Here's lttmber that won't rot
Benchmark of Sauk
Rapids improves
on building supplies
made from milk jugs
By Bddcjet Falbo
neered by a Sauk Rapids tmq-
t~ess should help reduce plasuc
waste ~n landfiJls.
r'~o v~ars ago, J/m Dona~hue,
wnh h~s partner and son. Pat
.i Fmia.n l~dustnes, a manu[ac.
turer ,)i park benches and p,cmc
rabies made of redwood, pine
,md ret~'ded pia.snc.
,:hanging the ,
mark Outdoor '
Ihe Dona~hues
l.~st ','ear work- Jim
:nucn like chddren torcln~
L'~n L/tmu~,n a tube.
mold wtkl meld lo~s
,~usav available.
,, 12.000-round moid r.eqture(~
Stmrm~er, chea~er
'The strenRm Js unbehev-
able." smd J~m 12~mae. nue. "Th, ev
cheater man r~tw~m, half
~e market. J/m Donasmue chi.
~im Oonaqlque. owner of Bencnmar~ Out-
door ~rO~uct~ of ~uK ~old$, dtsola~
] OleCe of ~nt~etic umoer that wdl be
~sod to make oa~ ponchos anQ ~bles.
.~ ma~ ~r ~c
The "~umoer," made from recycled mill(
for the ~ast e~ght montr~$ and has a
,tast~c ,o~s. ,Z2e exm)deo as [f ,~ii lees ,,veil wttn :he fi~t
ment~ :ar ?ar~s and vublic
6YO C:'n' C,'mer Dm,e, ~'~0 3ox
CT,at~i~assen, 3 F. mtt~'ota..o i~'w .
? one (I-.9.~
3gbte~it~ A= 612 93 Z 9152
":W~Tc QtF~ F~x. 612.~Z~ 252~
January20, I999
John VonWalter
Facility Supervisor
510 Pleasant View
Chard2assen. MN 553
Dear John:
On behalf of the Cirv of Chanhassen. I xvish to acknowledge your attention to the
medical emergency experienced at the Recreation Center on January. 11. Your
presence and sense of duty is truly valued. The death of Mr. Stark was a vex
franc and unfortunate occurrence. By remaining calm, you were able to perform
in this very difficult situation. [ thank you for all that you did.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Mayor and Ciw Council
~ Recreation Commission
Susan Marek, Facility Superv/sortLead Person
g: parKxtP, wonwatter~tr.doc
~,,e Ca,. of C.3,,nu'm, ssert. . ~. ::m";-. .......... .~. ...... t,,;,., ......, ........ 3 ::-' ',, '-&., -...'::.;.':z' .~." :o~', ,t :,".:z-,::,:,.? :rb:cnro:~ .w, 3usin~.:a-, .:nd beattr:.~ut'g '?arks. A ~e, tt ?lace :o [i:'e, tcorO. .:mt'
Ct IigS
690 (.':'~, G~rer De're, ?0 Box
i%one 612.93~ i900
January 20, 1999
Tom K_nowles
Facility Supervisor
!6400 Creekside Circle
Minnetonka, .MN 55345
Dear Tom:
On behalf of the City. of Chanhassen, 1~ wish to acknowledge your attention to the
medical emergency experienced at the Recreation Center on January 11. Your
presence and sense ofdu .ty is truly valued. The death of Mr. Stark was a very
n'a~c and unfommate occurrence. By remaining calm, you were able to perform
!n this very difficult situation. I thank you for all that you did.
Todd Ho ITTnan
?ark and Recreation Director
Mavor and City Council
Susan Marek, Facility SupervisortI. ead Person
~: part< \th'&T. ow t esitr_doc
T,a, ciO, o] C~Samj,~o'en. .-'. ~v:, :': :.'",e,,::m:v,. x'::,? ,'.,::,t ..a':':'. .'::.;,::,'::,'.'o,-. ,; c.'.:r.'::,:~.:ownw:c~. :/, busino..Te¢ and beautif,,d paris. .4 ~ear pLtce :o ii: e, a'or ?. .rna'?::(:
Q~al F~ ~12.93~ 5739
E~tF ~ng F~' 6 I g 93 Z 9152
Public ~f~ ~. 612 ~34.2524
l~b u'u,u~c~chanh~en.,m, us
February. 9, 1999
Ms. Mary Perkins
Executive Director
West Hennepin Community Services
Eisenhower Communi~ Center
[ 00 ! High~vay 7, #217
Hopk/ns, YIN 55305
Dear Mary:
Thank you for attending the Cirv Council Work Session on February 8. Your
presence and responsiveness were very. helpful tbr the City CounciI. [ am excited to
set out on this nexv engagement together. Ln response to Councilwoman Jansen's
inquiry, xvoutd you please prepare a bar ~aph depicting your estimate of activity and
expense for Chanhassen over the next five years. Upon receipt of this document, I
xvill tb~vard both sig-ned copies of our contract.
Mary, [ xvill be your assigned contact person through the end of March. Beginning
A. pril i, our nexvly b_ired Recreation Supervisor will manage our contract. It is also
important for you and Barb to meet Susan Marek. Susan is the Lead Facility
Supervisor at the Chanhassen Recreation Center and is responsible for managing its
Fhe City. of Chanhassen looks forxvard to xvorking with West Hennepin Community
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Mayor and Cirv Council
Park and Recreation Commission
3e~ry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
Susan Marek, Lead Facility Supervisor
g:' par k'4 hXPerkinsLtr.doc
~mojec'r ,~,uE ~j' ~ ~ ~ =,c,~Es iJNffS .2ENSIT'~
':).9 ) :,35
' 37 5 ' 50
'r 31 }7 ' 22
53 ' '59
- S5
:~UBTOTAL _'22.?~. :9.~ ' ? !.3 -'i._a9 58.21