3 LandDevelReview Lynmore SubdCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 ~5O' Ce.to' Drh~e, PO P/~o.e 6]2 ~3 E i ~00 Ge.era/t~x dI2. 93 hd;/ic 5)ffi?, l~x 612. MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Director FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 17, 1999 SUB J: Lynmore Subdivision Shortly after the commission reviewed this subdivision in February, the applicant submitted revised plans. These new plans acknowledge the Bluff Creek Preservation Ordinance by setting aside the primary zone as open space (Outlot A). However, the applicant does feel "stuck in the middle" as the Bluff Creek ordinace was adopted mid way through their attempting to develop the property. Mr. Moore is now looking to recoup a portion of his investment in Outlot A. He has discussed selling "lot extensions" to the land owners residing adjacent to Outlot A in the Stone Creek Addition. In that the outlot also lies adjacent to Stone Creek Park and it would be advantageous to add its 2 acres to the park. In return for this transfer of ownership, the city would grant the applicant full park fee credit ($8,400). RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the city offer the applicant full park fee credit, $8,400, in exchange for fee title ownership ofOutlot A. *Please note that this item is being discussed by the Planning Commission on March 17, 1999. ATTACHMENTS 1. Revised plan set. 2. Memorandum to Bob Generous, Senior Planner. g:\park\th\lynmore-outlot a-e.doc CITIOr 690 CiO, Ce~mr Drive. PO Box I47 Cl,a~hasse,. Minnesota 55317 ?ho~e 612.937. I900 Ge~al F~r 612937.5739 E~gi~eeri,g Ezx' 612. 93 7. 9152 l'~blic ~fi'9' E~x 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 9, 1999 SUB J: Lynmore Subdivision The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the Lynmore Subdivision on February 23, 1999. Their review was prior to the plan being revised to identify Outlot A as open space. As such, the commission recommended denial of the application for failing to meet the open space preservation requirements of the Bluff Creek ordinance. The Park and Recreation Commission was very clear that without the preservation of the primary zone, they would not support this application. The Park and Recreation Commission will be pleased to see the revised plans. On March 23, I will present the new set of plans to the commission. It will be my recommendation that the commission offer the applicant full park fee credit, $8,400, in exchange for fee title ownership of Outlot A. This trade off is not required to ensure the outlot remain open space. The land is already protected by the Bluff Creek ordinance. The credit is offered as an inducement to the applicant to transfer fee title to the city. In this particular situation, fee title is desirable as the outlot abuts Stone Creek Park. g:\park\th\lynmorememo-bg.doc