11 Park&Trail MaintenanceReportCITYOF CHAN EN 690 Gh' Ce~2te;' D:i.', PO Box I4 - (:/,,M,,:~e~. 3li~mesota 55317 ]¢o,e 612 937.1900 (;eno;:/~.x' 612.93Z5~9 ]Styi~eeri;tg b3~.x' 6129329152 P,b/ic &fi'O' bi~x 612.934.2524 TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: January20,1999 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report The Park Maintenance Department has been very busy this last month maintaining ice rinks and clearing parking lots. We plow and flood the City's three hockey rinks and eight family finks on a daily schedule. We also maintain the parking lots at the Chanhassen Recreation Center and Bluff Creek Elementary School as well as the sidewalks around these buildings. This year we are plowing and maintaining approximately twenty miles of trail in the City. Many of our trails are located adjacent to City, County, and State roadways. This makes the clearing of these trails more difficult since the plows are continually plowing snow onto the trails when clearing the roadways. With the amount of snow we have had this year we are running two large snow blowers to help open and xviden our trails. The sidewalks and trails in the downtown area are also maintained by the Park Maintenance Department. We have two employees that work on clearing the snow from these areas. The frequency of accumulative snowfall this season has made it a challenge to keep on top of the necessary maintenance required for all the rinks, parking lots, sidewalks, and trails.