10 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Cio, Center DEr,e, PO Box I47 Chad~asse~, .~h',,esot,~ 55317 ]¢o,v 612.93Z I900 (k~e~d Fax 612. 93 ~ 5~39 E~ginecri,g ~x 612.937. 9I 52 lbbEc S,~fi'O' Em 612. 9.34.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hofl'man, Park and Recreation Director FROM: DaLe Gregory., Park Superintendent DATE: March 15, 1999 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report Early in March we did our annual inspection and cleaning of'our wood duck houses. Last year's usage (71%) was up considerably from usage in 1997 (52%). A complete report on the usage and location of our wood duck houses is attached At this time, all of our riding lawnmowers have been checked out and all necessary repairs have been made. Inspection and repair of our push mowers and weed whips has just begun, Work on the five new soccer goals is nearly finished, and three of the five park signs have been completed. WOOD DUCK HOUSE-INSPECTION (Y=Yes N=N0 HOUSE NO. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000 Lake Susan Park: 1 Y Y Y Y Y 2 Y Y Y N Y 3 Y Y Y Y Y 4 Y Y Gone Y Y 5 Y Y N N Y 6 Y Y Y N N 7 Y Y Y Y Y 8 Y Y Y N Y Power Hill Park: 9 N N N Gone Gone 10 N N Y Gone Gone 11 Y Y Gone N N 12 Y Y N Y Sunset Ridge Park: 13 Y N Y N Y 14 Y N N Y Y Herman Field: 15 Y Y Y Y Y 16 Y Y Y Y Y 17 Y Y Y Y Y 18 Y N Y N N Curry Farms: 19 N N Gone Y Y 20 Y Y Gone Y Y Bandimer Heights Park: 21 Y Y ¥ Y Y 22 Y Y ¥ Y Y Lake Ann Park: 23 N N N N N 24 N Y N Y Y 25 Y Y N Y Y Kerber Pond Park: 26 Y Gone Y 27 Y Gone Y 28 Y Gone N 29 Y Gone N Herman Field Park: $0 Y Y Y 31 Y Y N