4 Public GatheringPermit INTSkiCITYOF CHANHASSEN 612.9.?~ I900 612. 935. 5~9 E~x 6 I2. (A34.253~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FebruaryJerry Ruegemer.17, 1999Recreation Superintendent /~ SUB J: Public Gathering Permit, Water Skiing Tournament at Lake Susan Park Ms. Pain Mueller, State Coordinator for the Minnesota International Novice Tour (INT) is requesting approval of a Public Gathering Permit to hold their third annual water-ski, wake-board and knee-board tournament at Lake Susan Park. INT's first choice to hold the tournament is July 10 and 11, followed by July 17 and 18, and then July 24 and 25. INT is a non-profit company that promotes organized water-skiing, wake-boarding, and knee-boarding. The company started five years ago and currently has support in many states. If approved by the Park and Recreation Comlnission, the tournalnent for the water- skiing and knee-boarding would be Saturday, July 10, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The wake-boarding tournament is planned for Sunday, July 11, from 8:00 a.ln. to 5:00 p.m. INT plans on having 3 boats in the water with only one boat pulling a skier, wake- boarder, or a knee-boarder at a time. One boat would be used as a safety boat. The slalom course would be set up 40-50 yards south of the sandy beach area, just west of the public access on Saturday only for the skiing tournament. If INl' would like to hold their tournament headquarters in the picnic pavilion at Lake Susan there would be a reservation fee of $250 per day. Weekends in July are very busy and if the City is setting aside the picnic area for these types of events~ we must generate revenue. In order to proceed with their tournament, INT must receive approval from the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission and then the City Council. If the city approves the permit, INT is also required to seek approval of a temporary structure permit from Carver County to allow placement of a slalom course in a public water body. This permit process hasn't been a problem in the past and shouldn't be now. All lakeshore property owners have been notified oflNT's request. Ms. Mueller has again been very cooperative in answering questions regarding the tournament and she or another representative will be attending the meeting to answer any questions. The two previous tournaments were very well organized. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission approve INT's request for a public gathering permit to host a water-ski, wake-board, and knee-board tournament at Lake Susan on July 10 and 11. It is also recommended that INT pay the reservation fee of $250 per day to reserve the Lake Susan Pavilion. Staff also recommends that a $1,000 deposit check be submitted prior to the event to cover any unforeseen damages. INT hasn't had any problems in the past and if none occur this year, the deposit check will be returned promptly G:',park'gcrry, 99WaterSkiTom-aamet.doc I~E]E:--ll--99 09:2F P~'~ P~"J P~UELL. E[;~ G12~6195Y'?' P. 02 Water Ski · l,V,fl~cboard ' Knecboard Ama, teu, r Tour February 12, 1999 Dear Sir, I am writing, fi'tis letter to request permission to lnold an Amateur International National Totlnl:.lllqerll (TNT) l.eaguc at I.ake Susan hi the month ofJuly~ I have worked with tine Claanhasscn Park & Recreatiotl; Jerry For the past 2 years. I frei that wc lcav¢ the park cleaner than when we first arrive~ Wc arc ~ cry scnsitix'c to thc homeowners on thc lake. Wc usc a vet7 small PA sy:~tcm, mad have the speaker~ pointed towards thc pavilion. Wc never have excessive xoltm~es, al. itri} ti~llc, We ~15¢ boats different marmfitctures, but there is onl) ouc boal in tnoticm at a time. I love using Lake Susan Park because it is in my homeh>x~ n areu, mid it's tX~n to sec pa~Xicipates tkom the area compete. At the present time ~x~c have quite a t~xv members t2'oi11 Chanhassen/Chaska area~ I have Cl'~e'ioscd information explaini~g ~hat thc INI l..caguc is all about~ to help you fu~her tmdcr~tm-~d ~haJ impac~ (he IN 1' I c¢~guc h'dS~ It gN'cs everyone nO maUer whm thc ~holc lkmiil>. I hope that you will gixc this carelkd consideration, if you ha~ e any questions iL'el Ii'cc to call me at 361-0577, Sincercl>', Para Muellcr MN State IN'I' League Com'dinalor 1951 Waterford Lane Chaska, MN 55318 612-361-9577 o-m~il mninf~c~l c:.r~m FEI::--I 1--99 £~9 .'28 F'I'I PAl'1 I'IUEL. LER E,l'2~-]E, 1957-F P. ~C~5 1--99 09:2~ PPi PA~ D1UELLER 95?7 P.E~4 Water Ski · Wakeboard · Knecboard g'mateur totlr PRESS RELEASE The INT League Comes To A Town Near You! ~4ttetttion Water Sports Fans/ Do you waterski, wakcboard, or kt~eeboard? Would you like to improve your skills and conipete on a non-intimidotmg level? If you answered yes to these questions, then the International Novice Tour (INT League) may be just your ticket.. The INT l.eague was devclopcd so that skiers, wakeboarders and kneeboarders of all ages and skill levels could compete itl a sate. and friendly atmosphere. The LX:T League hosts events tt~roughout thc spring, summer and early fall. Each state has their own tout' schedule with eveDts planned around the state which gives everyone the opportunity to experience the thrill of amateur competition~ With cvcnts for all ages and abilities, great prizes, free event t-shMs, camping and b~becues, there is something for everyone. The events offer a weekend of good clean fi~n tbr thc ~vhole family as well as the participants. The INT league also oft'ers a practice day where you can pick up coaching tips and thanks to local dealers, demo skis, wakeboards, ~kneeboards - you can even test drive a new boat! For more information, contact thc INT League: P.O. Box 283 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Phone: 253-887-1606 Fax: 425-432-5405 E.mail: int(~wolfenet Web page: http://w,~w.lntlcague.com