7 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly Report19 April 1999 To:' FROM: SUB J: .Todd Hoffman. Director of Parks. and Recreation Susan Marek. Lead Facility Supervisor CRC Monthly Report - April 1999 On April !, the Rec Center Facility Supervisors had a dinner meeting with Todd Hoffman at City Hall. Many issues were discussed.. Action items were assigned and a fo!low up report is expected at the beginning Of May. 2. YMCA Indoor Soccer has sta~ed at capacity, enrollment. YMCA Preschool summer T-Ball and fall Soccer are scheduled. We will need to evaluate the continuation of 0ur involvement with the'YMCA and preschool ~sports' in the coming months. 3. LEARN Weight Control, a new Rec Center program began in April. This 8 week course has 8 participants and is taught by Chere Bork, Licensed Nutritionist. All surm-ner program details are set. New fitness pi'ograms include Boot Cam'p, Cardio-kickboxing and Hatha Yoga. Two Babysitting Clinics will occur in late summer. BIG NEWS!!:!! The Chanhassen Recreation Center will begin art exhibits in May 1999. Registration. exhibit inventory and liability release forms are prepared. Each exhibit will last approximately 6 weeks. Our first exhibit will be by Marilyn Stewart. Ms. Stewart is local art teacher~ She was educated at UCSC and Alliance Francais. Paris. France.' She will exhibit oil paintings on canvas. Chanhassen'Recreation Center' 23'10 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651