11 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly Reportt6 February 1999 TO: Todd Hoffman. Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Susan Marek. Lead Facility Supervisor SUB J: CRC Monthly Report - FebruarY 1999 Staff work schedules are set through May. For the summer months, we will reduce the staffing at the Recreation Center as our business declines substantially. This will also allow us to stay on budget for employee salaries. We thank Nancy Buehler for her help in filling in as our Child Care Coordinator until a permanent replacement was hired. Janet Carmichiel is our new Child Care Coordinator. Janet will work Nlonday - Friday, 8:45am - 12:15pm. Janet's hours will be reduced in the summer months. YMCA Preschool Floor Hockey begins this week at 78% capacity. Kerry Ronav has moved to a different, position at the'YMCA:and Marvin Puspoki has taken on the reponsibilities in c. oordinating our preschool programsl Daddy/Daughter Date Nights were held at the'Recreation Center on F.ebrua. ry 11 and 12. Dads and daughters enjoyed a ~eat meal, face painting and a dance! 3-on-3 Basketball will end the regular season next week.' Jerry Ruegemer will set the playoff schedule. Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317, Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065