2 CAA RequestOperateConcessionsCITY OF
690 Gry Ce,ret Drive, PO Box 147
67,anhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 61293,7. I900
General Fax 612.93~ 5739
E~gi~eering Fax 612 93 7. 915 2
Pz~b/i~' Safi'(~, ~a' 612.934.2524
~'b :~,u,a ci. chad;asse,~.mn.
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director///7~
J~ar~rc~iiii~' Recreati°n Superintendent / / I X~
Chanhassen Athletic Association Request to Operate Concessions at
Lake Ann Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center
At last month's Park and Recreation Commission meeting, Frank Scott, representing
the Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA), expressed an interest in operating
concessions at Lake A~m Park (little concession building by the ballfields) and the
Chanhassen Recreation Center warming house. It is ~ny responsibility to look for new
ways to add services fbr our residents and program participants, CAA's request for
operating concessions certainly would provide a much needed service.
CAA would like to sell concessions at the Recreation Center from May 3 to July 10,
and at Lake Arm frorn May 3 to August 6. Lake Ann is operating longer to serve the
needs of the adult softball leagues.
The menu items sold would be limited and simple. They would include, but not be
limited to, prepackaged ite~ns such as chips, pretzels, ice cream, pop, and candy. These
simple prepackaged items would be a quick point of sale and be better for this Lvpe of
In exchange lbr allowing the CAA to sell concessions in our parks, I recommend tha~
the city receive 15% of their gross sales. CAA has agreed to these terms and will track
sales from both sites. They will issue a check to the city monthly.
If approved by the Park and Recreation Commission, staffwill provide a monthly
report showing the sales at each site. CAA plans to use a portion of the revenue for
fundraising which would benefit the city through capital projects. The CAA recently
partnered with the city to purchase bleachers for the Recreation Center.
It is staWs recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the
request from Chanhassen Athletic Association to operate concessions at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center and Lake Ann Park. The City will request 15% of the
gross sales and the payment will be made by the first of each month through the
duration of the operating dates.
The 0O, olCChanhasse,. A ~rou,'in~ community with clean lakes, a~a/it3, schooh, a cha~vning dott,motvn, t/,rivine businesses, and heauti£u/ ,ark~. A ~re, t ,/,ce to/i,,~, ,,,(,,.h (,~d d~,,