11a Bluff Creek TrailCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, Center Drive, PO Box 147 CTsanhassen, Mi, nesota 55.317 £hone 612. 937. I900 Oenera! £mc 612. 937.5739 £ugineering /~:c 612.937.9152 Pub&' Safe~ £ax 612. 934.2524 Web u,wu;ci, cha,hassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation ,~f// DATE: March 17, 1999 SUB J: Bluff Creek Trail The Bluff Creek Trail was postponed in 1998 due to easement problems and an effort to reroute the trail. The attached plan set reflects the revised (and improved) alignment. Upon completing city review of these plans, Hoxvard R. Green Company will seek to obtain a quote to complete the work as a change order to the 1998 Trail PrQject. Midwest Asphalt holds a contract with the city to complete this project; however, their pricing was only good through the close of 1998. In the event that Midwest's quote is unacceptable, we will open the project up to additional bidders. G: palk th dMuff('~ eck I radUpdatc3*16 The City qfl Chauhassen. A ~rowing communit3, with dean lakes, oualit3' schools. Howard R,-Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: File: RE: Mr. Phillip Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator, City of Chanhassen Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director, City of Chanhassen Mr. David E. Nyberg, P.E. Project Manager Howard R. Green Company March 10, 1999 805620j REVISED PLAN SET - BLUFF CREEK TRAIL ALIGNMENT Attached to this memo please find a copy of the revised trail alignment for the Bluff Creek trail segment in Chanhassen. The revised alignment includes minimum trail surface elevations of 882.0 feet south of the 60" culvert crossing and 884.0 feet north of the 60" culvert crossing. The project includes installation of two 15" culverts at station 8+80 and 12+50 to allow drainage through the trail embankment to the creek. No culvert extension modifications are proposed to the existing 60" culvert along Bluff Creek. As shown on cross-section 18+50 of the plans, the trail fits across the existing width of the culvert. Please note that for flooding to occur to an elevation of 884.0 feet north of the culvert it will be necessary to berm across this culvert to a higher elevation in the future. Currently, with the trail constructed directly over the 60" culvert, the new trail surface would not prevent water from flowing over the top of the 60" culvert prior to reaching elevation 884.0 feet if conditions allowed for this much water in the ditch. We assume that at some future date the culvert would be extended on each side with a berm constructed across the culvert extending to the west and connecting into higher ground to provide for a higher ponding elevation of 884.0 feet north of the culvert. The future parking area near Audubon Road has been removed from the plans and will be constructed as a future improvement. The trail is shown connecting directly to Audubon Road at a location near where the future parking area will be constructed. We have also included a revised cost estimate of the project showing costs estimated from the 1998 Chanhassen Trail Improvements project bid by Midwest Asphalt. We are currently drafting a new easement for lot 5, block 1 and should have this ready to forward to the attorney later this week. Easements on the two lots near the north end of the trail remain unchanged. O:\?R. OJ\g05620j\RE¥ISION MEMO.doc 1326 Energy Park Drive · SL Paul, MN 55108 · 651/644-4389 fax 651/644-9446 toll free 888/368~4389 Please review the enclosed plan sheets and revised cost estimates and let us know if you have any questions or comments. With your approval, we will forward the plans and change order specifications and bid schedule to Midwest Asphalt to obtain a quote to complete the work as a change order to the 1998 Chanhassen Trail Improvements Project. 9.gard R, Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 1998 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT BLUFF CREEK TRAIL REALIGNMENT CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA MARCH 1999 TO ALL BIDDERS: The above titled plans, specifications, and contract documents are hereby revised in accordance with the items set forth herein. This CHANGE ORDER to the plans and specifications is hereby made a part of the contract documents for the above-entitled project, to the same extent as though it was originally contained therein. All bidders are expected to thoroughly examine each item enumerated herein, regardless of its apparent application(s) and shall be held responsible for furnishing all labor and materials required in the division of the work that the items indicate. Items herein shall take precedence over any clauses, which they modify in the contract documents or portions of plans and specifications, which they modify or supplement.. SPECIFICATIONS: The following shall replace the Special Provisions included in the specifications for the above referenced project including any revisions made by Addendum No. 1: S-1 (1302) AWARD OF CONTRACT S-I.1 The award of Contract shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1302, except as modified below: S-1.2 The City. of Chanhassen reserves the right to add or delete this Change Order from the contract as it sees fit. S-1.3 The award of Contract, if it be awarded, will be made within 90 Calendar Days after the opening of the bid. S.2 (1404) MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC AND (2563) TRAFFIC CONTROL S-2.1 Traffic shall be maintained in accordance with the Provisions of Mn/DOT 1404, as directed by the Engineer, and the following: S-2.2 All traffic control devices used to maintain traffic on this project shall comply with the provisions of Mn/DOT 17t0. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 1 S-2.3 S-2.4 S-2.5 S-3 S-3.1 S-3.2 S-3.3 S-3.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for all traffic control required for the project and shall furnish, install, maintain and remove all necessary traffic control devices required to provide safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic through the Project in accordance with the Special Provisions and the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD), Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual, dated April, 1995, and Standard Signs Manual Part I, II, and III, for the life of the contract or until approved by the Engineer, whichever is longer. The Engineer shall have the right to modify the requirements for traffic control as deemed necessary due to existing field conditions. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer and Carver County, for approval, a plan for controlling and maintaining traffic along all roadways during work. The Contact for Carver County is shown below: Carver County Mr. Bilt Weckman Assistant County Engineer Access to existing driveways and streets shall be maintained at all times. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a plan indicating staging and loading areas prior to commencement of work on this particular trail segment. (1507) UTILITY PROPERTY AND SERVICE Construction operations in the proximity of utility properties shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1507, except as modified below: The following utility, owners have existing facilities that may be affected by the work under this Contract, all of which they intend, where necessary, to relocate or adjust in advance of or concurrently with the Contractor's operations: Minnegasco U.S. West Communications Northern States Power Triax Cable Television Minnesota Valley Electric Co-op Sprint Telecommunications Additional information on the anticipated activities of the utility owners can be found in the section entitled WORK BY OTHERS in these special provisions. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to contact the owners of all utilities in any area prior to the construction in the area so that he can be informed of the exact locations of all the utilities in the area including any that are not shown in the plans. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 2 S-3.5 S-3.6 S-4 S4.1 S4.2 S-4.3 S--4.4 S-5 S-5.1 S-5.2 The City of Chanhassen does not guarantee that the utilities are complete or that the locations are as shown on the plans and the Contractor shall be solely responsible for verifying the exact location of each of these utilities. The Contractor shall coordinate his work and cooperate with the foregoing utility owners and their forces in a manner consistent with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1507 and the applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 1505. (1508) CONSTRUCTION STAKES, LINES, AND GRADE The provisions of Mn/DOT 1508 shall be deleted and replaced with the following: Transitions of the cross slope of the trail are shown throughout the plans. The transition shall occur over a 50-foot longitudinal section of the trail. The transition shall change the trail from a 2% left or right cross slope to a 2% slope in the opposite direction. The transition shall occur over the 50-foot length of trail in a uniform and smooth manner. Transitions shall be considered incidental to the construction of the trail. Construction staking shall be provided by Howard R. Green Company. The Contractor shall provide 48 hours notice, 2 working days, to the Engineer for staking needs. Stakes will be set in the field at an appropriate location in order to perform the work. Stakes will be marked with stationing and offset information. The stakes shall be shot and cut sheets prepared by the Surveyor and given to the Inspector to pass along to the Contractor. Cuts and fills will not be written on the stakes unless the Contractor chooses to do so himself. Once the stakes are set, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to preserve and protect them and to use them to properly construct the work. Stakes removed or disturbed, which are essential to the proper construction of the project, shall be replaced by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Restaking may be requested by either the Contractor to perform his work or the Inspector to verify the work. Trail grading work shall be offset staked at 100-foot intervals to the centerline finish grade. No additional grading stakes will be provided. (1702) PERMITS, LICENSES, AND TAXES Permits and licenses shall be procured and taxes paid in conformance with Mn/DOT 1702 and the following: Bidders are advised that the City of Chan.hassen has applied to the following agencies for the necessary permits for grading, drainage, erosion control and turf establishment, as represented in the plans. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 3 S-5.3 S-5.4 S-6 Ao Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) All conditions, requirements, and restrictions of these permits shall be construed to be a part of these Special Provisions and shall be binding on the Contractor's operations under this Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting the obligations of the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity. The Contractor shall be required to sign this permit application prior to the commencement of the project. The NPDES General Stormwater Permit Application is located in the Appendix of this Specification. (1712) PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY AND LANDSCAPE S-6.1 Property and landscape shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1712 and the following: S-6.2 Many existing trees, shrubs, and landscape features exist along the proposed trail segments. The Contractor will be required to take special precautions or perform special construction procedures to preclude damage to these trees, shrubs, and landscape features that are to remain in place as determined by the Engineer. All such special precautions or construction procedures including, but not limited to, materials required for these procedures shall be considered incidental work for which no direct compensation will be made. S-6.3 The Contractor shall be responsible to assess each trail alignment prior to commencement operations and notify the Engineer of potential conflicts with construction equipment and overhanging branches of trees on private property. Any such conflicts shall be resolved with the Engineer prior to commencement of construction operations. S-6.4 Trees and shrubs to be protected along the trail alignment may require pruning of branches to provide for the 2 foot clear zone from the trail edge to a height of 12 feet, or to allow for construction equipment along the trail alignment. The Contractor shall exercise extreme care in these operations and shall not begin this work until approved by the Engineer. Any pruning of branches shall be considered incidental to the project. S-7 (1718) FURNISHING RIGHT OF WAY S-7.1 Right of way shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1718 and the following: S-7.2 Portions this trail segment are shown to be constructed in permanent and temporary easements outside of the boundaries of existing road or trail right-of-way. The City of Chanhassen is in the process of acquiring these easements. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 4 S-7.3 If the City of Chanhassen fails to acquire the required easements for a segment of the project, the right is reserved to eliminate from the Contract all work through or adjacent to this area or to require the Contractor to construct the work as specified at a later date. In the latter case, the time allowed for completion of the project will be extended for a period of time equivalent to any delay to progress controlling operations caused by such failure to acquke easements. No extra compensation will be made because of any delays or extra costs incurred by the Contractor resulting from delays in easement acquisition. S-8 (1803) PROSECUTION OF WORK S-8.1 All work performed under this Contract shall be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1803 and the following: S-8.2 The Engineer shall have the authority to limit the areas of excavation, borrow, embankment, and other construction activities susceptible to erosion which may be planned or in progress. The Engineer shall have the authority to limit work on any one segment of trail until vegetation is established and/or erosion susceptibility is limited on any or all other segments. These limitations shall be commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress with erosion control measures. S-8.3 The Contractor shall submit a project schedule to the Engineer prior to the pre- construction meeting. The Contractor shall then provide updated schedules at the request of the Engineer at any time during the Contract period. S-9 (1806) DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME S-9.1 The Contract Time will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1806, except as modified below: The Contract Time for the project will be based on consecutive calendar days. The Contract Time shall be the sum of consecutive calendar days prescribed to complete the work for each schedule° The consecutive calendar days prescribed for each schedule are as follows: Schedule 4.0 Bluff Creek Trail 30 days TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 30 DAYS S-9.2 As noted above in Section 1302, AWARD OF CONTRACT, the City of Chanhassen reserves the right to delete this Change Order prior to award if they see fit. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 5 So10 S-10.1 S-11 S-11.1 S-12 S-12.1 S-13 S-13.1 S-13.2 (1807) FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE WORK ON TIME The assessment of liquidated damages will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1807, except as modified below: The Contractor will be assessed a daily charge, on a Calendar day basis, for any day that any work remains uncompleted after expiration of the Contract Time for each Schedule as determined and extended in accordance with NLn/DOT 1806. The daily charge will be based on the original Contract time for each Schedule and will be in the amount $400.00 per day. (2021) MOBILIZATION Mobilization shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2021, except as modified below: Partial payments for Mobilization will be made in accordance with Mn/DOT 2021.5 for each schedule included in the Contract. (2101) CLEARING AND GRUBBING Clearing and grubbing work shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2101, except as modified below: Clearing and grubbing shall be required only as necessary to complete the work as specified on the Plans. The Contractor shall review the site with Engineer prior to the commencement of clearing and grubbing operations. No tree, shrub, or branch shall be cut or pruned until the Engineer has marked it for removal. Clearing and Grubbing shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible. The Contractor shall be advised that several mobilizations may be necessary to complete the clearing and grubbing operations by each individual trail segment. The unit bid prices shall include as many mobilizations and demobilization's as necessary to clear and grub the project limits as indicated by the Engineer. (2104) REMOVING PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTL~RES Removing pavement and miscellaneous structures shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2104, except as modified below: Existing bituminous pavement at trail match points shown in the Plans shall be sawn along the removal lines as indicated by the Engineer in the field, to a minimum depth of three (3) inches prior to breaking off the pavement. Item 2104.501 "Remove Curb and Gutter", shall include the removal of curb and gutter at trail match points as shown in the Plans. Payment shall be compensation in full for O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 6 S-14 S-14.1 all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to remove and dispose of curb and gutter as specified. (2105) EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Excavation and embankment shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2105 and Chanhassen Street Construction Specifications except as modified below: Transitions of the cross slope of the trail are shown throughout the plans. Additional transitions may be required by the Engineer during construction of the trails to accommodate drainage from the trail in specific areas. The transition shall occur over a 50-foot longitudinal section of the trail. The transition shall change the trail from a 2% left or right cross slope to a 2% slope in the opposite direction. The transition shall occur over the 50-foot length of trail.in a uniform and smooth manner. Transverse slope transitions shall be considered incidental to the construction of the trail. Earthwork quantities (cuts and fills) have been completed based on the cross sections shown in the plans. These quantities are provided here for reference and information only. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying these quantities. Trail Se~oment Cut Fill Bluff Creek (realignment) 1,438 CY 6,316 CY Bluff Creek (connection to Valley View Court) 1.627 CY 0 CY TOTALS 3,065 CY 6,316 CY No adjustments have been made in the above numbers for topsoil salvage, shrinkage or compaction. Earthwork operations for each awarded trail segment shall be staged by the Contractor in such a way to minimize stockpiling and unnecessary handling of all excavation and embankment materials. S~14.2 Compaction of all embankment construction, including culvert backfills, shall be obtained by the "Specified Density" method described in Mn/DOT 2105.3F1. S-14.3 Common borrow shall be suitable material that will meet all recommended compaction requirements. Common borrow material shall be approved by the Engineer prior to hauling the material to the site. The necessity of common borrow material shall be verified by the Engineer in the field. The City of Chanhassen may have suitable common borrow material available within the City limits. Bidders are advised to contact Anita Benson, Chanhassen City Engineer, for more information. If there is a shortage of common borrow, granular borrow will be used for embankment material. Also, any material that needs to be hauled from one trail segment to another shall be paid for as common borrow and shall be authorize by the Engineer prior to hauling. O:\proj\80138Oj\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 7 Ao Measurement will be made by the cubic yard, compacted volume. The average end area method shall be used to compute the measured volume, based on the diagram shown on Exhibit A. Measurements shall be taken as needed along the trail alignment. Bo Payment will be made under Item 2105.521 "Common Borrow (CV)" at the Contract unit price per cubic yard. The Contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all material, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified including hauling, placing, and compacting the soils. S-14.4 Granular borrow shall meet the requirements of Mn/DOT 3149.2B1. The necessity of granular borrow material shall be verified by the Engineer in the field. Ao Measurement will be made by the cubic yard, compacted volume. The average end area method shall be used to compute the measured volume, based on the diagram shown on Exhibit A. Measurements shall be taken as needed along the trail alignment. Payment will be made under Item 2105.521 "Granular Borrow (CV)" at the Contract unit price per cubic yard. The Contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all material, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified including hauling, placing, and compacting the soils. S-14.5 Common excavation shall be completed in accordance with Mn/DOT 2105 except as modified below: A. Subgrade is defined as the bottom of the Aggregate Base Class 5. Bo In cut areas, common excavation shall be as shown in Exhibit A and shall include stripping, salvaging and re-spreading topsoil to a minimum thickness of 4 inches in all areas requiring turf establishment. All excess excavated material and topsoil shall be used as directed by the Engineer as embankment material elsewhere along the trail segment. Any excess material or topsoil, as directed by the Engineer, that is required to be hauled to another trail segment shall be paid for under common borrow. Co O:\proj\801380j\CO2 In fill areas, common excavation shall be as shown in exhibit A and shall include excavation of unsuitable soil materials and topsoil to a depth of 1-foot below existing grade. Any additional excavation below 1-foot to remove unsuitable soils or topsoil shall be paid as subgrade excavation. Common excavation shall include stripping, salvaging, and re-spreading topsoil to a minimum thickness of 4 inches over all areas requiring turf establishment. All excess excavated material and topsoil shall be used as directed by the Engineer as embankment material elsewhere along the trail segment. Topsoil and other - Bluff Creek Page 8 unsuitable subgrade material may be used as embankment material outside a 1:1 slope from the top of subgrade. Any excess material or topsoil, as directed by the Engineer, that is required to be hauled to another trail segment shall be paid for under common borrow. Do Topsoil, as determined by the Engineer, to be used for finished restoration shall be stockpiled on-site. If an insufficient amount of topsoil for re-spreading is to be encountered, it shall be the Engineer's discretion to use native topsoil or suitable material on-site to be re-spread for turf establishment. Suitable material, as directed by the Engineer, may be hauled from one trail segment to another and shall be paid for under common borrow. If directed by the Engineer any additional excavation work done due to the revision of plan grades, or the expansion of the construction limits, which would increase the original common excavation amount, shall be measured and paid for on a per cubic yard basis. F. Measurement will be made on a lump sum basis. Payment will be made under Item 2105.603 "Common Excavation (EV)" at the Contract unit price per lump sum. The contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all material, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. S-14.6 Subgrade excavation shall be completed in accordance with Mn/DOT 2105 except as modified below: Ao Subgrade excavation shall consist of all excavations of unsuitable material as determined by the Engineer in the field. Subgrade excavation in cut areas shall be considered anything below the bottom of the class 5, or subgrade, see Exhibit A. Subgrade excavation in fill areas shall be considered anything below one foot below existing grade, see Exhibit A. Bo Measurement will be made by the cubic yard, excavated volume. The average end area method shall be used to compute the measured volume, based on the diagram shown on Exhibit A. Measurements shall be taken as needed along the trail aligm-nent. Payment will be made under Item 2105.603 "Subgrade Excavation (EV)" at the Contract unit price per cubic yard. The Contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all material, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. O:\proj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 9 S-15 S-15.1 S-15.2 S-16 S-16.1 S-16.2 S-17 S-lTl S-18 S-17.1 (2211) AGGREGATE BASE Aggregate base shall consist of 100% crushed quarry rock in conformance with Mn/DOT 3138. Compaction of aggregate base shall be achieved by the method of "Specified Density". The entire width of the aggregate base shall be compacted as specified. (2340) PLANT MLX~D BITI.~I~OUS PAVEMENT, QUALITY ASSURANCE The provisions of Mn/DOT 2340 are hereby modified and/or supplemented with the following: The City of Chanhassen anticipates delaying the placement of the 3-inch bituminous wear course from station 0+00 to 19+00 until the Summer of 2000, after the subgrade and class 5 aggregate base have gone through one freeze/thaw cycle. This is due to the large fill areas along this section of trail. There shall be no additional compensation for the delay in the bituminous paving operations until the summer of 2000. All costs of Contractor testing of the bituminous mixtures will be considered to be incidental and no direct payment will be made therefor. Compaction of all bituminous items shall be achieved by the method of "Specified Density". The use of petroleum distillates such as kerosene and fuel oil in truck beds, paver hoppers, or rolling equipment is hereby prohibited and shall be rigidly enforced. The construction of driveway entrances as shown and noted in the Plans may be eliminated as directed by the Engineer. (2501) PIPE CULVERTS Pipe culverts shall be constructed in accordance to Mn/DOT 2501 and the City of Chanhassen SANITARY AND STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS. (2503) PIPE SEWERS Pipe sewers shall be constructed in accordance to Mn/DOT 2503 and the City of Chanhassen SANITARY AND STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS and supplemented by the following. O:\proj\8013aoj\C02 - Bluff Creek Page 10 S-18.4 S-19 S-19.1 S-19.3 S-20 S-20.1 S-21 S-21.1 S-21.2 S-22 S-22.1 The method of measurement and basis of payment for item 2503.602 "Chimney Seal" shall be at the Contract unit price per each. The Contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. (2504) ADJUST STRUCTURES The Contractor shall adjust structures to I/2" below finished grade of the trail as shown in the Plans prior to paving operations. The method of measurement and basis of payment for Item 2504.602 "Adjust Manhole" shall be at the Contract unit price per each. The Contract unit price shall be compensation in full for all material, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. (251D RIPRAP Riprap shall be placed in accordance to the City of Chanhassen SANITARY AND STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS and the City of Chanhassen Detail Plate No. 3107. (2531) CONCRETE CURBING Concrete curb and sidewalk shall be constructed accordance with Mn/DOT 2531 and the City of Chanhassen STREET CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. Pedestrian ramps shall be constructed according to the City of Chanhassen detail included with this specification. Pedestrian ramps shall be constructed in the locations as staked in the field or as directed by the Engineer. Item 2531.602 "Pedestrian Curb Ramp" shall include full compensation for both the basic sidewalk and the additional work for exposed aggregate, tapers, and thickened section. Measurement shall be per each completed pedestrian ramp. (2564) TRAFFIC SIGNS ,-%ND DEVICES The provisions of Mn/DOT 2564 are supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall install signs shown in the Plans to be salvaged and installed regardless of type. The location of signs to be installed shall be verified by the Engineer in the field. Ao Measurement shall be made per each for payment of installed signs that are salvaged. O:\proj\8013S0j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 1 1 S-23.1 S-24 S-24.1 S-24.2 S-24.3 Bo Measurement shall be made per square foot for payment of new signs that are to be fabricated and installed, including necessary posts. (2573) TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL The provisions of Mn/DOT 2573 are supplemented with the following: This work shall include furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing silt fence in accordance with the details shown in the Plans, the applicable Mn/DOT Standard Specifications and the following: The exact location of the silt fence will be determined by the Engineer in the field. The plans indicate stationing where silt fence is anticipated to be installed. Along these segments of trail, the silt fence may be directed to be installed along the downslope side of the exposed soil area, or may be directed to be installed along the construction limits either side of the proposed trail construction alignment. Bo It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove silt and maintain the silt fence as directed by the Engineer once vegetation has been established. Bidders are advised that payment for furnishing and installing the silt fence set forth in the foregoing is for the initial installation and removal only. Any replacement components as may be necessary to maintain the silt fence in a functional condition, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, during the tenure of this Contract shall be furnished, installed, maintained, and removed at the Contractor's expense The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of silt fence once the project is complete. (2575) TURF ESTABLISI--EVIENT Turf establishment shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT 2575 and the City of Chanhassen LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS. Turf shall be established according to the time limits specified in the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for the project. The Engineer shall have the authority to limit work on any one segment of trail until vegetation is established and/or erosion susceptibility is limited on any or all other segments. O:\proj\S013S0j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 12 S-25 WORK BY OTHERS S-25.1 All information concerning current locations of utilities and proposed relocations of utilities in this section is based on information received from each of the utility companies. The City of Chanhassen cannot guarantee the locations, nor that the proposed work by the utilities will be completed prior to construction. The Additional Information for Bidders shall be replaced with the attached pages 4A through 4B for the Bluff Creek Trail Realignment and the quantities therein shall be used as the basis for the bid for this Change Order. Any exhibits or details from the Specifications or as revised by Addendum No 1 shall be used as a basis for bidding this Change Order. PLANS: The attached Plans for the above referenced trail realig-nment shall replace the existing plan sheets for this trail segment and shall be used as the basis for the bid for this Change Order. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. David E. Nyberg, P.E. Registration No. 23801 Date O:Xproj\801380j\CO2 - Bluff Creek Page 13 BID SCHEDULE FOR: 1998 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CITY OF C/L4aNHA.~EN, MINNF~OTA SCHEDIFI,E 4.0 BLIFVF CREEl( TRAIL REALIGNMENT 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 2 2101.502 CLEAR/NG TREE 10 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE I0 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTI~R LIN FT 20 5 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 40 6 2105.521 COMMON BORROW (CV) CU YD 6500 7 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 3000 8 2105.603 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) LS 1 9 2105.603 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) CU YD 30130 I0 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 1650 11 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 750 12 9,2501.511 15' CP PIPE CULVERT LIN FI' 240 13 "-501.511 24' CP PIPE CULVERT LIN FT 60 t4 2501.515 15' CP PIPE APRON EACH 6 15 9,2501.515 24" CP PIPE APRON EACH 2 16 0-503.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH I 17 2504.602 ADJUST MANHOLE EACH 18 2511.502 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III TON 40 19 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 20 20 Z531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH I 21 2564.531 F & I SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 8 ~ ",2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 6000 9,23 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 5 24 Z575.502 SEED MIXTURE 500 POUND 250 ~ 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SQ YD 1200 26 ".575.511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE I TON 10 27 "_575.519 DISK ANCHORING ACRE 5 28 92575.531 COMMERCIAL bERT ANALYSIS 6-24-24 TON 0.5 T SCHEDULE 4.0 BLUFF CREEK TRAIL-TOTAL O:\PROI'~801380J~CO2-Bluff Creek BS aA SCHEDULE 4.0 BLUFF CREEK TRAiL-TOTAL BID SUMMARY-TOTAL RE. SPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED: SIGNATURE COMPANY ADDRESS DATE PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER TITLE LICENSE NUMBER (SEAL -IF BID IS BY A CORPORATION) A~i'EST O:\PROASOI38OJ\CO2-Bluff Creek BS 4B _J ri'- i- W W J J il