9 Senior Center ReportCITYOF
690 City Onter Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 5.5317
?hone 612.937.1900
Ge,eral Fax 612,937.5739
£ngineeri,g Fa.,: 612937.9152
Public Safebv £,x 612.934.2_524
lt/~eb wwa!c/.chanhassen, mn.m
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dawn Beitel
March 17, 1999
Senior Center Report
This past month the Senior Center has been a busy place_ Approximately 485 visits were
recorded during the month of February. Considering that February is generally a heavy
"go south" month, we had a good and steady turnout.
Saturday Night Specials - Our Irish night on March 6th drew a large crowd of 38 people.
All enjoyed a meal of Irish stew and piano playing by Diane Preditis. Our next event is
Scandinavian Night on Saturday, April 10 from 5-7 p.m.
Trips - Seven people went on the day trip to Owatonna. I received mostly a good report;
however, they felt too much time was spent at Cabelas (2 hours). The Old Log Theater
trip was run on March 11 and 15 people carpooled to have lunch and watch "A Perfect
Our next scheduled trip is to St. Paul for a tour of the Capitol, the Conservatory and a
few other stops on April 29. I have also been asked to check on purchasing tickets to see
the Titanic Exhibit before the end of April.
Congregate Dining/Meals on Wheels - Has continued to be used steadily and groups like
men's and women's clubs are using it as a continuation for social time after their
meetings. Last week several of the meals drew complaints and these were passed on to
CAP people.
Miscellaneous - Two travel presentations scheduled for this month, one on Alaska
which was held on March 2 (6 people) and one on Hawaii (which is set for March 23).
Tax aid is completely full for the March 18m date and I anticipate the same for the
remaining two dates scheduled. A carpool trip has been set to go to Holasek's for
discount shopping on March 27.
Finally, Kara is returning Monday, March 29. We will be serving a welcome back cake
in the Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. that day. She has been missed and I'm told she is
looking forward to returning after a 12 week leave. I have thoroughly enjoyed filling in
at the Senior Center and appreciate the opportunity I had to return for 3 months. Thank
g:\park\dawn\senior ctr update march-e.doc
The Gt¥ qf Chanhassen. A W'owing community with cica, lakes, (/,alit3, schools, a cha,~i,e dow,tow,, tMvi,~ busi,esses, aM beautihd ,arks.
Scandinavian Nigh+
5:00- /:00 p.m.
En.)o~l a meal o4' $cocdiah
mea+ball~ u~i+h noodle~,
vec3e+ablc, roll~ and bu++cr,
?rui+ ~l~d ~nd de~e~+.
En+er+~inmen+ coill be provided
b~j +he "~o11~ I~i+chen B~.nd."
?~%jmen+ i5 due u~J~rh regis+r~fion--chech~, c~h, Vi~A/mA~ferC~rd
~ccep+cd. mAhe checl% p~uj~ble +o +he Ci+~ o~e Ch~nh~en. m~il or
drop of'f' ujour rec3J6+r~+ion ~eorm ~+ +he Ch~nh~en Senior Cen+er,
~qo Ci+~ Cen+er Drive. For more imeorm~+ion, con+~c+ +he Senior
Cen+er ~+ q57qqO0 ex+. lUrS.
Registration and Payment Due by Friday; April 2 $8.50
Home Phone:..
Payment: [] Cash [] Check [] Visa/MasterCard No.
Exp. Date:
Thursday, April 29
15:50 5 p. l.
~/c'rc off to at. ~Paul bccsinninc~ with a tour of thc Como lPark Con-
$crvatory with plenty of time to explore thc many Yarictics of
foilaOc and plants displayed there. Then it'o on to our beautiful
orate Capitol. ILcarn about thc architecture and history behind
this majestic structure. V~c~ll lunch at IForcpauohs lhcotaurant and
then cSo on to thc Alexander lhamscy i-louse for a ~uiclcd tour of
this prominent Of,. Paul landmark, ihccjistcr by April 15. Thc 4~09
fcc induclcs motorcoach transportation, tours, lunch and escort.
Mcct/Ihcturn: C~hanhas~cn Ocnior Center.
Payment i5 duc with registration--checks, cash, \/ism/bimstcrCmrd arc accepted. Make chcck~ payable
to thc City of Chmnhms~cn. Mail or drop off your registration form to thc Chmnhmsscn Senior Center,
090 City Center IDrivc, Chmnhmsscn, MIq 55017.
I~or More informmtion~ contact thc Chmnhm~cn Ocnior Oentcr mt 907-1900 ext. lq5.
Registration Form--Capitol City Tour.- April 29, 1999
Telephone Number:
$39 Payment: [] Cash
[] Check F1 Visa/MasterCard No.
Exp. Date:
Chart House Lunch
and Fashion Show
Tuesday; May 11
10:30 a.m. o 2:45 p.m.
F. njoy an afternoon of fashion and great food! The Chart House is located on Lake
Kingsley in Lakeville. All registrants must select a lunch choice below. Meals include a
tossed salad, whipped potatoes, honey glazed carrots, rolls and butter, and coffee or tea.
Choose from:
Chicken Supreme: Boneless chicken lightly floured, sauteed and served with a
supreme sauce over a bed of Minnesota blended wild rice.
Broiled M~--esota Walleye: Fillet of walleye broiled and topped with
slivered almonds.
Pork Chop: Apple dressing, homemade whipped potatoes and gravy
London Broil: Marinated sirloin of beef, charbroiled, slow roasted, hand carved.
Served with a mushroom pepper sauce.
The $25 fee indudes lunch, taxes, coach bus transportation
(dessert and alcoholic beverages are on your own).
Payment is due with registration--checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make checks payable to the
City of Chanhassen. Mail or drop off your registration form at the Chanhassen Senior Center,
690 City Center Drive. For more information, contact the Senior Center at 937-1900 ext. 145.
Registration and Payment Due by Monday, April 26. $25
Home Phone:.
Payment: 1~ Cash E] Check E] Visa/MasterCard No.
Lunch Choice:
Exp. Date:
Signature: Date: