not exceed 64 square feet except on a State Highway RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance for Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code and approve the summary ordinance for publication purposes ATTACHMENT 1 Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 Chanhassen City Code 2 Summary Ordinance 3 Staff Report Dated June 19 2007 G PLANBG City Code CC July 9 2007 Memo doc 50 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA ORDAINS Section 1 Section 20 91 a ofthe City Code City ofChanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows A Zoning Permit shall be required for the construction of structures which do not require building permit to determine compliance with zoning requirements such as setback site coverage structure height etc Agricultural buildings Decks less than 30 inches above the ground and not attached to the principal structure Driveway Expansions One story detached accessory structures used as tool or storage sheds playhouses and similar uses less than 120 square feet in building area Patios Permanent fences less than six feet in height Sport courts Section 2 Section 20 1068 of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows Facade transparency Fifty percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include transparent windows and or doors to minimize expanses of blank walls Reflective glass is not permitted Ifthe building is a one story design and the first floor elevation exceeds 12 feet then only the first 12 feet in building height shall be included in calculating the facade area 1 51 The remaining 50 percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include any or all of the following Landscape materials plant material vertical trellis with vines planter boxes etc Architectural detailing and articulation that provides texture on the facade and or parking structure openings 1 I t UUl 1 j ItJi Af 0 U I I S 1 7I y r t f jlf I r If AI For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow windows e g cooler or freezer areas mechanical rooms security areas storage areas or warehouse or manufacturing space in commercial or industrial buildings the fenestration standards may be reduced However the architecture detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides arches patterning recesses and shadowing that provide aesthetic interest Architectural detailing may include such things as change in materials change in color and other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size mass and scale of the wall Architectural detailing may include arcades arches bosses buttresses clerestories colonnades columns corbeling loggias pilasters portals quoins silos tiling and towers Additional architectural elements may include the use of awnings canopies embrasures lunettes plant boxes recesses and shutters For buildings that were built prior to September 24 2001 the city will encourage the use of transparent windows or doors as part of any building expansion However provided the expansion at a minimum maintains the existing patterns and details of the existing building architecture the proposed expansion would not be required to meet the 50 percent transparency requirement Section 3 Section 20 1122 of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows 2 52 Access and driveways The purpose ofthis section is to provide minimum design criteria setback and slope standards for vehicular use The intent is to reduce interference with drainage and utility easements by providing setback standards reduce erosion by requiring a hard surface for all driveways to limit the number of driveway access points to public streets and to direct drainage toward the street via establishment of minimum driveway slope standards Parking and loading spaces shall have proper access from a public right of way The number and width of access drives shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard All driveways shall meet the following criteria a Driveways shall be setback at least ten feet from the side property lines Beginning 20 feet from the front property line driveways may be setback a minimum of five feet from the side property line Encroachment in to a side yard drainage and utility easement must be reviewed and approved by the city and may require an encroachment agreement b Driveway grades shall be a minimum of one half of one percent and a maximum grade of ten percent at any point in the driveway c Within the right of way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees d In areas located within the Metropolitan Urban Services Area MUSA as identified on the comprehensive plan driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer In areas outside the MUSA driveways shall be surfaced from the intersection of the road through the right of way portion ofthe driveway with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer e On comer lots the minimum comer clearance from the roadway right of way line shall be at least 30 feet to the edge of the driveway f For A 2 PUD R for single family detached houses RR RSF R 4 and RLM for single family detached residential uses the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 24 feet at the right of way line No portion of the right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway Inside the property line of the site the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 50 feet The minimum driveway width shall not be less than ten feet g For all other uses the width ofthe driveway access shall not exceed 36 feet in width measured at the roadway right of way line No portion ofthe right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway h Driveway setbacks may be reduced subject to approval by the city engineer and the following criteria 3 53 1 The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which autility is contained and 2 Shall require an easement encroachment agreement from the engineering department and 3 The driveway must be designed to maintain storm water drainage runoff on the property to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent properties and 4 Snow storage may not be placed on adjacent properties i Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous concrete or paver surface j One driveway access is allowed from a single residential lot to the street k A turnaround is required on a driveway entering onto a state highway county road or collector roadway as designated in the comprehensive plan and onto city streets where this is deemed necessary by the city engineer based on traffic counts sight distances street grades or other relevant factors If the engineer requires a turnaround this requirement will be stated on the building permit 1 Separate driveways serving utility facilities are permitted Section 4 Section 20 1304 1 ofthe City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows Industrial Office Park Signs 1 Pylon business signs Pylon signs are permitted on parcels that abut State Highway corridors only One pylon or one ground low profile industrial office park identification sign shall be permitted A pylon sign shall not exceed 80 square feet on a State Highway in sign area and shall not exceed 20 feet in height Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line 2 Ground low profile business signs One ground low profile business sign shall be permitted per site for each frontage Such sign shall not exceed 64 square feet except on a State Highway in display area nor be greater than eight feet in height Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line Section 5 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota 2007 by the City Council of 4 54 Todd Gerhardt City Manager Published in the Chanhassen Villager on Thomas A Furlong Mayor 5 55 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE ZONING The purpose of this code amendment to Chapter 20 Zoning of the Chanhassen City Code is to add driveway expansions and patios to the list of required structures for a zoning permit allow exceptions to the fac ade requirements for expansions to existing buildings or based on design and use of the building add minimum design standards for driveway expansions and to clarify the square footage of monument signs in the lOP district along the State Highway corridors A printed copy of Ordinance No is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the City Manager Clerk PASSED ADOPTED AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION this 9th day of July 2007 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen Published in the Chanhassen Villager on 56 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site WIIW ci chanhassen mn us CI Cl oA I MEMORANDUM TO Planning Commission FROM Bob Generous Senior Planner DATE OJune192007 SUBJ Potential Zoning Ordinance Amendments Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code The Planning Commission has review responsibility for Chapter 20 A public hearing is required to make changes in these chapters We are requesting that the Planning Commission review the proposed revisions to Chapter 20 and recommend an ordinance amendment incorporating the changes Staff has prepared a strike through delete and bold add format to review the proposed changes ISSUE Currently patios and driveway expansions are not specifically required to obtain a zoning permit We have been discovering that without prior review many of these structures are encroaching into drainage and utility easements or leading to site coverage exceeding code The intent of the zoning permit is to permit review of a project prior to its installation to assure compliance with City Code and ultimately elimination of after the fact variance requests Sec 20 91 Zoning Permit a A Zoning Permit shall be required for the construction of structures which do not require building permit to determine compliance with zoning requirements such as setback site coverage structure height etc Agricultural buildings Decks less than 30 inches above the ground and not attached to the principal structure Driveway Expansions One story detached accessory structures used as tool or storage sheds playhouses and similar uses less than 120 square feet in building area Patios Permanent fences less than six feet in height Sport courts CCAtUlED The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play57 Planning Commission June 19 2007 Page 2 of 6 b A zoning permit application that fails to meet zoning ordinance requirements shall be denied by the community development director PROPOSED CHANGE Add Driveway Expansions and Patios to the list of required improvements to obtain a zoning permit ISSUE As part of the expansion of existing buildings and with the construction of office warehouse buildings the city has encountered difficulties and granted variances from the faade transparency requirements of section 20 1068 Staff has prepared exceptions for structures built prior to adoption of the design standards where the building s use or function precludes the use of windows in certain areas or on properties with multiple street frontages For buildings that were built prior to adoption of the ordinance the city will encourage the use of transparent windows or doors but would permit a relaxation of the requirement if they are at a minimum maintaining the existing patterns and details of the existing building architecture For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow windows e g cooler or freezer areas in stores or warehouse or manufacturing space in industrial buildings we could relax the standards by not requiring the windows at the lower level permitting the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides patterning and shadowing that provides aesthetic interest Arcades a series of arches supported on piers or columns Bosses a projecting masonry or rock feature or ornament in a wall Buttresses a projecting support built into or against the outside of a masonry wall Clerestories a portion of the wall rising above the adjacent rooftops and having windows Colonnades a series of regularly spaced columns usually supporting one side of a roof structure Corbeling an overlapping arrangement of bricks or stones in which each course steps upward and outward from the vertical face of a wall Embrasures a small or narrow opening in a wall Fenestration the design proportioning and disposition of windows and other exterior openings of a building Loggias a colonnaded or arcaded space within the body of a building but open on one side often at an upper story Lunettes an area in a plane of a wall framed by an arch or vault which may contain a window Pilasters a shallow rectangular feature projecting from a wall having a capital and base and architecturally treated as a column Portals a doorway gate or entrance emphasized by size and architectural treatment Quoins an exterior angle of a masonry wall or one of the stones or bricks forming such an angle usually differentiated from adjoining surfaces by material texture color size or projection Sec 20 1068 Facade transparency Fifty percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include transparent windows and or doors to minimize expanses of blank walls reflective glass is not permitted If the building is a one story design and the first floor elevation exceeds 12 feet then only the first 12 feet in building height shall be included in calculating the facade area 58 Planning Commission June 19 2007 Page 3 of6 The remaining 50 percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include any or all of the following Landscape materials plant material vertical trellis with vines planter boxes etc Architectural detailing and articulation that provides texture on the facade and or parking structure openings For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow windows e g cooler or freezer areas mechanical rooms security areas storage areas or warehouse or manufacturing space in commercial or industrial buildings the fenestration standards may be reduced However the architecture detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides arches patterning recesses and shadowing that provide aesthetic interest Architectural detailing may include such things as change in materials change in color and other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size mass and scale of the wall Architectural detailing may include arcades arches bosses buttresses clerestories colonnades columns corbeling loggias pilasters portals quoins silos tiling and towers Additional architectural elements may include the use of awnings canopies embrasures lunettes plant boxes recesses and shutters For buildings that were built prior to September 24 2001 the city will encourage the use of transparent windows or doors as part of any building expansion However provided the expansion at a minimum maintains the existing patterns and details of the existing building architecture the proposed expansion would not be required to meet the 50 percent transparency requirement PROPOSED CHANGE Amend section 20 1068 to incorporate exceptions to the fayade transparency requirement 59 Planning Commission June 19 2007 Page 4 of 6 ISSUE City code requires storage of boats all terrain vehicles snowmobiles and trailers in the side or rear yard City code states a required maximum driveway width of 36 feet The width of a three car garage could reach 36 feet This would eliminate the possibility of an addition of bituminous accessory parking within the side yard for recreational vehicle storage City code does not prohibit four car garages however a variance from the 36 foot width would be required Staff believes the hard surface requirement would limit the width of driveways In addition hard surface expansion into drainage and utility easements can cause drainage problems on the property as well as to adjacent properties Staff believes drainage should be addressed by the property owner to eliminate drainage issues Sec 20 1122 Access and driveways The purpose of this section is to provide minimum design criteria setback and slope standards for vehicular use The intent is to reduce interference with drainage and utility easements by providing setback standards reduce erosion by requiring a hard surface for all driveways to limit the number of driveway access points to public streets and to direct drainage toward the street via establishment of minimum driveway slope standards Parking and loading spaces shall have proper access from a public right of way The number and width of access drives shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard All driveways shall meet the following criteria a Driveways shall be setback at least ten feet from the side property lines Beginning 20 feet from the front property line driveways may be setback a minimum of five feet from the side property line Encroachment in to a side yard drainage and utility easement must be reviewed and approved by the city and may require an encroachment agreement b Driveway grades shall be a minimum of one half of one percent and a maximum grade of ten percent at any point in the driveway c Within the right of way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees d e In areas located within the Metropolitan Urban Services Area MUSA as identified on the comprehensive plan driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer In areas outside the MUSA driveways shall be surfaced from the intersection of the road through the right of way portion of the driveway with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer e h On comer lots the minimum comer clearance from the roadway right of way line shall be at least 30 feet to the edge of the driveway f eo For A 2 PUD R for single family detached houses RR RSF aHd R 4 and RLM for single family detached residential uses the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 24 feet at the right of way line No portion of the right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway Inside the property line of the site the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 50 feet The minimum driveway width shall not be less than ten feet 60 Planning Commission June 19 2007 Page 5 of 6 g f For all other uses the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 36 feet in width measured at the roadway right of way line No portion of the right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway h g Driveway setbacks may be reduced subject to approval by the city engineer and the following criteria 1 The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which a utility is contained and 2 Shall require an easement encroachment agreement from the engineering department and 3 The location of the driveway must be designed to maintain storm water drainage runoff on the property approved by the city engineer to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent properties and 4 Snow storage may not be placed on adjacent properties i Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous concrete or paver surface j Jt One driveway access is allowed from a single residential lot to the street k h A turnaround is required on a driveway entering onto a state highway county road or collector roadway as designated in the comprehensive plan and onto city streets where this is deemed necessary by the city engineer based on traffic counts sight distances street grades or other relevant factors If the engineer requires a turnaround this requirement will be stated on the building permit I t Separate driveways serving utility facilities are permitted PROPOSED CHANGE Amend section 20 1122 to incorporate c Within the right of way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees Re Ietter thereafter Amend r from a 36 foot width to a 50 foot width and add the PUD R for single family RR and RLM for single family homes districts Amend 1 The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which a utility is contained and Amend 3 The location of the driveway must be designed to maintain storm water drainage runoff on the property approved by the city engineer to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent properties and Add 4 Snow storage may not be placed on adjacent properties Add i Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous concrete or paver surface 61 Planning Commission June 19 2007 Page 6 of 6 ISSUE Clarification of ground low profile sign display area within the lOP district Subsection 1 has a different display area than subsection 2 for the same type of sign Pylon signs which are only permitted within the Highway 5 corridor are allowed 80 square feet of display area and up to 20 feet height Ground low profile signs within the lOP district have a maximum display area of 64 square feet The lOP district allows pylon signs on parcels that abut the Highway 5 corridor only staff would like to expand the lOP pylon to all State Highway corridors consistent with the commercial districts Pylon signs are permitted on parcels that abut State Highway corridors within commercial districts Sec 20 1304 Industrial Office Park Signs 1 Pylon or ground few profile business signs Pylon signs are permitted on parcels that abut the Highway 5 State Highway corridors only One pylon or one ground low profile industrial office park identification sign shall be permitted A pylon sign shall not exceed 80 square feet in sign area and shall not exceed 20 feet in height I ground low profile may not exceed 80 square feet and eight feet in height Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line 2 Ground low profile business signs One ground low profile business sign shall be permitted per site for each street frontage Such sign shall not exceed 64 square feet in display area nor be greater than eight feet in height Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line PROPOSED CHANGE Amend section 20 1304 1 to eliminate Ground low profile and A ground low profile may not exceed 80 square feet and eight feet in height Amend Section 20 1304 1 to read Pylon signs are permitted on parcels that abut State Highway corridors only RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code ATTACHMENTS 1 Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 Zoning g plan bg city code pc memo june 2007 revisions doc 62 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA ORDAINS Section 1 Section 20 91 a of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows A Zoning Permit shall be required for the construction of structures which do not require building permit to determine compliance with zoning requirements such as setback site coverage structure height etc Agricultural buildings Decks less than 30 inches above the ground and not attached to the principal structure Driveway Expansions One story detached accessory structures used as tool or storage sheds playhouses and similar uses less than 120 square feet in building area Patios Permanent fences less than six feet in height Sport courts Section 2 Section 20 1068 of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows Facade transparency Fifty percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include transparent windows andor doors to minimize expanses of blank walls Reflective glass is not permitted If the building is a one story design and the first floor elevation exceeds 12 feet then only the first 12 feet in building height shall be included in calculating the facade area 63 The remaining 50 percent of the first floor facade that is viewed by the public shall be designed to include any or all of the following Landscape materials plant material vertical trellis with vines planter boxes etc Architectural detailing and articulation that provides texture on the facade and or parking structure openings For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow windows e g cooler or freezer areas mechanical rooms security areas storage areas or warehouse or manufacturing space in commercial or industrial buildings the fenestration standards may be reduced However the architecture detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides arches patterning recesses and shadowing that provide aesthetic interest Architectural detailing may include such things as change in materials change in color and other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size mass and scale of the wall Architectural detailing may include arcades arches bosses buttresses clerestories colonnades columns corbeling loggias pilasters portals quoins silos tiling and towers Additional architectural elements may include the use of awnings canopies embrasures lunettes plant boxes recesses and shutters For buildings that were built prior to September 24 2001 the city will encourage the use of transparent windows or doors as part of any building expansion However provided the expansion at a minimum maintains the existing patterns and details of the existing building architecture the proposed expansion would not be required to meet the 50 percent transparency requirement Section 3 Section 20 1122 of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows 2 64 Access and driveways The purpose of this section is to provide minimum design criteria setback and slope standards for vehicular use The intent is to reduce interference with drainage and utility easements by providing setback standards reduce erosion by requiring a hard surface for all driveways to limit the number of driveway access points to public streets and to direct drainage toward the street via establishment of minimum driveway slope standards Parking and loading spaces shall have proper access from a public right of way The number and width of access drives shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard All driveways shall meet the following criteria a Driveways shall be setback at least ten feet from the side property lines Beginning 20 feet from the front property line driveways may be setback a minimum of five feet from the side property line Encroachment in to a side yard drainage and utility easement must be reviewed and approved by the city and may require an encroachment agreement b Driveway grades shall be a minimum of one half of one percent and a maximum grade of ten percent at any point in the driveway c Within the right of way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees d In areas located within the Metropolitan Urban Services Area MUSA as identified on the comprehensive plan driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer In areas outside the MUSA driveways shall be surfaced from the intersection of the road through the right of way portion of the driveway with bituminous concrete or other hard surface material as approved by the city engineer e On comer lots the minimum comer clearance from the roadway right of way line shall be at least 30 feet to the edge of the driveway f For A 2 PUD R for single family detached houses RR RSF R 4 and RLM for single family detached residential uses the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 24 feet at the right of way line No portion of the right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway Inside the property line of the site the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 50 feet The minimum driveway width shall not be less than ten feet g For all other uses the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 36 feet in width measured at the roadway right of way line No portion of the right of way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway h Driveway setbacks may be reduced subject to approval by the city engineer and the following criteria 3 65 1 The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which a utility is contained and 2 Shall require an easement encroachment agreement from the engineering department and 3 The driveway must be designed to maintain storm water drainage runoff on the property to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent properties and 4 Snow storage may not be placed on adjacent properties i Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous concrete or paver surface j One driveway access is allowed from a single residential lot to the street k A turnaround is required on a driveway entering onto a state highway county road or collector roadway as designated in the comprehensive plan and onto city streets where this is deemed necessary by the city engineer based on traffic counts sight distances street grades or other relevant factors If the engineer requires a turnaround this requirement will be stated on the building permit 1 Separate driveways serving utility facilities are permitted Section 4 Section 20 1304 1 of the City Code City ofChanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows Industrial Office Park Signs 1 Pylon business signs Pylon signs are permitted on parcels that abut State Highway corridors only One pylon or one ground low profile industrial office park identification sign shall be permitted A pylon sign shall not exceed 80 square feet in sign area and shall not exceed 20 feet in height Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line Section 5 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2007 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota Todd Gerhardt City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor 4 66 Published in the Chanhassen Villager on 5 67 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us lc MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director jj July 9 2007 Award of Bid Power Hill Park Trail FROM DATE SUBJ The 2007 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Fund includes 75 000 for construction of the Power Hill Park neighborhood connector trail Power Hill Park has been in our park system since 1993 The master plan for the park developed and adopted in 1997 includes a trail that links the adjoining neighborhoods in the area together in addition to providing convenient access to park amenities Two trail access points associated with this improvement have been in place since the adoption of the plan With the final neighborhood connection in place Stonefield we are in a position to move forward with the full trail project The finished trail will be 812 feet wide and constructed of bituminous material The total length is approximately 2 250 feet Construction is anticipated to be completed in July A mailing notifying neighboring residents of the upcoming construction work will be sent upon approval of the City Council and execution of a contract agreement The following bids were received on the project Plehal Blacktopping GMH Asphalt Czars of Tar 43 570 00 46 687 50 59 775 00 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award the bid for the Power Hill Park Trail project to Plehal Blacktopping Inc in the amount of 43 570 Approval of this item requires a simple majority vote of those City Council members present A TT ACHMENTS 1 Bid Forms 2 CIP Budget Sheet 3 Park Master Plan c Park and Recreation Commission Dale Gregory Park Superintendent Plehal Blacktopping GMH Asphalt Czars of Tar The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play G park thaward of bid power hill park trail doc 68 PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC DRIVEWAY PARKING AREAS BLACKTOPPED www plehal com P O BOX 317 13060 DEM CON DRIVE SHAKOPEE MN 55379 0317 PH 952 445 7676 FAX 952 445 7682 ff1c Gli V5 fflIkl JUN 2 0 2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Page No 1 of 1 Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN ATTENTION TODD HOFFMAN STREET PO BOX 147 CITY STATE AND ZIP CODE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MAP LOCATION PHONE 952 227 1100 FAX 952 227 1110 19 2007 S 27 1129 JOB NAME POWER HILL PARK JOB LOCATION We hereby submit specifications and estimates for POWER HILL PARK NEW TRAILS APPROXIMATELY 2 225 LINEAR FEET SUB CUT 9 FEET WIDE AND 9 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE GRADE AND SHAPE SUB BASE INSTALL 3 INCHES RECLAIMED ASPHALT FOR BASE GRADE AND COMPACT INSTALL 3 INCHES CLASS 5 100 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BASE GRADE AND COMPACT INSTALL 3 INCHES MN D O T SPEC 41A BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE ROLL AND COMPACT NOTE NEW BITUMINOUS PATH WILL BE 8 4 WIDE WIDTH OF SCREED We Propose hereby to furnish material and labor complete in accordance with above specifications for the sum of FORTY THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY dollars 43 570 00 Payment to be made as follows NET DUE UPON COMPLETION Any person or company supply labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file alien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions All depths are average and measurements are approximate All material isguaranteed to be as specified All work isto be completed in aworkmanlike manner according to specifications submitted per standard practices All agreements contingent upon strikes accidents ordelays beyond ourcontrol Owner to carry fire tornado and other necessary insurance Our workers are fully covered by Workman s Compensation Insurance See Additional Contract Terms On The Back No FINANCE CHARGE made on accounts paid within 30 days Past due invoices will be charged 11 2 per month FINANCE CHARGE 18 annual percentage rate Authorized Signature Lfdb RICH PELTIER Note This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days Acceptance ofProposal The above prices specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted The general provisions on the back of this contract are made a part of this contract and incorporated herein by this reference You are authorized to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above Signature Date of Acceptance VISA Signature White Copy Return to Office Yellow Copy Customer Pink Copy File69 GMH ASPHALT I p I I jg U 1 8 P IiUlk J QUOTE CORPORATION JUN 2 0 Z007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Date EstimateICustomer Mr Todd Hoffman Park Recreation Director 7700 Market Blvd P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 6 18 2007 101 I Phone Fax 952 442 5288 952 442 5656 E mail gmhasphalt@gmail com Project Stonefield Area Bituminous Trail Item Unit Price Total STONEFIELD AREA BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATELY 2250 LF IN LENGTH AND 8 5 WIDE WE PROPOSE THE FOLLOWING I STRIP SODVEGETATION 12 TO 14 WIDE 2 EXCAVATE 9 1 2 TO 10 IN WIDTH BY 7 1 2 IN DEPTH 3 INSTALL 6 OF CLASS 5 RECYCLED AGGREGATE BASE 4 INSTALL 3 OF 2341a BITUMINOUS WEAR 5 ROUGH IN BACKFILL ADJACENT TO NEW BITUMINOUS TRAIL TOTAL BID PRICE 20 75 PER LINEAR FOOT 46 687 50 46 687 50 NOTE FINAL RAKING GRADING AND SEED RESTORATION BY OTHERS FINAL BILLING WILL BE BY ACTUAL LINEAR FOOT OF TRAIL INSTALLED J j It Total 46 687 50 GMH ASPHALT CORP 9180 Laketown Road Chaska MN 55318 Phone 952 442 5288 FAX 952 442 5656 70 M roposal Page No of ages PH 761421 6417 1309 FAX 763 78 81 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO Ptl BOX 147 CIlY STATE and ZIP CODe C NHASSEN MN 55317 ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANeTH0MASSTEICHEN61807 952227 1129 JOB NAME PATHwAYS JOB LOCATION We hereby sUbmIt Specifications and estimEltes for PAX 52 227 1110 JOB PHONf fL 1 Sr AL1 fj NCijR S CLASS 7 RQ CK J rx GAy4 IE 5Q r T X 9 r i t TQ 2 INCUE 5 BELOW GRADE rAY 2 Z SQ rT X a 5 r Nt lH 3 INCHC0MP ACTEIt2341B HOT MIX M 4 m R E OJU P tSIU RB ED AUAS Wf Tij D 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Master PlanPowerHillPark City of Chanhassen Minnesota r I r lII J t 1 1 1 t I Sf 1M llh l i 101I 0 Ol lll t t 2 1 1I SHEET 1 cd 72 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen MN 2007 thru 2011 Contact Department Park Trail Improvements Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Category Park Priority nla Project PK T 066 Project Name Power Hill Park Trail Account 1 4100000 4710 Account 3 Account 2 Description I Construction of an 8 foot wide pedestrian trail linking the north and south ends of the park Total Project Cost 75 000 J 1 j j Justification I Accessibility within the park will be greatly improved Expenditures Construction 2007 2008 75 000 75 000 2009 2010 2011 Total 75 000 75 000Total Funding Sourc Park Dedication Fund 2007 2008 75 000 75 000 2009 2010 2011 Total 75 000 75 000Total I J J Operational Impact Other I J J j 71 73 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site WIfW ci chanhassen mn us 4d 1L f iIII4 MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Sharrneen AI Jaff Senior Planner DATE olJ I July 9 2007 SUBJ Fox Hill Final Plat Approval 10 Spring Homes Inc Planning Case 07 03 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The developer is requesting final plat approval with variances to subdivide 169 acres into three single family lots for Fox Hill ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present BACKGROUND On January 22 2007 the City Council adopted the following motion The City Council approves the preliminary plat for Planning Case 07 03 for Fox Hill Subdivision for three lots with variances to allow a private street as shown on the plans dated received December 1 2006 subject to the following conditions 1 A minimum of two 2 inch deciduous overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot Finding This condition still applies 2 No more than one third of the required trees may be from anyone species Finding This condition has been met The applicant submitted revised landscape plans that show no more than one third of each species 3 Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits around all trees proposed to be preserved prior to any grading Finding This condition still applies 4 Any trees proposed for preservation that are lost due to grading and construction acti vities will be replaced at a rate of 2 1 diameter inches Finding This condition still applies cCAtmED The City ot Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a chamning downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play74 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 2 5 The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP shall be provided to the City so it can be reviewed by the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District Finding This condition still applies 6 The plans shall be revised to incorporate Chanhassen s standard details for erosion and sediment control including 5300 5301 5302A and 5302D Finding This condition has been met 7 In order to ensure that the proposed infiltration area functions properly the contractor shall minimize the number of equipment trips across this part of the site Additionally the lightest equipment appropriate for the job shall be used Once the infiltration area is graded the easement area shall be fenced off so no further compaction occurs The applicant may want to consider planting native shrubs grasses and wildflowers within the infiltration area instead of sod to promote volume reduction through infiltration and evapotranspiration Finding This condition still applies 8 A stable emergency overflow EOF for the infiltration area shall be provided The EOF could consist of riprap and geotextile fabric or a turf re enforcement mat a permanent erosion control blanket A typical detail shall be included in the plan Finding This condition still applies 9 Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3 1 All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round according to the following table of slopes and time frames Type of Slope Steeper than 3 1 10 1 to 3 1 Flatter than 10 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system such as a curb and gutter system storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water Finding This condition still applies 10 The plans shall be revised to show a rock construction entrance minimum 75 feet in length off Fox Hollow Drive The rock construction entrance shall be constructed in accordance with Chanhassen s Standard Detail 5301 Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed 75 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 3 Finding This condition has been partially met and is modified to read Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed 11 At this time the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is 8450 Finding This condition still applies 12 The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies e g Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES Phase IT Construction Site Permit Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for dewatering Carver County Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Department of Health and comply with their conditions of approval Finding This condition still applies 13 Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and or trail construction shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval Finding This condition still applies 14 Building Official Conditions a A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued Finding This condition still applies b Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site Finding This condition still applies c Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction Finding This condition still applies d Separate sewer and water services must be provided to each lot Finding This condition still applies e Any existing wells and on site sewage treatment systems on the site must be abandoned in accordance with State Law and City Code Finding This condition still applies 76 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 4 15 Fire Marshal conditions a Add an additional fire hydrant at the intersection of Fox Hollow Drive and Fox Hollow Court Finding This condition still applies b A lO foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i e street lamps trees shrubs bushes Xcel Energy Qwest cable TV and transformer boxes This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9 1 Finding This condition still applies c Temporary street signs shall be installed at street intersections once construction of the new roadway allows passage of vehicles Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota fire Code Section 5014 Finding This condition still applies d Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided Finding This condition still applies e No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped Finding This condition still applies 16 All existing buildings driveways and accessory structures must be removed before grading commences Finding This condition still applies 17 Submit calculations of storm sewer and NURP showing that the development meets the requirements of the City and the MPCA Determine the new HWL for the existing pond and show it on the plan along with the NWL Finding This condition has been partially met and modified to read Storm sewer calculations must be revised to reflect the changes to the current plans 77 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 5 18 The swales on the eastern side of Lot 2 between Lots 2 and 3 and the swale west of Lot 3 must have a 2 minimum slope Also the swales in the northwest comer of the house of Lot 1 back yard of Lot 2 and side yard of Lot 3 should be moved away from the foundations of the structures Plantings shall be placed outside the swales to promote drainage Add spot elevations at the building comers of Lot 1 Finding This condition has been partially met and modified to read Plantings must be placed outside the swales to promote drainage Show contours in the proposed street and 100 feet south of the site 19 A valley gutter shall be installed at the intersection of Fox Hollow Drive and the private street to convey water through the intersection Also provide spot elevations on the curb to ensure curb line has a minimum slope of 0 5 Finding This condition has been modified to read The valley gutter must be revised to match city plate 5206 The catch basins shall be relocated accordingly 20 The proposed storm line connecting to the existing storm sewer shows a bend without a structure A structure will be required at all bends of storm sewer Maintain 18 inches of separation between the sanitary sewer and drain tile Finding This condition has been modified to read A 48 inch catch basin shall be installed to replace the existing undersized structure in Fox Hollow Drive 21 On the Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan show a Private street and driveway grades shall not exceed 10 Finding This condition has modified to read Private street and driveway grades shall not exceed 10 The grades of the driveways shall be shown on grading plan b Ground i e non paved surface grades shall not be less than 2 Finding This condition has been met c Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan Finding This condition still applies d Add bottom elevations to the retaining walls Finding This condition still applies 78 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 6 22 An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off site grading Finding This condition still applies 23 If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes Finding This condition still applies 24 Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota Finding This condition still applies and has been modified to read Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota The retaining wall along Highway 101 must be removed per the letter from the MN Department of Transportation dated December 21 2006 The watermain along Highway 101 must be located to ensure that adequate cover remains after removal of the retaining wall A permit will be required to enter the right of way 25 All sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer within this site shall be publicly owned and maintained Finding This condition still applies 26 The watermain extension from Fox Hollow Drive must be wet tapped Due to the alignment of the watermain in Fox Hollow Drive it appears that this connection cannot be done under traffic The sanitary sewer connection on Fox Hollow Drive connecting to an existing stub shall also be completed under traffic Finding This condition has been met 27 Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities sanitary sewer water and storm sewer lines The actual elevations of existing utilities shall be determined Finding This condition still applies and has been modified to read Show the location of curb stops and sanitary sewer services with elevations of both Connect at least one section of pipe to the existing sanitary sewer before placing a manhole Lower the invert of proposed manhole 2 a minimum of one foot Complete the storm profile and stationing on the plans Direct the outlet of the infiltration area east of the berm of Lot 6 Block 5 of Fox Hollow to the ditch along Highway 101 79 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 7 28 Install cleanout for the sewer service for Lot 2 due to length Finding This condition still applies 29 Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges The 2006 trunk hookup charge is 1 669 for sanitary sewer and 4485 for watermain Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance Finding This condition has been modified The underlying property was assessed for 3 lots in 1975 This assessment has been paid Therefore the trunk sewer and water charges are not due with the building permit The new condition shall read All applicable Met Council fees will be collected with the application for a building permit 30 The utilities will need to be adjusted to allow a minimum of 10 feet horizontal separation between the easement and the proposed utilities Finding This condition has been modified to read The drainage and utility easement located along the western portion of the site must be revised to include a cross access easement in favor of all property owners within the Fox Hill Subdivision Revise the plat as necessary 31 A 1O foot drainage and utility easement will be required for the front of Lots 2 and 3 Finding This condition still applies and is modified to read The final plat shall be revised to show a 10 foot drainage and utility easement along the fronts of Lots 2 and 3 32 The private street entrance must connect to Fox Hollow drive at a 90 degree angle Finding This condition has been modified to read The private street must maintain a minimum of 20 feet of length perpendicular to the valley gutter Also correct the scale on the road profile 33 Lot 3 Block 1 must maintain a 20 foot side yard setback along the westerly property line Finding This condition still applies 34 The applicant shall file covenants concerning maintenance of the private street against all benefiting properties as required in section 18 57 p 2 of the city code Finding This condition still applies 80 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 8 35 The applicant shall provide signs or other markings identifying the common areas of the pri vate street Finding This condition still applies FINAL PLAT The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 1 69 acre site into three single family lots The density of the proposed subdivision is 177 units per acre gross and 2 19 units per acre net All lots exceed the minimum 15 000 square feet of area with an average lot size of 20 183 square feet All proposed lots meet the minimum width and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance The lots are proposed to be served via a private street The City Code requires a 30 foot front yard setback for lots served by private streets The front yard is the lot line nearest the public right of way that provides access to the parcel As such the front lot line is the northerly property line on all three lots Also all three lots have frontage on Highway 101 Consequently these lots are considered comer lots and must maintain a 30 foot setback along the easterly property line as well All remaining setbacks are 10 feet as they are side yard setbacks Staff is recommending that Lot 3 maintain a 20 foot side yard setback along the westerly property line to provide additional buffer for the property to the west The City may require an increase in a setback when a parcel is served by a private street SectionI8 57 Streets p 6 Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally consistent with the Zoning Ordinance WETLANDS No wetlands exist on site EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL A NPDES Phase II Construction Site Storm Water Permit will be required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency MPCA for this site A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP will be required in conjunction with this application The SWPPP should be provided to the City so it can be reviewed by the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District The plans should be revised to incorporate Chanhassen s standard details for erosion and sediment control including 5300 5301 5302A and 5302D In order to ensure that the proposed infiltration area functions properly the contractor should minimize the number of equipment trips across this part of the site Additionally the lightest equipment appropriate for the job should be used Once the infiltration area is graded the easement area should be fenced off so no further compaction occurs The applicant may want to 81 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 9 consider planting native shrubs grasses and wildflowers within the infiltration area instead of sod to promote volume reduction through infiltration and evapotranspiration A stable emergency overflow EOF for the infiltration area should be provided The EOF could consist of riprap and geotextile fabric or a turf re enforcement mat a permanent erosion control blanket A typical detail should be included in the plan Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3 1 All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round according to the following table of slopes and time frames Type of Slope Steeper than 3 1 10 1 t03 1 Flatter than 10 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system such as a curb and gutter system storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water The plans should be revised to show a rock construction entrance minimum 75 feet in length off Fox Hollow Drive The rock construction entrance should be constructed in accordance with Chanhassen s Standard Detail 5301 Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEES Because of the impervious surface associated with this development the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on single family residential development rates of 1 900 acre Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 169 acres the water quality fees associated with this project are 3 211 The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems This cost includes land acquisition proposed SWMP culverts open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage Single family residential developments have a connection charge of 3100 per developable acre This results in a water quantity fee of approximately 5 239 for the proposed development At this time the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is 8450 OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies e g Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES 82 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 10 Phase II Construction Site Permit Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for dewatering Carver County Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Department of Health and comply with their conditions of approval GRADING AND DRAINAGE The 17 acre site is bordered by Fox Hollow Drive to the north State Highway 101 to the East and Fox Hollow Subdivision to the south and west There is an existing house two accessory structures and a gravel drive on the site all of these must be removed before site grading commences The high point of the site divides the site into two main pieces Approximately 60 percent of the drainage drains to the new low area in the southeast corner of the site The remaining 40 percent drains through a series of catch basins and enters an existing pond north of Fox Hollow Drive Hydrology calculations were submitted which meet the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Chanhassen Storm sewer calculations were provided but will need to be updated to reflect changes to the current plans Contours will need to be shown in the roadway and 100 feet south of the site Plantings shall be placed outside of swales to promote drainage The outlet structure provides a 6 inch restrictor pipe This will need to be removed to allow the structure to be used as an overflow An alternative solution is needed to restrict the flow in normal conditions The elevation of the beehive grate shall be added to the plans The PVC pipes will need to be replaced with RCP A valley gutter was installed at the intersection of the private drive and Fox Hollow Drive This valley gutter does not match city plate 5206 The elevations near this intersection will need to be revised along with the locations of the catch basins Provide spot elevations around the intersection to ensure that the curb line has a minimum of 5 slope The infiltration basin outlet shall be directed east of the berm of Lot 6 Block 5 Fox Hollow This will allow the storm water to enter the drainage ditch along Highway 101 The connection to the existing catch basin in Fox Hollow Drive is not feasible because the existing structure is too small A new 48 inch structure will need to replace the existing structure to make the connection Private driveway grades shall not exceed 10 Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan 83 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 11 An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off site grading If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes RET AINING WALLS The proposed retaining walls are as follows Location Alon the drivewa of lot 1 Rear ard of lot 1 Along the west side of the drive of lot 3 Length a roximate 100 feet 25 feet 25 feet Maximum Height a roximate 4 feet 4 feet 4 feet Elevations shall be added to the bottom of retaining walls to confirm actual height Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota There is an existing retaining wall along Highway 101 which is approximately 2 feet high and 110 feet long This retaining wall needs to be removed per the letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation The watermain along Highway 101 will need to be located to ensure that plenty of cover remains after removal of the retaining wall A permit will be required to enter the right of way UTILITIES The developer proposes to extend lateral sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer within the development The sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer will be publicly owned and maintained Draintile and the culvert under the driveway of Lot 1 will be the responsibility of the homeowners Proposed watermain will extend from the existing watermain within Fox Hollow Drive The proposed watermain will terminate at the hydrant of Lot 3 having atotal length of 270 lineal feet Due to the alignment of the watermain off of Fox Hollow Drive it appears that the connection cannot take place under traffic The connection on Fox Hollow Drive must be wet tapped Sanitary sewer for this development will extend off of Fox Hollow Drive A stub was provided during the construction of the Fox Hollow Subdivision which should allow this connection to be completed under traffic Utility plans provided show both plan view and profiles of all utilities sanitary sewer water and storm lines Actual elevations of existing utilities shall be verified for accuracy A cleanout for the sanitary sewer service will be needed for Lot 2 because of the length Show the location of curb stops and sanitary sewer services with elevations of both Connect at least one section of pipe to the existing sanitary sewer before placing a manhole This will prevent the rim to be out of the curb line area Also the invert of proposed manhole 2 should be lowered a minimum of one foot The storm stationing is not shown on the plan and the profile is incomplete 84 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 12 The underlying property was assessed for three lots in 1975 This assessment has been paid therefore the trunk sewer and water charges are not due with the building permit The Met Council fees still apply and will be collected with the application for a building permit The developer will be responsible for extending lateral sewer and water service to the lots therefore the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City s latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required including the MPCA Minnesota Department of Health Watershed District and Minnesota Department of Transportation EASEMENTS A drainage and utility easement has been provided for the utilities This easement will need to be revised to allow all users access to their driveways The utilities in this easement will need to be adjusted to ensure that there is a minimum of a 1O foot horizontal separation between the easement and the proposed utilities The front of Lots 2 and 3 require a 1O foot drainage and utility easement STREETS Access to the site will be a private street off of Fox Hollow Drive The private drive must connect to Fox Hollow Drive at a 90 degree angle The developer has provided plans showing the street as both private and public Staff supports the variance to a private street because no additional houses will connect to this street The private street within the development will be privately owned and maintained The street must be built to a 7 ton design paved to a width of 20 feet utilize a maximum grade of 7 percent maintain 20 feet of length perpendicular to the valley gutter and provide a turnaround area acceptable to the Fire Marshal Upon completion of the pri vate street the applicant shall submit a set of as built plans signed by a professional civil engineer 85 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 13 PARKS AND TRAILS PARKS This property is located within the neighborhood park service area for North Lotus Lake Park Future residents of Fox will have convenient access to the park from Fox Hollow Drive North Lotus Lake is 19 8 acres in size and features a playground picnic shelter trails hockey skating rink seasonal shelter tennislbasketball court and a ball field Ample off street parking is available at the park Many amenities at the park have been updated within the past few years No additional parkland acquisition is being recommended as a condition of this subdivision TRAILS Hill Park rink The subject site has direct access to the Highway 101 North pedestrian trail Upon development all three homes will abut Highway 101 and the pedestrian trail located on the west side of the highway No additional trail construction is being recommended as a condition of this subdivision TREE PRESERVA TIONILANDSCAPING Canopy coverage and preservation calculations have not been submitted for the Fox Hill development Staff has calculated the following coverages Total upland area including outlots Total canopy area excluding wetlands Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree preservation 73 700 SF 13 000 SF 17 25 or 18 425 SF 13 or 10 000 SF The developer does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed therefore the difference between the baseline and proposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1 2 to calculate the required replacement plantings Difference in canopy coverage Multiplier Total replacement Difference in canopy coverage Total number of trees to be planted 3 000 SF 12 3 600 SF 5 425 SF 8 86 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 14 The total number of trees required for the development is 8 The applicant has proposed a total of 8 deciduous overs tory trees and 64 evergreens and 25 ornamentals within buffer yards The subdivision is also required to have bufferyard plantings along Highway 101 Requirements are as follows Location Required Proposed Hwy 101 bufferyard B 6 overstory trees o overstory trees 20 width 10 understory trees 26 understory trees 330 length 16 shrubs Berm on lots 1 2 The applicant generally meets the minimum requirements for bufferyard planting along Highway 101 by planting the overall total of over and understory trees and adding a berm The applicant is proposing to save many of the existing trees on site Staff recommends that all trees be thoroughly protected by installing fencing around all groups COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE RSF DISTRICT Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Home Setback Ordinance 15 000 100 125 30 front rear 10 sides BLOCK 1 Lot 1 18 067 115 260 30 NA 10 30 NA 10 30 NA 20 Lot 2 19 372 115 260 Lot 3 23 112 115 260 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion The City Council grants final plat approval with a variance for a private street for Fox Hill Planning Case 07 03 for three lots as shown on the plans received June 11 2007 subject to the following conditions 1 A minimum of two 2Y2 inch deciduous overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot 2 Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits around all trees proposed to be preserved prior to any grading 87 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 15 3 Any trees proposed for preservation that are lost due to grading and construction activities will be replaced at a rate of 2 1 diameter inches 4 The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP shall be provided to the City so it can be reviewed by the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District 5 In order to ensure that the proposed infiltration area functions properly the contractor shall minimize the number of equipment trips across this part of the site Additionally the lightest equipment appropriate for the job shall be used Once the infiltration area is graded the easement area shall be fenced off so no further compaction occurs The applicant may want to consider planting native shrubs grasses and wildflowers within the infiltration area instead of sod to promote volume reduction through infiltration and evapotranspiration 6 A stable emergency overflow EOF for the infiltration area shall be provided The EOF could consist of riprap and geotextile fabric or a turf re enforcement mat a permanent erosion control blanket A typical detail shall be included in the plan 7 Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3 1 All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round according to the following table of slopes and time frames Type of Slope Steeper than 3 1 10 1 to 3 1 Flatter than 10 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system such as a curb and gutter system storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water 8 Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed 9 At this time the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is 8 450 10 The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies e g Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES Phase II Construction Site Permit Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for dewatering Carver County Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Department of Health and comply with their conditions of approval 11 Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and or trail construction shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval 88 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 16 12 Building Official Conditions a A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued b Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site c Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction d Separate sewer and water services must be provided to each lot e Any existing wells and on site sewage treatment systems on the site must be abandoned in accordance with State Law and City Code 13 Fire Marshal conditions a Add an additional fire hydrant at the intersection of Fox Hollow Drive and Fox Hollow Court b A lO foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i e street lamps trees shrubs bushes Xcel Energy Qwest cable TV and transformer boxes This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters c Temporary street signs shall be installed at street intersections once construction of the new roadway allows passage of vehicles Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 5014 d Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided e No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped 14 All existing buildings driveways and accessory structures must be removed before grading commences 15 Storm sewer calculations must be revised to reflect the changes to the current plans 16 Plantings must be placed outside the swales to promote drainage Show contours in the proposed street and 100 feet south of the site 17 The valley gutter must be revised to match city plate 5206 The catch basins shall be relocated accordingly 18 A 48 inch catch basin shall be installed to replace the existing undersized structure in Fox Hollow Drive 19 On the Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan show a Private street and driveway grades shall not exceed 10 The grades of the driveways shall be shown on grading plan b Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan 89 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 17 c Add bottom elevations to the retaining walls 20 An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off site grading 21 If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes 22 Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota The retaining wall along Highway 101 must be removed per the letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation dated December 21 2006 The watermain along Highway 101 must be located to ensure that adequate cover remains after removal of the retaining wall A permit will be required to enter the right of way 23 All sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer within this site shall be publicly owned and maintained 24 Show the location of curb stops and sanitary sewer services with elevations of both Connect at least one section of pipe to the existing sanitary sewer before placing a manhole Lower the invert of proposed manhole 2 a minimum of one foot Complete the storm profile and stationing on the plans Direct the outlet of the infiltration area east of the berm of Lot 6 Block 5 of Fox Hollow to the ditch along Highway 101 25 Install cleanout for the sewer service for Lot 2 due to length 26 All applicable Met Council fees will be collected with the application for a building permit 27 The drainage and utility easement located along the western portion of the site must be revised to include a cross access easement in favor of all property owners within the Fox Hill Subdivision Revise the plat as necessary 28 The final plat shall be revised to show a lO foot drainage and utility easement along the fronts of Lots 2 and 3 29 The private street must maintain a minimum of 20 feet of length perpendicular to the valley gutter Also correct the scale on the road profile 30 Lot 3 Block 1 must maintain a 20 foot side yard setback along the westerly property line 31 The applicant shall file covenants concerning maintenance of the private street against all benefiting properties as required in section 18 57 p 2 of the city code 32 The applicant shall provide signs or other markings identifying the common areas of the pri vate street 90 Todd Gerhardt Fox Hill Final Plat Planning Case 07 03 July 9 2007 Page 18 33 Remove the restriction from the outlet pipe An alternative solution is needed to restrict the flow during normal rain events Add the elevations of the beehive grate to the plans The PVC pipes shall be changed to RCP 34 All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City s latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required including the MPCA Minnesota Department of Health Carver County Watershed District and Minnesota Department of Transportation 35 Add city detail plates 5235 5236 5202A and 2109 Remove details 5240 5242 and 5243 as they do not pertain to this development The slope must be shown on the typical street section Revise the drain tile to show the correct location 36 The specifications must include the city specifications for street construction Working hours in the special conditions should be changed to reflect the same working hours on page G 28 of the General Conditions ATTACHMENTS 1 Final Plat and Construction Plans G PLAN2007 Planning Cases 07 03 Fox HiI1Final Plat doc 91 to I ItfW1AiJlhijiiihllJJjHHlulmiillJH t t JluU1mfIJdh o 1 I I I I t 1 1 J t i J 1if I J IJLf1113t1 t I1Ip rIllIPI11IiIIiP11IJI11LIfJhI1ah 11111iJ iIIIll I ft UtJUlIIiHltniJI1IH11hIlilHIIIIfiJI 1 II t I J Ii IJ ii 1 1 l U IIiIiUsSItJjJih J1 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952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1 4 2O MEMORANDUM TO FROM Joseph Shamla Project Engineer DATE July 09 2007 SUBJECT Approve Development Contract and Construction Plans and Specifications for Fox Hill Project No 07 08 Simple Majority Vote Required The attached development contract incorporates the conditions of approval for the final plat and construction plans and specifications A 177 940 32 financial security is required to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development contract relating to the installation of public streets and utilities one year of public street light operating costs engineering surveying inspection landscaping and payment of special assessments The cash fees for this project total 31 555 84 City funds are not needed as part of this private development project The applicant has also submitted detailed construction plans and specifications for staff review and City Council approval Staff has reviewed the plans and specifications and finds the plans still need some minor modifications Staff requests that the City Council grant staff the flexibility to administratively approve the plans after working with the applicant s engineer to modify the plans accordingly Staff recommends that the construction plans and specifications for Fox Hill dated May 29 2007 prepared by Advance Surveying and Engineering Co and the development contract dated July 9 2007 be approved conditioned upon the following 1 The applicant shall enter into the development contract and supply the City with a cash escrow or letter of credit for 177 940 32 and pay a cash fee of 31 555 84 2 The applicant s engineer shall work with City staff in revising the construction plans to meet City standards Attachments 1 2 Development Contract dated July 9 2007 Construction plans and specifications are available for review in the Engineering Department c Advance Surveying and Engineering Co G ENGPROJECTS F JFox Hill 07 03 07 approve dc doc The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play100 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA FOX HILL DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Developer Installed Improvements 101 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR PLAT APPRO V AL SP l 2 CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL SP l 3 DEVELOPMENT PLANS SP l 4 IMPROVEMENTS SP 2 5 TIME OF PERFORMANCE SP 2 6 SECURITy SP 2 7 NOTICE SP 3 8 OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS SP 3 9 GENERAL CONDITIONS SP 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 RIGHT TO PROCEED GC l 2 PHASED DEVELOPMENT GC l 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS GC l 4 CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS GC l 5 IMPROVEMENTS GC l 6 IRON MONUMENTS GC 2 7 LICENSE GC 2 8 SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GC 2 8A EROSION CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING OR OTHER BUILDING GC 2 9 CLEAN UP GC 3 10 ACCEPTANCE AND OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS GC 3 11 CLAIMS GC 3 12 PARK DEDICATION GC 3 13 LANDSCAPING GC 3 14 WARRANTy GC 4 15 LOT PLANS GC 4 16 EXISTING ASSESSMENTS GC 4 17 HOOK UP CHARGES GC 4 18 PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING GC 4 19 SIGNAGE GC 5 20 HOUSE PADS GC 5 21 RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS GC 5 22 DEVELOPER S DEFAULT GC 6 22 MISCELLANEOUS A Construction Trailers GC 6 B Postal Service GC 7 C Third Parties GC 7 D Breach of Contract GC 7 l 102 E Severability GC 7 F Building Permits GC 7 G W ai vers Amendments GC 7 H Release GC 7 I Insurance GC 7 J Remedies GC 8 K Assignability GC 8 L Construction Hours GC 8 M Noise Amplification GC 8 N Access GC 8 O Street Maintenance GC 8 P Storm Sewer Maintenance GC 9 Q Soil Treatment Systems GC 9 R Variances GC 9 S Compliance with Laws Ordinances and Regulations GC 9 T Proof of Title GC 9 U Soil Conditions GC l0 V Soil Correction GC l0 W Haul Routes GC l 0 X Development Signs GC l 0 Y Construction Plans GC l 0 Z As Built Lot Surveys GC ll ii 103 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Developer Installed Improvements FOX HILL SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated July 9 2007 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN a Minnesota municipal corporation the City and 10 Spring Homes Inc Incorporated the Developer 1 Request for Plat Approval The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat for Fox Hill referred to in this Contract as the plat The land is legally described on the attached Exhibit A 2 Conditions of Plat Approval The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract furnish the security required by it and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 30 days after the City Council approves the plat 3 Development Plans The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans The plans shall not be attached to this Contract With the exception of Plan A the plans may be prepared subject to City approval after entering the Contract but before commencement of any work in the plat If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract the written terms shall control The plans are Plan A Final plat approved July 9th prepared by Advance Surveying and Engineering Co Plan B Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan dated May 29 2007 prepared by Advance Surveying and Engineering Co Plan C Plans and Specifications for Improvements dated May 29 2007 prepared by Advance Surveying and Engineering Co Plan D Landscape Plan dated June 8 2007 prepared by Damon Farber Associates SP l104 4 Improvements The Developer shall install and pay for the following A Sanitary Sewer System B Water System C Storm Water Drainage System D Streets E Concrete Curb and Gutter F Street Lights G Site GradinglRestoration H Underground Utilities e g gas electric telephone CATV I Setting of Lot and Block Monuments J Surveying and Staking K Landscaping L Erosion Control s Time of Performance The Developer shall install all required improvements except for the wear course on public streets by November 15 2007 The Developer may however request an extension of time from the City Engineer If an extension is granted it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date 6 Security To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract payment of special assessments payment of the costs of all public improvements and construction of all public improvements the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit in the form attached hereto from a bank acceptable to the City or cash escrow security for 177 940 32 The amount of the security was calculated as 110 of the following Sub total Construction Costs 20 174 00 17 630 00 20 590 00 42 827 50 42 139 90 143 361 40 Site GradinglErosion ControllRestoration Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Drainage System including cleaning and maintenance Streets Sub total Other Costs 5 500 00 10 035 30 2 86723 18 40253 Street lights and signs Engineering surveying and inspection 7 of construction costs Landscaping 2 of construction costs TOTAL COSTS 161 763 93 SECURITY AMOUNT 110 of Total Costs 177 940 32 SP 2 105 This breakdown is for historical reference it is not a restriction on the use of the security The security shall be subject to the approval of the City The City may draw down the security without notice for any violation of the terms of this Contract If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty 30 days prior to the expiration of the security the City may also draw it down If the security is drawn down the draw shall be used to cure the default With City approval the security may be reduced from time to time as financial obligations are paid but in no case shall the security be reduced to a point less than 10 of the original amount until 1 all improvements have been completed 2 iron monuments for lot comers have been installed 3 all financial obligations to the City satisfied 4 the required record plans have been received by the City 5 a warranty security is provided and 6 the public improvements are accepted by the City 7 Notice Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer its employees or agents or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address Scott Rosenlund 10 Spring Homes Inc 7925 Stone Creek Drive Suite 120 Chanhassen MN 55317 Phone 952 215 8535 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 Telephone 952 227 1100 8 Other Special Conditions A SECURITIES AND FEES 1 A 177 940 32 letter of credit or escrow for the developer installed improvements the 31 555 84 cash administration fee and the fully executed development contract must be submitted and shall be submitted prior to scheduling a pre construction meeting The cash fee was calculated as follows Administration Fee 3 of 143 361 40 Street Lighting Charge for electricity 3 lights @300 00 1ight Attorney fee for review and recording of final plat and documents GIS Fee 25 plat 1 O parcel for 3 parcels Surface Water Management Fee Park Dedication Fee 3 new homes @ 5 800 00 unit 4300 84 900 00 450 00 55 00 8450 00 17 AOO 00 Total Cash Fee 31 555 84 SP 3 106 If the signs must be installed in frost conditions an additional 250 post must be paid by the developer B PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL 1 Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and or trail construction shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval 2 Lot 3 Block 1 must maintain a 20 foot side yard setback along the westerly property line 3 The applicant shall file covenants concerning maintenance of the private street against all benefiting properties as required in section 18 57 p 2 of the city code 4 The applicant shall provide signs or other markings identifying the common areas of the private street C FIRE MARSHALS CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL 1 Add an additional fire hydrant at the intersection of Fox Hollow Drive and Fox Hollow Court 2 A lO foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants ie street lamps trees shrubs bushes Xcel Energy Qwest cable TV and transformer boxes This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters 3 Temporary street signs shall be installed at street intersections once construction of the new roadway allows passage of vehicles Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 5014 4 Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided 5 No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped D BUILDING OFFICIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued 2 Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site 3 Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction 4 Separate sewer and water services must be provided to each lot 5 Any existing wells and on site sewage treatment systems on the site must be abandoned in accordance with State Law and City Code SP 4107 E CITY FORESTER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 A minimum of two 2i2 inch deciduous overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot 2 Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits around all trees proposed to be preserved prior to any grading 3 Any trees proposed for preservation that are lost due to grading and construction activities will be replaced at a rate of 2 1 diameter inches F CITY ENGINEER CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL 1 All existing buildings driveways and accessory structures must be removed before grading commences 2 Storm sewer calculations must be revised to reflect the changes to the current plans 3 Plantings must be placed outside the swales to promote drainage Show contours in the proposed street and 100 feet south of the site 4 The valley gutter must be revised to match city plate 5206 The catch basins shall be relocated accordingly 5 A 48 inch catch basin shall be installed to replace the existing undersized structure in Fox Hollow Drive 6 On the Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan show a Private street and driveway grades shall not exceed 10 The grades of the driveways shall be shown on grading plan b Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan c Add bottom elevations to the retaining walls 7 An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off site grading 8 If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes 9 Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota The retaining wall along Highway 101 must be removed per the letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation dated December 21 2006 The watermain along Highway 101 must be located to ensure that adequate cover remains after removal of the retaining wall A permit will be required to enter the right of way 10 All sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer within this site shall be publicly owned and maintained Draintile is the responsibility of the homeowners 11 Show the location of curb stops and sanitary sewer services with elevations of both Connect at least one section of pipe to the existing sanitary sewer before placing a manhole Lower the invert of proposed manhole 2 a minimum of one foot Complete the storm profile and stationing on the plans Direct the outlet of the infiltration area east of the berm of Lot 6 Block 5 of Fox Hollow to the ditch along Highway 101 12 Install cleanout for the sewer service for Lot 2 due to length SP 5 108 13 All applicable Met Council fees will be collected with the application for a building permi t 14 The drainage and utility easement located along the western portion of the site must be revised to include a cross access easement in favor of all property owners within the Fox Hill Subdivision Revise the plat as necessary 15 The final plat shall be revised to show a 1O foot drainage and utility easement along the fronts of Lots 2 and 3 16 The private street must maintain a minimum of 20 feet of length perpendicular to the valley gutter Also correct the scale on the road profile 17 Remove the restriction from the outlet pipe An alternative solution is needed to restrict the flow during normal rain events Add the elevations of the beehive grate to the plans The PVC pipes shall be changed to RCP 18 All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City s latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required including the MPCA Minnesota Department of Health Carver County Watershed District and Minnesota Department of Transportation 19 Add city detail plates 5235 5236 5202A and 2109 Remove details 5240 5242 and 5243 as they do not pertain to this development The slope must be shown on the typical street section Revise the drain tile to show the correct location 20 The specifications must include the city specifications for street construction Working hours in the special conditions should be changed to reflect the same working hours on page G 28 of the General Conditions G WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL 1 The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP shall be provided to the City so it can be reviewed by the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District 2 In order to ensure that the proposed infiltration area functions properly the contractor shall minimize the number of equipment trips across this part of the site Additionally the lightest equipment appropriate for the job shall be used Once the infiltration area is graded the easement area shall be fenced off so no further compaction occurs The applicant may want to consider planting native shrubs grasses and wildflowers within the infiltration area instead of sod to promote volume reduction through infiltration and evapotranspiration 3 A stable emergency overflow EOF for the infiltration area shall be provided The EOF could consist of riprap and geotextile fabric or a turf re enforcement mat a permanent erosion control blanket A typical detail shall be included in the plan SP 6109 4 Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3 1 All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round according to the following table of slopes and time frames Type of Slope Steeper than 3 1 10 1 to 3 1 Flatter than 10 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system such as a curb and gutter system storm sewer inlet temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water 5 Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed 6 At this time the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is 8450 7 The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies e g Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES Phase IT Construction Site Permit Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for dewatering Carver County Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Department of Health and comply with their conditions of approval 9 General Conditions The general conditions of this Contract are attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein SP 7110 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY Thomas A Furlong Mayor SEAL AND Todd Gerhardt City Manager 10 Spring Homes Inc BY Scott Rosenlund President STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005 by Thomas A Furlong Mayor and by Todd Gerhardt City Manager of the City of Chanhassen a Minnesota municipal corporation on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005 by Scott Rosenlund President of 10 Spring Homes Inc Incorporated on behalf of the company NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 SP 8 111 EXHIBIT A TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 1 Township 116 Range 23 Carver County Minnesota described as follows Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 628 3 feet south of the Northeast comer thereof thence West at right angles 260 05 feet thence South at right angles 335 0 feet thence East at right angles 260 05 feet to said East line thence North along said East line 335 0 feet to the point of beginning 112 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT which holds a mortgage on the subject property the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage Dated this day of 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 113 FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT fee owners of all or part of the subject property the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them Dated this day of 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 114 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No Date TO City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Box 147 Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 Dear Sir or Madam We hereby issue for the account of Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of on the undersigned bank Name of Developer and in your favor our available to you by your draft drawn on sight The draft must a Bear the clause Drawn under Letter of Credit No 2 of Name of Bank dated b Be signed by the Mayor or City Manager of the City of Chanhassen c Be presented for payment at 2 Address of Bank on or before 4 00 p m on November 30 This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one year terms unless at least forty five 45 days prior to the next annual renewal date which shall be November 30 of each year the Bank delivers written notice to the Chanhassen City Manager that it intends to modify the terms of or cancel this Letter of Credit Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail postage prepaid and deposited in the U S Mail at least forty five 45 days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows Chanhassen City Manager Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 and is actually received by the City Manager at least thirty 30 days prior to the renewal date This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified amended amplified or limited by reference to any document instrument or agreement whether or not referred to herein This Letter of Credit is not assignable This is not a Notation Letter of Credit More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits International Chamber of Commerce Publication No 500 We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation BY Its 115 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Developer Installed Improvements EXHIBIT B GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 Right to Proceed Within the plat or land to be platted the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth remove trees construct sewer lines water lines streets utilities public or private improvements or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied 1 this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk 2 the necessary security and fees have been received by the City 3 the plat has been recorded with the County Recorder s Office or Registrar of Title s Office of the County where the plat is located and 4 the City Engineer has issued a letter that the foregoing conditions have been satisfied and then the Developer may proceed 2 Phased Development If the plat is a phase of a multiphased preliminary plat the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City Park charges and area charges for sewer and water referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots if any in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks 3 Preliminary Plat Status If the plat is a phase of a multi phased preliminary plat the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks not outlots within two 2 years after preliminary plat approval 4 Changes in Official Controls For two 2 years from the date of this Contract no amendments to the City s Comprehensive Plan except an amendment placing the plat in the current urban service area or official controls shall apply to or affect the use development density lot size lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer Thereafter notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary to the full extent permitted by state law the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City s Comprehensive Plan official controls platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract S Improvements The improvements specified in the Special Provisions of this Contract shall be installed in accordance with City standards ordinances and plans and specifications which have been prepared and signed by a competent registered professional GC l 116 engineer furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer The Developer shall obtain all necessary permits from the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services and other pertinent agencies before proceeding with construction The City will at the Developer s expense have one or more construction inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part time basis The Developer shall also provide a qualified inspector to perform site inspections on a daily basis Inspector qualifications shall be submitted in writing to the City Engineer The Developer shall instruct its project engineerinspector to respond to questions from the City Inspector s and to make periodic site visits to satisfy that the construction is being performed to an acceptable level of quality in accordance with the engineer s design The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a preconstruction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned including the City staff to review the program for the construction work 6 Iron Monuments Before the security for the completion of utilities is released all monuments must be correctly placed in the ground in accordance with Minn Stat S 505 02 Subd 1 The Developer s surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed 7 License The Developer hereby grants the City its agents employees officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development 8 Site Erosion and Sediment Control Before the site is rough graded and before any utility construction is commenced or building permits are issued the erosion and sediment control plan Plan B shall be implemented inspected and approved by the City The City may impose additional erosion and sediment control requirements if they would be beneficial All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area Except as otherwise provided in the erosion and sediment control plan seed shall be certified seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible All seeded areas shall be fertilized mulched and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion and sediment transport If the Developer does not comply with the erosion and sediment control plan and schedule of supplementary instructions received from the City the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion and sediment transport at the Developer s expense The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer s and City s rights or obligations hereunder No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements Erosion and sediment control needs to be maintained until vegetative cover has been restored even if construction has been completed and accepted After the site has been stabilized to where in the opinion of the City there is no longer a need for erosion and sediment control the City will authorize the removal of the erosion and sediment control ie hay bales and silt fence The Developer shall remove and dispose of the erosion and sediment control measures GC 2 117 8a Erosion Control During Construction of a Dwelling or Other Building Before a building permit is issued for construction of a dwelling or other building on a lot a 500 00 cash escrow or letter of credit per lot shall also be furnished to the City to guarantee compliance with City Code S 7 22 9 Clean up The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly work site and shall daily clean on and off site dirt and debris including blowables from streets and the surrounding area that has resulted from construction work by the Developer its agents or assigns 10 Acceptance and Ownership of Improvements Upon completion and acceptance by the City of the work and construction required by this Contract the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property After completion of the improvements a representative of the contractor and a representative of the Developer s engineer will make a final inspection of the work with the City Engineer Before the City accepts the improvements the City Engineer shall be satisfied that all work is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the Developer and his engineer shall submit a written statement to the City Engineer certifying that the project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications The appropriate contractor waivers shall also be provided Pinal acceptance of the public improvements shall be by City Council resolution 11 Claims In the event that the City receives claims from laborers materialmen or others that work required by this Contract has been performed the sums due them have not been paid and the laborers materialmen or others are seeking payment out of the financial guarantees posted with the City and if the claims are not resolved at least ninety 90 days before the security required by this Contract will expire the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22 Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 of the claim s and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule and upon such deposit the Developer shall release discharge and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys fees 12 Park Dedication The Developer shall pay full park dedication fees in conjunction with the installation of the plat improvements The park dedication fees shall be the current amount in force at the time of final platting pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinances and City Council resolutions 13 Landscaping Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with Plan D Unless otherwise approved by the City trees not listed in the City s approved tree list are prohibited The minimum tree size shall be two and one half 2Y2 inches caliper either bare root in season or balled and burlapped The trees may not be planted in the boulevard area between curb and property line In addition to any sod required as a part of the erosion and sediment control plan Plan B the Developer or lot purchaser shall sod the boulevard area and all drainage ways on each lot utilizing a minimum of four 4 inches of topsoil as a base Seed or sod shall also be placed on all disturbed areas of the lot If these improvements are not in place at the time a certificate of GC 3 118 occupancy is requested a financial guarantee of 750 00 in the fonn of cash or letter of credit shall be provided to the City These conditions must then be complied with within two 2 months after the certificate of occupancy issued except that if the certificate of occupancy is issued between October 1 through May 1 these conditions must be complied with by the following July 1st Upon expiration of the time period inspections will be conducted by City staff to verify satisfactory completion of all conditions City staff will conduct inspections of incomplete items with a 50 00 inspection fee deducted from the escrow fund for each inspection After satisfactory inspection the financial guarantee shall be returned If the requirements are not satisfied the City may use the security to satisfy the requirements The City may also use the escrowed funds for maintenance of erosion control pursuant to City Code Section 7 22 or to satisfy any other requirements of this Contract or of City ordinances These requirements supplement but do not replace specific landscaping conditions that may have been required by the City Council for project approval 14 Warranty The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship The Developer shall submit either 1 a warranty maintenance bond for 100 of the cost of the improvement or 2 a letter of credit for twenty five percent 25 of the amount of the original cost of the improvements A The required warranty period for materials and workmanship for the utility contractor installing public sewer and water mains shall be two 2 years from the date of final written City acceptance of the work B The required warranty period for all work relating to street construction including concrete curb and gutter sidewalks and trails materials and equipment shall be subject to two 2 years from the date of final written acceptance C The required warranty period for sod trees and landscaping is one full growing season following acceptance by the City 15 Lot Plans Prior to the issuance of building pennits an acceptable Grading Drainage Erosion Control including silt fences and Tree Removal Plan shall be submitted for each lot for review and approval by the City Engineer Each plan shall assure that drainage is maintained away from buildings and that tree removal is consistent with development plans and City Ordinance 16 Existing Assessments Any existing assessments against the plat will be re spread against the plat in accordance with City standards 17 Hook up Charges The Developer also acknowledges overall sanitary sewer and water trunk availability to the site and the hook up charges established by the City as reasonable compensation for oversizing costs previously incurred as well as long tenn maintenance Said hook up charges are collectible at time of building pennit unless a written request is made to assess GC 4 119 the costs over a four year term at the rates in effect at time of application If paid with the building permit the party applying for the building permit is responsible for paYment of these fees 18 Public Street Lighting The Developer shall have installed and pay for public street lights in accordance with City standards The public street lights shall be accepted for City ownership and maintenance at the same time that the public street is accepted for ownership and maintenance A plan shall be submitted for the City Engineer s approval prior to the installation Before the City signs the final plat the Developer shall pay the City a fee of 300 00 for each street light installed in the plat The fee shall be used by the City for furnishing electricity and maintaining each public street light for twenty 20 months 19 Signage All street signs traffic signs and wetland monumentation required by the City as a part of the plat shall be furnished and installed by the City at the sole expense of the Developer 20 House Pads The Developer shall promptly furnish the City as built plans indicating the amount type and limits of fill on any house pad location 21 Responsibility for Costs A The Developer shall pay an administrative fee in conjunction with the installation of the plat improvements This fee is to cover the cost of City Staff time and overhead for items such as review of construction documents preparation of the Development Contract monitoring construction progress processing pay requests processing security reductions and final acceptance of improvements This fee does not cover the City s cost for construction inspections The fee shall be calculated as follows i if the cost of the construction of public improvements is less than 500 000 three percent 3 of construction costs ii if the cost of the construction of public improvements is between 500 000 and 1 000 000 three percent 3 of construction costs for the first 500 000 and two percent 2 of construction costs over 500 000 iii if the cost of the construction of public improvements is over 1 000 000 two and one half percent 2Y2 of construction costs for the first 1 000 000 and one and one half percent 1 Y2 of construction costs over 1 000 000 Before the City signs the final plat the Developer shall deposit with the City a fee based upon construction estimates After construction is completed the final fee shall be determined based upon actual construction costs The cost of public improvements is defined in paragraph 6 of the Special Provisions GC 5 120 B In addition to the administrative fee the Developer shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred by the City for providing construction and erosion and sediment control inspections This cost will be periodically billed directly to the Developer based on the actual progress of the construction Payment shall be due in accordance with Article 2IE of this Agreement C The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs damages or expenses which the City may payor incur in consequence of such claims including attorneys fees D In addition to the administrative fee the Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract including engineering and attorneys fees E The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty 30 days after receipt If the bills are not paid on time the City may halt all plat development work and construction including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the Developer mayor may not have sold until the bills are paid in full Bills not paid within thirty 30 days shall accrue interest at the rate of 8 per year F In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges SAC City water connection charges City sewer connection charges and building permit fees G Private Utilities The Developer shall have installed and pay for the installation of electrical natural gas telephone and cable television service in conjunction with the overall development improvements These services shall be provided in accordance with each of the respective franchise agreements held with the City H The developer shall pay the City a fee established by City Council resolution to reimburse the City for the cost of updating the City s base maps GIS data base files and converting the plat and record drawings into an electronic format Record drawings must be submitted within four months of final acceptance of public utilities All digital information submitted to the City shall be in the Carver County Coordinate system 22 Developer s Default In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder the City may at its option perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default not less than four 4 days in advance This Contract is a license for the City to act and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land When the City does any such work the City may in addition to its other remedies assess the cost in whole or in part L GC6 121 23 Miscellaneous A Construction Trailers Placement of on site construction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engineer as a part of the pre construction meeting for installation of public improvements Trailers shall be removed from the subject property within thirty 30 days following the acceptance of the public improvements unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer B Postal Service The Developer shall provide for the maintenance of postal service in accordance with the local Postmaster s request C Third Parties Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract The City is not a guarantor of the Developer s obligations under this Contract The City shall have no responsibility or liability to lot purchasers or others for the City s failure to enforce this Contract or for allowing deviations from it D Breach of Contract Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits including lots sold to third parties The City may also issue a stop work order halting all plat development until the breach has been cured and the City has received satisfactory assurance that the breach will not reoccur E Severability If any portion section subsection sentence clause paragraph or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract F Building Permits Building permits will not be issued in the plat until sanitary sewer watermain and storm sewer have been installed tested and accepted by the City and the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the site graded and revegetated in accordance with Plan B of the development plans G Waivers Amendments The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract To be binding amendments or waivers shall be in writing signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council The City s failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release H Release This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property After the Developer has completed the work required of it under this Contract at the Developer s request the City Manager will issue a Certificate of Compliance Prior to the issuance of such a certificate individual lot owners may make as written request for a certificate applicable to an individual lot allowing a minimum of ten 10 days for processing I Insurance Developer shall take out and maintain until six 6 months after the City has accepted the public improvements public liability and property damage insurance covering GC 7122 personal injury including death and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer s work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than 500 000 for one person and 1 000 000 for each occurrence limits for property damage shall be not less than 500 000 for each occurrence or a combination single limit policy of 1 000 000 or more The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten 10 days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance The certificate may not contain any disclaimer for failure to give the required notice J Remedies Each right power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right power or remedy expressed or implied now or hereafter arising available to City at law or in equity or under any other agreement and each and every right power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right power or remedy K Assignabilitv The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council The Developer s obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots the entire plat or any part of it L Construction Hours Construction hours for required improvements under this contract shall be from 7 00 a m to 6 00 p m on weekdays from 9 00 a m to 5 00 p m on Saturdays with no such activity allowed on Sundays or any recognized legal holidays Under emergency conditions this limitation may be waived by the consent of the City Engineer Any approved work performed after dark shall be adequately illuminated If construction occurs outside of the permitted construction hours the Developer shall pay the following administrative penalties First violation Second violation Third subsequent violations 500 00 1 000 00 All site development and construction must cease for seven 7 calendar days M Noise Amplification The use of outdoor loudspeakers bullhorns intercoms and similar devices is prohibited in conjunction with the construction of homes buildings and the improvements required under this contract The administrative penalty for violation of construction hours shall also apply to violation of the provisions in this paragraph N Access All access to the plat prior to the City accepting the roadway improvements shall be the responsibility of the Developer regardless if the City has issued building permits or occupancy permits for lots within the plat O Street Maintenance The Developer shall be responsible for all street maintenance until streets within the plat are accepted by the City Warning signs shall be placed by GC 8 123 the Developer when hazards develop in streets to prevent the public from traveling on same and directing attention to detours If streets become impassable the City may order that such streets shall be barricaded and closed The Developer shall maintain a smooth roadway surface and provide proper surface drainage The Developer may request in writing that the City plow snow on the streets prior to final acceptance of the streets The City shall have complete discretion to approve or reject the request The City shall not be responsible for reshaping or damage to the street base or utilities because of snow plowing operations The provision of City snow plowing service does not constitute final acceptance of the streets by the City P Storm Sewer Maintenance The Developer shall be responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the storm sewer system including ponds pipes catch basins culverts and swales within the plat and the adjacent off site storm sewer system that receives storm water from the plat The Developer shall follow all instructions it receives from the City concerning the cleaning and maintenance of the storm sewer system The Developer s obligations under this paragraph shall end two 2 years after the public street and storm drainage improvements in the plat have been accepted by the City Twenty percent 20 of the storm sewer costs shown under section 6 of the special provisions of this contract will be held by the City for the duration of the 2 year maintenance period Q Soil Treatment Systems If soil treatment systems are required the Developer shall clearly identify in the field and protect from alteration unless suitable alternative sites are first provided the two soil treatment sites identified during the platting process for each lot This shall be done prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit Any violationdisturbance of these sites shall render them as unacceptable and replacement sites will need to be located for each violated site in order to obtain a building permit R Variances By approving the plat the Developer represents that all lots in the plat are buildable without the need for variances from the City s ordinances S Compliance with Laws Ordinances and Regulations In the development of the plat the Developer shall comply with all laws ordinances and regulations of the following authorities 1 City of Chanhassen 2 State of Minnesota its agencies departments and commissions 3 United States Army Corps of Engineers 4 Watershed District s 5 Metropolitan Government its agencies departments and commissions T Proof of Title Upon request the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for deed purchasers to enter into this Development Contract GC 9 124 U Soil Conditions The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify defend and hold harmless the City its governing body members officers and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence if any of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City V Soil Correction The Developer shall be responsible for soil correction work on the property The City makes no representation to the Developer concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist On lots which have no fill material a soils report from a qualified soils engineer is not required unless the City s building inspection department determines from observation that there may be a soils problem On lots with fill material that have been mass graded as part of a multi lot grading project a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City issues a building permit for the lot On lots with fill material that have been custom graded a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City inspects the foundation for a building on the lot W Haul Routes The Developer the Developer s contractors or subcontractors must submit proposed haul routes for the import or export of soil construction material construction equipment or construction debris or any other purpose All haul routes must be approved by the City Engineer X Development Signs The Developer shall post a six foot by eight foot development sign in accordance with City Detail Plate No 5313 at each entrance to the project The sign shall be in place before construction of the required improvements commences and shall be removed when the required improvements are completed except for the final lift of asphalt on streets The signs shall contain the following information project name name of developer developer s telephone number and designated contact person allowed construction hours Y Construction Plans Upon final plat approval the developer shall provide the City with two complete sets of full size construction plans and four sets of l1 x 17 reduced construction plan sets and three sets of specifications Within four months after the completion of the utility improvements and base course pavement and before the security is released the Developer shall supply the City with the following 1 a complete set of reproducible Mylar as built plans 2 two complete full size sets of blue line paper as built plans 3 two complete sets of utility tie sheets 4 location of buried fabric used for soil stabilization 5 location stationing and swing ties of all utility stubs including draintile cleanouts 6 bench mark network 7 digital file of as built plans in both dxf tif format the dxf file must be tied to the current county coordinate system 8 digital file of utility tie sheets in either doc or tif format and 9 a breakdown of lineal footage of all utilities installed including the per lineal foot bid price The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format GC 10 125 Z As Built Lot Surveys An as built lot survey will be required on all lots prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued The as built lot survey must be prepared signed and dated by a Registered Land Surveyor Sod and the bituminous driveways must be installed before the as built survey is completed If the weather conditions at the time of the as built are not conducive to paving the driveway and or installing sod a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued and the as built escrow withheld until all work is complete Rev 3 3106 GC ll 126 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1i MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manger D Paul Oehme Director of Public Works City Engineer VFROM DATE June 11 2007 SUBJ Approval of Resolution Establishing a Special Assessment Deferment Policy PW399 BACKGROUND On June 11 2007 staff discussed the deferral policy with the Council at the work session The changes recommended by the City Council have been incorporated into the attached policy and resolution DISCUSSION It has been the City s practice to consider assessment deferrals on past assessment projects Minnesota State Statue 435 193 allows cities to defer special assessments and establish standards and guidelines for determining the existence of hardship and for determining the existence of a disability Staff would like Council to consider adopting a standard policy for assessment deferrals Staff has incorporated Minnesota State Statutes 435193 435195 in developing standards and guidelines as stated in the attached resolution If the City Council decides to allow deferrals this resolution would authorize the City Council at its discretion to defer the payment of an assessment for any homestead property owned by a person for whom it would be a hardship to make the payment if the following applies The owner is 65 years of age or older or The owner is retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability If the applicant meets the above qualification they must then Meet certain criteria and the very low income limits as set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD and Verify that the property being assessed is their principal place of domicile Staff has used the HUD income limits because they are set by their research reports of housing and economics in demographic areas The income limit level proposed is 27 500 or lower to show hardship State Statue does not set precedence as to what income limits may be used by a City Any persons requesting a deferral would do so at the City Council meeting at which the assessment is to be adopted and then fill out a no fee application and submit it to staff within 30 days of the adoption of the assessment to determine eligibility Upon determining eligibility staff would ask the City Council to consider approving a resolution allowing deferment of the assessment Only the City Council can legally administer this program The City ot Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a channing downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play127 Special Assessment Deferral Policy June 11 2007 Page 2 The City Council would determine the time period for the deferral however normally the deferral would not terminate unless a There is a sale transfer or subdivision of the property or any part thereof or in any way the property is conveyed to another person b The subject property loses its homestead status for any reason c Death of the owner who qualified for deferral status unless a surviving spouse is eligible for benefits hereunder or d If for any reason the City Council determines that there would be no hardship to require an immediate or partial payment of the deferred special assessment RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution Establishing a Special Assessment Deferment Policy Approval of this resolution requires a simple majority vote of those City Council members present ATTACHMENTS 1 Resolution Establishing a Hardship Assessment Deferral for Senior Citizens or Retired and Disabled Persons 2 Application for Assessment Deferral 3 Minnesota Statute 435 193 4 FY 2007 Income Limits Documentation System g eng formsassessments 070907 bkgd assessment deferra1doc128 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE RESOLUTION NO 2007 MOTION BY SECONDED BY A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A HARDSHIP ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL FOR SENIOR CITIZENS OR RETIRED AND DISABLED PERSONS WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Sections 435 193 435 195 makes it possible for a statutory city to adopt a resolution establishing standards and guidelines for determining the existing of a hardship and for determining the existence of a disability and WHEREAS immediate payment of special assessments or installments on special assessments may cast an undue hardship on some persons owning homestead properties who are 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make payments NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City of Chanhassen hereby establishes the standards and guidelines for determining eligibility as stated below 1 In order to request deferral of an assessment the homeowner must request a deferment at a public hearing in which the assessment may be adopted and make application on the form prescribed by the City Clerk within thirty 30 days after the adoption of an improvement assessment by the City Council and 2 The deferral procedure shall apply only to property owned and occupied by persons 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make payments Permanent and total disability shall have the same definition for purposes of assessment deferral as is used for social security purposes and 3 This deferral procedure shall not be construed as to prohibit the determination of hardship on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances not covered by the standards and guidelines herein so long as determination is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and does not give the applicant an unreasonable preference or advantage over other applicants and 4 The property must be the applicant s principal place of domicile and classified on the real estate tax rolls as the applicant s homestead and 5 The applicant s must submit federal income tax returns from the year prior to the assessment to verify that all sources of income do not exceed the low income limits for the Minneapolis St Paul area as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and G AdminRESOL 2007Assessment Deferral revl doc 129 6 No special assessment shall be deferred for a period longer than the time set by the City Council and 7 Interest on deferred assessments shall be subject to and charged at the interest rate set by the City Council on its resolution adopting the special assessment and such interest shall accrue on said principal until the special assessment is paid in full and 8 The option of the homeowner to defer the payment of special assessments shall terminate and all amounts accumulated plus accrued interest shall become due and payable upon the occurrence of any of the following events a The sale transfer or subdivision of the property or any part thereof or the property is in any way conveyed to another person b The subject property loses its homestead status for any reason c The death of the owner qualified for deferral status unless a surviving spouse is eligible for benefits hereunder or d If for any reason the City Council determines that there would be no hardship to require an immediate or partial payment of the deferred special assessment Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of July 2007 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT G Adl11inRESOL 2007A sessn nt Deferral rev doc 130 Date Rec d Fee CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICA TION FOR ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL PLEASE PRINT Applicant Applicant spouse Name Address Name Address Contact Phone Pro ert Identification No Contact Phone Pro ert Identification No 1 Applicant s is are 65 years of age or older D Yes D No Please provide identification verifying age DOB 2 As of January 2 or June 1 I owned or occupied the above property as my homestead and such occupancy began on 3 My interest in the ownership of the above property was acquired on as follows andis Sole ownership D Yes D No Joint Tenancy held with Other undivided interest specify 4 Applicant s is are retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability DYes D No Please attach a sworn affidavit by a licensed medical doctor attesting to the fact that you are unable to be gainfully employed due to a permanent and total disability Please specify 5 If Applicant s is are not 65 years of age or older and is are not retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability the following exceptional and unusual financial circumstances should be considered in evaluating my ability to pay the assessment installments without deferment 131 That my annual gross income for myself and my spouse as reported on Applicant s most recent income tax return attach a copy of last year s Federal Income Tax Return plus non taxable income received i e pension Social Security worker s compensation insurance proceeds or similar payments is amount must NOT exceed 27 500 That the installments for improvements on the special assessments duly adopted by the City of Chanhassen as of 20 which have been allocated against the subject property would create undue personal hardship on my behalf and I respectfully request that payment be delayed and that such installments be so deferred That the average annual payment for these assessments exceeds 3 of my above gross income The special assessments to be deferred exceed 400 00 I hereby declare under penalties of perjury that to the best of my knowledge I have answered the above questions truthfully and correctly Any falsification of answers to the proceeding questions will result in denial of this application The credit information contained herein will be used solely for the purposes of establishing eligibility for the deferment All health information will be kept confidential Signed Owner Dated FOR CITY USE ONLY I clerk of the City of Chanhassen in Carver County State of Minnesota do hereby certify that the application of above named has been duly reviewed and that in accordance with the minutes of official record in said chambers was duly D APPROVED or D DENIED as of 20 City Project County Assessment Total Amount Years of Collection Interest Rate Name of Assessment Number No inclusive STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 Notary Public g eng formsassessments application for assessment deferralrevl doc 132 1 1 7 1 V j i i 3 0 r r f t 1 l i Mirinesota Statutes 2004435 193 Page 1 of 1 Legislature Home I Links to the World I Help I Advanced Search House I Senate I Joint Departments and CommissIons 1 Bill Search and status 1 Statutes Laws and Rules Minnesota Statutes 2004 435 193 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes State of Minnesota Minnesota Statutes 2004 Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 35 435 193 Hardsh p assessment deferral for sen ors or disabled Notwithstanding the prov s ons of any law to the contrary any county statutory or home rule charter city or town making a special assessment may at its discretion defer the payment of that assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments Any county statutory or home rule charter city or town electing to defer special assessments shall adopt an ordinance or resolution establishing standards and guidelines for determining the existence of a hardship and for determining the existence of a disability but nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the determination of hardship on the basis of exceptiona and unusual circumstances not covered by the standards and guidelines where the determination is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and does not give the applicant an unreasonable preference or advantage over other applicants HIST 1974 c 206 5 7 1976 c 195 s 3 1981 c 80 s 1 Please direct all comments concerning Issues or legislation to your House Member or State Senator For Legislative Staff or for directions to the Capitol visit the Contact Us page General guestions or comments http www revisor1eg state mn us bingetpub php pubtype STAT CHAP SEC yearcurrent section 4 8 4 2005 133 FY 2007 Income Limits Documentation System Summary for Carver County Minnesota Page 1 of 2 FY 2007 Income Limits Documentation System FY 2007 Income Limits Summary I Carver County Minnesota FY FY 20072007MeHnIncome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Income Jr come Limit Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Limit Area Category YeJy J QW 1 27 500 II 31 400 II 35 350 II 39 250 II M2 400 II M5 550 II MB 650 II 51 BOC0 Income Jimit J xJreme ly Carver Low County 77 600 3 0 Q 16 500 18 850 21 200 23 550 25450 27 300 29 200 31 10C m ome Limlt Lo w I M 1 700 II 47 700 II 53 650 II 59 600 II 64 350 II 69 150 II 73 900 II 7B 65C80 InG orne Limil NOTE Carver County is part of the Minneapolis St Paul Bloomington MN WI MSA The Minneapolis St Paul Bloomington MN WI MSA contains the following areas Anoka County MN Carver County MN Chisago County MN Dakota County MN Hennepin County MN Is anti County MN Ramsey County MN Scott County MN Sherburne County MN Washington County MN Wright County MN Pierce County WI and St Croix County WI Income Limit areas are based on FY 2007 Fair Market Rent FMR areas For a detailed account of how this area is derived please see our associated FY 2007 Fair Market Rent documentqtion llySJ rn Select a different county or county equivalent Aitkin County Anoka County Becker County Beltrami County Benton County Big Stone County L SelectcolJntyor County EqlJiylIElrlt J Data file last updated Wed Apr 18 2007 http www huduser orgldatasets ilil2007 2007summary odb INPUTNAME METR033460M3 3460 270 19 6 112007 134 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager Paul Oehme City EngineerDir of Public Works 6 FROM DATE July 9 2007 SUBJ Approval of Amendment to Chapter 4 of City Code Establishing Rate for Bulk Water Sales BACKGROUND Staff is requesting that the City Council consider amending City Code to include a bulk water rate This rate would be used for contractorslandscapers that use water for construction projects or for watering purposes The City currently has two fill stations that contractors can use to fill water trucks and tanks One is located on Galpin Boulevard and other is located at the new east water treatment plant The City does not usually allow contractors to take water from fire hydrants However the city has made exceptions for ZRC the contractor working on the 212 project and PCI the pavement contractor for the 212 project Both contractors are using water from hydrants that are metered Staff is billing both contractors monthly The contractors that use the fill stations are required to pay upfront at the public works building for the estimated amount of water they intend to use They are then given a code number for their payment The contractor may go to either station to fill a water truck or tank The fill stations have meters and a number pad to punch in a code and the station dispenses water at 100 gallon increments The city has spent some upfront money to get the fill stations operational Also these bulk water sales do take some time for staff to administer Staff is proposing a higher rate for the bulk water sales to cover staff time and fill station equipment and maintenance Currently the residential rate for water is 1 72 1000 gallons The proposed bulk water rate proposed at 41 000 gallons Last year s fill station usage at the Galpin Boulevard station was about 400 000 gallons A rate of 41000 gallons would equal about 1 600 in revenue Using the current 1 721000 gallon rate the revenue is only 688 The new fill station at the east water treatment plant is expected to sell about the same amount of water as the Galpin Boulevard fill station Each fill station costs about 12 000 The pay back for the stations at the 41 000 gallon rate is 7 5 years The payback does not include the bulk rate sales to the 212 contractors The City ot Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play135 Bulk Water Rate Code Amendment July 9 2007 Page 2 Staff has contacted other cities that have fill stations and most have established a bulk water rate they charge contractors The following is the information staff has received from other cities City Prior Lake Lakeville Eagan Savage Eden Prairie Bulk Rate 5 001 000 Gallons 232 1 000 Gallons 2 501 000 Gallons 7 501 000 Gallons 1 001 000 Gallons2 Notes No fill station City gives contractors meters to hook up to hydrants 2 City is looking at changes to bulk sales rate and procedures RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of an amendment to Chapter 4 of City Code establishing a rate of 4 00 1 000 gallons for bulk water sales Approval requires a simple majority vote of those City Council members present ATTACHMENT 1 Proposed City Code Amendment G enG pAUL mEMOS hkgd 07J07 hulk w rUle upda e doc 136 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE LICENSE PERMIT AND ADMINISTRA TA TIVE FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA ORDAINS Section 1 Section 4 45 of the City Code City of Chanhassen Minnesota is hereby amended to read as follows Utility rates are established for each 1 000 gallons of usage Water less than 25 000 gallons per quarter amount in excess of 25 000 gallons per quarter minimum water charge per quarter for amounts up to 5 000 gallons per quarter Bulk sales to contractors landscapers etc at City fill stations or other designated locations Sewage residential based on winter quarter usage commercial based on actual quarterly usage minimum sewage charge per quarter for amounts up to 5 000 gallons per quarter 1 72 per 1 000 gallons 2 15 per 1 000 gallons 8 60 4 00 per 1 000 gallons 3 27 per 1 000 gallons 3 27 per 1 000 gallons 16 35 Section 2 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2007 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota Todd Gerhardt City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor Published in the Chanhassen Villager on g plan bg city code amendment ordinance bulk water fee 137 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1 MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager 7 O Paul Oehme City EngineerDir of Public Works c9 FROM DATE July 9 2007 SUBJ Approve Letter of Support for Federal Funding for the Reconstruction of CSAH 18 Between TH 41 and CSAH 17 Powers Boulevard BACKGROUND Carver County has asked the City of Chanhassen to support their efforts for STP funding for future phases of Lyman Boulevard improvements The County is currently working on the first phase of construction for Lyman Boulevard between Galpin Boulevard and Audubon Road This project is to address the needs of the new high school This work is planned for construction in 2008 The STP funding application is for the future improvement phases of Lyman Boulevard which are from TH 41 to Galpin Boulevard and from Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard The County has tentatively programmed these improvements for construction in 2011 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached letter of support for federal funding for the reconstruction of CSAH 18 between TH 41 and CSAH 17 Powers Boulevard Approval of this letter requires a simple majority vote of those City Council members present A TTACHMENTS 1 2 Draft Letter of Support Map of Project Area G lt nG pAUL mEMOS hkgd 071 07 sup let SIp app Iyman dn The City ot Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play138 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Pubtic Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us July 10 2007 To Whom It May Concern Carver County has contacted the City of Chanhassen asking for support for the reconstruction of CSAH 18 between TH 41 and CSAH 17 Powers Boulevard in the cities of Chaska and Chanhassen This project is needed to better serve the transportation needs of this developing area We support the construction of the proposed project and Carver County s application for federal funding We encourage the Transportation Advisory Board of the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Council to give favorable funding consideration to this project Sincerely Tom Furlong Mayor TF k The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play G enG paUL IETIERS CSAH 8 Reconstruction Letter of Support 2007 doc 139 M if I May 29 2007 I II I j l 140 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1j MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and City Council Todd Gerhardt City Manger FROM DATE June 28 2007 SUBJ Amendment of Ordinance Chapter 7 Buildings and Building Regulations of the Chanhassen City Code BACKGROUND The 2003 version of the Minnesota State Building Code has been in effect since March of 2003 Municipalities that enforce a building code are required by Minnesota State Statute 16B 62 to adopt the current state building code On July 10 the 2007 Minnesota State Building Code will become effective Historically since 1983 the city has also adopted Minnesota Rules Chapter 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems which provides for the increased use of fire sprinkler protection systems Minnesota Rules Chapter 1306 must be specifically adopted to remain enforceable PURPOSE The purpose ofthis amendment is to change those portions of Section 7 18 of Chanhassen City Code to adopt the 2007 Minnesota State Building Code and to re adopt Minnesota Rules Chapter 1306 RECOMMENDA TION Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance amendment for Chapter 7 Buildings and Building Regulations of Chanhassen City Code A simple majority vote of City Council members present is required to adopt the amendment ATTACHMENT 1 Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 of Chanhassen City Code The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play141 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS read SECTION 1 Section 7 18 a of the Chanhassen City Code is amended in its entirety to a The Minnesota State Building Code established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 16B 59 to 16B 75 is hereby adopted as the building code for the City of Chanhassen The code is hereby incorporated in this ordinance as if fully set out herein The Minnesota State Building Code includes the following chapters of Minnesota Rules 132646vOl RNK 07 02 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1300 Administration of the Minnesota State Building Code 1301 Building Official Certification 1302 State Building Construction Approvals 1303 Minnesota Provisions 1305 Adoption of the 2006 International Building Code 1307 Elevators and Related Devices 1309 Adoption of the 2006 International Residential Code 1311 Adoption of the 2000 Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings 1315 Adoption of the 2005 National Electrical Code 1325 Solar Energy Systems 1330 Fallout Shelters 1335 Floodproofing Regulations 1341 Minnesota Accessibility Code 1346 Adoption of the Minnesota State Mechanical Code 1350 Manufactured Homes 1360 Prefabricated Structures 1361 IndustriallModular Buildings 1370 Storm Shelters Manufactured Home Parks 4715 Minnesota Plumbing Code 7670 7672 7674 7676 and 7678 Minnesota Energy Code 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 142 SECTION 2 Section 7 18b ofthe Chanhassen City Code is amended to read b The City of Chanhassen adopts for reference the following optional chapter of the Minnesota State Building Code Minnesota Rules Chapter 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems including 1306 0020 Subp 2 Optional Administration Minnesota Rules Chapter 1335 Floodproofing Regulations Parts 1335 0600 to 13351200 are adopted SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED this of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota day of 2007 by the City Council ATrEST Todd Gerhardt ClerkManager Thomas A Furlong Mayor Published in the Chanhassen Villager on 20 132646vOl RNK 07 02 2007 2 143 i1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 FROM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager Todd Hoffman Park aod Recreation Director f July 9 2007 ODATE Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 SUBJ Approval of Letter of Support and Resolution Carver County Application for Transportation Enhancement TE Funds for Trunk Highway TH 41 BicyclelPedestrian Underpass and TrailsBuildingInspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Finance Phone 952227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Please find attached a draft letter of support and resolution concerning Carver County s application for Transportation Enhancement TE funds for the Trunk Highway TH 41 bicycle pedestrian underpass and trails A pedestrian trail located parallel to State Highway 41 and along the eastern right of way is an improvement identified in the city s Comprehensive Plan However the initiation of planning for this section of trail only makes sense when combined with an underpass allowing pedestrians to travel under the highway Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Carver County has completed an initiative to identify high priority pedestrian improvements within their system of parks and trail rights of way The Highway 41 underpass ranked very high in this study Two years ago the county applied for a Federal Transportation Enhancement grant in the amount of 1 000 000 A local match of 250 000 was added for a total project of 1 250 000 Of this 600 000 was allocated for the underpass 335 000 for trail construction within the Regional Park and 315 000 for trail construction along Highway 41 The 250 000 local match was proposed to be divided as follows 135 000 to the county and 115 000 to the city Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 The 2005 grant application was not successful but the project ranked very high among the list of unfunded projects The County is hopeful that this year s application will be successful To that end Martin Walsh Carver County Parks Director contacted the city to inquire if we would again be supportive of this year s grant application Web Site WIIW ci chanhassen mn us This application represents just the kind of effort that the city anticipated would be required to complete the Highway 41 trail and underpass to the Regional Park In the event that the grant is approved park dedication dollars would be available to finance the city s contribution The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work a d play144 TH 41 Trail Underpass July 9 2007 Page 2 RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached letter of support and resolution supporting Carver County s application for Transportation Enhancement TE funds for Trunk Highway TH 41 bicycle pedestrian underpass and trails ATTACHMENTS 1 Proposed Letter of Support 2 Proposed Resolution of Support 3 Site Map c Roger Gustafson Carver County Engineer Martin Walsh Carver County Parks Director G PARKTHTH 41 Underpass Carver County Grant Report DOC145 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site WNW ci chanhassen mn us July 9 2007 Mr Roger Gustafson P E County Engineer Carver County Public Works Department 11360 Highway 212 West P O Box 300 Cologne MN 55322 0300 SUBJ Application for Transportation Enhancement TE Funds for the Trunk Highway TH 41 Bicyc1elPedestrian Underpass and Associated Trails Dear Roger The City of Chanhassen has been contacted by Carver County regarding support of the county s application for TE funds for the proposed bicycle pedestrian underpass beneath TH 41 and associated trails We understand that the project will provide a box culvert underpass beneath TH 41 linking planned bicycle pedestrian improvements in Lake Minnewashta Regional Park and along State Highway 41 in the City of Chanhassen On behalf of the city council this letter and the attached resolution are to serve as the community s support of Carver County s application Sincerely Todd Gerhardt City Manager TG k Enclosure The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play146 DATE CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNIPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO MOTION BY SECONDED BY RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF CARVER COUNTY S APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORT A TION ENHANCEMENT TE FUNDS FOR TRUNK HIGHWAY TH 41 BICYCLEIPEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS AND TRAILS WHEREAS The City of Chanhassen has been contacted by Carver County regarding support of the county s application for TE funds for the proposed bicycle pedestrian underpass beneath TH 41 WHEREAS We understand that the project will provide a box culvert underpass beneath TH 41 linking planned bicycle pedestrian facilities in Lake Minnewashta Regional Park and the City of Chanhassen WHEREAS Pedestrian trails improve the quality of life in a community and work to improve the health and well being of its residents WHEREAS The Highway 41 pedestrian trail and underpass to Lake Minnewashta Regional Park are identified as planned improvements in the city s Comprehensive Plan NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council supports the Carver County Application for Transportation Enhancement TE Funds for the Trunk Highway TH 41 BicyclePedestrian Underpass and trails Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of July 2007 ATTEST Thomas A Furlong MayorToddGerhardtCityManager YES NO ABSENT 147 Ci of Sh r J ri1i r North 1Z Q chard lane i Ilb I II iI I i Minnesota Landscape ArboretumI I c lfQ I I t t I I I I I i fl I i I g 1 E f IV 82n q t I Zirnrnerrn Oa an I I I I ell J5 I f iII t l I ro i Coulte e Arboretum 148 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site WINIci chan hassen mn us J MEMORANDUM TO c9 Paul Oehme Public Works Director City Engineer V Alyson Fauske Assistant City Engineer aa July 9 2007 FROM DATE SUBJECT Planning Case File No 07 02 Vacation Drainage and Utility Easements Trail Easement and Road Right of Way BACKGROUND Bruce Carlson and Peter and Deanna Brandt have requested that the following be vacated on the property to be known as The Arbors a Ten foot wide and 5 foot wide perimeter drainage and utility easements on Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 Zimmerman Farm 1 st Addition b Twenty foot wide trail easement per Document Number 117252 and c The 30 foot wide Zimmerman Road right of way per the Zimmerman Farm 1st Addition plat The properties being re platted in conjunction with The Arbors development therefore the perimeter drainage and utility easements are not necessary There are no public or private utilities within the easements that are proposed to be vacated The 20 foot wide trail easement was granted to the City in 1990 to provide for future trail connections in the area The trail easement will not be necessary once The Arbors final plat is filed as the developer will dedicate a 60 foot wide right of way for the construction of West 78th Street which includes the construction of a five foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side The southern 30 feet of right of way for Zimmerman Road was dedicated with the Zimmerman Farm 1 st final plat to provide a future second access to the property This street connection will not be required since The Arbors development will construct West 78th Street from the current terminus at the Westwood Church property to the Dogwood Road extension that will be constructed with City Project 06 06 West 78th Street is a public street that connects to Highway 41 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the easement vacations subject to filing The Arbors final plat and development contract Attachments 1 Application 2 Drawing and legal description of vacations 3 Notice of Public Hearing Affidavit of mailing location map The City of Chanhassen A growintlM IlUl flYgHfi1lm A1mbw sc l rfiOOffilj ibIilii sinesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play149 Planning Case No 01 Od CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 CITY OF CHANHASSE NRECEIVED DEC 0 12006 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address c1i tl Y rcr1 1 c qr 5 cilz t l 51C 1 C l1C s Jj C 10 Ijalil r lj i t lrIJ f G 11 1s A CL 1 1 5 5 6 Contact PC II jJe I rt L I jJyvliec 1Mu9 Phone 1 75 o3 Fax 1152 f75 8cJ J Email c o lald pp7f j @ c ollca ll c 1 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEflT O er Name i md Addr ss PC e I Hj a l o QIJtl Vc U7 1 f I 77CJ cq if oeo lCJ cJ 1 r 7la1tt5511JF17 Gontact f e c CA 1hc T Phone tJ52 lJ7tJ CC 6 Fax Email NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal including review of developmentPlany1cr1 V Comprehensive Plan Amendment l5e C 1 1 Conditional Use Permit CUP Interim Use Permit IUP Non conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development i r LjARezoningC1 I Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review SPR J 1 1lcJrSubdivisionCOfIJ7 t or i7t Temporary Sales Permit 1 Vacation of Right of Way Easements VAC 000v Variance VAR Wetland Alteration Permit 0NAP Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment otifiCatiOn Sign 200 City to install and remove X Escrow for Filing Fees Attorney Cost 50 CUP SPRNACNARflNAP Metes Bounds 450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE 11 5 3 0 lilC u h An additional fee of 3 00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicantpriortothepublichearing Sixteen 16 full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted including an 8 X 11 reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a di ital copy in TIFF Group 4 tif format Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews NOTE When multiple applications are processed the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application 150 v PROJECT NAME 7e IIr boy 5 d 11 i ILOCATION071100cCCaJpt e 7j ee LEGAL DESCRIPTI N c I a J17J o 2 6 ctA 1 1 sT ldclt7 Ol ff ClCIt Z oJ J trmet I y iu TOTAL ACREAGE WETLANDS PRESENT X YES NO PRESENT ZONING JtArq 1 s cJerrt 1 1ft REQUESTED ZONING If 5 P je5 j Xj C lr9 e Nlir I P ESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION te 7 l fr dI Ic ild j 1 i f tJc1tf oofJl t jqfrje Id I Jattz ttCCl REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION If 5 eleflJ1 1 delJlly REASON FOR REQUEST cL Si brt I url c 1 me Cl crealjf 075 I it 01 r J I5i75Cote3cc75lercJcrlclt1c J J Yew I e 7 le 7i d JCte7 Cl p f elf i 77 4 c J I This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions Before filing this application you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the speclfic ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the Cily and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application I have attached a copy of proof of ownershipeithercopyofOwnersDuplicateCertificateofTitleAbstractofTitleorpurchaseagreementorIamtheauthorizedpersontomakethisapplicationandthefeeownerhasalsosignedthisapplication I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees feasibility studies etc with an estimate prior to anyauthorizationtoPwilhthestudyThedocumentsandInformationIhavesubmittedaretrueandcorrect10thebestof my knOWledl i e lJIJ1 1 I t O Si nalure of Applicant I t74 P I f Iv T 1 jr ccC Date if41 Is A 4 livJ Slgna ure of Fee Owner CJ il 1 T J l lJ fJl JI1 A T 1 7iI 1 Lq 010 Date G plJNfonns Development Review ApplIcatlon DOC Rev 1205 151 0 0 CD CD J J o 0 ro ro III III en o 0DO o S JO CD Ul T 2 CD 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on the plat of Zimmerman Farm 15t Addition according to the recorded plat thereof Carver County Minnesota AND That part of Zimmerman Road that lies East of Dogwood Road as donated and dedicated on the plat of Zimmerman Farm 15t Addition according to the recorded plat thereof Carver County Minnesota 153 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER I Karen J Engelhardt being first duly sworn on oath deposes that she is and was on June 27 2007 the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing of Proposed Vacation of Right of Way Drainage Utility and Trail Easements in The Arbors Planning Case File No 07 02 to the persons named on attached Exhibit A by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer Carver County Minnesota and by other appropriate records u Subscribed and sworn to before me this Q1 day of Lne 2007 g eng forms affidavit doc l KIM T MEUWISSEN Notary Public Minnesota BPMy Commission Expires Jan 31 2010 154 at ttY I Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one This map is a compilation of records information and data located in various city county state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown and is to be used for reference purposes only The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System GIS Data used to prepare this map are error free and the City does not represent that the GiS Data can be used for navigational tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction orprecision in the depiction of geographic features If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952 227 1164 The preceding disciaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9466 03 Subd 21 2000 and the userof this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages and expressly waives all ciaims and agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all ciaims brought by User its employees or agents or third parties which arise out of the users access oruse of data provided I Disclaimer This map is neither alegally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one This map is a compilation of records information and data located in various city county state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown and is to be used for reference purposes only The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System GIS Data used to prepare this map are error free and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features If errorsor discrepancies are found please contact 952 227 1164 The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9466 03 Subd 21 2000 and the userof this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages and expressly waives all claims and agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User its employees or agents or third parties which arise out of the users access oruse of data provided 155 0 e ji Q O Q e C CJ QIeJ 0 nO J a 0 o e Q Q CJ CJ o CJ Zce CJ c o Q O Q e C CJ Q e IJ 0 nO J a 0 o e Q Q CJ CJ o CJ Z2 CJ c o 0 co 0Eo 0 o o j Q 0 co E co Oc 00CJ 03QC J J 0 JO co co DI c 05 0 c j ij C o 0 cacoJO oc 0 e 0 co 0Eo 0 o o j 0 a co E CO Oc 00CJ 3Qc J J 0 JO co co DI C 05 0 c j g C Oo 0 cacoJO oc 0 0 0 0 c Q csjIC cos 0 0 0 c D 0 0 0 0 C otQ 0 co CJ Q Q c cCiiaCc0jJ co eo 000 co j 0 a 0 0 co C CJ Q j c 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55455 0118 PAUL GREGORY MARY S SUMNE 7620 CRIMSON BAY RD CHASKA MN 55318 9603 PEMTOM COMPANY 7597 ANAGRAM DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 7399 DANIEL J KAREN A HERBST 7640 CRIMSON BAY RD CHASKA MN 55318 9603 ROBERT W MARY M HAGEMAN MICHAEL E JENNIFER GRAVES 7660 CRIMSON BAY RD CHASKA MN 55318 9603 PETER T DEANNA 0 BRANDT 7570 DOGWOOD RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 8053 WESTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH 3121 WESTWOOD DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 8044 157 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us Ii MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Robert Generous Senior Planner L July 9 2007DATE SUBJ Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition 07 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The request is for a subdivision preliminary and final plat to create six outlots and public right of way for Pioneer Circle Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition The proposed subdivision will allow the transfer of four of the outlots to abutting property owner to provide access to their parcels and two of the outlots will be retained by the County for public purposes including storm water management and possibly wetland creation ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council present PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 19 2007 to review the proposed development The Planning Commission voted unanimously 7 0 to approve the subdivision The summary and verbatim minutes are item 1a of the City Council packet for July 9 2007 The Planning Commission did not have any issues with the proposed subdivision creating the six outlots on Pioneer Trail and Pioneer Circle They believe that bringing the parcels closer to compliance with the A2 district requirements for lot area was positive RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends adoption of the motion approving the subdivision as specified on pages 5 and 6 in the staff report dated June 19 2007 A TTACHMENTS 1 Resolution 2 Planning Commission Staff Report Dated June 19 2007 G PLAN2007 Planning Cases 07 14 Lake Riley Woods 4th AdditionLake Riley Woods 4th Executive Summary doc The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a channing downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play158 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE RESOLUTION NO MOTION BY SECONDED BY A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT CREA TING LAKE RILEY WOODS 4TH ADDITION CARVER COUNTY WHEREAS Carver County has requested a subdivision of their property into six outlots of 1 46 045 0 11 0 32 0 38 and 032 acres and public right of way for Pioneer Circle and WHEREAS the proposed subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code and WHEREAS the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 19 2007 and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance and recommended approval of the subdivision NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the final plat for Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 for the Carver County property legally described as Outlot A Lake Riley Woods Carver County Minnesota and that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25 Township 116 Range 23 Carver County Minnesota lying southerly of the southerly and southeasterly lines of said Outlot A and lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the northeast comer of said Southeast Quarter thence on an assumed bearing of West along the north line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 1325 98 feet thence South 11 degrees 19 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 94 86 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described thence South 70 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 683 59 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point B thence continuing South 70 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 37241 feet thence North 85 degrees 20 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 31 19 feet to a point hereinafter described as Point A thence westerly along a line hereinafter described as Line A to the west line of said Southeast Quarter and there terminating Line A is described as commencing at the northwest comer of said Southeast Quarter thence South 01 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West assuming bearing along the west line thereof a distance of 4224 feet to the beginning of said Line A thence South 84 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 216 00 feet thence easterly to said Point A and there terminating The approval of the subdivision is subject to the following conditions 1 Outlots A and E should be deeded to the City or entirely encumbered by drainage and utility easements granted to the City in order to accommodate future stormwater 1 159 improvements At a minimum all property below the 914 contour should be reserved for future stormwater improvements 2 Provide the City with a set of as built drawings of the road Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of July 2007 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City ClerkJManager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT G PLAN2007 Planning Cases 07 14 Lake Riley Woods 4th AdditionResolution 07 14 doc 2 160 z u rJl PC DATE June 19 2007 0 14 OJ CITY OF CHANHASSEN CC DATE July 9 2007 REVIEW DEADLINE July 17 2007 CASE 07 14 BY RG LH JS STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL Request for subdivision approval to create six outlots and public right of way for Pioneer Circle Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition LOCATION Pioneer Trail and Pioneer Circle APPLICANT Carver County 602 E 4th Street Chaska MN 55318 952 361 1501 v PRESENT ZONING Rural Residential District RR 2020 LAND USE PLAN Residential Large Lot 25 acre minimum lot 1 unit per 10 acre outside MUSA ACREAGE 343 acres DENSITY not applicable SUMMARY OF REQUEST The developer is proposing the creation of six outlots Four of the outlots will be conveyed to the abutting property owners to provide access to their parcels Two of the outlots will be retained for public purposes including storm water management and potentially wetland creation LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION MAKING The City s discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance If it meets these standards the City must approve the preliminary plat This is a quasi judicial decision CCAtltl D 161 Location Map Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 City of Chanhassen Subject Property SCANNED 162 Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 June 19 2007 Page 2 of 6 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant Carver County is requesting subdivision approval to create parcels which can then be conveyed to adjacent property owners to provide the abutting parcels access to public streets without crossing County property This property consists of Outlot A Lake Riley Woods and the previous right of way for Pioneer Trail The property to the north is County Road 14 pioneer Trail and the Lake Riley Woods 2nd Addition which is zoned RR with two single family homes The property to the east is zoned RR and contains single family homes within the Deerbrook subdivision The property to the south is zoned RR and contains four single family homes on parcels of record but not included in any subdivisions The property to the west is part of the Halla Greens executive golf course Water and sewer service is not available to the property This property is located in the 2020 Metropolitan Urban Services Area MUSA The property is guided for Residential Large Lot uses The site generally slopes from the south to the north with a high elevation of 920 along the south property line and a low point with an elevation of 906 in the northwest comer of the property The northern portion of the site is a de facto storm water holding area There are scattered areas of trees and vegetation on the property Adjacent property owners have installed landscaping throughout the site Pioneer Circle was constructed by Carver County to provide access to the three homes south of the cul de sac The four homes south of the development access the public roads across portions of this parcel Pioneer Circle is currently not located within a dedicated road right of way The proposed subdivision permits the transfer of property to alleviate a problem of lack of frontage on public roads for the four homes south of the subdivision Additionally the City in conjunction with Carver County would have parcels for storm water improvements and potentially wetland creation A neighboring property owner has submitted suggestions for the design of the plat His basic issues are that all the property be conveyed to the abutting property owners to bring their lots into compliance with the RR lot standard of 2 5 acres and that each driveway be included in its own lot A plan that met these criteria for the Peterson and Gratz parcels was initially submitted to the City The neighboring parcels and their sizes are Peterson 1 21 acres Nelson 145 acres Gratz 2 01 acres and Burchett 2 0 acres None of the parcels previously complied with the 2 5 acre requirement However the City rejected this alternative in order to provide a larger area for potential storm water improvements While the City could construct storm water improvements on private property with drainage and utility easements the City prefers fee ownership of the property to contain these improvements because it reduces the possibility for future encroachment by the abutting property owners reduces conflicts regarding expectations for the use and or management of the property and allows the City greater flexibility regarding the use of the property Staff is recommending approval of the subdivision 163 Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 June 19 2007 Page 3 of 6 APPLICABLE REGUA TIONS Chapter 18 Subdivisions Chapter 20 Article XI RR Rural Residential District BACKGROUND On March 16 1987 the Chanhassen City Council approved the preliminary plat for Lake Riley Woods including 42 single family lots 2 outlots and a wetland alteration permit for the alteration of a wetland Concurrent with the preliminary plat review Carver County was in the process of realigning County Road 14 Pioneer Trail which at that time looped along the south side of the land included in the plat for Lake Riley Woods Sub 86 25 On June 1 1987 the Chanhassen City Council approved a conditional use permit for a recreational beachlot for Lake Riley Woods CUP 86 04 On June 15 1987 the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for Lake Riley Woods creating 34 lots 4 Outlots and right of way for Foxford Road On July 24 1989 the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for Lake Riley Woods 2nd Addition creating 8 lots and right of way for Pineview Court and part of Foxford Road SUBDIVISION REVIEW Current Aligmnent The applicant is proposing the creation of six outlots and right of way for Pioneer Circle 164 Lake Riley Waads 4th Additian Planning Case 07 14 June 19 2007 Page 4 af 6 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The 34 acre site is bordered by Pianeer Trail to the narth Halla Greens Galf Caurse to the west and existing residential properties to the sauth and east This subdivisian will nat include any grading ar alteratian af drainage therefare drainage calculatians will nat be required The faur existing driveways will remain in place after subdividing RETAINING WALLS There is an existing retaining wall an Outlat D This retaining wall will remain in place after subdividing UTILITIES Currently the properties in this area are serviced by private well and septic The camprehensive plan predicts that sewer and water will be available around the year 2020 No utility projects will be campleted with this subdivisian EASEMENTS Drainage and utility easements are provided aver Outlat A and Outlat E far future starm water ar wetland mitigatian projects The drainage and utility easements an Outlat B Outlat C Outlat D and Outlat Fare 10 feet adjacent to right af way and 5 feet an the property lines These easements meet City Cade STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT The subject property is lacated entirely within the Lake Riley watershed A majarity af the property is within the LR A4 5 subwatershed which drains narth under Pianeer Trail thraugh the Lake Riley Waads subdivisian and into Lake Riley The Lake Riley Waads subdivisian daes nat have curb and gutter ar starm sewer The drainageways that canvey runaff from the streets driveways and yards have experienced erosian In arder to address the water quality and water quantity issues in Lake Riley Waads the City and the Carver Sail and Water Canservatian District are caaperating to design and install a series af raingardens in the neighbarhaad as well as stabilize a severely eroded drainageway It is anticipated that this project will be campleted during the fall af 2007 Hawever additianal starmwater infrastructure wauld be beneficial in improving the problems that currently exist Elevatians an Outlats A and E are such that thase two autlats have patential as sites far starmwater related improvements that wauld improve water quality and reduce erosian patential Such improvements cauld include starmwater pands raingardens canstructed wetland areas ar ather similar practices Outlats A and E shauld be deeded to the City ar entirely encumbered by drainage and utility easements granted to the City in arder to accammadate future starmwater improvements At a minimum all property belaw the 914 cantaur especially an Outlat A shauld be reserved for future starmwater improvements 165 Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 June 19 2007 Page 5 of 6 Since there are no new developable lots being created with the subdivision there is no surface water management fees associated with the plat STREETS Access to this subdivision has been provided by Pioneer Circle This road was built by Carver County to provide access to the existing properties The road is built according to the standards of the City of Chanhassen and will be publicly owned and maintained A set of as built drawings shall be provided to the City PARKS AND RECREATION Since the County is not proposing any new developable lots there is no park fee or land in lieu of fees dedication requirements for the subdivision A pedestrian trail is located on the north side of Pioneer Trail COMPLIANCE TABLE Area acres Frontage feet Depth feet Notes Code 2 5 200 200 Outlot A 146 181 300 Public Outlot B 045 35 251 To Peterson Outlot C 0 11 103 59 To Nelson Outlot D 032 93 134 To Gratz Outlot E 0 38 98 169 Public Outlot F 0 32 307 77 To Burchett ROW 0 39 TOTAL 343 It should be noted that none of the proposed parcels are developable for single family homes by themselves This is the reason for the outlot designation Outlots are defined as a platted lot to be developed for a use which will not involve a building or which is reserved for future replatting before development The only reason for the subdivision of the property is to permit the transfer of ownership from the County to others RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend that the PlaRRiRg Clmmissi lR City Council adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation The Chanhassen PlaRRiRg Clmmi88i lR reelfflffleR ls tkat tke City Council approves a six outlot subdivision preliminary and final plat plans prepared by SRF Consulting Group Inc dated 524 07 subject to the following conditions 166 Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 June 19 2007 Page 6 of 6 1 Outlots A and E should be deeded to the City or entirely encumbered by drainage and utility easements granted to the City in order to accommodate future stormwater improvements At a minimum all property below the 914 contour should be reserved for future stormwater improvements 2 Provide the City with a set of as built drawings of the road ATTACHMENTS 1 Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2 Development Review Application 3 Reduced Copy Preliminary Plat 4 Letter from Boyd Peterson to City Planning staff and Planning Commission 5 Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g plan2007 planning cases 07 14 lake riley woods 4th additionstaffreport doc 167 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE Application ofCarver County for the Subdivision of the parcel into six outlots Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition On June 19 2007 the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Carver County for preliminary plat approval of property The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The property is currently zoned Rural Residential District RR 2 The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Large Lot 3 The legal description ofthe property is Outlot A Lake Riley Woods Carver County Minnesota And That part ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 25 Township 116 Range 23 Carver County Minnesota lying southerly of the southerly and southeasterly lines of said Outlot A and lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the northeast comer of said Southeast Quarter thence on an assumed bearing of West along the north line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 1325 98 feet thence South 11 degrees 19 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 94 86 feet to the point ofbeginning ofthe line to be described thence South 70 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 683 59 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point B thence continuing South 70 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of37241 feet thence North 85 degrees 20 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 31 19 feet to a point hereinafter described as Point A thence westerly along a line hereinafter described as Line A to the west line of said Southeast Quarter and there terminating Line A is described as commencing at the northwest comer of said Southeast Quarter thence South 01 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West assuming bearing along the west line thereof a distance of 4224 feet to the beginning of said Line A thence South 84 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 216 00 feet thence easterly to said Point A and there terminating 1 168 Except that part thereof lying northeasterly of a line run from the most easterly comer of said Outlot A to said Point B 4 The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision The seven 7 affects and our findings regarding them are 1 The proposed subdivision does not create separate build able lots but will when combined with the abutting property bring each closer to the minimum lot requirements ofthe RR district 2 The proposed subdivision does not create separate build able lots but will when combined with the abutting property bring each closer to consistency with all applicable city county and regional plans including but not limited to the city s comprehensive plan 3 The physical characteristics ofthe site including but not limited to topography soils vegetation susceptibility to erosion and siltation susceptibility to flooding and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development 4 The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply storm drainage sewage disposal streets erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter 5 The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage 6 The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements ofrecord but will provide additional easements as necessary and 7 The proposed subdivision is not premature A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists a Lack ofadequate storm water drainage b Lack ofadequate roads c Lack ofadequate sanitary sewer systems d Lack ofadequate off site public improvements or support systems 5 The planning report 07 14 dated June 19 2007 prepared by Robert Generous et aI is incorporated herein RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition 2 169 ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19th day of June 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY Its Chairman 3 170 Planning Case No 67 14 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION MAY 1 4 2007 PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address Carver Countv 602 E 4th Street Chaska HN 55318 Contact Steve fay lor Phone 361 1501 Fax 361 1581 Email stav1or@co carver mn us CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Owner Name and Address SANE Contact Phone Email Fax NOTE Consultation with City staff is reQuired prior to submittal including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit CUP Vacation of Right of Way Easements VA C Interim Use Permit IUP Variance VAR Nonconforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit WAP Planned Unit Development Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review X Notification Sign City to install and Site Plan Review SPR X Escrow for Filing Fees Attorney Cost UP SPRlVACNARlWAP Metes Bounds norSUB TOTAL FEE 13d SXSubdivisiondXSxISla5 An additional fee of 3 00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing Sixteen 16 full size folded copies ofthe plans must be submitted including an 8 X 11 reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital copy in TIFF Group 4 tif format Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract Building mate rial samples must be submitted with site plan reviews NOTE When multiple applications are processed the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application SCANNED171 PROJECT NAME LOCATION Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Pioneer Circle 1 4 mile east of 101 Outlot A Lake Riley Woods LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3 43 TOTAL ACREAGE WETLANDS PRESENT PRESENT ZONING REQUESTED ZONING PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION x YES NO RR Same Residential Large Lot REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION CSAH 14 was realigned in the late l O s creat ng four Same REASON FOR REQUEST non conforming residential parcels and the subdivision request will re establish these properties with the required frontage at the 50 setback line as required by the City This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions Before filing this application you should confer with the Planning Department to detennine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application I have attached a copy of proof of ownershipeithercopyofOwnersDuplicateCertificateofTitleAbstractofTrtleorpurchaseagreementorIamtheauthorizedpersontomakethisapplicationandthefeeownerhasalsosignedthisapplication I will keep myself infonned of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees feasibility studies etc with an estimate prior to anyauthorizationtoproceedwiththestudyThedocumentsandinfonnationIhavesubmittedaretrueandcorrecttothebestof my knowledge r4 VI Signat e of Applicant rtiJrinDte Signature of Fee Owner Date G plANforms Development Review Application DOC Rev 1205 SCANNED172 L 1 1 fHUiiia j i Ii u I f W rs 18j j Z Z rn I jlli liiili l i l illidnijiiijijilllfilfIIIidla U j C I UifI11ltl Mil jl jgI I I li II mUlIllllm II LiJ O f 9 1l z o I Q Q cc z cllIIt cn Q O O IL III a III cc f I IiI a n J 3 J g 7 I I I it i I l1FI if f i I I z I t s Gt 8 ffi Ki l e 1j I J c 8 n J iI SYW1O 1 300 J r coo I 1 w i I 0 o lg j f f i ill IuhillIjlmi I f f jl d 11 5 f li i 1lI i tj N j 173 City Planning Staff and Planning Commission of Chanhassen My name is Boyd Peterson and I am a property owner at 9860 Pioneer Circle which is within the re plat of the county land south of Pioneer Trail and within Pioneer Circle I have lived and owned this property along with my wife Laurie for 20 years This re plat has been long over due by nearly 20 years which means we have had no legal access to our property We are glad to see this process taking care ofthis problem There has been several different ideas submitted on this property which is at this time is owned by Carver County This entire area which has been developed threw the years is 25 acre minimum lots I feel that this is the time to bring our existing lot sizes as close to the 2 5 acres as possible Looking at the plat it seems the easiest and best way to complete several items 1 All driveways on each lot 2 Up to 2 5 acres as possible to blend with the neighboring developments 3 Put property on the tax roll for city 4 Free Carver County ofland care liability 5 Take care of water flow issues I don tquite see why Chanhassen city would benefit from any ofthis property It has remained for the most part an untouched area for over 20 years since the road was moved As a landowner within the redevelopment I don t see much changing with the land as it sits I certainly intend on leaving it as a buffer site As a note this area before the road change was a never a wet area the flow of water went down under Pioneer Trail toward a holding pond mile N E of the site The road changed a lot the most apparent is the culvert is three feet higher than the original culvert elevation Therefore creating this new area ofwetland As a property owner I am very interested in doing what I can along with the city and county agencies to do the right thing with the drainage issue of this property at the same time getting some land and wetland property within the new water control ordinances that are being created It also would be time to look at the entire water quality issue on the lower section of the property on the N W comer This entire area is wetland along with the man made algae pitobstacle If the thought to create some sort ofrunoff holding area is at issue the whole area must be looked at not just the site within the redevelopment of this area T dPeterson 15 5YLJ b O 7 P S Sorry I am not able to attend the planning commission meeting I will be in North Dakota at the University with my family for freshman orientation 174 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER I Karen J Engelhardt being first duly sworn on oath deposes that she is and was on June 7 2007 the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 to the persons named on attached Exhibit A by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer Carver County Minnesota and by other appropriate records Subscribed and sworn to before me this h day ofJl ue 2007 Notary Publi I KIM T MEUWISSEN INotaryPublicMinnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31 2010 175 0 s 0 0 E 0 5s0 0ca 0 EJE20 CO so a s cos0ca u a o s ZO o o ca J s ca s o 0 s 0 0 E s 0 0 s 0 0mEJE20 cO so a s sos 0 ca u a o s ZO o o ca s s ca s t llen 00 C Q 0 ctS c5 C Ot 1a Nen El Q O OlC 5 0 5 OOUOll3 as j cn Q ctjlCoQ1tiIQca gJ CIl 0 I Eo ci 0 g I o l2 O I orOCi tlrg0Q C6 Q 5t5 r Cl 0OQ EcaOgJCIlQOQ 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claims and agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and ail claims brought by User its employees or agents orthird parties which arise out of the use s access oruse of data provided Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one This map isacompilation ot records information and data located in various city county state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown and is to be used for reference purposes only The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System GIS Data used to prepare this map are error free and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigationai tracking orany other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features If errorsor discrepancies are found please contact 952 227 1107 The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 466 03 Subel 21 2000 and the user of this map aCknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages and expressly waives all claims and agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and ail claims brought by User its employees or agents orthird parties which arise out of the users access oruseof data provided 177 BOYD S PETERSON 9860 PIONEER CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8696 ROBERT W SCHOEWE 9611 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8689 THOMAS E BRENDA L ANDERSON 9371 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8685 ROBERT FUGLlE KIMBERLY L HEIN FUGLlE 9370 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8684 WENDELL JACQUELINE SCHOTT 9350 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8684 DAVID J SHARON K GATTO 9631 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8689 JAMES D JANET M DINGEL 9351 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8685 DONALD E HALLA SANDRA J CWAYNA HALLA 495 PIONEER TRL CHASKA MN 55318 1151 BRADLEY REBECCA CHRISTENSEN 9820 DEER BROOK DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8549 CARVER COUNTY CARVER COUNTY GOVT CTR ADMIN 600 4TH ST E CHASKA MN 55318 2102 JOHN JENNIFER BEUTZ 5624 SHERIDAN AVE S MINNEAPOLIS MN 55410 2616 DONALD GERALD BURCHETT 225 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8662 ARTHUR F CAROL ROSSBERG 8890 WILD DUNES DR SARASOTA FL 34241 9647 MICHAEL ROBERT NELSON 9870 PIONEER CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8696 JEFFREY B CAROL G SORUM 9900 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8551 GERALD F NANCY G SLOCUM 9920 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 8551 178 Public Hearing Notification Area 500 feet Lake Riley Woods 4th Addition Planning Case 07 14 City of Chanhassen 179 Correspondence Packet Memo from Kate Aanenson dated July 2 2007 re SouthWest Transit Letters of Support Memo from Beth Hoiseth dated June 27 2007 re Employee Recognition Letter from Angela Johnson Assessor re Open Book Assessment Process Evaluation Memo from Greg Sticha re Review of Claims Paid dated June 29 2007 180 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site WIIW ci chan hassen m n us MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Kathryn R Aanenson Community Development Director DATE July 2 2007 bW SUBJ SouthWest Transit Letters of Support Attached please find a letter from Len Simich Executive Director of SW Transit requesting support for their 2007 Regional Solicitation for Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program CMAQ The funding is for the SouthWest Village site and includes the installation of a second structured level to the park deck to add an additional 200 park and ride stalls and ajoint transit stationtransit oriented retail structure Without any objections I will be signing the attached letters of support The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a channing downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play G PLAN KA SW Transit Memo doc 181 13500 Technology Drive Eden Prairie MN 55344 952 949 2BUS www swtransitorg SOUT WI ST TRANSIT June 28 2007 Kate Aanenson City of Chanhassen POBox 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 RECEIVED JUL 0 2 2007 CITY OF CHANi IASSEN Dear Kate Southwest Transit is requesting a letter of support for their 2007 Regional Solicitation for Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program CMAQ for a second structured level to the parking deck to add an additional 200 park and ride stalls and a joint transit station transit oriented retail structure located on the SouthWest Village site in Chanhassen MN at TH 101 and TH 212 The project continues Southwest Transit s dedication to relieving congestion on the state trunk highway system The project has been designed as a mixed use transit oriented development which provides a land use that promotes mobility and enhances the safety of the transportation system All of these factors result in a transit facility and transit service that is highly successful in attracting transit riders I know you are keenly aware of the transportation issues of the suburban southwest area of the Twin Cities Today each of SouthWest Transit s primary facilities is at or approaching maximum capacity I hope you can support an investment in a transit hub that will go a long way in helping relive congestion and provide alternative modes of travel for the entire Metropolitan Area For your convenience we are including a draft letter with the pertinent information that you can use in full or as a reference for your own letter If you do support this project please address the letter to Kevin Roggenbuck at the Metropolitan Council but mail the original to me and I will include it in the application packet The letter needs to be received by July 13 2007 I apologize for the short notice and greatly appreciate your consideration of this request Please call Bonnie Carlson Administrative Services Director 952 974 3103 if you have any questions Sincerely Len Simich Chief Executive Officer Southwest Transit 182 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 2271100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952227 1120 Fax 952227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us July 10 2007 Mr Kevin Roggenbuck Transportation Coordinator Transportation Advisory Board 390 North Robert St St Paul MN 55101 Dear Mr Roggenbuck The purpose of this letter is to express my support for SouthWest Transit s 2007 Regional Solicitation of federal funds for construction of a second structured level to a park and ride deck with approximately 200 additional stalls and a joint transit station transit oriented retail structure The project is located on the SouthWest Village site Chanhassen MN SouthWest Village is a mixed use transit oriented development with direct access to T R 101 Lyman Boulevard and direct bus access to T R 212 Chanhassen residents and commuters throughout the region are confronted with growing traffic congestion during their morning and evening commutes on the major freeways in the metropolitan area particularly on their trips to from Minneapolis SouthWest Transit has a proven track record of locating and developing successful transit facilities that reduce congestion improve air quality and provide additional mobility for residents and commerce SouthWest Transit continues to plan and develop facilities to meet the increased demand of their transit system Today each of SouthWest Transit s primary facilities is at or approaching maximum capacity SouthWest Transit Commission should also be applauded for its efforts in developing mixed use transit oriented developments SouthWest Village is another example of development that emphasizes its function as a regional transportation hub while supporting housing and retail activity on the same site I strongly support the 2007 Regional Solicitation for federal funds to construct a second structured level to a park and ride deck a transit station and construction of the exterior shell of the adjoining retail structure The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play183 Mr Kevin Roggenbuck July 10 2007 Page 2 In closing I would like to state that both the federal government and the region have made significant investments in the SouthWest Transit system and it would be beneficial for all to capitalize on its success and continue to demonstrate that transit can and will work in a suburban market Thank you for your consideration Sincerely Kathryn R Aanenson Community Development Director KRA k c Len Simich SouthWest Transit Chief Executive Officer G PLAN KA SW Transit Letter of Support 2 doc 184 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us July 10 2007 Mr Kevin Roggenbuck Transportation Coordinator Transportation Advisory Board 390 North Robert St St Paul MN 55101 Dear Mr Roggenbuck The purpose ofthis letter is to express my support for SouthWest Transit s 2007 Regional Solicitation of federal funds for the purchase of 10 12 Coach Vehicles The coaches which may include dieseVelectric or other hybrid type vehicles are cleaner burning produce fewer emissions and provide better fuel economy all beneficial to the environment The vehicles will be used to provide expanded service frequency to the new and or expanded park and ride lots in Chanhassen SouthWest Village and Market and Chaska East Creek Station and CR 101 T R 212 The vehicles will support SouthWest Transit s service plan of 10 15 minute frequency during the peak peak reverse commute service and hourly service in the mid day potential to increase to 30 minute frequency in the future This would provide service similar to what SouthWest Transit currently provides in Eden Prairie A primary goal of SouthWest Transit is to provide frequent and convenient transit service and the addition of these 10 12 vehicles supports this goal In addition these buses will be a hybrid green vehicle Not only will the increased service remove additional SOVs from the congested roadway system the buses will be designed to produce reduced emissions Fuel economy rates over 30 higher on this type of coach than on conventional transit coaches For these reasons Istrongly support the 2007 Regional Solicitation for federal funds to purchase 12 Coach Vehicles In closing I would like to state that both the federal government and the region have made significant investments in the SouthWest Transit system and it would be beneficial for all to capitalize on its success and continue to demonstrate that transit can and will work in a suburban market Thank you for your consideration Sincerely Kathryn R Aanenson Community Development Director KRA k c Len Simich SouthWest Transit Chief Executive Officer The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schoots a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play G plaN kA SW Transit Letter of Supportl doc 185 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 BUilding Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us fftJq 5 JW1 Ce MEMORANDUM I I tfrtj or C9F C oll b 1 The City 01 Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play TO Kate Aanenson Planning Director Beth Hoiseth Safety Education coordinat June 27 2007 FROM DATE SUBJ Employee Recognition Carol Dunsmore and Colleen Martino Selling bicycle helmets at Chanhassen City Hall has been a popular safety program for 11 years Annually we sell between 350 and 450 low cost bicyclehelmetsIattributemuchoftheprogramssuccesstoCarolDunsmoreand Colleen Martino who help in managing this program with gteat enthusiasm They provide exceptional customer service by assisting citizens with personalized helmet fitting and instructions on proper usage I frequently hear visitors expressing gratitUde for the special attention they receive The manner in which Carol and COlleen present this service brings a positive experience to those who visit Chanhassen City Hall c Todd Gerhardt City Manager 186 Cl l Office of County Assessor Angela Johnson Carver County Government Center Administration Building 600 East Fourth Street Chaska Minnesota 55318 2102 Phone 952 361 1960 Fax 952 361 1959 5JAF Qflr l l IjVtllItj JUL 0 3 2007 CITY OF CHr SSENCARVER COUNTY June 28 2007 Mr Todd Gerhardt City ofChanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 RE 2007 Assessment Open Book Meeting Review Dear Mr Gerhardt Chanhassen residents received in the mail their notice of valuation on or around the March 20th 2007 Our office started receiving calls regarding these valuation notices shortly thereafter We continued to receive and address the concerns of callers up until a few days before the County Board ofAppeal and Equalization The number and types of calls this year were fairly typical ofthe last 5 assessment years We spoke with and responded to atotal of66 residents this year from March through June Of the 66 calls or contacts we inspected and made mostly modest reductions to the estimated values for 48 ofthose properties based on those inspections and a review ofour market data This year was the first in which we had an Open Book process for residents instead ofa Local Board of Review at city hall Of the total of 66 residents that we responded to six showed up in person during the two days we were at City Hall Five others called our office during the rest of that week Citizen Satisfaction Surveys were completed by the six residents that appeared at the Open Book meeting at city hall There were no appeals from Chanhassen residents to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization The Open Book process appears to have worked well for the residents this year Something for consideration next year may be whether or not to continue having our appraisers available at city hall for two days during the open book week A significant amount of preparation and set up time Equal Opportltllity Employer Prillted all 30 Post Collsumer Rer ycled Paper187 was incurred by our staff as well as your IS employee for only six residents less than 10 of the total of residents to which we responded Thank you for the opportunity to provide assessment services to your city Ifyou have any questions please call inCerel Angel ohnson2 188 oT CAR VER COUNTY ClTYUF SEll OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CITIZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the open book process rather than through the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office X Phone o Letter X Email o Office Visit What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Office Very Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other f1 Itf Approximately how long did your meeting last f 15 minutes o 30 minutes o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 189 o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book process or will you be taking your concerns to the County Board X Open Book Process sufficient o Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization Yes o No Was the Appraiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns Yes o No Overall were you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process 1 Yes o No Additional Comments City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1118 190 a T CARVER COU TY CITY OF CIJlNHISIl OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CrnZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the open book process rather than through the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office o Phone o Letter o Email J Office Visit J t What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Office Very Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other Approximately how long did your meeting last Ii 15 minutes o 30 minutes o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 191 J o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book process or will you be taking your concerns to the County Board Open Book Process sufficient o Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization Yes o No Was the Appraiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns Yes o No Overall were you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process Yes o No Additional Comments City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 5531 952 227 1118 192 CA RVER COU TY emUF CIIIHI EN OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CITIZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the open book process rather than through the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office o Phone o Letter o Email Office Visit What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Office lYi Very Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other Approximately how long did your meeting last o 15 minut va n o 30 minut o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 193 o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book process or will you be taking your concerns to the County Board i Open Book Process sufficient o Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization I 7 f cSYesfeSftevtlvlJSoa11fj7 o No Was the Appraiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns pC Yes o No Overall were you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process CfiYes o No Additional Comments City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1118 194 y T CAR VER COU TY cm OF MHlSEll OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CITIZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the openbookprocessratherthanthroughtheLocalBoardofAppealand Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office o Phone o Letter o Email Office Visit k 41 What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Offi ery Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other A matelY how long did your meeting last 5 minutes o 30 minutes o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 195 o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book pr or will you be taki ngyour concerns to the County Board pen Book Process sufficient o Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization o No w e raiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns 0 Yes o No O re you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process o No Additional Comments 1 eai Cc 1 C eft H City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1118 r i1 196 CAcRVER COUNTY ClTYOF CHIIII IN OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CITIZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the open book process rather than through the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office Phone o Letter o Email o Office Visit What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Office Very Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other Approximately how long did your meeting last 15 minutes o 30 minutes o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 197 o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book process or will you be taking your concerns to the County Board o Open Book Process sufficient Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization o Yes o No Was the Appraiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns f Yes o No Overall were you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process Yes o No Additional Comments Vok4fJJWM sIuICvMA WlLfn tJ rO u4awL City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1118 198 CARVER COUNTY nCITYOF CHIHlSSIN OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT PROCESS CITIZEN SATISFACTION SURVEY Beginning in 2007 the City ofChanhassen entered into a 3 year contract with Carver County to provide assessment appeal services through the open book process rather than through the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization The Chanhassen City Council would like your feedback on this open book process Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey How did you contact the Assessor s Office o Phone o Letter o Email Office Visit What was your experience in scheduling an appointment with the Assessor s Office Very Satisfied o Somewhat Satisfied o Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied o Somewhat Difficult o Very Difficult If you experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment was it due to check all that apply o Location o Appointment Availability o Phone calls not returned o Other Approximately how long did your meeting last o 15 minutes oJ 30 minutes o 60 minutes o 90 minutes 199 o more than 90 minutes Was your question appeal able to be addressed through the open book process or will you be taking your concerns to the County Board Open Book Process sufficient o Pursuing further with County Board Do you find this open book format more convenient then attending your local Board of Appeal and Equalization Yes o No Was the Appraiser courteous and professional in handling your concerns J Yes o No Overall were you satisfied with the Open Book Assessment Process Yes o No Additional Comments City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Assistant City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1118 200 Ol 2 0 Q re rococ 0 en Q Q S Q00Q0cen0 cDc co cti c ro en 0 c Q CO J 90 0C2Q 0 ro 0 en en co coQcE0Q en0Q roOlo0Ol c0enco Ol c en ro r 0 co co c02000 zCO0sag Q en ga 0 co en 5 I c en co en0EcQco0Qen5c00QEQE0g0Ol c EIcoa0rccoOl CI J2 E 0 c S co 0 a005CIQ5Ea0c Q ro en c c QQr0c012en 0 0 Q Q g 0 m Q o c QeQQ C 0 0 r 0 c CI CO COEQc 0 0 CO e 0 c 0 t C CO g g en 0 CI f c i5 0 en NQenen00QCCleOcoEmcOrCClQilcoCO 0 Q Q Q0 en roro0c 0 N CI 0 LU le CI 201 C C Qc Ea1 acE ro r 5 2ro o a r c 0 02 C 1 c 9 2 e Q 1 C CCac C 0 E Q 5 ro Q c c ro0 ro 05 a C ro Q r 0 ro x 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EJ9Qctlctl Em00 Q Q Q s c oaOsCO o 5 c tn g 0 we CCOQc 0 16cJ mv c CQcO5 c 0 ctlC o g cJ Q 0 5 e o a O E E 16 0 ctl en S J2 LLIeO s c ctl 0 o Eo0 Q 0 5 N ctl C J2 m Q Q s C Q c ctl s o l e e N 210 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952227 1170 Finance Phone 952227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO Mayor City Council FROM Greg Sticha Finance Director DATE June 29 2007 SUBJECT Review of Claims Paid The following claims are submitted for review on July 9 2007 Check Numbers Amounts 133246 133397 1 613 222 97 June Visa charges 11 924 82 Total All Claims 1 625 147 79 Attachments Check Summary Check Detail Report Visa Listing The City of Chanhassen A growing community with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown thriving businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play211 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed 06 29 2007 09 15 User danielIe Checks by Date Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 133246 3dspe 3D SPECIALTIES 06 212007 0 00 82 81 133247 aarp AARP 06 212007 0 00 300 00 133248 alIsta ALL STAR WIRELESS 06 212007 0 00 47 89 133249 altbus Alternative Business Furniture 06 212007 0 00 854 79 133250 andon ANDONINC 06 212007 0 00 32 00 133251 apagro AP ACHE GROUP 06 212007 0 00 38333 133252 aramar ARAMARK 06 212007 0 00 85 71 133253 bcatra BCA TRAINING DEVELOPMENT 06 212007 0 00 15 00 133254 beacre BEAR CREEK CAPITAL 06 212007 0 00 2 500 00 133255 brapum BRAUN PUMP CONTROLS 06 212007 0 00 32 18 133256 brosharo HAROLD BROSE 06 212007 0 00 15 00 133257 camknu CAMPBELL KNUTSON 06 212007 0 00 13 881 00 133258 cartre CARVER COUNTY TREASURER 06 212007 0 00 2250 133259 deeprock Deep Rock Water Company 06 21 2007 0 00 6 71 133260 delden Delta Dental 06 212007 0 00 1 207 70 133261 earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC 06 212007 0 00 255 32 133262 ebidri EBI DRILLING INC 06 212007 0 00 3 848 69 133263 eh1ers EHLERS ASSOCIATES INC 06 212007 0 00 450 00 133264 emeaut EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 06 212007 0 00 330 29 133265 ENVIMAIN ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERV 06 212007 0 00 108 10 133266 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 06 212007 0 00 26 73 133267 fedex FEDEX 06 212007 0 00 31 20 133268 fosscath Cathryn Fossing 06 212007 0 00 45 00 133269 GagnNanc NANCY GAGNER 06 212007 0 00 242 50 133270 GeskGreg GREGG GESKE 06 212007 0 00 134 50 133271 GFOA GFOA 06 212007 0 00 415 00 133272 hach Hach Company 06 212007 0 00 195 58 133273 HaleWiII WILL HALE 06 21 2007 0 00 650 00 133274 halnur HALLA NURSERY 06 212007 0 00 1 500 00 133275 hantho HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 06 212007 0 00 8 107 00 133276 HARTRE HARTMAN TREE FARM 06 212007 0 00 15 119 00 133277 hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL 06 212007 0 00 15 302 67 133278 HEASSE HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSOR 06 212007 0 00 770 85 133279 helms HELMETS R US 06 212007 0 00 178 75 133280 hlbtau HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LID 06 21 2007 0 00 38 122 10 133281 hoikoe HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 06 212007 0 00 6 172 87 133282 hoothr Hoops Threads 06 212007 0 00 488 00 133283 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST 457 06 212007 0 00 1 640 00 133284 infrat INFRA TECH 06 212007 0 00 635 09 133285 johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 06 212007 0 00 157 70 133286 Lanzbob BOB LANZI 06 212007 0 00 110 00 133287 lotlaw LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN 06 212007 0 00 1 275 00 133288 metco Metropolitan Council Env Svcs 06 212007 0 00 29 199 00 133289 midasp MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION VOID 0621 2007 1 059 37 0 00 133290 mitche Mitchell1 06 212007 0 00 1 499 00 133291 MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 06 212007 0 00 417 62 133292 mnva1 MN V ALLEY COMMUNITY BAND 06 212007 0 00 350 00 133293 moomed MOORE MEDICAL 06 212007 0 00 114 80 133294 MSRS MSRS 06 212007 0 00 2 481 93 133295 mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 06 212007 0 00 304 17 133296 NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 06 212007 0 00 5 602 09 133297 ochjeff JEFF OCH 06 212007 0 00 320 00 133298 olsechri Chris Olsen 06 21 2007 0 00 102 00 133299 prierhon RHONDA PRIEM 06 21 2007 0 00 102 00 133300 prosa1 PROMOTIONAL SALES INC 06 212007 0 00 865 00 133301 Qualcon Quality Control Integration 06 212007 0 00 1 17040 133302 raitre RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 06 212007 0 00 85 00 133303 ricbus RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY 06 212007 0 00 462 00 133304 RuegJerr JERRY RUEGEMER 06 212007 0 00 50 00 133305 sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC 06 212007 0 00 302 65 133306 signso SIGNSOURCE 06 212007 0 00 222 06 133307 smhen SM HENTGES SONS 06 212007 0 00 342 764 31 Page 1 212 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed 06 29 2007 09 15 User danielle Checks by Date Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 133308 SPAMOT SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC 06 212007 0 00 1 169 36 133309 srfcon SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 06 212007 0 00 5 47234 133310 SUNSET SUNSET LANDSCAPING 06 212007 0 00 2 700 00 133311 Swanjean JEAN SWANSON 06 212007 0 00 156 80 133312 termin TERMINIX 06 212007 0 00 47 93 133313 TOWFEN TOWN COUNTRY FENCE 06 212007 0 00 23 75 133314 twihar TWIN CITY HARDWARE 06 212007 0 00 336 68 133315 UNIWA Y UNITED WAY 06 212007 0 00 42 00 133316 usablu USA BLUE BOOK 06 212007 0 00 6191 133317 wacfar WACONIA FARM SUPPLY 06 21 2007 0 00 18 04 133318 waytek WAYTEK INC 06 21 2007 0 00 267 93 133319 wessid WEST SIDE REDI MIX INC 06 212007 0 00 238 56 133320 WhitThom Thomas W White 06 21 2007 0 00 2 850 00 133321 xcel XCEL ENERGY INC 06 212007 0 00 470 96 133322 zarbru ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 06 212007 0 00 165 08 133323 CHAPET CITY OF CHANHASSEN PETTY CASH 06 212007 0 00 58 64 133324 MERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 06 21 2007 0 00 21044 133325 MIDASP MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 06 212007 0 00 1 039 62 133326 3rdlai 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 06 28 2007 0 00 700 00 133327 alele A I ELECTRIC SERVICE 06 282007 0 00 2 743 28 133328 allsta ALL STAR WIRELESS 06 28 2007 0 00 207 64 133329 ANCTEC ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 06 28 2007 0 00 2 15130 133330 bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 06 28 2007 0 00 270 62 133331 canpon CANDYLAND PONY SERVICE 06 28 2007 0 00 1 200 00 133332 cartre CARVER COUNTY TREASURER 06 28 2007 0 00 602 447 55 133333 catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE 06 28 2007 0 00 32 62 133334 chawes Chan West II LLP 06 28 2007 0 00 13 230 00 133335 comtra COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 06 28 2007 0 00 531 27 133336 Dauwcaro CAROL DAUWALTER 06 28 2007 0 00 30 00 133337 DenoAndr Andrea Deno 06 28 2007 0 00 750 00 133338 dirsaf DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 10847 133339 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 06 282007 0 00 267 53 133340 fessou FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGHTING 06 28 2007 0 00 912 50 133341 forame FORCE AMERICA INC 06 28 2007 0 00 19 02 133342 gopsig GOPHER SIGN COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 451 74 133343 GrubLeah Leah Grubb 06 28 2007 0 00 16 00 133344 HanTho HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 06 28 2007 0 00 999 75 133345 hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL 06 28 2007 0 00 662 72 133346 HawkBeth Beth Hawkins 06 28 2007 0 00 76 00 133347 he1rus HELMETS R US 06 28 2007 0 00 22540 133348 indIan INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC 06 28 2007 0 00 199 16 133349 Jenkjoel JOEL JENKINS 06 28 2007 0 00 550 00 133350 jhlar JH LARSON COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 523 77 133351 Kapamari MARILYN PAT KAPAUN 06 28 2007 0 00 40 00 133352 kimhor KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 06 28 2007 0 00 17 665 27 133353 Lanzbob BOB LANZI 06 28 2007 0 00 154 00 133354 locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 06 28 2007 0 00 28054 133355 madjoh MADSEN JOHNSON CORPORATION 06 28 2007 0 00 248 024 86 133356 maye1e Mayer Electric Corporation 06 28 2007 0 00 352 50 133357 mcgiterr TERRY MCGINLEY 06 28 2007 0 00 76 00 133358 medsho MEDICINE SHOW MUSIC COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 675 00 133359 melpyr MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC 06 28 2007 0 00 23 000 00 133360 metath METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 06 28 2007 0 00 38 02 133361 midcoc MIDWEST COCA COLA 06 28 2007 0 00 237 37 133362 mjmpro MJM PRODUCTIONS 06 28 2007 0 00 4 500 00 133363 mniaai MN CHAPTER IAAI 06 28 2007 0 00 50 00 133364 mnlife MINNESOTA LIFE 06 28 2007 0 00 1 506 39 133365 mnwan MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 118 76 133366 mvec MN V ALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 06 28 2007 0 00 52241 133367 napa NAPA AUTO TRUCK PARTS 06 28 2007 0 00 32 88 133368 neolea NEOPOST LEASING 06 28 2007 0 00 249 32 133369 nextel NEXTEL 06 28 2007 0 00 2 374 99 Page 2 213 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed 0629 2007 09 15 User danielle Checks by Date Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 133370 pilgkati Katie Pilgrim 06 28 2007 0 00 28 13 133371 plutbrad Brad Pluth 06 28 2007 0 00 768 00 133372 prares PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 06 28 2007 0 00 408 04 133373 prosal PROMOTIONAL SALES INC 06 28 2007 0 00 2 835 00 133374 qlogic Qlogic 06 28 2007 0 00 220 00 133375 quill QUILL CORPORATION 06 28 2007 0 00 35640 133376 RuegJerr JERRY RUEGEMER 06 28 2007 0 00 700 00 133377 RybaIgor IGOR RYBAKOV 06 28 2007 0 00 1 116 00 133378 seh SEH 06 28 2007 0 00 4 500 00 133379 shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS 06 28 2007 0 00 1 726 33 133380 signso SIGNSOURCE 06 28 2007 0 00 44 20 133381 skyeve SKYWAY EVENT SERVICES 06 28 2007 0 00 6 265 68 133382 smhen SM HENTGES SONS 06 28 2007 0 00 113 753 89 133383 SPAMOT SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC 06 28 2007 0 00 1 194 06 133384 Stec10ri Lori Steckman 06 28 2007 0 00 11 00 133385 streic STREICHER S 06 28 2007 0 00 293 94 133386 strins STRATEGIC INSIGHTS COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 639 00 133387 sumsup Summit Supply Corp of Colorad 06 28 2007 0 00 71 00 133388 target TARGET 06 28 2007 0 00 29 24 133389 Thompssa Sara Thompson 06 28 2007 0 00 92 53 133390 tongre TONKADALE GREENHOUSE 06 28 2007 0 00 110 56 133391 TWIWES TWIN CITIES WESTERN RR CO 06 28 2007 0 00 250 00 133392 uhlcom UHL Company Inc 06 28 2007 0 00 529 25 133393 verizo VERIZON WIRELESS 06 28 2007 0 00 10 53 133394 WATCOM WA TEROUS COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 4 101 02 133395 WATSON WATSON COMPANY 06 28 2007 0 00 1 759 74 133396 werele WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY 06 28 2007 0 00 56 81 133397 xcel XCEL ENERGY INC 06 28 2007 0 00 24 625 34 Report Total 1 059 37 1 613 222 97 Page 3 214 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 3D SPECIALTIES 3dspe 3D SPECIALTIES Ck 133246 06 2107 Inv 424224 Line Jtem Date Line Item Description 061 1 07 T shirts Inv 424224 Total Line Item Account 101 1320 4240 82 81 82 81 Ck 133246 Total 82 81 3dspe 3D SPECIALTIES 82 81 3D SPECIALTIES 82 81 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 3rdlai 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK Ck 133326 06 28 07 Jnv 4203 Line Item Date 06 2107 Inv 4203 Total Line Item Description 4th of July performance Line Item Account 101 16134300 700 00 700 00 Ck 133326 Total 700 00 3rdlai 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 700 00 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 700 00 A I ELECTRIC SERVICE alele A I ELECTRIC SERVICE Ck 133327 06 28 07 Inv 13092 Line Item Date 0613 07 Inv 13092 Total Line Item Description Wiring halide lamps Line Item Account 101 1350 4565 2 743 28 2 743 28 Ck 133327 Total 2 743 28 alele A I ELECTRIC SERVICE 2 743 28 A I ELECTRIC SERVICE 2 743 28 AARP aarp AARP Ck 133247 06 21 07 Jnv 6073 109 Line Jtem Date Line Item Description 06 19 07 Defensive driving Inv 6073 109 Total Line Item Account 101 1560 4300 300 00 300 00 Ck 133247 Total 300 00 aarp AARP 300 00 AARP 300 00 Page I 215 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielIe Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 I 7 Amount ALL STAR WIRELESS allsta ALL STAR WIRELESS Ck 133248 06 21 07 Inv 142167003867 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 25 07 Plastic holster Inv 142167003867 Total Line Item Account 701 0000 4310 47 89 47 89 Ck 133248 Total 47 89 Ck 133328 06 28 07 Inv 141041004034 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 06 07 Phone Inv 141041004034 Total Line Item Account 101 1l20 431O 159 74 159 74 Inv 142167003829 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 22 07 Case Inv 142167003829 Total Line Item Account 101 1120 4310 3194 3194 Inv 142167003858 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 24 07 Holster Inv 142167003858 Total Line Item Account 101 1l20 431O 15 96 15 96 Ck 133328 Total 207 64 allsta ALL STAR WIRELESS 255 53 ALL STAR WIRELESS 255 53 Alternative Business Furniture altbus Alternative Business Furniture Ck 133249 06 2107 Inv 28121 Line Item Date 0614 07 Inv 28 I 21 Total Line Item Description Workspace file cabinet Line Item Account 101 1l70 4110 854 79 854 79 Ck 133249 Total 854 79 altbus Alternative Business Furniture 854 79 Alternative Business Furniture 854 79 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER ANCTEC ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER Ck 133329 06 28 07 Inv 45832 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Inv 45832 Total Line Item Description Pagers Line Item Account 101 1220 4120 2 15130 2 15130 Ck 133329 Total 2 15130 ANCTEC AN COM TECHNICAL CENTER 2 151 30 Page 2 216 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER ANDONINC andon ANDON INC Ck 133250 06 2107 Iny 170753 Line Item Date 06 01 07 Iny 170753 Total Ck 133250 Total andon ANDONINC Line Item Description Helium cylinder rentals ANDONINC APACHE GROUP apagro APACHE GROUP Ck 133251 06 21 07 InY 113442 Line Item Date 06 06 07 I ny 113442 Total Ck 133251 Total apagro APACHE GROUP Line Item Description Paper products trash can liner APACHE GROUP ARAMARK aramar ARAMARK Account Ck 133252 06 2107 Iny 607126 Line Item Date 06 14 07 Iny 607 I 26 Total Ck 133252 Total aramar ARAMARK 101 1170 4110 Line Item Description Coffee supplies ARAMARK BCA TRAINING DEVELOPMENT bcatra BCA TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Ck 133253 06 2107 Inv 062007 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Iny 062007 Total Ck 133253 Total bcatra Line Item Description Background check Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 2 151 30 Line Item Account 101 1220 4375 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 Line Item Account 101 1190 4150 383 33 38333 383 33 383 33 383 33 Line Item Account 101 1170 4110 85 71 85 71 85 71 85 71 85 71 Line Item Account 101 1120 4300 15 00 15 00 15 00 BCA TRAINING DEVELOPMENT BCA TRAINING DEVELOPMENT 15 00 15 00 Page 3 217 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount BEAR CREEK CAPITAL beacre BEAR CREEK CAPITAL Ck 133254 06 21 07 Inv 04 2 I Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 13 07 Boulevard restoration escrow r Inv 04 2 I Total Line Item Account 815 8214 2024 2 500 00 2 500 00 Ck 133254 Total 2 500 00 beacre BEAR CREEK CAPITAL 2 500 00 BEAR CREEK CAPITAL 2 500 00 BRAUN PUMP CONTROLS brapum BRAUN PUMP CONTROLS Ck 133255 06 2107 Inv 10292 Line Item Date 0612 07 Inv 10292 Total Line Item Description Handle t bar Line Item Account 701 0000 455 I 32 18 32 18 Ck 133255 Total 32 18 brapum BRAUN PUMP CONTROLS 32 18 BRAUN PUMP CONTROLS 32 18 BROSE HAROLD brosharo BROSE HAROLD Ck 133256 06 2107 Inv 133044 Line Item Date 0615 07 Inv 133044 Total Line Item Description Hay bales Line Item Account 701 0000 4150 15 00 15 00 Ck 133256 Total 15 00 brosharo BROSE HAROLD 15 00 BROSE HAROLD 15 00 BRY AN ROCK PRODUCTS INC bryroc BRY AN ROCK PRODUCTS INC Ck 133330 06 28 07 Inv 25266 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 06 07 I with fines Inv 25266 Total Line Item Account 101 1320 4150 270 62 270 62 Ck 133330 Total 270 62 bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 270 62 BRY AN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 270 62 Page 4 218 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielIe Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount CAMPBELL KNUTSON camknu CAMPBELL KNUTSON Ck 133257 06 2107 Iny 053 107 Line Item Date 05 31 07 05 3107 Iny 053 I 07 Total Line Item Description Fox assessment appeal May legal services Line Item Account 701 7018 4302 101 1140 4302 979 69 12 9013 1 13 881 00 Ck 133257 Total 13 881 00 camknu CAMPBELL KNUTSON 13 881 00 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 13 881 00 CANDYLAND PONY SERVICE canpon CANDYLAND PONY SERVICE Ck 133331 06 28 07 Iny 4203 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Iny 4203 Total Line Item Description 4th of July pony rides Line Item Account 101 1613 4300 1 200 00 1 200 00 Ck 13333 I Total 1 200 00 canpon CANDYLAND PONY SERVICE 1 200 00 CANDYLAND PONY SERVICE 1 200 00 CARVER COUNTY TREASURER cartre CARVER COUNTY TREASURER Ck 133258 06 2107 InY 061907 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Iny 061907 Total Line Item Description ownership name changes Line Item Account 10 1 1150 4300 22 50 22 50 Ck 133258 Total 22 50 Ck 133332 06 28 07 Iny SHERI000915 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 08 07 1 st Half 2007 Police contract Iny SHERI000915 Total Line Item Account 101 1210 4300 602 447 55 602 44755 Ck 133332 Total 602 447 55 cartre CARVER COUNTY TREASURER 602 470 05 CARVER COUNTY TREASURER 602 470 05 CATCO PARTS SERVICE catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE Ck 133333 06 28 07 InY I 78333 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 19 07 End yoke Iny 1 78333 Total Line Item Account 101 1220 4120 32 62 32 62 Page 5 219 CJTY OF CHANHAS User danielle Ck 133333 Total catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE CATCO PARTS SERVICE Chan West II LLP chawes Chan West II LLP Ck 133334 06 28 07 Jnv 06 11 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Jnv 06 11 Total Ck 133334 Total chawes Chan West II LLP Line Item Description Erosion control boulevard Chan West II LLP CJTY OF CHANHASSEN PETTY CASH CHAPET CITY OF CHANHASSEN PETTY CASH Ck 133323 0621 07 Jnv 051507 Line Item Date 051 5 07 nv 051507 Total Inv 052207 Line Jtem Date OS 22 07 OS 22 07 Jnv 052207 Total Inv 061307 Line Item Date 0613 07 Inv 061307 Total Jnv 061407 Line Item Date 06 14 07 06 14 07 Inv 061407 Total Ck 133323 Total CHAPET Line Item Description Postage Due Line Item Description Sr Center Supplies Sr Center Food Line Item Description Postage Due Line Item Description Postage Due Lk Ann Concessions Register In Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 32 62 32 62 32 62 Line Item Account 815 8201 2024 13 230 00 13 230 00 13 230 00 13 230 00 13 230 00 Line Item Account 101 1170 4330 0 24 0 24 Line Item Account 101 1560 4300 745 101 1560 4130 38 85 4630 Line Item Account 101 I 170 4330 0 22 0 22 Line Item Account 101 1170 4330 1 77 101 1540 4130 10 1 I 11 88 58 64 58 64 58 64CITYOFCHANHASSENPETTYCASH CITY OF CHANHASSEN PETTY CASH COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION comtra COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION Ck 133335 06 28 07 Inv PA000140561 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 06 07 Concrete plant inspections Jnv PAOOOl40561 Total Line Item Account 602 6014 4300 531 27 531 27 Page 6 220 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Ck 133335 Total Amount 531 27 comtra COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 531 27 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 53127 DA UWAL TER CAROL Dauwcaro DAUWALTER CAROL Ck 133336 06 28 07 Inv 2000704 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 26 07 Refund senior activity Inv 2000704 002 Total Line Item Account 101 1560 3637 30 00 30 00 Ck 133336 Total 30 00 Dauwcaro DAUWALTER CAROL 30 00 DAUWALTER CAROL 30 00 Deep Rock Water Company deeprock Deep Rock Water Company Ck 133259 06 2107 Inv 6143046 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 25 07 Water cooler rental Inv 6143046 Total Line Item Account 101 1550 4120 6 71 6 71 Ck 133259 Total 6 71 deeprock Deep Rock Water Company 6 71 Deep Rock Water Company 6 71 Delta Dental delden Delta Dental Ck 133260 06 2107 Inv July07 Line Item Date 0618 07 06 1 8 07 06 18 07 0618 07 0618 07 Inv July07 Total Line Item Description July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums Line Item Account 210 0000 2013 720 0000 2013 701 0000 2013 700 0000 2013 101 0000 2013 6 06 6848 11845 142 70 872 01 1 207 70 Ck 133260 Total 1 207 70 delden Delta Dental 1 207 70 Delta Dental 1 207 70 Deno Andrea DenoAndr Deno Andrea Ck 133337 06 28 07 Inv 6700GoI Line Item Date 06 27 07 Line Item Description Landscape escrow refund Line Item Account 815 8201 2024 750 00 Page 7 221 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Inv 6700Gol Total Amount 750 00 Ck 133337 Total 750 00 DenoAndr Deno Andrea 750 00 Deno Andrea 750 00 DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY dirsaf DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY Ck 133338 06 28 07 Inv 598136 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0614 07 Mesh vests Inv 598136 Total Line Item Account 101 1370 4240 10847 10847 Ck 133338 Total 10847 dirsaf DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY 108 47 DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY 108 47 EARL F ANDERSEN INC earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC Ck 133261 06 21 07 Inv 77840 IN Line Item Date Line Item Description 0614 07 Handicapped child area signs Inv 77840 IN Total Line Item Account 101 1320 4560 255 32 255 32 Ck 133261 Total 255 32 earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC 255 32 EARL F ANDERSEN INC 255 32 EBI DRILLING INC ebidri EBI DRILLING INC Ck 133262 06 2107 Inv 2 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 25 07 Per contract Inv 2 Total Line Item Account 700 7016 4751 3 848 69 3 848 69 Ck 133262 Total 3 848 69 ebidri EDI DRILLING INC 3 848 69 EBI DRILLING INC 3 848 69 EHLERS ASSOCIATES INC ehlers EHLERS ASSOCIATES INC Ck 133263 06 2107 Inv 334960 Line Item Date 06 08 07 06 08 07 06 08 07 Line Item Description Council work sessionmeeting Council work session meeting Council work sessionmeeting Line Item Account 700 0000 4300 701 0000 4300 720 0000 4300 150 00 150 00 150 00 Page 8 222 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Iny 334960 Total Amount 450 00 Ck 133263 Total 450 00 elllers EHLERS ASSOCIATES INC 450 00 EHLERS ASSOCIATES INC 450 00 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC emeaut EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC Ck 133264 06 2107 Iny JER060707 5 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 08 07 Amber strobe kit Iny JER060707 5 Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4704 330 29 330 29 Ck 133264 Total 330 29 emeaut EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 330 29 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 330 29 ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERV ENVIMAIN ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERV Ck 133265 06 2107 Iny 1368 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 0107 Sod Iny 1368 Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4150 39 94 39 94 Iny 1905 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0615 07 Pulyerized black dirt Iny 1905 Total Line Item Account 701 0000 4240 68 16 68 16 Ck 133265 Total 108 10 ENVIMAIN ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERV 108 10 ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERV 108 10 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY Ck 133266 06 2107 Iny 6 943423 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0615 07 Battery InY 6 943423 Total Line Item Account 101 1320 4120 26 73 26 73 Ck 133266 Total 26 73 Ck 133339 06 28 07 Iny 6 934626 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0517 07 Switch Iny 6 934626 Total Line Item Account 101 1550 4140 130 82 130 82 Page 9 223 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieIle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount Inv 6 937193 Line Item Date Line Item Description OS 25 07 Core return starters Inv 6 937193 Total Line Item Account 101 31 0 4140 20340 20340 Inv 6 941678 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0611 07 Switch Inv 6 941678 Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4140 185 66 185 66 Inv 6 944679 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 20 07 Chevy van arm Inv 6 944679 Total Line Item Account 101 310 4140 15445 15445 Ck 133339 Total 267 53 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 294 26 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 294 26 FEDEX fedex FEDEX Ck 133267 06 2107 Inv 2 088 41218 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0611107 Delivery charges 06 1107 Delivery charges Inv 2 088 41218 Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4704 400 4107 4704 15 60 15 60 31 20 Ck 133267 Total 31 20 fedex FEDEX 3120 FEDEX 3120 FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGHTING fessou FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGHTING Ck 133340 06 28 07 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 06 2107 Inv 4203 Total Line Item Description 4th of July stage sound Line Item Account 101 1613 4300 912 50 912 50 Ck 133340 Total 912 50 fessou FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGHTING 912 50 FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGHTING 912 50 FORCE AMERICA INC forame FORCE AMERICA INC Ck 133341 06 28 07 Inv 1280892 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0618 07 Seal o rings Inv 1280892 Total Line Item Account 101 1550 4120 19 02 19 02 Page 10 224 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Ck 133341 Tota forame FORCE AMERICA INC FORCE AMERICA INC Fossing Cathryn fosscath Fossing Cathryn Ck 133268 06 2107 nY 2000691 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 3 07 Babysitting training refund ny 2000691 002 Tota Ck 33268 Tota fosscath Fossing Cathryn Fossing Cathryn GAGNER NANCY GagnNanc GAGNER NANCY Ck 133269 06 2 07 ny I J Line tern Date 06118 07 ny I J Total Line Item Description Tie Dye program instruction an Ck 133269 Total GagnNanc GAGNER NANCY GAGNER NANCY GESKE GREGG Gesl Greg GESKE GREGG Ck 133270 06 21 07 InY 061907 Linc Item Date 06119 07 Iny 061907 Total Line Item Description Food for United Firefighter me Ck 133270 Total GeskGreg GESKE GREGG GESKE GREGG GFOA GFOA GFOA Ck 133271 06 21 07 ny 062007 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 20 07 CAFR review for Cert of Achiey Iny 062007 Tota Ck 133271 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 19 02 19 02 19 02 Line Item Account 10 1 1731 3636 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 Line Item Account 10 1 1731 4300 242 50 242 50 242 50 242 50 242 50 Line Item Account 101 1220 4370 134 50 134 50 13450 134 50 134 50 Line Item Account 101 1130 4301 415 00 415 00 415 00 Page 11 225 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle GFOA GFOA GFOA GOPHER SIGN COMPANY gopsig GOPHER SIGN COMPANY Ck 133342 06 28 07 Iny 7 I 577 Line Item Date 0615 07 Iny 71577 Total Line Item Description Stop no parking signs Ck 133342 Total gopsig GOPHER SIGN COMPANY GOPHER SIGN COMPANY Grubb Leah GrubLeah Grubb Leah Ck 133343 06 28 07 Iny 62107 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Iny 62 I 07 Total Line Item Description Refund Let s Tie Dye Ck 133343 Total GrubLeah Grubb Leah Grubb Leah Hach Company hach Hach Company Ck 133272 06 21 07 Iny 5 I 76090 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 08 07 Chemicals Iny 5176090 Total Ck 133272 Total hach Hach Company Hach Company HALE WILL HaleWiII HALE WILL Ck 133273 06 2J07 Iny 4203 Line Item Date 0618 07 InY 4203 Total Line Item Description Summer concert performance Ck 133273 Total HaleWiII HALE WILL Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 415 00 415 00 Line Item Account 101 1550 4560 451 74 451 74 451 74 451 74 451 74 Line Item Account 10 1 1731 3636 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 Line Item Account 700 7019 4160 195 58 195 58 195 58 195 58 195 58 Line Item Account 10 1 1600 4300 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 Page 12 226 CJTY OF CHANHAS User danielle HALE WILL HALLA NURSERY halnur HALLA NURSERY Ck 133274 06 21 07 Inv 062007 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Inv 062007 Total Ck 133274 Total halnur HALLA NURSERY Line Item Description Tree Coupon reimbursement HALLA NURSERY HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON hantho HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON Ck 133275 06 21 07 Inv 16312 Line Jtem Date 0613 07 0613 07 Inv 16312 Total Ck 133275 Total Line Item Description Ballfield lighting Lake Ann Picnic shelter Ck 133344 06 28 07 Inv 16272 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 07 07 Lake Harrison Jnv 16272 Total Jnv 16273 Line Jtem Date Line Item Description 06 07 07 Hidden Creek Meadows Inv 16273 Total Jnv 16274 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 07 07 Stonefield Inv 16274 Total Ck 133344 Total HanTho Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 650 00 Line Item Account 720 7202 4300 1 500 00 1 500 00 1 500 00 1 500 00 1 500 00 Line Item Account 410 0000 4300 410 0000 4300 923 25 7 183 75 8 107 00 8 107 00 Line Item Account 400 0000 1155 860 25 860 25 Line Item Account 400 0000 1155 116 25 116 25 Line Item Account 400 0000 1155 23 25 23 25 999 75 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 9 106 75 HARTMAN TREE FARM HARTRE HARTMAN TREE FARM Ck 133276 06 2107 Jnv 4641 Line Item Date 0512 07 Jnv 4641 Total Ck 133276 Total Line Item Description Residential Blvd plantings 9 106 75 Line Item Account 720 7202 4300 15 119 00 15 119 00 15 119 00 Page 13 227 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieJle HARTRE HARTMAN TREE FARM HARTMAN TREE FARM HAWKINS CHEMICAL hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL Ck 133277 06 2107 Inv 1074021 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 04 07 Chemicals Inv 1074021 Total Inv 1074578 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 3 1 07 Chemicals Inv 1074578 Total Inv 1077726 Line Item Date Line Item Description 061 3 07 Chemicals Inv 1077726 Total Ck 133277 Total Ck 133345 06 28 07 Inv 1079352 Line Item Date Line Item Description 061 8 07 Screens plugs filter stops Inv 1079352 Total Ck 133345 Total hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL HAWKINS CHEMICAL Hawkins Beth HawkBeth Hawkins Beth Ck 133346 06 28 07 Inv 2000701 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 25 07 Refund Basketball camp Inv 2000701 002 Total Ck 133346 Total HawkBeth Hawkins Beth Hawkins Beth HELMETS R US helrus HELMETS R US Ck 133279 06 2107 Inv 19564 Line Item Date 061 1 07 Inv 19564 Total Line Item Description Bicycle helmets Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 15 119 00 15 119 00 Line Item Account 700 7019 4160 7 020 29 7 020 29 Line Item Account 700 7019 4160 65 00 65 00 Line Item Account 700 7019 4160 8 217 38 8 217 38 15 302 67 Line Item Account 700 0000 4160 662 72 662 72 662 72 15 965 39 15 965 39 Line Item Account 101 1730 3636 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 Line Item Account 101 1210 3629 178 75 178 75 Page 14 228 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Ck 133279 Total Ck 133347 Iny 19668 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Iny 19668 Total Ck 133347 Total helrus HELMETS R US 06 28 07 Line Item Description Bicycle helmets HELMETS R US HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSOR HEASSE HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSOR Ck 133278 06 2107 Iny CA2702 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 08 07 Services rendered under contra Iny CA2702 Total Ck 133278 Total HEASSE Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 178 75 Line Item Account 101 1210 3629 22540 22540 22540 404 15 404 15 Line Item Account 101 1150 4300 770 85 770 85 770 85 HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSOR HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSOR 770 85 HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD hlbtau HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD Ck 133280 06 2107 Iny 179349 Line Item Date 05 3107 05 31 07 05 3107 Iny 179349 Total Ck 133280 Total hlbtau Line Item Description Accounting assistance 2002A bonds arbitrage computat 2006 audit progress billing 770 85 Line Item Account 101 1130 4300 400 4002 4300 101 1130 4301 79110 4 194 00 33 137 00 38 122 10 38 122 10 HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD 38 122 10 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP hoikoe HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP Ck 133281 06 21 07 InY 07 14 Line Item Date 06 07 07 Iny 07 14 Total Iny 07 33 Line Item Date 06 07 07 InY 07 33 Total Line Item Description Parks Mapping Line Item Description Park Plan Update 38 122 10 Line Item Account 410 0000 4300 1 8 5 00 1 8 5 00 Line Item Account 410 0000 4300 4 357 87 4 357 87 Page 15 229 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Ck 13328 I Total Amount 6 172 87 hoikoe HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 6 172 87 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 6 172 87 Hoops Threads hoothr Hoops Threads Ck 133282 06 21 07 ny 060407 Line Item Date 06 04 07 ny 060407 Total Line Item Description Sweatshirts hats wlogo Line Item Account 101 1550 4240 488 00 488 00 Ck 133282 Total 488 00 hoothr Hoops Threads 488 00 Hoops Threads 488 00 ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST 457 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST 457 Ck 133283 06 2107 ny Line Item Date 06 18 07 061 8 07 0618 07 ny Total Line Item Description PR Batch 422 6 2007 ICMA PR Batch 422 6 2007 ICMA PR Batch 422 6 2007 ICMA Line Item Account 210 0000 2009 720 0000 2009 101 0000 2009 31 23 100 00 1 508 77 1 640 00 Ck 33283 Total 1 640 00 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST 457 1 640 00 ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST 457 1 640 00 INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC indIan INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC Ck 133348 06 28 07 Iny 6809 Line Item Date 06 01 07 ny 6809 Total Line Item Description June plant service Line Item Account 101 1170 4110 199 16 199 16 Ck 133348 Total 199 16 indian INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC 199 16 INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC 199 16 INFRA TECH infrat INFRATECH Ck 133284 06 2107 nv 700299 Line tern Date 04 30 07 nv 700299 Total Line Item Description RD locator repair Line Item Account 701 0000 4530 361 27 36127 Page 16 230 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Iny 700327 Line Item Date 05 14 07 Iny 700327 Total Ck 133284 Total infrat INFRATECH Line Item Description CST locator repair INFRA TECH JENKINS JOEL Jenkjoel JENKINS JOEL Ck 133349 06 28 07 Iny 062607 Line Item Date 06 26 07 Iny 062607 Total Ck 133349 Total Jenkjoel JENKINS JOEL Line Item Description Adult softball umpire JENKINS JOEL JII LARSON COMPANY jhlar JH LARSON COMPANY Ck 133350 06 28 07 InY 4106458 01 Line Item Date 06 14 07 nY 4106458 01 Ck 133350 Total jhlar JH LARSON COMPANY Line Item Description Bulbs Total JH LARSON COMPANY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Ck 133285 06 2107 Iny 149163 Line Item Date 061 8 07 Iny 149163 Total Ck 133285 Total johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Line Item Description Pressure control contactor JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 I 7 Amount Line Item Account 701 0000 4530 273 82 273 82 635 09 635 09 635 09 Line Item Account 101 1766 4300 550 00 550 00 550 00 550 00 550 00 Line Item Account 101 15504530 523 77 523 77 523 77 523 77 523 77 Line Item Account 101 1190 4530 157 70 157 70 157 70 157 70 157 70 Page 17 231 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount KAPAUN MARILYN PAT Kapamari KAPAUN MARILYN PAT Ck 13335 I 06 28 07 Inv 2000698 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 22 07 Refund senior activity Inv 2000698 002 Total Line Item Account 101 1560 3637 40 00 40 00 Ck 133351 Total 40 00 Kapamari KAPAUN MARILYN PAT 40 00 KAPAUN MARILYN PAT 40 00 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC Idmhor KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC Ck 133352 06 28 07 Inv 301 1913 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 31 07 TH 212 related services Inv 3011913 Total Line Item Account 463 4212 4300 1 604 93 1 604 93 Inv 3011914 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 31 07 2005 MUSA area expansion Inv 3011914 Total Line Item Account 602 6014 4300 16 060 34 16 060 34 Ck 133352 Total 17 665 27 kimhor KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 17 665 27 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 17 665 27 LANZI BOB Lanzbob LANZI BOB Ck 133286 06 2107 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 06 8 07 Inv 4203 Total Line Item Description Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101 1766 4300 110 00 110 00 Ck 133286 Total 110 00 Ck 133353 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 06 26 07 Inv 4203 Total 06 28 07 Line Item Description Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101 1766 4300 154 00 154 00 Ck 133353 Total 154 00 Lanzbob LANZI BOB 264 00 LANZI BOB 264 00 Page 18 232 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount LOCA TORS AND SUPPLIES INC locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC Ck 133354 06 28 07 Inv 154600 Line Item Date 06113 07 06113 07 Inv 154600 Total Line Item Description Liners batteries Safety glasses rain gear Line Item Account 101 1320 4120 101 1320 4240 108 38 172 16 280 54 Ck 133354 Total 280 54 locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 280 54 LOCA TORS AND SUPPLIES INC 280 54 LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN lotlaw LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN Ck 133287 06 21 07 Inv 062007 Line Item Date 0620 07 Inv 062007 Total Line Item Description Tree Coupon reimbursement Line Item Account 720 7202 4300 1 275 00 1 275 00 Ck 133287 Total 1 275 00 lotlaw LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN 1 275 00 LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN 1 275 00 MADSEN JOHNSON CORPORATION madjoh MADSEN JOHNSON CORPORATION Ck 133355 06 28 07 Inv 21 Line Item Date 05 31 07 Inv 21 Total Line Item Description East water treatment plant Line Item Account 700 7014 4751 248 024 86 248 024 86 Ck 133355 Total 248 024 86 madjoh MADSEN JOHNSON CORPORATION 248 024 86 MADSEN JOHNSON CORPORATION 248 024 86 Mayer Electric Corporation mayele Mayer Electric Corporation Ck 133356 06 28 07 Inv 60852 Line Item Date 05 30 07 Inv 60852 Total Line Item Description Test load banked generator Line Item Account 101 1160 4300 352 50 352 50 Ck 33356 Total 352 50 mayele Mayer Electric Corporation 352 50 Mayer Electric Corporation 352 50 Page 19 233 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle MCGINLEY TERRY mcgiterr MCGINLEY TERRY Ck 133357 06 28 07 nv 2000700 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 25 07 Refund Basketball camp nv 2000700 002 Total Ck 133357 Total mcgiterr MCGINLEY TERRY MCGINLEY TERRY MEDICINE SHOW MUSIC COMPANY medsho MEDICINE SHOW MUSIC COMPANY Ck 133358 06 28 07 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Inv 4203 Total Ck 133358 Total medsho Line Item Description 4th of July performance Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount Line Item Account 101 1730 3636 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 Line Item Account 101 1613 4300 675 00 675 00 675 00 MEDICINE SHOW MUSIC COMPANY MEDICINE SHOW MUSIC COMPANY 675 00 MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC me pyr MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC Ck 133359 06 28 07 Inv 4203 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 21 07 Fireworks show Inv 4203 Total Ck 133359 Total me pyr 675 00 Line Item Account 10 1 1613 4300 23 000 00 23 000 00 23 000 00 MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC 23 000 00 MERLlNS ACE HARDWARE I1ERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE Ck 133324 06 2107 Inv 053107 Line Item Date 05 31 07 05 3 07 05 3107 05 3 1 07 05 31 07 05 31 07 05 3 1 07 05 31 07 05 3 1 07 05 31 07 05 31 07 05 31 07 Line Item Description Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv Adjust for underpayment of inv 23 000 00 Line Item Account 10 1 1220 4260 101 1550 4260 101 1550 4410 101 1370 4150 720 0000 413 0 101 1220 4350 101 1220 4140 10 1 1220 4290 701 0000 4120 700 0000 4120 101 1550 4120 101 1320 4120 1 44 1 66 2 37 2 55 3 28 4 82 6 66 8 75 1248 13 70 18 15 18 19 Page 20 234 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 I 7 05 31 07 05 3 1 07 Iny 053 I 07 Total Adjust for underpayment ofiny Adjust for underpayment ofiny 700 7019 4120 101 1550 4150 Amount 20 65 95 74 21044 Ck 133324 Total 21044 MERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 210 44 MERLlNS ACE HARDWARE 210 44 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY metath METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY Ck 133360 06 28 07 Iny 100641 Line Item Date 06 23 07 Iny 100641 Total Line Item Description Tennis center straps Line Item Account 101 1600 4130 38 02 38 02 Ck 133360 Total 38 02 metuth METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 38 02 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 38 02 Metropolitan Council Env Svcs metco Metropolitan Council Env Svcs Account 101 1250 3816 Ck 133288 06 2107 Iny 053107 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 3107 May Sac report 05 31 07 May Sac report Iny 053107 Total Line Item Account 101 1250 3816 701 0000 2023 201 00 29 400 00 29 199 00 Ck 133288 Total 29 199 00 metco Metropolitan Council Env Svcs 29 199 00 Metropolitan Council Env Svcs 29 199 00 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION MIDASP MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION Ck 133325 06 2107 Iny 86426MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 05 07 Asphalt dump charge Iny 86426MB Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4 I 50 7 72 7 72 Iny 86536MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 02 07 Asphalt early pay discount 06 05 07 Asphalt Iny 86536MB Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4150 700 0000 4150 1129 60116 589 87 Iny 86749MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 0611 07 Fine mix sand mix early pay d 0611 07 Fine mix sand mix Iny 86749MB Total Line Item Account 101 1320 4150 101 1320 4150 846 45049 442 03 Page 21 235 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Ck 133325 Total MIDASP Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 1 039 62 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 1 039 62 MIDWEST COCA COLA midcoc MIDWEST COCA COLA Ck 133361 06 28 07 Iny 168045706 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 19 07 Lk Ann concession supplies Iny 168045706 Total Ck 133361 Total midcoc MIDWEST COCA COLA MIDWEST COCA COLA MINNESOTA LIFE mnlife MINNESOTA LIFE Ck 133364 06 28 07 Iny July 07 Line Item Date 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 2107 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 2107 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 2107 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 2107 06 2107 06 2 1107 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 06 21 07 Iny July 07 Total Ck 133364 Total mnlife Line Item Description July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums July premiums MINNESOTA LIFE 1 039 62 Line Item Account 101 1540 4130 237 37 237 37 237 37 237 37 237 37 Line Item Account 210 0000 2011 10 1 1700 4040 101 1430 4040 720 7201 4040 720 7202 4040 101 1530 4040 101 1170 4040 101 1600 4040 101 1210 4040 210 0000 4040 10 1 1520 4040 10 1 1160 4040 10 1 1220 4040 700 0000 2011 701 0000 2011 720 0000 4040 101 1370 4040 101 1130 4040 701 0000 4040 101 1120 4040 101 1420 4040 700 0000 4040 10 1 1310 4040 101 1550 4040 10 1 1320 4040 101 1250 4040 101 0000 2011 0 17 3 12 3 78 4 92 4 92 10 32 11 76 1248 14 16 1542 21 60 30 24 3198 38 24 38 24 39 60 4175 42 19 60 03 66 66 67 50 7203 85 98 101 82 10446 113 52 469 50 1 506 39 1 506 39 1 506 39 Page 22 236 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle MINNESOTA LIFE MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY mnwan MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY Ck 133365 06 28 07 InY 73212 Line Item Date 0613 07 Iny 73212 Total Line Item Description Repair kit Ck 133365 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 1 506 39 Line Item Account 101 1550 4530 118 76 118 76 118 76 mnwan MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY 118 76MINNESOTAWANNERCOMPANY l 1itchelI1 mitche MitchelI1 Ck 133290 06 2107 Iny 3792378 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0614 07 Shopkey program annual subscri InY 3792378 Total Ck 133290 Total mitche MitchelI1 MitchelI1 MJM PRODUCTIONS mjmpro MJM PRODUCTIONS Ck 133362 06 28 07 InY 4203 Line Item Date 06 21 07 InY 4203 Total Line Item Description 4th of July music Ck J 33362 Total mjmpro MJM PRODUCTIONS MJM PRODUCTIONS MN CHAPTER IAAI mniaai MN CHAPTER IAAI Ck 133363 06 28 07 Iny 2007memb Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 27 07 Membership renewal Coppersmi 06 27 07 Membership renewal Littfin Iny 2007memb Total Ck 133363 Total mniaai MN CHAPTER IAAI 118 76 Line Item Account 10 I I 160 4300 1 499 00 1499 00 1499 00 1 499 00 1 499 00 Line Item Account 101 1613 4300 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 Line Item Account 101 1220 4360 101 1220 4360 25 00 25 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 Page 23 237 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 MN CHAPTER IAAI Amount 50 00 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR Ck 133291 06 2 I07 Iny Line Item Date 0618 07 0618 07 Iny Total Line Item Description PR Batch 422 6 2007 Gamishmen PR Batch 422 6 2007 Gamishmen Line Item Account 701 0000 2006 700 0000 2006 7 82 409 80 417 62 Ck 133291 Total 417 62 MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 417 62 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 417 62 MN VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND mnyal MN VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND Ck 133292 06 2 I07 lnY 4203 Line Item Date 0618107 Iny 4203 Total Line Item Description Summer concert performance Line Item Account 101 1600 4300 350 00 350 00 Ck 133292 Total 350 00 mnval MN VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND 350 00 MN VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND 350 00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP myec MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP Ck 133366 06 28 07 Iny 062107 Line Item Date 06 2 I 07 06 2 I 07 06 21 07 Inv 062107 Total Line Item Description Electricty charges Electricty charges Electricty charges Line Item Account 101 1600 4320 701 0000 4320 101 1350 4320 3546 90 55 39640 52241 Ck 133366 Total 52241 myec MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 522 41 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 522 41 MOORE MEDICAL moomed MOORE MEDICAL Ck 133293 06 2 I07 Iny 80690172 E1 Line Item Date Line Item Description 03 16 07 First aid supplies 1ny 80690172 E1 Total Line Item Account 101 1220 4130 114 80 114 80 Ck 133293 Total 114 80 Page 24 238 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle moomed MOORE MEDICAL MSRS MSRS MSRS Ck 133294 Inv Line Item Date 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 06 8 07 06 18 07 06 18107 06 18 07 06 18 07 061 8 07 06 18 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 06 18 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 06 18 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 061 8 07 06 18 07 06 18 07 06 18 07 06 I 8 07 061 8 07 06 18 07 Inv Total Ck 133294 Tota MSRS MSRS MOORE MEDICAL 06 21 07 Line Item Description PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Post Healt PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health PR Batch 422 6 2007 Ret Health MSRS MTI DISTRIBUTING INC mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Ck 133295 06 2107 Inv 578352 00 Line Item Date 0613 07 Line Item Description Springs pressure switch Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 114 80 114 80 Line Item Account 210 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 210 0000 2016 720 0000 2016 720 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 210 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 210 0000 2016 720 0000 2016 10 1 0000 20 16 720 0000 2016 10 1 0000 20 16 10 1 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 701 0000 2016 700 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 10 1 0000 20 16 101 0000 2016 101 0000 2016 0 21 0 26 0 28 0 50 0 51 145 148 1 91 2 66 2 70 359 3 61 449 6 26 6 62 6 62 10 03 10 94 17 32 18 97 19 39 19 64 25 09 26 59 26 93 3449 42 83 58 97 8186 131 22 150 64 226 18 256 68 347 51 352 01 58149 2 481 93 2 481 93 2 481 93 2 481 93 Line Item Account 101 1550 4120 304 17 Page 25 239 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 I 7 ny 578352 00 Total Amount 304 17 Ck 133295 Total 304 17 mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 304 17 l 1T1 DISTRIBUTING INC 304 17 NAPA AUTO TRUCK PARTS napa NAPA AUTO TRUCK PARTS Ck 133367 06 28 07 Iny 287046 Line Item Date 0619 07 Iny 287046 Total Line Item Description Serpentine belt Line Item Account 101 1220 4140 1644 1644 Iny 287098 Line Item Date 0619 07 InY 287098 Total Line Item Description Serpentine belt Line Item Account 10 1 1220 4140 1644 1644 Ck 133367 Total 32 88 napa NAPA AUTO TRUCK PARTS 32 88 NAPA AUTO TRUCK PARTS 32 88 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ck 133296 06 21107 Iny Line Item Date 0618 07 0618 07 06 18 07 0618 07 ny Total Line Item Description PR Batch 422 6 2007 Nationwide PR Batch 422 6 2007 Nationwide PR Batch 422 6 2007 Nationwide PR Batch 422 6 2007 Nationwide Line Item Account 720 0000 2009 701 0000 2009 700 0000 2009 101 0000 2009 50 00 335 59 336 39 4 880 11 5 602 09 Ck 33296 Total 5 602 09 NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 5 602 09 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 5 602 09 NEOPOST LEASING neo ea NEOPOST LEASING Ck 33368 06 28 07 nY 42412209 Line tern Date Line Item Description 06 9 07 Copier nY 424 2209 Total Line Item Account 101 1120 4410 249 32 249 32 Ck 133368 Total 24932 neolea NEOPOST LEASING 249 32 NEOPOST LEASING 249 32 Page 26 240 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieIle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 0629 07 09 17 Amount NEXTEL nextel NEXTEL Ck 133369 06 28 07 InY 603663316 067 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges 06 22 07 Telephone charges Iny 603663316 067 Total Line Item Account 101 1530 4310 720 0000 4310 101 1170 4310 10 1 1130 431 0 101 1260 4310 101 1160 4310 101 1600 4310 101 1370 4310 701 0000 4310 101 1520 4310 700 0000 4310 10 1 1120 4310 101 1320 4310 101 1220 4310 101 1250 4310 101 1550 4310 10 1 131 0 4310 20 21 20 30 24 04 24 57 40 35 48 96 80 76 103 37 110 59 125 63 133 97 182 14 203 28 222 99 247 15 376 51 410 17 2 374 99 Ck 133369 Total 2 374 99 nextel NEXTEL 2 374 99 NEXTEL 2 374 99 OCH JEFF ochjeff OCH JEFF Ck 133297 06 2107 Iny CPR061207 Line Item Date Line Item Description 061 2 07 CPR class Iny CPR061207 Total Line Item Account 101 1616 4300 320 00 320 00 Ck 133297 Total 320 00 ochj eff OCH JEFF 320 00 OCH JEFF 320 00 Olsen Chris olsechri Olsen Chris Ck 133298 06 21 07 Iny 13061 Line Item Date 061 8 07 Iny 1306 I Total Line Item Description Soccer camp refund Line Item Account 101 1730 3636 102 00 102 00 Ck 133298 Total 102 00 olsechri Olsen Chris 102 00 Olsen Chris 102 00 Page 27 241 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Pilgrim Katie pilgkati Pilgrim Katie Ck 33370 06 28 07 ny 062707 Line Item Date 06 27 07 InY 062707 Total Line Item Description Mi eage reimbursement Ck 33370 Total pilgkati Pilgrim Katie Pilgrim Katie Pluth Brad plutbrad Pluth Brad Ck 133371 06 28 07 Iny 430 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 20 07 Golf fundamentals instructor Iny 430 Tota Ck 133371 Total plutbrad Pluth Brad Pluth Brad PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC prares PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC Ck 133372 06 28 07 Iny 104686 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Iny 104686 Total Line Item Description Bluff Creek spot mowing and sp Ck 133372 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount Line Item Account 101 1130 4370 28 3 28 3 28 13 28 13 28 13 Line Item Account 101 730 4300 768 00 768 00 768 00 768 00 768 00 Line Item Account 720 7202 4300 408 04 408 04 408 04 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC PRAIRIE REST ORAT10NS INC 408 04 prares PRIEM RHONDA prierhon PRIEM RHONDA Ck 133299 06 2107 Iny 2000690 002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 13 07 Soccer camp refund Iny 2000690 002 Tota Ck 33299 Tota prierhon PRIEM RHONDA PRIEM RHONDA 408 04 Line Item Account 10 1730 3636 02 00 102 00 102 00 102 00 102 00 Page 28 242 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieJle PROMOTIONAL SALES INC prosal PROMOTIONAL SALES INC Ck 133300 06 2107 Jnv 336 Line Item Date 06 04 07 Jnv 336 Total Inv 342 Line Item Date 06 04 07 Jnv 342 Total Ck 133300 Total Ck 133373 Jnv 349 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Jnv 349 Total Ck 133373 Total prosal Line Item Description Staff shirts Line Item Description Staff shirts 06 28 07 Line Item Description 4th of July t shirts Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount Line Item Account 101 1540 4240 500 00 500 00 Line Item Account 101 1600 4240 365 00 365 00 865 00 Line Item Account 101 1613 4300 2 835 00 2 835 00 2 835 00 PROMOTIONAL SALES INC PROMOTIONAL SALES INC 3 700 00 Qlogic qlogic QJogic Ck 133374 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 0627 07 06 27 07 Jnv 4203 Total Ck 133374 Total qlogic Qlogic 06 28 07 Line Item Description Refund for cancelled picnic Refund for cancelled picnic QJogic Quality ControJ Integration QuaJcon Quality ControJ Integration Ck 133301 06 2107 Jnv 39 Line Jtem Date 0615 07 Jnv 39 Total Jnv 40 Line Jtem Date 0615 07 Inv 40 Total Ck 133301 Total Qualcon Line Jtem Description 60 feet of coaxial cable Line Item Description Diagnostics Lift Stations 18 a 3 700 00 Line Item Account 10 1 0000 2021 101 1541 3634 1343 206 57 220 00 220 00 220 00 220 00 Line Item Account 701 0000 4553 17040 17040 Line Item Account 701 0000 4553 1 000 00 1 000 00 1 17040 Quality ControJ Integration 1 170 40 Page 29 243 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Quality Control Integration QUILL CORPORATION quill QUILL CORPORATION Ck 133375 06 28 07 Inv 7632311 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0614 07 Tape paper envelopes post i Inv 7632311 Total Inv 7653320 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0614 07 Ball point pens Inv 7653320 Total Ck 133375 Total quill QUILL CORPORATION QUILL CORPORATION RAINBOW TREE COMPANY raitre RAINBOW TREE COMPANY Ck 133302 06 2107 Inv 1118121 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 07 07 River Birch tree consultation Inv 1118121 Total Ck 133302 Total raitre RAINBOW TREE COMPANY RAINBOW TREE COMPANY RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY ricbus RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY Ck 133303 06 2107 Inv 135924 Line Item Date 0613 07 Inv 135924 Total Line Item Description Senior trip to Stillwater Ck 133303 Total ricbus RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY RUEGEMER JERRY RuegJerr RUEGEMER JERRY Ck 133304 06 2107 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 0618 07 Inv 4203 Total Line Item Description Change for summer concert seri Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 1 170 40 Line Item Account 101 1170 4110 346 08 346 08 Line Item Account 101 1170 4110 10 32 10 32 35640 356 40 356 40 Line Item Account 101 1550 4300 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 Line Item Account 101 1560 4300 462 00 462 00 462 00 462 00 462 00 Line Item Account 10 1 0000 1027 50 00 50 00 Page 30 244 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieIle Ck 133304 Total Ck 133376 Inv 4203 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Inv 4203 Total Ck 133376 Total RuegJerr RUEGEMER JERRY 06 28 07 Line Item Description Change for 4th of July RUEGEMER JERRY RYBAKOV IGOR Rybalgor RYBAKOV IGOR Ck 133377 06 28 07 Inv 2071 116 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 27 07 Chess Club instructor Inv 2071 116 Total Ck 133377 Total Rybalgor RYBAKOV IGOR SEH seh SEH Ck 133378 Inv 163108 Line Item Date 0613 07 Inv 163108 Total Ck 133378 Total sell SEH RYBAKOV IGOR 06 28 07 Line Item Description TH 101 from Lyman Blvd South SEH SENTRY SYSTEMS INC sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC Ck 133305 06 21107 Inv 537468 Line Item Date 06 20 07 Inv 537468 Total Inv 537469 Line Item Date 06 20 07 06 20 07 Inv 537469 Total Ck 133305 Total Line Item Description Monitoring services Fire Stati Line Item Description Monitoring services Library Monitoring services Public Wor Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 50 00 Line Item Account 101 0000 1027 700 00 700 00 700 00 750 00 750 00 Line Item Account 101 1731 4300 1 116 00 1 116 00 1 116 00 1 116 00 1 116 00 Line Item Account 415 4006 4300 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 4 500 00 Line Item Account 101 1220 4300 157 92 157 92 Line Item Account 101 1190 4300 101 1370 4300 5172 93 01 144 73 302 65 Page 31 245 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC SENTRY SYSTEMS INC SHERWIN WILLIAMS shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS Ck 133379 06 28 07 Inv 1790 7 Line Item Date 06 07 07 Inv 1790 7 Total Inv 2153 7 Line Item Date 06114 07 Inv 2153 7 Total Inv 3584 8 Line Item Date 06 08 07 Inv 3584 8 Total Inv 3771 1 Line Item Date 061 2 07 Inv 3771 1 Total Ck 133379 Total shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGNSOURCE signso SIGNSOURCE Ck 133306 06 21107 Inv 12888 Line Item Date OS 22 07 Inv 12888 Total Inv 13078 Line Item Date 06 05 07 Inv 13078 Total Ck 133306 Total Ck 133380 Inv 13205 Line Item Date 06114 07 Inv 13205 Total Ck 133380 Total signso Line Item Description Kit control box Line Item Description Paint tips Line Item Description Paint Line Item Description Paint SHERWIN WILLIAMS Line Item Description Bulk water fill station signs Line Item Description Vinyl helmet names 06 28 07 Line Item Description Active duty tags SIGNSOURCE Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 302 65 302 65 Line Item Account 101 1320 4120 883 26 883 26 Line Item Account 101 1320 4540 553 20 553 20 Line Item Account 101 1551 4150 177 78 1 7778 Line Item Account 101 1551 4150 112 09 112 09 1 726 33 1 726 33 1 726 33 Line Item Account 700 0000 4120 174 13 174 13 Line Item Account 10 1 1220 4240 47 93 47 93 222 06 Line Item Account 101 1220 4240 44 20 44 20 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InY 307385 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 08 07 Tie rods Iny 307385 Total Iny 309178 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Iny 309178 Total Line Item Description Door switch Line Item Account 602 60 I4 475 I 342 764 31 342 764 31 342 764 31 Line Item Account 601 6016 4751 113 753 89 113 753 89 113 753 89 456 518 20 456 518 20 Line Item Account 101 1220 4140 1 169 36 1 169 36 1 16936 Line Item Account 101 1220 4140 1 169 36 1 169 36 Line Item Account 101 1220 4140 24 70 24 70 Page 33 247 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Ck 133383 Total Amount 1 194 06 SPAMOT SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC 2 363 42 SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC 2 363 42 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC srfcon SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC Ck 133309 06 2107 Iny 5978 5 Line Item Date Line Item Description 05 3 1 07 Chanhassen retail commercial I Iny 5978 5 Total Line Item Account 101 1421 4300 5 472 34 5 472 34 Ck 133309 Total 5 472 34 srfcon SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 5 472 34 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 5 472 34 Steckman Lori Steclori Steckman Lori Ck 133384 06 28 07 InY 4203 Line Item Date 06 27 07 InY 4203 Total Line Item Description Refund program fee Line Item Account 101 1731 3636 1100 11 00 Ck 133384 Total 11 00 Steclori Steckman Lori 11 00 Steckman Lori 1100 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS COMPANY strins STRATEGIC INSIGHTS COMPANY Ck 133386 06 28 07 InY 107 Line Item Date 06 2107 Iny 107 Total Line Item Description Planning Software upgrade Line Item Account 101 1160 4220 639 00 639 00 Ck 133386 Total 639 00 strins STRATEGIC INSIGHTS COMPANY 639 00 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS COMPANY 639 00 STREICHER S streic STREICHER S Ck 133385 06 28 07 Iny 1443521 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 22 07 Collar insignias InY 1443521 Total Line Item Account 101 1220 4240 293 94 293 94 Ck 133385 Total 293 94 Page 34 248 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 streic STREICHER S Amount 293 94 STREICHER S 293 94 Summit Supply Corp of Colorad sumsup Summit Supply Corp of Colorad Ck 133387 06 28 07 Iny 53170 Line Item Date 061 4 07 Iny 53170 Total Line Item Description Easy reachers Line Item Account 101 1550 4120 7100 7100 Ck 133387 Total 71 00 sumsup Summit Supply Corp of Colorad 71 00 Summit Supply Corp of Colorad 71 00 SUNSET LANDSCAPING SUNSET SUNSET LANDSCAPING Ck 133310 06 2107 Iny 063107 Line Item Date 05 3107 lny 063107 Total Line Item Description Labor charges Line Item Account 101 1551 4510 2 700 00 2 700 00 Ck 133310 Total 2 700 00 SUNSET SUNSET LANDSCAPING 2 700 00 SUNSET LANDSCAPING 2 700 00 SWANSON JEAN Swanjean SWANSON JEAN Ck 133311 06 2107 InY 061907 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 20 07 Line dance instructor InY 061907 Total Line Item Account 101 1560 4300 156 80 156 80 Ck 1333 I 1 Total 156 80 Swanjean SWANSON JEAN 156 80 SWANSON JEAN 156 80 TARGET target TARGET Ck 133388 06 28 07 1ny 8620846836 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 05 07 Cleaning supplies Iny 8620846836 Total Line Item Account 101 1250 4130 29 24 29 24 Ck 133388 Total 29 24 target TARGET 29 24 Page 35 249 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle TARGET TERMINIX term n TERMINIX Ck 133 3 12 06 2107 Iny 269548 I 85 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 1107 Pest control Iny 269548185 Total Ck 133312 Total termin TERMINIX TERMINIX Thompson Sara Thompssa Thompson Sara Ck 133389 06 28 07 Iny 062607 Line Item Date 06 26 07 06 26 07 InY 062607 Total Line Item Description Reimburse 4th of July prizes Reimburse playground supplies Ck 133389 Total Thompssa Thompson Sara Thompson Sara TONKADALE GREENHOUSE tongre TONKADALE GREENHOUSE Ck 133390 06 28 07 Iny I 2239 I 6 Line Item Date Line Item Description 051 6 07 Flowers garden supplies Iny 1 223916 Total Ck 133390 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount 29 24 Line Item Account 101 1220 4300 47 93 47 93 47 93 47 93 47 93 Line Item Account 101 1613 4130 101 1616 4130 18 09 7444 9253 92 53 92 53 92 53 Line Item Account 720 7202 4300 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Item Description Install latch guard Line Item Account 101 1170 4530 33668 336 68 Ck 133314 Total 336 68 twihar TWIN CITY HARDWARE 336 68 TWIN CITY HARDWARE 336 68 UHL Company Ine uhleom UHL Company Ine Ck 133392 06 28 07 Iny 28801 Line Item Date 06 21 07 Iny 28801 Total Line Item Description Boiler pump at the Library Line Item Account 101 1190 4530 529 25 529 25 Ck 133392 Total 529 25 uhleom UHL Company Ine 529 25 UHL Company Ine 529 25 UNITED WAY UNIWAY UNITED WAY Ck 133315 06 2107 Iny Line Item Date 0618 07 Iny Total Line Item Description PR Batch 422 6 2007 United Way Line Item Account 101 0000 2006 42 00 42 00 Ck 133315 Total 42 00 UNIWAY UNITED WAY 42 00 UNITED WAY 42 00 Page 37 251 CITY OF CHANHAS User danieIle USA BLUE BOOK usablu USA BLUE BOOK Ck 133316 06 21 07 Iny 384476 Line Item Date 06 04 07 InY 384476 Total Line Item Description Danger High Voltage sign Ck 1333 I 6 Total usablu USA BLUE BOOK USA BLUE BOOK VERIZON WIRELESS yerizo VERIZON WIRELESS Ck 133393 06 28 07 InY 1719706320 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 10 07 Telephone charges Iny 1719706320 Total Iny 1719875570 Line Item Date Line Item Description 061 0 07 Telephone charges Iny 17 I 9875570 Total InY I723389187 Line Item Date Line Item Description 0618 07 Telephone charges Iny 1723389187 Total InY I723472951 Line Item Date 0618 07 Iny 1723472951 Line Item Description Telephone charges Total Ck 133393 Total yerizo VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS WACONIA FARM SUPPLY wacfar WACONIA FARM SUPPLY Ck 133317 06 2107 Iny K86379 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06 14 07 Filter springs Iny K86379 Total Ck 133317 Total wacfar WACONIA FARM SUPPLY WACONIA FARM SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 I 7 Amount Line Item Account 701 0000 4340 6191 6191 61 9 I 61 91 6191 Line Item Account 101 1420 4310 6 1 I 6 11 Line Item Account 101 1220 4310 1 44 1 44 Line Item Account 101 1220 4310 1 44 1 44 Line Item Account 101 1220 4310 1 54 1 54 10 53 10 53 10 53 Line 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concession supplies Line Item Description Lk Ann concession supplies Line Item Description Lk Ann concession supplies WATSON COMPANY Line Item Description Spools of wire Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Amount Line Item Account 400 4135 4704 4 079 13 4 079 13 Line Item Account 400 4135 4704 337 89 337 89 Line Item Account 400 4135 4704 82 00 82 00 Line Item Account 400 413 5 4704 234 00 234 00 4 101 02 4 101 02 4 101 02 Line Item Account 101 1540 4130 1 010 62 1 010 62 Line Item Account 101 1540 4130 25545 25545 Line Item Account 101 1540 4130 493 67 493 67 1 759 74 1 759 74 1 759 74 Line Item Account 101 1220 4140 267 93 Page 39 253 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 Iny 1265058 Total Amount 267 93 Ck 133318 Total 267 93 waytek WAYTEKINC 267 93 WAYTEK INC 267 93 WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY werele WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Ck 133396 06 28 07 Iny S4637746 001 Line Item Date 06 12 07 06112 07 06112 07 Iny S4637746 001 Line Item Description Batteries Batteries Batteries Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4150 10 1 1320 4150 101 1550 4150 18 93 18 94 18 94 56 81 Ck 133396 Total 56 81 werele WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY 56 81 WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY 56 81 WEST SIDE REDI MIX INC wessid WEST SIDE REDI MIX INC Ck 133319 06 21 07 InY 61321 Line Item Date 06112 07 Iny 61321 Total Line Item Description Lift Station 18 repairs Line Item Account 701 0000 4553 23856 238 56 Ck 133319 Total 238 56 wessid WEST SIDE REDI MIX INC 238 56 WEST SIDE REDI MIX INC 238 56 White Thomas W WhitThom White Thomas W Ck 133320 06 21 07 Iny 697 Line Item Date 06116 07 Iny 697 Total Line Item Description Prep and painting S1 Huberts Line Item Account 101 1551 4510 2 850 00 2 850 00 Ck 133320 Total 2 850 00 WhitThom White Thomas W 2 850 00 White Thomas W 2 850 00 XCEL ENERGY INC xcel XCEL ENERGY INC Ck 133321 06 21 07 InY 114018478 Line Item Date 05 09 07 Line Item Description Electricity charges Line Item Account 701 0000 4320 34 60 Page 40 254 CITY OF CHANHAS User danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report Detail Printed 06 29 07 09 17 ny 114018478 Total Amount 34 60 ny 4074374 Line tern Date Line Item Description 06 09 07 Electricity ny 4074374 Total Line Item Account 101 1550 4320 236 60 236 60 ny 4114629 Line Item Date Line Item Description 061 0 07 Electricity nY 114114629 Total Line Item Account 101 1350 4320 2343 2343 ny 114270462 Line tern Date Line Item Description 06 12 07 Electricity Iny 114270462 Total Line Item Account 700 0000 4320 176 33 176 33 Ck 133321 Total 470 96 Ck 133397 Iny June 07 Line Item Date 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 06 22 07 ny June 07 Total 06 28 07 Line Item Description Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Line Item Account 10 1 1551 4320 700 0000 4320 701 0000 4320 101 1370 4320 101 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001192482 001192482 A o o o lease tear payment coupon at perforation CITY OF CHANHASSEN TOTAL CORPORATE ACTIVITY 38 447 51 CR Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 74798267156000000000172 PAYMENT THANK YOU 00000 W KATHRYN AANENSON I CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 144 90 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 144 90 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description SENSIBLE LAND USE COAL 952 545 0505 MN 10 J ILIDlO l3lo BENMEDS 1009675729 800 241 6401 WI I ILf O IIO Amount 0525 0524 24223697144516675229369 05 25 05 24 24692167144000599995955 32 00 112 90 CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE 1 800 344 5696 OTHER CHARGES 38447 51 12027 80 00 00 00 102 98 38447 51 STATEMENT DATE DISPUTED AMOUNT CASH ADVANCES 06 15 07 00 CASH ADVANCE FEES CHARGES CREI ITS PAYMENTS SEND BILLING INQUIRIES TO AMOUNT DUE U S BANK P O Box 6344 Fargo ND 58125 6344 11 924 82 ACCOUNT BALANCE 11 924 82 Page 1 of 8 c 256 Company Name CITY OF CHANHASSEN Corporate Account Number Statement Date 06 15 2007 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 05 17 05 16 05 18 05 17 05 22 05 21 05 24 05 23 05 25 05 24 05 28 05 25 06 05 06 04 06 07 06 06 CHARLES CHIHOS 24445007136831802191117 24427337137720007204928 24493987142200099400050 24493987144200099400041 24164077144091008269025 24632697146146232804307 24399007155142000909645 74399007157142074535592 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Deseri tion Amount FEDEX KINKO S 0621 CHANHASSEN MN 041 3 559 11 MACKENTHUN S COUNTY WACONIA MN G IP 645 86 PARTY AMERICA 1017 7634208161 MN 0 I 20 20 PARTY AMERICA 1017 7634208161 MN 17 98 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 34 25 CHANHASSEN FLORAL 952 9492742 MN 26 66 WALGREEN 00097287 CHANHASSEN MN 15 72 WALGREEN 00097287 CHANHASSEN MN 5 29CR CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 26201 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 26201 05 22 05 21 24323007141254055010373 BLUFF CREEK GARDENS 9522334188 MN 100 4 I 500611060824610437160010179473336THEHOMEDEPOT2825CHESKAMN10lY55 Transaction Deser tion EDWARD J COPPERSMITH Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 148 85 CASH ADV 000 TOTAL ACTIVITY 148 85 Amount 76 68 185 33 Amount 06 01 05 30 24164077151685155995561 KUM AND GO ST007029119 FERGUS FALLS MN IOI I 110 37 510604053124610437152072009543423COMFORTINNFERGUSFALLSFERGUSFALLSMNIDI3706023 0531000046173 ARRIVAL 05 30 070608060724164077158091007678849TARGET00008623CHANHASSENMN I 0 D y q 0 51 11 KEVIN CROOKS Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 05 17 05 15 24610437136010180418867 05 23 05 22 24164077142091007698291 06 04 06 01 24455017152140011869322 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 05 21 05 19 24717057140691403455554 05 22 0519 24030087141000000166059 06 08 06 06 24418007158158131972900 Transaction Descri tion CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 574 33 CASH ADV 000 TOTAL ACTIVITY 574 33 Transaction Deseri tion Amount THE HOME DEPOT 2812 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 700 70 q Lflc 0 139 36 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 700 701 1 150 4 78 WAL MART 3513 SHAKOPEE MN OO D e o 430 19 CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 250 44 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 25044 Transaction Deser tion Amount HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE CHANHASSEN MN 10 550 I 54 92 FLYING J BLACK RIVER F WI 4642 MINNESOTA VALLEY WHOLESAL SHAKOPEE MN OI 55l t 0149 10 Page 2 of 8 257 Company Name CITY OF CHANHASSEN Corporate Account Number Statement Date 06 15 2007 w jmmmmNEWj lCl ivITym KAREN ENGELHARDT CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 17 00 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 16 05 15 24761977135276576010070 SCIENCE MUSEUM RAMP 6512212546 MN 01 f1o 4 7D 10 00 05 18 05 17 24761977137276002010023 SCIENCE MUSEUM RAMP 6512212546 MN 7 00 Amount TOTAL ACTIVITY 17 00 TODD GERHARDT L CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 65 86 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 28 05 24 24013397145011322292291 BYERLYS CHANHASSEN RESTAU CHANHASSEN MN 10 1 0 11 7017 00 05 31 05 30 24493987150002224320560 THE HON CO CUST SERVIC 800336 8398 IA ID 111 O 48 86 Amount TOTAL ACTIVITY 65 86 GREGG GESKE CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 44 05 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 23 05 21 24445007142838266285352 OFFICE MAX CHANHASSEN MN TOTAL ACTIVITY 44 05 10 IID 4110 Amount 44 05 DALE GREGORY CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 8949 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 05 25 05 23 24610437144010181615255 06 01 05 30 24325457151900017874940 Transaction Description THE HOME DEPOT 2825 CHESKA MN 155 U IRAINBOWGROUPLLc6088240068WI100 0 340 86 09 TOTAL ACTIVITY 8949 Amount N CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 604 54 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description CDW GOVERNMENT 800 800 4239 IL CDW GOVERNMENT 800 8004239 IL CDW GOVERNMENT 800 8004239 IL 05 31 05 30 24445007150847054463468 06 04 06 01 24445007152849215122510 06 06 06 05 24445007156853721035576 TOTAL ACTIVITY 604 54 Amount 519 69 66 98 17 87 TODD HOFFMAN CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 21 51 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 21 51 Page 3 of 8 258 Company Name CITY OF CHANHASSEN Coroorate Account Number Statement Date 06 15 2007 Reference Number 05 18 05 17 24427337137720006747430 BYERLY S CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN Transaction Descri tion LAURIE A HOKKAIN Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 0516 05 14 05 16 05 14 05 18 05 16 05 28 05 25 05 30 05 29 06Q4 0601 06 04 06 02 06 05 06 04 06 12 06 11 KELLEY JANES 24761977135275220010353 24761977135275220010379 24417897137380912139530 24493987145286290900300 24072807149286258000700 24435657153333011520055 24492797154118000100131 24210737155200288300025 24427337162720010931705 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 0523 0522 06 04 05 31 0608 06 07 06 11 06 09 06 12 06 11 06 14 06 12 0614 06 12 06 15 06 14 0615 06 13 24717057142251421447840 24323007152542794010035 24761977158543874010033 24692167160000922256082 24224437163304127300195 24164057164837004790324 24164077164136310285378 24164077165091007614688 24323007165138011309501 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 0607 06 05 24326847157333051560586 06 08 0607 24717057159691591169916 0608 0607 24717057159691591169924 0614 06 13 24266577165729127317056 TOM KNOWLES T CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 1 303 20 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 1 303 20 Transaction Descri tion Amount Amount BVNV 0088 CHANHASSEN MN lo IIIC LI3 70 153 63 BVNV 0088 CHANHASSEN MN 6 85 WILDLIFE CONTROLS01 OF 01860 8440100 CT 10 PD LJ dO 102 88 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SVC 651 222 7409 MN IP l 0 I370 150 00 ROLY POLY EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 17 I Lf ro 104 66 SCHERING PLOUGH ANL HTH 9082984000 NE IPI I p 41W 213 00 MY PAPER SHOP DOT COM 8884127467 CA 117 170 l lie 63 90 ICMA 202 962 3621 DC fen rt 4311448 00 CULVERS OF CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN IDI I10 LJ31D 60 28 CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 1 826 15 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 1 826 15 Transaction Descri tion Amount 21 51 UNIV WIS PYLE CTR MADISON WI 700 1370 995 00 ALLSTAR WIRELESS 9528080060 MN 7DO 31 0 117 03 PICKUP SPECIALTIES COM 281 821 8677 TX 00 4 70 267 36 DR FLAMBEAU 952 253 1234 MN 700 01 110 70 PORTA BELLA INC MADISON WI oO 370 24 50 EXXONMOBIL 96713896 MADISON WI 400 Y 110 4146 A WRESTAURA00700021 BALDWIN WI 7PO IO 11 95 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN ClI li I o 19 99 THE MADISON INN MADISON WI 7DO L070 238 16 0001130950 ARRIVAL 06 1007 CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 226 61 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 226 61 Transaction Descri lion USA BLUE BOOK 800493 9876IL 7DI 43 L O g mg 1 g 10 Ll551 FASTENAL CO RETAIL 5074538920 MN OlY 55 CREDITS 19 19 PURCHASES 19 19 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 0 00 Amount 61 91 26 71 131 28 6 71 Page 4 of 8 259 Comoanv Name CITY OFCHANHASSEN Corporate Account Number r 1 Statement Date 06 15 2007 NEW ACliviIvm uu Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description BOKOO BIKES CHANHASSEN MN BOKOO BIKES 9529346468 MN 05 17 05 16 74765017137200000690087 05 17 05 16 24765017137200000480013 Amount 19 19CR 19 19 MARK L1TTFlN CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 94 27 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 18 05 17 24427337137720003856929 CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN 0524 05 22 24445007143839346216127 OFFICE MAX CHANHASSEN MN TOTAL ACTIVITY 94 27 Amount 101 I O 370 53 82 10 11 0 YII0 4045 PATRICK MACZL PURCHASES 113 95 CASH ADV 0 00 CREDITS 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 18 05 16 24717057137691374118970 MILLS FLEET FARM 25 LAKEVILLE MN IOI I 4010 113 95 Amount TOTAL ACTIVITY 113 95 BRETT MARTINSON CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 12 09 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 05 23 05 21 24323017142513141010079 SNYDERS DRUG 5062 WACONIA MN TOTAL ACTIVITY 12 09 Amount 12 09 BRAD MORSE CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 742 72 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description 0605 06 04 24717057155151550670242 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC PL BROOKLYN CENT MN 1011 55c1 51742 72 Amount RICHARD D RICE CREDITS 12 95 PURCHASES 81843 CASH ADV 0 00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description GO MOBILE NOW 928 376 0984 AZ TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN OFFICE MAX CHANHASSEN MN ALLSTAR WIRELESS CHASKA MN EXPERTS EXCHANGE LLC 805 787 0603 CA EXPERTS EXCHANGE LLC 805 7870603 CA EXPERTS EXCHANGE LLC 805 7870603 CA 05 28 05 25 05 28 05 25 06 01 05 30 06 14 0612 06 15 06 13 0615 0613 0615 06 13 24131997147980001945753 24164077145091007612463 24445007151848161758914 24323007164542806010078 74332397165900450103714 24332397165900440108885 24332397165900440109099 TOTAL ACTIVITY 742 72 TOTAL ACTIVITY 80548 Amount 448 90 25 00 157 59 7449 12 95CR 12 95 99 50 Page 5 of 8 260 Comoanv Name CITY OF CHANHASSEN Comorate Account Number Statement Date 06 15 2007 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number OS 28 OS 25 24427337145720004619235 06 07 06 OS 24013397157011667750395 06 07 06 05 24739097158206999000105 06 11 06 07 24127447159159207927504 DEAN SCHMIEG Post Tran Date Date Reference Number OS 16 OS 15 24610437135004008235109 06 06 06 04 24610437156010180245380 06 12 06 11 24692167162000103044495 CHARLES SIEGLE Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri lion Amount CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN 101 15 0 30 36 89 BYERLYS CHANHASSEN RESTAU CHANHASSEN MNlol J r30 11 97 CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOO 9524432022 MN OI IPI Lf 30 606 52 FRANKIES CHICAGO STYLE PI CHANHASSEN MN 10 11 LfIO 73 86 CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 329 85 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 329 85 Amount SHERWIN WILLIAMS 3211 CHANHASSEN MNloI SSo 4116c 26 08 THE HOME DEPOT 2825 CHESKA MN 82 94 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIPMNT MINNETONKA MN It11550 b 220 83 CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 81 99 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 81 99 Transaction Descri tion CREDITS 0 00 PURCHASES 5863 CASH ADV 0 00 TOTAL ACTIVITY 5863 OS 17 OS 15 24164077136743001082827 RADIO SHACK 00161315 CHANHASSEN MN I OJ I 4 Lf 11 700611060824717OS7160691600363770MENARDS3024EDENPRAIRIEMNIDI70LI504693 Amount Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Transaction Descri tion 0606 06 02 24721877157015602087171 FIRESTORElOFFICERSTORE CO 800 8526088 PA 101 1 o 1S3081 99 Amount JEAN STECKLlNG Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS 0 00 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