Correspondence SectionADMINISTRATIVE SECTION CITYOF Spray Paint Damage at Herman Field Park Repair Costs (2) two laborers applying spray remover .5 hours ~ $25.00 per hour X 2 = (2) two cans of graffiti remover ~ $6.50 each = (2) laborers sand blasting 1 hour ~ $25.00 per hour X 2 = (3) three bags of sand ~ $3.75 each = TOTAL COST OF REPAIRS $25.00 $13.00 $50.00 $11.25 $99.25 For inlbrmation contact Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation at 612-937-1900, extension 121. g:\park ,thX,Herman Fld Da mages January 6, 1998 TO: FROM: RE: Youth Commission Contact Persons Trisha Leck, Youth Commission Advisor¢,~ Highlights from the Youth Commission Co'71tact Meeting Vision of an Ideal Youth Community: -Information around issues -Mayor's sounding board - youth voice -Opportunities for youth involvement in priority setting -Inclusion of youth of all ages -Places for youth to hang-out -Youth activities -included in planning of activities -Service Projects -Involvement of youth at the community level is key -Responsive to youth and community needs -Locally based -Community focused -Partnership with adults and community -Leadership training Youth Commission Overview - An opportunity to build an ideal youth supportive community. Review of the Community Youth Development History. and Letter of Understanding. A~rming the Partnership - Ways to commit to a working Youth Commission -Reporting to Board -Involvement with other groups - exp. Chemical Health Advisory Committee -Legitimize - must have impact to be effective - must report consistently -Youth Commission provide service - input on call for community decisions -Collaborate with Ridgedale Hospital, Club Mid, etc. -Affirm direction/role for adult members and contacts -Sounding Board for community decisions/action related to youth -Need to localize efforts to individual communities, groups II 110600 VILLAGE ROAD · CHASKA, MN 55318 · (612)368-3688 ° (612)368-3629 FAX -City of Carver - many local commitments -Partnership - confusing, creates paper shuffle - school district based -Revisit City Council Meetings, Board Meetings, etc. -Community change is a factor- growth of parks, etc. changes needs -Retreat to revisit mission/issues around youth and community -Need more particulars on function, meetings, times, locations -Topic for Greg to discuss with school board -Prepare one page - "talking points" sheet to use with council, county board, etc. As a result of the meeting I am hoping that you each felt a renewed interest and commitment to the Youth Commission. Your meeting comments will be a helpful step in revisiting the mission and building a strong future foundation at the next Youth Commission meeting. Upon your advice I have prepared and included a one page information piece for you to use with potential commission members and/or council and board members. Please contact me if you would like me to visit your council or board meetings to discuss the commission, or if you have the names and addresses of persons to fill an open position. I am always ready and willing to answer questions and assist in any local efforts to support the work of the commission and build a youth friendly community, 368-7439. Youth Commission FAQ Sheet This sheet is intended to aid your work as the Youth Commission agency contact person. It gives answers to the FAQ regarding the commission. Attached to this sheet is a brief overview of the Youth Commission. Please use the attached page as a reference or handout when working with your local boards, decision makers and/or community members. 1. What is the Youth Commission? A youth supportive home-school-communiW partnership. The purpose of the commission is to provide youth an environment in which they can make good decisions and are valued, active community participants. 2. What is in it for our community/county? The Commission can help you: ~, provide a youth community voice ~ avoid duplication of youth programming - provide input on planning goals and policies for youth development - advocate for youth Commission Goals include: - support/advocate youth issue forums - promote community values - initiate/coordinate efforts to serve all community youth build home/school/community partnership foster a spirit of youth service build and develop an understanding of active citizenship 3. Who can be appointed to the commission? J 14 community members - 7 youth, 7 adult, representing Carver County, District 1 12, Community Education, the cities of Carver, Victoria, Chaska, and Chanhassen for a two year term. How often does the commission meet? · Members serve a two year term. Meetings are held on a monthly basis or as indicated by group needs. What type of activities is the youth commission involved in? Commission Goals include: - support/advocate youth issue forums - promote community values ~ initiate/coordinate efforts to serve all community youth build home/school/community partnership foster a spirit of youth service - build and develop an understanding of active citizenship is ri¢ ommission o. " /'oul:h ~jisslon: To provide youth an environment in which they can make good decisions and are valued, active community participants. 14 community members - ? youth, 7 adult, representing Carver County, District ! 12, Community Education, the cities of Carver, Victoria, Chaska, and Chanhassen for a two year term. A youth supportive home-school-community partnership. Meeting on a monthly basis or as indicated by group needs. provide a youth community voice avoid duplication of youth programming provide input on planning goals and policies for youth development advocate for youth support/advocate youth issue forums promote community values initiate/coordinate efforts to serve all community youth build home/school/community partnership foster a spirit of youth service build and develop an understanding of active citizenship Inside This Addition o Thanksgiving Tournament Summary o Skate Sharpening ~ CCC · CCHA Web Page · Need Ice Time? · Opportunity to help · Concessions update · Holiday Open Skate Schedule - Video Tapes · 1998/1999 Team Sponsors o High School Hockey Schedule o District 6 Open Position · AND MORE! A Special thanks to MAXIMUM Graphics for providing the printing of the "IT'S ICE TIME" the new CCHA newsletter. Welcome to the new look! The CCHA Newsletter has received a new look! Since October, the newly formed CCHA Communication Committee has been hard at work defining short and long term ideas, goals, and projects. The Communication committee consists of the following Team Members: Chair - Susie Blake Mini Mite - Tom Nygaard Mite - Linda Ladner, Pete Plucinak Girls - Lou Raiola Squirt - Laurie Bigaouette Poe Wee - Karl Shallenburger Bantam - Bryan McGovern Some of the many project underway include: The Newsletter Newsletter sponsor - Lou RaioIa and Bryan McGovern set out to increase the quality of presentation and content of the newsletter, without increasing the cost. Lou and Bryan contacted a well know graphic design and printing company within our community. A meeting was held with the president of Maximum Graphics regarding this project. Maximum Graphics has agreed to work with thc CCHA in producing our monthly newsletter. With their expertise in printing and our interface capability, we were able to meet one of our communications goals. The Cost savings from the printing alone will bc in excess of $4000. THANK YOU MAXIMUM Graphics for you support! During the next few months, you will see morc improvements to thc newsletter. Please let us kno['~' what you think or would like to see by contacting any committee team member or Deb Shafranski, CC}IA Secretary. we want to make snrc the newsletter meets your requirements. Special thanks to kou & Bryan for coordinating this cflbrt! Grand Opening of our Second Sheet of Ice Grand Opening held 11/7 was a Great Success. Excellent example of how the CCHA and City were able to partner and pull it oft: Activities included: * Free Open Skate * Free Minnesota Wild pin & puck to each kid * Drawings for Minnesota Wild merchandise * Ribbon cuning (School Board, mayor, CCtfA, Skate Club) * Display by Skate Club, CCIfA, and Girls Varsity * Boys Varsity passed on memorabilia Other Project a xa Best Wishes for the There are numerous other projects that have been completed or arc in tile works. These include: * Team Sponsorships * Promoting the benefits of youth hockey itl the community * Working with the Community Center to better display our youths successes * Make youth in our community more aware of their hockey opportunities. * Give back to the community some of our expertise in skills devclopmcnt (work with the schools) * Continue to find better ways to promote and support our Girls Hockey Program * Promote good scholastic achievement program * AND MORE! Seas0.'s Greetings ;yew IP#r/ Go Haw/ca'/ Opportunity for you ..... Do you have a journalism background or interest in freelance writing? Thc Communication Commiuee is looking for someone interested in writing short CCHA articles for the following publications on a regular basis. * Let's Play Hockey * Chaska Herald * Chanhassen Villager * Victoria Gazette Keeping the public informed will help raise awareness of our programs, scrvc as a marketing tool, and help us solicit future sponsorships, lfyou are interested, please contact Susie Blake ~ 906-9953. District 6 Open Position District 6 has an opening for a Recording Secretary. This position pays $3500.00 per year. If you are interested contact our District 6 Representative, Mike Buller ~ 448-7947 Tax Deduction! If you have not done so already, please send in your Arena Contributions by the end of 1998 so you can get that tax deduction! Want or Need More Ice? The CCHA has many hours of non-prime time icc for sale at S113.30 per hour until January 1st, 1999. The bourly rate will increase by 3%. Managers contact your lcvel commissioner to sec what is available for your team. Video Tapes The CCHA has purchased a series of hockey video tapes. These tapes are available for viewing at the Chanhasscn Rcc Center. If your team is interested in viewing one or more of these tapes, please bare your teanl manager or coach contact the Chan R¢c Ccntcr lo reserve a room for viewing. After viewing, please complete lbo questionnaire and return it to tho desk with the tapes. TEe tapes may not be rcmoxcd from the Chan Rcc Center. Sec rear cover for thc list of available tapes and viewing time. Il is suggested that after viewing, thc coach take thc team icc ti) thc out-door-icc ill lhc fcc center to practice the techniques viewed. Cbanhasscn Rcc Center Phone: 4744)641 CCHA Web Page Yhe CCHA now has a web page. Information regarding our association and information of interest can be found at: www. emerso,emc, com/ccha This web site is updated on a regular basis. If you have comments or would like to have information publishcd about your team, go to the web page and submit your comments. MiniMites to Skate Between Periods Some of the Chaska MiniMitcs will be skating bemccu periods of the Boys Varsity hockey game! Come and ~atch them skate January 9 and 12, 1999. Boys Varsity "Adopt a Team" Initiative tligh School Varsity l l(>ckcy Coach, Dave Snuggerud. irm-odt~ced a strengthen lbo pam~crship between our l tigh School and youth hockey programs. Each CCltA Youth Team has a Boys Vat'sit> t ligh School tcanl member partner. tI.S. Team Parmcr xxill bo interacting with thc teams pcriodicall5 each month. This will bo a win-xx in lbr both programs. It xxill bo a fun x~ xoulh Icalns and Icxcrage ll]cir expertise. In addition, it will provide an opl*ortunity high school players lo dcx clop lheir mcnloring skill:, and gix c back to Ibc program Thanks to Daxc and lbo lCillll lbr making it happen. XVt'Il kccp t~llurc news]oilers. Concessions Update IlolithD tlours Thc concession~ area x~ill bc c]o~cd December 24, 25.31 ami Januar5 I. l lapp3 l lolidays~ Sales The tournament weekend xxcnl x~cll. Special thanks to ('ollccn Radcmachc]' xtho scheduled all thc vohmtecrs and to all Iht parents xx ho worked, You did a (iREATjob~ Also, special thanks to Linda Ladncr. Laurie Bigaouct~c, and Suzcne Maluchnik ~ ho helped ox ers icxx thc actix ities that xs cckcnd Equipment ('CHA Concessions purchased a hol dog xx armor unil and roller grill. ~Xt]s antagcs -- makes a honer product, caster to usc. and otll li'OlU Io Jlc]p Illarkcl Iht product. ~c hax c also ptlrchascd a 15'cc/er Cit) of('haska purchased tx~o new cash registers lbr tts. We xk iii Dc operating Tom Rcdman Jbr making that cquipmcnl a~ ailablc to us. Schedule Special thanks Io l.inda I adncr xs ho has been coordinating thc schedule Iht IllC this year. Thc schedule book will bc axailab]e m Iht concession area fi)r Ihosc wanting to sign up lbr extra hours. We plan to run it thc same as last year Merchandise -- Looking fl,' a Christmas Gill Idea? Thc Bike Shop is phasi~2g out tl~cir hockey sxxcatshirts. Wc will bc soiling thom fi,ough thc concession stand and splitting the profi~ xx ith thc Bike Shop. Thc cost is 530 Skate Sharpening Hours .l[oltdtt. l' - Stlltdtlj' 4:30 - 6:30 Anytime during thc day, stop by tiao Arena Manager's office in the arena lobby and Chris can sharpen them right away. Evening and weekend Zamboni operators can also sharpen if you contact them. Cost: $2~50 tlockcy Skates. 3.00 Goalie or figure skates · Special introductory rate until January I is 52.00 · Punch cards xxill be axailablc lbr sales 522 for hockey and 527 15~r goalie figure skates Arena staff have had training on sharpening and ('hris Goodman, Arcna Manager has seven years experience sharpening skates. Thanksg vlng Tournament Summary The 1998 Thanksgiving tlockcy Tournament was a grcat success thanks to thc many vohmtecrs! A BIG TI lANK YOU to Paul Berens - Tournament Director and his tournament crew. A special thanks to Randy Maluchnik. & Bob Stark -Gamc Announcers, and thc stall' of the Chaska Community Center. There wcrc more then 775 participants totaling 40 teams. Teams traveled to thc Chaska Community Center J¥om as tkll- as Kansas City-KS, Chicago-I L. Mason City-lA, Des Moincs- lA, Brookings-SD, Souix Falls-SD, and kittlcton-CO. Shown below are the tournament standings. As you can sec our Chaska teams fitted wall with ibc tough competition encountered in this toumamcnt. RI:'.IIIA'DI(R: (htr I/oc/;O, a~wwiatio, i*' *I~on.w~rinA, thc ./ttlttlttl:V 16 & 1 7 Fire-on-ice '[ottrttamellt. Pitt this olt yolt Ctlleltdtli; it ?ronti,~e~ to provide a good time for ail.t }buth are mlmilwd I:R£1'~ 0t: CII,4RGI:'.~ Bring yollr I"riends ...... Final Standings .-\ Team,; 1{ Teams lhmtam Chaska Blake In~cr~rmc }lcighl~ (?]laskll S1 Ioui~ P;uk ('h:ugc~-, IL Squirt ('haska ('r,,x~ Ri~c~ Tournament Director Paul Berths delivers oranges to teams al'~cr thc completion of their games. Thc~,c photo filch, and othcr~, a[c in a '['hc~c photos can bc of tile Your CCHA Board President ......................................... Jim Leone Vice President Of Competition ...... Chris Erickson Vice President Of Business ............ Kevin Mcshanc Secretary ........................................ Deb Shafranski Treasurer ........................................ Jim Rocdcr Ice Coordinator .............................. Tom Redman District Representative ................... Mike Bullet Communications ............................ Susie Blake Tournament Director ..................... Paul Bcrens Concession Coordinator ................. Susie Blake Equipment Manager ....................... Kevin Kuntson Bantam Commissioner (Czar) ........ Earl Schaub Peewee Commissioner ................... Jim Liddcll Squirt Commissioner .................... Mark Giordano Mite Commissioner ....................... Bob Raiser Mini-Mite Co-Commissioners ....... Tom & Lynnc Nygaard Girls Commissioner ....................... Claire Schnurr CCHA Video Tapes Vic~ inll_Ti m con...,q Fundamentals Of Power Skating 2 I:11 Advance Power Skating 20:30 Goalkccping I 17:00 Goalkeeping 2 19:46 Checking 19:1 Puck Control 23:1 Passing And RcccMng 23:33 Shooling And Scoring 24:00 Fundamentals Skill lbr l)elk'nsemcn 24:40 Regrouping 40:00 ]~aching Techniques 20:00 I)esim~in~ A Practice 29:59 Puck Conlrol ()fi~n~ix e ..Xttack lh'caknuts 1998/1999 Team _Sponsors Envirecycle Dairy Queen -~ Chaska Gold Medal Sprats CP - Softsoap, Chaska Twin City Corporate Construction Coopcr's County Market Chaska Lion's Lakcview Clinic Lions Tap P, ainbow Foods The Chanhasscn Bank Jonaco Machine Inc. Emerson Motion Control Durst & Gans Construction MAX1MUM Graphics St. Francis Regional Medical Center Victoria Lion's Fluoroware Byerly's Chanhassen Chaska High School Hockey Schedule (Home Games) BOYS 12'12 ...... Eden Prairie ......... 3:00 12/15 ...... Jefl'erson .............. 7:30 I/9 .......... Apple V'allcy ........ 3:00 Iq2 ........ Lakcville ............. 7:30 I 19 ........}!agan ................... 7:30 130 ........ Breck ................... 3:00 2 2 .......... Kcm~edy. ............. 7:311 2 13 ........Burnsxillc ............ 3:30 GIRLS 12/10 ......Fairmont ................ 7:30 12/20 ......Apple Valley .......... 7:30 '/: ............. Skakopce ............... 3:30 1/7 .......... Minneapolis ........... 7:30 1/14 ........ Lakcville ................ 7:30 1,/21 ........ Burnsville .............. 7:30 1~2~ ........ F, dcn PraMc ........... 7:30 O~en Skate Times over the ltolidays f)eccmbcr 26 I 1:45 inn - 2:00 pm December 27 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm /)cccmbcr 28 11:30 am - 12:30 pm December 29 I 1:30 am - 1:00 pm l)eccmbcr 30 I l:10 am - 12:30 pm I)cccmbcr 31 I 1:30 am - I:00 pm ,htrluaFv ] Il :30 am - 12:30 pm 7200 pill - N:30 pm .hmuarx 2 I 1:45 am - 2:00 pm Janu:~rx 3 12:45 pm-3:00pm Printed Courtesy Of For more information call John Gardiner 445-5~oo Chaska Community Hockey Association P.O. Box 184 Chaska, rvlinnesota 55318 1999 MONTHLY MEETINGS AT CHANHASSEN CITY HALL ~-. City Council Economic Development Authority Park And Recreation Commission Planning Commission Public Safety Commission Senior Commission January 6 January 8 January 11 January 15 January 20 January 21 January 25 January 26 February 3 February 5 February 8 February 12 February 17 February 18 February 22 ...February 23 /larch 3 March 8 March 12 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 22 March 23 April 7 April 9 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 21 April 26 April 27 May 5 May 10 May 14 May 19 May 20 _~May 21 lay 24 May 25 June 2 June t 1 June 14 6:30 P.M. In City Council Chambers 6:30 P.M. In City Council Chambers 7:30 P.M. In City Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. In City Council Chambers 6:30 P.M. In Public Safety Conference Room 9:30 A.M. In City Council Chambers PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL SENIOR COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL June 16 June 17 June 18 June 22 June 28 July 7 July 9 July 12 July 15 July 16 July 21 July 26 July 27 August 4 August 9 August 13 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 23 August 24 September 1 September 10 September 15 September 16 September 17 September 20 September 28 October 6 October 8 October 11 October 15 October 20 October 21 October 25 October 26 November 3 November 8 November 12 November 17 November 18 November 19 November 22 November 23 December 1 December 10 December 13 December 14 December 16 December 17 PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL SENIOR COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SENIOR COMMISSION Memo To: Facility Supervisors Personal Trainers Aerobic Instructors From: Susan Marek CC: Todd Hoffman Date: December 16, 1998 Re: Personal Training and Aerobics Coordinator Positions Meg Zegil has led our personal training program for two years and has decided to step down as the Personal Training Coordinator effective December 1. Meg will continue to be a Personal Trainer and Aerobics Instructor. Thanks to Meg for her work in establishing our successful program!! I am pleased to announce that Ann EIIwood will be our new Personal Training Coordinator. Ann's responsibilities include programming, promotion, client relations and supervision of our trainers on staff. Ann will be giving up the Aerobics Coordinator position when a replacement has been hired. Congratulations Ann! If you are interested in the Aerobics Coordinator position, please call me at the Rec Center to set up an interview time. I am hoping to fill this position with an instructor already on staff. Susan Marek, "~/,,,~,x--- ""?/I ~ 474-0641 " -;~ ~ ~-~- · Page 1 Sheet1 Date 12/26/98 12/27/98 12/28/98 12/29/98 12/30/98 12/31/98 1/1/99 1/2/99 1/3/99 1/4/99 1/5/99 1/6/99 1/7/99 1/8/99 1/9/99 1/10/99 1/11/99 1/12/99 1/13/99 1/14/99 1/15/99 1/16/99 1/17/99 1/18/99 1/19/99 1/20/99 1/21/99 1/22/99 1/23/99 1/24/99 1/25/99 1/26/99 1/27/99 1/28/99 1/29/99 1/30/99 1/31/99 2/1/99 2/2/99 2/3/99 2/4/99 2/5/99 2/6/99 2/7/99 2/8/99 2/9/99 2/10/99 2/11/99 2/12/99 2/13/99 2/14/99 2/15/99 1998/99 Skating Rink Daily Attendance Records Chan Hills City Center North Lotus Rec Center Roundhouse 8 29 5 36 37 9 20 10 68 31 7 4O 30 110 15 Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed cold Closed-cold 5 14 12 85 3 4 18 0 11 12 2 23 50 68 12 Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed cold Closed-cold Closed cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed cold Closed-cold Closed-cold 7 5 7 22 2 Closed cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed-cold 9 4 0 23 0 18 15 5 15 2 0 51 46 7 8 Closed-cold Closed-cold Closed cold Closed-cold Closed-cold 3 2 27 24 0 2 13 14 17 3 *Listed above are the rinks where warming houses are available. There are non-warming house rinks at the following locations: Minnewashta Heights, Carver Beach Playground, Meadow Green and Rice Marsh Lake Park. The current total padicipation as of January 12 is (1125) skaters Total 74 234 206 486 125 g \pa rk\rinks',99dailyatte nda rice Page 1 Club MID presents... Buck Hill Snow Tubing Friday, January 29 Grades 6-8 and Adults (over age 18) New this season at Buck Hill is the latest craze--SNOW TUBING! The bus will leave Chaska Middle School East at 2:00 p.m. and return there at approximately 8:00 p.m. Din- ner is on your own and a concession stand is available. A phone will NOT be available upon returning from the trip. Please have your transportation arranged prior to returning. $24.50 includes snow tube, lilt, and bus transportation Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 27 Min/Max: 40/50 Sponsored by Chanhassen Park & Recreation Depamnent, Chaska Park & Recreation Department, School District 112, School District 112 Community Education, and the City of Victoria. For more information, call Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126 Registration Form Parent or Guardian' Address: City & Zip: Home Phone:, Alternative Phone & Name: Method of Payment: ['-lCash [] Check [] VISA/Mastercard No. Exp. Date: Participant's Name Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee Buck Hill Snow Tubing 1099.104 $24.50 Buck Hill Snow Tubing 1099.104 $24.50 Buck Hill Snow Tubing 1099.104 $24.50 I, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity{les): and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form to: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Parent's Signature Date Club MID presents... Afton Alps Ski Trip Friday, February 19 Grades 6-8 and Adults (over age 18) Join us for this fun downhill ski trip! The bus will leave from Chaska Middle School East at 8:00 a.m. and return there at approximately 5:00 p.m. Lunch is on your own and a concession stand is available. A phone will NOT be available upon returning from the trip. Please have your transportation. Student Adult $19 $24 $10 $12 $20 $20 arranged prior to returning. Lift Ticket and Bus Equipment Rental--Skis Equipment Rental--Snowboard Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 17 Min/Max: 40/50 Sponsored by Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department, Chaska Park & Recreation Department, School District 112, School District 112 Community Education, and the City of Victoria. For more information, call Jerry Rucgemer at 937-1900 ext. 126 Registration Form Parent or Guardian' Address: City & Zip: Home Phone: Alternative Phone & Name: Method of Payment: [~]Cash [] Check [] VISA/Mastercard No. Exp. Date: Participant's Name Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee Afton Alps 1099.105 Aflon Alps 1099.105 Afion Alps 1099.105 I, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activiD'(ies); and I further a~ee to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned indMdual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form to: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Parent's Signature Date 7ARVER COUNTY Office of Court Services Carver County Government Center Justice Center Building 600 East Fourth Street Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2187 Phone (612) 361-1460 Fax (612) 361-1491 David P. Loflness Director January 15, 1999 City of Chanhassen Attn: Mr. Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 CEIvEo 1998 RE: Diversion File #: 48810 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Enclosed is a partial payment in the amount of $22.50 from a juvenile involved in the offense of Criminal Damage to Property, of which you were the victim of damage to the Lake Ann concession stand and the water meter offthe building next to the same door. This payment is a condition required of the juvenile for his/her involvement in tiffs matter. Also, enclosed you will find an apology letter. If you have any questions, please feel fl'ce to contact me at 361-1386. Sincerely, Gerri Sherman Probation Agent Carver County Court Services Enclosure Divrcstc .S'Ow, ~ -