5b lake Ann Park Summer PreviewCITYOF
690 CiO, C'eJ~ter Drive, PO Box i47
Cha~hasse~t, 5 li~esota 553 I7
I3(~o~te 612. 93 ~ I900
Get, emi ~x 612.937.5739
E~;gi~ee~q~g ~.x' 612. 93,L 9152
P~bFc Sari'O, E~x 612.93-~.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
May 18, 1999
Lake Ann Park Summer Preview
The summer of 1999 is almost upon us. Its arrival brings a sense of
excitement and Lake Ann will play a vital role in that excitement.
Starting Memorial weekend, the concession building will open. The hours
of operation will be 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., seven days per week. The
concession manager will coordinate work schedules, order supplies and
take care of the day-to-day operations. This will free up more of my time
to devote to other programs and projects.
In looking for new ways to increase concession revenues, a slush puppy
machine was added. There will be three to four different flavors in 9-oz
and 1 6-oz serving cups. In talking with other concession operations, the
slush puppy machines have been very profitable.
I have been bombarded with picnic calls. Many weekends are already
booked. I project eighty picnics will be booked with picnic revenues over
$6000.00. The covered shelters at Lake Ann and Lake Susan remain the
most popular.
The beach at Lake Ann is scheduled to open Saturday, June 12 and will
close on Sunday, August 29 at the end of the season. The city is
contracting through Minnetonka Community Education and Services again
this year. The beach will remain open daily from 10:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Lake Ann Park will be busy again this summer. Considering all the
amenities at Lake Ann, I'm looking forward to providing a First-Rate
The Gty qf Chanhassen. A grozvi~g commu~iO, u,ith clea~ lakes, q~a/itl, schooh, a cham~i~ do~cmotv~, thriviJ~ bt~si~mscs, a~d bem~ti[id parks. A ~,rcat p/,~ce to li~,~', ~,ork, a~d l~l,~