9 Park&Trl Maintenance Report~PR-15-1999 14~9 HR GREEN CO. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 651 644 2~4~ P. E~5×06 April 15, 1999 801380J-0071 Mr. Matthew Timmers Midwest Asphalt Corporation P.O. Eox 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT !TEMS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Dear Mr. Timmers: We wodld like to take this opportunity to call your attention to some issues that require your immediate attention on the above referenced project. It is in your best interest to respor'd to these issues as soon as possible as you will most likely prevent additional erosion and deterioration that would only create more work for you and your work crews later in the year, LAKE R~LEY TRAIL Erosioc is occurring in the ditch and down the inslope embankment near the corner of Pioneer Trail and Foxford Road. This erosion could plug the new drain tile system that has been installed. GALPIN BOULEVARD TRAIL A washout is again occurring at the retaining wall near station 2+50. We will be addressing this problem by directing you to pave the final lift of asphalt on the trail to move the Iow point at this location to the north and thereby avoid the condition of ponded water and washout behind the wall. A swale will be graded and sodded near this location- to direct stormwater runoff from the new tow point around the north end of the wall. Until this work is done, however, it is your responsibility to insure that the integrity of the retaining wall is not jeopardized by erosion that is occurring at this location and that the work site is safe for pedestrians to use the trail system. Another location of settlement and erosion has also occurred near the intersection of Lake Lt~cy Road and Galpin Boulevard, at the northwest quadrant of this intersection. Erosion and settlement of the pavement is likely to increase in this area during spring storms Jntil a more permanent repair is made. Please take appropriate action here to fix this prob!em and reduce this area as a potential hazard to pedestrians. o./pr%lS(; i 580J/00711380-O414,2apri199 1326 ~ergy Park Ddve · St. Paul, MN 55108 . 651/64.4-4389 fax 651/644-9446 toll free 888/368-4389 Mr. Ma".thew Timmers April 15, 1999 Page 'Two BORROW SITE - 78TM AND POWERS BOULEVARD Midwest Asphalt Corporation used this site for borrow material during construction of the 1998 Chanhassen Trail project. The erosion control on this site is now lacking and needs to be addressed. Perimeter silt fence must be installed immediately to prevent further erosion off of the site. Please tot us know as soon as you have read this correspondence what your schedule is to take action on these areas requiring your immediate attention. Sincerely, HOWA!~D R, GREEN COMPANY Project Manager Cc: lvlr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen IVlr. Dave Hemple, City of Chanhassen Mr. Darrell Ridler, Midwest Asphalt Corporation F:{. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS HR GREEN CO. 651 644 2349 ~R-15-1999 14:27 Howard R, Green.Company OONSULTING ENGINEERS April 15. 1999 801380J-0071 Mr. Matthew Timmers Midwest Asphalt Corporation P.O. Eox 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT :PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS FOR 1999 CONSTRUCTION SEASON Dear IV, r. Timmem: There are several proposed changes to the 1998 Chanhassen Trail Project that have been in process through the winter months. Attached to this correspondence please find copies cf plans, specifications, and bid schedules showing several of these changes. Listed below in each section of this letter is a description of the proposed change and an explanation of the attachments. Please let us know immediately if you have any questions about the attachments and proposed change order work included with this letter. ~:,~/e would like to receive a quote from you by Monday, April 26, 1999 for the work included with this letter to begin the budgeting process to fund the projects and allow you to corrmence work in May. BLUFF CREEK CHANGE ORDER The al;!~nment along the Bluff Creek trail segment has been significantly changed south of stalion 18+00 on the odginal plan set. The attached revised plan set and bid schedule reflect this change. The trail has been relocated to cross over Bluff Creek and · extene south along the west side of the creek before turning east and terminating at Audubon Road. Attachraents for this work include revised plan sheets, a revised specification specific to this segment of work, and a new bid schedule for you to complete. o./proj.18 .} ': 380/0071/380-0414april99 1326 Energy Park DfiYe · St. Paul, MN 55108 o 6§1/644-4389 fax 651/644-9446 toil free 888/$68-4389 ~PR-15~1999 HR GREEN CO. 651 644 2J49 P.0J/06 Mr. Matthew Timmers April ? 5, 1999 Page Two LAKE RILEY - LIGHT RAIL TRAIL CORRIDOR CONNECTION As yc.u may be aware, a connection as originally proposed on the Lake Riley trail segment as part of the 1998 trail improvements was not possible because of work that was in process within the City of Eden Prairie, We have coordinated our efforts with the City o= Eden Prairie and have received approval from Mr. Jim Richardson to commence this trail connection work during the summer of 1999. Attachments for this work included a revised plan sheet, a revised specification specific to this segment of work, and a new bid schedule for you to complete. POWERS BOULEVARD RETAINING WALL AND DRAIN TILE During a watermain repair over the winter months, a section of the retaining wall along Powers Boulevard failed and will need to be repaired. We have previously received a propo,'-:ed quote for this work and understand that Mr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen, has renegotiated some of the details of this quote. Please revised the attached work quote to reflect these changes so that we may process this item with a change order including other items addressed in this letter. Please note that this retaining wall repair must be competed before grading and paving work ¢~n commence along Powers Boulevard in the vicinity of the walt failure, Last fall at our request we received from you a quote for drain tile work along Powers Boule~;ard. This work remains to be completed and therefore we would appreciate a new q;ote for the work to be completed this summer. We trust that you will review your costs and quote and provide us with a fair and reasonable quote for completing this work. We have discussed this work with other contractors and have a good unders:anding of what this work should cost. We have attached your quote from last year fo~ this work for your reference. R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS &PR-~5-~99'9 14:28 HR GREEN CO. G,51 644 234'9 P.04/06 Mr. Matthew Timmem April 15, 1999 Page -I'hree S U M MARY Please review this letter and the attachments included and let us know if you have any questions. We woutd like to meet with you to discuss the project and proposed scheduies for completion sometime this month. If you believe it would be .beneficial to scheduie this meeting prior to our deadline for receiving quotes from you by April 26th.., let us kno'~ and we can schedule a meeting at Chanhassen City Hail. Sincerely, Projecl Manager Cc; Mr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen Mr. Jim Richardson, City of Eden Prairie Mr. Darrel Ridler, Midwest Asphalt Corporation R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS