Correspondence SectionCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Min~esota 55317 ?hone 612.937.1900 Ge,eral £ax 612.937. 5739 £,gi,eeri,g Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safety Fax' 612.934.2524 II% wwu:ci, cha~hasse,, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director May 13, 1999 Joint Meeting with City Council The date and time for your meeting has been established as Monday, June 7 at 8:15 p.m. Please make every attempt to schedule this time on your calendar. The meeting will last for only forty-five minutes. The Commission may want to refine it's discussion list (attached). To better facilitate understanding of Council operations I propose the following change in procedm'e: · Attendance at City Council meetings by the assigned Commissioner become standard practice. Attendance would be necessary only if a Park and Recreation item(s) appears on the agenda. The meetings are held early, starting at 5:30 p.m. I would mail the assigned Commissioner a Council agenda, including Park and Recreation item(s) appearing on the agenda. I have scheduled this proposed change in procedure on your May 25 agenda for discussion. g:Xpark'qhkprc~RC&ccJointMtgMemo5_99 CITYOF C HASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General Fax 612937.5739 Engineering Far 612937.9152 Public Safe~ Fax 612.934.2524 Web wwu:ci, chanhassen, mn.us May 3, 1999 Mr. Jerrold Kreisler 764 Lake Point Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Kreisler I received your email message this morning. On January 26, 1999, the Park and Recreation Commission voted to table action on a pedestrian trail connection between Fox Chase and Carver Beach. This issue was specifically tabled until such time that Greg and Barbara Hedlund determine the future use of their second lot. This afternoon, Barbara Hedlund informed me they are at least one year away from building a new home on their second lot. At that time they will be able to determine if they would consider swapping easements. Without further action by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council, the existing trail easements encumbering both your lot and the Hedlund's lot remain intact. Unfortunately, I see no means by which this matter can be resolved within the next thirty days. It certainly appears that you will need to market your home with the trail easement intact. I will be forwarding your letter and my reply to the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council. You are welcome to speak to either of these groups regarding your concerns. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman TH/sk c: Mayor and City Council ~-Pfirk and Recreation Commission Scott Botcher, City Manager g:XparkXthMZ~reislerHedlundEasement Easement Issue mailbox:/C%7C/Program%20Files/Netscape/Na...id=372C6DA3.89C 1C40~jerroldk.com&nu mber=6 Subject: Easement Issue Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 10:22:11 -0500 From: Jerrold Kreisler <jerrold@jerroldk.com> To: Todd Hoffman <chpkdir@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Dear Todd, It has been months since we began trying to resolve the easement issues relating to our lot. When I met with the Mayor, we seemed to both agree that we could not simply stall or otherwise avoid resolving the matter. I am concerned that we are not making any progress. Complicating the issue further is the fact that my wife and I have decided to sell our home. In fact, we have actually found property on which we will build. Unfortunately, I will not be able to sell my home and extract anything close to what we paid for it with a path consuming the entire side yard area and nearly half of the front lawn. I feel bound to make such disclosures to potential new buyers. Accordingly, under the current situation, I'll take a bath on the home and the second mortgage. As I'm sure you can understand, I cannot let that happen. I need to have this matter resolved ASAP within 30 days in order to move forward with our plans. This problem is now in the way of the other plans. What can we do to facilitate the matter and/or otherwise assist in the resolution? Please advise me, in writing, the status of the matter and of next steps. Take care and thanks for your continued assistance. Jerrold A. Kreisler Property Owner, Lot 20 764 Lake Point Chanhassen cc: The Mayor's Office (Paper Copy) Name: smime.p7s Part 1,2 Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Encoding: base64 Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature Easement mailbox:/C %7C/Program%20Files/Netscape/Na...d=37302457.5E340EF.~jerroldk.com&number= 10 Subject: Easement Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 05:58:31 -0500 From: Jerrold Kreisler <jerrold@jerroldk.com> To: Todd Hoffman <chpkdir@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Dear Todd, Thank you for the prompt follow-up to my letter. I believe that I now clearly understand the City's position on the matter. It is most disappointing that the best the City can do for me is to wait until my neighobors decide whether or not to build on their property, how ever long that may take. There were other-options for the path that we had discussed that would make the path less a problem for us. Have they recieved additional consideration? We never asked to have the path eliminated, just changed a little so that we don't get hurt financially. It is clear Todd, that the City does not seem to be concerned enough about the problem to be more creative. You leave us with no option but to undertake legal and public action. Thank you for your efforts on this matter, Jerrold A. Kreisler cc: Mayor's Office Name: smime.p7s Part 1,2 Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Encoding: base64 Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature 1 oi' I C/C/QQ l 1 'CC AM CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiF Cemer Drive, PO Box I47 C/,a,hassen, ,a, lin~esota 55317 P/,o,e 612.93.Z 1900 General Fax 612.93.7.5739 £,gi,eeri~g ?ax 612.93Z9152 P~bSc S,~ff Ea' 612.934.2524 ~b ww~e~ ti. ch,rah,me,, m,. us April 15, 1999 Gerry W. Maher 7101 Utica Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Memorial Proposal Dear Mr. Maher: Todd Gerhardt, Chanhassen's Acting City Manager, had forwarded your message to me asking about the possibility of putting rocks in the lake to protect the proposed memorial site located off of Greenwood Shores Park. I have contacted Ceil Strauss at the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the DNR does not allow placement of rip rap or large rocks in the lakes for this purpose. When the DNR does allow rip rap or rock to be placed along the shoreline, it must be placed at a gradual slope and would not protect such a structure against ice floe damage. After talking to Todd, I reviewed the plan and have found other elements about this project which are not permitted City and DNR ordinances, most notably a 75 foot setback from the lake. I understand this is an important project for you, but please understand that part of my job is to see that the City is consistent in its protection of lakes and wetlands. I would like to set up a meeting between yourself and Mayor Nancy Mancino to discuss some alternate plans for this ecologically sensitive area. Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 105 to set up a meeting at your convenience so that we can discuss your project. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN Phillip Elkin Water Resources Coordinator PE:jms C~ Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Nancy Mancino, Mayor CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax 612. 937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Pt~blic Safety Eax 612.934.2524 Web w~,u: ci. chanhassen, mn. us April 19, 1999 Mr. Ron Roeser 222 Chan View Chanhassen, MN Dear Ron, April 23ra marks your last formal meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission. On May 10, the City Council will present you with a Maple Leaf Award for your dedication to the city. Although I have not documented it I believe you may be the only life long resident who has served the Commission. Your perspective brought a unique value to the group. I am going to miss your presence. I will be joining you on May 10 as you receive your Maple Leaf Award. Ron, you were an inspiration to all of us. Your personal values in the area of park, recreation and leisure were exemplary. See you around town. Todd Hoffman Parks and Recreation Director TH/sk Park and Recreation Commission g :kparkXlhXroeser4_99 Thank you rnailbox:/C %7C/Program% 20Files/Netscape/Na...d=A6D6D83001 E83700@ smtp.iwco.com&number=2 Subject: Thank you Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 9:59:00 -0600 From: Rich Slagle <Rich. Slagle@iwco.com> Organization: Instant Web Companies To: chpkdir@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Todd, Thanks for the phone call and it sounds like I was pretty close. will certainly provide my name and application again next year if there are openings. Once again, thanks for all that you do for the citizens of Chanhassen and maybe I'll drop in on a couple of the Park and Rec. meetings. Warm Regards, Rich Slagle 1 of 1 4/21/qq l?:Cl~ PM CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G9, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, ~linnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 Genezl ?ax 612.937.5739 £ngineering Fax 612.937.9152 ?ublic Sari? £ax 612.934.2524 l~eb u, wu~.ci, chanhassen, mn.~s MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: April 21, 1999 SUB J: Appointments to the Park & Recreation Commission On Monday, April 19, 1999, the city council selected Jan Lash, Mike Howe, and Jay Karlovich as appointees to the Park & Recreation Commission. These commissioners shall serve 3 year terms effective April 1999 to April 2002. RECOMMENDATION By this memorandum, it is recommended that the city council officially acknowledge these appointments. ATTACHMENT 1. Congratulatory Letters. ,,-'xparkX, th\p'cXappo ~tments 99.doc The City of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, q~aliO, schools, a charmina~ do~vntou, n, thrivin~ businesses, and beauti~d p~rks. ~ ~rem pl~ce to live, ~vork, and vlay. CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Ci(y Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612937. I900 General Fax' 612. 937. 5739 Engineeri~zg Fax 612.937,9152 htblic Safe~ Fax 612.934.2524 Web u,wz~:ci, chanhasse~z, mn. us April 27, 1999 Ms. Jan Lash 7001 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jan: On behalf of the city council, I would like to congratulate you on your reappointment to the Park & Recreation Commission. The council interviewed a strong slate of candidates, arriving at a decision on Monday, April 19. Your three year term is effective April of 1999 to April of 2002. Members of the council acknowledge your past contributions to the commission and look forward to your continuing service. Again, congratulations. I look forward to working with you over the next three years. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k \\c fs 1 \vol2\park\th\prc\lash.doc CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G6v Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax' 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public SafeO, tax 612.934.2524 Web wwm ci. &anhassen. mn. tis April 27, 1999 Mr. Michael Howe 2169 Stone Creek Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mike: On behalf of the city council, I would like to congratulate you on your reappointment to the Park & Recreation Commission. The council interviewed a strong slate of candidates, arriving at a decision on Monday, April 19. Your three year term is effective April of 1999 to April of 2002. Members of the council acknowledge your past contributions to the commission and look forward to your continuing service. Again, congratulations. I look forward to ~vorking with you over the next three years. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k \\cfs 1 \vol2\park\th\prc\howe.doc CITYOF CHAN SEN 690 CiO, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax' 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax* 612. 937. 9152 h~b/ic SafeO, £ax 812.934.2524 lt% wwu:ci, chanhassen, m,. us April 27, 1999 Mr. Jay Karlovich 1910 Whitetail Ridge Court Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Jay: On behalf of the city council, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment to the Park & Recreation Commission. The council interviewed a strong slate of candidates, arriving al a decision on Monday, April 19. Your three year term is effective April of 1999 to April of 2002. Members of the city council were impressed with your qualifications and look forward to your service to the commission. Again, congratulations. I look forxvard to working with you over the next three years. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k g:\park\th\prc\karlovich.doc CITYOF 690 City Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. IQO0 General ?ax 612. 937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 ?ublic Safe~ Fax' 612.934.2524 Web zvu, w. ci. chanhassen, mn. us April 21, 1999 Mr. Rich Slagle 7411 Fawn Hill Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Slagte: Thank you for participating in the interview process for the Park & Recreation Commission. As I expressed in my voicemail message, the city council did not select you for an appointment. Please be aware that council members consider you a very worthy candidate and would be pleased if you would apply again in the future. The city council appointed two proven incumbents, Jan Lash and Mr. Michael Howe; and one new candidate, Mr. Jay Karlovich. Mr. Karlovich is a practicing attorney in the area of municipal land use. Again, it was our pleasure to meet you and we look forward to hearing from you again. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k \\cfs 1 \vol2\park\th\prc\slagle.doc CITYOF CHAN SEN 690 GO, Ce,let D~ive, PO Box 147 ClJa ,hasse~l. Mi, nesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612. 937. 5739 ~,gineeri,g Fax 612.937.9152 l~t~blic SafeO, £ax 612.934.2W4 llSb ll,Wtl!F/, c/,a,hasse,, m,.l~s April 9, 1999 Mr. Bob Bisch 760 W. Village Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Jason Moe 7346 Hames Way Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Dear Bob and Jason, Thank you for all your hard work on March 31, 1999. Picking up litter in the park around City Hall is a very meritorious act. Too many people believe that litter is someone clse's responsibility. Taking the initiative to complete an intergenerational community service project is commendable. And by taking action, you did your pan in controlling this unsightly problem. Thanks to both of you for your efforts. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Parks and Recreation Director P.S. Bob, thanks for the extra effort. I saw you working overtime in front of City Hall. TH/sk c: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Kara Wickenhauser Dale Gregory g 5parkXlh'q i tte r99bi sch Moe MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Todd Hoffman Susie Kamp 5/3/99 Roundhouse area; disruptive activity Please find telephone message transcription per your request. @ "Hi Todd. This is Sue Morgan. I live on Kings Road, over by the Roundhouse Park area. I just wanted to express a note of concern. It seems as though there are a lot of young kids that sit in park and drink evenings and weekends. I was wondering if one of two options could be considered. One is putting in another light; a street light right above the area of the parked cars; there is no light. Or two, the sheriff or someone patrol that area in evenings especially on the weekends. That's all. Thanks a lot. My number is 474-7365 at home and 931-8198 at work." g:'xparkXth'xDisruptiveParkActivit~, oundhouseSueMorgan5_99 CITYOF ~90 CO~ O,ter D~it,~, PO Box I ~7 Pho,e 612.93Z 1900 Ge,e,~d Fax 612.93Z 5739 &~gi,eri~g ~.x' 612.93Z9152 h~blic 5~fi'O' ~.~' 612.934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bob Zydowsky, Chief Law Enfi)rcement Officer v/ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director >,,"~/ May 5, 1999 Dogs in Parks Bob, the annual ritual of complaints on dogs in the parks has started. Generally the people calling are dog owners who have chosen to obey our ordinance. Their irritation stems from the fact that so many others choose to ignore the ordinance and bring their pets to the parks. The hot spots for complaints are the ball fields in our community parks. Later in the season we receive calls on dogs at the Lake Ann Beach. Generally when I approach clog owners about the ordinance I allow them to complete their time in the park, reminding them not to bring their dog back on their next visit. I would be willing to prepare a supply of dog biscuits with a note attached explaining our ordinance if officers and CSO's would be willing to hand them out. Please let me know if this is an approach they would like to take. TH/sk c: Scott Botcher, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Park and Recreation Commission g :XparkXthXdogordin,-mceco~npliance5_99 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Cio, Center Drive, PO Box' 147 Chanhassen, Min,esota 55317 Pho,e 612.937.1900 Ge~eraI F~x' 612937.5739 E, gi,ee~i,g Etx 612.937.9152 P~blic Sago. Fax 61293(2524 W~'b ~,t~,w. ci. ch, mhasse,.,m.~s March 4, 1999 Mr. Adam Bomstad 1810 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Adam: Thank you for expressing your thoughts concerning the new Highway 7 Pedestrian Trail. Representative Workman forwarded your letter to my office. The south side ditch of Highway 7 has traditionally been marked as a snowmobile route by the local snowmobile club. The construction of the paved trail created conflict between the snowmobilers and walkers. Recognizing this, the club will most likely abandon the south ditch traiI opting to sign the north ditch instead. By city ordinance, all motorized vehicles are prohibited from traveling on paved pedestrian trails. The city plows these trails for two reasons; to facilitate winter pedestrian use and to deter snowmobile travel. Adam, the city has worked with the Chanhassen Snowmobile Club for many years to maintain snowmobile trails. Unfortunately, as urban development of our area continues, activities such as snowmobiling will suffer. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:grnb c~ Tom Workman, State Representative Park and Recreation Commission g:\parkSth~,l~oms'tadLtr May 10, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Youth Commission Members and Contacts Trisha Leck, Youth Development Coordinator Youth Commission Meeting Hello - ! hope you are finding time to enjoy this wet and wonderful spring weather! Aithou§h this is a very busy time of year it is important for a spring Youth Commission meeting to be held. A commission evaluation and planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 6:30 p.m. at the ECC, 110600 Village Road, Chaska. The purpose of the meeting is to evaluate the role of the commission, and plan for potential future roles and commission changes. Your input is important - this meeting is an opportunity to reshape the commission and build a vibrant community youth serving force! Please make an effort to attend. Agenda Items: Youth Commission Membership Youth Commission Goals Youth Commission Projects/Work Youth Commission 1999-2000 All Youth Commission members are encouraged to attend. Contacts are also welcome. Please RSVP by May 24, 368-7439. RECEIVED MAY 1 1 1999 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 110600 VILLAGE ROAD CHASKA, MN 55318 ~ (612) 368-3688 · (612) 368-3629 FAX CITYOF CHAN EN 690 Gq Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safe6v ?ax 612.934.2524 Web wwu,. ci. chanhassen, mn. us April 21, 1999 Mr. Bob Fernholz Mr. Nate Gorder Mr. Brad Ryan Chanhassen Elementary 7600 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Fernholz, Gorder and Ryan: My children, Claire and Hannah, shared with me your letter concerning track and field day. I would like to thank you for the manner in which you addressed this disappointing news. I appreciate the understanding tone and compassion displayed in your letter. This is truly one of those instances when we had to take one step backwards in order to move three steps forward. Ingram Excavating has been directed to reach a point of substantial completion by May 15, 1999. If there are work items associated with the playground project which you would like addressed, please contact me. Again, thank you for making the best of the difficult situation in which you were placed. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Parks and Recreation Director TH/sk c: Parks and Recreation Conunission Helen Merchant, Principal, Chanhassen Elementary g:XparkX~hhzitycenterparkXfieldday4_99 Dear Parents: This is one of those "good news" - "bad news" letters that we dislike having to write. First the "good news." The City of Chanhassen is making many positive improvements on our playground and field areas. We look forward to a wonderful physical education area to be in place for classes next fall. It's another example of the great cooperation between Chanhassen Elementary and the City and we are really lucky to benefiit from this relationship in this way. But now, the "bad news." The improvements being made make it impossible for us to hold our traditional Track and Field Day this year. This is a disappointment to both students and staff. Track and Field Day is a great tradition and it's one we want to keep. We will be doing a few of the events in our regular PiE classes, but due to unpredictable weather, we can't say exactly when they will take place. We will still award ribbons in those ew~nts. We promise that Track and Field Day will be back next school year! It will be even better with improved fields and playground areas to support it. Thank you for your support and please know that all of us share your child's disappointment that Track and Field Day had to, be canceled this year. Sincerely, Chanh~ssen Elementary Ph)sical Education Staff TRACK & FIELD DAY 1999 ! Metro Greenways Protect * Connect * Enhance * Enjoy April 23, 1999 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 APR 2 6 1999 CiTY O~ CHAJ~HAS~EN Dear Todd: Just over a month ago, you submitted site protection/restoration nominations for funding through the new Metro Greenways initiative. The program received a total of 42 nominations, requesting funding in excess of $15 million. Enclosed is a copy of the projects which were submitted. Greenways and DNR staff then visited each one of the sites. Using these visits and aerial photographs, an overall ecological rating of high, medium or low was determined for each site. The Metro Greenways Work Group went through an extensive review process using slides, aerial photos, maps and the nomination form to evaluate and rank each of the sites on the basis of the established criteria. A preliminary package of recommended sites were then forwarded to the Advisory Committee for their review and recommendations. The Advisory Committee met in mid-April and developed a final funding recommendation. I am sorry to inform you that the Dungey, Peterson and HCRRA sites were not selected by the Committee. We recognized at the outset that each and every one of the projects were important for a variety of reasons. We also recognized that we would not be able to fund the majority of projects. Our task was to select those projects which effectively addressed as many of the criteria as possible and demonstrated a credible rationale for why this program should continue and grow in the future. I believe the collective work of both the Work Group and the Advisory Committee has resulted in an impressive group of sites. Enclosed is their list of recommendations which have been forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources for his approval. Once approved, the list will be forwarded to the Legislative Commission of Minnesota Resources for final approval. As mentioned previously, we believe that the sites you submitted are important. To that end, Bill Penning, Metro Greenway's new Outreach Coordinator will be contacting you to see how we can assist you not only for these project but others. It is our earnest hope that this program is merely the beginning of a long-term program to protect, connect and restore a system of natural areas in the metro region. Your involvement and support for this initiative is critical if we are to achieve this exciting regional vision. Page 2 Thank you for your commitment to natural areas and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (651)772-7952. Srely' inger, Coordinator Metro Greenways enc. Metro Greenways Nominated Sites March 20,1999 Site Name 1. Eagle Creek Corridor 2. Trillium 3. Chub Lake '4. Valley Creek Headwaters 5. Raintree 6. Raven-Michel WMA Corridor 7. Riley Creek Val 8. Br,~wn's Creek 9. Brm~n/ Dungey Location Description Cos~t Between Hwy I01 on the north and Zinran Ave. on the south in Savage. 14 acre site containing Eagle Creek. two multi-tenant office warehouses a row house and storage materials. 1997 appraisal was $1.55 million. New appraisal underway Between CP spur line and BNSF tracks west of 1-35E south of Norpac Road (near Maryland Ave.) in St. Paul 18 acres of undeveloped, former railroad property where Trout Brook once flowed. Five acre parcel on south slated for mini- storage facility. County appraisal is $578,600 Southwest of Lakeville in Eureka Township in Dakota County 192 parcel on the south end of Chub Lake includes 80 acre mesic oak woods, 45 acre wetlands and headwaters for Chub Creek, with remaining acres in crop/grassland. First offer of $840,000 based on two appraisals initially rejected East of Powers Lake along St John's Drive in Woodbury 38.5 acre site consisting of mesic oak forest $400,000-600,000 (9 ac.), wetland (4.5 ac.) and cropland. Appraisal now Portion of proposed 220+ acre ~eenway being conducted including headwaters of Valley Creek. South of the North 50'", Street and west of Hadley Ave. in Oakdale Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 in Belle Plain Twnsp. in Scott County 3.3 acre corridor containing oak woodlands and old field as part of a new development. Connects Oakdale Park (220 acre) to other public land with possible connection to the Gateway Trail. $1 I0,000 An 80 foot wide easement on cropland along $127,500 both sides of a 3.4 mile drainage ditch, totaling 51 acres, would link three DNR Wildlife Mgmt. Areas. South of Pioneer Trail 19 acre parcel of Oak and Big Woods bisected near intersection of Cedar by Riley Creek. Contiguous with 53 acre city Forest Road and Cedar Conservation Area and near new residential Crest Drive in Eden Prairie development. $500,000 Est. Southwest of intersection of Neal and McKusick Aves. and south of RR in Stillwater _: acre site containin,, woods, old fields. tamarack meadow, wet meadows, swamp and tributary to Brown's Creek. Potential :o create an 85 acre preserve. -S500,000 Est. East of the intersection of HCRRA corridor and Hwy 212 in Chanhassen Ten acre site currently being used for row crops. Contains tributary to Assumption Creek. unknown Contact Ann Mahnke City of Savage (612) 447-8333 Linda Jungwirth Tri Area Block Club (651 ) 489-2923 Allene bloessler Cannon River Part. (507)332-0488 Bob Klatt City of Woodbury (651) 714-3580 Rich McNamara City of Oakdale (651) 730-2809 Pete Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612)492-2636 Bob Lambert City of Eden Prairie (612) 949-8440 Steve Russell Cit.',' of Stillwater (651)430-8821 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x 121 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) -2- Site Name Location Description 10. Peterson/ Noterman South of Seminary Fen and Hwy 212, north of MN River and adjacent to WMA 30 acres including a portion of a calcareous fen, wetlands and tributary to Assumption Creek. 1 I. HCRRA North of Seminary Fen and LRT coridor in Chanhassen 20 acres of undevelopable calcareous fen and wetland. Classified as "Excess Property" by Hennepin County Reg. RR. Authority. 12. Ney North of Hwy 19 and east of Cty Road 51 in the SW Corner of Blakely Township in Scott County 40 acres of crop land in the center of a recently purchase 120 acre parcel of steeply wooded hillsides and some field adjacent to Blakely Wayside. Also want to stabilize 6 to 12 eroding gullies. 13. Rusty Tiede Lower Phalen- Linkage Immediately northeast of Scott Cry. Road 3 and West 270'" St in Belle Plaine Township Between Fourth St. and the Kellogg Blvd. Bridge and south of the NSP substation in St. Paul. 220 acre tract of which 200 acres are tilled. An outlet ditch flows into nearby Mohoney WMA. ~ 140 acres are restorable to type IIIAV wetland with some building sites. Two tax-forfeited parcels (31,000 sq.ft.) adjacent to County land. Compacted soils with succesionary vegetation. 15. Lower Phalen- BNSF Between 1-94 and Warner Road and west of Mounds Park in St. Paul 27acre floodplain parcel where Phalen Creek/Trout Brook once flowed. Signifi- cantly altered over last 150 years with last use primarily by railroad. Forty years of succession with some native species. Key linkage between Swede Hollow and Mississippi River. 16. Caponi Art Park South of Diffley Road and west of Lexington Ave. in Eagan 12 acre parcel on south side of the 60 acre property contains wooded hillsides and a portion of Quigley Lake. Adjacent to 65 ac. athletic field on east and I00 acre parkland to the north. 17. Lake Rebecca/ Lake Sarah East of Henn. Cty Rd. 92 Adjacent to Lake Rebecca Park in Independence I 18 acres of mostly pasture and wetlands. 48 acres are in RIM easements. Current use as pasture contributes to water quality problems. ],&Lake Sarah/ Lake Inde- pendence/ Baker Park South of Henn. Cry. Rd 11, northeast of Lake Inde- pendence and west of Cry Rd. 19 in Independence and Medina. 120 acres of restored prairie, Big Woods, tamarack bog, wetlands and old field totaling 566 acres between Lake Sarah Lake Independence and Baker Park Reserve. Cost unknown unknown land: $ 120,000 restoration: $120,000 $850,000 Est. Unknown Being researched Assessed Value $1,139,300 $450,000 Est. $200,000 Est. $855,000 for easements Est. Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x121 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 93%1900 x 121 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2638 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2636 Rob Buff/er Greening Gr. Riv. Pk (651) 224-5463 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (715) 483-1414 David Kennedy Non-profit org. (612) 337-9232 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-9437 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-8572 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) Site Name Location -3- Description Cost Contact 19. Wolsfeld East of Wolsfeld Lake 40 acres of Big Woods and horse pasture $100,000 Woods between Henn. Cry Roads adjacent to Wolsfeld Woods SNA Est. for 6 and 24 in Medina Cons. Ease. Steve Hobbs, Henn. Consevation Dist. (612) 544-8572 20. Camp West shore of Long Lake 11 acres of steeply wooded hillsides Unknown Kingswood between Kingswood Road shoreline and wetlands. There are and Henn. Cty. Rd. 15 in Numerous camp facilities are on site. Minnestrista There are some erosion problems. Julie Klemp Wischnack City of Minnetrista (612) 446-1660 May-St. Croix Three Parcels to create a tour mile long, 1965 acre ecological corridor between Warner Nature Center and St. Croix River. In addition, protected lands extend two miles eastward from the western boundary of Wisconsin. 21. Hackman East boundary, of Wilder Forest across Wash. Cry 7 to west end of Tangle- Wood Nature Preserve May Township. 70 acres of primarily cropland with 5 acres $560,000 of pines and oak forest on the east side. Est. Ron Lawrenz St. Croix Watershed (651) 433-5953 22. O'Brien East boundary of Tanglewood to Kiwanis property north of 154t" Street North and west of Hwy 95 in May Township 60 acres of steeply sloped oak and maple basswood forests with an open, south- facing hillside containing dry prairie species on the west end of the property. $480,000 Est. 23. Tornquist Southeast corner of Highway 95 and 152"" Street North in May Township. 7.5 acres of old field, pine plantation prairie remnant and tamarack swamp. Last parcel to protect the 155 acre Spring Creek Tract. $60,000 Est. 24. Clearwater Creek - Hugo From the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, north and then east to Elmcrest Avenue in. Hugo. Proposed 1000 foot wide corridor along a three mile section of Clearwater Creek Mixture of agricultural, wetland and woodland vegetation. Protection priority is for 82 acres with total project size of 319 acres. $422,500 Pete Willenbring Est. for WSB & Associates for four (612) 541-4800 priority parcels. $1.42 million for remaining parcels 25. Clearwater Creek- Lino Lakes South of Frenchman Blvd. between 1-35E and Elmcrest A. venue in Lino Lakes 2f~. Loxver Phalen Between 1-94 and East Kellogg Blvd. and west of NSP substation at Commercial Street in St. Paul. 8+ acres of previously cropped farm land with Clearwater Creek (ditch) transecting property. Successionary woody vegetation fringe the creek. Amend soil and restore native plant species on two Ramsey County RR Authority parcels Bisected by Fourth St. and totaling two acres. S360,000 Marry Asleson Est. City of Lino Lakes (651) 7854018 $40,000 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (651 ) 771-2659 27. Hawthorne Wetland 26=" Avenue North and 50 ft west of the IVlississippi River Construct a one acre rain garden/wetland restoration for collecting runoff from 11.8 acres of impervious surfaces in an industrial area. $39,000 John Ruffin Hawthorne Community Council (612) 529-6033 ,tro Greenways Sites (Continued) Site Name Location 28. Patterson Lake North of Highway 5 and west of Scott County Road 151 North in Cologne 29. Sims West of Henn. Cty Rd. 19 between Glen and Smithtown Roads in Shorewood. 30. Edgewater 2314- Marshall St. NE in Minneapolis 31. Carroll 1828 Marshal St. NE in Chair Minneapolis 32. Point Douglas West of St. Croix Trail South, just north of inter- section with U.S. Hwy I0 in Denmark Township 33. Carpenter Prairie 34. Kasota Ponds Intersection of Kasota Ave. and Hwy 280 in St. Paul 35. Vermillion Greenway Where the Vermillion River flows beneath Dak. Cty Rd. 47 in Hastings 36. Beaver- Brook Park Southeast of the intersection of East Bush Lake Road an 1-494 at the terminus of Edgewood Pl. 3eaver Creek South and east of the Senior Center located at the intersection of McKnight and Maryland Aves. in Maplewood Description Protect 300 acres of mostly agricultural land with some wetlands and oak forest adjacent to the east and south side of Patterson Lake. Protect a 5.7 acre parcel with 2 acres of Big Woods, two acres of wetland and remaining as a former residential lot A 50'x 190' undeveloped site along the Miss- issippi River and adjacent Edgewater Park (restored prairie). Site has few mature trees, smaller trees on bluff, fiat gassy, upper area. .76 acre site with 2/3 of site as parking lot and private residence converted to factory and the remaining open space with mature trees and natural shoreline along the Mississippi. Two contiguous parcels, totaling ten acres, bedrock outcrops, several burial mounds and remnant savanna overrun by invasives. Carpenter Nature Center owns land on three sides. Restoration of 65 acres of agricultural land owned by the Nature Center to tall ~ass priaire. I00 acres of restored prairie contiguous to the north. Ten acres of wetland fragments, woodland and a historic spring encroached by industrial devel- opment, railroad, roads and pollution. Conservation easements and acquisition of a one mile, 300 foot wide corridor along the south side of the Verrnillion River west of Cry. Rd. 47 and acquisition of a commercial property on the north side of the river ~700 feet to the east. I 1 acre wetland and upland site where two branches of Nine Mile Creek join and flow into Normandale Lake just to the south. Two houses also exist on the property. Proposed site for office development. Cost Unknown $57,200 Est. $44,000 Est. Assessed Value: $221,000 $180,000 $13,000 Unknown Acquisition: $400,000 Easements: $70,000 $589,000 25 acres of old field, conifers, lowland hardwoods $932,900 and remnant creek which flows from a wet land Est. complex to the north, south through the parcel, to a smaller wetland on the south boundary and then into Beaver Lake. Contact Rose Bastian Citizen (612) 442-5664 Brad Nielsen City of Shorewood (612) 474 -3236 Mary Maguire MCNC (612) 781-2589 Jim Fitzpatrick Carpenter N.C. (651) 437-4359 Heather Worthington Dist. 12 Comm. Cou. (651) 64%5992 Marty McNamara City of Hastings (651) 480-2344 Robert Friedman Townhome Assoc. (612) 562-6317 Cliff Aichinger Ramsey/Wash. Metro Watershed (65 I) 704-2089 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) -5- Site Name Location Description 38. Central Corridor Link We'st of Woodbury Drive and north of Military Drive in Woodbury and Cottage Grove 39. Laurel/ Dahlmheier Terminus of Vicksburg Lane and Dayton River Road in Dayton 40 .Plymouth Intersection of Plymouth Blvd. Creek and Hwy 55 in Plymouth 41. Midtown Greenway South 29'" Street between France and Fifth Avenues in Minneapolis 42. Valley Creek- Private North side of Valley Creek Road and west of Manning Avenue in Woodbury Cost Acquire 120 acre ground water recharge and buffer area which are primarily old field and row crops area. This area constitutes the primary drainage route within the watershed. The proposed Central Corridor connects Lake Elmo Regional Park through a number of lakes, ponds, wetlands and other Acquisition: $720,000 Est. Restoration: $120,000 inventoried natural areas to Cottage Grove Ravine Park. Two contiguous parcels, five and six acres in size along the Mississippi River. The upland portions have been farmed and ~azed while the bluff and shoreline portions contain numerous native species. These parcels are a small portion of a proposed two mile river corridor. $350,000 Est. Restoration of a 49 acre wetland and adjacent ten acre woodland/savanna site on both sides of Ply- mouth Creek and the second phase of a four acre water quality pond/wetland treatment system restoration along Hwy 55. $50,0000 Tree, shrub and prairie plantings on 10.8 acres of the Greenway corridor $500,000 Conservation easements on two non-contiguous parcels totaling 4-7.5 acres of old field/crop land which contains a headwater tributary to Valley Creek. Unknown Contact Brent Emmons South Wash. Watershed Dist. (651) 770-8448 Jason Osberg City of Dayton (612) 427-4589 Shane Missaughi City of Plymouth (612) 509-5527 Caren Dewar Ivlidtown Comm-unity Works (612) 827-1148 Jack Lanners Citizen (651) 436-7599 Metro Greenways Site Protection/Restoration Recommendations April 15, 1999 The Metro Greenways Advisory Committee met on April 14th to review and rank each of the sites nominated for funding consideration through Metro Greenways. Using the approved Evaluation Criteria and reviewing the preliminary recommendations developed by the Metro Greenways Work Group, the Committee has recommended the following package of sites and respective allocations: Rural Chub Lake Blakely Woods (restoration) Lake Sarah/Lake Independence St. Croix Greenway Mississippi River Bluffs $600,000 $50,000 $750,000 $35O,000 $300,000 Dakota County Scott County Hennepin County Washington County Hennepin County subtotal: $2,050,000 Suburban Valley Creek Brown's Creek Vermillion River Beaver Creek subtotal: Urban Lower Phalen-BNSF Midtown Greenway (restoration) subtotal: Acquisition/Restoration Professional Services (11%) Total Funds Requested: $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $1oo,ooo $900,000 $600,000 $50,000 $650,000 $3,600,000 $400,000 $4,000,000 Washington County Washington County Dakota County Ramsey County Ramsey County Hennepin County -over- The second tier of sites and their respective rankings are as follows: Rural ~ 1. Patterson Lake 2. Hackman 3. Washington Corridor Link 4. Ney (acquisition) 5. Rusty Tiede 6. Point Douglas Waconia Township in Carver County May Township in Washington County Woodbury/Cottage Grove in Washington County Blakely Township in Scott County Belle Plaine Township in Scott County Denmark Township in Washington County Suburban 1. Eagle Creek 2. Brown/Dungey 3. HCRRA 4. Peterson 5. Riley Creek Savage in Scott County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Eden Prairie in Hennepin County Urban 1. Lower Phalen (restoration) 2. Kasota Ponds (restoration) 3. Trillium St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County Within these three categories, the following priorities were determined to be: 1. Patterson Lake 2. Hackman 3. Washington County Corridor Metro Greenways Nominated Sites March 20,1999 Site Name 1. Eagle Creek Corridor 2. Trillium 3. Chub Lake 4. Valley Creek Headwaters 5. Raintree 6..Raven-Michel WMA Corridor 7. Riley Creek Valley 8. Brown's Creek 9. Bro~,, n/ Dungey Location Between Hwy I01 on the north and Zinran Ave. on the south in Savage. Between CP spur line and BNSF tracks west of 1-35E south of Norpac Road (near Maryland Ave.) in St. Paul Southwest of Lakeville in Eureka Township in Dakota County East of Powers Lake along St John's Drive in Woodbury South of the North Street and west of Hadley Ave. in Oakdale Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 in Belle Plain Twnsp. in Scott County South of Pioneer Trail near intersection of Cedar Forest Road and Cedar Crest Drive in Eden Prairie Southwest of intersection of Neal and McKusick Aves. and south of RR in Stillwater East of the intersection of HCRRA corridor and Hwy 212 in Chanhassen Description 14 acre site containing Eagle Creek, two multi-tenant office warehouses a row house and storage materials. .Cost' 1997 appraisal was $1.55 million. New appraisal underway 18 acres of undeveloped, former railroad property where Trout Brook once flowed. Five acre parcel on south slated for m/hi- storage facility. County appraisal is $578,600 192 parcel on the south end of Chub Lake includes 80 acre mesic oak woods, 45 acre wetlands and headwaters for Chub Creek, with remaining acres in crop/grassland. First offer of $840,000 based on two appraisals initially rejected 38.5 acre site consisting of mesic oak forest $400,000-600,000 (9 ac.), wetland (4.5 ac.) and cropland. Appraisal now Portion of proposed 220+ acre ~eenway being conducted including headwaters of Valley Creek. 3.3 acre corridor containing oak woodlands and old field as part of a new development. Connects Oakdale Park (220 acre) to other punic land with possible connection to the Gateway Trail. $110,000 An 80 foot wide easement on cropland along $127,500 both sides of a 3.4 mile drainage ditch, totaling 51 acres, would link three DNR Wildlife Mgmt. Areas. 19 acre parcel of Oak and. Big Woods bisected by Riley Creek. Contiguous with 53 acre city Conservation Area and near new residential development. $500,000 Est. '~"' containin,, _, acre site = woods, old fields, tamarack meadow, wet meadows, swamp and tributary, to Brown's Creek. Potential :o create an 85 acre preserve. -5500,000 Est. Ten acre site currently being used for row crops. Contains tributary to Assumption Creek. unknown Contact Ann Mahnke City of Savage (612) 447.8333 Linda Jungwirth Tri Area Block Club (65 I) 489-2923 Allene Moessler Cannon River Part. (507)332-0488 Bob Klatt City of Woodbury (651) 714-3580 Rich McNamara City of Oakdale (65 I) 730-2809 Pete Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612)492-2636 Bob Lambert City of Eden Prairie (612) 94%8440 Steve Russell City of Stillwater (651 )430-8821 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900x 121 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) -2- Site Name Location Description 10. Peterson/ Noterman South of Seminary Fen and 30 acres including a portion of a calcareous Hwy 212, north of MN fen, wetlands and tributary to Assumption River and adjacent to WMA Creek. I1. HCRRA North of Seminary Fen and LRT coridor in Chanhassen 20 acres of undevelopable calcareous fen and wetland. Classified as "Excess Property" by Hennepin County Reg. RR. Authority. 12. Ney North of Hwy 19 and east of Cry Road 51 in the SW Corner of Blakely Township in Scott County 40 acres of crop land in the center of a recently purchase 120 acre parcel of steeply wooded hillsides and some field adjacent to Blakely Wayside. Also want to stabilize 6 to 12 eroding gullies. 13. Rusty Tiede Immediately northeast of Scott Cry. Road 3 and West 27ffh St in Belle Plaine Township 220 acre tract of which 200 acres are tilled. An outlet ditch flows into nearby Mohoney WMA. ~ 140 acres are restorable to type III/IV wetland with some building sites. 14. Lower Phalen- Linkage Between Fourth St. and the Kellogg Blvd. Bridge and south of the NSP substation in St. Paul. Two tax-forfeited parcels (31,000 sq.ft.) adjacent to County land. Compacted soils with succesionary vegetation. 15. Lower Phalen- BNSF Between 1-94 and Warner Road and west of Mounds Park in St. Paul 27acre floodplain parcel where Phalen Creek/Trout Brook once flowed. Signifi- cantly altered over last 150 years with last use primarily by railroad. Forty years of succession with some native species. Key linkage between Swede Hollow and Mississippi River. 16. Caponi Art Park South of Diffiey Road and west of Lexington Ave. in Eagan 12 acre parcel on south side of the 60 acre property contains wooded hillsides and a portion of Quigley Lake. Adjacent to 65 ac. athletic field on east and 100 acre parkland to the north. 17. Lake Rebecca/ Lake Sarah East of Henn. Cty Rd. 92 Adjacent to Lake Rebecca Park in Independence 1 l 8 acres of mostly pasture and wetlands. 48 acres are in RIM easements. Current use as pasture contributes to water quality problems. 18. Lake Sarah/ Lake Inde- pendence/ Baker Park South of Henn. Cty. Rd 11, northeast of Lake Inde- pendence and west of Cty Rd. 19 in Independence and Medina. 120 acres of restored prairie, Big Woods, tamarack bog, wetlands and old field totaling 566 acres between Lake Sarah Lake Independence and Baker Park Reserve. Cost unknown unknown land: $120,000 restoration: $120,000 $850,000 Est. Unknown Being researched Assessed Value $1,139,300 $450,000 Est. $200,000 Est. $855,000 for easements Est. Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x121 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x 121 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2638 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2636 Rob Buffier Greening Gr. Riv. Pk (65 l) 224-5463 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (715) 483-1414 David Kennedy Non-profit org. (612) 337-9232 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-9437 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-8572 etro Greenways Sites (Continued) -3- Site Name Location Description Cost Contact 19. Wolsfeld East of Wolsfeld Lake 40 acres of Big Woods and horse pasture $100,000 Woods between Henn. Cry Roads adjacent to Wolsfeld Woods SNA Est. for 6 and 24 in Medina Cons. Ease. Steve Hobbs, Henn. Consevation Dist. (612) 544-8572 20. Camp West shore of Long Lake 11 acres of steeply wooded hillsides Unknown Kingswood between Kingswood Road shoreline and wetlands. There are and Henri. Cry. Rd. 15 in Numerous camp facilities are on site. Minnestrista There are some erosion problems. Julie Klemp Wischnack City of Minnetrista (612) 446-1660 May-St. Croix Three Parcels to create a four mile long, 1965 acre ecological corridor between Warner Nature Center and St. Croix River. In addition, protected lands extend two miles eastward from the western boundary of Wisconsin. 2 I. Hackman East boundary, of Wilder Forest across Wash. Cry 7 to west end of Tangle- Wood Nature Preserve May Township. 70 acres of primarily cropland with 5 acres $560,000 of pines and oak forest on the east side. Est. Ron Lawrenz St. Croix Watershed (65 I) 433-5953 22. O'Brien East boundary of Tanglewood to Kiwanis property north of 154'n Street North and west of Hwy 95 in May Township 60 acres of steeply sloped oak and maple basswood forests with an open, south- facing hillside containing dry prairie species on the west end of the property. $480,000 Est. 23. Tornquist Southeast corner of Highway 95 and 15? Street North in May Township. 7.5 acres of old field, pine plantation prairie remnant and tamarack swamp. Last parcel to protect the 155 acre Spring Creek Tract. $60,000 Est. 24. Clearwater Creek - Hu~'o From the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, north and then east to Elmcrest Avenue in. Hugo. Proposed 1000 foot wide corridor along a three mile section of Clearwater Creek Mixture of a~icultural, wetland and woodland vegetation. Protection priority is for 82 acres with total project size of 319 acres. $422,500 Pete Willenbring Est. for WSB & Associates for four (612) 5414800 priority parcels. $1.42 million for remaining parcels 25. Clexrwater Creek- Lint) L;~kes South of Frenchman Blvd. between 1-35E and Elmcrest Avenue in Lino Lakes 8+ acres of previously cropped farm land with Clearwater Creek (ditch) transecting property. Successionary woody vegetation fringe the creek. S360,000 Marty Asleson Est. City of Lino Lakes (651) 7854018 26. Lower Phalen · '~ '2'2 Between 1-94 and East K~llo__ Blvd. and west of NSP substation at Commercial Street in St. Paul. Amend soil and restore native plant species on two Ramsey County RR Authority parcels Bisected by Fourth St. and totaling two acres. $40,000 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (651 ) 771-2659 27~awthorne Netland 26~" Avenue North and 50 ft west of the Mississippi River Construct a one acre rain garderffwetland restoration for collecting runoff from I 1.8 acres of impervious surfaces in an industrial area. 539,000 John Ruffin Hawthorne Community Council (612) 529-6033 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) Site Name Location 28. Patterson Lake North of Highway 5 and west of Scott County Road 151 North in Cologne 29. Sims West of Henn. Cty Rd. 19 between Glen and Smithtown Roads in Shorewood. 30. Edgewater 2314 Marshall St. NE in Minneapolis 31. Carroll 1828 Marshal St. NE in Chair Minneapolis 32. Point Douglas West of St. Croix Trail South, just north of inter- section with U.S. Hwy 10 in Denmark Township 33. Carpenter Prairie 34. Kasota Ponds Intersection of Kasota Ave. and Hwy 280 in St. Paul 35. Vermillion Greenway Where the Vermillion River flows beneath Dak. Cry Rd. 47 in Hastings 36. Beaver- Brook Park Southeast of the intersection of East Bush Lake Road an I..494 at the terminus of Edgewood Pl. Description Protect 300 acres of mostly agricultural land with some wetlands and oak forest adjacent to the east and south side of Patterson Lake. Protect a 5.7 acre parcel with 2 acres of Big Woods, two acres of wetland and remaining as a former residential lot A 50' x 190' undeveloped site along the Miss- issippi River and adjacent Edgewater Park (restored prairie). Site has few mature trees, smaller trees on bluff, flat grassy, upper area. .76 acre site with 2/3 of site as parking lot and private residence converted to factory and the remaining open space with mature trees and natural shoreline along the Mississippi. Two contiguous parcels, totaling ten acres, bedrock outcrops, several burial mounds and remnant savanna overrun by invasives. Carpenter Nature Center owns land on three sides. Restoration of 65 acres of agricultural land owned by the Nature Center to tall grass priaire. 100 acres of restored prairie contiguous to the north. Ten acres of wetland fragments, woodland and a historic spring encroached by industrial devel- opment, railroad, roads and pollution. Conservation easements and acquisition of a one mile, 300 foot wide corridor along the south side of the Vermillion River west of Cty. Rd. 47 and acquisition of a commercial property on the north side of the river -700 feet to the east. 11 acre wetland and upland site where two branches of Nine Mile Creek join and flow into Normandale Lake just to the south. Two houses also exist on the property. Proposed site for office development. Cost Unknown $57,200 Est. ~,4,000 Est. Assessed Value: $221,000 $180,000 $13,000 Unknown Acquisition: $400,000 Easements: $70,1300 $589,000 Contact Rose Bastian Citizen (612) 442-5664 Brad Nielsen City of Shorewood (612) 474 -3236 Mary Maguire MCNC (612) 781-2589 Jim Fitzpatrick Carpenter N.C. (65 I) 43%4359 Heather Worthington Dist. 12 Comm. Cou. (651) 649-5992 Marry McNamara City of Hastings (651) 480-2344 Robert Friedman Townhome Assoc. (612) 562-6317 37. Beaver Creek South and east of the Senior Center located at the intersection of McKnight and Maryland Aves. in Maplewood 25 acres of old field, conifers, lowland hardwoods $932,900 and remnant creek which flows from a wet land Est. complex to the north, south through the parcel, to a smaller wetland on the south boundary and then into Beaver Lake. Cliff Aichinger Ramsey/Wash. Metro Watershed (651) 704-2089 Metro Greenways Site Protection/Restoration Recommendations April 15, 1999 The Metro Greenways Advisory Committee met on April 14th to review and rank each of the sites nominated for funding consideration through Metro Greenways. Using the approved Evaluation Criteria and reviewing the preliminary recommendations developed by the Metro Greenways Work Group, the Committee has recommended the following package of sites and respective allocations: Rural Chub Lake Blakely Woods (restoration) Lake Sarah/Lake Independence St. Croix Greenway Mississippi River Bluffs $600,000 $50,000 $750,000 $350,000 $300,000 Dakota County Scott County Hennepin County Washington County Hennepin County subtotal: $2,050,000 Suburban Valley Creek Brown's Creek Vermillion River Beaver Creek subtotal: Urban Lower Phalen-BNSF Midtown Greenway (restoration) subtotal: Acquisition/Restoration Professional Services (11%) Total Funds Requested: $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $900,000 $600,000 $50,000 $650,000 $3,600,000 $4oo,oo0 $4,000,000 Washington County Washington County Dakota County Ramsey County Ramsey County Hennepin County -over- The second tier of sites and their respective rankings are as follows: Rural 1. Patterson Lake 2. ~ Hackman 3. Washington Corridor Link 4. Ney (acquisition) 5. Rusty Tiede 6. Point Douglas Waconia Township in Carver County May Township in Washington County Woodbury/Cottage Grove in Washington County Blakely Township in Scott County Belle Plaine Township in Scott County Denmark Township in Washington County Suburban 1. Eagle Creek 2. Brown/Dungey 3. HCRRA 4. Peterson 5. Riley Creek Savage in Scott County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Eden Prairie in Hennepin County Urban 1. Lower Phalen (restoration) 2. Kasota Ponds (restoration) 3. Trillium St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County Within these three categories, the following priorities were determined to be: 1. Patterson Lake 2. Hackman 3. Washington County Corridor Metro Greenways Protect * Connect * Enhance * Enjoy April 23, 1999 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 2 6 1999 ClT7 OF Cl'-l^ l-I S,SEl Dear Todd: Just over a month ago, you submitted site protection/restoration nominations for funding through the new Metro Greenways initiative. The program received a total of 42 nominations, requesting funding in excess of $15 million. Enclosed is a copy of the projects which were submitted. Greenways and DNR staff then visited each one of the sites. Using these visits and aerial photographs, an overall ecological rating of high, medium or low was determined for each site. The Metro Greenways Work Group went through an extensive review process using slides, aerial photos, maps and the nomination form to evaluate and rank each of the sites on the basis of the established criteria. A preliminary package of recommended sites were then forwarded to the Advisory Committee for their review and recommendations. The Advisory Committee met in mid-April and developed a final funding recommendation. I am sorry to inform you that the Dungey, Peterson and HCRRA sites were not selected by the Committee. We recognized at the outset that each and every one of the projects were important for a variety of reasons. We also recognized that we would not be able to fired the majority of projects. Our task was to select those projects which effectively addressed as many of the criteria as possible and demonstrated a credible rationale for why this program should continue and grow in the future. I believe the collective work of both the Work Group and the Advisory Committee has resulted in an impressive group of sites. Enclosed is their list of recommendations which have been forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources for his approval. Once approved, the list will be forwarded to the Legislative Commission of Minnesota Resources for final approval. As mentioned previously, we believe that the sites you submitted are important. To that end, Bill Penning, Metro Greenway's new Outreach Coordinator will be contacting you to see how we can assist you not only for these project but others. It is our earnest hope that this program is merely the beginning of a long-term program to protect, connect and restore a system of natural areas in the metro region. Your involvement and support for this initiative is critical if we are to achieve this exciting regional vision. Page 2 Thank you for your commitment to natural areas and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (651)772-7952. S~rely, Alan Singer, Coordinator Metro Greenways enc. Metro Greenways Nominated Sites March 20,1999 Site Name 1. Eagle Creek Corridor 2. Trillium 3. Chub 'Lake Valley Creek .""'t.~ad waters 5. Raintree 6. Raven-Michel WMA Corridor 57. Riley Creek Valley Bfnwn's Creek 9. Brm,,nl Location Between Hwy 101 on the north and Zinran Ave. on the south in Savage. Between CP spur line and BNSF tracks west of 1-35E south of Norpac Road (near Maryland Ave.) in St. Paul Southwest of Lakeville in Eureka Township in Dakota County East of Powers Lake along St John's Drive in Woodbury South of the North 50% Street and west of Hadley Ave. in Oakdale Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 in Belle Plain Twnsp. in Scott County South of Pioneer Trail near intersection of Cedar Forest Road and Cedar Crest Drive in Eden Prairie S,~uth,.vest of intersection of Neal and McKusick Aves. and south of RR in Stillwater East of the intersection of HCRRA corridor and Hwy 212 in Chanhassen Description Cost 14 acre site containing Eagle Creek. two multi-tenant office warehouses a row house and storage materials. 1997 appraisal was $1.55 million. New appraisal underway 18 acres of undeveloped, former railroad property where Trout Brook once flowed. Five acre parcel on south slated for mini- storage facility. County appraisal is $578,600 192 parcel on the south end of Chub Lake includes 80 acre mesic oak woods, 45 acre wetlands and headwaters for Chub Creek, with remaining acres in crop/grassland. First offer of $840,000 based on two appraisals initially rejected 38.5 acre site consisting of mesic oak forest $400,000-600,000 (9 ac.), wetland (4.5 ac.) and cropland. Appraisal now Portion of proposed 220+ acre ~eenway being conducted including headwaters of Valley Creek. 3.3 acre corridor containing oak woodlands and old field as part of a new development. Connects Oakdale Park (220 acre) to other public land with possible connection to the Gateway Trail. $1 I0,000 An'80 foot wide easement on cropland along $127,500 both sides of a 3.4 mile drainage ditch, totaling 51 acres, would link three DNR Wildlife Mgmt. Areas. 19 acre parcel of Oak and Big Woods bisected by Riley Creek. Contiguous with 53 acre city Conservation Area and near new residential development. $500,000 Est. 27 acre site containing woods, old fields. tamarack meadow, wet meadows, swamp and tributary, to Brown's Creek. Potential :o create an 85 acre preserve. ~S500,000 Est. Ten acre site currently being used for row crops. Contains tributary to Assumption Creek. unknown Contact Ann Mahnke City of Savage (612) 447-8333 Linda lungwirth Tri Area Block Club (65 I) 489-2923 Allene bloessler Cannon River Part. (507)332-0488 Bob Klatt City of Woodbury (651) 714-3580 Rich McNamara City of Oakdale (65 I) 730-2509 Pete Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612)492-2636 Bob Lambert City of Eden Prairie (612) 949-8440 Steve Russell City of Stillwater (651)430-8821 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x 121 I Ietro Greenways Sites (Continued) -2- Site Name Location Description 10. Petersord Noterman South of Seminary Fen and Hwy 212, north of MN River and adjacent to WMA 30 acres including a portion of a calcareous fen, wetlands and tributary to Assumption Creek. 11. HCRRA North of Seminary Fen and LRT coridor in Chanhassen 20 acres of undevelopable calcareous fen and wetland. Classified as "Excess Property" by Hennepin County Reg. RR. Authority. 12. Ney North of Hwy 19 and east of Cry Road 51 in the SW Corner of Blakely Township in Scott County 40 acres of crop land in the center of a recently purchase 120 acre parcel of steeply wooded hillsides and some field adjacent to Blakely Wayside. Also want to stabilize 6 to 12 eroding gullies. 13. Rusty Tiede Immediately northeast of Scott Cry. Road 3 and West 270'~ St in Belie Plaine Township 220 acre tract of which 200 acres are tilled. An outlet ditch flows into nearby Mohoney WMA. ~ 140 acres are restorable to type III/IV wetland with some building sites. 14. Lower Phalen- Linkage Between Fourth St. and the Kellogg Blvd. Bridge and south of the NSP substation in St. Paul. Two tax-forfeited parcels (31,000 sq.ft.) adjacent to County land. Compacted soils with succesionary vegetation. 15. Lower Phalen- BNSF Between 1-94 and Warner Road and west of Mounds Park in St. Paul 27acre floodplain parcel where Phalen Creek/Trout Brook once flowed. Signifi- cantly altered over last 150 years with last use primarily by railroad. Forty years of' succession with some native species. Key linkage between Swede Hollow and Mississippi River. 16. Caponi A~ Pa~ South of Diffiey Road and west of Lexington Ave. in Eagan 12 acre parcel on south side of the 60 acre property contains wooded hillsides and a portion of' Quigley Lake. Adjacent to 65 ac. athletic field on east and 100 acre parkland to the north. 17. Lake Rebecca/ Lake Sarah East of Henn. Cry Rd. 92 Adjacent to Lake Rebecca Park in Independence 118 acres of mostly pasture and wetlands. 48 acres are in RIM easements. Current use as pasture contributes to water quality problems. 18. Lake Sarah/ Lake Inde- pendence! BakerPark South of Henri. Cty. Rd I 1, northeast of Lake Inde- pendence and west of Cry Rd. 19 in Independence and Medina. 120 acres of restored prairie, Big Woods, tamarack bog, wetlands and old field totaling 566 acres between Lake Sarah Lake Independence and Baker Park Reserve. Cost unknown unknown land: $120,000 restoration: $120,000 $850,000 Est. Unknown Being researched Assessed Value $1,139,300 $450,000 Est. $200,000 Est. S855,000 for easements Est. Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x121 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x 121 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2638 Peter Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612) 492-2636 Rob Buffler Greening Gr. Riv. Pk (65 l) 224-5463 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (715) 483-1414 David Kennedy Non-profit org. (612) 337-9232 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-9437 Steve Hobbs, Henn. Conservation Dist. (612) 544-8572 _..etro Greenways Sites (Continued) -3- Site Name Location Description. Cost Contact 19. Wolsfeld East of Wolsfeld Lake 40 acres of Big Woods and horse pasture $100,000 Woods between Henn. Cry Roads adjacent to Wolsfeld Woods SNA Est. for 6 and 24 in Medina Cons. Ease. Steve Hobbs, Henn. Consevation Dist. (612) 544-8572 20. Camp West shore of Long Lake 11 acres of steeply wooded hillsides Unknown K/ngswood between Kingswood Road shoreline and wetlands. There are and Henn. Cry. Rd. 15 in Numerous camp facilities are on site, Minnestrista There are some erosion problems. Julie Klemp Wischnack City of Minnetrista (612) 446-1660 >lay-St. Croix Three Parcels to create a four mile long, 1965 acre ecological corridor between Warner Nature Center and St. Croix River. In addition, protected lands extend two miles eastward from the western boundary of Wisconsin. 21. Hackman East boundary, of Wilder Forest across Wash. Cry 7 to west end of Tangle- Wood Nature Preserve May Township. 70 acres of primarily cropland with 5 acres $560,000 of pines and oak forest on the east side. Est. Ron Lawrenz St. Croix Watershed (65 I) 433-5953 22. O'Brien East boundary of Tanglewood to Kiwanis property north of 154'" Street North and west of Hwy 95 in May Township 60 acres of steeply sloped oak and maple basswood forests with an open, south- facing hillside containing dry prairie species on the west end of the property. $480,000 Est. 23. Tornquist Southeast corner of Highway 95 and 157 Street North in May Township. 7.5 acres of old field, pine plantation prairie remnant and tamarack swamp. Last parcel to protect the 155 acre Spring Creek Tract. $60,000 Est. 24. Clearwater Creek - Hugo From the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, north and then east to Elmcrest Avenue in. Hugo. Proposed 1000 foot wide corridor along a three mile section of Clearwater Creek Mixture of agricultural, wetland and woodland vegetation. Protection priority is for 82 acres with total project size of 319 acres. $422,500 Pete Willenbring Est. for WSB & Associates for four (612) 5414800 priority parcels. $1.42 million for remaining parcels Creek- Lino Lakes South of Frenchman Blvd. between 1-35E and Elmcrest Avenue in Lino Lakes 8+ acres of previously cropped farm land with Clearwater Creek (ditch) transecting property. Successionary woody vegetation fringe the creek. S360.000 Marty Asleson Est. City of Lino Lakes (651) 7854018 Lower Phalen Between 1-94 and East Kello .... Blvd. and west of NSP substation at Commercial Street in St. Paul. Amend soil and restore native plant species on two Ramsey County RR Authority parcels Bisected by Fourth St. and totalim, two acres. S40,000 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (651 ) 771-2659 27 ~'"~'~thorne etland 26:h Avenue North and 50 ft west of the Mississippi River Construct a one acre rain garderffwedand restoration for collecting runoff from l 1.8 acres of impervious surfaces in an industrial area. $39,000 John Ruffin Hawthorne Community Council (612) 529-6033 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) Site Name Location 28. Patterson Lake North of Highway 5 and west of Scott County Road 151 North in Cologne 29. Sims West of Henri. Cry Rd. 19 between Glen and Smithtown Roads in Shorewood. 30. Edgewater 2314 Marshall St. NE in Minneapolis 31. Carroll 1828 blarshal St. NE in Chair Minneapolis 32. Point Douglas West of St. Croix Trail South, just north of inter- section with U.S. Hwy 10 in Denmark Township 33. Carpenter Prairie 34. Kasota Ponds Intersection of Kasota Ave. and Hwy 280 in St. Paul 35. Vermillion Greenway Where the Vermillion River flows beneath Dak. Cry Rd. ,,-v in Hastings 36. Beaver- Brook Park Southeast of the intersection of East Bush Lake Road an I494 at the terminus of Edgewood PI. Description Protect 300 acres of mostly agricultural land with some wetlands and oak forest adjacent to the east and south side of Patterson Lake. Protect a 5.7 acre parcel with 2 acres of Big Woods, two acres of wetland and remaining as a former residential lot A 50'x 190' undeveloped site along the Miss- issippi River and adjacent Edgewater Park (restored prairie). Site has few mature trees, smaller trees on bluff, flat grassy, upper area. .76 acre site with 2/3 of site as parking lot and private residence converted to factory and the remaining open space with mature trees and natural shoreline aiong the Mississippi. Two contiguous parcels, totaling ten acres, bedrock outcrops, several burial mounds and remnant savanna overrun by invasives. Carpenter Nature Center owns land on three sides. Restoration of 65 acres of agricultural land owned by the Nature Center to tall ~ass priaire. 100 acres of restored prairie contiguous to the north. Ten acres of wetland fragments, woodland and a historic spring encroached by industrial devel- opment, railroad, roads and pollution. Conservation easements and acquisition of a one mile, 300 foot wide corridor along the south side of the Verrnillion River west of Cry. Rd. 47 and acquisition of a commercial property on the north side of the river -700 feet to the east. 11 acre wetland and upland site where two branches of Nine Mile Creek join and flow into Normandale Lake just to the south. Two houses also exist on the property. Proposed site for office development. Cost Unknown $57,200 Est. $44,000 Est. Assessed Value: $221,000 $180,000 $13,000 Unknown Acquisition: $400,000 Easements: S70,000 $589,000 Contact Rose Bastian Citizen (612) 442-5664 Brad Nielsen City of Shorewood (612) 474 -3236 Mary Maguire MCNC (612) 781-2589 Jim Fitzpatrick Carpenter N.C. (651) 437-4359 Heather Worthington Dist. 12 Comm. Cou. (651) 649-5992 Marty McNamara City of Hastings (651) 480-2344 Robert Friedman Townhome Assoc. (612) 562-6317 37. Beaver Creek South and east of the Senior Center located at the intersection of McKnight and Maryland Aves. in Maplewood 25 acres of old field, conifers, lowland hardwoods $932,900 and remnant creek which flows from a wet land Est. complex to the north, south through the parcel, to a smaller wetland on the south boundary and then into Beaver Lake. Cliff Aichinger Ramsey/Wash. Metro Watershed (651) 704-2089 , ~"~etro Greenways Sites (Continued) -5- Site Name Location Description We'st of Woodbury Drive and north of Military Drive in Woodbury and Cottage Grove 38. Central Corridor Link Terminus of Vicksburg Lane and Dayton River Road in Dayton 39. Laurel/ Dahlmheier 40 .Plymouth Intersection of Plymouth Blvd. Creek and Hwy 55 in Plymouth South 29'h Street between France and Fifth Avenues in Minneapolis ~ ,lidtown Greenway North side of Valley Creek Road and west of Manning Avenue in Woodbury 42. Valley Creek- Private Cost Acquire 120 acre ground water recharge and buffer area which are primarily old field and row crops area. This area constitutes the primary drainage route within the watershed. The proposed Central Corridor connects Lake Elmo Regional Park through a number of lakes, ponds, wetlands and other Acquisition: $720,000 Est. Restoration: $120,000 inventoried natural are~ to Cottage Grove Ravine Park. Two contiguous parcels, five and six acres in size along the Mississippi River. The upland portions have been farmed and gazed while the bluff and shoreline portions contain numerous native species. These parcels are a small portion of a proposed two mile river corridor. $350,000 Est. Restoration of a 49 acre wetland and adjacent ten acre woodland/savanna site on both sides of Ply- mouth Creek and the second phase of a four acre water quality pond/wetland treatment system restoration along Hwy 55. $50.00OO Tree, shrub and prairie plantings on 10.8 acres of the Greenway corridor $500,000 Conservation easements on two non-contiguous parcels totaling 4-7.5 acres of old field/crop land which contains a headwater tributary to Valley Creek. Unknown Contact Brent Errunons South Wash. Watershed Dist. (651) 7704448 Jason Osberg City of Dayton (612) 4274589 Shane Missaughi City of Plymouth (612) 509-5527 Caren Dewar Ivlidtowa Comm-unity Works (612) 827-I 148 Jack Lanners Citizen (65 I) 436-7599 Metro Greenways Site Protection/Restoration Recommendations April .15, 1999 The Metro Greenways Advisory Committee met on April 14th to review and rank each of the sites nominated for funding consideration through Metro Greenways. Using the approved Evaluation Criteria and reviewing the preliminary recommendations developed by the Metro Greenways Work Group, the Committee has recommended the following package of sites and respective allocations: Rural Chub Lake Blakely Woods (restoration) Lake Sarah/Lake Independence St. Croix Greenway Mississippi River Bluffs $600,000 $5O,OOO $750,000 $35O,OOO $3oo,ooo Dakota County Scott County Hennepin County Washington County Hennepin County subtotal: $2,050,000 Suburban Valley Creek Brown's Creek Vermillion River Beaver Creek subtotal: Urban Lower Phalen-BNSF Midtown Greenway (restoration) subtotal: Acquisition/Restoration Professional Services (11%) Total Funds Requested: $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $900,000 $600,000 $5o,ooo $650,000 $3,600,000 $400,000 $4,O0O,000 Washington County Washington County Dakota County Ramsey County Ramsey County Hennepin County -over- The second tier of sites and their respective rankings are as follows: Rural. 1. Patterson Lake 2. Hackman 3. Washington Corridor Link 4. Ney (acquisition) 5. Rusty Tiede 6. Point Douglas Waconia Township in Carver County May Township in Washington County Woodbury/Cottage Grove in Washington County Blakely Township in Scott County Belle Plaine Township in Scott County Denmark Township in Washington County Suburban 1. Eagle Creek 2. Brown/Dungey 3. HCRRA 4. Peterson 5. Riley Creek Savage in Scott County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Chanhassen in Carver County Eden Prairie in Hennepin County Urban 1. Lower Phalen (restoration) 2. Kasota Ponds (restoration) 3. Trillium St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County St. Paul in Ramsey County Within these three categories, the following priorities were determined to be: 1. Patterson Lake 2. Hackman 3. Washington County Corridor Metro Greenways Nominated Sites March 20,1999 Site Name 1. Eagle Creek Corridor 2. Trillium 3. Chub Lake 4. Valley Creek Headwaters 5. Raintree 6..Raven-Michel WMA Corridor 7. Riley Creek Valley 8. Brown's Creek 9. Bro~n/ Dungey Location Description .Cgst Between Hwy 101 on the north and Zinran Ave. on the south in Savage. 14 acre site containing Eagle Creek. two multi-tenant office warehouses a row house and storage materials. 1997 appraisal was $1.55 million. New appraisal underway Between CP spur line and BNSF tracks west of 1-35E south of Norpac Road (near Maryland Ave.) in St. Paul 18 acres of undeveloped, former railroad property where Trout Brook once flowed. Five acre parcel on south slated for mini- storage facility. County appraisal is $578,600 Southwest of Lakeville in Eureka Township in Dakota County 192 parcel on the south end of Chub Lake includes 80 acre mesic oak woods, 45 acre wetlands and headwaters for Chub Creek, with remaining acres in crop/grassland. First offer of $840,000 based on two appraisals initially rejected East of Powers Lake along St John's Drive in Woodbury 38.5 acre site consisting of mesic oak forest $400,000-600,000 (9 ac.), wetland (4.5 ac.) and cropland. Appraisal now Portion of proposed 220+ acre ~eenway being conducted including headwaters of Valley Creek. South of the North 50'h, Street and west of Hadley Ave. in Oakdale Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 in Belle Plain Twnsp. in Scott County 3.3 acre corridor containing oak woodlands and old field as part of a new development. Connects Oakdale Park (220 acre) to other public land with possible connection to the Gateway Trail. $1 I0,000 An 80 foot wide easement on cropland along $127,500 both sides of a 3.4 mile drainage ditch, totaling 51 acres, would link three DNR Wildlife Mgmt. Areas. South of Pioneer Trail 19 acre parcel of Oak and Big Woods bisected near intersection of Cedar by Riley Creek. Contiguous with 53 acre city Forest Road and Cedar Conservation Area and near new residential Crest Drive in Eden Prairie development. $500,000 Est. S,)uthwest of intersection or' Neal and McKusick Aves. and south of RR in Stillwater _, acre site containim, woods, old fields, tamarack meadow, wet meadows, swamp and tributary to Brown's Creek. Potential :o create an 85 acre preserve. -$500,000 Est. East of the intersection of HCRRA corridor and Hwy 212 in Chanhassen Ten acre site currently being used for row crops. Contains tributary to Assumption Creek. unknown Contact Ann Mahnke City of Savage (612)44%8333 Linda Jungwirth Tri Area Block Club (651) 489-2923 Allene Moessler Cannon River Part. (507)332-0488 Bob Klatt City of Woodbury (651) 714-3580 Rich McNamara City of Oakdale (651) 730-2809 Pete Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612)492-2636 Bob Lambert City of Eden Prairie (612) 949-8440 Steve Russell City of Stillwater (651)430-8821 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 93%1900 x 121 "Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) -3- Site Name Location Description, Cost Contact 19. Wolsfeld East of Wolsfeld Lake 40 acres of Big Woods and horse pasture $I00,000 Woods between Henri. Cry Roads adjacent to Wolsfeld Woods SNA Est. for 6 and 24 in Medina Cons. Ease. Steve Hobbs, Henn. Consevation Dist. (612) 544-8572 20. Camp West shore of Long Lake 11 acres of steeply wooded hillsides Unknown Kingswood between Kingswood Road shoreline and wetlands. There are and Henn. Cry. Rd. 15 in Numerous camp facilities are on site. Minnestrista There are some erosion problems. Julie Klemp Wischnack City of Minnetrista (612) 446-1660 May-St. Croix Three Parcels to create a four mile long, 1965 acre ecological corridor between Warner Nature Center and St. Croix River. In addition, protected lands extend two miles eastward from the western boundary of Wisconsin. 21. Hackman East boundary of Wilder Forest across Wash. Cry 7 to west end of Tangle- Wood Nature Preserve May Township. 70 acres of primarily cropland with 5 acres $560,000 of pines and oak forest on the east side. Est. Ron Lawrenz St. Croix Watershed (651) 433-5953 22. O'Brien East boundary of Tanglewood to Kiwanis property north of 154'h Street North and west of Hwy 95 in May Township 60 acres of steeply sloped oak and maple basswood forests with an open, south- facing hillside containing dry prairie species on the west end of the property. $480,000 Est. 23. Tornquist Southeast corner of Highway 95 and 15? Street North in May Township. 7.5 acres of old field, pine plantation prairie remnant and tamarack swamp. Last parcel to protect the 155 acre Spring Creek Tract. $60,000 Est. _4. Clearwater Creek - Hugo From the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, north and then east to Elmcrest Avenue in. Hugo. Proposed I000 foot wide corridor along a three mile section of Clearwater Creek Mixture of agricultural, wetland and woodland vegetation. Protection priority is for 82 acres with total project size of 319 acres. $422,500 Pete Willenbring Est. for WSB & Associates for four (612) 541-4800 priority parcels. $1.42 million for remaining parcels 25. Clearwater Creek- Lino Lakes South of Frenchman Blvd. between 1-35E and Etmcrest Avenue in Lino Lakes 8+ acres of previously cropped farm land with Clearwater Creek (ditch) transecting property. Successionary woody vegetation fringe the creek. S360,000 Marry Asleson Est. City of Lino Lakes (651 ) 785-4018 2e,. Lower Phalen · ~' '2 Between 1-94 and East K.lto__ Blvd. and ,,,,'est of NSP substation at Commercial Street in St. Paul. Amend soil and restore natb, e plant species on two Ramsey County RR Authority parcels Bisected by Fourth St. and totaling two acres. $40,000 Amy Middteton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (651 ) 771-2659 27. Hawd~orne ~ Wetland 26th Avenue North and 50 ft west of the Mississippi River Construct a one acre rain garden/wetland restoration for collecting runoff from 11.8 acres of impervious surfaces in an industrial area. S39,000 John Ruffin Hawthorne Community Council (612) 529-6033 Metro Greenways Site Protection/Restoration Recommendations April 15, 1999 The Metro Greenways Advisory Committee met on April 14th to review and rank each of the sites nominated for funding consideration through Metro Greenways. Using the approved Evaluation Criteria and reviewing the preliminary recommendations developed by the Metro Greenways Work Group, the Committee has recommended the following package of sites and respective allocations: Rural Chub Lake Blakely Woods (restoration) Lake Sarah/Lake Independence St. Croix Greenway Mississippi River Bluffs $600,000 $50,000 $750,000 $350,000 $300,000 Dakota County Scott County Hennepin County Washington County Hennepin County subtotal: $2,050,000 Suburban Valley Creek Brown's Creek Vermillion River Beaver Creek subtotal: $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $900,000 Washington County Washington County Dakota County Ramsey County Urban Lower Phalen-BNSF Midtown Greenway (restoration) subtotal: $600,000 $5o,ooo $650,00O Ramsey County Hennepin County Acquisition/Restoration Professional Services (11%) Total Funds Requested: $3,600,000 $400,000 $4,000,000 -over- Metro Greenways Protect * Connect * Enhance * Enjoy April 23, 1999 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECI Iv n APR 2 999 CiTY OF GHANHASSEN Dear Todd: Just over a month ago, you submitted site protection/restoration nominations for funding through the new Metro Greenways initiative. The program received a total of 42 nominations, requesting funding in excess of $15 million. Enclosed is a copy of the projects which were submitted. Greenways and DNR staff then visited each one of the sites. Using these visits and aerial photographs, an overall ecological rating of high, medium or low was determined for each site. The Metro Greenways Work Group went through an extensive review process using slides, aerial photos, maps and the nomination form to evaluate and rank each of the sites on the basis of the established criteria. A preliminary package of recommended sites were then forwarded to the Advisory Committee for their review and recommendations. The Advisory Committee met in mid-April and developed a final funding recommendation. I am sorry to inform you that the Dungey, Peterson and HCRRA sites were not selected by the Committee. We recognized at the outset that each and every one of the projects were important for a variety of reasons. We also recognized that we would not be able to fund the majority of projects. Our task was to select those projects which effectively addressed as many of the criteria as possible and demonstrated a credible rationale for why this program should continue and grow in the future. I believe the collective work of both the Work Group and the Advisory Committee has resulted in an impressive group of sites. Enclosed is their list of recommendations which have been forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources for his approval. Once approved, the list will be forwarded to the Legislative Commission of Minnesota Resources for final approval. As mentioned previously, we believe that the sites you submitted are important. To that end, Bill Penning, Metro Greenway's new Outreach Coordinator will be contacting you to see how we can assist you not only for these project but others. It is our earnest hope that this program is merely the beginning of a long-term program to protect, connect and restore a system of natural areas in the metro region. Your involvement and support for this initiative is critical if we are to achieve this exciting regional vision. Metro Greenways Nominated Sites March 20,1999 Site Name l. Eagle Creek Corridor 2. Trillium 3. Chub 'Lake 4. Valley Creek Headwaters 5. Raimree 6. Raven-Michel WMA Corridor 7. Riley Creek Valley 8. Brown's Creek 9. Brov, n/ Dun.gey Location Between Hwy 101 on the north and Zinran Ave. on the south in Savage. Between CP spur line and BNSF tracks west of 1-35E south of Norpac Road (near Maryland Ave.) in St. Paul Southwest of Lakeville in Eureka Township in Dakota County East of Powers Lake along St John's Drive in Woodbury South of the North 50'h, Street and west of Hadley Ave. in Oakdale Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 in Belle Plain Twnsp. in Scott County South of Pioneer Trail near intersection of Cedar Forest Road and Cedar Crest Drive in Eden Prairie Southwest of intersection of Neal and McKusick Aves. and south of RR in Stillwater East of the intersection of HCRRA corridor and Hwy 212 in Chanhassen Description Cost 14 acre site containing Eagle Creek. two multi-tenant office warehouses a row house and storage materials. 1997 appraisal was $1.55 million. New appraisal underway 18 acres of undeveloped, former railroad property where Trout Brook once flowed. Five acre parcel on south slated for mini- storage facility. County appraisal is $578,600 192 parcel on the south end of Chub Lake includes 80 acre mesic oak woods, 45 acre wetlands and headwaters for Chub Creek, with remaining acres in crop/grassland. First offer of $840,000 based on two appraisals initially rejected 38.5 acre site consisting of mesic oak forest $400,000-600,000 (9 ac.), wetland (4.5 ac.) and cropland. Appraisal now Portion of proposed 220+ acre ~eenway being conducted including headwaters of Valley Creek. 3.3 acre corridor containing oak woodlands and old field as part of a new development. Connects Oakdale Park (220 acre) to other public land with possible connection to the Gateway Trail. $I I0,000 An 80 foot wide easement on cropland along $127,500 both sides of a 3.4 mile drainage ditch, totaling 51 acres, would link three DNR Wildlife Mgmt. Areas. 19 acre parcel of Oak and Big Woods bisected by Riley Creek. Contiguous with 53 acre city Conservation Area and near new residential development. $500,000 Est. 27 acre site containing woods, old fields, tamarack meadow, wet meadows, swamp and tributary, to Brown's Creek. Potential :o create an 85 acre preserve. -S500,000 Est. Ten acre site currently being used for row crops. Contains tributary to Assumption Creek. unknown Contact Ann Mahnke City of Savage (612) 447-8333 Linda Iungwirth Tri Area Block Club (651 ) 489-2923 Allene Moessler Cannon River Part. (507)332-0488 Bob Klatt City of Woodbury (651) 714-3580 Rich McNamara City of Oakdale (65 I) 730-2809 Pete Beckius, Scott County SWCD (612)492-2636 Bob Lambert City of Eden Prairie (612) 949-8440 Steve Russell City of Stillwater (65 I)430-8821 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen (612) 937-1900 x 121 .etro Greenways Sites (Continued) -3- Site Name Location Description Cost Contact 19. Wolsfeld East of Wolsfeld Lake 40 acres of Big Woods and horse pasture $100,000 Woods between Henn. Cry Roads adjacent to Wolsfeld Woods SNA Est. for 6 and 24 in Medina Cons. Ease. Steve Hobbs, Henn. Consevation Dist. (612) 544-8572 20. Camp West shore of Long Lake 11 acres of steeply wooded hillsides Unknown Kingswood between K/ngswood Road shoreline and wetlands. There are and Henn. Cry. Rd. 15 in Numerous camp facilities are on site. Minnestrista There are some erosion problems. Julie Klemp Wischnack City of Minnetrista (612) 446-1660 .May-SL Croix Three Parcels to create a tour mile long, 1965 acre ecological corridor between Warner Nature Center and St. Croix River. In addition, protected lands extend two m/les eastward from the western boundary of Wisconsin. 21. Hackman East boundary, of Wilder Forest across Wash. Cty 7 to west end of Tangle- Wood Nature Preserve May Township. 70 acres of primarily cropland with 5 acres S560,000 of pines and oak forest on the east side. Est. Ron Lawrenz St. Croix Watershed (65 I) 433-5953 22. O'Brien East boundary of Tanglewood to Kiwanis property north of 154'" Street North and west of Hwy 95 in May Township 60 acres of steeply sloped oak and maple basswood forests with an open, south- facing hillside containing dry prairie species on the west end of the property. $480,000 Est. 23. Tornquist Southeast corner of Highway 95 and 157 Street North in May Township. 7.5 acres of old field, pine plantation prairie remnant and tamarack swamp. Last parcel to protect the 155 acre Spring Creek Tract. $60,000 Est. _4. Clearwater Creek - Hugo From the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, north and then east to Elmcrest Avenue in. Hugo. Proposed I000 foot wide corridor along a three mile section of Clearwater Creek Mixture of agricultural, wetland and woodland vegetation. Protection priority is for 82 acres with total project size of 319 acres. $422,500 Pete Willenbring Est. for WSB & Associates for four (612) 541-4800 priority parcels. $1.42 m/Ilion for remaining parcels 25. Cle::rwater Creek- Lino Lakes South of Frenchman Blvd. between 1-35E and Elmcrest Avenue in Lino Lakes Lower Phalen Between 1-94 and East Kellogg Blvd. and west of NSP substation at Commercial Street in St. Paul. 8+ acres of previously cropped farm land with Clearwater Creek (ditch) transecting property. Successionary woody vegetation fringe the creek. Amend soil and restore natbe plant species on two Ramsey County RR Authority parcels Bisected by Fourth St. and totaling two acres. S360,000 Marry Asleson Est. City of Lino Lakes (651 ) 785-4018 S40.000 Amy Middleton Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Assoc. (651 ) 771-2659 27~l~a,.vthorne eetland 26:" Avenue North and 50 ft west of the IMississippi River Construct a one acre raing _ardendwetland restoration for collecting runoff from 11.8 acres of impervious surfaces in an industrial area. $39,000 John Ruffin Hawthorne Community Council (612) 529-6033 Metro Greenways Sites (Continued) -5- Site Name Location Description 38. Central Corridor Link We'st of Woodbury Drive and north of Military Drive in Woodbury and Cottage Grove 39. Laurel/ Dahlmheier Terminus of Vicksburg Lane and Dayton River Road in Dayton 40 .Plymouth Intersection of Plymouth Blvd. Creek and Hwy 55 in Plymouth 41. Midtown Greenway South 29'h Street between France and Fifth Avenues in Minneapolis 42. Valley Creek- Private North side of Valley Creek Road and west of Manning Avenue in Woodbury Cost Acquire 120 acre ground water recharge and buffer area which are primarily old field and row crops area. This area constitutes the primary drainage route within the watershed. The proposed Central Corridor connects Lake Elmo Regional Park through a number of lakes, ponds, wetlands and other Acquisition: $720,000 Est. Restoration: $120,000 inventoried natural areas to Cottage Grove Ravine Park. Two contiguous parcels, five and six acres in size along the Mississippi River. The upland portions have been farmed and grazed while the bluff and shoreline portions contain numerous native species. These parcels are a small portion of a proposed two mile river corridor. $350,000 Est. Restoration of a 49 acre wetland and adjacent ten acre woodland/savanna site on both sides of Ply- mouth Creek and the second phase of a four acre water quality pond/wetland treatment system restoration along Hwy 55. $50,0000 Tree, shrub and prairie plantings on 10.8 acres of the Greenway corridor $500,000 Conservation easements on two non-contiguous parcels totaling 4-7.5 acres of old field/crop land which contains a headwater tributary to Valley Creek. Unknown Contact Brent Emmons South Wash. Watershed Dist. (651) 770-8448 Jason Osberg City of Dayton (612) 427-4589 Shane Missaughi City of Plymouth (612) 509-5527 Caren Dewar Midtown Comm-unity Works (612) 827-1148 Jack Lanners Citizen (651) 436-7599 April 1999 Inside This Addition New Election Format Vote by Mail 1998-99 District 6 Standings Spring/Summer Opportunities Spotlight on Concessions New Election Format- Vote By Mail This year we are trying Vote By Mail concept to help streamline the election process and make it more convenient for you to cast your vote. Details are listed below. Get involved, cast your vote by April 30 deadline. Here's the Plan 1. Candidate profile and ballot mailed to each player household 2. Complete the ballot (one vote per player) 3. Seal the ballot in the small envelope 4. Place the sealed ballot envelope in the remm envelope provided $. Attach postage and mail on or before April 30, 1999 Process at the May 34 Board Meeting 1. Return envelopes will be validated against member listing. 2. Sealed ballot envelope will be removed from the return envelope and placed in ballot box 3. Ballots will be removed from sealed envelopes and counted 4. Kesults will be announced at the meeting and communicated in the May newsletter On the Ballot 1. 13 open Board positions 2. Vote on Bylaw amendment The following enclosures are included in this mailing. If you have any questions or comments regarding the voting process, please contact CCHA Secretary, Deb Shafranski. Her number is listed on the back of this newsletter. Candidate profile rn Ballot (one per player) [] Ballot envelope (small) Return envelope (one per player) SpR NG & SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES This summer there are many opportunities for our players to be involved in athletics events. Listed below are the events the CCHA is aware of at this time. The City_ Of Chaska Is Sponsoring A Summer 4 On 4 League Mites & Bantams will play on Sunday evenings: 6:00 - 7:00 pm (Mites) & 7:15 - 8:15pm (Bantams) June 13 - August 1 Participants will be divided up into 2 teams. There will be an official and we will keep score. Squirts will play on Tueday evenings: 6:00- 7:00pm & 7:15- 8:15 pm June 15 - August 3 Pee Wees will play on Wednesday evenings: 6:00 - 7:00 pm & 7:15 - 8:15 pm June 16 - August 4 There will be 4 teams each for Squirts and Pee Wees limited to 12 players per team. There will be an official and we will keep score. Registration and cost information will be available shortly. If you have any questions please contact Mark Giordano ~ 949-8607. Power Skating In May, watch for Kristie Mitchell's Power Skating clinics for all levels. Snuggerud's On & Office Training Camps For the upper levels there is the Snuggerud's Chaska Office Training Camp. This program offers our players a chance to build strength that will help in their skating ability. Last year those that participated had a lot of fun developing and sharpening their skills. For all the levels there is the Snuggerud's Chaska On Ice Training Camp. This program stresses skating skills, stick handling, team work, and more. Girls Just for Girls, Chuck Nichols will hold a fundamentals clinic in July - August. Information regarding these programs can be found at the Chaska Community Center. As additional program details become available, Th~_ will be communicated. Spotlight on Concessions It's a Girl! Mike and Susie Blake are proud parents of Kelly Renee' Blake born April 8, 1999. 9 lbs 1 oz. Mom and baby are doing well. The Concession Stand will be open on weekends 1030 am - 6:30 pm now through m~id-May as business warrants. Year-end results will be published in the May newsletter. BANTAM A FINAL STANDINGS EDEN PRAIRIE EDINA MINNETONKA BURNSVILLE JEFFERSON APPLE VALLEY RICHFIELD '~ CHASKA EASTVIEW KENNEDY FINAL STANDINGS JEFFERSON EDINA GREEN EDEN PRAIRIE EDINA WHITE RICHFIELD EASTVIEW KENNEDY BURNSVlLLE GOLD MINNETONKA BURNSVlLLE BLACK '~ CHASKA 1998-1999 PEEWEE A STANDINGS; District 6 Statistics provlded by Distfic, 6. PEEWEE A RNAL STANDINGS EDEN PRAIRIE 18 14 3 I 29 EDINA 18 11 5 2 24 KENNEDY 18 10 7 1 21 MINN~ON~ . 18 10 8 0 20 BURNSVILLE 18 4 9 5 13 1098-19q5~ DIS'FR1CT 6 APPLE VALLEY 18 4 10 4 12 BANTAM A STAND[NGS RICHRE~ 18 5 11 2 12 . EAS~I~ 18 3 13 2 8 Slatisdcs provided by Disuict 6. ~ CHAS~ 18 3 13 2 8 1~ 13 1 4 ~0 Pn~WEF RI STANDINGS 18 12 3 3 27 ..................................................................................................................................... 18 13 5 0 26 Smtistic~ provi&d by District 6. 18 11 6 I ~ PEEWEE B1 18 10 6 2 FINAL STANDINGS 18 g 6 3 21 EDINA GREEN 18 3 11 4 10 MINN~ON~ 16 14 I 1 29 18 4 12 2 10 EDINA WH~E 16 12 3 1 25 18 2 13 3 7 BURNSVILLE 16 10 4 2 22 18 2 16 0 4 EDEN PRAIRIE B~CK 16 10 5 I 21 JE~ERSON WH~E 16 9 7 0 18 199g-I ~9 DISTRI(~F 6 EDEN PRAIRIE RED 16 7 7 2 16 BANTAM B2 ~TANDINGS JE~ERSON BLUE 16 6 g I 13 ~ CHASKA 16 5 9 2 12 5[afistic~ p[o~ided by District 6. ...................................................................................................................................... APPLE VArY 16 2 12 2 6 BANTAM B2 =~;s ;~s ~s o~s t~ou; RICHRELD 16 3 13 0 6 16 13 3 0 26 16 10 6 0 20 <~o8-.: ~qO DI~'~T (, 16 9 6 1 19 PEEWEE B2 16 7 6 3 17 ................................................................. 16 5 8 3 13 Statistics provided by District 6. 16 5 9 2 12 PEEWEE B2 16 4 8 4 12 FINAL STANDINGS 16 3 9 4 10 EDI~ 16 4 10 2 10 MINN~ON~ WH~E 16 12 3 I 25 16 3 11 2 8 MINNETONKA BLUE 16 11 5 0 22 BURNSVILLE 16 10 4 2 22 I~q~. 19~ Dr~TRT~ 6 EDEN PRAIRIE RED 16 10 5 I 21 BAN~'AM C ~TANDING~ EArN 16 7 6 3 17 ..................................................................................................... EDEN PRAIRIE B~CK 16 8 7 I 17 Smtlstics provided by Di,~fic( 6. . APPLE rALlY 16 7 7 2 16 RNAL STANDINGS EAS~IEW 16 2 14 0 4 EDEN PRAIRIE BLACK ; ; BAA TEAL EDEN PRAIRIE RED APPLE VALLEY BAA WHITE EDINA GREEN EDINA WHITE MINNETONKA EDINA GOLD ORONO EASTVIEW .~ BURNSVlLLE CHASKA 16 13 2 I 27 16 9 6 I 19 16 9 6 I 19 16 9 6 I 19 16 9 6 I 19 16 8 7 I 17 16 7 7 2 16 16 7 9 0 14 16 6 9 1 13 16 4 12 0 8 16 2 14 0 4 16 2 14 0 4 Note: District 6 tracks the stats for the Bantam and PeeWee levels only. KENNEDY 16 I 14 I 3 RICHFIELD 16 I 15 0 2 1998-! 999 D[STR1CT 6 PEEWEE C ST~NDING.g Stat xtics provided by Di.~tric! 6. PEEWEE C FINAL STANDINGS EDINA WHITE EDINA GOLD EDINA GREEN BURNSVILLE GOLD EDEN PRAIRIE RED BURNSVILLE BLACK EDEN PRAIRIE WHITE .~ MINNETONKA WHITE CHASKA MINNETONKA BLUE EDEN PRAIRIE BLACK APPLE VALLEY BAA 16 12 2 2 26 16 10 2 4 24 16 10 5 I 21 16 9 5 2 20 16 7 5 4 18 16 8 7 I 17 16 6 7 3 15 16 5 7 4 14 16 6 9 I 13 16 5 10 1 11 16 3 11 2 8 16 2 14 0 4 RICHFIELD Your CCHA Board President ....................................... Jim Leone ................. 448-3074 Vice President Of Competition .... Chris Erickson .......... 884-2720 Vice President Of Business .......... OPEN ................... ( ) Secretary ...................................... Deb Shafranski ......... 448-7376 Treasurer ...................................... Jim Roeder ............... 470-0533 Ice Coordinator ............................ Tom Redrnan ............ 448-3572 District Representative ................. Mike Buller .............. 448-7947 Communications .......................... Susie Blake .............. 906-9953 Tournament Director ...................Paul Berens .............. 448-7948 Concession Coordinator ............... Susie Blake .............. 906-9953 Equipment Manager .....................Kevin Knutson ......... 448-4453 Bantam Commissioner (Czar) ....... Earl Schaub .............. 443-3688 Peewee Commissioner ................. Jim Liddell ............... 470-0633 Squirt Commissioner .................. Mark Giordano ......... 949-8607 Mite Commissioner ...................... Bob Raser ................. 448-9517 Mini-Mite Co-Comm ............. Tom & Lyrme Nygaard ...368-3545 Girls Commissioner ..................... Claire Schnurr .......... 448-2739 Non Board: Information Coordinator ...............Jan Glover ................ 368-3208 Newsletter ..................................... Bryan McGovem ..... 474-8516 1998/1999 Team Sponsors Envirecycle Dairy Queen -- Chaska Gold Medal Sports CP - Softsoap, Chaska Twin City Corporate Construction Cooper's County Market Chaska Lion's Lakeview Clinic Lions Tap Rainbow Foods The Chanhassen Bank Jonaco Machine Inc. Emerson Motion Control Durst & Gans Construction MAXIMUM Graphics St. Francis Regional Medical Center Victoria Lion's Fluoroware Byerly's Chanhassen CCHA Meeting Schedule Board Meeting: ~ CCC, 7:00pm -- Monday, May 3, 1999 Concession Stand Open Hours Monday ........5:30 - 9:00 pm Friday ....... 5:30 ~ 9:00 pm Tuesday ........ Closed Saturday...8:00 - 6:30 pm Wednesday...5:30 - 9:00 pm Sunday ..... 10:30 - 6:30 pm Thursday ...... 5:30 - 9:00 pm CCHA Video Tapes Viewing Time~i.~tes~ Fundamentals Of Power Skating 21:11 Advance Power Skafng 20:30 Goalkeeping I 17:00 Goalkeeping 2 19:46 Checking 19:19 Puck Control 23:16 Passing And Receiving 23:33 Shooting And Scoring 24:00 Fundamentals Skill for Defensemen 24:40 Regrouping 40:00 Teaching Techniques 20:00 Designing A Practice 29:59 Puck Control And Deking 40:00 Offensive Attack Options 20:00 Breakouts 20:00 CCC Open Skate Schedule Wednesday ..................... 7:00 - 8:15 pm Friday ............................. 7:00 - 8:30 pm Saturday .................. I 1:45 am - 2:00 pm Sunday ................... 11:30 am- 12:30 pm CHASKA COMMIYNITY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION MISSION STATEMENT The Chaska Community Hockey Association believes in creating an environment which fosters the skill development of all CCHA players with an emphasis on fair play and the pure enjoyment of the game by its players. It will, to the best of its ability, be fair in team selections, ensure the quality of its coaching staff, and foster a balance between playing and winning. This program is created to stress sportsmanship, friendship, goodwill, strong values and cooperation within its membership. Printed Courtesy Of MA~U M MAXIMUM GRAPHICS. INCORPORATED 1245 Lak¢¥1ew Drive · Ch&aka. MN 55318-9506 §12.448,51OO o FAX 612.448.5470 Chaska Community Hockey Association P.O. Box 184 Chaska, Minnesota 55318 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Todd Hoffman Susie May 4, 1999 Erickson family volunteer trash clean-up On May ist and 2~d, the Erickson family voluntarily cleaned up trash from the Mission Hills area and from 86'h tO St. Hubert's. Family members involved are as follows: Bob and Sue Erickson 513 Mission Hills Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Their children: · Brent Erickson · Chad Erickson · Kecia Sell · children's spouses · grandchildren g:Xpark'qh',ParkCleanupEricksonFamily 1999 Summer Programs Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department Phone: 937-1900 ext. 155 Summer Discovery Playground Seven weeks of fun in Charthassen's neighborhood parks! Our famous playground program is back with another summer of great activities. This program is designed for children ages 4-11 (children must turn Age 4 by the start of the program). Our enthusiastic staff will lead your child(ren) in age-appropriate games, arts and crafts, light sports, nature activities and songs - all centered around a theme at the sites listed below. Staff/child ratio is 1:12. CODE NO. PARK LOCATION DAY TIME AGE 1099.352 City Center* M 9:30-11:30 a.m. TM 1099.353 City Center* M 9:30-11:30 a.m. DM 1099.354 Chanhassen Hills* M 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.355 Chanhassen Hills* M 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.356 Curry Farms T 9:30-11:30 a.m. TM 1099.357 Curry Farms T 9:30-11:30 a.m. DM 1099.358 North Lotus T 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.359 North Lotus T 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.360 Meadow Green T 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.361 Meadow Green T 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.362 Stone Creek W 9:30-11:30 a.m. TM 1099.363 Stone Creek W 9:30-11:30 a.m. DM WING DINGS W 1:00-1:45 p.m. 1099.364 Pheasant Hills** W 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.365 Pheasant Hills** W 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.366 Roundhouse** W 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.367 Roundhouse** W 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.368 Sunset Ridge TH 9:30-11:30 a.m. TM 1099.369 Sunset Ridge TH 9:30-11:30 a.m. DM 1099.370 Rice Marsh TH 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.371 Rice Marsh TH 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM 1099.372 Carver Beach F 9:30-11:30 a.m. TM 1099.373 Carver Beach F 9:30-11:30 a.m. DM 1099.374 Lake Susan F 1:00-3:00 p.m. TM 1099.375 Lake Susan F 1:00-3:00 p.m. DM TM = Tiny Mites (ages 4-6); DM = Dyna Mites (ages * No Playground on Monday, July 5 ** No Playground on Wednesday, July 21 7-11) Playgrotmd Leaders in Training If you're 13-16 years old and enjoy being with children, callTracy Petersen at 937-1900 ext. 144 about our Playground Leaders inTraining Program. No previous experience is necessary and ever), effort will be made to place Summer Sensations Imagine a mini-camp experience for your 3 year old child who is not quite old enough to be involved in Summer Discovery Playground. Each day will consist ora nature or craft activit% games, singing, and a snack. FUN is the emphasis in this made-to-order class for your three year old. Classes are held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd. Session I, Code No. 1099.300 Tuesdays, June 15-July 6 9 - 10 a.m. $12/4 weeks Session H, Code No. 1099.301 Tuesdays, July 13-27 9 - 10 a.m. $9/3 weeks Dance for Fun Our Dance for Fun program is accepting early registrations for fall. Classes will start the week of Sept. 7 and are open to boys and girls ages 3+. Call the Recreation Center at 474-0641 for a brochure. CITY OF SHOREWOOD DOG LICENSE APPLICATION 1 Dog's Name: _Breed: Color: Age: Sex: M/~FF Date of Rabies Shot:.__Rabies Tag #: 2. Dog's Name: _Breed: .Color: Age:. Sex: M/~FDate of Rabies Shot:.__Rabies Tag Veterinarian / Clinic: Phone #. Owner's Name: Home Phone: Work Phone: Address: Total Number of Dogs in Household: X $5.00 __License Fee Total Number of Dogs in Household: X $.50 Mailing Fee Total Number of Dogs in Household: X $1.00 + Late Fee (after 1/31) Total Amount Due = $ THE DOG TAG SHALL BE SECURELY AT[ACHED AROUND THE DOG'S NECK AT ALL TIMES DURING THE LICENSE PERIOD. EXPIRES JANUARY 1 OF THE NEXT CALENDAR YEAR. All information collected by this agency is public pursuant to State Statute. O 0 Wednesday Wing Dings! Summertime Wednesday Wing Dings are bacld Join us at Lake Susan Park, 903 Lake Drive East (across from Empak) on the following Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. These events are FREE and designed for preschool/elementary school age children. ProgramsJast approximately 45 minutes and parents are encouraged to attend. In case of bad weather, Wing Dings will be held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard. A weather decision will be made by 10:45 a.m. of the scheduled show date. Call 651-962-9001 for an update at that time. " J,,ne 16 June 23 July 7 July 14 July 21 Nancy & Eddie, Ventriloquist Cheryl Sawyer, Story Teller & Magic Eric the Juggling Magician Alpha Bits, Kids Music from A-Z Mini-Carnival at the Recreation Center (Note new Location and no afternoon playground that day). Safety Camp Kids will learn about fire, water, bicycle, and electrical safety; drug awareness; and respect/decision making. We'll pla), games, operate a real fire hose aimed at a "house of fire," and witness the National Guard land their helicopter for a presentation. Fee includes aT-shirt, camp medal, team photo, lunch, snacks and giveaways. Sponsored by Pillsbury Bakeries & Food Services, Target, Byerly's, and NSP. Register by July 22. Scholarships available. Call City Hall at 937-1900 ext. 144 for more info. Code No. 1099.302 August 5, 7:30 am-5 lam Awesome Art Adventures Get those hands ready to create! Projects may include.~%,.,~c~ ' ' e paper cast, painting,/Ttt,~.-.~e clay, prints, yard art, and more. Dress for mess. All supplies and a snack included. Laughter and fun a must! Register by July 30. August 4, 5 & 6 Chanhassen Rec Center Code No. 1099.304 ~es 3-5 9:00-10:30 a.m. Code No. 1099.305 Lake Ann Adventure Camp One full week of outdoor camp activities including daily swimming, canoe instruction, games, nature, and more at Lake Ann Park. The pro- gram is led by our energetic and experienced playground staffwith the help of the lifeguards at Lake Ann Beach. Children need to bring a sack lunch each day. A snack and juice are provided. Those signed up for extra hours will also receive a light, snack. There is an optional camp out on Thursday night and a list of items needed for camp, as well as details about the optional camp out on Thursday night, will be sent out one week prior to start. Extra hours are available for early/late pick ups (preregistration required): 7:30-9:00 a.m. $3/day 3:00-5:00 p.m. $4/day Monday-Friday, August 9-13 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Kic~ entering Grades 2-6 $75/person $65/addl child in the same fam;ly $5 - Optional Camp Out USA Team Tennis Competition, skills, development, sportsmanship, tennis etiquette, and loads of fun are all part of this summer tennis program. Teams will be available for Intermediate and Intermediate/Advanced players. Matches are played in the metro area. Teams are limited to specific skill levels and number of players by the USTA. Complete information is available by calling city hall at 937-1900 ext. 144. Babysitting Clinic Become an American Red Cross certified babysitter. This course will help participants develop skills in the areas ofsa£ety and safe play, basic care, leadership, first aid, and professionalism. Instructed by Susan Cornelius. Bring a bag lunch. Recreation Center Ages 11 and up $3O Min/Max: 5/15 Code No. 1099.330 July 27 8:29 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Code No. 1099.331 August 3 & 5 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lessons will follow the curriculum guide from USATennis. Class sizes are limited to 8/instructor for more individual attention. A minimum of 5 participants is required. Rain days will be made up on Fridays. and Saturdays. Tennis Since Summer Beginner progra ~ms are for those with little or no tennis instrdction. Intermediate 1 is for those who haye taken beginner lessons and are ready to move to the next level. Intermediate 2 is for players who have a good command of the forehand, backhand, volley and serve strokes, and are playing competitive matches. Instructor approval required before registering for Intermediaie 2. LittleTennis helps kids develop their basic eye/hand coordination skills. It offers kids the opportunity to learn and play the game through a series of lesson progressions, activities, play and graduated court equipment. LittleTennis focuses on fun and play to create the foundation upon which kids may build their skills and interest in tennis. Parent participation is important. The program is six 45 minute lessons. City Center Park, June 14-June 30 (MoMW'ed) 6 Sessions 1099.332 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.333 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.334 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.335 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Lake Susan Park, June IS-July 1 (TueslThurs) 6 Sessions 1099.336 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.337 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.338 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.339 Intermediate Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 City Center Park, July 12-28 (Mort/Wed) 6 Sessions 1099.340 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.341 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.342 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.343 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Lake Susan Park, July 13-29 (Tues/Thurs) 6 Sessions 1099.344 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.345 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.346 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.347 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Preschool Soccer This program is designed for boys and girls ages 4-6. Each night there will be drills to develop skills (passing, kicking and goal tending) and a noncompetitive scrimmage. Teams are coached byparent volunteers. A training meeting is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. on August 9 at the Recreation Center. If you'd like to be on a team with a friend, just add your friend's name on the registration form. For more info, contact Marvin Pusposki at the YMC__~ at 544-7708. Register by July 30. Soccer is held at the Recreation Center fields. $26 per child. Max: 90/evening and 16/morning. Code No. 1099.320 Mondays, 6 p.m. Code No. 1099.321 Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Code No. 1099.319 Mondays, I0 a.m. Registration Information For more information about any of the programs contained in this flyer, contact the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641 or the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 144. Payment is due with registration--checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make' checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Fax, mail, or drop off'your registration form to either: Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 612-474-0641 Fax: 612-474-0651 City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 612-937-1900 ext. 144 Fax: 612-937-5739 mmmm mmm mmm m mm mm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mm m m m m m m m m m mmm mmm mmm m m m I mmm mmm mm mm m m m a m m m m Re§~s~raffon Form Parent/Guardian Name' Address: City/State Zip: Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Payment: tn Cash .rq Check ~ Visa/MasterCard No. Exp. Date: Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: mm mm mm mm m m mm mm mmmm mm mm mm mm m mm mm m m m mm m mm mmm m mm mm mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m Re§~s{ra{~on Form P~rcnt/Gu~rdian N~mc: Address: City/State Zip: Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Payment: ~! Cash ~ Check ~ Visa/MasterCard No. Exp. Date: Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in cit~, informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. .f. SummePtime Wednesday Win8 I)in~s are back! Join us at hake Susan -PaPk, 9(!)0 Lake Dr~ive F_.ast (across fPom Empak) on the followin~ Wednesdays at A:ee p.m. These events ape F~ and des~ned fo~ FeschooI/elementa~ school chlldPen. N~o~Pams last apFoxlmateI~ %6 minutes and pa~ents ape encouPa~ed ~o attend. In case of bad weatheP, Wind Pinaa will be held at the Chanhaaaen ~ecPeation CenteP, 23iG CoulteP boulev~Pd. ~ wentheP decision will be mede !&%6 ri.m. of the scheduled show d~te. CdI 6S!-96~-9GG1 fop an update at that time. June 16 June £3 July ? July £1 Nancy G Eddie, Venfiriloquis± CheryI ~Sawyer, uStory Teller G MaSic Eric the Ju~Iin~ Magician Mini-Carnival at the ~.ec~eation Center (Hote new l_ocation and no afternoon play~ound ±ha± day). FoP mope infosmation, call the Chanhassen Pa~k G ~-ec~eation Department at 937-19®® ext. 1%% o~ the Chanhassen ~-ecseation CenteP at %7%-(1)6%1. 1999 J l_ Ice Ann ^clventu e (Dne full weel< ot' outdoor camp activities including daily swimming, canoe instruction, games, nature, and more at La~e Ann Par~. The p~og~ is led b~ ou~ energetic ~nd experienced pl~ound st~ff with ~he help of the lifeguards ~ L~e Ann 5e~ch. Children need to bring a sao~ lunch each day. A sna.c~ and juice are provided. Those signed up 1'or extra hours will also receive a hght snack. A list o1' items needed 1'or camp, as well as details about the optional camp out on Thursday night, will be sent out one wee~ prior to start. Extra hours are available 1'or early/late pic~ ups (preregistration required): T:bO - 9:00 a.m. th~day b:O0 - b:O0 p.m. Payment is due with registration---checks, cash. Visa/FlasterCard are accepted, l~lal~e checks payable to the Cit,¥ of Chanhassen. Fax. mail. or drop off your re!gistration form to: Chanhassen P-ecreation Center. 2blO Coulter 51vd.. Chanhassen, l~lN OSblT. Phone: 474-0641. Fax: 474-0651: or Cit::/of Chanhasten. 690 City Center Drive. Chanhassen. FIH §6blt, Phone: 9bT-lgo0. Fax: 9bT-STbg. For more info. contact the !~ecreation Center at 474-064:[ or the City of Chanhassen at 937-:[900 ext. :[44. ~ddre~s~: ~fi~tr~tion l~orM Gity/$tate/Zip: tqo~e Phone: ~Itern~tive Phone: Method of Payment: []Cash [] Check [] Visa/Mastercard No. Exp. Date:__ participant's Nc. ne ~5[rthd~te ~ge ~anp l~ee IZxtra Hours l--ee Oa~p Out l~ee Oode No. J. Oqq.303 ~. the '~n~er~!fne:i parent, ff~rdian or pert[cyant, do herei~y afree to al!ow the indiv[dual(~) n~.~ed herein to p~rticip~te in the above ~.ent[oned activity and 'V .z.urther afrce to inde×nlfy and hokl har~ie~-s fro~ and a~'a[n~t any and a',i Iiab[[ity for [nj'~. y which ~ay be ~u~,fercd by the afore,~.ent[one5 incI!vldu~'.(~) ~r]s!nf cuff of. or in ~.ny w'~y ~':.th. hi./he.~ pa~tic!pation in thls act]vity, q- do hereby a[low the C~ity of ~_~,~n.h~en to u~e any photograph~ taken by the city of the Lnr;iviclua](5) na.~ed herein in c!ty infor~.~t[ona[ bu',]etina relea~d to the ~enerai puiolic for the period of one year fro,~ the d~.te ~- ,~ve ~¥ned be[ow. p~.r~,t, ~u~rdi~n o.~ P~.rticip~nt ~i~n~ture: IZ)~te: ,_Tune :k4-,TuIt7 Seven weeks of fun in Chanhassen's neighborhood parks! Our famous playground program is back with another summer of great activities. This program is designed for children ages 4-11 (children must turn Age 4 by the start of the program). Our enthusiastic staff will lead your child(rea) in age-appropriate games, arts and crafts, light sports, nature activities and songs - all centered around a theme at the sites listed below. Staff/child ratio is 1:12.. Payment is due with registration--checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Fax, mail, or drop off your registration form to: Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-474-0641, Fax: 612-474-0651; or City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612- 937-1900, Fax: 612-937-5739. For more information, contact the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 144. Parent/Guardian Name: Address: Registration Form City/State/Zip: Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Method of Payment: [] Cash []Check [] Visa/Mastercard No. Exp. Date: Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee ~vtnine,- Discover,o' Plsorg~'0ulad ~O~O I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do'hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby the use any photo- graphs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: Tennis Lessons Lessons will follow the curriculum guide from USA Tennis. Class sizes are limited to 8/instructor for more individual attention. A minimum of 5 participants is required. Rain days will be made up on Fridays and Saturdays. Beginner programs are for those with little or no tennis instruction. Intermediate 1 is for those who have taken beginner lessons and are ready to move to the next level. Intermediate 2 is for players who have a good command of the forehand, backhand, volley and serve strokes, and are playing competi- tive matches. Instructor approval required before registering for Intermediate 2. Little Tennis helps kids develop their basic eye/hand coordination skills. It offers kids the opportunity to learn and play the game through a series of lesson progressions, activities, play and graduated court equip- ment. Little Tennis focuses on fun and play to create the foundation upon which kids may build their skills and interest in tennis. Parent participation is important. The program is six 45 minute lessons. CiO' Center Park, June 14-June 30 (Mon/Wed) 6 Sessions 1099.332 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.333 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.334 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.335 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Lake Susan Park, June 15-July 1 (Tues/Thurs) 6 Sessions 1099.336 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.337 Beginners Ages 8-12. 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.338 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.339 Intermediate Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 CiO, Center Park, July 12-28 (Mon/Wed) 6 Sessions 1099.340 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.341 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.342 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am $37 1099.343 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Lake Susan Park, July 13-29 (Tues/Thurs) 6 Sessions 1099.344 Little Tennis Ages 6-7 8:45-9:30 am $28 1099.345 Beginners Ages 8-12 9:30-10:30 am $37 1099.346 Beginners Ages 13-18 10:30-11:30 am ,$37 1099.347 Intermediate 1 Ages 10+ 11:30-12:30 pm $37 Payment is due with registration--checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Fax, mail, or drop off your registration form to: Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-474-0641, Fax: 612-474-0651; or City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-937-1900, Fax: 612-937-5739. For more information, contact the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641 or the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 144. Parent/Guardian Name: Address: Registration Form City/State/Zip:. Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Method of Payment: I'-ICash [] Check [] Visa/Mastercard No. Exp. Date:__ Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned actMty and I further agree to indemnify zjnd hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, o'r in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the use of any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: CHANHA$$£N SAFETY CAI IP FOR 3RD GRADERS WHO: ARE YOU ENTERING 3 RD GRADE (1999-2000) WHERE: LAKE SUSAN PARK WHEN: THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, ! 999 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM .. Join us for the 3rd annual Safety Camp to be held in Chanhassen. This exciting one day camp offers a day filled with outdoor activities focusing on positive safety issues, l~ds will learn about fire, water, bicycle ~ electrical safety, first aid, and street smarts. They'll run relays, ride their bicycles through an obstacle course, operate a real fire hose aimed at a "house of fire", see police and fire vehicles and watch the National Guard land their helicopter to give a drug free roes,sage. Your registration fee includes lunch, snacks, supervision, Safety Camp T-shirt, certificate with photo, giveaways and lots of fun! QTarget Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Simply drop off or mail your registration form below, including payment to: Chanhassen Park and Recreation 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 NSP SPOTS ARE LIMITED - SIGN UP EARLY!! Parent or Guardian: Address: City e; Zip Code: Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Participant's Name: Sex: Birthdate: Code#: Fee: 1099.302 $10.00 l, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity(les) and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Parent, Guardian, or Participant Signature: Date: SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE UPOH REQUEST include pap¢~ cas'h, pein'nih,g, cia,y, p~in'hs, ,yard a~fi, and mope. Dpess Cop mess. All supplies and a shack inc[udect, hau,gh~¢~ and ?un a tnusfl! ?_,ods No. :LO&8.506 `9:00-20:b0 a.m. a.m.-2%:25 p.m. Ohanhasssn. Telephone, ~ax, mail, o~ d2op o~ 3our Addpess: ~e~hod of PeO'men~c: [] Cash [] Check AI~epna~ive Phone: [] Visa/Mastercard No. Exp. Date:__ t3ods No. t:¢s Paten'h, ~ua2dian 02 PaM:icipanfl Level :1 Teen/Adult ];n-Line Skating Level 2 Teen/Adult Tn-Line Skating This course is for the novice or untrained skater. Learn the essential elements of in- line skating, effective body positioning and/ or balance, edging and pressure application. Develop proficiency in fundamental striding, turning, speed control and stopping techniques. Become aware of potentially hazardous terrain and receive tips to avoid or overcome the terrain. Understand skate smart rule of the road. Establish confidence for the novice skater and beneficial for the untrained skater. Proficient Level 1 skills will prepare the skater for Level 2. Code No. 2099.324 Wednesday, ,Tuly 21 7:00-8:30p.m. Recreation Center Rinks Ages ! 3+ $20 Min/Max: 7/Z5 ~OLL~I~BLAD~. Review, refine, and build on Level 1 skills, Level 2 (5C¢) is for skaters who demonstrate proficiency in Level ! skills. New skills developed include stride 2, parallel turn (left and right), quick stop, and the grass stop (speed control techniques). Utilize police rules of the road. Become familiar with serpentine turns, forward crossovers, uphill skating techniques, and dealing with curbs and cracks (terrain tips). Time permitting, we'll also become familiar with sport specifics such as hockey, freestyle dance, speed, skate to ski, fitness/health, and street/ramp skating. Code No. 2099.325 Wednesday, ,Tuly 28 7:00-8:30 p.m. Recreation Center Rinks Ages 13+ $20 Min/Max: 7/2[5 ROBICHON'S. . Payment is due with registration-checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Fax, mail, or drop off your registration form to: Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-474-0641, Fax: 612-474-0651; or City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-937-1900, Fax: 612-937-5739. For more information, contact the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-064J or the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 144. Parent/Guardian Name: Address: Registration Form City/State/Zip:, Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Method of Payment: [] Cash [] Check [] Visa/Mastercard No. Exp. Date:__ Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: J Preschool Prep Robichon's The In-Line Skate School USA will teach safety (four rules of the road), and the latest in skating techniques. We utilize games such as Simon Says; Duck Duck Gray Duck; Follow the Leader; Giants, Elves and Wizards; Tag; Red Light Green Light; and more to develop balance capabilities and guide preschoolers into starts, stops, and turns. Ages 3-5 $30 incl. equip, rental Mir/Max: 5/20 Code No. 1099.322 Sept. 7, 8, & 9 9:30-10:30 a.m. Rec Center Rinks In-Line Rinks If you enjoy in-line skating, Chanhassen has three state of the art rinks available. Two are located at the ehanhassen Recreation Center with scheduled clinics, leagues, and open skating times. The third rink is located at North Lotus Lake Park and is available for open skating. ] n-Line Hockey Clinics Robichon's The ];n-Line Skate School USA is teaming up with Minnesota Showcase Hockey to bring you an outstanding and fun-filled hockey course. Taught by Robichon's and Minnesota Showcases' top instruc- tors, learn or refine essential skating skills specific to hockey (starts, stops, and turns), stick handling, passing, shooting and strategies. Use new and refined skills in scrimmage play. Call Noelle Robichon at 526-3189 for additional information. Ages 6-12 $70/session $10 for skate rental Code No. 1099.326 Tuesdays, June 1-22 6:00-7:30 p.m. Recreation Center Rinks Code No. 1099.327 Mon-Thurs, June 21-24 2:00-3:30 p.m. North Lotus Lake Park Code No. 1099.328 Man-Thursday, ,Tuly 5-8 1:00-2:30 p.m. North Lotus Lake Pork Standard Core Curriculum for In-Line Skating Our standard core curriculum (5¢¢) is a comprehensive high quality in-line skate curriculum. It is a sequence designed to develop skills from beginner to advanced for oil ages and abilities. Each level builds on skills mastered in the previous level. When trained through Robichon's curriculum, partici- pants have the ability to perform the latest in skating techniques, skate safety, and specialize in sport specific disciplines. We encourage fun and utilize proven experiential teaching methods of the International ];n-Line Skating Associations. Course Info and Requirements Protective Gear: Each skater will be required to wear full protective equipment. Protective equipment in- cludes a helmet (bike helmet is ok), elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, and skates with a brake. Tdeally, pads should have plastic surfaces. Waiver Forms: All participants are required to read and sign a waiver/release form prior to clinic participa- tion. Adults may sign waivers on site; however, preschool, youth and teen participants must have a parent or legal guardian sign prior to participation. Rental Equipment: For Preschool Prep classes, skates and protective gear are available through Robichon's at no charge. For Level ! and ? adult classes, protective gear is free and in-line skate rental is $5. -~,egistrotion deadlines for all in-line skating programs are one week prior to start. All Josses meet at the Chonhassen Recreation Center rinks unless otherwise noted. Participants must have a parent/guardian waiver form signed prior to the first class. For more information, contact the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-064! or Chanhassen City Hall at 937-1900 ext. 144. MINNESOTA TWINS COMMUNITY FUND MOLITOR FIELDS FOR KIDS Program Summary. The Minnesota Twins Community Fund (MTCF) and other corporate sponsors, including Northwest Airlines and Pepsi, are providing financial support to improve baseball and/or softball facilities for children in the Upper Midwest. The program, Molitor Fields for Kids, makes matching grants to small nonprofit organizations and local governments that operate baseball and/or softball programs. During 1999 and 2000, the program expects to grant a total of $250,000. Administration. The Molitor Fields for Kids program will be administered by the MTCF staff who will review all requests, pay all matching grants, work closely with grantee organizations to ensure completion of the projects, and maintain program records. Matching Grant Size/Purpose. $500 to $5,000. Matching grants up to $5,000 are available for major renovation of baseball and/or softball fields used exclusively by youth. Major renovation would include the upgrading of fields (e.g., new grass, infield, fencing and dugouts). Matching grants up to $2,000 are available for other items needed to enhance baseball or softball fields (e.g., bleachers and scoreboards). Essential items, such as infield grass, backstops, fencing and bleachers, are given highest priority. Non-essential items, such as lights, receive much lower priority. Eligibility. Any nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization or local government unit operating baseball or softball programs for children may apply if the program: · is at least three years old; · has at least 90 youth/children enrolled or six active teams; · operates a regular season lasting at least eight weeks; and · has secured funds equal to/exceeding the amount of the requested matching grant funds. Organizations must also be governed by active boards and have sufficient operating revenue. RECEIVer) MAY 1 8 1999 CITY OF CblANHASSEN Molitor Fields for Kids Program Description Page Two Application Process/Schedule. Organizations should complete the attached program application and submit other required documents as indicated. Requests will be considered at three different meetings: Grant Round Funds Available Application Due Date Decision Date 1 $ 50,000 April 23, 1999 May 1999 2 $ 75,000 June 30, 1999 September 1999 3 $125,000 February 29, 2000 April 2000 Hatching Grant Payments. Matching grants will be paid in two installments, one-half at the time of project commencement and one-half at the time of project completion. Other Requirements. Organizations receiving matching grants are asked to agree to: · prominently display signage recognizing supporters (Twins logo, Northwest Airlines logo, Pepsi logo); · assist the Minnesota Twins in seeking the participation of local media in dedication ceremonies; and The Minnesota Twins Community Funds agrees to: recognize the organization and matching grant in the Minnesota Twins Magazine during the season as well as in the Pohlad Family Charities Annual Report; and if possible, provide a program representative (e.g., current or former Minnesota Twins player, a member of the Minnesota Twins Community Fund Board) and/ora representative from a corporate supporter (i.e., Northwest Airlines or Pepsi) to participate in any field dedication ceremonies. Questions about the Molitor Fields for Kids program should be directed to: Pohlad Family Charities Minnesota Twins Community Fund C/O: Fields for Kids 60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 661-3839 fax: (612) 661-3715 Minnesota Twins Community Fund OVITCF) Fields For Kids Matching Grant Application -- 1999-2000 Organization Name: Address: Phone: Contact Name: Is your organization a: City: State: ZIP: Fax: [] Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization OR [] Government Agency Requested Matching Grant Amount: S Renovation/Project Description - Briefly describe the baseball/softball field renovation project (i.e., what is being upgraded - fences, dugouts, backstops, etc.). Up to one additional page may be attached. Please describe the project, including what is being renovated and how matching grant funds from the MTCF will be used: What is the total cost of the renovation project? $ How will/did you raise additional renovation funds? How long has your organization been raising funds for this renovation? When willthe renovation occur? (month, year) Please attach a cop)' of your organization's renovation budget, pictures of the field and area being renovated, a list of your program's board members, attd a list of other organizations makbtg financial contributions to the renovation project, including the atnottnt of their support and proof of their pledge. Eligibility 1) 2) 3) 2) Do you operate a baseball program? []Yes UNo Do you operate a softball program? EYes CNo How ~nany years has your program been in existence? 3) 4) How many children participate in your baseball program? #Boys ; #Girls ; Total How many teams participate in >'our baseball program? #Boys ; #Girls .; Total How long does your regular baseball/softball season last? Does a board of directors govern your baseball/softball program? ¢Yes If so, what amount of financial support do board members contribute to the program(s)? $ Other Requirements If a matching grant is made, your organization must be willing to display signage (Twins, Northwest Airlines and Pepsi Iogos or plague) at the renovated field recognizing the support of the MTCF. Does your organization agree to do this? []Yes V~No If a matching grant is made, your organization must assist the Minnesota Twins in seeking the participation of local media in dedication ceremonies. Does >'our organization agree to do this? ~Yes ~No [ COMPLETED APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Mi/tnesota Twins Community Fund, c/o Fields For Kids, 60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3 700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 · 612.661-3839 fax: 612.661-3 715 ~PR-~5-1999 1~:~9 HR ~R~EN CO~ 651 64~ ~9 P~05/06 Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS April 15, 1999 801380J-0071 Mr. Matthew Timmers Midwest Asphalt Corporation P,O. Eox 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT !TEMS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE A-I-FENTION Dear Mr. Timmers: We wod:d like to take this opportunity to call your attention to some issues that require your immediate attention on the above referenced project. It is in your best interest to respord to these issues as soon as possible as you will most likely prevent additional erosion and deterioration that would only create more work for you and your work crews later in the year. LAKE R~LEY TRAIL Erosio~; is occurring in the ditch and down the inslope embankment near the corner of Pioneer Trail and Foxford Road. This erosion could plug the new drain tile system that has been installed. GALPIN BOULEVARD TRAIL A washout is again occurring at the retaining wall near station 2+50. We will be addressing this problem by directing you to pave the final lift of asphalt on the trail to move the Iow point at this location to the north and thereby avoid the condition of ponded water and washout behind the wall. A swale will be graded and sodded near this locatio? to direct stormwater runoff from the new tow point around the north end of the wall. Ur~til this work is done, however, it is your responsibility to insure that the integrity of the retaining wall is not jeopardized by erosion that is occurring at this location and that th~ work site is safe for pedestrians to use the trail system. Another location of settlement and erosion has also occurred near the intersection of Lake Lt;cy Road and Galpin Boulevard, at the northwest quadrant of this intersection. Erosion and settlement of the pavement is likely to increase in this area during spring storms until a more permanent repair is made. Please take appropriate action here to fix this prob!em and reduce this area as a potential hazard to pedestrians. o./proj.18(; ~ 380J/0071/380-0414, 2a pri199 1326 [-nergy Park Ddve · St. Paul, MN 55108 · 651/644-4389 fax 651/644-9446 tell free 888FJ68-4389 APR-15-1999 14:29 HR GREEN CO. 651 644 2349 P.06/06 Mr. Matthew Timmers April 15, 1999 Page Two BORROW SITE - 78TM AND POWERS BOULEVARD Midwest Asphalt Corporation used this site for borrow material during construction of the 1998 Chanhassen Trail project. The erosion control on this site is now lacking and needs to be addressed. Perimeter silt fence must be installed immediately to prevent further erosion off of the site. Please tet us know as soon as you have read this correspondence what your schedule is to take action on these areas requiring your immediate attention, Sincerely, HOWA!RD R, GREEN COMPANY Project Manager Cc: lvlr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen Mr. Dave Hemple, City of Chanhassen tVlr. Darrell Ridler, Midwest Asphalt Corporation R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS HR GREEN CO. 651 644 2o4_ F'.O2/"O6 Howard R, Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS April 15, 1999 801380J-0071 Mr. Ma,'lhew Timmers Midwest Asphalt Corporation P.O. Eox 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT !PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS FOR 1999 CONSTRUCTION SEASON Dear IVr. Timmers: There are several proposed changes to the 1998 Chanhassen Trail Project that have been in process through the winter months. Attached to this correspondence please find copies c.f plans, specifications, and bid schedules showing several of these changes. Listed below in each section of this letter is a description of the proposed change and an explanation of the attachments. Please let us know immediately if you have any questi~ns about the attachments and proposed change order work included with this letter. ',Ye would like to receive a quote from you by Monday, April 26, 1999 for the work included with this letter to begin the budgeting process to fund the projects and allow you to corrmence work in May. BLUFF CREEK CHANGE ORDER The al;gnment along the Bluff Creek trail segment has been significantly changed south of stalion 18+00 on the odginal plan set. The attached revised plan set and bid schedule reflect this change. The trail has been relocated to cross over Bluff Creek and extent south along the west side of the creek before turning east and terminating at Audubon Road. Attach',-tents for this work include revised plan sheets, a revised specification specific to this segment of work, and a new bid schedule for you to complete. o./proj./8 ] '; 380/i3071/380-0414april99 1326 Energy Park Ddve · St. Paul, MN 55108 · 651/644-4389 fax 6511844-9446 toll free 888/368-4389 Mr. Matthew Timmers April ': 5, 1999 Page Two LAKE RILEY - LIGHT RAIL TRAIL CORRIDOR CONNECTION As yc.u may be aware, a connection as originally proposed on the Lake Riley trail segment as part cf the 1998 trail improvements was not possible because of work that was ir~ process within the City of Eden Prairie. We have coordinated our efforts with the City o¢ Eden Prairie and have received approval from Mr. Jim Richardson to commence this trail connection work during the summer of 1999. Attachments for this work included a revised plan sheet, a revised specification specific to this segment of work, and a new bid schedule for you to complete. POWERS BOULEVARD RETAINING WALL AND DRAIN TILE During a watermain repair over the winter months, a section of the retaining wall along Powers Boulevard failed and will need to be repaired. We have previously received a proposed quote for this work and understand that Mr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen, has renegotiated some of the details of this quote. Please revised the attached work quote to reflect these changes so that we may process this item with a change, order including other items addressed in this letter. Please note that this retaining wall repair must be competed before grading and paving work cr~.n commence along Powers Boulevard in the vicinity of the wall failure, Last fall at our request we received from you a quote for drain tile work along Powers Boulevard. This work remains to be completed and therefore we would appreciate a new q';ote for the work to be completed this summer. We trust that you will review your costs ~,,.nd quote and provide us with a fair and reasonable quote for completing this work. We have discussed this work with other contractors and have a good unders:anding of what this work should cost. We have attached your quote from last year for this work for your reference. R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS FF..-1._~-~9:~ ~4:28 HR GREEN CO. ~,5~ 6,44 Mr. Matthew Timmers April 15, 1999 Page Three SUMMARY Please review this letter and the attachments included and let us know if y,:~u have any questi¢~,as. We would like to meet with you to discuss the project and proposed scheduies for completion sometime this month. If you believe it would.be .beneficial to scheduie this meeting prior to our deadline for receiving quotes from you by April 26t.h., let us kno'~ and we can scheduie a meeting at Chanhassen City Hall. .. Sincerely, Project Manager CC; Mr. Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen Mr. Jim Richardson, City of Eden Prairie !,/Ir. Darre[ Ridler, Midwest Asphalt Corporation R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 25~ 1999 RESOLUTION NO: 99-04 MOTION BY: Jansen SECONDED BY: Labatt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING 1999 PARK AND TRAIL DEDICATION FEES WHEREAS, th~ City determines park dedication fees and trail dedication fees based on land values, density, and a park acreage standard of 1 acre per 75 people. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council that park and trail dedication fees collected with building permits fees be established as follows: Residential Single Family/Duplex Units Multi-Family/Apartment Units Commercial/Industrial Property Trail Dedication Fees $1,200/unit $1,000/unit $4,500/acre One-third o£the cost of park dedication fees Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 25th of January, 1999. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager Nancy K. Manc~go, Mayor YES Mancino Engel Jansen Labatt Senn NO ABSENT None None