4 Proposed 5 Year CIPCITYOF
690 Ci0, Cermr Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhasso~, i~innesota 55317
?/;one 612.93Z I900
Gemml Fax 612. 937.5,739
3~gine er3~g Fax 612. 937. 9152
P~b/ic Safe5, £~x 612934.2524
Web ~v~,~!ci. chanhasse~, m~t.~s
TO: Park & Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
DATE: June 16, 1999
Finalize Proposed 5 Year Park and Trail Acquisition and
Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
The commission has invested the past two meetings on updating the department's
proposed 5 Year Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital
Improvement Program (CIP). As of your May meeting, the commission and staff
identified desirable capital improvements which could be undertaken. The
challenge lies in balancing these needs or desires against available resources.
While fine tuning the proposed 5 Year CIP, I focused on bringing 2000 in under
$250,000. The remaining years I left "unbalanced," not wanting to knock any
proposed improvement off the radar screen.
It is recommended that the commission table this item until a future meeting of
your choice. The objective at that time would be to establish Years 2001 through
2004 at $250,000 or less.
\\cfs I \vol2\park\t h\cip\finalize cip.doc
Thc Gt.r of Chm~hmse~. A gro~v3~g coJ~mm~i5, zcith ('h'a~ /~kes, quali5, schooh, a cha,ni~g dou,mou,~, thrivi~,g businesses, a~d beautifid parks. ~ ~rem p/ace to live, teork, a~d pla~