7 Park&Trl Maintenance Report7 CITYOF 690 Gq Center Drive. PO Box I47 Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax 612.937.5739 £ngi,eering Fax 612.937.9152 P~blic Sari? £ax 612.934. 2524 Web wwu:ci, cha,hasse,.mn, us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: August 17, 1999 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report Summer seems to be slipping away with several jobs still to be completed We have already lost one third of our summer seasonal workers to football practice and moving to college. Luckily the growth of the grass starts to slow down this time of year. This year the City hosted the USSSA Regional Softball Tournament at Lake Ann. A lot of time was taken to get the park and ballfields in excellent condition for this event. The block retaining walls by the player's benches were completed along with sod in the area around the walls. All fields and infields were gone over very carefully to make sure no problems would be encountered the weekend of the tournament. We have just moved back into Sugar Bush Park to do the final grading and leveling. The seeding should take place in about a week, that will complete this project. Bandimere and City Center have both been fertilized and are on a regular mowing schedule and the grass is starting to look pretty good. Little to no work has been done in either park by the contractor. The CiO, ofl Chmthasse,. A grou,inx community with clea, lakes, qua/it3' schools, a chamti,g dow,tow,, thrivi,¢ bminesses, and bem~ti~d o~rks. A ~reat o/(we to/ivc, work, ~r,zd o/~