10 Senior Center ReportCITY OF
Ce,ret Dr~ye, PO Box' 147
Cha,hasse~. Mhmesota 55317
?ho,e 612.93Z I900
Fax 612.937.5739
E,g],eer/,~ F~x 612. 937.9152
~0' Fax 612.93(25~4
wwz~ : ci. cha,ha,en. , m. us
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: July 14, 1999
Senior Center Report
The Senior Center had an Open House and Bake Sale on Saturday, July 3fa. The
Bake Sale profited $364.20. This money will be deposited into the General
Donation Account for miscellaneous uses for the Senior Center. Currently, I am
completing my fall and early winter programs and am busy taking registrations for
summer programs. Approximately 627 and 321 (as of 7/14/99) visits were
recorded for the months of June and July. Listed below are the activities and
special events that were sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center in the months
of June and July.
Trips - Upcoming trips include; St. Cloud Tour, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
"Good News," Lake Susan Picnic, Pipestone Pageant, and a Boat Cruise &
Northwest Fur Co. Tour.
Special Programs - A 4 hour defensive driving class is being held on Tuesday,
August 24th from 8:30am - 12:30pm in the Senior Center.
Miscellaneous - The Senior Center carpeting is scheduled to be cleaned this
month. The Golfing Club continues to meet every Wednesday in Omo. There are
approximately 12 - 16 golfers a week. The Senior Center is looking into offering
a stamping class once a month.
g:\park~kara\senior ctr update 6.99
The 0O, of Cha,hasse,. A growi,g commu,iO, with clea, lakes, quality schools, a cha,,i,~ dow,tow~, thrivi,g busi,esses, a,d beautifuI parks. A great place to ~ire, work, a,d play.