PC Minutes 01-07-2014 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 2014 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Kim Tennyson, Lisa Hokkanen, Maryam Yusuf, Stephen Withrow, and Steven Weick STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC HEARING: 6421 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD, PLANNING CASE 2014-01: REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO GRADE PROPERTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PARKING LOT ADDITION AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY ZONED OFFICE AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT (OI) AND LOCATED AT 6421 HAZELTINE BOULVARD (MINNETONKA MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST). APPLICANT: MINNETONKA SCHOOL DISTRICT 276. Aanenson: Thank you Chairman, members of the Planning Commission. This item again is being, the request is from Minnetonka Public Schools. It is property zoned Office Institutional, public, semi-public and it’s 30 acres in size. The reason why it needs an interim use permit is that it’s in excess of 1,000 cubic yards. So again the subject site is located just south of Highway 7, off of 41. The Minnetonka Middle School. And it’s a large piece of property but with the improvements that they’ve made, including the swimming pool, additional parking is required. There’s just kind of congestion in this corner of the site itself. So the parking improvements in and of itself will be to add 51 additional parking stalls, so you can see that shown in this area here will be the additional parking stalls. So what is being disturbed is about 2 1/2 acres and want to add about 1 acre of new impervious to the hard cover being treated. So part of what needs to be accommodated here, as we looked at with the last permit is to manage the rate and control of the water that’s being, additional water that’s being created. It needs to be treated so with this project we’re actually looking at a filtration swale via 6 curb cuts and if you have questions and more specific about that I’ll let engineering or Alyson answer those questions but the filtration site would really be privately owned and managed by the school district so we’ll put together a manual and how they’ll maintain that and inspections and the like so the City will have that so if there’s concerns about that we can manage that as we do all of our other stormwater ponds to make sure that’s being accommodated. So the actual cubic yards being graded would be about 2,400 cubic yards so that’s the excess over the requirement. We also are taking security in place to make sure that that happens. That everything gets put back. Because of the drainage swale in this retention area, it will be here. Then we also a retaining wall will go around the site and as a normal practice we like to state how that retaining wall will look so it’s actually about 5 1/2 feet tall and it would be concrete segment wall with a chiseled finish. Kind of a split face rock so that will be on the, this side of the property as I indicated here. So the stalls meet all the City standards. We are requiring landscaping that will be on the perimeter of the site. Additional landscaping there to buffer that so with that we are recommending approval. It does meet all the requirements of the City. There are conditions of approval. More specifics here a little bit on the grading plan. If you had questions on that I’d then defer to Alyson on that but we are recommending approval. There are Findings of Fact in the staff report supporting the conditions of approval. Again the security that we’re putting in place and then operational manual that we’ll review or have on staff to make sure that it’s, the filtration pond is functioning as it should so we are recommending approval and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 7, 2014 Aller: In my reading of the report, and review of the conditions, it appears as though this could have been handled administratively. Is the only reason that it’s before us the square footage requirements? Aanenson: That’s correct, yeah. Because it’s over 1,000 square feet, yeah. Cubic yards, sorry. Yeah, and then to look at the, to attach those conditions that would go with it yeah. Aller: Does anybody have any other questions at this point other than? Withrow: I guess one question. Will the soil actually be removed or will it stay on site? Aller: I was going to turn to Alyson in a second. Fauske: They’ve indicated that they have excess soil for the site so they will be trucking some of the soil off the site and we’ve requested that they provide us with a haul route just so that if we get telephone calls about truck traffic that we’re able to answer where that traffic is coming from and going to. And also to make sure that it’s going to a site outside of Chanhassen so that we can ensure that it’s not a site that’s getting the excess material and need of a grading permit or an interim use permit. Withrow: Okay, thank you. Aanenson: And it’s correct too Alyson that some of the removal also will be some of the reclaimed pavement material too so again that’s part of the condition is to make sure that we know where it’s going and. Aller: And for those of you that aren’t here we get a complete report which includes the recommendations and the Findings of Fact but just to go through a little bit of that, with regard to the retaining wall and the drainage systems. Alyson if you’d just kind of give an overview of what that is. Fauske: Certainly. In the back of the staff report there’s some of the plans that, which one’s the clearest one is probably number C-4. It indicates where the retaining wall is. It shows you the wall elevation through there. The reason being they just need to hold back some of that dirt and provide an area for that filtration area and that’s what they’re proposing to provide some stormwater treatment and rate attenuation through the project. So that’s the genesis for the retaining wall in the site. Aller: Thank you. Aanenson: Yeah and I was just going to add. I know we did have someone come into the office today and we went through the staff report with them. I think we may have only received one other call. Just explained what was going on and didn’t, nobody had concerns that they felt like they needed to be here for that. Felt comfortable with what we were recommending. Aller: Alright, thank you. Does anybody else have any questions or comments at this point? Okay. If the applicant wishes to do so he can come forward. Okay. And we’ll go ahead and open the public hearing portion of tonight’s meeting. Again if you wish to speak for or against an item you can come forward at this point in time. Public hearing is open. Seeing no one come forward I will close the public hearing. Comments. Discussion. I think we have a good working relationship with the school district. I think they’ve proven themselves to be sound fiscally and management wise and they’ve worked with us before so I see no reason why I wouldn’t. Hokkanen: They need the parking spaces. 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 7, 2014 Aller: Everybody needs parking. So entertain a motion at this time. Hokkanen: I’ll move. I will propose that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of an Interim Use Permit for the site grading in excess of 1,000 cubic yards to allow a parking lot expansion and stormwater improvements subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Tennyson: I’ll second. Aller: Having a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Hokkanen moved, Tennyson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approve the Interim Use Permit subject to the following conditions and that the City Council adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1.New retaining wall(s) exceeding 48 inches in height will require a professional design and building permit. 2.“No Parking Fire Lane” signage and yellow painted curbing will be required. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs and curb to be painted yellow. 3.The applicant shall install a minimum of six deciduous trees. 4.The interior width of the landscape islands or peninsulas shall be 10 feet. 5.All parking stalls shall be marked with painted lines not less than four inches wide in accordance with the approved plan. 6.Staff recommends the applicant installs forebays at each curb cut. 7.All seed mixes shall be from the MN State Seed Mix list. 8.Seed mix 25-141 shall be replaced within the filtration swale with 33-262 or its equivalent. 9.The plan shall call out MNDOT 3877 Filter Topsoil Borrow or shall otherwise limit the clay content to less than 5% of the topsoil portion. 10.The applicant must develop an operations and maintenance manual addressing the anticipate inspection and maintenance schedule for the filtration swale as well as measures to assure that the swale functions according to design. This must be provided to the city and provisions must be included to allow for City staff to inspect as is required under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit issued in August of 2013. 11.Inlet protection shall be called out and installed at all catch basins and catch basin manholes. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 7, 2014 12.Inlet protection shall be called out and installed at all curb cuts into the filtration swale until the swale is fully stabilized. 13.Remove all references to a filter sock around the underdrain as is shown in detail 11 on page C5. 14.The applicant must apply for and receive coverage under the NPDES permit. Proof of this must be provided to the City. 15.The plans shall be revised to note the style of the existing grated manhole covers and, if they are to be upgraded, note the new style. 16.A $5,000 escrow for restoration and erosion control will be required with the permit. 17.The applicant must provide a proposed haul route for review and approval. 18.An as-built grading plan is required once site grading is complete. 19.The applicant shall show the retaining wall on the grading plan. 20.The plan must follow all applicable state and federal guidelines. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Undestad noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated November 19, 2013 as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. Aanenson: I’ll give you the City Council update. Aller: Please. th Aanenson: Okay. So the City Council approved on their November 24 the Pioneer Cemetery so they put together a process so we’re working on that right now. The goal right now is to get it surveyed and then once we get the survey and have a better understanding of that, we actually chose a day before it snowed and got cold to go out there and walk it so we’ve kind of looked at some of the issues out there and then we’re out with getting a couple bids right now from surveying crews. It’s pretty cold right now to get that all staked. We want to look at all the information. Then we’ll have another neighborhood meeting and come back to the City Council with what we believe should be a good transition for the buffering between the neighborhood and so that meeting we were hoping might take place in January but we’ll see what the weather is like because we’d like everybody to be able to see the stakes and feel comfortable with kind of that information and disbursing all that so that neighborhood meeting is coming forth. They also approved the Great Plains Center at 7905. The British Petroleum site. Sharmeen Al-Jaff and myself have met with the developer. Alyson, kind of reviewing their plans. They finalized their tenants. That’s still a little bit proprietary. I think you’ll be very pleased with what they’re coming back for the mix so that project should be underway. Again weather is determining some of the projects. Kind 4