8 Senior CenterCITYOF CHAN SEN 690 G~y Center Drive, PO Box' I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 I)/?one 612.937. I900 General Fax 612937.5739 Engineering Eax 612. 937.9152 h~blic Safe~7 ?ax 612.934.2524 Web wwuz ti. chanhassen, mn. t~s MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator DATE: April 21, 1999 SUB J: Senior Center Report This month I have been busy settling myself in from maternity leave of three months. I have all summer programming for the months of May - August completed and am working on fall programming. Several people are coming back from their winter vacations and are hooking up with the Senior Center for various one day trips and daily activities. We had approximately 675 and 417 (as of 4/20/99) for the months of March and April. Listed below are the activities and special events that were sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center in the months of March and April. Saturday Night Special - The April t 0th "Scandinavian Night," was canceled due to registration levels. Due to several other conflicts seniors had for this date, we have rescheduled this event for Saturday, May 22'~d. Entertainment will be provided by the "Jolly Kitchen Band," from Green Isle, MN and the dinner xvill be catered by Millie's Deli. Cost is $8.50 a person. Tax Aide Assistance - Registration levels for this program were the highest they have ever been. We had 27 registered people and a few walk-ins. This service is free and offered through the Carver County Volunteer Program. Trips -We have 19 people registered for the State Capitol Tour on Thursday, April 29'h and will also be offering a trip to the Chart House in Lakeville for a fashion show and luncheon on Tuesday, May 11th. Registration deadline for this trip is April 26'h. Special Programs ~ The Senior Center was contacted by the Chanhassen Elementary Principal, Helen Merchant, to participate in a computer program with a group of eight 4tt' graders. We have 10 seniors registered for this event. They will meet four times together for an hour session a piece. Basic computer skills along with some Internet training will be taught. These meetings will begin in May. The City of Chanhasseu. A growing commu,ity with clean lakes, qual/~y schools, a charmin~ dow, town, thriviny, businesses, and beautiful parks, A ~reat place to live, work, and p/ay. Congregate Dining / Meals on Wheels - Has continued to hold steady. There has still been a few complaints on the quality of the food. The CAP Agency has been receiving the same complaints from other sites and is looking into a possible change of food vendor for the year 2000. We are approximately up to 14 Meals on Wheels clients. The CAP Agency will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for all of the Chanhassen volunteers on Wednesday, April 21. Miscellaneous - The Chanhassen Senior Commission has three new members Jean Mancini, Tom Faust and Mel Kurvers, along with one returning member, Albin Olson. The Senior Advisory Board has five new members Clara Pylka, Naomi Moe, Fred Prinz, Mel Herrmann, Adey Skluzacek and one returning member, Helen Bielski. Several complaints from both of these boards have been expressed regarding the cleanliness of the Senior Center. It was suggested to invite Todd Gerhardt to the Senior Advisory Board meeting to discuss this issue. The Chanhassen Senior Center Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon will be organized for the month of May, to celebrate Older Americans Month. It will be an afternoon event with hor'douerves and entertainment. The Senior Advisory Board will be hosting a Bake Sale and Open House on Saturday, July 3rd. All proceeds will go into the General Senior Center Donation account. g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 4.99