9 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly UpdateMEMORANDUM
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Susan Marek, Lead Facility Supervisor
July 14,' 1999
CRC Monthly Report - July 1999
Participation in indoor fitness activities is very .low during the summer
months. We look forward to the fall for a full aerobics studio and fitness
The .display case features the Dance For Fun program This is a good
promotion foi-.our upcoming dance season. We expect capacity enrdllment for
the entire dance program.
Tae Kwon Do will prepare a display in the case as well Tae Kwon Do
continues to be a steady program for us. This year, TKD will be held entirely
in Community Rooms rather that the Gymnasium.
Jerry Ruegemer will be holding a gymnasium scheduling meeting with area
community athletic groups. The gym schedule for the fall, winter, and spring
months needs to be finalized.
5. Dave Smith, our current exhibiting artist, has sold two paintings!!
6.' Susan Cornelius will not be returning to the fall 'staff Schedule as a Facility
Supervisor. We will need to hire at least one staff member.
YMCA will continue to provide preschool sports programming for our
community. The dates for basketball are determined. Meanwhile, the
preschool soccer program is filling up!!
R:Xrecware\sta~CRCMonthlyReportskluly 1999
Chanfiassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chahhassen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641. Fax: 612-474-0651