5 Spectator Bleacher ProposalCITYOF CHANHASSEN 612 93~ 1900 :,gi,eeE~g ]'2v 612. 9.3L 91 U 5(fi'~' l-ky 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director February 16, 1999 SUB J: Spectator Bleacher Proposal, Chanhassen Recreation Center and Bandimere Park At your January meeting, Frank Scott, representing the Chanhassen Athletic Association, presented a proposal regarding spectator seating at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. His proposal was that the CAA and the city split the cost of purchasing ten bleachers--two for each of the five fields at the center. The commission was receptive to Mr. Scott's proposal as the city had money budgeted for bleachers at Bandimere Community Park. The commission tabled the item and instructed staffto prepare a proposal for a joint purchase. The attached quotation sheets represent the result of my inquiries with Midwest Playscapes and Seating & Athletic Facility Enterprises. Each proposal is for 19 bleachers, 10 for the Recreation Center and 9 for Bandimere Park° Additional bleachers would be proposed at Bandimere Park in the year 2000 corresponding with the park becoming fiflly operational. We received quotes for both 15 fi. and 21 fi. bleachers. All of the bleachers are a 3 row, 30 inch high design which conforms to current building codes. Staff is recommending the purchase of the 15 ft. model to maximize the portability and rigidity of the units. Seating and Athletic Facility Enterprises is offering the 19 units at the price of $9,863 compared with a price orS11,028.08 from Midwest Playscapes. The CAA has offered to pay for 5 of the units which equals an investment of $2,595.53. The city would pay the remaining $7,267.47. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission authorize the joint purchase of nineteen 3 row x 15 ft. bleachers from Seating and Athletic Facility Enterprises at a cost of $9,863. This cost is to be divided between the CAA ($2,595.53) and the city ($7,267.47). It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the city council roll over the remaining 1999 s~pectator seating budget (approximately $12,500) to the year 2000 for additional bleachers at Bandimere and City Center Community Parks. g:\park\th\bleachers.doc The (;itl, ofiChanhassen. A ~rowi,2 commu,it~, t~ q;h cio;,/,fi'cs, Oz~,di;l' schooh, a cha;,~:i,~. (/o~'mo~',, tl, Et,i,,g busi,esses, a,d be, ual~id parks. 02/12/1999 13:32 1-507:-'256-7604 9AAFE PAGE 01 $ A (507) 256-7604 (507) 256-7207 FAX QUOTATION Seating And Athletic Facility Enterprises RR 2, Box 24A. E/lendale, MN $60~6 %TADIUM" STEVE SNYDER DATE: February 12, 1.999 QUOTATION NO: SS-021299-02 TO: City of Chanh~sen Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone: (612) 937-1900 Fax: (612) 937-5739 ATTENTION: Todd ttof~an REFERENCE: Bleachers DESCRIPTION Nineteen (19) All Aluminum Non-Elevated WeMedAngle Frame Bleachers -2 x 10 Anodized Alum(nmn Seats -Single 2 x 10 Mill Fin/sh Footboards 3 Row x 15' Bleachers with ,4bore Feamre,s' -Each to Seat 30 (Based on a Rumfing 18" Seat) Total Materials Delivered with Tax: $ 9,863.00 3 Row x 21' Bleachers with Above Features -Each to Seat 42 (Based on a Running 18" Seat) Total Materials Delivered with Tax: $13,142.00 FOB: JoB,itc DELIVERY: Sch,¢duled. TERMS: Net 15 Feb 1G 99 11:02m MidWest Pla~scapes {G12l 361-3549 p. I MIDWEST PLA YSCAPES 500 Pine Street, Suite 104 Chaska, MN 55318 Phone (612) 361-3504 Fax (612) 361-3549 QUOTATION PROJECT CITY OF CHANHASSEN & CAA LOCATION City CHA~ASSEN State MN CUSTOMER Zip 55317 CONSULTANT ,Mike Korth CONTACT Todd Hoffman/ ~ank Scott DATE PHONE FAX 2/16/99 937-1900 ext 121 - S ,~39 We are pleased to offer the following quotation: NATIONAL RECREATION SYSTK~ BLEACt~RS- two options 1) 3 R~q x 15' BLEACHERS Model gNB-0315A/06 QUAI~ITY - 19 2) 3 ROW x 21' BLEACHERS Model gNB-032tA/06 $10,355. ,, QUANTITY - 19 ... $13,585. ._.-,. PEATURES; ai~. ~Sle understruc2~e rot 6'~rzse 2x10 anod&zed al~. sea~ single 2x10 ~11 finish alan. f~t pla~ *PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT. *ANY T~X WOULD BE ADDITIONAL. Accepted by X Date Prices fim~ for 3 0 days, subject to review'thereafter. Our terms are net 15 A finance charge of l 1/2% per month w'ill be imposed on the outst2mdhtg balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Please allow 3 to 5 weeks for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufactured design, specification, and construction apply unless noted otherwise Customer is responsible tbr the identification of all undergromM utilities. Install rates are based upon NORMAL conditions. If ,xe can be of other assistance, please feel flee to contact us.