Bandimere & CityCenter PrkToursCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Go, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, 3~li~mesota 55317 Phone 612.937 I900 Genezl ~x 612.93~ 5739 E~gineering ~x 612. 93 7. 9152 h~bSc S,~'O, Fax 612.934. 2524 ~'~'b u,zt,w, ti. chanhasse~, m~. MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director 4/19/99 Bandimere and City Center Park Tours Ingram excavating has been instructed to complete the Bandimere and City Center Park Projects by May 15, 1 999. The staff at Brauer and Associates and I have been monitoring punch list items throughout the spring. This tour is the Commission's opportunity to inspect their work. We would like your perspective on how the parks look. PLAN ON MEETING AT BANI)IMERE PARK AT 6:30 p.m.. WE WILL MOVE TO CITY CENTER PARK AT 7:00 p.m. TH/sk g:XparkXthXagenda~_99prctourbandimerecitycenter The Gty of Chanhassen. A growing communi~ with clean lakes, quah'(y schools, a ehanni~ dow~toum, thriving businesses, and beautilrul parks. ,4 ~,~vat p/,we to lit'e, work, a~d play.