8 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly Report16 March 1999
'Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation
Susan Marek. Lead Facility Supervisor
CRC Monthly Report - March t999
The Child Care Coordinator position has experienced yet another ti~rnover. Janet
Charmichiel quit after having the position for three weeks - she was offered a better
opportunity. We wish her well. Brenda Larson has been hired as our new Child Care
Coordinator. Brenda has been an in home child care provider for four years and we
are lucky to have her at the Rec Center. Welcome! Brenda xvill work Monday-Friday,
8:45arn - 12:15pm. Brenda's hours will be reduced in the summer months.
YMCA Preschool Floor Hockey is in full swing. Due to the program cancellation on
March 9 (big snow), we will provide refunds to the Tuesday participants for one
'session. Preschool.Indoor Soccer is at capacity enrollment and we have a long wait
!ist~ We have also started taking registrations for PresChool T-Ball which will be held
at City Hail'on the south lawn.
3-on-3 Men'~ Basketball concluded March 15. Thanks to Tom Knowles. Facility
Supervisor, and JetTy Ruegem.er for coordinating this program.
The Rec Center will be hosting two large events in the near future - Senate District 43
Republican Convention and the University ofMirmesota Ai'boretum;s Garden Fever
'99. Of course, the annua'l Easter Egg Candy Hunt will also be held at the Rec Center.
On April 1, the Rec Center Facility Supervisors will be having a dinner meeting, with
Todd Hoffman at City Hall. We will have the opportunity to discuss current issues
which will surely include the changes at City Hall, the upcoming op'ening of the
Chanhassen Fitness Center downtown and staffhour reductions for the summer.
Chanhassen Recreation Center. 23 I0 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065