8 Senior Center ReportCh_anhassen Senior Center
690 CiO, Ce,ret Drive, PO Box 147
(?/,a;~hasse,, 3fi,,esota 5531 ?
£ho,e 612.937.1900
Ge,era/F~x 612. 932 5739
E,gi,eeri~g L~x 6129329152
Pub& &~O' Fax 612.934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: May 18, 1999
Senior Center Report
This past month a good majority of my time was dedicated to the Carver County
Senior Expo, mailing out the Chanhassen Senior Center newsletter and finalizing
all details for all upcoming summer trips and activities. The Senior Center
continues to coordinate trips with Chaska Community Education, Waconia
Community Education and Westview Acres in Waconia. The next meeting for
this group will be on Tuesday, June 1~t at 8:30am. All programs for the months of
September - March will be discussed. Approximately 673 and 376 (as of 5/18/99)
visits were recorded for the months of April and May. Listed below are the
activities and special events that were sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center
in the months of April and May. Attached to this memo is the Chanhassen Senior
Center summer newsletter FYI.
Saturday Night Special - On Saturday, May 22"0 the Senior Center will be
hosting a Scandanavian meal. Entertainment will be provided by the "Jolly
Kitchen Band," from Green Isle, MN and the dinner will be catered by Millie's
Deli. Cost is $8.50 a person. There are 27 people registered. This meal will be
the last Saturday Night Special until the month of September.
4 Hour Defensive Driving Class - On Tuesday, May 18"', the Senior Center will
be offering a 4 hour defensive driving course from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. The current
number of registrations for this class is 33 people.
Carver County Senior Expo - The Carver County Senior Expo was held at the
Chaska Comnmnity Center on Friday, May Th. There were 75 seniors in
attendance. The Senior Center has been a sponsor of this program for 7 years.
Trips - On Tuesday, May 11~' 44 people attended the Chart House in Lakeville
690 CiO, Ce,ret Drive, PO &x I47
C/,a,hasse,. ~4, i,,esota 55317
Pho,e 612 93? i900
G',e~/ ~.~' 612 937.573~
~)~gi,eeri,g ~x 612. 93.~ 9152
h~b& 5,~V ~.~' 612 934.2524
I~'b u ,~'w. ci. ~3a,hasse,. mn.
Todd Hoffmam Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser. Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: May 18, 1999
Senior Center Report
This past month a good majority of my time was dedicated to the Carver County
Senior Expo, mailing out the Chanhassen Senior Center newsletter and finalizing
all details for all upcoming summer trips and activities. The Senior Center
continues to coordinate trips with Chaska Community Education, Waconia
Community Education and Westview Acres in Waconia. The next meeting for
this group will be on Tuesday, June 1~ at 8:30am. Ail programs for the months of
September - March will be discussed. Approximately 673 and 376 (as of 5/18/99)
visits were recorded tbr the months of April and May. Listed below are the
activities and special events that were sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center
in the months of April and May. Attached to this memo is the Chanhassen Senior
Center summer newsletter FYI.
Saturday Night Special - On Saturday, May 22',d the Senior Center will be
hosting a Scandanavian meal. Entertainment will be provided by the "Jolly
Kitchen Band." from Green Isle. MN and the dinner will be catered by Millie's
Deli. Cost is $8.50 a person. There are 27 people registered. This meal will be
the last Saturday Night Special until the month of September.
4 Hour Defensive Driving Class - On Tuesday, Ma3' 18~h, the Senior Center will
be ofIbring a 4 hour defensive driving course from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. The current
number of registrations for this class is 33 people.
Carver County Senior Expo - The Carver County Senior Expo was held at the
Chaska Community Center on Friday, May 7th. There were 75 seniors in
attendance. The Senior Center has been a sponsor of this program for 7 years.
Trips - On Tuesday, May 11~h 44 people attended the Chart House in Lakeville
for a luncheon and fashion show. Upcoming trips for the month of June include
the Minnesota Zoo and Orchestra Hall. The Hawaii Trip for February 2000 has
47 registered people.
The City of Cha,hasse,. A growing communiO, with clean lakes, qz~aliO, schooh, a chatmi,~, dow,tow~, thrit,i,~ bzd,esses, a,d beautifid parks. A ~reat p/ace to lit'e, u,od, a,d P!3!
Special Programs - The Senior Center has been participating in a computer
program with eight fourth graders from the Chanhassen Elementary since
Wednesday, April 28"'. The students are teaching the seniors basic computer
skills and how to access the Internet program. The last meeting will be on
Wednesday, May 19th. The program has been a wonderful experience for both the
seniors and children.
Congregate Dining / Meals on Wheels - Has continued to hold steady. The
numbers for daily dining could see some improvement. Denise Loesch from the
CAP Agency is going to be addressing the Men's and Women's Club's in June
and July to see what type of changes can be made to help the Congregate Dining
Program excel. The Meals on Wheels program continues to serve between 10 and
14 people a day.
Miscellaneous o The Senior Advisory Board will be hosting a Bake Sale and
Open House on Saturday, July 3rd from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. All proceeds will go
into the General Senior Center Donation account. The cleanliness of the Senior
Center has improved over the last month. The CHAN-o-larires will be meeting for
the last time for the summer on Tuesday, June 8th and will resume back in
September. The Woodcarving Club will be meeting once a month during the
summer months and then will meet weekly beginning in September. The
Chanhassen Senior Center Golfing Club begins its season on Wednesday, May
19'~'. There are 16 seniors are registered for this program.
g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 5.99
Chanhassen Senior Center
Dinner Theatre's
"Good News"
Join us for the Chanhassen Dinner
Theatre's production of"Good
News!" The show is a rollicking,
nostalgic, romantic trip back to the
1920's, when collegiate silliness--
like wearing beanies and fur coats,
swallowing goldfish, and college fever
were the norm. Enjoy the humorous
and energetic tap dance numbers!
Seats will go fast!
"'~Ved., July 28, 11:00 am-3:30 pm
~,31 includes lunch & ticket
Senior Expo-May 7
A day of~vorkshops, exhibits, enter-
tainment, food and socialization for
all area seniors from 8:15 am - 2 pm
at the Chaska Community Center.
The keynote address by Sisters Kay &
Michelle is, "Life is too short not
have a good time." Live entertainment
provided by Barbara Lee & Sherry of
Music Memories.
Minnesota Zoo
On Tuesday, June 15, enjoy
a day at the Minnesota Zoo!
The trip includes motorcoach
transportation, admission, a
__narrated monorail tour, and
~ fimal demonstrations.
Lunch is on your own at the Zoo.
We'll leave the Senior Center at 8:35 am
and return at approximately
2:30 p.m. The cost is $20/person.
orchestra Hail'
Join us for "Doc's Party Mix" on Friday, June 25 from
l0 a.m. to 2 p.m. as we travel to Orchestra Hall to see
Doc Severinsen. We'll enjoy Doc's soaring trumpet,
flashy outfits, and the songs you love best
from pop to jazz. The cost $37 per person
and includes ticket and transportation.
~egister by Friday, June 4.
Boat Cruise &
Northwest Fur Co.
Join us on August 3 when we'll cruise
Sturgeon Lake on the Lady Savannah,
a replica paddle wheel riverboat and
enjoy a lunch of chicken pasta salad,
potato salad, ham and turkey lunch
meats, croissants, and a cookie. The
water is crystal clear and you'll be
able to see a variety of fish to a depth
of 21 ft. The 1.5 hour narrated tour
covering 17 miles of shoreline offers
views of loons, blue heron, eagles,
beautiful homes, and a quaint
covered bridge. A cash bar, indoor/
outdoor seating, soft music, and
restrooms are available on board.
Around 1804, Pine City was home to
the Northwest Fur Company. Today,
the Minnesota Historical Society
staffs this post with costumed guides
who act as residents. Learn what life
~vas like at this active post. Registra-
tion and payment due by July 22.
August 3, 8:50 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
$44 includes motorcoach transpor-
tation, cruise, lunch and admissions
Pipestone Pageant
Come along on a wonderful t~vo-day
summer outing on Jul), 30-31. Upon
arrival in Pipestone, we'll visit the
Pipestone National Monument
which houses a museum, Indian craft
shops, and hiking trail through
beautiful quarries. In the evening, we
will enjoy a performance of the
renowned "Song of Hiawatha."
Day 2 will take us to Watertown,
S.D. where we'll receive a guided city
tour of the historic homes. Next
we'll visit the Redlin Art Center,
where over-100 of Terry Redlin's
original paintings are on display.
Fees include motorcoach transporta-
tion, admissions, and one night
motel accommodations. The cost is
$99/person double occupancy,
$89/triple or quad occupancy; and
$119/person single occupancy.
Register by July 9.
Blood Pressure Clinic
On the first Wednesday of the
month, Community Home Health
provides FREE blood pressure checks
from 12-1 p.m. Upcoming dates:
May 10, June 14, July 12, & Aug. 9.
For more information regarding the Senior Center call 937-1900 ext. 145
St Cloud Tour
Our travels will take us north to St.
Cloud. We will visit Munsinger/
Clemens Gardens with 70,000
annual plants that provide a
glorious kaleidoscope of color. Next
we'll tour Jennings Decoy, where
decorative wood decoys, loons, and
mail order carvings are made.
We'll enjoy lunch at Whitney's
Senior Center and then tour the St.
Cloud Times where we'll walk
through the printing process of the
St. Cloud Times and USA Today
newspapers. Before departing, our
guide will give us some history of
the area.
July 19, 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
$22 includes transportation,
admission, and lunch
Hawaiian Cruise
The Senior Center announces a
spectacular 15 day, 4 island tour to
the Haxvaiian islands! See Oahu,
Kauai, Maui, and the big island of
Hawaii. Highlights include Pearl
Harbor, Wailu Riverboat Cruise,
Lao Valley, Volcano National Park,
Rainbow Falls, and more! Your
fully escorted tour departs Feb. 22,
2000 and includes round trip
airfare from Mpls/St. Paul, hotel,
sight-seeing, inter-island flights,
transfers, baggage and handling.
The cost is $1,599 plus tax. For
more info, call Kara at 937-1900
ext. 145. Limited seats are left, so
reserve your spot now by sending
in a $100 deposit (fully refundable
up to 45 days prior to trip).
Golf League
If you are interested in joining a
golf league, call Kara at 937-1900
ext. 145. This group will be open
to all experience levels and will
only golf for fun!
Lake Susan Picnic ~'~
Join us for our 4th annual Lake Susan Picnic Party on Friday, August 13
from 12 noon to 3 pm. The menu includes hamburgers, brats,
and all the fixings! Outdoor entertainment and games~"~"
will be provided along with door prizes! Registration
and $7/person payment is due on Monday, August 9.
Podiatrist Appointments
A registered nurse with specialized
training in foot care will provide this
service at the Senior Center on the
2nd Tuesday of each month from
9-11 a.m. The cost for the first time
assessment is $25. This includes a
thorough lower leg assessment. After
the initial visit, the charge is $21/
visit. This service is provided by
Ridgeview Home Care Services.
Call 937-1900 ext. 145 to make an
appointment. Upcoming dates:
May ! 1, June 8, July 13, Aug. 10.
Defensive Driving Course
This 4-hour refresher course is
offered through AARP. A certifi-
cate of completion, valid for 3
years, is provided for submittal to
your insurance company for a
discount. This is an educational
seminar and does not require any
driving or testing. Registration
can be done by phone or by
mailing a check. Payment is due
before the class. Call 937-1900
ext. 145 to register. Make checks
payable to AARP. w~
Tuesday, May 18
5:30-9:30 pm
Chanhassen Senior Center
Meals on Wheels
The city, in conjunction with the
Senior Commission, now offers
Meals on Wheels. Volunteers will
deliver nutritious meals to home-
bound seniors. The Chanhassen
CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Site
will provide the meal for $2.50.
For more information on delivery or
qualification, call 937-1900 ext. 256.
Congregate Dining
The Senior Center continues to
provide nutritious meals daily at the
Chanhassen Senior Center, Mon-
days-Friday at 11:30 a.m. Reserva-
tions are required two days in
advance. The suggested cost is
$2.25 for seniors age 60+ and $5.08
for those under age 60. To reserve a
meal, contact Joyce, the site coordi-
nator, at 937-1900 ext. 256 two
days in advance. Daily menus can
be picked up at the Senior Center or
are found in the Chanhassen ½'/lager
Senior Corner. Join us soon!
Movies & Popcorn
Head on over to the Senior Center
for FREE movies and popcorn.
Movies begin at 1:30 p.m. and
upcoming showings include:
May 21 Hope Floats
June 18 Evita
July 16 Places in the Heart
Aug. 20 To be announced
For more information on any listed -~'--~
c~,~ programs,~ call the Chanhassen Senior Center at
937-1900 ext. 145.