6 GS Request to Use PaddleboatsCITYOF
612932 I900
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FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
DATE: February 11, 1999
Grant Request for Paddleboat Use, Girl Scouts of America
During the January Park and Recreation Commission rneeting, the River Bluff
Girl Scout group which represents girls from Chanhassen, Chaska, and the
Victoria area requested the use of city paddleboats during the visitor presentation
portion of the agenda. The paddleboats will be used at Lake Minnewashta
Regional Park from August 2 - 5, 1999 for the annual Twilight Camp. The girl
scouts stated they will provide their own life jackets, adult supervision, insurance,
and the transportation of the boats from Lake Ann to Lake Minnewashta.
I would recommend that we retain 1 out of the 5 paddleboats at Lake Ann in order
to serve our current customers. The girl scouts will be able to use 4 paddleboats
for their camp. The 1998 average daily boat revenue totaled around $30 The $30
daily average is a recommended fee for the use of the paddleboats. Staff
recommends a $120 usage f~e for the 4 days the boats are out of rental service.
I will also develop a checklist tbr the condition o'f' each paddleboat befk~re the girl
scouts transport them to Lake Minnewashta.
If the girl scouts need anything else to satisfy this request, I will work with them.